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File metadata and controls

108 lines (77 loc) · 6.33 KB

SUSI Assistant

This project started as my final project for FMI's Rust course, but I intend to work it out as a finished idea.


The SUSI assistant is meant for students at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at SU "St. Kliment Ohridski". It can:

  • scrape the user's (a student) elective course data and calculate an optimal distribution of passed courses in accordance with the provided requirement configuration.


  • Create your own local copy of .env.example with the name .env where you enter your actual user name and password for FMI's SUSI.

  • Setup your specialty's requirements for elective courses in elective_categories_requirements.json according to the following scheme:

  "<ElectiveCategory1>": <Count1>,
  "<ElectiveCategory2> [| <ElectiveCategory2> | ...]": <Count2>,
  "<ElectiveCategoryN>": <CountN>,
  ["_": <CountAnyCategory>]

I've left my specialty's requirements configuration as an example to illustrate the idea.

A comprehensive list of all "ElectiveCategoryN" keys is extracted directly from FMI's pages:

Ключ Категория
"Д", "Др.", "Други" Други
"И" Информатика
"КП" Компютърен практикум
"М" Математика
"ПМ" Приложна математика
"ОКН" Основи на компютърните науки
"ЯКН" Ядро на компютърните науки
"Стат", "Ст" Статистика
"С" Семинар
"Х" Хуманитарни
"_" Placeholder for any of the listed above
  • If everything with above configs is okay, simply execute the binary. You should see a detailed report in the standard output, something similar to mine:
No exact match found for course 'Увод в програмирането - практикум - спец. СИ'.
Closest match is 'Увод в програмирането - практикум-спец.СИ' with similarity 0.96484375.

No exact match found for course 'Обектно-ориентирано програмиране-практикум - сп. СИ'.
Closest match is 'Обектно-ориентирано програмиране - практикум - спец. СИ' with similarity 0.97127265.

[WARNING] Course 'Числени методи' couldn't be found, so I'm ignoring it.

No exact match found for course 'Функционално програмиране-практикум'.
Closest match is 'Функционално програмиране - практикум' with similarity 0.9775.

Your optimal arrangement is:

Практикум ->
  'Обектно-ориентирано програмиране-практикум - сп. СИ' (Практикум)
  'Функционално програмиране-практикум' (Практикум)

Математика ->
  'Състезателна математика II' (Математика)

ОКН ->
  'Функционално програмиране' (ОКН)

ЯКН ->
  'Съвременни Java технологии' (ЯКН)

Математика | Приложна математика ->
  'Алгебра 2' (Математика)
  'Случайни процеси' (Приложна математика)

ОКН | ЯКН ->
  'Дълбоко обучение с Тензорфлоу' (ЯКН)
  'Ламбда смятане и теория на доказателствата' (ОКН)

Информатика | Практикум | Математика | Приложна математика | ОКН | ЯКН | Статистика | Семинар | Хуманитарни | Други ->
  'Увод в програмирането - практикум - спец. СИ' (Практикум)

Requirements left:

  ОКН | ЯКН -> 2

You have no unmapped courses, i.e. no courses left that couldn't fit in a category requirement.

How it works

In general, the problem every FMI student faces once at the beginning of each semester regarding the normative for elective courses consists of:

  • Checking the elective campaing for the upcoming semester and what courses are being offered
  • Checking the summary of already taken / passed courses
  • Opening the document with per-category requirements for the different elective categories
  • And finally, mapping the taken courses to the category requirements (mostly intuitively optimal eyeballing) and working out a plan for the remaining categories in accordance with the current semester's available electives

As we all know, before successfully graduating with a Bachelor's degree from FMI, we must have fulfilled all the elective requirements for our chosen specialty. So the general plan for the electives is a year-long scheme that takes a lot of planing and attention.

This little scraping bot assists with that plan namely by automating the repetitive actions listed above and optimally calculating a distribution for the elective courses already taken per categories.

  • First, it fetches and parses the student's grade report from SUSI
  • Then it cross-references all the pages with elective offerings for past semesters from FMI's public site to extract the passed courses' metadata (currently only categories are used).
  • Then it fetches the configuration with the per-category requirements.
  • And finally, it calculates the optimal distribution among all the possible viable distributions. A distribution meaning certain courses being mapped to a certain requirement.


Notice the file elective_archive_urls.json? Well, that's where we store the links to FMI's pages with past semesters' elective campaigns. Since it's a shared resource for all users, a single update in this repo should serve well enough. If we've forgotten to update it, you might want to remind us by creating a PR with the update! 😊