A website that allows parent users to search and find daycares based on their preference, and allows daycare owners to add their daycares w/ specific amenities.
It allows an easier way for parents to find a daycare available based on their preferences, and allows a daycare owner to post their daycare to the page to get more applicants.
Every parent needs a daycare. It is important that you find the right daycare for your child. This product makes it fast and easy to find a daycare, as well as allow daycare owners to post their daycares for future applicants.
A webpage for parents and daycare owners to either search for daycares or add their daycare to the site.
Parents will be able to search based on preferred amenities.
Daycare owners will be able to add their daycare along with adding and removing amenities.
- Availability Forecasting
- Reviews of daycares
- Welcome email on sign-up
- Site owner to assign staff roles
- Suspend parents or daycares
- Welcome email on sign-up
- Availability Forecasting
- Site owner to assign staff roles