diff --git a/code/modules/clothing/rogueclothes/armor.dm b/code/modules/clothing/rogueclothes/armor.dm
index 771d0d374a..7260d5a4b5 100644
--- a/code/modules/clothing/rogueclothes/armor.dm
+++ b/code/modules/clothing/rogueclothes/armor.dm
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
desc = "Favored by the female nobility, to maintain both vitality and good taste while out hunting."
icon_state = "armordress"
allowed_sex = list(FEMALE)
- allowed_race = list("human", "tiefling", "elf", "aasimar", "abyssariad")
+ allowed_race = list("human", "tiefling", "elf", "aasimar", "abyssariad", "half-elf", "dark elf")
r_sleeve_status = SLEEVE_NORMAL
l_sleeve_status = SLEEVE_NORMAL
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@
name = "noble coat"
icon_state = "handcoat"
- desc = "A quality silken coat, discretely lined with thin metal platr on the inside to protect its affluent wearer."
+ desc = "A quality silken coat, discretely lined with thin metal plate on the inside to protect its affluent wearer."
body_parts_covered = COVERAGE_ALL_BUT_ARMS
diff --git a/code/modules/jobs/job_types/roguetown/nobility/nightman.dm b/code/modules/jobs/job_types/roguetown/nobility/nightman.dm
index fc3f9cbae7..117e189bc0 100644
--- a/code/modules/jobs/job_types/roguetown/nobility/nightman.dm
+++ b/code/modules/jobs/job_types/roguetown/nobility/nightman.dm
@@ -1,23 +1,25 @@
title = "Niteman"
- department_flag = TOWNERS
+ department_flag = NOBLEMEN
faction = "Station"
total_positions = 1
spawn_positions = 1
+ f_title = "Nitematron"
allowed_races = list(
+ "Tiefling",
+ "Dark Elf",
+ "Aasimar"
- tutorial = "Even nobles can be disgraced and fall on hard times, despite inheriting a fine bathhouse building.
- For whatever reason you have traded your reputation for a supply of drugs and nitemaidens to employ and profit from. The licenses can be bought from the Feldsher, or just make a forgery yourself to save money.
- Some accuse you of have connections with the Rogues and Bandits of the land but surely its just slander..."
+ tutorial = "You are renting out the bath-house in a joint operation with the Innkeep. Providing security for the bathwenches and helping them find work, or a troublemaking rake that the others hate to tolerate."
- allowed_sexes = list(MALE)
+ allowed_sexes = list(MALE, FEMALE)
outfit = /datum/outfit/job/roguetown/niteman
display_order = JDO_NITEMAN
give_bank_account = 120
@@ -49,11 +51,19 @@
H.change_stat("speed", 1)
H.change_stat("intelligence", 1)
H.change_stat("perception", 2)
- H.mind.teach_crafting_recipe(/datum/crafting_recipe/forgery_nitmaiden)
- if(H.dna?.species)
- if(H.dna.species.id == "human")
- H.dna.species.soundpack_m = new /datum/voicepack/male/zeth()
+ H.mind.teach_crafting_recipe(/datum/crafting_recipe/forgery_nitmaiden)
+ if(H.gender == MALE)
+ pants = /obj/item/clothing/under/roguetown/trou/leather
+ armor = /obj/item/clothing/suit/roguetown/armor/leather/jacket/niteman
+ if(H.dna?.species)
+ if(H.dna.species.id == "human")
+ H.dna.species.soundpack_m = new /datum/voicepack/male/zeth()
+ if(H.dna.species.id == "elf")
+ armor = /obj/item/clothing/suit/roguetown/armor/leather/jacket/niteman
+ if(H.dna.species.id == "dwarf")
+ armor = /obj/item/clothing/suit/roguetown/armor/leather/jacket/niteman
+ else
+ pants = /obj/item/clothing/under/roguetown/tights
/* ................. Unique Nitemaster recipes ................... */
name = "Forge nitemaiden license"