diff --git a/DEVNOTES.md b/DEVNOTES.md index 7b2e89d87..40708fa36 100644 --- a/DEVNOTES.md +++ b/DEVNOTES.md @@ -18,18 +18,21 @@ environment by looking at the deployed configs in https://duos-k8s.dsde-{%ENV%}. `dev`. Certain features are available only in specific environments. Setting the `env` value to the desired environment will simulate it for local development. The installation steps outlined in this step can also be completed using the [render-configs.sh](scripts/render-configs.sh) script which can generate all required files for local development. + ``` cp config/base_config.json public/config.json ``` Ensure that your `/etc/hosts` file has an entry for `local.dsde-dev.broadinstitute.org` + ```properties local.dsde-dev.broadinstitute.org ``` Download cert files from dev project (requires access to correct project - see [DUOS team members](https://github.com/orgs/DataBiosphere/teams/duos) for more specifics). Cert files are regenerated on a 3-month rotation so these will need to be updated when they are expired. The following commands need to be done on the Broad VPN. + ```shell -gcloud container clusters get-credentials --zone us-central1-a --project terra-dev +gcloud container clusters get-credentials --zone us-central1-a --project broad-dsde-dev terra-dev kubectl -n local-dev get secrets local-dev-cert -o 'go-template={{ index .data "tls.crt" | base64decode }}' > server.crt kubectl -n local-dev get secrets local-dev-cert -o 'go-template={{ index .data "tls.key" | base64decode }}' > server.key kubectl -n local-dev get configmaps kube-root-ca.crt -o 'go-template={{ index .data "ca.crt" }}' > ca-bundle.crt @@ -38,12 +41,14 @@ kubectl -n local-dev get configmaps kube-root-ca.crt -o 'go-template={{ index .d Create a `site.conf` file in the project root directory using https://github.com/broadinstitute/terra-helmfile/blob/master/charts/duos/templates/_site.conf.tpl as a model. Create a local environment file, `.env.local` + ```properties HOST=local.dsde-dev.broadinstitute.org HTTPS=true SSL_CRT_FILE=server.crt SSL_KEY_FILE=server.key ``` + Ensure that HOST is not set in your shell environment, as it will override the value in `.env.local`. 4. Start development server: @@ -51,6 +56,7 @@ Ensure that HOST is not set in your shell environment, as it will override the v ```shell npm start ``` + ### Running under Docker Update your local `docker-compose.yaml` file to mount the preferred `config.json` file in app volumes. Remember to set @@ -82,11 +88,13 @@ testing can be run headless or viewed interactively. Cypress integration (e2e) tests run locally require a different `baseUrl` than those run in GitHub Actions. Create a `cypress.env.json` file in the root of your local repo that looks like this: + ```json { "baseUrl": "https://local.dsde-dev.broadinstitute.org:3000/" } ``` + Cypress will use these values in `cypress.config.js` and `cypress/support/commands.js` files instead of the default values.