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175 lines (129 loc) · 7.31 KB

File metadata and controls

175 lines (129 loc) · 7.31 KB


0.5.1 (2020-12-31)

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • Add scikit-image as dependency in
  • Update notebooks to add instructions to install dependencies

0.5.0 (2020-12-30)

Major and Feature Improvements

  • Adds get_wsireader() to return appropriate WSIReader.
  • Adds new functions to allow reading of regions using WSIReader at different resolutions given in units of:
    • microns per-pixel (mpp)
    • objective lens power (power)
    • pixels-per baseline (baseline)
    • resolution level (level)
  • Adds functions for reading regions are read_bounds and read_rect.
    • read_bounds takes a tuple (left, top, right, bottom) of coordinates in baseline (level 0) reference frame and returns a region bounded by those.
    • read_rect takes one coordinate in baseline reference frame and an output size in pixels.
  • Adds VirtualWSIReader as a subclass of WSIReader which can be used to read visual fields (tiles).
    • VirtualWSIReader accepts ndarray or image path as input.
  • Adds MPP fall back to standard TIFF resolution tags with warning.
    • If OpenSlide cannot determine microns per pixel (mpp) from the metadata, checks the TIFF resolution units (TIFF tags: ResolutionUnit, XResolution and YResolution) to calculate MPP. Additionally, add function to estimate missing objective power if MPP is known of derived from TIFF resolution tags.
  • Estimates missing objective power from MPP with warning.
  • Adds example notebooks for stain normalisation and WSI reader.
  • Adds caching to slide info property. This is done by checking if a private self._m_info exists and returning it if so, otherwise self._info is called to create the info for the first time (or to force regenerating) and the result is assigned to self._m_info. This could in future be made much simpler with the functools.cached_property decorator in Python 3.8+.
  • Adds pre processing step to stain normalisation where stain matrix encodes colour information from tissue region only.

Changes to API

  • read_region refactored to be backwards compatible with openslide arguments.
  • slide_info changed to info
  • Updates WSIReader which only takes one input
  • WSIReader input_path variable changed to input_img
  • Adds tile_read_size, tile_objective_value and output_dir to WSIReader.save_tiles()
  • Adds tile_read_size as a tuple
  • transforms.imresize takes additional arguments output_size and interpolation method 'optimise' which selects cv2.INTER_AREA for scale_factor<1 and cv2.INTER_CUBIC for scale_factor>1

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • Refactors glymur code to use index slicing instead of deprecated read function.
  • Refactors thumbnail code to use read_bounds and be a member of the WSIReader base class.
  • Updates to clarify installation instructions.
  • Fixes for changes in WSIReader API.
  • Fixes for changes in WSIReader API.
  • Updates example_wsiread.ipynb to reflect the changes in WSIReader.
  • Adds Google Colab and Kaggle links to allow user to run notebooks directly on colab or kaggle.
  • Fixes a bug in taking directory input for stainnorm operation for command line interface.
  • Pins numpy<=1.19.3 to avoid compatibility issues with opencv.
  • Adds scikit-image or jupyterlab as a dependency.

Development related changes

  • Moved test_wsireader_jp2_save_tiles to
  • Change recipe in Makefile for coverage to use pytest-cov instead of coverage.
  • Runs travis only on PR.
  • Adds pre-commit for easy setup of client-side git hooks for black code formatting and flake8 linting.
  • Adds flake8-bugbear to pre-commit for catching potential deepsource errors.
  • Adds constants for test regions in
  • Rearranges usage.rst for better readability.
  • Adds pre-commit, flake8, flake8-bugbear, black, pytest-cov and recommonmark as dependency.

0.4.0 (2020-10-25)

Major and Feature Improvements

  • Adds OpenSlideWSIReader to read Openslide image formats
  • Adds support to read Omnyx jp2 images using OmnyxJP2WSIReader.
  • New feature added to perform stain normalisation using Ruifork, Reinhard, Vahadane, Macenko methods and using custom stain matrices.
  • Adds example notebook to read whole slide images via the toolbox.
  • Adds WSIMeta class to save meta data for whole slide images. WSIMeta casts properties to python types. Properties from OpenSlide are returned as string. raw values can always be accessed via slide.raw. Adds data validation e.g., checking that level_count matches up with the length of the level_dimensions and level_downsamples. Adds type hints to WSIMeta.
  • Adds exceptions FileNotSupported and MethodNotSupported

Changes to API

  • Restructures WSIReader as parent class to allow support to read whole slide images in other formats.
  • Adds slide_info as a property of WSIReader
  • Updates slide_info type to WSIMeta from dict
  • Depericiates support for multiprocessing from within the toolbox. The toolbox is focussed on processing single whole slide and standard images. External libraries can be used to run using multi processing on multiple files.

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • Adds scikit-learn, glymur as a dependency
  • Adds licence information
  • Removes pathos as a dependency
  • Updates openslide-python requirement to 1.1.2

0.3.0 (2020-07-19)

Major and Feature Improvements

  • Adds feature read_region to read a small region from whole slide images
  • Adds feature save_tiles to save image tiles from whole slide images
  • Adds feature imresize to resize images
  • Adds feature transforms.background_composite to avoid creation of black tiles from whole slide images.

Changes to API

  • None

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • Adds pandas as dependency

0.2.2 (2020-07-12)

Major and Feature Improvements

  • None

Changes to API

  • None

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • Fix command line interface for slide-info feature and travis pypi deployment

0.2.1 (2020-07-10)

Major and Feature Improvements

  • None

Changes to API

  • None

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • Minor changes to configuration files.

0.2.0 (2020-07-10)

Major and Feature Improvements

  • Adds feature slide_info to read whole slide images and display meta data information
  • Adds multiprocessing decorator TIAMultiProcess to allow running toolbox functions using multiprocessing.

Changes to API

  • None

Bug Fixes and Other Changes

  • Adds Sphinx Readthedocs support for stable and develop branches
  • Adds code coverage tools to test the pytest coverage of the package
  • Adds deepsource integration to highlight and fix bug risks, performance issues etc.
  • Adds README to allow users to setup the environment.
  • Adds conda and pip requirements instructions

0.1.0 (2020-05-28)

  • First release on PyPI.