diff --git a/src/pages/ConsentTextGenerator.js b/src/pages/ConsentTextGenerator.js
index 606c912d3..34ff6b01e 100644
--- a/src/pages/ConsentTextGenerator.js
+++ b/src/pages/ConsentTextGenerator.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+import React from 'react';
import {Styles} from '../libs/theme';
-import {a, br, button, div, h, input, label, span, textarea} from 'react-hyperscript-helpers';
import {RadioButton} from '../components/RadioButton';
import AsyncSelect from 'react-select/async';
import {isNil, isEmpty, head} from 'lodash/fp';
@@ -61,227 +61,194 @@ export default function ConsentTextGenerator() {
return (
- div({style: {...Styles.PAGE, color: '#1f3b50' }}, [
- div({style: {...Styles.TITLE, marginTop: '3.5rem'}}, [
- 'Consent Text Generator'
- ]),
- div({style: {...Styles.SMALL, marginTop: '1rem'}}, [
- 'This tool is made publicly available by the DUOS team for anyone' +
- ' interested in leveraging standardized data sharing language in their' +
- ' consent forms. The tool leverages the Global Alliance for Genomics ' +
- 'and Health’s (GA4GH) companion standards of the ',
- a({href: 'https://github.com/EBISPOT/DUO' , target:'_blank', rel:'noopener noreferrer'
- }, ['Data Use Ontology (DUO)']),
- ' and ',
- a({href: 'https://drive.google.com/file/d/102_I0_phOGs9YSmPx7It9CSt1sHFJ87C/view', target: '_blank', rel: 'noreferrer noopener'
- }, ['Machine Readable Consent Guidance (MRCG)']),
- '. The DUO is a structured vocabulary describing permitted data uses and ' +
- 'the MRCG is a suggested representation of those uses in consent form language. ' +
- 'This tool enables users to easily define what types of data use they would ' +
- 'like permitted in their consent forms and then suggests corresponding text ' +
- 'for the consent form below, based on the MRCG.'
- ]),
- div({className: 'form-group', style: {marginTop: '1rem'}}, [
- label({style: Styles.MEDIUM}, [
- '1. Permitted data uses', br(),
- span({style: Styles.MEDIUM_DESCRIPTION}, ['Determine what type of secondary use is permitted for you study\'s data.']),
- ]),
- div({}, [
- RadioButton({
- value: 'general',
- defaultChecked: general,
- onClick: () => {
+ Consent Text Generator
+ This tool is made publicly available by the DUOS team for anyone interested in leveraging standardized data sharing language in their consent forms. The tool leverages the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health's (GA4GH) companion standards of the
+ {' '}
+ Data Use Ontology (DUO)
+ {' '}and{' '}
+ Machine Readable Consent Guidance (MRCG)
+ . The DUO is a structured vocabulary describing permitted data uses and the MRCG is a suggested representation of those uses in consent form language. This tool enables users to easily define what types of data use they would like permitted in their consent forms and then suggests corresponding text for the consent form below, based on the MRCG.
diff --git a/src/pages/DatasetCatalog.js b/src/pages/DatasetCatalog.js
index cab59aa68..d524c1e80 100644
--- a/src/pages/DatasetCatalog.js
+++ b/src/pages/DatasetCatalog.js
@@ -773,7 +773,6 @@ export default function DatasetCatalog(props) {
isRendered: showTranslatedDULModal,
showModal: showTranslatedDULModal,
dataUse: dataUse,
- onOKRequest: () => setShowTranslatedDULModal(false),
onCloseRequest: () => setShowTranslatedDULModal(false)
diff --git a/src/pages/dar_application/DataUseAgreements.js b/src/pages/dar_application/DataUseAgreements.js
index 8d6d4f6e1..6b1cca28c 100644
--- a/src/pages/dar_application/DataUseAgreements.js
+++ b/src/pages/dar_application/DataUseAgreements.js
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-import { a, div, h2, h3, span, li, ol, p } from 'react-hyperscript-helpers';
+import React from 'react';
import {isNil} from 'lodash/fp';
import BroadLibraryCardAgreementLink from '../../assets/Library_Card_Agreement_2023_ApplicationVersion.pdf';
import NhgriLibraryCardAgreementLink from '../../assets/NIH_Library_Card_Agreement_11_17_22_version.pdf';
@@ -18,78 +17,59 @@ export default function DataUseAgreements(props) {
} = props;
return (
- div({
- className: 'dar-step-card'
- }, [
- h2({}, ['Data Use Agreements']),
- div({ className: 'form-group' }, [
- h3({}, [
- 'DUOS Library Card Data Access Agreement and Attestation'
- ]),
- p({
- className: 'data-use-paragraph',
- }, [
- 'Under the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Genomic Data Sharing Policy, the Genomic Data User Code of Conduct sets forth principles for responsible management and use of large-scale genomic data and associated phenotypic data accessed through controlled access to NIH-designated data repositories (e.g., the database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP), repositories established as NIH Trusted Partners). Failure to abide by any term within this Code of Conduct may result in revocation of approved access to datasets obtained through these repositories. Investigators who are approved to access data agree to:'
- ]),
- ol({ className: 'data-use-list' }, [
- li({}, ['Use datasets solely in connection with the research project described in the approved Data Access Request for each dataset; ']),
- li({}, ['Make no attempt to identify or contact individual participants or groups from whom data were collected, or generate information that could allow participants’ identities to be readily ascertained, without appropriate approvals from the submitting institutions;']),
- li({}, ['Maintain the confidentiality of the data and not distribute them to any entity or individual beyond those specified in the approved Data Access Request;']),
- li({}, ['Adhere to the NIH Security Best Practices for Controlled-Access Data Subject to the NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy and ensure that only approved users can gain access to data files;']),
- li({}, ['Acknowledge the Intellectual Property terms as specified in the Library Card Agreement; ']),
- li({}, ['Provide appropriate acknowledgement in any dissemination of research findings including the investigator(s) who generated the data, the funding source, accession numbers of the dataset, and the data repository from which the data were accessed; and,']),
- li({}, [
- 'Report any inadvertent data release, breach of data security, or other data management incidents in accordance with the terms specified in the ', a({target: '_blank', href: BroadLibraryCardAgreementLink}, ['Library Card Agreement']), ' and ', a({target: '_blank', href: ModelDucLink}, ['NIH Data Use Certification.'])]),
- ])
- ]),
Data Use Agreements
- h3({}, [
- 'By submitting this data access request, you agree to all terms in the agreement(s) listed below.'
- ]),
DUOS Library Card Data Access Agreement and Attestation
+ Under the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Genomic Data Sharing Policy, the Genomic Data User Code of Conduct sets forth principles for responsible management and use of large-scale genomic data and associated phenotypic data accessed through controlled access to NIH-designated data repositories (e.g., the database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP), repositories established as NIH Trusted Partners). Failure to abide by any term within this Code of Conduct may result in revocation of approved access to datasets obtained through these repositories. Investigators who are approved to access data agree to:
Use datasets solely in connection with the research project described in the approved Data Access Request for each dataset;
Make no attempt to identify or contact individual participants or groups from whom data were collected, or generate information that could allow participants’ identities to be readily ascertained, without appropriate approvals from the submitting institutions;
Maintain the confidentiality of the data and not distribute them to any entity or individual beyond those specified in the approved Data Access Request;
Adhere to the NIH Security Best Practices for Controlled-Access Data Subject to the NIH Genomic Data Sharing Policy and ensure that only approved users can gain access to data files;
Acknowledge the Intellectual Property terms as specified in the Library Card Agreement;
Provide appropriate acknowledgement in any dissemination of research findings including the investigator(s) who generated the data, the funding source, accession numbers of the dataset, and the data repository from which the data were accessed; and,
Report any inadvertent data release, breach of data security, or other data management incidents in accordance with the terms specified in the Library Card Agreement and NIH Data Use Certification.
Please review the datasets you requested grouped by their data use terms below, and click "Submit" below to send your data access request to the DAC(s).