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The import variant is often used in appropriate situations.", + "foreground": "#fc618d" + } + }, + { + "scope": "keyword.control.directive", + "settings": { + "name": "keyword control directive", + "foreground": "#fc618d" + } + }, + { + "scope": [ + "keyword.operator", + "keyword.operator.member", + "keyword.operator.new" + ], + "settings": { "name": "Operator", "foreground": "#fc618d" } + }, + { + "scope": "keyword.other.substitution", + "settings": { "name": "Substitution string", "foreground": "#8b888f" } + }, + { + "scope": ["keyword.other.template.begin", "keyword.other.template.end"], + "settings": { + "name": "Template literal begin / end", + "foreground": "#fc618d" + } + }, + { + "scope": [ + "keyword.operator.heading.restructuredtext", + "keyword.operator.table.row.restructuredtext keyword.operator.table.data.restructuredtext" + ], + "settings": { + "name": "RestructuredText heading, table markup", + "foreground": "#8b888f" + } + }, + { + "scope": 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"#fc618d" + } + }, + { + "scope": [ + "meta.paragraph.markdown meta.dummy.line-break", + "meta.paragraph.markdown meta.hard-line-break.markdown" + ], + "settings": { + "name": "Punctuation hard line break in Markdown", + "background": "#948ae3" + } + }, + { + "scope": "markup.underline.link punctuation", + "settings": { + "name": "Punctuation in markdown links", + "foreground": "#7bd88f" + } + }, + { + "scope": [ + "meta.brace.round", + "meta.brace.square", + "keyword.operator.type.annotation", + "meta.type storage.modifier.array" + ], + "settings": { "name": "Meta braces", "foreground": "#8b888f" } + }, + { + "scope": "region.redish", + "settings": { + "name": "region red color", + "foreground": "#fc618d", + "background": "#fc618d59" + } + }, + { + "scope": "region.orangish", + "settings": { + "name": "region orange color", + "foreground": "#fd9353", + "background": "#fd935359" + } + }, + { + "scope": "region.yellowish", + "settings": { + "name": "region yellow color", + "foreground": "#fce566", + "background": "#fce56659" + } + }, + { + "scope": "region.greenish", + "settings": { + "name": "region green color", + "foreground": "#7bd88f", + "background": "#7bd88f59" + } + }, + { + "scope": "region.bluish", + "settings": { + "name": "region blue color", + "foreground": "#5ad4e6", + "background": "#5ad4e659" + } + }, + { + "scope": "region.purplish", + "settings": { + "name": "region purple color", + "foreground": "#948ae3", + "background": "#948ae359" + } + }, + { + "scope": "region.pinkish", + "settings": { + "name": "region pink color", + "foreground": "#fc618d", + "background": "#fc618d59" + } + }, + { + "scope": "region.whitish", + "settings": { + "name": "White for ST3 for non-colorized scheme", + "foreground": "#FFFFFF" + } + }, + { + "scope": "source", + "settings": { "name": "source", "foreground": "#f7f1ff" } + }, + { + "scope": ["source.scss", "source.sass"], + "settings": { "name": "SASS, SCSS default", "foreground": "#8b888f" } + }, + { + "scope": [ + 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"settings": { "name": "git diff header hash", "foreground": "#948ae3" } + }, + { + "scope": "source.git-show meta.diff.range.unified", + "settings": { "name": "git diff header range", "foreground": "#fd9353" } + }, + { + "scope": [ + "source.git-show meta.diff.header.from-file", + "source.git-show meta.diff.header.to-file" + ], + "settings": { "name": "git diff header files", "foreground": "#8b888f" } + }, + { + "scope": "storage", + "settings": { "name": "Storage", "foreground": "#fc618d" } + }, + { + "scope": "storage.type", + "settings": { + "name": "Types and definition / declaration keywords should use the following scope. Examples include int, bool, char, func, function, class and def. Depending on the language and semantics, const may be this or storage.modifier.", + "foreground": "#5ad4e6" + } + }, + { + "scope": "storage.type.extends", + "settings": { + "name": "Extends", + "fontStyle": "normal", + "foreground": "#fc618d" + } + }, + { + "scope": "storage.type.function.arrow", + "settings": { + "name": "Fat arrow function", + "fontStyle": "normal", + "foreground": "#fc618d" + } + }, + { + "scope": ["storage.modifier", "storage.type.modifier"], + "settings": { + "name": "Keywords that affect the storage of a variable, function or data structure should use the following scope. Examples include static, inline, const, public and private.", + "foreground": "#fc618d" + } + }, + { + "scope": "storage.class.restructuredtext.ref", + "settings": { + "name": "refs (Restructured text)", + "foreground": "#948ae3" + } + }, + { + "scope": [ + "storage.modifier.visibility.rust", + "storage.modifier.lifetime.rust" + ], + "settings": { "name": "rust specific", "foreground": "#fc618d" } + }, + { + "scope": [ + "storage.modifier.const.rust", + "storage.modifier.dyn.rust", + "storage.modifier.mut.rust", + "storage.modifier.static.rust", + "storage.type.rust", + "storage.type.core.rust", + "storage.class.std.rust" + ], + "settings": { "name": "rust specific", "foreground": "#5ad4e6" } + }, + { + "scope": [ + "storage.type.rust", + "storage.modifier.const.rust", + "storage.modifier.dyn.rust", + "storage.modifier.mut.rust", + "storage.modifier.static.rust", + "keyword.other.rust", + "keyword.other.where.rust" + ], + "settings": { + "name": "rust specific (adjust blue to red)", + "foreground": "#fc618d" + } + }, + { + "scope": "storage.modifier.import.java", + "settings": { "name": "imported Java libraries", "foreground": "#f7f1ff" } + }, + { + "scope": "string", + "settings": { "name": "String", "foreground": "#fce566" } + }, + { + "scope": "string.unquoted.label", + "settings": { "name": "String label", "foreground": "#f7f1ff" } + }, + { + "scope": "string source", + "settings": { + "name": "Source in template string", + "foreground": "#f7f1ff" + } + }, + { + "scope": [ + "string source punctuation.section.embedded", + "string punctuation.definition.string source" + ], + "settings": { + "name": "Embedded punctuation begin / end in template string", + "foreground": "#8b888f" + } + }, + { + "scope": ["string.other.link.title", "string.other.link.description"], + "settings": { "name": "link title", "foreground": "#fc618d" } + }, + { + "scope": "string.other.link.description.title", + "settings": { "name": "link description", "foreground": "#5ad4e6" } + }, + { + "scope": [ + "string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.begin", + "string.regexp punctuation.definition.string.end" + ], + "settings": { + "name": "String regexp begin / end", + "foreground": "#fc618d" + } + }, + { + "scope": ["string.other.ref", "string.other.restructuredtext.ref"], + "settings": { + "name": "refs (Restructured text)", + "foreground": "#7bd88f" + } + }, + { + "scope": "string.other.git-status.help.key", + "settings": { + "name": "git key in git status help text", + "foreground": "#bab6c0" + } + }, + { + "scope": "string.other.git-status.remote", + "settings": { "name": "git status remote", "foreground": "#fc618d" } + }, + { + "scope": "support.constant", + "settings": { "name": "Library constant", "foreground": "#5ad4e6" } + }, + { + "scope": "support.constant.handlebars", + "settings": { "name": "Handlebars start / end", "foreground": "#8b888f" } + }, + { + "scope": "support.type.vendor-prefix.css", + "settings": { "name": "vendor prefix", "foreground": "#bab6c0" } + }, + { + "scope": "support.function", + "settings": { "name": "function name", "foreground": "#7bd88f" } + }, + { + "scope": "support.macro", + "settings": { "name": "support macro", "foreground": "#7bd88f" } + }, + { + "scope": "support.function.delimiter.elm", + "settings": { + "name": "function brackets, comma's", + "foreground": "#8b888f" + } + }, + { + "scope": ["support.type", "entity.name.type.object.console"], + "settings": { + "name": "Library type", + "foreground": "#5ad4e6" + } + }, + { + "scope": ["support.variable", "support.variable.property"], + "settings": { "name": "Support variables", "foreground": "#5ad4e6" } + }, + { + "scope": "support.type.property-name", + "settings": { + "name": "Library type property, JSON keys", + "fontStyle": "normal", + "foreground": "#f7f1ff" + } + }, + { + "scope": "support.class", + "settings": { "name": "Library class", "foreground": "#5ad4e6" } + }, + { + "scope": "support.constant.core.rust", + "settings": { "name": "rust specific", "foreground": "#948ae3" } + }, + { + "scope": ["comment support", "comment support.class"], + "settings": { "name": "comment support", "foreground": "#69676c" } + }, + { + "scope": "text", + "settings": { "name": "text", "foreground": "#f7f1ff" } + }, + { + "scope": "text.find-in-files", + "settings": { "name": "Search result", "foreground": "#f7f1ff" } + }, + { + "scope": ["variable", "variable.other"], + "settings": { "name": "Variable", "foreground": "#f7f1ff" } + }, + { + "scope": ["variable.parameter", "parameters variable.function"], + "settings": { + "name": "Function arguments", + "foreground": "#fd9353" + } + }, + { + "scope": [ + "variable.language", + "variable.parameter.function.language.special.self.python", + "variable.parameter.function.language.special.cls.python" + ], + "settings": { + "name": "Reserved variable names that are specified by the language, such as this, self, super, arguments. Also in function arguments (e.g. like in Python)", + "foreground": "#bab6c0" + } + }, + { + "scope": "variable.language.arguments", + "settings": { + "name": "Reserved variable names: 'arguments'", + "foreground": "#948ae3" + } + }, + { + "scope": "variable.other.class", + "settings": { "name": "Library function", "foreground": "#5ad4e6" } + }, + { + "scope": "variable.other.constant", + "settings": { + "name": "Immutable variables, often via a const modifier, should receive the following scope. Depending on the language and semantics, entity.name.constant may be a better choice.", + "foreground": "#948ae3" + } + }, + { + "scope": "variable.other.readwrite", + "settings": { "name": "read/write variables", "foreground": "#f7f1ff" } + }, + { + "scope": "variable.other.member", + "settings": { + "name": "Fields, properties, members and attributes of a class or other data structure should use:", + "foreground": "#f7f1ff" + } + }, + { + "scope": "variable.other.enummember", + "settings": { "name": "Enum member", "foreground": "#948ae3" } + }, + { + "scope": [ + "variable.other.property", + "variable.other.property.static", + "variable.other.event" + ], + "settings": { "name": "Variable property", "foreground": "#f7f1ff" } + }, + { + "scope": "variable.function", + "settings": { + "name": "Function and method names should be scoped using the following, but only when they are being invoked. When defined, they should use entity.name.function.", + "foreground": "#7bd88f" + } + }, + { + "scope": "variable.other.substitution", + "settings": { + "name": "Substitution (restructured text)", + "foreground": "#fd9353" + } + }, + { + "scope": [ + "source.ruby variable.other.readwrite.instance.ruby", + "source.ruby variable.other.readwrite.class.ruby" + ], + "settings": { "name": "Ruby instance variables", "foreground": "#948ae3" } + }, + { + "scope": "source.jinja2 variable.other.jinja2.block", + "settings": { "name": "jinja2 variable block", "foreground": "#7bd88f" } + }, + { + "scope": "source.jinja2 variable.other.jinja2", + "settings": { "name": "jinja2 variable", "foreground": "#fd9353" } + } + ] +} diff --git a/src/content/blog/wireplumber-device-priority.mdx b/src/content/blog/wireplumber-device-priority.mdx index fbcb473..8ea9542 100644 --- a/src/content/blog/wireplumber-device-priority.mdx +++ b/src/content/blog/wireplumber-device-priority.mdx @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ The file should be created in `~/.config/wireplumber/wireplumber.conf.d/`, and its filename must end in `.conf`. I named mine `~/.config/wireplumber/wireplumber.conf.d/51-set-priorities.conf` -```json +```hcl monitor.alsa.rules = [ { matches = [ diff --git a/src/styles/global.css b/src/styles/global.css index 82ce50a..c6bae59 100644 --- a/src/styles/global.css +++ b/src/styles/global.css @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ --color-bg: #2d2a2e; --color-fg: #fcfcfa; --color-url: #ffd866; - --color-dark: #211c1c; + --color-dark: #222222; --gutter: 2rem; --content-width: calc(min(960px, 100% - var(--gutter) * 2)); } @@ -69,16 +69,17 @@ p:not(:first-child) { margin-top: 0.75rem; } -pre[class*="language-"] { +pre { + margin-top: 1rem; font-size: 0.75rem; - background-color: var(--color-dark); border: none; + border-radius: 0.5rem; + padding: 0.5rem; } -code { +code:not(.astro-code *) { background-color: var(--color-dark); - border-radius: 0.3rem; - color: #f8f8f2; + border-radius: 0.25rem; padding-left: 0.25rem; padding-right: 0.25rem; padding-top: 0.0875rem;