From 7526e4f9c1a49a95621ee37e8d68c59b3f414e67 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Niklas Neubrand <>
Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 22:37:47 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] consider cyclic replacements in SBML Export
Update to improve compatibility of SBML as a export format:
* add check if CONDITIONS can be mapped to initAssignments in SBML
* add fnction to help fix dependent conditions
* improve encoding of conditions and initial values in SBML
.../ImportExport/arCheckSBMLCompatibilty.m | 83 ++++++
.../ImportExport/arExportSBML_FullModel.m | 242 ++++++++--------
arFramework3/ImportExport/arParseSBML.m | 20 +-
.../ImportExport/arRenameModelCondPars.m | 261 ++++++++++++++++++
4 files changed, 472 insertions(+), 134 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 arFramework3/ImportExport/arCheckSBMLCompatibilty.m
create mode 100644 arFramework3/ImportExport/arRenameModelCondPars.m
diff --git a/arFramework3/ImportExport/arCheckSBMLCompatibilty.m b/arFramework3/ImportExport/arCheckSBMLCompatibilty.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d6f43db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arFramework3/ImportExport/arCheckSBMLCompatibilty.m
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+function [qSBMLCompatible, pProblemCond] = arCheckSBMLCompatibilty(m)
+% ARCHECHECKSBMLCOMPATIBILTY checks if CONDITIONS in model.def are SBML compatible
+% CONDITIONS in model.def correspond to replacements of the original model parameters
+% with numerical values of mathematical expressions. In SBML this is best represented as
+% "initialAssignment" rules. However, there is an important difference how CONDITIONS
+% and initialAssignment rules are applied:
+% - CONDITIONS are applied exactly once and independently of each other
+% - initialAssignment rules are combined to form a set of equations that are solved
+% simultaneously
+% This means that conditions should be encoded as initialAssignment rules*, but cannot
+% be translated directly in all cases. Specifically, there must not be any dependencies
+% between the conditions. This means, a parameter that is repalced must not appear in
+% any mathematical expression on the RHS of the replacements.
+% * See arExportSBML_fullmodel.m
+% consider the expression expr = "p1*x^p2"
+% d2d:
+% p1 "2"
+% p2 "p1*2"
+% The expression after replacements becomes: "2*x^(2*p1)"
+% SBML:
+% The expression after replacements becomes: "2*x^(4)"
+% This is because the assignment p1<-2 is also applied within the assignment p2<-p1*2
+ m (1,1) double {mustBeInteger, mustBePositive} = 1
+global ar
+% identify parameters that are replaced in the conditions
+modelP = ar.model(m).p';
+modelFPsym = arSym(ar.model(m).fp);
+modelFP = cellstr(string(arSym(ar.model(m).fp)));
+qReplaced = ~strcmp(modelP, modelFP);
+% identify which of the replaced parameters also appear in modelFP expressions
+fpParams = unique(cellstr(string(symvar(modelFPsym(qReplaced)))));
+qReplacedAndInFP = ismember(modelP, fpParams) & qReplaced;
+% exclude init parameters that do not appear in the model equations
+qStateInit = ismember(modelP, ar.model(m).px0);
+qInModelEquations = ismember(modelP, union(ar.model(m).pu, ar.model(m).pv));
+qPureStateInit = qStateInit & ~qInModelEquations;
+% exclude compartment size parameters
+% Compartment size parameters do not pose a problem, because they are not used in SBML.
+% Instead compartment valume is assigned directly to the compartment ID in the SBML file.
+qCompSizeParam = ismember(ar.model(m).p', ar.model(m).pc);
+% final array of parameters with problematic replacements
+qProblemCond = qReplacedAndInFP & ~qCompSizeParam & ~qPureStateInit;
+pProblemCond = modelP(qProblemCond);
+% Flag that indicates if the model is SBML compatible
+qSBMLCompatible = ~any(qProblemCond);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/arFramework3/ImportExport/arExportSBML_FullModel.m b/arFramework3/ImportExport/arExportSBML_FullModel.m
index 134d8403..1f9d218d 100644
--- a/arFramework3/ImportExport/arExportSBML_FullModel.m
+++ b/arFramework3/ImportExport/arExportSBML_FullModel.m
@@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ function arExportSBML_FullModel(m,name)
global ar
% simulate once for initial values
- arSimu(0,1,0)
+ try
+ arSimu(0,1,0)
+ catch
+ arSimu(1,1,0)
+ end
copasi = true;
@@ -26,12 +30,18 @@ function arExportSBML_FullModel(m,name)
% steadystate = false;
% end
% end
+ qCondsSBMLConform = arCheckSBMLCompatibilty(m);
+ if ~qCondsSBMLConform
+ warning(['Model conditions are not independet and will be represented incorrectly in SBML. ', ...
+ 'Consider using "arRenameModelCondPars" to get independent model parameters and conditions.']);
+ end
M = TranslateSBML(which('empty.xml'));
F = TranslateSBML(which('filled.xml'));
- warning('error in libSBML. Probably backwards compatibility issues with old MATLAB version. Should work with 2019a')
+ warning('error in libSBML. Probably backwards compatibility issues with old MATLAB version. Should work with 2019a.')
end = ar.model(m).name;
@@ -180,17 +190,6 @@ function arExportSBML_FullModel(m,name)
M.initialAssignment(idxIA).annotation = '';
M.initialAssignment(idxIA).sboTerm = -1;
M.initialAssignment(idxIA).symbol = M.compartment(jc).id;
- % Translate the compartment size parameter to a MathML expression
- % if isempty(str2num(cSizeReplace))
- % mathType = 'ci';
- % else
- % mathType = 'cn';
- % end
- % mathExpr = sprintf('<%s>%s%s>', mathType, cSizeReplace, mathType);
- % M.initialAssignment(idxIA).math = ...
- % sprintf('', mathExpr);
M.initialAssignment(idxIA).math = char(cSizeReplace);
M.initialAssignment(idxIA).level = 2;
M.initialAssignment(idxIA).version = 4;
@@ -264,9 +263,7 @@ function arExportSBML_FullModel(m,name)
M.species(jx).isSetCharge = 0;
M.species(jx).level = 2;
M.species(jx).version = 4;
- qp = ismember(ar.pLabel, ar.model(m).px0{jx}); %R2013a compatible
simulated_ss = 0;
% if ( steadystate )
% if (isfield(ar.model(m).condition(c),'ssLink') && ~isempty( ar.model(m).condition(c).ssLink ) )
@@ -275,10 +272,10 @@ function arExportSBML_FullModel(m,name)
% simulated_ss = 1;
% end
% end
- qp = ismember(ar.pLabel, ar.model(m).px0{jx}); %R2013a compatible
if ( ~simulated_ss )
% check if init parameter still exists in condition parameters
+ qp = ismember(ar.pLabel, ar.model(m).px0{jx}); %R2013a compatible
is_set = sum(ismember(ar.model(m).fp, ar.model(m).px0{jx}))==0;
if(sum(qp)==1 && is_set==0)
M.species(jx).initialConcentration = 1;
@@ -380,121 +377,118 @@ function arExportSBML_FullModel(m,name)
function [M] = GetParameters(M,m)
global ar
- %% first: check the model parameters in ar.model(m).p
- % allPars = model parameters that appear in at least one condition
- % or one input. Compartment izes are excluded.
- allPars = zeros(1, length(ar.model(m).p));
- constPars = ones(1, length(ar.model(m).p));
- for condId = 1:length(ar.model(m).condition)
- condPars = ismember(ar.model(m).p,ar.model(m).condition(condId).p)';
- allPars = condPars | allPars;
- end
- % loop necessary? index unused
- for inpId = 1:length(ar.model(m).u)
- inpPars = ismember(ar.model(m).p, ar.model(m).pu);
- allPars = inpPars | allPars;
- end
- % if parameter is an initial condition
+ %% first: collect available numerical values for model parameters (ar.model.p)
+ % logical flags for model parameters
isInit = cellfun(@(x) any(strcmp(x, ar.model(m).px0)), ar.model(m).p)';
- % if model parameter is replaced by other parameter
- isReplaced = zeros(1, length(ar.model(m).p));
- for jp=1:length(ar.model(m).p)
- if isempty(regexp(ar.model(m).p{jp}, ar.model(m).fp{jp}, "once"))
- isReplaced(jp) = true;
- end
- end
- isReplaced = logical(isReplaced);
- % if parameter is compartment size
- isCompSize = cellfun(@(x) any(strcmp(x, ar.model(m).pc)), ar.model(m).p)';
- allPars = allPars & ~isCompSize; % exclude compartment sizes
+ isReplaced = ~strcmp(ar.model.p', string(arSym(ar.model.fp)));
+ isCompSize = cellfun(@(x) any(strcmp(x, string(arSym(ar.model(m).pc)))), ar.model(m).p)';
+ % isConst = (isReplaced & ~isInit) | (isInit & ~isReplaced);
+ isConst = true(1, length(ar.model(m).p)); % all model parameters are constant (i.e. not time-dependent)
for jp = 1:length(ar.model(m).p)
- if isReplaced(jp) && ~isInit(jp) && ~isCompSize(jp)
- allPars(jp) = true;
- constPars(jp) = false;
+ % All model parameters should be defined in SBML as parameters
+ % irrespective of initAssigns or undefined values.
+ % compound parameters are handeled separately in "GetCompartments"
+ if isCompSize(jp)
+ continue
+ end
+ % Is there a numeric value for the model parameter in ar.p?
+ qp = strcmp(ar.model(m).p(jp), ar.pLabel); %R2013a compatible
+ if any(qp)
+ % get parameter value from ar.p
+ pvalue = ar.p(qp);
+ if(ar.qLog10(qp) == 1)
+ pvalue = 10^pvalue;
+ end
+ isSetValue = 1;
+ constant = double(isConst(qp));
+ else
+ % no numeric value in ar.p found
+ pvalue = NaN;
+ isSetValue = 0;
+ constant = 1;
+ end
+ id_tmp = length(M.parameter) + 1;
+ M.parameter(id_tmp).typecode = 'SBML_PARAMETER';
+ M.parameter(id_tmp).metaid = '';
+ M.parameter(id_tmp).notes = '';
+ M.parameter(id_tmp).annotation = '';
+ M.parameter(id_tmp).sboTerm = -1;
+ M.parameter(id_tmp).name = ar.model(m).p{jp};
+ M.parameter(id_tmp).id = ar.model(m).p{jp};
+ M.parameter(id_tmp).units = '';
+ M.parameter(id_tmp).constant = constant;
+ M.parameter(id_tmp).isSetValue = isSetValue;
+ M.parameter(id_tmp).value = pvalue;
+ M.parameter(id_tmp).level = 2;
+ M.parameter(id_tmp).version = 4;
- fu = arSym(ar.model(m).fp{jp});
- % replace time parameters with 'time'
- fu = char(arSubs(arSym(fu), arSym(ar.model(m).t), arSym('time')));
- ixrule = length(M.rule) + 1;% index of current rule
- M.rule(ixrule).typecode = 'SBML_ASSIGNMENT_RULE';
- M.rule(ixrule).metaid = '';
- M.rule(ixrule).notes = '';
- M.rule(ixrule).annotation = '';
- M.rule(ixrule).sboTerm = -1;
- M.rule(ixrule).formula = fu;
- M.rule(ixrule).variable = ar.model(m).p{jp};
- M.rule(ixrule).species = '';
- M.rule(ixrule).compartment = '';
- M.rule(ixrule).name = '';
- M.rule(ixrule).units = '';
- M.rule(ixrule).level = 2;
- M.rule(ixrule).version = 4;
- elseif ~isReplaced(jp) && isInit(jp)
- allPars(jp) = true;
- constPars(jp) = false;
- end
- % add parameters to model
- for id = 1:length(allPars)
- if allPars(id) == 1
- % Is there a numeric value for the model parameter in ar.p?
- qp = strcmp(ar.model(m).p(id), ar.pLabel); %R2013a compatible
- if any(qp)
- % if possible: get parameter value from ar.p
- pvalue = ar.p(qp);
- if(ar.qLog10(qp) == 1)
- pvalue = 10^pvalue;
+ %% second: collect replacements of model parameters
+ for jp = 1:length(ar.model(m).p)
+ if isReplaced(jp) && ~isCompSize(jp)
+ if isInit(jp)
+ % initial values for species are already defined in "GetSpecies"
+ % and written to SBML in "GetInitialAssignments".
+ % However: An init parameter can also appears as a model parameter
+ % (e.g. in a rate equation or input). Then the CONDITION
+ % init_State "expression"
+ % must also be applied to the parameter, not just the species.
+ if ~ismember(ar.model(m).p{jp}, union(ar.model(m).pu, ar.model(m).pv))
+ continue
- else
- continue
+ % parameter CONDITIONS should be implemeted as initialAssignment
+ % reason: parameters in d2d are constant, CONDITIONS are applied before start of simulation
- id_tmp = length(M.parameter) + 1;
- M.parameter(id_tmp).typecode = 'SBML_PARAMETER';
- M.parameter(id_tmp).metaid = '';
- M.parameter(id_tmp).notes = '';
- M.parameter(id_tmp).annotation = '';
- M.parameter(id_tmp).sboTerm = -1;
- M.parameter(id_tmp).name = ar.model(m).p{id};
- M.parameter(id_tmp).id = ar.model(m).p{id};
- M.parameter(id_tmp).units = '';
- M.parameter(id_tmp).constant = constPars(id);
- M.parameter(id_tmp).isSetValue = 1;
- M.parameter(id_tmp).value = pvalue;
- M.parameter(id_tmp).level = 2;
- M.parameter(id_tmp).version = 4;
- end
+ ixInitAssign = length(M.initialAssignment) + 1;% index of current rule
+ M.initialAssignment(ixInitAssign).typecode = 'SBML_INITIAL_ASSIGNMENT';
+ M.initialAssignment(ixInitAssign).metaid = '';
+ M.initialAssignment(ixInitAssign).notes = '';
+ M.initialAssignment(ixInitAssign).annotation = '';
+ M.initialAssignment(ixInitAssign).sboTerm = -1;
+ M.initialAssignment(ixInitAssign).symbol = ar.model(m).p{jp};
+ M.initialAssignment(ixInitAssign).math = ar.model(m).fp{jp};
+ M.initialAssignment(ixInitAssign).level = 2;
+ M.initialAssignment(ixInitAssign).version = 4;
+ % ixrule = length(M.rule) + 1;% index of current rule
+ % M.rule(ixrule).typecode = 'SBML_ASSIGNMENT_RULE';
+ % M.rule(ixrule).metaid = '';
+ % M.rule(ixrule).notes = '';
+ % M.rule(ixrule).annotation = '';
+ % M.rule(ixrule).sboTerm = -1;
+ % M.rule(ixrule).formula = ar.model(m).fp{jp};
+ % M.rule(ixrule).variable = ar.model(m).p{jp};
+ % M.rule(ixrule).species = '';
+ % M.rule(ixrule).compartment = '';
+ % M.rule(ixrule).name = '';
+ % M.rule(ixrule).units = '';
+ % M.rule(ixrule).level = 2;
+ % M.rule(ixrule).version = 4;
+ end
- %% second: add parameters from replacements
+ %% third: search numerical values for replacements
- additionalPars = zeros(1, length(ar.pLabel));
- for condId = 1:length(ar.model(m).condition)
- condPars = ismember(ar.pLabel,ar.model(m).condition(condId).p) ;
- additionalPars = condPars|additionalPars;
- end
- % loop necessary? index unused
- for inpId = 1:length(ar.model(m).u)
- inpPars = ismember(ar.pLabel',ar.model(m).pu);
- additionalPars = inpPars|additionalPars;
- end
- additionalPars = additionalPars & ~ismember(ar.pLabel,ar.model(m).p);
+ % optimization parameters that appear in replacements (and are not model parameters)
+ replParams = cellfun(@(x) any(contains(ar.model(m).fp(isReplaced), x)), ar.pLabel);
+ replParams = replParams & ~cellfun(@(x) ismember(x, ar.model(m).p), ar.pLabel);
- for id = 1:length(additionalPars)
- if additionalPars(id) == 1
+ for jp = 1:length(ar.pLabel)
+ if replParams(jp)
id_tmp = length(M.parameter) + 1;
M.parameter(id_tmp).typecode = 'SBML_PARAMETER';
@@ -502,16 +496,16 @@ function arExportSBML_FullModel(m,name)
M.parameter(id_tmp).notes = '';
M.parameter(id_tmp).annotation = '';
M.parameter(id_tmp).sboTerm = -1;
- M.parameter(id_tmp).name = ar.pLabel{id};
- M.parameter(id_tmp).id = ar.pLabel{id};
+ M.parameter(id_tmp).name = ar.pLabel{jp};
+ M.parameter(id_tmp).id = ar.pLabel{jp};
M.parameter(id_tmp).units = '';
M.parameter(id_tmp).constant = 1;
M.parameter(id_tmp).isSetValue = 1;
M.parameter(id_tmp).level = 2;
M.parameter(id_tmp).version = 4;
- pvalue = ar.p(id);
- if(ar.qLog10(id) == 1)
+ pvalue = ar.p(jp);
+ if(ar.qLog10(jp) == 1)
pvalue = 10^pvalue;
M.parameter(id_tmp).value = pvalue;
diff --git a/arFramework3/ImportExport/arParseSBML.m b/arFramework3/ImportExport/arParseSBML.m
index 947337ee..9c5e2b65 100644
--- a/arFramework3/ImportExport/arParseSBML.m
+++ b/arFramework3/ImportExport/arParseSBML.m
@@ -685,22 +685,22 @@
elseif initValuesOpt(j) == 2
assignment_value = replacePowerFunction(m.initialAssignment(idx_assval(j)).math,0);
assignment_value = arSym(assignment_value);
- assignment_value = arSubs(assignment_value, arSym({}), arSym(cellfun(@(x) ['init_',x], {}, 'UniformOutput', false))); %replace state by init_state
+ assignment_value = arSubs(assignment_value, arSym({}), arSym(cellfun(@(x) ['init_',x], {}, 'UniformOutput', false))); %replace state by init_state
- % assignment_value = arSubs(arSym(assignment_value), arSym(pars), arSym(par_value));
- %assignment_value = subs(assignment_value, specs, spec_value);
- % assignment_value = arSubs(arSym(assignment_value), arSym(comps), arSym(comp_value));
- % assignment_value = eval(assignment_value);
+ % assignment_value = arSubs(arSym(assignment_value), arSym(pars), arSym(par_value));
+ % assignment_value = subs(assignment_value, specs, spec_value);
+ % assignment_value = arSubs(arSym(assignment_value), arSym(comps), arSym(comp_value));
+ % assignment_value = eval(assignment_value);
- % ub = 1000;
- % if(assignment_value>ub)
- % ub = assignment_value * 10;
- % end
+ % ub = 1000;
+ % if(assignment_value>ub)
+ % ub = assignment_value * 10;
+ % end
fprintf(fid, '%s\t "%s"\n', ['init_' sym_check(m.time_symbol,m.species(j).id2)], ...
fprintf(fid, '\nPARAMETERS\n');
diff --git a/arFramework3/ImportExport/arRenameModelCondPars.m b/arFramework3/ImportExport/arRenameModelCondPars.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b2bdc0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arFramework3/ImportExport/arRenameModelCondPars.m
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+function arRenameModelCondPars(m, targetDir, makeCopies)
+% ARRENAMEMODELCONDITIONPARS removes dependencies between condition replacements
+% by renaming the model parameters in the model.def (and if necessary data.def) file(s).
+% Explanation:
+% In d2d the replacements specified in CONDITIONS are applied exactly once and independently
+% of each other. Let's illustrate this with the example of swapping two parameters in the model:
+% myExpression = str2sym('x^y');
+% p = arSym({'x', 'y'});
+% fp = arSym({'y', 'x'});
+% arSubs(myExpression, p, fp) returns 'y^x'
+% However, if we want to export the model as a SBML file, the conditions can only be encoded as
+% "initialAssignment" rules. These rules are all combined to form a set of equations that are
+% solved simultaneously. Therefore, the previous example cannot be encoded in SBML since there
+% is a circular dependency: x depends on y and y depends on x.
+% To resolve this, we want to rename the original parameters in the reactions, ODEs and inputs.
+% In the example this would mean:
+% myExpression = str2sym('x_model^y_model');
+% p = arSym({'x_model', 'y_model'});
+% fp = arSym({'y', 'x'});
+% arSubs(myExpression, p, fp) returns 'y^x'
+% Finally, since there might also be conditions on the model parameters in the data.def files,
+% we also need to rename the parameters in the data.def files.
+ m (1,1) double
+ targetDir (1,1) string = ''
+ makeCopies (1,1) logical = true
+global ar
+% Check if model is SBML compatible
+[qSBMLCompatible, pNeedsRenaming] = arCheckSBMLCompatibilty(m);
+if qSBMLCompatible
+ fprintf('Model conditions already SBML compatible. No parameters need renaming.\n')
+ return
+%% Overwrite the project or create a new one
+if isempty(targetDir)
+ % overwrite the project
+ targetDir =;
+ % copy the project to a new directory
+ targetDir = fullfile(targetDir);
+ if exist(targetDir, 'dir')
+ warning('Directory already exists: %s\n', targetDir)
+ end
+ copyfile(, targetDir)
+ makeCopies = false;
+%% Read old and write new *.def files
+% find correct model.def file
+callLoadModel = strcmp(ar.setup.commands, 'arLoadModel');
+if sum(callLoadModel) == 1
+ modelDef = fullfile(, ar.setup.modelfiles{callLoadModel});
+elseif sum(callLoadModel) > 1
+ % multiple models loades, search for the correct one
+ error('Multiple models loaded. Seraching the correct one is not implemented yet.')
+ error('No model.def file found in ar.setup.modelfiles.')
+% find all data.def files
+callLoadData = strcmp(ar.setup.commands, 'arLoadData');
+dataFiles = ar.setup.datafiles(callLoadData);
+dataDefs = cellfun(@(d) fullfile(, d{1}), dataFiles, 'UniformOutput', false);
+dataDefs = unique(dataDefs); % remove duplicates (if multiple share a data.def)
+defFiles = [modelDef, dataDefs];
+% flag for each parameter (did it appear in reactions, ODEs or inputs?)
+qInModelReactions = false(1, length(pNeedsRenaming));
+qInDataReactions = false(length(dataDefs), length(pNeedsRenaming));
+for fileIdx = 1:length(defFiles)
+ didReplace = false;
+ defFile = defFiles{fileIdx};
+ % backup and target file
+ defFileTarget = strrep(defFile,, targetDir);
+ defFileCopy = sprintf('%s_original.def', defFile(1:end-4));
+ defFileCopy = strrep(defFileCopy,, targetDir);
+ if makeCopies
+ copyfile(defFile, defFileCopy);
+ end
+ % read file and split content into sections
+ fileContent = fileread(defFile);
+ defFileHeads = ["CONDITIONS", "PARAMETERS"];
+ [sections, headings] = split(fileContent, defFileHeads);
+ % modify file content
+ for ip = 1:length(pNeedsRenaming)
+ paramOld = pNeedsRenaming{ip};
+ paramNew = [paramOld, '_model'];
+ % modify the first section (before CONDITIONS)
+ % -> replace all occurrences of p by p_model
+ pattern1 = sprintf('\\<%s\\>', paramOld);
+ matches = regexp(sections{1}, pattern1, 'match');
+ if ~isempty(matches)
+ didReplace = true;
+ if fileIdx == 1
+ qInModelReactions(ip) = true;
+ else
+ qInDataReactions(fileIdx-1, ip) = true;
+ end
+ sections{1} = regexprep(sections{1}, pattern1, paramNew);
+ end
+ % modify CONDITIONS section (line by line backwards)
+ % -> replace all occurrences of p by p_model in LHS of conditions
+ % -> also keep old conditions if p is a state init parameter
+ condSection = splitlines(sections{2});
+ pattern2 = sprintf('^\\<%s\\>', paramOld);
+ for il = length(condSection):-1:1
+ oldCond = condSection{il};
+ matches = regexp(oldCond, pattern2, 'match');
+ if ~isempty(matches)
+ didReplace = true;
+ if ~ismember(paramOld, ar.model(m).px0)
+ % normal parameter
+ % -> replace p by p_model in LHS of conditions
+ condSection{il} = regexprep(oldCond, pattern2, paramNew);
+ elseif qInModelReactions(ip) || qInDataReactions(fileIdx-1, ip)
+ % init param that also appears in reactions
+ % -> keep the old condition (for initial value of state)
+ % -> use p_model as new parameter in equations
+ condSection{il} = regexprep(oldCond, pattern2, paramNew);
+ condSection = [condSection(1:il); oldCond; condSection(il+1:end)];
+ else
+ % init param that does not appear in reactions
+ % -> do nothing, no renaming necessary
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ sections(2) = join(condSection, newline);
+ end
+ % console output
+ [~, fileName] = fileparts(defFile);
+ if didReplace
+ fprintf('%s.def: did replace model parameters.\n', fileName);
+ else
+ fprintf('%s.def: no replacements. No backup necessary.\n', fileName);
+ if makeCopies
+ delete(defFileCopy)
+ end
+ end
+ % re-join the sections and write to the original file#
+ fileContent = join(sections, headings);
+ fid = fopen(defFileTarget, 'w');
+ fprintf(fid, '%s', fileContent{:});
+ fclose(fid);
+%% Read and modify data tables (if necessary)
+dataTables = cellfun(@(d) fullfile(, d{2}), dataFiles, 'UniformOutput', false);
+dataTables = unique(dataTables); % remove duplicates (if multiple share a data table)
+for d = 1:length(dataTables)
+ dataFile = dataTables{d};
+ [~, dataName, ext] = fileparts(dataFile);
+ % backup and target file
+ dataFileCopy = sprintf('%s_original%s', dataFile(1:end-4), ext);
+ dataFileCopy = strrep(dataFileCopy,, targetDir);
+ dataFileTarget = strrep(dataFile,, targetDir);
+ % read, modify and write data file
+ didReplace = false;
+ switch ext
+ case {'.xls', '.xlsx'}
+ [~, ~, data] = xlsread(dataFile);
+ for ip = 1:length(pNeedsRenaming)
+ paramOld = pNeedsRenaming{ip};
+ paramNew = [paramOld, '_model'];
+ qParam = strcmp(data(1,:), paramOld);
+ if any(qParam)
+ didReplace = true;
+ if ~ismember(paramOld, ar.model(m).px0)
+ % normal parameter
+ % -> replace p by p_model in column names
+ data{1, qParam} = paramNew;
+ elseif qInModelReactions(ip) || qInDataReactions(fileIdx-1, ip)
+ % init param that also appears in reactions
+ % -> keep the old column (for initial value of state)
+ % -> use p_model as new parameter in equations
+ idReplace = find(qParam);
+ dataInsert = data(:, idReplace);
+ dataInsert{1} = paramNew;
+ data = [data(:, 1:idReplace), dataInsert, data(:, idReplace+1:end)];
+ else
+ % init param that does not appear in reactions
+ % -> do nothing, no renaming necessary
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if didReplace
+ if makeCopies
+ copyfile(dataFile, dataFileCopy);
+ end
+ xlswrite(dataFileTarget, data);
+ end
+ case '.csv'
+ data = readtable(dataFile);
+ for ip = 1:length(pNeedsRenaming)
+ paramOld = pNeedsRenaming{ip};
+ paramNew = [paramOld, '_model'];
+ varNames = data.Properties.VariableNames;
+ qParam = strcmp(varNames, paramOld);
+ if any(qParam)
+ didReplace = true;
+ if ~ismember(paramOld, ar.model(m).px0)
+ % normal parameter
+ % -> rename column
+ varNames{qParam} = paramNew;
+ data.Properties.VariableNames = varNames;
+ elseif qInModelReactions(ip) || qInDataReactions(fileIdx-1, ip)
+ % init param that also appears in reactions
+ % -> keep the old column (for initial value of state)
+ % -> use p_model as new parameter in equations
+ % -> add duplicate column with new name
+ idReplace = find(qParam);
+ dataInsert = data(:, idReplace);
+ dataInsert.Properties.VariableNames = {paramNew};
+ data = [data(:, 1:idReplace), dataInsert, data(:, idReplace+1:end)];
+ else
+ % init param that does not appear in reactions
+ % -> do nothing, no renaming necessary
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if didReplace
+ if makeCopies
+ copyfile(dataFile, dataFileCopy);
+ end
+ writetable(data, dataFile);
+ end
+ end
+ if didReplace
+ fprintf('%s%s: did replace model parameters in column names.\n', dataName, ext);
+ else
+ fprintf('%s%s: no replacements. No backup necessary.\n', dataName, ext);
+ end