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File metadata and controls

229 lines (164 loc) · 10.2 KB


This a dockerized Spree Commerce application consumed by a NextJS frontend.

Local development

1. Before starting the containers, you will need to define the required env vars. Run the following command to copy the env var template:

cp .env.template .env && cp .env.template ./deploy/docker-compose/.env && cp .env.template ./services/frontend/site/.env.local

2. Open the .env file under the project root and enter the values for the variables. The default values should all work except for the empty DD_API_KEY, which is required to run the DD agent.

3. Open the ./services/frontend/site/.env.local file and enter the values for the variables. The default values should all work except for the empty NEXT_PUBLIC_DD_APPLICATION_KEY and NEXT_PUBLIC_CLIENT_TOKEN, which are required to enable RUM.

4. Start the app: make local-start 4a. If you want to work with a profile for a specific lab, you can pass that in as an argument make local-start PROFILE=<profile-name> 5. When you're finished you can run make local-stop or make local-stop PROFILE=<profile-name> if working with a profile

Feature flags

Some capabilities are hidden behind feature flags, which can be controlled via services/frontend/site/featureFlags.config.json.


Enables a mock cross site scripting attack to demonstrate ASM

How to use:

  1. Start the app via docker compose --csrf up
  2. Set the xss feature flag to true
  3. Visit http://localhost and reload the home page a few times
  4. On the homepage in the nav you should see an option to input your email, this will have a few testing steps:
  5. Click submit with no input, you should get a validation error
  6. Enter anything into the input (it being an email isn't important) and submit
  7. You should get a thank you message with the input you entered at the end


Enables a product ticker on the homepage with a long-running query to demonstrate DBM

How to use:

  1. Start the app via docker-compose --profile dbm up
  2. Set the dbm feature flag to true
  3. Visit http://localhost and reload the home page a few times
  4. The ticker will appear after 5 seconds and will subsequently update every 5 seconds with a new product and amount ordered


Introduces an exception in the Ads python service to demonstrate Error Tracking

How to use:

  1. Set the error-tracking feature flag to true
  2. Rebuild the frontend and ads service via docker-compose build frontend ads
  3. Start the app via docker-compose up
  4. Visit http://localhost and reload the home page a few times
  5. You should start seeing 500s being generated in the logs, in addition to the banner ads not loading on the homepage

Image publication

Images are stored in our public ECR repo On PR merges, only the affected services will be pushed to the ECR repo, using the latest tag. For example, if you only made changes to the backend service, then only the backend Github workflow will trigger and publish

Separately, we tag and publish all images when a new release is created with the corresponding release tag e.g. New releases are made on an ad-hoc basis, depending on the recent features that are added.


There are two advertisement services, one built in Python ads running on port 7676 and another built in Java ads-java running on port 3030. The frontend can consume either of these services and serve ads to the homepage. To select which service is consumed, update the NEXT_PUBLIC_ADS_PORT in services/frontend/site/.env.local.


Database rebuild

The current database is based off sample data provided by the Spree starter kit. To create a new .sql dump file, run the following command while the application is running.

docker exec -t storedog-backend_postgres_1 pg_dumpall -c -U postgres > db/restore/dump_`date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S`.sql

You will then need to remove the following code from the .sql file. It should be lines 10 - 31. These commands are not necessary and produce a conflict error when executed because the refereneced DB and roles do not yet exist, so they cannot be dropped.

-- Drop databases (except postgres and template1)
DROP DATABASE spree_starter_development;
DROP DATABASE spree_starter_test;
-- Drop roles
DROP ROLE postgres;

-- Roles

CREATE ROLE postgres;

Notes Any .sh or .sql script under /db/restore will be run during init in the Postgres container.

Ref: -> Initialization scripts

Spree admin

Visit http://localhost:4000/admin

Username: [email protected]
Password: spree123



  • packages/commerce contains all types, helpers and functions to be used as base to build a new provider.
  • Providers live under packages's root folder and they will extend Next.js Commerce types and functionality (packages/commerce).
  • We have a Features API to ensure feature parity between the UI and the Provider. The UI should update accordingly and no extra code should be bundled. All extra configuration for features will live under features in commerce.config.json and if needed it can also be accessed programatically.
  • Each provider should add its corresponding next.config.js and commerce.config.json adding specific data related to the provider. For example in case of BigCommerce, the images CDN and additional API routes.


Enable RUM

To enable RUM, generate a new RUM application in DD and then set the NEXT_PUBLIC_DD_APPLICATION_KEY and NEXT_PUBLIC_CLIENT_TOKEN values in ./site/.env.local. Then start the app, click around the site, and you should start to see RUM metrics populating in DD.


Every provider defines the features that it supports under packages/{provider}/src/commerce.config.json

Features Available

The following features can be enabled or disabled. This means that the UI will remove all code related to the feature. For example: Turning cart off will disable Cart capabilities.

  • cart
  • search
  • wishlist
  • customerAuth
  • customCheckout

How to turn Features on and off

NOTE: The selected provider should support the feature that you are toggling. (This means that you can't turn wishlist on if the provider doesn't support this functionality out the box)

  • Open site/commerce.config.json
  • You'll see a config file like this:
      "features": {
        "wishlist": false,
        "customCheckout": true
  • Turn wishlist on by setting wishlist to true.
  • Run the app and the wishlist functionality should be back on.

How to run the DBM backend to test the Database Monitoring in the product and incrementally improve for the workshop

  • complete the startup steps up under Local Development to number 3
  • in services/frontend/site/featureFlags.config.json find the object with name:dbm and set active:true
  • run docker-compose --profile dbm up -d
  • once all the containers are up, run docker exec storedog-postgres-1 ./ this will add a few things we need for dbm to the database
  • run docker restart storedog-postgres-1 to restart the postgres container

You should now see your logs in DBM!

Once the metrics are showing in DBM, direct the users to the file in services/dbm/

Have them update the query to change the 2 {random.randint(1, 7000)} to {random.randint(5000, 7000)} so only the most popular items show in the ticker.

Then explain that preorder items get marked as false or f in the table once they are now regular items. Say that best practice would be to update the items table to include the items marked f. Now we will update the query to the following to only look at the items table.

FROM items
WHERE order_count::int > {random.randint(5000, 7000)}

This will greatly reduce the amount of cost per query


When run locally I get `Error: Cannot find module '...@vercel/commerce/dist/config'`
❯ yarn dev
yarn run v1.22.17
$ next dev
ready - started server on, url: http://localhost:3000
info  - Loaded env from /commerce/site/.env.local
error - Failed to load next.config.js, see more info here
Error: Cannot find module '/Users/dom/work/vercel/commerce/node_modules/@vercel/commerce/dist/config.cjs'
    at createEsmNotFoundErr (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:960:15)
    at finalizeEsmResolution (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:953:15)
    at resolveExports (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:482:14)
    at Function.Module._findPath (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:522:31)
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:919:27)
    at Function.mod._resolveFilename (/Users/dom/work/vercel/commerce/node_modules/next/dist/build/webpack/require-hook.js:179:28)
    at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:778:27)
    at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1005:19)
    at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:102:18)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/dom/work/vercel/commerce/site/commerce-config.js:9:14) {
  path: '/Users/dom/work/vercel/commerce/node_modules/@vercel/commerce/package.json'
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

The error usually occurs when running yarn dev inside of the /site/ folder after installing a fresh repository.

In order to fix this, run yarn dev in the monorepo root folder first.

Using yarn dev from the root is recommended for developing, which will run watch mode on all packages.

When run locally I get `Error: Spree API cannot be reached'`

The error usually occurs when the backend containers are not yet fully healthy, but the frontend has already started making API requests.

In the docker logs output for storedog-backend, check to see if the backend has fully started. You should see the following log for the web container:

web_1       | [1] * Listening on