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DaveL17 edited this page Dec 29, 2023 · 7 revisions

Plugin Configuration Dialog

Image Location

Enter the desired path for the location of the image that is generated by the plugin. The default location is visible to Indigo and the image will be available in the control page editor.

Main Title

The text of the title for the matrix.

X Label

The label for the x-axis.

X Label Rotate

If desired, the labels on the x-axis can be rotated. Enter the degrees to rotate the text.

Y Label

The label for the y-axis.


The font that will be used for the image.

Title Font Size

The font size used for the image title.

Label Font Size

The font size used for the image labels.

Image DPI

The DPI that will be used to generate the image.

Override Image Size

If desired, you can override the default image size with dimensions of your choosing.

Foreground Color

The color of the plot area.

Background Color

The color of the background area.

Node Marker

There are several markers to choose from. Select the desired marker from the dropdown list.

Node Color

The color to use for the standard node markers in the image.

Node Border Width

The width of the node border.

Node Border Color

The color of the node border.

Show Key

If desired you can show a key (legend) on the image.

Unused Nodes

If checked, unused nodes will be plotted. In other words, the plugin will plot node IDs that don't have a corresponding device (this can happen when devices are deleted from Indigo.)

Self as Neighbor

If checked, the plugin will plot each device with itself as a neighbor.


The color to use for "self as neighbor" nodes.

Battery Devices

If desired, battery devices can be plotted with a different color to differentiate them from mains-powered devices.


The color to use for battery nodes.

Invalid Neighbors

If desired, devices with invalid neighbors will be highlighted. This can happen when a device is deleted, but its corresponding ID still appears in another device's neighbor list. This can help identify devices that should be re-synced to remove invalid neighbors.


The color to use for invalid neighbors.

Missing Neighbor 1

If desired, devices that do not include node 1 (the controller) as a neighbor.


The color to use for devices with no node 1.

Lost Devices

If desired, you can highlight devices that have not recently communicated with the server.


The color to use for lost devices.


The number of days to use to designate a device as lost.