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What is ACCL_Offload?

The Message Passing Interface, is a standardized and portable message-passing system designed to function on a wide variety of parallel computers MPI, mpi-using mpi-ref. The standard defines the syntax and semantics of library routines and allows users to write portable programs in the main scientific programming languages (Fortran, C, C++, ecc.. ).


ACCL (Accelerated Collective Communication Library Offload) project aims at extending MPI to hardware by offering a number of FPGA-accelerated Collective that can be invoked by both kernel/RTL designs in order to scale your application over multiple FPGAs.

This repository assembles a system of Vitis kernels which can perform MPI-like communication over direct FPGA-to-FPGA Ethernet.

Supported communication primitives

  • send and receive
  • broadcast
  • scatter, gather, and allgather
  • reduce and allreduce

Table of contents

How to use it

You can offload to ACCL the collectives you need to execute. As a first step you need to configure it. This step include 1) describing the MPI communicator in which it will be employed 2) allocating a part of the DDR memory as reserved for ACCL usage. At this point, you will use the ACCL driver(through python PYNQ or directly via XRT) to request a collective. Depending on the collective you will need to provide one or multiple buffers located inside the FPGA off-chip memory (DDR/HBM). ACCL will move data for you and the ranks involved in the collective would end up with the data in their buffers.

Example with Python driver:

from pynq import Overlay, allocate
from mpi4py import MPI
#receive binfile, ranks_dict as inputs
ol = Overlay(binfile)
accl = ol.cclo
rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
bs = 16384

accl.setup_rx_buffers(nbufs=16, bufsize=bs, devicemem=ol.bank0)
accl.configure_communicator(ranks_dict, rank)
accl.open_port(); accl.open_con() 

txb=allocate((bs,), target=ol.bank0)
rxb=allocate((bs,), target=ol.bank0)

if rank==0:
    accl.recv(rxb, src=1, tag=1, to_fpga=True)
elif rank==1:
    accl.send(txb, dst=0, tag=1, from_fpga=True)
ch = accl.allreduce(txb, rxb, count=256, async=True)
accl.allgather(txb, rxb, count=256, waitfor=[ch])

accl.deinit() #releases FPGA memory, resets CCLO

Example explanation

  1. Allocate and configure a set of buffers required for ACCL operation in the FPGA memory
  2. Construct the communicator according to rank information from mpi. In this example,we utilize the python package mpi4py to determine the local rank ID when the application has been launched with mpirun. All configuration information is stored in the FPGA so that the CCLO can rapidly access them.
  3. Afterwards, the user can issue commands to open connections between each ranks in the communicator via the protocol offload engine.

As with MPI, most ACCL collectives take two buffers as arguments:

  • one (source buffer) holds the to-be-communicated data (line 13),
  • while the the other (destination buffer) specifies where to store the results (line 14).

Lines 16-19 implement data movement from rank 1 to rank 0.


Each ACCL function allows users to specify whether each of the buffers reside in the host or in FPGA off-chip memory (tofpga/fromfpga). If required, the ACCL driver handles data movement between host and FPGA external memories. However, when ACCL is used in conjunction with user FPGA kernels, the additional data movement is not required, reducing latency.


When multiple collective primitives are issued in a single application, additional latency reduction can be achieved by utilizing asynchronous calls and call chaining, a feature of XRT which the ACCL drivers expose up to application code. When an ACCL collective is called asynchronously, it returns immediately a handle to the XRT descriptor (ch on line 21) of the on-going collective. Chaining occurs when the invocation of one FPGA kernel depends on the completion of a different invocation to the same or other FPGA kernel. ACCL collectives also allow for these dependencies to be specified (see line 22) and passed down to the Xilinx Embedded Run-Time, a hardware scheduler which starts the collective immediately after the dependencies have been resolved, with typical latency in the nanosecond range.Using these mechanisms, users can define execution chains of arbitrary length which involve any ACCL collective and any user FPGA kernels.



ACCL is a combination of software running on the host CPU, FPGA data-moving hardware, and control firmware executing ona FPGA-embedded microcontroller. Figure 1 illustrates an high level overview of the ACCL structure. In the FPGA, ACCL features a collectives offload engine (CCLO) an done or more network protocol offload engines (POE), each of which is implemented as a stand-alone Vitis kernel. The CCLO implements the collectives on top of TCP/IP or UDP. The protocol offload engines implements the full network stack up to UDP and TCP/IP respectively and connect directly to Ethernet ports, e.g. through Alveo Gigabit Transceivers and QSFP28 ports. The host communicates with the CCLO over PCIe and Xilinx XDMA, but this complexity is hidden by XRT and our drivers. The distributed application that runs on,possibly multiple, hosts leverages the ACCL Python or C++ driver to control the CCLO.
More info on CCLO here

How to communicate with it

Hardware interface

The host communicates with the CCLO through a 8kB IO space which starts at BASEADDR and is implemented by the s_axi_control port. Moreover, the CCLO modifies the FPGA off-chip memory in the DDR through two AXI4 MMAP master, namely m_axi_0, m_axi_1, ```m_axi_2. It then communicates with the network stack through net_rx``, ``net_tx`` AXI Stream ports to send and receive messages from other ACCL_Offload instances. The following table reports the ACCL_Offload interfaces and their main parameters.

name port type range data width
s_axi_control addressable slave 8192 B (8 KB) 32
m_axi_0 addressable master 17,179,869,184 GB (16 EXAB) 512
m_axi_1 addressable master 17,179,869,184 GB (16 EXAB) 512
m_axi_2 addressable master 17,179,869,184 GB (16 EXAB) 512
net_rx stream n.a 512
net_tx stream n.a 512

Source: kernel/ccl_offload_ex/imports/kernel.xml

Software interface

The MPI_Offload communicate with the host through a 8kB IO space which starts at BASEADDR and is implemented by the s_axi_control port. The IO space is divided into 2 sections:

  1. Control and arguments section, from address 0 to 0x7FF. The purpose of this region is to pass arguments and ACCL_Offload status back and forth from the user.
  2. RX buffers configuration, from address 0x1000 to 0x1FFF. This memory stores information about :
  • spare_buffers that the ACCL_Offload can use to temporary store data that comes from the network stack that the user has not claimed yet.
  • Communication configuration
  • Miscellaneous data.

More info at

How it is implemented

The CCL Offload (CCLO) kernel implements the ACCL primitives by orchestrating data movement between the net-work fabric, FPGA external memory, and FPGA compute kernels, with no host CPU involvement. Data movement to and from the network is accomplished through custom interface blocks to the TCP/UDP network protocol offload engines,while FPGA external memory (DDR or HBM) is read and written through DataMover engines (DMA). The following image gives a top-level overview of the CCLO.


the CCLO consists of

  • three AXI DataMovers engines (DMA0, DMA1,DMA2)

  • AXI Stream (AXIS) interconnects,

  • an internal arithmetic unit

  • network interface logic (UD,UP, TP, TD). Data flows through all those components via 512bit wide AXIS interfaces [15], that are connected together via the central AXIS Switch.

  • The CTRL module orchestrates the movement of information inside the ACCL_Offload, and therefore it ultimately implements the MPI collectives.

The ACCL_Offload relies extensively on AXI protocols (both MMAP and STREAM) and on several Xilinx IPs to exchange data. If you need more info on the protocol go to AXI MMAP spec, AXI STREAM spec, UG761 and UG1037.

More info at ../kernel/

How to build it

The CCLO build process is automated and organized via Makefiles that are distributed across the repo. The build process is split into 2 steps:

  1. building the CCLO IP. The main Makefile is ../kernel/Makefile. After this process an ccl_offload.xo file would be created under ../kernel/ccl_offload_ex/exports. For more info on how the Makefile works take a look in ../kernel/ Building and package the ccl_offload.xo Kernel.
  2. Building the network stack and link against CCLO. The main Makefile is ../demo/build/Makefile.

You can find info on how to build under ../demo/build.

Alveo shell currently supported:

  • xilinx_u250_gen3x16_xdma_3_1_202020_1
  • xilinx_u280_xdma_201920_3

How to integrate it

Once you have built CCL_Offload and packaged into an IP, you can include it in your Vitis config.ini file in order to connect it to other kernels. Here follows an example of config file.

# Define number of kernels and their name

# Connect CCL Offload kernel to TCP Network Kernel

#Connect Network Kernel to CMAC Kernel

# Connect external reduce_arithmetic unit

# Connect external streaming kernel

An example on how to integrate the CCLO and the network stack is given at ../demo/Makefile.