Make sure to have installed gsutil:
pip install gsutil
and obtain the sampe data needed to cary out the workload:
gsutil cp gs://seldon-datasets/cifar10/requests/tensorflow/cifar10_tensorflow.json.gz cifar10_tensorflow.json.gz
gunzip cifar10_tensorflow.json.gz
gsutil cp gs://seldon-datasets/cifar10/requests/tensorflow/cifar10_tensorflow.proto cifar10_tensorflow.proto
Run the bootstrap_model script to ensure required variables set.
. ../bin/
Make sure to use a compatible python version (compatible with the tensorflow lib [we use only helpers] )
pipenv --python 3.7
pipenv install
First generate some data, then read the yielded prediction stream
pipenv run python produce $BOOTSTRAP_URL:$KAFKA_PORT $SASL_PASSWORD cifar10-rest-input --file cifar10_tensorflow.json
pipenv run python consume $BOOTSTRAP_URL:$KAFKA_PORT $SASL_PASSWORD cifar10-rest-output