Login in the IBM public cloud and provision an Analytic Engine service instance at https://cloud.ibm.com/catalog/services/analytics-engine. After few minutes your Hadoop environment is hosted.
When choosing the free plan your instance makes available an AE 1.2 Spark and Hive configuration in Q1 2021 with the following components:
- Apache Spark 2.3.2
- Hadoop 3.1.1
- Apache Livy 0.5
- Knox 1.0.0
- Ambari 2.7.5
- Miniconda-Py 3.7.9
- Hive 3.1.0
- Jupyter Enterprise Gateway 0.8.0
The environment is composed of 4 nodes including 1 for management, 2 workers and 1 for data. Each worker brings an Java/Scala executor running on 1 core.
In anoter terminal of your work station you upload the uber jar from your workstation to the hadoop machine with an scp command. Choose the 'withodmrt' jar to run in IAE as the Spark jars are provided.
scp target/simpleloanvalidationsparkrunner-1.0-SNAPSHOT-withodmrt.jar [email protected]:/home/wce/clsadmin/odm
by example ssh [email protected]
scp ../data/loanvalidation/1K/loanvalidation-requests-1K.csv [email protected]:/home/wce/clsadmin/odm/data//loanvalidation-requests-1K.csv
Start a spark-submit command to launch the batch.
spark-submit \
--name “loan-validation” \
--class com.ibm.decisions.spark.loanvalidation.LoanValidationSparkRunner \
/home/wce/clsadmin/simpleloanvalidationsparkrunner-1.0-SNAPSHOT-withodmrt.jar \
--input hdfs://machine2.bi.services.us-south.bluemix.net:8020/user/clsadmin/data/loanvalidation/loanvalidation-requests-1K.csv \
--output hdfs://machine2.bi.services.us-south.bluemix.net:8020/user/clsadmin/data/loanvalidation/loanvalidation-decisions-1K.csv
In ssh you see a result like this.
You can read the output decision file written on hdfs by navigation in the Ambari UI.
spark-submit \
--name “loan-validation” \
--class com.ibm.decisions.spark.loanvalidation.LoanValidationSparkRunner \
/home/wce/clsadmin/simpleloanvalidationsparkrunner-1.0-SNAPSHOT-withodmrt.jar \
--input hdfs://machine2.bi.services.us-south.bluemix.net:8020/user/clsadmin/data/loanvalidation/loanvalidation-requests-1K.csv \
--output hdfs://machine2.bi.services.us-south.bluemix.net:8020/user/clsadmin/data/loanvalidation/loanvalidation-decisions-1K.csv
Result of the submit is like follows.
Executing from: /home/wce/clsadmin/.
Loading dataset file: hdfs://machine2.us-south.bluemix.net:8020/user/clsadmin/data/loanvalidation/loanvalidation-requests-1K.csv
18/04/30 15:01:57 INFO Executor: Adding file:/tmp/spark-361d546f-d868-443e-81de-2390f58c5492/userFiles-1a30c-fb2d-4d6a-a3fb-1a9acf063e/simpleloanvalidationsparkrunner-1.0-SNAPSHOT-withodmrt.jar to class loader
Starting decision automation...
Dataset generation: false
18/04/30 15:01:57 INFO execution: Found user settings in file : ra.xml.
18/04/30 15:01:57 INFO execution: Loading execution unit (XU) settings from the file descriptor.
18/04/30 15:01:57 INFO execution: Found user settings in file : ra.xml.
18/04/30 15:01:57 INFO execution: Loading execution unit (XU) settings from the file descriptor.
18/04/30 15:01:58 WARN persistence: XOM repository set in file persistence mode: /home/wce/clsadmin/repo/res_xom
18/04/30 15:01:58 WARN persistence: XOM repository set in file persistence mode: /home/wce/clsadmin/repo/res_xom
18/04/30 15:01:58 WARN persistence: RESMGMT persistence: Adding RuleApp "/loanvalidation/1.0".
18/04/30 15:01:58 WARN persistence: RESMGMT persistence: Adding RuleApp "/loanvalidation/1.0".
18/04/30 15:01:58 WARN persistence: RESMGMT persistence: RuleApp "/loanvalidation/1.0" is added.
18/04/30 15:01:58 WARN persistence: RESMGMT persistence: RuleApp "/loanvalidation/1.0" is added.
Loan approved=false with a yearly repayment=20963.776805681675 insurance required:false messages= [ The loan amount is under the maximum authorized, Risky loan, Too big Debt/Income ratio: 1.67, We are sorry. Your loan has not been approved] executed in thread Executor task launch worker for task 7
Loan approved=false with a yearly repayment=6674.226300783769 insurance required:false messages= [ The loan amount is under the maximum authorized, Average risk loan, Too big Debt/Income ratio: 0.85, We are sorry. Your loan has not been approved] executed in thread Executor task launch worker for task 7
Automation ended with 1000 decisions
Decision batch metrics
Number of loan applications processed: 1000 in 7484 ms
Number of decision per sec: 133.0
Number of approved loan applications: 45 on a 1000 total
Number of loans approved with a YearlyInterestRate > 5%: 45
Download your result file https://adb-xxx.azuredatabricks.net/files/ODM/loanvalidation-decisions-10K.json?o=yourId