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Require Import HOLLight_Real_With_N.mappings HOLLight.With_N Coq.NArith.BinNat Coq.Reals.Rbase Coq.Reals.Rdefinitions Coq.Reals.Rbasic_fun.
Require Import HOLLight.theory_hol.
Definition _FALSITY_ : Prop := False.
Lemma _FALSITY__def : _FALSITY_ = False.
Proof. exact (eq_refl _FALSITY_). Qed.
Lemma COND_def {A : Type'} : (@COND A) = (fun t : Prop => fun t1 : A => fun t2 : A => @ε A (fun x : A => ((t = True) -> x = t1) /\ ((t = False) -> x = t2))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@COND A)). Qed.
Definition o {A B C : Type'} : (B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> A -> C := fun f : B -> C => fun g : A -> B => fun x : A => f (g x).
Lemma o_def {A B C : Type'} : (@o A B C) = (fun f : B -> C => fun g : A -> B => fun x : A => f (g x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@o A B C)). Qed.
Definition I {A : Type'} : A -> A := fun x : A => x.
Lemma I_def {A : Type'} : (@I A) = (fun x : A => x).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@I A)). Qed.
Definition hashek : Prop := True.
Lemma hashek_def : hashek = True.
Proof. exact (eq_refl hashek). Qed.
Definition LET {A B : Type'} : (A -> B) -> A -> B := fun f : A -> B => fun x : A => f x.
Lemma LET_def {A B : Type'} : (@LET A B) = (fun f : A -> B => fun x : A => f x).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@LET A B)). Qed.
Definition LET_END {A : Type'} : A -> A := fun t : A => t.
Lemma LET_END_def {A : Type'} : (@LET_END A) = (fun t : A => t).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@LET_END A)). Qed.
Definition GABS {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> A := fun P : A -> Prop => @ε A P.
Lemma GABS_def {A : Type'} : (@GABS A) = (fun P : A -> Prop => @ε A P).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@GABS A)). Qed.
Definition GEQ {A : Type'} : A -> A -> Prop := fun a : A => fun b : A => a = b.
Lemma GEQ_def {A : Type'} : (@GEQ A) = (fun a : A => fun b : A => a = b).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@GEQ A)). Qed.
Definition _SEQPATTERN {A B : Type'} : (A -> B -> Prop) -> (A -> B -> Prop) -> A -> B -> Prop := fun r : A -> B -> Prop => fun s : A -> B -> Prop => fun x : A => @COND (B -> Prop) (exists y : B, r x y) (r x) (s x).
Lemma _SEQPATTERN_def {A B : Type'} : (@_SEQPATTERN A B) = (fun r : A -> B -> Prop => fun s : A -> B -> Prop => fun x : A => @COND (B -> Prop) (exists y : B, r x y) (r x) (s x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@_SEQPATTERN A B)). Qed.
Definition _UNGUARDED_PATTERN : Prop -> Prop -> Prop := fun p : Prop => fun r : Prop => p /\ r.
Lemma _UNGUARDED_PATTERN_def : _UNGUARDED_PATTERN = (fun p : Prop => fun r : Prop => p /\ r).
Proof. exact (eq_refl _UNGUARDED_PATTERN). Qed.
Definition _GUARDED_PATTERN : Prop -> Prop -> Prop -> Prop := fun p : Prop => fun g : Prop => fun r : Prop => p /\ (g /\ r).
Lemma _GUARDED_PATTERN_def : _GUARDED_PATTERN = (fun p : Prop => fun g : Prop => fun r : Prop => p /\ (g /\ r)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl _GUARDED_PATTERN). Qed.
Definition _MATCH {A B : Type'} : A -> (A -> B -> Prop) -> B := fun e : A => fun r : A -> B -> Prop => @COND B (@ex1 B (r e)) (@ε B (r e)) (@ε B (fun z : B => False)).
Lemma _MATCH_def {A B : Type'} : (@_MATCH A B) = (fun e : A => fun r : A -> B -> Prop => @COND B (@ex1 B (r e)) (@ε B (r e)) (@ε B (fun z : B => False))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@_MATCH A B)). Qed.
Definition _FUNCTION {A B : Type'} : (A -> B -> Prop) -> A -> B := fun r : A -> B -> Prop => fun x : A => @COND B (@ex1 B (r x)) (@ε B (r x)) (@ε B (fun z : B => False)).
Lemma _FUNCTION_def {A B : Type'} : (@_FUNCTION A B) = (fun r : A -> B -> Prop => fun x : A => @COND B (@ex1 B (r x)) (@ε B (r x)) (@ε B (fun z : B => False))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@_FUNCTION A B)). Qed.
Lemma mk_pair_def {A B : Type'} : (@mk_pair A B) = (fun x : A => fun y : B => fun a : A => fun b : B => (a = x) /\ (b = y)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@mk_pair A B)). Qed.
Definition CURRY {A B C : Type'} : ((prod A B) -> C) -> A -> B -> C := fun _1283 : (prod A B) -> C => fun _1284 : A => fun _1285 : B => _1283 (@pair A B _1284 _1285).
Lemma CURRY_def {A B C : Type'} : (@CURRY A B C) = (fun _1283 : (prod A B) -> C => fun _1284 : A => fun _1285 : B => _1283 (@pair A B _1284 _1285)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@CURRY A B C)). Qed.
Definition UNCURRY {A B C : Type'} : (A -> B -> C) -> (prod A B) -> C := fun _1304 : A -> B -> C => fun _1305 : prod A B => _1304 (@fst A B _1305) (@snd A B _1305).
Lemma UNCURRY_def {A B C : Type'} : (@UNCURRY A B C) = (fun _1304 : A -> B -> C => fun _1305 : prod A B => _1304 (@fst A B _1305) (@snd A B _1305)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@UNCURRY A B C)). Qed.
Definition PASSOC {A B C D : Type'} : ((prod (prod A B) C) -> D) -> (prod A (prod B C)) -> D := fun _1321 : (prod (prod A B) C) -> D => fun _1322 : prod A (prod B C) => _1321 (@pair (prod A B) C (@pair A B (@fst A (prod B C) _1322) (@fst B C (@snd A (prod B C) _1322))) (@snd B C (@snd A (prod B C) _1322))).
Lemma PASSOC_def {A B C D : Type'} : (@PASSOC A B C D) = (fun _1321 : (prod (prod A B) C) -> D => fun _1322 : prod A (prod B C) => _1321 (@pair (prod A B) C (@pair A B (@fst A (prod B C) _1322) (@fst B C (@snd A (prod B C) _1322))) (@snd B C (@snd A (prod B C) _1322)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@PASSOC A B C D)). Qed.
Lemma ONE_ONE_def {A B : Type'} : (@ONE_ONE A B) = (fun _2064 : A -> B => forall x1 : A, forall x2 : A, ((_2064 x1) = (_2064 x2)) -> x1 = x2).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@ONE_ONE A B)). Qed.
Lemma ONTO_def {A B : Type'} : (@ONTO A B) = (fun _2069 : A -> B => forall y : B, exists x : A, y = (_2069 x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@ONTO A B)). Qed.
Lemma IND_SUC_def : IND_SUC = (@ε (ind -> ind) (fun f : ind -> ind => exists z : ind, (forall x1 : ind, forall x2 : ind, ((f x1) = (f x2)) = (x1 = x2)) /\ (forall x : ind, ~ ((f x) = z)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl IND_SUC). Qed.
Lemma IND_0_def : IND_0 = (@ε ind (fun z : ind => (forall x1 : ind, forall x2 : ind, ((IND_SUC x1) = (IND_SUC x2)) = (x1 = x2)) /\ (forall x : ind, ~ ((IND_SUC x) = z)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl IND_0). Qed.
Lemma NUM_REP_def : NUM_REP = (fun a : ind => forall NUM_REP' : ind -> Prop, (forall a' : ind, ((a' = IND_0) \/ (exists i : ind, (a' = (IND_SUC i)) /\ (NUM_REP' i))) -> NUM_REP' a') -> NUM_REP' a).
Proof. exact (eq_refl NUM_REP). Qed.
Definition NUMERAL : N -> N := fun _2128 : N => _2128.
Lemma NUMERAL_def : NUMERAL = (fun _2128 : N => _2128).
Proof. exact (eq_refl NUMERAL). Qed.
Lemma BIT1_def : BIT1 = (fun _2143 : N => N.succ (BIT0 _2143)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl BIT1). Qed.
Definition EVEN : N -> Prop := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> N -> Prop) (fun EVEN' : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> N -> Prop => forall _2603 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), ((EVEN' _2603 (NUMERAL 0%N)) = True) /\ (forall n : N, (EVEN' _2603 (N.succ n)) = (~ (EVEN' _2603 n)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))).
Lemma EVEN_def : EVEN = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> N -> Prop) (fun EVEN' : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> N -> Prop => forall _2603 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), ((EVEN' _2603 (NUMERAL 0%N)) = True) /\ (forall n : N, (EVEN' _2603 (N.succ n)) = (~ (EVEN' _2603 n)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl EVEN). Qed.
Definition ODD : N -> Prop := @ε ((prod N (prod N N)) -> N -> Prop) (fun ODD' : (prod N (prod N N)) -> N -> Prop => forall _2607 : prod N (prod N N), ((ODD' _2607 (NUMERAL 0%N)) = False) /\ (forall n : N, (ODD' _2607 (N.succ n)) = (~ (ODD' _2607 n)))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))).
Lemma ODD_def : ODD = (@ε ((prod N (prod N N)) -> N -> Prop) (fun ODD' : (prod N (prod N N)) -> N -> Prop => forall _2607 : prod N (prod N N), ((ODD' _2607 (NUMERAL 0%N)) = False) /\ (forall n : N, (ODD' _2607 (N.succ n)) = (~ (ODD' _2607 n)))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl ODD). Qed.
Definition FACT : N -> N := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> N -> N) (fun FACT' : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> N -> N => forall _2944 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), ((FACT' _2944 (NUMERAL 0%N)) = (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) /\ (forall n : N, (FACT' _2944 (N.succ n)) = (N.mul (N.succ n) (FACT' _2944 n)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))).
Lemma FACT_def : FACT = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> N -> N) (fun FACT' : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> N -> N => forall _2944 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), ((FACT' _2944 (NUMERAL 0%N)) = (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) /\ (forall n : N, (FACT' _2944 (N.succ n)) = (N.mul (N.succ n) (FACT' _2944 n)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl FACT). Qed.
Definition minimal : (N -> Prop) -> N := fun _6536 : N -> Prop => @ε N (fun n : N => (_6536 n) /\ (forall m : N, (N.lt m n) -> ~ (_6536 m))).
Lemma minimal_def : minimal = (fun _6536 : N -> Prop => @ε N (fun n : N => (_6536 n) /\ (forall m : N, (N.lt m n) -> ~ (_6536 m)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl minimal). Qed.
Definition WF {A : Type'} : (A -> A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _6923 : A -> A -> Prop => forall P : A -> Prop, (exists x : A, P x) -> exists x : A, (P x) /\ (forall y : A, (_6923 y x) -> ~ (P y)).
Lemma WF_def {A : Type'} : (@WF A) = (fun _6923 : A -> A -> Prop => forall P : A -> Prop, (exists x : A, P x) -> exists x : A, (P x) /\ (forall y : A, (_6923 y x) -> ~ (P y))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@WF A)). Qed.
Definition MEASURE {A : Type'} : (A -> N) -> A -> A -> Prop := fun _8094 : A -> N => fun x : A => fun y : A => N.lt (_8094 x) (_8094 y).
Lemma MEASURE_def {A : Type'} : (@MEASURE A) = (fun _8094 : A -> N => fun x : A => fun y : A => N.lt (_8094 x) (_8094 y)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@MEASURE A)). Qed.
Definition NUMPAIR : N -> N -> N := fun _17487 : N => fun _17488 : N => N.mul (N.pow (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))) _17487) (N.add (N.mul (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))) _17488) (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))).
Lemma NUMPAIR_def : NUMPAIR = (fun _17487 : N => fun _17488 : N => N.mul (N.pow (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))) _17487) (N.add (N.mul (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))) _17488) (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl NUMPAIR). Qed.
Definition NUMFST : N -> N := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> N -> N) (fun X : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> N -> N => forall _17503 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))), exists Y : N -> N, forall x : N, forall y : N, ((X _17503 (NUMPAIR x y)) = x) /\ ((Y (NUMPAIR x y)) = y)) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))).
Lemma NUMFST_def : NUMFST = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> N -> N) (fun X : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> N -> N => forall _17503 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))), exists Y : N -> N, forall x : N, forall y : N, ((X _17503 (NUMPAIR x y)) = x) /\ ((Y (NUMPAIR x y)) = y)) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl NUMFST). Qed.
Definition NUMSND : N -> N := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> N -> N) (fun Y : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> N -> N => forall _17504 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))), forall x : N, forall y : N, ((NUMFST (NUMPAIR x y)) = x) /\ ((Y _17504 (NUMPAIR x y)) = y)) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))).
Lemma NUMSND_def : NUMSND = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> N -> N) (fun Y : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> N -> N => forall _17504 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))), forall x : N, forall y : N, ((NUMFST (NUMPAIR x y)) = x) /\ ((Y _17504 (NUMPAIR x y)) = y)) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl NUMSND). Qed.
Definition NUMSUM : Prop -> N -> N := fun _17505 : Prop => fun _17506 : N => @COND N _17505 (N.succ (N.mul (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))) _17506)) (N.mul (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))) _17506).
Lemma NUMSUM_def : NUMSUM = (fun _17505 : Prop => fun _17506 : N => @COND N _17505 (N.succ (N.mul (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))) _17506)) (N.mul (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))) _17506)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl NUMSUM). Qed.
Definition INJN {A : Type'} : N -> N -> A -> Prop := fun _17537 : N => fun n : N => fun a : A => n = _17537.
Lemma INJN_def {A : Type'} : (@INJN A) = (fun _17537 : N => fun n : N => fun a : A => n = _17537).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@INJN A)). Qed.
Definition INJA {A : Type'} : A -> N -> A -> Prop := fun _17542 : A => fun n : N => fun b : A => b = _17542.
Lemma INJA_def {A : Type'} : (@INJA A) = (fun _17542 : A => fun n : N => fun b : A => b = _17542).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@INJA A)). Qed.
Definition INJF {A : Type'} : (N -> N -> A -> Prop) -> N -> A -> Prop := fun _17549 : N -> N -> A -> Prop => fun n : N => _17549 (NUMFST n) (NUMSND n).
Lemma INJF_def {A : Type'} : (@INJF A) = (fun _17549 : N -> N -> A -> Prop => fun n : N => _17549 (NUMFST n) (NUMSND n)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@INJF A)). Qed.
Definition INJP {A : Type'} : (N -> A -> Prop) -> (N -> A -> Prop) -> N -> A -> Prop := fun _17554 : N -> A -> Prop => fun _17555 : N -> A -> Prop => fun n : N => fun a : A => @COND Prop (NUMLEFT n) (_17554 (NUMRIGHT n) a) (_17555 (NUMRIGHT n) a).
Lemma INJP_def {A : Type'} : (@INJP A) = (fun _17554 : N -> A -> Prop => fun _17555 : N -> A -> Prop => fun n : N => fun a : A => @COND Prop (NUMLEFT n) (_17554 (NUMRIGHT n) a) (_17555 (NUMRIGHT n) a)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@INJP A)). Qed.
Definition ZCONSTR {A : Type'} : N -> A -> (N -> N -> A -> Prop) -> N -> A -> Prop := fun _17566 : N => fun _17567 : A => fun _17568 : N -> N -> A -> Prop => @INJP A (@INJN A (N.succ _17566)) (@INJP A (@INJA A _17567) (@INJF A _17568)).
Lemma ZCONSTR_def {A : Type'} : (@ZCONSTR A) = (fun _17566 : N => fun _17567 : A => fun _17568 : N -> N -> A -> Prop => @INJP A (@INJN A (N.succ _17566)) (@INJP A (@INJA A _17567) (@INJF A _17568))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@ZCONSTR A)). Qed.
Definition ZBOT {A : Type'} : N -> A -> Prop := @INJP A (@INJN A (NUMERAL 0%N)) (@ε (N -> A -> Prop) (fun z : N -> A -> Prop => True)).
Lemma ZBOT_def {A : Type'} : (@ZBOT A) = (@INJP A (@INJN A (NUMERAL 0%N)) (@ε (N -> A -> Prop) (fun z : N -> A -> Prop => True))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@ZBOT A)). Qed.
Definition BOTTOM {A : Type'} : recspace A := @_mk_rec A (@ZBOT A).
Lemma BOTTOM_def {A : Type'} : (@BOTTOM A) = (@_mk_rec A (@ZBOT A)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@BOTTOM A)). Qed.
Definition CONSTR {A : Type'} : N -> A -> (N -> recspace A) -> recspace A := fun _17591 : N => fun _17592 : A => fun _17593 : N -> recspace A => @_mk_rec A (@ZCONSTR A _17591 _17592 (fun n : N => @_dest_rec A (_17593 n))).
Lemma CONSTR_def {A : Type'} : (@CONSTR A) = (fun _17591 : N => fun _17592 : A => fun _17593 : N -> recspace A => @_mk_rec A (@ZCONSTR A _17591 _17592 (fun n : N => @_dest_rec A (_17593 n)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@CONSTR A)). Qed.
Definition FNIL {A : Type'} : N -> A := fun _17624 : N => @ε A (fun x : A => True).
Lemma FNIL_def {A : Type'} : (@FNIL A) = (fun _17624 : N => @ε A (fun x : A => True)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@FNIL A)). Qed.
Definition OUTL {A B : Type'} : (Datatypes.sum A B) -> A := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (Datatypes.sum A B) -> A) (fun OUTL' : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (Datatypes.sum A B) -> A => forall _17649 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), forall x : A, (OUTL' _17649 (@inl A B x)) = x) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))).
Lemma OUTL_def {A B : Type'} : (@OUTL A B) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (Datatypes.sum A B) -> A) (fun OUTL' : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (Datatypes.sum A B) -> A => forall _17649 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), forall x : A, (OUTL' _17649 (@inl A B x)) = x) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@OUTL A B)). Qed.
Definition OUTR {A B : Type'} : (Datatypes.sum A B) -> B := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (Datatypes.sum A B) -> B) (fun OUTR' : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (Datatypes.sum A B) -> B => forall _17651 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), forall y : B, (OUTR' _17651 (@inr A B y)) = y) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))).
Lemma OUTR_def {A B : Type'} : (@OUTR A B) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (Datatypes.sum A B) -> B) (fun OUTR' : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (Datatypes.sum A B) -> B => forall _17651 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), forall y : B, (OUTR' _17651 (@inr A B y)) = y) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@OUTR A B)). Qed.
Definition LENGTH {A : Type'} : (list A) -> N := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> (list A) -> N) (fun LENGTH' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> (list A) -> N => forall _18106 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))), ((LENGTH' _18106 (@nil A)) = (NUMERAL 0%N)) /\ (forall h : A, forall t : list A, (LENGTH' _18106 (@cons A h t)) = (N.succ (LENGTH' _18106 t)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))).
Lemma LENGTH_def {A : Type'} : (@LENGTH A) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> (list A) -> N) (fun LENGTH' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> (list A) -> N => forall _18106 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))), ((LENGTH' _18106 (@nil A)) = (NUMERAL 0%N)) /\ (forall h : A, forall t : list A, (LENGTH' _18106 (@cons A h t)) = (N.succ (LENGTH' _18106 t)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@LENGTH A)). Qed.
Definition LAST {A : Type'} : (list A) -> A := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (list A) -> A) (fun LAST' : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (list A) -> A => forall _18117 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), forall h : A, forall t : list A, (LAST' _18117 (@cons A h t)) = (@COND A (t = (@nil A)) h (LAST' _18117 t))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))).
Lemma LAST_def {A : Type'} : (@LAST A) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (list A) -> A) (fun LAST' : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (list A) -> A => forall _18117 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), forall h : A, forall t : list A, (LAST' _18117 (@cons A h t)) = (@COND A (t = (@nil A)) h (LAST' _18117 t))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@LAST A)). Qed.
Definition REPLICATE {A : Type'} : N -> A -> list A := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) -> N -> A -> list A) (fun REPLICATE' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) -> N -> A -> list A => forall _18125 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))), (forall x : A, (REPLICATE' _18125 (NUMERAL 0%N) x) = (@nil A)) /\ (forall n : N, forall x : A, (REPLICATE' _18125 (N.succ n) x) = (@cons A x (REPLICATE' _18125 n x)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))))).
Lemma REPLICATE_def {A : Type'} : (@REPLICATE A) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) -> N -> A -> list A) (fun REPLICATE' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) -> N -> A -> list A => forall _18125 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))), (forall x : A, (REPLICATE' _18125 (NUMERAL 0%N) x) = (@nil A)) /\ (forall n : N, forall x : A, (REPLICATE' _18125 (N.succ n) x) = (@cons A x (REPLICATE' _18125 n x)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@REPLICATE A)). Qed.
Definition NULL {A : Type'} : (list A) -> Prop := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (list A) -> Prop) (fun NULL' : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (list A) -> Prop => forall _18129 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), ((NULL' _18129 (@nil A)) = True) /\ (forall h : A, forall t : list A, (NULL' _18129 (@cons A h t)) = False)) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))).
Lemma NULL_def {A : Type'} : (@NULL A) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (list A) -> Prop) (fun NULL' : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (list A) -> Prop => forall _18129 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), ((NULL' _18129 (@nil A)) = True) /\ (forall h : A, forall t : list A, (NULL' _18129 (@cons A h t)) = False)) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@NULL A)). Qed.
Definition EX {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (list A) -> Prop := @ε ((prod N N) -> (A -> Prop) -> (list A) -> Prop) (fun EX' : (prod N N) -> (A -> Prop) -> (list A) -> Prop => forall _18143 : prod N N, (forall P : A -> Prop, (EX' _18143 P (@nil A)) = False) /\ (forall h : A, forall P : A -> Prop, forall t : list A, (EX' _18143 P (@cons A h t)) = ((P h) \/ (EX' _18143 P t)))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))).
Lemma EX_def {A : Type'} : (@EX A) = (@ε ((prod N N) -> (A -> Prop) -> (list A) -> Prop) (fun EX' : (prod N N) -> (A -> Prop) -> (list A) -> Prop => forall _18143 : prod N N, (forall P : A -> Prop, (EX' _18143 P (@nil A)) = False) /\ (forall h : A, forall P : A -> Prop, forall t : list A, (EX' _18143 P (@cons A h t)) = ((P h) \/ (EX' _18143 P t)))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@EX A)). Qed.
Definition ITLIST {A B : Type'} : (A -> B -> B) -> (list A) -> B -> B := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> (A -> B -> B) -> (list A) -> B -> B) (fun ITLIST' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> (A -> B -> B) -> (list A) -> B -> B => forall _18151 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))), (forall f : A -> B -> B, forall b : B, (ITLIST' _18151 f (@nil A) b) = b) /\ (forall h : A, forall f : A -> B -> B, forall t : list A, forall b : B, (ITLIST' _18151 f (@cons A h t) b) = (f h (ITLIST' _18151 f t b)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))).
Lemma ITLIST_def {A B : Type'} : (@ITLIST A B) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> (A -> B -> B) -> (list A) -> B -> B) (fun ITLIST' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> (A -> B -> B) -> (list A) -> B -> B => forall _18151 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))), (forall f : A -> B -> B, forall b : B, (ITLIST' _18151 f (@nil A) b) = b) /\ (forall h : A, forall f : A -> B -> B, forall t : list A, forall b : B, (ITLIST' _18151 f (@cons A h t) b) = (f h (ITLIST' _18151 f t b)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@ITLIST A B)). Qed.
Definition ALL2 {A B : Type'} : (A -> B -> Prop) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> Prop := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (A -> B -> Prop) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> Prop) (fun ALL2' : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (A -> B -> Prop) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> Prop => forall _18166 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), (forall P : A -> B -> Prop, forall l2 : list B, (ALL2' _18166 P (@nil A) l2) = (l2 = (@nil B))) /\ (forall h1' : A, forall P : A -> B -> Prop, forall t1 : list A, forall l2 : list B, (ALL2' _18166 P (@cons A h1' t1) l2) = (@COND Prop (l2 = (@nil B)) False ((P h1' (@hd B l2)) /\ (ALL2' _18166 P t1 (@tl B l2)))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))).
Lemma ALL2_def {A B : Type'} : (@ALL2 A B) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (A -> B -> Prop) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> Prop) (fun ALL2' : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (A -> B -> Prop) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> Prop => forall _18166 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), (forall P : A -> B -> Prop, forall l2 : list B, (ALL2' _18166 P (@nil A) l2) = (l2 = (@nil B))) /\ (forall h1' : A, forall P : A -> B -> Prop, forall t1 : list A, forall l2 : list B, (ALL2' _18166 P (@cons A h1' t1) l2) = (@COND Prop (l2 = (@nil B)) False ((P h1' (@hd B l2)) /\ (ALL2' _18166 P t1 (@tl B l2)))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@ALL2 A B)). Qed.
Definition MAP2 {A B C : Type'} : (A -> B -> C) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> list C := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (A -> B -> C) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> list C) (fun MAP2' : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (A -> B -> C) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> list C => forall _18174 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), (forall f : A -> B -> C, forall l : list B, (MAP2' _18174 f (@nil A) l) = (@nil C)) /\ (forall h1' : A, forall f : A -> B -> C, forall t1 : list A, forall l : list B, (MAP2' _18174 f (@cons A h1' t1) l) = (@cons C (f h1' (@hd B l)) (MAP2' _18174 f t1 (@tl B l))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))).
Lemma MAP2_def {A B C : Type'} : (@MAP2 A B C) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (A -> B -> C) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> list C) (fun MAP2' : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> (A -> B -> C) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> list C => forall _18174 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), (forall f : A -> B -> C, forall l : list B, (MAP2' _18174 f (@nil A) l) = (@nil C)) /\ (forall h1' : A, forall f : A -> B -> C, forall t1 : list A, forall l : list B, (MAP2' _18174 f (@cons A h1' t1) l) = (@cons C (f h1' (@hd B l)) (MAP2' _18174 f t1 (@tl B l))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@MAP2 A B C)). Qed.
Definition EL {A : Type'} : N -> (list A) -> A := @ε ((prod N N) -> N -> (list A) -> A) (fun EL' : (prod N N) -> N -> (list A) -> A => forall _18178 : prod N N, (forall l : list A, (EL' _18178 (NUMERAL 0%N) l) = (@hd A l)) /\ (forall n : N, forall l : list A, (EL' _18178 (N.succ n) l) = (EL' _18178 n (@tl A l)))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))).
Lemma EL_def {A : Type'} : (@EL A) = (@ε ((prod N N) -> N -> (list A) -> A) (fun EL' : (prod N N) -> N -> (list A) -> A => forall _18178 : prod N N, (forall l : list A, (EL' _18178 (NUMERAL 0%N) l) = (@hd A l)) /\ (forall n : N, forall l : list A, (EL' _18178 (N.succ n) l) = (EL' _18178 n (@tl A l)))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@EL A)). Qed.
Definition FILTER {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (list A) -> list A := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> (A -> Prop) -> (list A) -> list A) (fun FILTER' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> (A -> Prop) -> (list A) -> list A => forall _18185 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))), (forall P : A -> Prop, (FILTER' _18185 P (@nil A)) = (@nil A)) /\ (forall h : A, forall P : A -> Prop, forall t : list A, (FILTER' _18185 P (@cons A h t)) = (@COND (list A) (P h) (@cons A h (FILTER' _18185 P t)) (FILTER' _18185 P t)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))).
Lemma FILTER_def {A : Type'} : (@FILTER A) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> (A -> Prop) -> (list A) -> list A) (fun FILTER' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> (A -> Prop) -> (list A) -> list A => forall _18185 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))), (forall P : A -> Prop, (FILTER' _18185 P (@nil A)) = (@nil A)) /\ (forall h : A, forall P : A -> Prop, forall t : list A, (FILTER' _18185 P (@cons A h t)) = (@COND (list A) (P h) (@cons A h (FILTER' _18185 P t)) (FILTER' _18185 P t)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@FILTER A)). Qed.
Definition ASSOC {A B : Type'} : A -> (list (prod A B)) -> B := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) -> A -> (list (prod A B)) -> B) (fun ASSOC' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) -> A -> (list (prod A B)) -> B => forall _18192 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))), forall h : prod A B, forall a : A, forall t : list (prod A B), (ASSOC' _18192 a (@cons (prod A B) h t)) = (@COND B ((@fst A B h) = a) (@snd A B h) (ASSOC' _18192 a t))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))).
Lemma ASSOC_def {A B : Type'} : (@ASSOC A B) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) -> A -> (list (prod A B)) -> B) (fun ASSOC' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) -> A -> (list (prod A B)) -> B => forall _18192 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))), forall h : prod A B, forall a : A, forall t : list (prod A B), (ASSOC' _18192 a (@cons (prod A B) h t)) = (@COND B ((@fst A B h) = a) (@snd A B h) (ASSOC' _18192 a t))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@ASSOC A B)). Qed.
Definition ITLIST2 {A B C : Type'} : (A -> B -> C -> C) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> C -> C := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) -> (A -> B -> C -> C) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> C -> C) (fun ITLIST2' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) -> (A -> B -> C -> C) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> C -> C => forall _18201 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))), (forall f : A -> B -> C -> C, forall l2 : list B, forall b : C, (ITLIST2' _18201 f (@nil A) l2 b) = b) /\ (forall h1' : A, forall f : A -> B -> C -> C, forall t1 : list A, forall l2 : list B, forall b : C, (ITLIST2' _18201 f (@cons A h1' t1) l2 b) = (f h1' (@hd B l2) (ITLIST2' _18201 f t1 (@tl B l2) b)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))).
Lemma ITLIST2_def {A B C : Type'} : (@ITLIST2 A B C) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) -> (A -> B -> C -> C) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> C -> C) (fun ITLIST2' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) -> (A -> B -> C -> C) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> C -> C => forall _18201 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))), (forall f : A -> B -> C -> C, forall l2 : list B, forall b : C, (ITLIST2' _18201 f (@nil A) l2 b) = b) /\ (forall h1' : A, forall f : A -> B -> C -> C, forall t1 : list A, forall l2 : list B, forall b : C, (ITLIST2' _18201 f (@cons A h1' t1) l2 b) = (f h1' (@hd B l2) (ITLIST2' _18201 f t1 (@tl B l2) b)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@ITLIST2 A B C)). Qed.
Definition ZIP {A B : Type'} : (list A) -> (list B) -> list (prod A B) := @ε ((prod N (prod N N)) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> list (prod A B)) (fun ZIP' : (prod N (prod N N)) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> list (prod A B) => forall _18205 : prod N (prod N N), (forall l2 : list B, (ZIP' _18205 (@nil A) l2) = (@nil (prod A B))) /\ (forall h1' : A, forall t1 : list A, forall l2 : list B, (ZIP' _18205 (@cons A h1' t1) l2) = (@cons (prod A B) (@pair A B h1' (@hd B l2)) (ZIP' _18205 t1 (@tl B l2))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))).
Lemma ZIP_def {A B : Type'} : (@ZIP A B) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N N)) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> list (prod A B)) (fun ZIP' : (prod N (prod N N)) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> list (prod A B) => forall _18205 : prod N (prod N N), (forall l2 : list B, (ZIP' _18205 (@nil A) l2) = (@nil (prod A B))) /\ (forall h1' : A, forall t1 : list A, forall l2 : list B, (ZIP' _18205 (@cons A h1' t1) l2) = (@cons (prod A B) (@pair A B h1' (@hd B l2)) (ZIP' _18205 t1 (@tl B l2))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@ZIP A B)). Qed.
Definition ALLPAIRS {A B : Type'} : (A -> B -> Prop) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> Prop := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) -> (A -> B -> Prop) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> Prop) (fun ALLPAIRS' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) -> (A -> B -> Prop) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> Prop => forall _18213 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))), (forall f : A -> B -> Prop, forall l : list B, (ALLPAIRS' _18213 f (@nil A) l) = True) /\ (forall h : A, forall f : A -> B -> Prop, forall t : list A, forall l : list B, (ALLPAIRS' _18213 f (@cons A h t) l) = ((@List.Forall B (f h) l) /\ (ALLPAIRS' _18213 f t l)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))))).
Lemma ALLPAIRS_def {A B : Type'} : (@ALLPAIRS A B) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) -> (A -> B -> Prop) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> Prop) (fun ALLPAIRS' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) -> (A -> B -> Prop) -> (list A) -> (list B) -> Prop => forall _18213 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))), (forall f : A -> B -> Prop, forall l : list B, (ALLPAIRS' _18213 f (@nil A) l) = True) /\ (forall h : A, forall f : A -> B -> Prop, forall t : list A, forall l : list B, (ALLPAIRS' _18213 f (@cons A h t) l) = ((@List.Forall B (f h) l) /\ (ALLPAIRS' _18213 f t l)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@ALLPAIRS A B)). Qed.
Definition list_of_seq {A : Type'} : (N -> A) -> N -> list A := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) -> (N -> A) -> N -> list A) (fun list_of_seq' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) -> (N -> A) -> N -> list A => forall _18227 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))), (forall s : N -> A, (list_of_seq' _18227 s (NUMERAL 0%N)) = (@nil A)) /\ (forall s : N -> A, forall n : N, (list_of_seq' _18227 s (N.succ n)) = (@List.app A (list_of_seq' _18227 s n) (@cons A (s n) (@nil A))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))))))).
Lemma list_of_seq_def {A : Type'} : (@list_of_seq A) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) -> (N -> A) -> N -> list A) (fun list_of_seq' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) -> (N -> A) -> N -> list A => forall _18227 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))), (forall s : N -> A, (list_of_seq' _18227 s (NUMERAL 0%N)) = (@nil A)) /\ (forall s : N -> A, forall n : N, (list_of_seq' _18227 s (N.succ n)) = (@List.app A (list_of_seq' _18227 s n) (@cons A (s n) (@nil A))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@list_of_seq A)). Qed.
Definition _22857 : Prop -> Prop -> Prop -> Prop -> Prop -> Prop -> Prop -> Prop -> Ascii.ascii := fun a0 : Prop => fun a1 : Prop => fun a2 : Prop => fun a3 : Prop => fun a4 : Prop => fun a5 : Prop => fun a6 : Prop => fun a7 : Prop => _mk_char ((fun a0' : Prop => fun a1' : Prop => fun a2' : Prop => fun a3' : Prop => fun a4' : Prop => fun a5' : Prop => fun a6' : Prop => fun a7' : Prop => @CONSTR (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop Prop))))))) (NUMERAL 0%N) (@pair Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop Prop)))))) a0' (@pair Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop Prop))))) a1' (@pair Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop Prop)))) a2' (@pair Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop Prop))) a3' (@pair Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop Prop)) a4' (@pair Prop (prod Prop Prop) a5' (@pair Prop Prop a6' a7'))))))) (fun n : N => @BOTTOM (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop Prop))))))))) a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7).
Lemma _22857_def : _22857 = (fun a0 : Prop => fun a1 : Prop => fun a2 : Prop => fun a3 : Prop => fun a4 : Prop => fun a5 : Prop => fun a6 : Prop => fun a7 : Prop => _mk_char ((fun a0' : Prop => fun a1' : Prop => fun a2' : Prop => fun a3' : Prop => fun a4' : Prop => fun a5' : Prop => fun a6' : Prop => fun a7' : Prop => @CONSTR (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop Prop))))))) (NUMERAL 0%N) (@pair Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop Prop)))))) a0' (@pair Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop Prop))))) a1' (@pair Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop Prop)))) a2' (@pair Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop Prop))) a3' (@pair Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop Prop)) a4' (@pair Prop (prod Prop Prop) a5' (@pair Prop Prop a6' a7'))))))) (fun n : N => @BOTTOM (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop (prod Prop Prop))))))))) a0 a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl _22857). Qed.
Definition ASCII : Prop -> Prop -> Prop -> Prop -> Prop -> Prop -> Prop -> Prop -> Ascii.ascii := _22857.
Lemma ASCII_def : ASCII = _22857.
Proof. exact (eq_refl ASCII). Qed.
Lemma dist_def : dist = (fun _22947 : prod N N => N.add (N.sub (@fst N N _22947) (@snd N N _22947)) (N.sub (@snd N N _22947) (@fst N N _22947))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl dist). Qed.
Lemma is_nadd_def : is_nadd = (fun _23257 : N -> N => exists B : N, forall m : N, forall n : N, N.le (dist (@pair N N (N.mul m (_23257 n)) (N.mul n (_23257 m)))) (N.mul B (N.add m n))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl is_nadd). Qed.
Lemma nadd_eq_def : nadd_eq = (fun _23276 : nadd => fun _23277 : nadd => exists B : N, forall n : N, N.le (dist (@pair N N (dest_nadd _23276 n) (dest_nadd _23277 n))) B).
Proof. exact (eq_refl nadd_eq). Qed.
Lemma nadd_of_num_def : nadd_of_num = (fun _23288 : N => mk_nadd (fun n : N => N.mul _23288 n)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl nadd_of_num). Qed.
Lemma nadd_le_def : nadd_le = (fun _23295 : nadd => fun _23296 : nadd => exists B : N, forall n : N, N.le (dest_nadd _23295 n) (N.add (dest_nadd _23296 n) B)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl nadd_le). Qed.
Lemma nadd_add_def : nadd_add = (fun _23311 : nadd => fun _23312 : nadd => mk_nadd (fun n : N => N.add (dest_nadd _23311 n) (dest_nadd _23312 n))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl nadd_add). Qed.
Lemma nadd_mul_def : nadd_mul = (fun _23325 : nadd => fun _23326 : nadd => mk_nadd (fun n : N => dest_nadd _23325 (dest_nadd _23326 n))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl nadd_mul). Qed.
Lemma nadd_rinv_def : nadd_rinv = (fun _23462 : nadd => fun n : N => N.div (N.mul n n) (dest_nadd _23462 n)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl nadd_rinv). Qed.
Lemma nadd_inv_def : nadd_inv = (fun _23476 : nadd => @COND nadd (nadd_eq _23476 (nadd_of_num (NUMERAL 0%N))) (nadd_of_num (NUMERAL 0%N)) (mk_nadd (nadd_rinv _23476))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl nadd_inv). Qed.
Lemma hreal_of_num_def : hreal_of_num = (fun m : N => mk_hreal (fun u : nadd => nadd_eq (nadd_of_num m) u)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl hreal_of_num). Qed.
Lemma hreal_add_def : hreal_add = (fun x : hreal => fun y : hreal => mk_hreal (fun u : nadd => exists x' : nadd, exists y' : nadd, (nadd_eq (nadd_add x' y') u) /\ ((dest_hreal x x') /\ (dest_hreal y y')))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl hreal_add). Qed.
Lemma hreal_mul_def : hreal_mul = (fun x : hreal => fun y : hreal => mk_hreal (fun u : nadd => exists x' : nadd, exists y' : nadd, (nadd_eq (nadd_mul x' y') u) /\ ((dest_hreal x x') /\ (dest_hreal y y')))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl hreal_mul). Qed.
Lemma hreal_le_def : hreal_le = (fun x : hreal => fun y : hreal => @ε Prop (fun u : Prop => exists x' : nadd, exists y' : nadd, ((nadd_le x' y') = u) /\ ((dest_hreal x x') /\ (dest_hreal y y')))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl hreal_le). Qed.
Lemma hreal_inv_def : hreal_inv = (fun x : hreal => mk_hreal (fun u : nadd => exists x' : nadd, (nadd_eq (nadd_inv x') u) /\ (dest_hreal x x'))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl hreal_inv). Qed.
Lemma treal_of_num_def : treal_of_num = (fun _23721 : N => @pair hreal hreal (hreal_of_num _23721) (hreal_of_num (NUMERAL 0%N))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl treal_of_num). Qed.
Lemma treal_neg_def : treal_neg = (fun _23726 : prod hreal hreal => @pair hreal hreal (@snd hreal hreal _23726) (@fst hreal hreal _23726)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl treal_neg). Qed.
Lemma treal_add_def : treal_add = (fun _23735 : prod hreal hreal => fun _23736 : prod hreal hreal => @pair hreal hreal (hreal_add (@fst hreal hreal _23735) (@fst hreal hreal _23736)) (hreal_add (@snd hreal hreal _23735) (@snd hreal hreal _23736))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl treal_add). Qed.
Lemma treal_mul_def : treal_mul = (fun _23757 : prod hreal hreal => fun _23758 : prod hreal hreal => @pair hreal hreal (hreal_add (hreal_mul (@fst hreal hreal _23757) (@fst hreal hreal _23758)) (hreal_mul (@snd hreal hreal _23757) (@snd hreal hreal _23758))) (hreal_add (hreal_mul (@fst hreal hreal _23757) (@snd hreal hreal _23758)) (hreal_mul (@snd hreal hreal _23757) (@fst hreal hreal _23758)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl treal_mul). Qed.
Lemma treal_le_def : treal_le = (fun _23779 : prod hreal hreal => fun _23780 : prod hreal hreal => hreal_le (hreal_add (@fst hreal hreal _23779) (@snd hreal hreal _23780)) (hreal_add (@fst hreal hreal _23780) (@snd hreal hreal _23779))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl treal_le). Qed.
Lemma treal_inv_def : treal_inv = (fun _23801 : prod hreal hreal => @COND (prod hreal hreal) ((@fst hreal hreal _23801) = (@snd hreal hreal _23801)) (@pair hreal hreal (hreal_of_num (NUMERAL 0%N)) (hreal_of_num (NUMERAL 0%N))) (@COND (prod hreal hreal) (hreal_le (@snd hreal hreal _23801) (@fst hreal hreal _23801)) (@pair hreal hreal (hreal_inv (@ε hreal (fun d : hreal => (@fst hreal hreal _23801) = (hreal_add (@snd hreal hreal _23801) d)))) (hreal_of_num (NUMERAL 0%N))) (@pair hreal hreal (hreal_of_num (NUMERAL 0%N)) (hreal_inv (@ε hreal (fun d : hreal => (@snd hreal hreal _23801) = (hreal_add (@fst hreal hreal _23801) d))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl treal_inv). Qed.
Lemma treal_eq_def : treal_eq = (fun _23810 : prod hreal hreal => fun _23811 : prod hreal hreal => (hreal_add (@fst hreal hreal _23810) (@snd hreal hreal _23811)) = (hreal_add (@fst hreal hreal _23811) (@snd hreal hreal _23810))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl treal_eq). Qed.
Definition real_pow : R -> N -> R := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) -> R -> N -> R) (fun real_pow' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) -> R -> N -> R => forall _24085 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))), (forall x : R, (real_pow' _24085 x (NUMERAL 0%N)) = (R_of_N (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)))) /\ (forall x : R, forall n : N, (real_pow' _24085 x (N.succ n)) = (Rmult x (real_pow' _24085 x n)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))))).
Lemma real_pow_def : real_pow = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) -> R -> N -> R) (fun real_pow' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) -> R -> N -> R => forall _24085 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))), (forall x : R, (real_pow' _24085 x (NUMERAL 0%N)) = (R_of_N (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)))) /\ (forall x : R, forall n : N, (real_pow' _24085 x (N.succ n)) = (Rmult x (real_pow' _24085 x n)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl real_pow). Qed.
Definition real_sgn : R -> R := fun _26598 : R => @COND R (Rlt (R_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) _26598) (R_of_N (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) (@COND R (Rlt _26598 (R_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N))) (Ropp (R_of_N (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)))) (R_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N))).
Lemma real_sgn_def : real_sgn = (fun _26598 : R => @COND R (Rlt (R_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) _26598) (R_of_N (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) (@COND R (Rlt _26598 (R_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N))) (Ropp (R_of_N (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)))) (R_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl real_sgn). Qed.
Definition sqrt : R -> R := fun _27149 : R => @ε R (fun y : R => ((real_sgn y) = (real_sgn _27149)) /\ ((real_pow y (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))) = (Rabs _27149))).
Lemma sqrt_def : sqrt = (fun _27149 : R => @ε R (fun y : R => ((real_sgn y) = (real_sgn _27149)) /\ ((real_pow y (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))) = (Rabs _27149)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl sqrt). Qed.
Definition DECIMAL : N -> N -> R := fun _27828 : N => fun _27829 : N => Rdiv (R_of_N _27828) (R_of_N _27829).
Lemma DECIMAL_def : DECIMAL = (fun _27828 : N => fun _27829 : N => Rdiv (R_of_N _27828) (R_of_N _27829)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl DECIMAL). Qed.
Definition integer : R -> Prop := fun _28715 : R => exists n : N, (Rabs _28715) = (R_of_N n).
Lemma integer_def : integer = (fun _28715 : R => exists n : N, (Rabs _28715) = (R_of_N n)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl integer). Qed.
Definition int_le : Z -> Z -> Prop := fun _28741 : Z => fun _28742 : Z => Rle (IZR _28741) (IZR _28742).
Lemma int_le_def : int_le = (fun _28741 : Z => fun _28742 : Z => Rle (IZR _28741) (IZR _28742)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl int_le). Qed.
Definition int_lt : Z -> Z -> Prop := fun _28753 : Z => fun _28754 : Z => Rlt (IZR _28753) (IZR _28754).
Lemma int_lt_def : int_lt = (fun _28753 : Z => fun _28754 : Z => Rlt (IZR _28753) (IZR _28754)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl int_lt). Qed.
Definition int_ge : Z -> Z -> Prop := fun _28765 : Z => fun _28766 : Z => Rge (IZR _28765) (IZR _28766).
Lemma int_ge_def : int_ge = (fun _28765 : Z => fun _28766 : Z => Rge (IZR _28765) (IZR _28766)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl int_ge). Qed.
Definition int_gt : Z -> Z -> Prop := fun _28777 : Z => fun _28778 : Z => Rgt (IZR _28777) (IZR _28778).
Lemma int_gt_def : int_gt = (fun _28777 : Z => fun _28778 : Z => Rgt (IZR _28777) (IZR _28778)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl int_gt). Qed.
Definition int_neg : Z -> Z := fun _28794 : Z => int_of_real (Ropp (IZR _28794)).
Lemma int_neg_def : int_neg = (fun _28794 : Z => int_of_real (Ropp (IZR _28794))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl int_neg). Qed.
Definition int_add : Z -> Z -> Z := fun _28803 : Z => fun _28804 : Z => int_of_real (Rplus (IZR _28803) (IZR _28804)).
Lemma int_add_def : int_add = (fun _28803 : Z => fun _28804 : Z => int_of_real (Rplus (IZR _28803) (IZR _28804))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl int_add). Qed.
Definition int_sub : Z -> Z -> Z := fun _28835 : Z => fun _28836 : Z => int_of_real (Rminus (IZR _28835) (IZR _28836)).
Lemma int_sub_def : int_sub = (fun _28835 : Z => fun _28836 : Z => int_of_real (Rminus (IZR _28835) (IZR _28836))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl int_sub). Qed.
Definition int_mul : Z -> Z -> Z := fun _28847 : Z => fun _28848 : Z => int_of_real (Rmult (IZR _28847) (IZR _28848)).
Lemma int_mul_def : int_mul = (fun _28847 : Z => fun _28848 : Z => int_of_real (Rmult (IZR _28847) (IZR _28848))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl int_mul). Qed.
Definition int_abs : Z -> Z := fun _28867 : Z => int_of_real (Rabs (IZR _28867)).
Lemma int_abs_def : int_abs = (fun _28867 : Z => int_of_real (Rabs (IZR _28867))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl int_abs). Qed.
Definition int_sgn : Z -> Z := fun _28878 : Z => int_of_real (real_sgn (IZR _28878)).
Lemma int_sgn_def : int_sgn = (fun _28878 : Z => int_of_real (real_sgn (IZR _28878))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl int_sgn). Qed.
Definition int_max : Z -> Z -> Z := fun _28938 : Z => fun _28939 : Z => int_of_real (Rmax (IZR _28938) (IZR _28939)).
Lemma int_max_def : int_max = (fun _28938 : Z => fun _28939 : Z => int_of_real (Rmax (IZR _28938) (IZR _28939))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl int_max). Qed.
Definition int_min : Z -> Z -> Z := fun _28956 : Z => fun _28957 : Z => int_of_real (Rmin (IZR _28956) (IZR _28957)).
Lemma int_min_def : int_min = (fun _28956 : Z => fun _28957 : Z => int_of_real (Rmin (IZR _28956) (IZR _28957))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl int_min). Qed.
Definition int_pow : Z -> N -> Z := fun _28974 : Z => fun _28975 : N => int_of_real (real_pow (IZR _28974) _28975).
Lemma int_pow_def : int_pow = (fun _28974 : Z => fun _28975 : N => int_of_real (real_pow (IZR _28974) _28975)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl int_pow). Qed.
Definition div : Z -> Z -> Z := @ε ((prod N (prod N N)) -> Z -> Z -> Z) (fun q : (prod N (prod N N)) -> Z -> Z -> Z => forall _29326 : prod N (prod N N), exists r : Z -> Z -> Z, forall m : Z, forall n : Z, @COND Prop (n = (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N))) (((q _29326 m n) = (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N))) /\ ((r m n) = m)) ((int_le (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) (r m n)) /\ ((int_lt (r m n) (int_abs n)) /\ (m = (int_add (int_mul (q _29326 m n) n) (r m n)))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))).
Lemma div_def : div = (@ε ((prod N (prod N N)) -> Z -> Z -> Z) (fun q : (prod N (prod N N)) -> Z -> Z -> Z => forall _29326 : prod N (prod N N), exists r : Z -> Z -> Z, forall m : Z, forall n : Z, @COND Prop (n = (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N))) (((q _29326 m n) = (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N))) /\ ((r m n) = m)) ((int_le (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) (r m n)) /\ ((int_lt (r m n) (int_abs n)) /\ (m = (int_add (int_mul (q _29326 m n) n) (r m n)))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl div). Qed.
Definition rem : Z -> Z -> Z := @ε ((prod N (prod N N)) -> Z -> Z -> Z) (fun r : (prod N (prod N N)) -> Z -> Z -> Z => forall _29327 : prod N (prod N N), forall m : Z, forall n : Z, @COND Prop (n = (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N))) (((div m n) = (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N))) /\ ((r _29327 m n) = m)) ((int_le (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) (r _29327 m n)) /\ ((int_lt (r _29327 m n) (int_abs n)) /\ (m = (int_add (int_mul (div m n) n) (r _29327 m n)))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))).
Lemma rem_def : rem = (@ε ((prod N (prod N N)) -> Z -> Z -> Z) (fun r : (prod N (prod N N)) -> Z -> Z -> Z => forall _29327 : prod N (prod N N), forall m : Z, forall n : Z, @COND Prop (n = (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N))) (((div m n) = (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N))) /\ ((r _29327 m n) = m)) ((int_le (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) (r _29327 m n)) /\ ((int_lt (r _29327 m n) (int_abs n)) /\ (m = (int_add (int_mul (div m n) n) (r _29327 m n)))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl rem). Qed.
Definition eq2 {A : Type'} : A -> A -> (A -> A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _29602 : A => fun _29603 : A => fun _29604 : A -> A -> Prop => _29604 _29602 _29603.
Lemma eq2_def {A : Type'} : (@eq2 A) = (fun _29602 : A => fun _29603 : A => fun _29604 : A -> A -> Prop => _29604 _29602 _29603).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@eq2 A)). Qed.
Definition real_mod : R -> R -> R -> Prop := fun _29623 : R => fun _29624 : R => fun _29625 : R => exists q : R, (integer q) /\ ((Rminus _29624 _29625) = (Rmult q _29623)).
Lemma real_mod_def : real_mod = (fun _29623 : R => fun _29624 : R => fun _29625 : R => exists q : R, (integer q) /\ ((Rminus _29624 _29625) = (Rmult q _29623))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl real_mod). Qed.
Definition int_divides : Z -> Z -> Prop := fun _29644 : Z => fun _29645 : Z => exists x : Z, _29645 = (int_mul _29644 x).
Lemma int_divides_def : int_divides = (fun _29644 : Z => fun _29645 : Z => exists x : Z, _29645 = (int_mul _29644 x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl int_divides). Qed.
Definition int_mod : Z -> Z -> Z -> Prop := fun _29664 : Z => fun _29665 : Z => fun _29666 : Z => int_divides _29664 (int_sub _29665 _29666).
Lemma int_mod_def : int_mod = (fun _29664 : Z => fun _29665 : Z => fun _29666 : Z => int_divides _29664 (int_sub _29665 _29666)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl int_mod). Qed.
Definition int_coprime : (prod Z Z) -> Prop := fun _29691 : prod Z Z => exists x : Z, exists y : Z, (int_add (int_mul (@fst Z Z _29691) x) (int_mul (@snd Z Z _29691) y)) = (Z_of_N (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))).
Lemma int_coprime_def : int_coprime = (fun _29691 : prod Z Z => exists x : Z, exists y : Z, (int_add (int_mul (@fst Z Z _29691) x) (int_mul (@snd Z Z _29691) y)) = (Z_of_N (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl int_coprime). Qed.
Definition int_gcd : (prod Z Z) -> Z := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) -> (prod Z Z) -> Z) (fun d : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) -> (prod Z Z) -> Z => forall _30960 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))), forall a : Z, forall b : Z, (int_le (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) (d _30960 (@pair Z Z a b))) /\ ((int_divides (d _30960 (@pair Z Z a b)) a) /\ ((int_divides (d _30960 (@pair Z Z a b)) b) /\ (exists x : Z, exists y : Z, (d _30960 (@pair Z Z a b)) = (int_add (int_mul a x) (int_mul b y)))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))).
Lemma int_gcd_def : int_gcd = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) -> (prod Z Z) -> Z) (fun d : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) -> (prod Z Z) -> Z => forall _30960 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))), forall a : Z, forall b : Z, (int_le (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) (d _30960 (@pair Z Z a b))) /\ ((int_divides (d _30960 (@pair Z Z a b)) a) /\ ((int_divides (d _30960 (@pair Z Z a b)) b) /\ (exists x : Z, exists y : Z, (d _30960 (@pair Z Z a b)) = (int_add (int_mul a x) (int_mul b y)))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl int_gcd). Qed.
Definition int_lcm : (prod Z Z) -> Z := fun _30961 : prod Z Z => @COND Z ((int_mul (@fst Z Z _30961) (@snd Z Z _30961)) = (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N))) (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) (div (int_abs (int_mul (@fst Z Z _30961) (@snd Z Z _30961))) (int_gcd (@pair Z Z (@fst Z Z _30961) (@snd Z Z _30961)))).
Lemma int_lcm_def : int_lcm = (fun _30961 : prod Z Z => @COND Z ((int_mul (@fst Z Z _30961) (@snd Z Z _30961)) = (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N))) (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) (div (int_abs (int_mul (@fst Z Z _30961) (@snd Z Z _30961))) (int_gcd (@pair Z Z (@fst Z Z _30961) (@snd Z Z _30961))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl int_lcm). Qed.
Definition num_of_int : Z -> N := fun _31234 : Z => @ε N (fun n : N => (Z_of_N n) = _31234).
Lemma num_of_int_def : num_of_int = (fun _31234 : Z => @ε N (fun n : N => (Z_of_N n) = _31234)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl num_of_int). Qed.
Definition num_divides : N -> N -> Prop := fun _31266 : N => fun _31267 : N => int_divides (Z_of_N _31266) (Z_of_N _31267).
Lemma num_divides_def : num_divides = (fun _31266 : N => fun _31267 : N => int_divides (Z_of_N _31266) (Z_of_N _31267)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl num_divides). Qed.
Definition num_mod : N -> N -> N -> Prop := fun _31278 : N => fun _31279 : N => fun _31280 : N => int_mod (Z_of_N _31278) (Z_of_N _31279) (Z_of_N _31280).
Lemma num_mod_def : num_mod = (fun _31278 : N => fun _31279 : N => fun _31280 : N => int_mod (Z_of_N _31278) (Z_of_N _31279) (Z_of_N _31280)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl num_mod). Qed.
Definition num_coprime : (prod N N) -> Prop := fun _31299 : prod N N => int_coprime (@pair Z Z (Z_of_N (@fst N N _31299)) (Z_of_N (@snd N N _31299))).
Lemma num_coprime_def : num_coprime = (fun _31299 : prod N N => int_coprime (@pair Z Z (Z_of_N (@fst N N _31299)) (Z_of_N (@snd N N _31299)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl num_coprime). Qed.
Definition num_gcd : (prod N N) -> N := fun _31308 : prod N N => num_of_int (int_gcd (@pair Z Z (Z_of_N (@fst N N _31308)) (Z_of_N (@snd N N _31308)))).
Lemma num_gcd_def : num_gcd = (fun _31308 : prod N N => num_of_int (int_gcd (@pair Z Z (Z_of_N (@fst N N _31308)) (Z_of_N (@snd N N _31308))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl num_gcd). Qed.
Definition num_lcm : (prod N N) -> N := fun _31317 : prod N N => num_of_int (int_lcm (@pair Z Z (Z_of_N (@fst N N _31317)) (Z_of_N (@snd N N _31317)))).
Lemma num_lcm_def : num_lcm = (fun _31317 : prod N N => num_of_int (int_lcm (@pair Z Z (Z_of_N (@fst N N _31317)) (Z_of_N (@snd N N _31317))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl num_lcm). Qed.
Definition prime : N -> Prop := fun _32102 : N => (~ (_32102 = (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)))) /\ (forall x : N, (num_divides x _32102) -> (x = (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) \/ (x = _32102)).
Lemma prime_def : prime = (fun _32102 : N => (~ (_32102 = (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)))) /\ (forall x : N, (num_divides x _32102) -> (x = (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) \/ (x = _32102))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl prime). Qed.
Definition real_zpow : R -> Z -> R := fun _32260 : R => fun _32261 : Z => @COND R (int_le (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) _32261) (real_pow _32260 (num_of_int _32261)) (Rinv (real_pow _32260 (num_of_int (int_neg _32261)))).
Lemma real_zpow_def : real_zpow = (fun _32260 : R => fun _32261 : Z => @COND R (int_le (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) _32261) (real_pow _32260 (num_of_int _32261)) (Rinv (real_pow _32260 (num_of_int (int_neg _32261))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl real_zpow). Qed.
Definition IN {A : Type'} : A -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _32317 : A => fun _32318 : A -> Prop => _32318 _32317.
Lemma IN_def {A : Type'} : (@IN A) = (fun _32317 : A => fun _32318 : A -> Prop => _32318 _32317).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@IN A)). Qed.
Definition GSPEC {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop := fun _32329 : A -> Prop => _32329.
Lemma GSPEC_def {A : Type'} : (@GSPEC A) = (fun _32329 : A -> Prop => _32329).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@GSPEC A)). Qed.
Definition SETSPEC {A : Type'} : A -> Prop -> A -> Prop := fun _32334 : A => fun _32335 : Prop => fun _32336 : A => _32335 /\ (_32334 = _32336).
Lemma SETSPEC_def {A : Type'} : (@SETSPEC A) = (fun _32334 : A => fun _32335 : Prop => fun _32336 : A => _32335 /\ (_32334 = _32336)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@SETSPEC A)). Qed.
Definition EMPTY {A : Type'} : A -> Prop := fun x : A => False.
Lemma EMPTY_def {A : Type'} : (@EMPTY A) = (fun x : A => False).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@EMPTY A)). Qed.
Definition INSERT {A : Type'} : A -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop := fun _32373 : A => fun _32374 : A -> Prop => fun y : A => (@IN A y _32374) \/ (y = _32373).
Lemma INSERT_def {A : Type'} : (@INSERT A) = (fun _32373 : A => fun _32374 : A -> Prop => fun y : A => (@IN A y _32374) \/ (y = _32373)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@INSERT A)). Qed.
Definition UNIV {A : Type'} : A -> Prop := fun x : A => True.
Lemma UNIV_def {A : Type'} : (@UNIV A) = (fun x : A => True).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@UNIV A)). Qed.
Definition UNION {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop := fun _32385 : A -> Prop => fun _32386 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_0 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_0 ((@IN A x _32385) \/ (@IN A x _32386)) x).
Lemma UNION_def {A : Type'} : (@UNION A) = (fun _32385 : A -> Prop => fun _32386 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_0 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_0 ((@IN A x _32385) \/ (@IN A x _32386)) x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@UNION A)). Qed.
Definition UNIONS {A : Type'} : ((A -> Prop) -> Prop) -> A -> Prop := fun _32397 : (A -> Prop) -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_1 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_1 (exists u : A -> Prop, (@IN (A -> Prop) u _32397) /\ (@IN A x u)) x).
Lemma UNIONS_def {A : Type'} : (@UNIONS A) = (fun _32397 : (A -> Prop) -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_1 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_1 (exists u : A -> Prop, (@IN (A -> Prop) u _32397) /\ (@IN A x u)) x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@UNIONS A)). Qed.
Definition INTER {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop := fun _32402 : A -> Prop => fun _32403 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_2 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_2 ((@IN A x _32402) /\ (@IN A x _32403)) x).
Lemma INTER_def {A : Type'} : (@INTER A) = (fun _32402 : A -> Prop => fun _32403 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_2 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_2 ((@IN A x _32402) /\ (@IN A x _32403)) x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@INTER A)). Qed.
Definition INTERS {A : Type'} : ((A -> Prop) -> Prop) -> A -> Prop := fun _32414 : (A -> Prop) -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_3 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_3 (forall u : A -> Prop, (@IN (A -> Prop) u _32414) -> @IN A x u) x).
Lemma INTERS_def {A : Type'} : (@INTERS A) = (fun _32414 : (A -> Prop) -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_3 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_3 (forall u : A -> Prop, (@IN (A -> Prop) u _32414) -> @IN A x u) x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@INTERS A)). Qed.
Definition DIFF {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop := fun _32419 : A -> Prop => fun _32420 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_4 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_4 ((@IN A x _32419) /\ (~ (@IN A x _32420))) x).
Lemma DIFF_def {A : Type'} : (@DIFF A) = (fun _32419 : A -> Prop => fun _32420 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_4 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_4 ((@IN A x _32419) /\ (~ (@IN A x _32420))) x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@DIFF A)). Qed.
Definition DELETE {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> A -> A -> Prop := fun _32431 : A -> Prop => fun _32432 : A => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_6 : A => exists y : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_6 ((@IN A y _32431) /\ (~ (y = _32432))) y).
Lemma DELETE_def {A : Type'} : (@DELETE A) = (fun _32431 : A -> Prop => fun _32432 : A => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_6 : A => exists y : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_6 ((@IN A y _32431) /\ (~ (y = _32432))) y)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@DELETE A)). Qed.
Definition SUBSET {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _32443 : A -> Prop => fun _32444 : A -> Prop => forall x : A, (@IN A x _32443) -> @IN A x _32444.
Lemma SUBSET_def {A : Type'} : (@SUBSET A) = (fun _32443 : A -> Prop => fun _32444 : A -> Prop => forall x : A, (@IN A x _32443) -> @IN A x _32444).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@SUBSET A)). Qed.
Definition PSUBSET {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _32455 : A -> Prop => fun _32456 : A -> Prop => (@SUBSET A _32455 _32456) /\ (~ (_32455 = _32456)).
Lemma PSUBSET_def {A : Type'} : (@PSUBSET A) = (fun _32455 : A -> Prop => fun _32456 : A -> Prop => (@SUBSET A _32455 _32456) /\ (~ (_32455 = _32456))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@PSUBSET A)). Qed.
Definition DISJOINT {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _32467 : A -> Prop => fun _32468 : A -> Prop => (@INTER A _32467 _32468) = (@EMPTY A).
Lemma DISJOINT_def {A : Type'} : (@DISJOINT A) = (fun _32467 : A -> Prop => fun _32468 : A -> Prop => (@INTER A _32467 _32468) = (@EMPTY A)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@DISJOINT A)). Qed.
Definition SING {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _32479 : A -> Prop => exists x : A, _32479 = (@INSERT A x (@EMPTY A)).
Lemma SING_def {A : Type'} : (@SING A) = (fun _32479 : A -> Prop => exists x : A, _32479 = (@INSERT A x (@EMPTY A))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@SING A)). Qed.
Definition FINITE {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun a : A -> Prop => forall FINITE' : (A -> Prop) -> Prop, (forall a' : A -> Prop, ((a' = (@EMPTY A)) \/ (exists x : A, exists s : A -> Prop, (a' = (@INSERT A x s)) /\ (FINITE' s))) -> FINITE' a') -> FINITE' a.
Lemma FINITE_def {A : Type'} : (@FINITE A) = (fun a : A -> Prop => forall FINITE' : (A -> Prop) -> Prop, (forall a' : A -> Prop, ((a' = (@EMPTY A)) \/ (exists x : A, exists s : A -> Prop, (a' = (@INSERT A x s)) /\ (FINITE' s))) -> FINITE' a') -> FINITE' a).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@FINITE A)). Qed.
Definition INFINITE {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _32488 : A -> Prop => ~ (@FINITE A _32488).
Lemma INFINITE_def {A : Type'} : (@INFINITE A) = (fun _32488 : A -> Prop => ~ (@FINITE A _32488)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@INFINITE A)). Qed.
Definition IMAGE {A B : Type'} : (A -> B) -> (A -> Prop) -> B -> Prop := fun _32493 : A -> B => fun _32494 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC B (fun GEN_PVAR_7 : B => exists y : B, @SETSPEC B GEN_PVAR_7 (exists x : A, (@IN A x _32494) /\ (y = (_32493 x))) y).
Lemma IMAGE_def {A B : Type'} : (@IMAGE A B) = (fun _32493 : A -> B => fun _32494 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC B (fun GEN_PVAR_7 : B => exists y : B, @SETSPEC B GEN_PVAR_7 (exists x : A, (@IN A x _32494) /\ (y = (_32493 x))) y)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@IMAGE A B)). Qed.
Definition INJ {A B : Type'} : (A -> B) -> (A -> Prop) -> (B -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _32505 : A -> B => fun _32506 : A -> Prop => fun _32507 : B -> Prop => (forall x : A, (@IN A x _32506) -> @IN B (_32505 x) _32507) /\ (forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x _32506) /\ ((@IN A y _32506) /\ ((_32505 x) = (_32505 y)))) -> x = y).
Lemma INJ_def {A B : Type'} : (@INJ A B) = (fun _32505 : A -> B => fun _32506 : A -> Prop => fun _32507 : B -> Prop => (forall x : A, (@IN A x _32506) -> @IN B (_32505 x) _32507) /\ (forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x _32506) /\ ((@IN A y _32506) /\ ((_32505 x) = (_32505 y)))) -> x = y)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@INJ A B)). Qed.
Definition SURJ {A B : Type'} : (A -> B) -> (A -> Prop) -> (B -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _32526 : A -> B => fun _32527 : A -> Prop => fun _32528 : B -> Prop => (forall x : A, (@IN A x _32527) -> @IN B (_32526 x) _32528) /\ (forall x : B, (@IN B x _32528) -> exists y : A, (@IN A y _32527) /\ ((_32526 y) = x)).
Lemma SURJ_def {A B : Type'} : (@SURJ A B) = (fun _32526 : A -> B => fun _32527 : A -> Prop => fun _32528 : B -> Prop => (forall x : A, (@IN A x _32527) -> @IN B (_32526 x) _32528) /\ (forall x : B, (@IN B x _32528) -> exists y : A, (@IN A y _32527) /\ ((_32526 y) = x))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@SURJ A B)). Qed.
Definition BIJ {A B : Type'} : (A -> B) -> (A -> Prop) -> (B -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _32547 : A -> B => fun _32548 : A -> Prop => fun _32549 : B -> Prop => (@INJ A B _32547 _32548 _32549) /\ (@SURJ A B _32547 _32548 _32549).
Lemma BIJ_def {A B : Type'} : (@BIJ A B) = (fun _32547 : A -> B => fun _32548 : A -> Prop => fun _32549 : B -> Prop => (@INJ A B _32547 _32548 _32549) /\ (@SURJ A B _32547 _32548 _32549)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@BIJ A B)). Qed.
Definition CHOICE {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> A := fun _32568 : A -> Prop => @ε A (fun x : A => @IN A x _32568).
Lemma CHOICE_def {A : Type'} : (@CHOICE A) = (fun _32568 : A -> Prop => @ε A (fun x : A => @IN A x _32568)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@CHOICE A)). Qed.
Definition REST {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop := fun _32573 : A -> Prop => @DELETE A _32573 (@CHOICE A _32573).
Lemma REST_def {A : Type'} : (@REST A) = (fun _32573 : A -> Prop => @DELETE A _32573 (@CHOICE A _32573)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@REST A)). Qed.
Definition FINREC {A B : Type'} : (A -> B -> B) -> B -> (A -> Prop) -> B -> N -> Prop := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> (A -> B -> B) -> B -> (A -> Prop) -> B -> N -> Prop) (fun FINREC' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> (A -> B -> B) -> B -> (A -> Prop) -> B -> N -> Prop => forall _42175 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))), (forall f : A -> B -> B, forall s : A -> Prop, forall a : B, forall b : B, (FINREC' _42175 f b s a (NUMERAL 0%N)) = ((s = (@EMPTY A)) /\ (a = b))) /\ (forall b : B, forall s : A -> Prop, forall n : N, forall a : B, forall f : A -> B -> B, (FINREC' _42175 f b s a (N.succ n)) = (exists x : A, exists c : B, (@IN A x s) /\ ((FINREC' _42175 f b (@DELETE A s x) c n) /\ (a = (f x c)))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))).
Lemma FINREC_def {A B : Type'} : (@FINREC A B) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> (A -> B -> B) -> B -> (A -> Prop) -> B -> N -> Prop) (fun FINREC' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) -> (A -> B -> B) -> B -> (A -> Prop) -> B -> N -> Prop => forall _42175 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))), (forall f : A -> B -> B, forall s : A -> Prop, forall a : B, forall b : B, (FINREC' _42175 f b s a (NUMERAL 0%N)) = ((s = (@EMPTY A)) /\ (a = b))) /\ (forall b : B, forall s : A -> Prop, forall n : N, forall a : B, forall f : A -> B -> B, (FINREC' _42175 f b s a (N.succ n)) = (exists x : A, exists c : B, (@IN A x s) /\ ((FINREC' _42175 f b (@DELETE A s x) c n) /\ (a = (f x c)))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@FINREC A B)). Qed.
Definition ITSET {A B : Type'} : (A -> B -> B) -> (A -> Prop) -> B -> B := fun _43025 : A -> B -> B => fun _43026 : A -> Prop => fun _43027 : B => @ε ((A -> Prop) -> B) (fun g : (A -> Prop) -> B => ((g (@EMPTY A)) = _43027) /\ (forall x : A, forall s : A -> Prop, (@FINITE A s) -> (g (@INSERT A x s)) = (@COND B (@IN A x s) (g s) (_43025 x (g s))))) _43026.
Lemma ITSET_def {A B : Type'} : (@ITSET A B) = (fun _43025 : A -> B -> B => fun _43026 : A -> Prop => fun _43027 : B => @ε ((A -> Prop) -> B) (fun g : (A -> Prop) -> B => ((g (@EMPTY A)) = _43027) /\ (forall x : A, forall s : A -> Prop, (@FINITE A s) -> (g (@INSERT A x s)) = (@COND B (@IN A x s) (g s) (_43025 x (g s))))) _43026).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@ITSET A B)). Qed.
Definition CARD {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> N := fun _43228 : A -> Prop => @ITSET A N (fun x : A => fun n : N => N.succ n) _43228 (NUMERAL 0%N).
Lemma CARD_def {A : Type'} : (@CARD A) = (fun _43228 : A -> Prop => @ITSET A N (fun x : A => fun n : N => N.succ n) _43228 (NUMERAL 0%N)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@CARD A)). Qed.
Definition HAS_SIZE {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> N -> Prop := fun _43403 : A -> Prop => fun _43404 : N => (@FINITE A _43403) /\ ((@CARD A _43403) = _43404).
Lemma HAS_SIZE_def {A : Type'} : (@HAS_SIZE A) = (fun _43403 : A -> Prop => fun _43404 : N => (@FINITE A _43403) /\ ((@CARD A _43403) = _43404)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@HAS_SIZE A)). Qed.
Definition CROSS {A B : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (B -> Prop) -> (prod A B) -> Prop := fun _47322 : A -> Prop => fun _47323 : B -> Prop => @GSPEC (prod A B) (fun GEN_PVAR_132 : prod A B => exists x : A, exists y : B, @SETSPEC (prod A B) GEN_PVAR_132 ((@IN A x _47322) /\ (@IN B y _47323)) (@pair A B x y)).
Lemma CROSS_def {A B : Type'} : (@CROSS A B) = (fun _47322 : A -> Prop => fun _47323 : B -> Prop => @GSPEC (prod A B) (fun GEN_PVAR_132 : prod A B => exists x : A, exists y : B, @SETSPEC (prod A B) GEN_PVAR_132 ((@IN A x _47322) /\ (@IN B y _47323)) (@pair A B x y))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@CROSS A B)). Qed.
Definition ARB {A : Type'} : A := @ε A (fun x : A => False).
Lemma ARB_def {A : Type'} : (@ARB A) = (@ε A (fun x : A => False)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@ARB A)). Qed.
Definition EXTENSIONAL {A B : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (A -> B) -> Prop := fun _48096 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC (A -> B) (fun GEN_PVAR_141 : A -> B => exists f : A -> B, @SETSPEC (A -> B) GEN_PVAR_141 (forall x : A, (~ (@IN A x _48096)) -> (f x) = (@ARB B)) f).
Lemma EXTENSIONAL_def {A B : Type'} : (@EXTENSIONAL A B) = (fun _48096 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC (A -> B) (fun GEN_PVAR_141 : A -> B => exists f : A -> B, @SETSPEC (A -> B) GEN_PVAR_141 (forall x : A, (~ (@IN A x _48096)) -> (f x) = (@ARB B)) f)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@EXTENSIONAL A B)). Qed.
Definition RESTRICTION {A B : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (A -> B) -> A -> B := fun _48148 : A -> Prop => fun _48149 : A -> B => fun _48150 : A => @COND B (@IN A _48150 _48148) (_48149 _48150) (@ARB B).
Lemma RESTRICTION_def {A B : Type'} : (@RESTRICTION A B) = (fun _48148 : A -> Prop => fun _48149 : A -> B => fun _48150 : A => @COND B (@IN A _48150 _48148) (_48149 _48150) (@ARB B)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@RESTRICTION A B)). Qed.
Definition cartesian_product {A K : Type'} : (K -> Prop) -> (K -> A -> Prop) -> (K -> A) -> Prop := fun _48343 : K -> Prop => fun _48344 : K -> A -> Prop => @GSPEC (K -> A) (fun GEN_PVAR_142 : K -> A => exists f : K -> A, @SETSPEC (K -> A) GEN_PVAR_142 ((@EXTENSIONAL K A _48343 f) /\ (forall i : K, (@IN K i _48343) -> @IN A (f i) (_48344 i))) f).
Lemma cartesian_product_def {A K : Type'} : (@cartesian_product A K) = (fun _48343 : K -> Prop => fun _48344 : K -> A -> Prop => @GSPEC (K -> A) (fun GEN_PVAR_142 : K -> A => exists f : K -> A, @SETSPEC (K -> A) GEN_PVAR_142 ((@EXTENSIONAL K A _48343 f) /\ (forall i : K, (@IN K i _48343) -> @IN A (f i) (_48344 i))) f)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@cartesian_product A K)). Qed.
Definition product_map {A B K : Type'} : (K -> Prop) -> (K -> A -> B) -> (K -> A) -> K -> B := fun _49392 : K -> Prop => fun _49393 : K -> A -> B => fun x : K -> A => @RESTRICTION K B _49392 (fun i : K => _49393 i (x i)).
Lemma product_map_def {A B K : Type'} : (@product_map A B K) = (fun _49392 : K -> Prop => fun _49393 : K -> A -> B => fun x : K -> A => @RESTRICTION K B _49392 (fun i : K => _49393 i (x i))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@product_map A B K)). Qed.
Definition disjoint_union {A K : Type'} : (K -> Prop) -> (K -> A -> Prop) -> (prod K A) -> Prop := fun _49528 : K -> Prop => fun _49529 : K -> A -> Prop => @GSPEC (prod K A) (fun GEN_PVAR_145 : prod K A => exists i : K, exists x : A, @SETSPEC (prod K A) GEN_PVAR_145 ((@IN K i _49528) /\ (@IN A x (_49529 i))) (@pair K A i x)).
Lemma disjoint_union_def {A K : Type'} : (@disjoint_union A K) = (fun _49528 : K -> Prop => fun _49529 : K -> A -> Prop => @GSPEC (prod K A) (fun GEN_PVAR_145 : prod K A => exists i : K, exists x : A, @SETSPEC (prod K A) GEN_PVAR_145 ((@IN K i _49528) /\ (@IN A x (_49529 i))) (@pair K A i x))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@disjoint_union A K)). Qed.
Definition set_of_list {A : Type'} : (list A) -> A -> Prop := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) -> (list A) -> A -> Prop) (fun set_of_list' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) -> (list A) -> A -> Prop => forall _56425 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))), ((set_of_list' _56425 (@nil A)) = (@EMPTY A)) /\ (forall h : A, forall t : list A, (set_of_list' _56425 (@cons A h t)) = (@INSERT A h (set_of_list' _56425 t)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))))))).
Lemma set_of_list_def {A : Type'} : (@set_of_list A) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) -> (list A) -> A -> Prop) (fun set_of_list' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) -> (list A) -> A -> Prop => forall _56425 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))), ((set_of_list' _56425 (@nil A)) = (@EMPTY A)) /\ (forall h : A, forall t : list A, (set_of_list' _56425 (@cons A h t)) = (@INSERT A h (set_of_list' _56425 t)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@set_of_list A)). Qed.
Definition list_of_set {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> list A := fun _56426 : A -> Prop => @ε (list A) (fun l : list A => ((@set_of_list A l) = _56426) /\ ((@LENGTH A l) = (@CARD A _56426))).
Lemma list_of_set_def {A : Type'} : (@list_of_set A) = (fun _56426 : A -> Prop => @ε (list A) (fun l : list A => ((@set_of_list A l) = _56426) /\ ((@LENGTH A l) = (@CARD A _56426)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@list_of_set A)). Qed.
Definition pairwise {A : Type'} : (A -> A -> Prop) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _56616 : A -> A -> Prop => fun _56617 : A -> Prop => forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x _56617) /\ ((@IN A y _56617) /\ (~ (x = y)))) -> _56616 x y.
Lemma pairwise_def {A : Type'} : (@pairwise A) = (fun _56616 : A -> A -> Prop => fun _56617 : A -> Prop => forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x _56617) /\ ((@IN A y _56617) /\ (~ (x = y)))) -> _56616 x y).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@pairwise A)). Qed.
Definition UNION_OF {A : Type'} : (((A -> Prop) -> Prop) -> Prop) -> ((A -> Prop) -> Prop) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _57329 : ((A -> Prop) -> Prop) -> Prop => fun _57330 : (A -> Prop) -> Prop => fun s : A -> Prop => exists u : (A -> Prop) -> Prop, (_57329 u) /\ ((forall c : A -> Prop, (@IN (A -> Prop) c u) -> _57330 c) /\ ((@UNIONS A u) = s)).
Lemma UNION_OF_def {A : Type'} : (@UNION_OF A) = (fun _57329 : ((A -> Prop) -> Prop) -> Prop => fun _57330 : (A -> Prop) -> Prop => fun s : A -> Prop => exists u : (A -> Prop) -> Prop, (_57329 u) /\ ((forall c : A -> Prop, (@IN (A -> Prop) c u) -> _57330 c) /\ ((@UNIONS A u) = s))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@UNION_OF A)). Qed.
Definition INTERSECTION_OF {A : Type'} : (((A -> Prop) -> Prop) -> Prop) -> ((A -> Prop) -> Prop) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _57341 : ((A -> Prop) -> Prop) -> Prop => fun _57342 : (A -> Prop) -> Prop => fun s : A -> Prop => exists u : (A -> Prop) -> Prop, (_57341 u) /\ ((forall c : A -> Prop, (@IN (A -> Prop) c u) -> _57342 c) /\ ((@INTERS A u) = s)).
Lemma INTERSECTION_OF_def {A : Type'} : (@INTERSECTION_OF A) = (fun _57341 : ((A -> Prop) -> Prop) -> Prop => fun _57342 : (A -> Prop) -> Prop => fun s : A -> Prop => exists u : (A -> Prop) -> Prop, (_57341 u) /\ ((forall c : A -> Prop, (@IN (A -> Prop) c u) -> _57342 c) /\ ((@INTERS A u) = s))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@INTERSECTION_OF A)). Qed.
Definition ARBITRARY {A : Type'} : ((A -> Prop) -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _57477 : (A -> Prop) -> Prop => True.
Lemma ARBITRARY_def {A : Type'} : (@ARBITRARY A) = (fun _57477 : (A -> Prop) -> Prop => True).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@ARBITRARY A)). Qed.
Definition le_c {A B : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (B -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _64071 : A -> Prop => fun _64072 : B -> Prop => exists f : A -> B, (forall x : A, (@IN A x _64071) -> @IN B (f x) _64072) /\ (forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x _64071) /\ ((@IN A y _64071) /\ ((f x) = (f y)))) -> x = y).
Lemma le_c_def {A B : Type'} : (@le_c A B) = (fun _64071 : A -> Prop => fun _64072 : B -> Prop => exists f : A -> B, (forall x : A, (@IN A x _64071) -> @IN B (f x) _64072) /\ (forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x _64071) /\ ((@IN A y _64071) /\ ((f x) = (f y)))) -> x = y)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@le_c A B)). Qed.
Definition lt_c {A B : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (B -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _64083 : A -> Prop => fun _64084 : B -> Prop => (@le_c A B _64083 _64084) /\ (~ (@le_c B A _64084 _64083)).
Lemma lt_c_def {A B : Type'} : (@lt_c A B) = (fun _64083 : A -> Prop => fun _64084 : B -> Prop => (@le_c A B _64083 _64084) /\ (~ (@le_c B A _64084 _64083))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@lt_c A B)). Qed.
Definition eq_c {A B : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (B -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _64095 : A -> Prop => fun _64096 : B -> Prop => exists f : A -> B, (forall x : A, (@IN A x _64095) -> @IN B (f x) _64096) /\ (forall y : B, (@IN B y _64096) -> @ex1 A (fun x : A => (@IN A x _64095) /\ ((f x) = y))).
Lemma eq_c_def {A B : Type'} : (@eq_c A B) = (fun _64095 : A -> Prop => fun _64096 : B -> Prop => exists f : A -> B, (forall x : A, (@IN A x _64095) -> @IN B (f x) _64096) /\ (forall y : B, (@IN B y _64096) -> @ex1 A (fun x : A => (@IN A x _64095) /\ ((f x) = y)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@eq_c A B)). Qed.
Definition ge_c {A B : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (B -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _64107 : A -> Prop => fun _64108 : B -> Prop => @le_c B A _64108 _64107.
Lemma ge_c_def {A B : Type'} : (@ge_c A B) = (fun _64107 : A -> Prop => fun _64108 : B -> Prop => @le_c B A _64108 _64107).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@ge_c A B)). Qed.
Definition gt_c {A B : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (B -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _64119 : A -> Prop => fun _64120 : B -> Prop => @lt_c B A _64120 _64119.
Lemma gt_c_def {A B : Type'} : (@gt_c A B) = (fun _64119 : A -> Prop => fun _64120 : B -> Prop => @lt_c B A _64120 _64119).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@gt_c A B)). Qed.
Definition COUNTABLE {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _64270 : A -> Prop => @ge_c N A (@UNIV N) _64270.
Lemma COUNTABLE_def {A : Type'} : (@COUNTABLE A) = (fun _64270 : A -> Prop => @ge_c N A (@UNIV N) _64270).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@COUNTABLE A)). Qed.
Definition sup : (R -> Prop) -> R := fun _64275 : R -> Prop => @ε R (fun a : R => (forall x : R, (@IN R x _64275) -> Rle x a) /\ (forall b : R, (forall x : R, (@IN R x _64275) -> Rle x b) -> Rle a b)).
Lemma sup_def : sup = (fun _64275 : R -> Prop => @ε R (fun a : R => (forall x : R, (@IN R x _64275) -> Rle x a) /\ (forall b : R, (forall x : R, (@IN R x _64275) -> Rle x b) -> Rle a b))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl sup). Qed.
Definition inf : (R -> Prop) -> R := fun _65134 : R -> Prop => @ε R (fun a : R => (forall x : R, (@IN R x _65134) -> Rle a x) /\ (forall b : R, (forall x : R, (@IN R x _65134) -> Rle b x) -> Rle b a)).
Lemma inf_def : inf = (fun _65134 : R -> Prop => @ε R (fun a : R => (forall x : R, (@IN R x _65134) -> Rle a x) /\ (forall b : R, (forall x : R, (@IN R x _65134) -> Rle b x) -> Rle b a))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl inf). Qed.
Definition has_inf : (R -> Prop) -> R -> Prop := fun _66484 : R -> Prop => fun _66485 : R => forall c : R, (forall x : R, (@IN R x _66484) -> Rle c x) = (Rle c _66485).
Lemma has_inf_def : has_inf = (fun _66484 : R -> Prop => fun _66485 : R => forall c : R, (forall x : R, (@IN R x _66484) -> Rle c x) = (Rle c _66485)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl has_inf). Qed.
Definition has_sup : (R -> Prop) -> R -> Prop := fun _66496 : R -> Prop => fun _66497 : R => forall c : R, (forall x : R, (@IN R x _66496) -> Rle x c) = (Rle _66497 c).
Lemma has_sup_def : has_sup = (fun _66496 : R -> Prop => fun _66497 : R => forall c : R, (forall x : R, (@IN R x _66496) -> Rle x c) = (Rle _66497 c)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl has_sup). Qed.
Definition dotdot : N -> N -> N -> Prop := fun _66922 : N => fun _66923 : N => @GSPEC N (fun GEN_PVAR_231 : N => exists x : N, @SETSPEC N GEN_PVAR_231 ((N.le _66922 x) /\ (N.le x _66923)) x).
Lemma dotdot_def : dotdot = (fun _66922 : N => fun _66923 : N => @GSPEC N (fun GEN_PVAR_231 : N => exists x : N, @SETSPEC N GEN_PVAR_231 ((N.le _66922 x) /\ (N.le x _66923)) x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl dotdot). Qed.
Definition neutral {A : Type'} : (A -> A -> A) -> A := fun _68834 : A -> A -> A => @ε A (fun x : A => forall y : A, ((_68834 x y) = y) /\ ((_68834 y x) = y)).
Lemma neutral_def {A : Type'} : (@neutral A) = (fun _68834 : A -> A -> A => @ε A (fun x : A => forall y : A, ((_68834 x y) = y) /\ ((_68834 y x) = y))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@neutral A)). Qed.
Definition monoidal {A : Type'} : (A -> A -> A) -> Prop := fun _68839 : A -> A -> A => (forall x : A, forall y : A, (_68839 x y) = (_68839 y x)) /\ ((forall x : A, forall y : A, forall z : A, (_68839 x (_68839 y z)) = (_68839 (_68839 x y) z)) /\ (forall x : A, (_68839 (@neutral A _68839) x) = x)).
Lemma monoidal_def {A : Type'} : (@monoidal A) = (fun _68839 : A -> A -> A => (forall x : A, forall y : A, (_68839 x y) = (_68839 y x)) /\ ((forall x : A, forall y : A, forall z : A, (_68839 x (_68839 y z)) = (_68839 (_68839 x y) z)) /\ (forall x : A, (_68839 (@neutral A _68839) x) = x))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@monoidal A)). Qed.
Definition support {A B : Type'} : (B -> B -> B) -> (A -> B) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop := fun _68924 : B -> B -> B => fun _68925 : A -> B => fun _68926 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_239 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_239 ((@IN A x _68926) /\ (~ ((_68925 x) = (@neutral B _68924)))) x).
Lemma support_def {A B : Type'} : (@support A B) = (fun _68924 : B -> B -> B => fun _68925 : A -> B => fun _68926 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_239 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_239 ((@IN A x _68926) /\ (~ ((_68925 x) = (@neutral B _68924)))) x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@support A B)). Qed.
Definition iterate {A B : Type'} : (B -> B -> B) -> (A -> Prop) -> (A -> B) -> B := fun _68945 : B -> B -> B => fun _68946 : A -> Prop => fun _68947 : A -> B => @COND B (@FINITE A (@support A B _68945 _68947 _68946)) (@ITSET A B (fun x : A => fun a : B => _68945 (_68947 x) a) (@support A B _68945 _68947 _68946) (@neutral B _68945)) (@neutral B _68945).
Lemma iterate_def {A B : Type'} : (@iterate A B) = (fun _68945 : B -> B -> B => fun _68946 : A -> Prop => fun _68947 : A -> B => @COND B (@FINITE A (@support A B _68945 _68947 _68946)) (@ITSET A B (fun x : A => fun a : B => _68945 (_68947 x) a) (@support A B _68945 _68947 _68946) (@neutral B _68945)) (@neutral B _68945)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@iterate A B)). Qed.
Definition iterato {A K : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> A -> (A -> A -> A) -> (K -> K -> Prop) -> (K -> Prop) -> (K -> A) -> A := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> (A -> A -> A) -> (K -> K -> Prop) -> (K -> Prop) -> (K -> A) -> A) (fun itty : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> (A -> A -> A) -> (K -> K -> Prop) -> (K -> Prop) -> (K -> A) -> A => forall _76701 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))), forall dom : A -> Prop, forall neut : A, forall op : A -> A -> A, forall ltle : K -> K -> Prop, forall k : K -> Prop, forall f : K -> A, (itty _76701 dom neut op ltle k f) = (@COND A ((@FINITE K (@GSPEC K (fun GEN_PVAR_265 : K => exists i : K, @SETSPEC K GEN_PVAR_265 ((@IN K i k) /\ (@IN A (f i) (@DIFF A dom (@INSERT A neut (@EMPTY A))))) i))) /\ (~ ((@GSPEC K (fun GEN_PVAR_266 : K => exists i : K, @SETSPEC K GEN_PVAR_266 ((@IN K i k) /\ (@IN A (f i) (@DIFF A dom (@INSERT A neut (@EMPTY A))))) i)) = (@EMPTY K)))) (@LET K A (fun i : K => @LET_END A (op (f i) (itty _76701 dom neut op ltle (@GSPEC K (fun GEN_PVAR_267 : K => exists j : K, @SETSPEC K GEN_PVAR_267 ((@IN K j (@DELETE K k i)) /\ (@IN A (f j) (@DIFF A dom (@INSERT A neut (@EMPTY A))))) j)) f))) (@COND K (exists i : K, (@IN K i k) /\ ((@IN A (f i) (@DIFF A dom (@INSERT A neut (@EMPTY A)))) /\ (forall j : K, ((ltle j i) /\ ((@IN K j k) /\ (@IN A (f j) (@DIFF A dom (@INSERT A neut (@EMPTY A)))))) -> j = i))) (@ε K (fun i : K => (@IN K i k) /\ ((@IN A (f i) (@DIFF A dom (@INSERT A neut (@EMPTY A)))) /\ (forall j : K, ((ltle j i) /\ ((@IN K j k) /\ (@IN A (f j) (@DIFF A dom (@INSERT A neut (@EMPTY A)))))) -> j = i)))) (@ε K (fun i : K => (@IN K i k) /\ (@IN A (f i) (@DIFF A dom (@INSERT A neut (@EMPTY A)))))))) neut)) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))).
Lemma iterato_def {A K : Type'} : (@iterato A K) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> (A -> A -> A) -> (K -> K -> Prop) -> (K -> Prop) -> (K -> A) -> A) (fun itty : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> (A -> A -> A) -> (K -> K -> Prop) -> (K -> Prop) -> (K -> A) -> A => forall _76701 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))), forall dom : A -> Prop, forall neut : A, forall op : A -> A -> A, forall ltle : K -> K -> Prop, forall k : K -> Prop, forall f : K -> A, (itty _76701 dom neut op ltle k f) = (@COND A ((@FINITE K (@GSPEC K (fun GEN_PVAR_265 : K => exists i : K, @SETSPEC K GEN_PVAR_265 ((@IN K i k) /\ (@IN A (f i) (@DIFF A dom (@INSERT A neut (@EMPTY A))))) i))) /\ (~ ((@GSPEC K (fun GEN_PVAR_266 : K => exists i : K, @SETSPEC K GEN_PVAR_266 ((@IN K i k) /\ (@IN A (f i) (@DIFF A dom (@INSERT A neut (@EMPTY A))))) i)) = (@EMPTY K)))) (@LET K A (fun i : K => @LET_END A (op (f i) (itty _76701 dom neut op ltle (@GSPEC K (fun GEN_PVAR_267 : K => exists j : K, @SETSPEC K GEN_PVAR_267 ((@IN K j (@DELETE K k i)) /\ (@IN A (f j) (@DIFF A dom (@INSERT A neut (@EMPTY A))))) j)) f))) (@COND K (exists i : K, (@IN K i k) /\ ((@IN A (f i) (@DIFF A dom (@INSERT A neut (@EMPTY A)))) /\ (forall j : K, ((ltle j i) /\ ((@IN K j k) /\ (@IN A (f j) (@DIFF A dom (@INSERT A neut (@EMPTY A)))))) -> j = i))) (@ε K (fun i : K => (@IN K i k) /\ ((@IN A (f i) (@DIFF A dom (@INSERT A neut (@EMPTY A)))) /\ (forall j : K, ((ltle j i) /\ ((@IN K j k) /\ (@IN A (f j) (@DIFF A dom (@INSERT A neut (@EMPTY A)))))) -> j = i)))) (@ε K (fun i : K => (@IN K i k) /\ (@IN A (f i) (@DIFF A dom (@INSERT A neut (@EMPTY A)))))))) neut)) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@iterato A K)). Qed.
Definition nproduct {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (A -> N) -> N := @iterate A N N.mul.
Lemma nproduct_def {A : Type'} : (@nproduct A) = (@iterate A N N.mul).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@nproduct A)). Qed.
Definition iproduct {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (A -> Z) -> Z := @iterate A Z int_mul.
Lemma iproduct_def {A : Type'} : (@iproduct A) = (@iterate A Z int_mul).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@iproduct A)). Qed.
Definition product {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (A -> R) -> R := @iterate A R Rmult.
Lemma product_def {A : Type'} : (@product A) = (@iterate A R Rmult).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@product A)). Qed.
Definition isum {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (A -> Z) -> Z := @iterate A Z int_add.
Lemma isum_def {A : Type'} : (@isum A) = (@iterate A Z int_add).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@isum A)). Qed.
Definition nsum {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (A -> N) -> N := @iterate A N N.add.
Lemma nsum_def {A : Type'} : (@nsum A) = (@iterate A N N.add).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@nsum A)). Qed.
Definition sum {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (A -> R) -> R := @iterate A R Rplus.
Lemma sum_def {A : Type'} : (@sum A) = (@iterate A R Rplus).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@sum A)). Qed.
Definition polynomial_function : (R -> R) -> Prop := fun _94114 : R -> R => exists m : N, exists c : N -> R, forall x : R, (_94114 x) = (@sum N (dotdot (NUMERAL 0%N) m) (fun i : N => Rmult (c i) (real_pow x i))).
Lemma polynomial_function_def : polynomial_function = (fun _94114 : R -> R => exists m : N, exists c : N -> R, forall x : R, (_94114 x) = (@sum N (dotdot (NUMERAL 0%N) m) (fun i : N => Rmult (c i) (real_pow x i)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl polynomial_function). Qed.
Definition dimindex {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> N := fun _94156 : A -> Prop => @COND N (@FINITE A (@UNIV A)) (@CARD A (@UNIV A)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)).
Lemma dimindex_def {A : Type'} : (@dimindex A) = (fun _94156 : A -> Prop => @COND N (@FINITE A (@UNIV A)) (@CARD A (@UNIV A)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@dimindex A)). Qed.
Definition dollar {A N' : Type'} : (cart A N') -> N -> A := fun _94566 : cart A N' => fun _94567 : N => @dest_cart A N' _94566 (@finite_index N' _94567).
Lemma dollar_def {A N' : Type'} : (@dollar A N') = (fun _94566 : cart A N' => fun _94567 : N => @dest_cart A N' _94566 (@finite_index N' _94567)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@dollar A N')). Qed.
Definition lambda {A B : Type'} : (N -> A) -> cart A B := fun _94602 : N -> A => @ε (cart A B) (fun f : cart A B => forall i : N, ((N.le (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)) i) /\ (N.le i (@dimindex B (@UNIV B)))) -> (@dollar A B f i) = (_94602 i)).
Lemma lambda_def {A B : Type'} : (@lambda A B) = (fun _94602 : N -> A => @ε (cart A B) (fun f : cart A B => forall i : N, ((N.le (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)) i) /\ (N.le i (@dimindex B (@UNIV B)))) -> (@dollar A B f i) = (_94602 i))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@lambda A B)). Qed.
Definition pastecart {A M N' : Type'} : (cart A M) -> (cart A N') -> cart A (finite_sum M N') := fun _94893 : cart A M => fun _94894 : cart A N' => @lambda A (finite_sum M N') (fun i : N => @COND A (N.le i (@dimindex M (@UNIV M))) (@dollar A M _94893 i) (@dollar A N' _94894 (N.sub i (@dimindex M (@UNIV M))))).
Lemma pastecart_def {A M N' : Type'} : (@pastecart A M N') = (fun _94893 : cart A M => fun _94894 : cart A N' => @lambda A (finite_sum M N') (fun i : N => @COND A (N.le i (@dimindex M (@UNIV M))) (@dollar A M _94893 i) (@dollar A N' _94894 (N.sub i (@dimindex M (@UNIV M)))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@pastecart A M N')). Qed.
Definition fstcart {A M N' : Type'} : (cart A (finite_sum M N')) -> cart A M := fun _94905 : cart A (finite_sum M N') => @lambda A M (fun i : N => @dollar A (finite_sum M N') _94905 i).
Lemma fstcart_def {A M N' : Type'} : (@fstcart A M N') = (fun _94905 : cart A (finite_sum M N') => @lambda A M (fun i : N => @dollar A (finite_sum M N') _94905 i)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@fstcart A M N')). Qed.
Definition sndcart {A M N' : Type'} : (cart A (finite_sum M N')) -> cart A N' := fun _94910 : cart A (finite_sum M N') => @lambda A N' (fun i : N => @dollar A (finite_sum M N') _94910 (N.add i (@dimindex M (@UNIV M)))).
Lemma sndcart_def {A M N' : Type'} : (@sndcart A M N') = (fun _94910 : cart A (finite_sum M N') => @lambda A N' (fun i : N => @dollar A (finite_sum M N') _94910 (N.add i (@dimindex M (@UNIV M))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@sndcart A M N')). Qed.
Definition _100320 {A : Type'} : (finite_sum A A) -> tybit0 A := fun a : finite_sum A A => @_mk_tybit0 A ((fun a' : finite_sum A A => @CONSTR (finite_sum A A) (NUMERAL 0%N) a' (fun n : N => @BOTTOM (finite_sum A A))) a).
Lemma _100320_def {A : Type'} : (@_100320 A) = (fun a : finite_sum A A => @_mk_tybit0 A ((fun a' : finite_sum A A => @CONSTR (finite_sum A A) (NUMERAL 0%N) a' (fun n : N => @BOTTOM (finite_sum A A))) a)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@_100320 A)). Qed.
Definition mktybit0 {A : Type'} : (finite_sum A A) -> tybit0 A := @_100320 A.
Lemma mktybit0_def {A : Type'} : (@mktybit0 A) = (@_100320 A).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@mktybit0 A)). Qed.
Definition _100339 {A : Type'} : (finite_sum (finite_sum A A) unit) -> tybit1 A := fun a : finite_sum (finite_sum A A) unit => @_mk_tybit1 A ((fun a' : finite_sum (finite_sum A A) unit => @CONSTR (finite_sum (finite_sum A A) unit) (NUMERAL 0%N) a' (fun n : N => @BOTTOM (finite_sum (finite_sum A A) unit))) a).
Lemma _100339_def {A : Type'} : (@_100339 A) = (fun a : finite_sum (finite_sum A A) unit => @_mk_tybit1 A ((fun a' : finite_sum (finite_sum A A) unit => @CONSTR (finite_sum (finite_sum A A) unit) (NUMERAL 0%N) a' (fun n : N => @BOTTOM (finite_sum (finite_sum A A) unit))) a)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@_100339 A)). Qed.
Definition mktybit1 {A : Type'} : (finite_sum (finite_sum A A) unit) -> tybit1 A := @_100339 A.
Lemma mktybit1_def {A : Type'} : (@mktybit1 A) = (@_100339 A).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@mktybit1 A)). Qed.
Definition vector {A N' : Type'} : (list A) -> cart A N' := fun _102033 : list A => @lambda A N' (fun i : N => @EL A (N.sub i (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) _102033).
Lemma vector_def {A N' : Type'} : (@vector A N') = (fun _102033 : list A => @lambda A N' (fun i : N => @EL A (N.sub i (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) _102033)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@vector A N')). Qed.
Definition PCROSS {A M N' : Type'} : ((cart A M) -> Prop) -> ((cart A N') -> Prop) -> (cart A (finite_sum M N')) -> Prop := fun _102060 : (cart A M) -> Prop => fun _102061 : (cart A N') -> Prop => @GSPEC (cart A (finite_sum M N')) (fun GEN_PVAR_363 : cart A (finite_sum M N') => exists x : cart A M, exists y : cart A N', @SETSPEC (cart A (finite_sum M N')) GEN_PVAR_363 ((@IN (cart A M) x _102060) /\ (@IN (cart A N') y _102061)) (@pastecart A M N' x y)).
Lemma PCROSS_def {A M N' : Type'} : (@PCROSS A M N') = (fun _102060 : (cart A M) -> Prop => fun _102061 : (cart A N') -> Prop => @GSPEC (cart A (finite_sum M N')) (fun GEN_PVAR_363 : cart A (finite_sum M N') => exists x : cart A M, exists y : cart A N', @SETSPEC (cart A (finite_sum M N')) GEN_PVAR_363 ((@IN (cart A M) x _102060) /\ (@IN (cart A N') y _102061)) (@pastecart A M N' x y))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@PCROSS A M N')). Qed.
Definition CASEWISE {_137714 _137750 _137754 _137755 : Type'} : (list (prod (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714))) -> _137755 -> _137754 -> _137714 := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) -> (list (prod (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714))) -> _137755 -> _137754 -> _137714) (fun CASEWISE' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) -> (list (prod (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714))) -> _137755 -> _137754 -> _137714 => forall _102665 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))), (forall f : _137755, forall x : _137754, (CASEWISE' _102665 (@nil (prod (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714))) f x) = (@ε _137714 (fun y : _137714 => True))) /\ (forall h : prod (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714), forall t : list (prod (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714)), forall f : _137755, forall x : _137754, (CASEWISE' _102665 (@cons (prod (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714)) h t) f x) = (@COND _137714 (exists y : _137750, (@fst (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714) h y) = x) (@snd (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714) h f (@ε _137750 (fun y : _137750 => (@fst (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714) h y) = x))) (CASEWISE' _102665 t f x)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))))).
Lemma CASEWISE_def {_137714 _137750 _137754 _137755 : Type'} : (@CASEWISE _137714 _137750 _137754 _137755) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) -> (list (prod (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714))) -> _137755 -> _137754 -> _137714) (fun CASEWISE' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) -> (list (prod (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714))) -> _137755 -> _137754 -> _137714 => forall _102665 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))), (forall f : _137755, forall x : _137754, (CASEWISE' _102665 (@nil (prod (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714))) f x) = (@ε _137714 (fun y : _137714 => True))) /\ (forall h : prod (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714), forall t : list (prod (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714)), forall f : _137755, forall x : _137754, (CASEWISE' _102665 (@cons (prod (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714)) h t) f x) = (@COND _137714 (exists y : _137750, (@fst (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714) h y) = x) (@snd (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714) h f (@ε _137750 (fun y : _137750 => (@fst (_137750 -> _137754) (_137755 -> _137750 -> _137714) h y) = x))) (CASEWISE' _102665 t f x)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@CASEWISE _137714 _137750 _137754 _137755)). Qed.
Definition admissible {_138045 _138048 _138052 _138053 _138058 : Type'} : (_138052 -> _138045 -> Prop) -> ((_138052 -> _138048) -> _138058 -> Prop) -> (_138058 -> _138045) -> ((_138052 -> _138048) -> _138058 -> _138053) -> Prop := fun _103732 : _138052 -> _138045 -> Prop => fun _103733 : (_138052 -> _138048) -> _138058 -> Prop => fun _103734 : _138058 -> _138045 => fun _103735 : (_138052 -> _138048) -> _138058 -> _138053 => forall f : _138052 -> _138048, forall g : _138052 -> _138048, forall a : _138058, ((_103733 f a) /\ ((_103733 g a) /\ (forall z : _138052, (_103732 z (_103734 a)) -> (f z) = (g z)))) -> (_103735 f a) = (_103735 g a).
Lemma admissible_def {_138045 _138048 _138052 _138053 _138058 : Type'} : (@admissible _138045 _138048 _138052 _138053 _138058) = (fun _103732 : _138052 -> _138045 -> Prop => fun _103733 : (_138052 -> _138048) -> _138058 -> Prop => fun _103734 : _138058 -> _138045 => fun _103735 : (_138052 -> _138048) -> _138058 -> _138053 => forall f : _138052 -> _138048, forall g : _138052 -> _138048, forall a : _138058, ((_103733 f a) /\ ((_103733 g a) /\ (forall z : _138052, (_103732 z (_103734 a)) -> (f z) = (g z)))) -> (_103735 f a) = (_103735 g a)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@admissible _138045 _138048 _138052 _138053 _138058)). Qed.
Definition tailadmissible {A B P : Type'} : (A -> A -> Prop) -> ((A -> B) -> P -> Prop) -> (P -> A) -> ((A -> B) -> P -> B) -> Prop := fun _103764 : A -> A -> Prop => fun _103765 : (A -> B) -> P -> Prop => fun _103766 : P -> A => fun _103767 : (A -> B) -> P -> B => exists P' : (A -> B) -> P -> Prop, exists G : (A -> B) -> P -> A, exists H : (A -> B) -> P -> B, (forall f : A -> B, forall a : P, forall y : A, ((P' f a) /\ (_103764 y (G f a))) -> _103764 y (_103766 a)) /\ ((forall f : A -> B, forall g : A -> B, forall a : P, (forall z : A, (_103764 z (_103766 a)) -> (f z) = (g z)) -> ((P' f a) = (P' g a)) /\ (((G f a) = (G g a)) /\ ((H f a) = (H g a)))) /\ (forall f : A -> B, forall a : P, (_103765 f a) -> (_103767 f a) = (@COND B (P' f a) (f (G f a)) (H f a)))).
Lemma tailadmissible_def {A B P : Type'} : (@tailadmissible A B P) = (fun _103764 : A -> A -> Prop => fun _103765 : (A -> B) -> P -> Prop => fun _103766 : P -> A => fun _103767 : (A -> B) -> P -> B => exists P' : (A -> B) -> P -> Prop, exists G : (A -> B) -> P -> A, exists H : (A -> B) -> P -> B, (forall f : A -> B, forall a : P, forall y : A, ((P' f a) /\ (_103764 y (G f a))) -> _103764 y (_103766 a)) /\ ((forall f : A -> B, forall g : A -> B, forall a : P, (forall z : A, (_103764 z (_103766 a)) -> (f z) = (g z)) -> ((P' f a) = (P' g a)) /\ (((G f a) = (G g a)) /\ ((H f a) = (H g a)))) /\ (forall f : A -> B, forall a : P, (_103765 f a) -> (_103767 f a) = (@COND B (P' f a) (f (G f a)) (H f a))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@tailadmissible A B P)). Qed.
Definition superadmissible {_138202 _138204 _138210 : Type'} : (_138202 -> _138202 -> Prop) -> ((_138202 -> _138204) -> _138210 -> Prop) -> (_138210 -> _138202) -> ((_138202 -> _138204) -> _138210 -> _138204) -> Prop := fun _103796 : _138202 -> _138202 -> Prop => fun _103797 : (_138202 -> _138204) -> _138210 -> Prop => fun _103798 : _138210 -> _138202 => fun _103799 : (_138202 -> _138204) -> _138210 -> _138204 => (@admissible _138202 _138204 _138202 Prop _138210 _103796 (fun f : _138202 -> _138204 => fun a : _138210 => True) _103798 _103797) -> @tailadmissible _138202 _138204 _138210 _103796 _103797 _103798 _103799.
Lemma superadmissible_def {_138202 _138204 _138210 : Type'} : (@superadmissible _138202 _138204 _138210) = (fun _103796 : _138202 -> _138202 -> Prop => fun _103797 : (_138202 -> _138204) -> _138210 -> Prop => fun _103798 : _138210 -> _138202 => fun _103799 : (_138202 -> _138204) -> _138210 -> _138204 => (@admissible _138202 _138204 _138202 Prop _138210 _103796 (fun f : _138202 -> _138204 => fun a : _138210 => True) _103798 _103797) -> @tailadmissible _138202 _138204 _138210 _103796 _103797 _103798 _103799).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@superadmissible _138202 _138204 _138210)). Qed.
Definition fld {A : Type'} : (A -> A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop := fun _113720 : A -> A -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_372 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_372 (exists y : A, (_113720 x y) \/ (_113720 y x)) x).
Lemma fld_def {A : Type'} : (@fld A) = (fun _113720 : A -> A -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_372 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_372 (exists y : A, (_113720 x y) \/ (_113720 y x)) x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@fld A)). Qed.
Definition qoset {A : Type'} : (A -> A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _113775 : A -> A -> Prop => (forall x : A, (@IN A x (@fld A _113775)) -> _113775 x x) /\ (forall x : A, forall y : A, forall z : A, ((_113775 x y) /\ (_113775 y z)) -> _113775 x z).
Lemma qoset_def {A : Type'} : (@qoset A) = (fun _113775 : A -> A -> Prop => (forall x : A, (@IN A x (@fld A _113775)) -> _113775 x x) /\ (forall x : A, forall y : A, forall z : A, ((_113775 x y) /\ (_113775 y z)) -> _113775 x z)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@qoset A)). Qed.
Definition poset {A : Type'} : (A -> A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _113780 : A -> A -> Prop => (forall x : A, (@IN A x (@fld A _113780)) -> _113780 x x) /\ ((forall x : A, forall y : A, forall z : A, ((_113780 x y) /\ (_113780 y z)) -> _113780 x z) /\ (forall x : A, forall y : A, ((_113780 x y) /\ (_113780 y x)) -> x = y)).
Lemma poset_def {A : Type'} : (@poset A) = (fun _113780 : A -> A -> Prop => (forall x : A, (@IN A x (@fld A _113780)) -> _113780 x x) /\ ((forall x : A, forall y : A, forall z : A, ((_113780 x y) /\ (_113780 y z)) -> _113780 x z) /\ (forall x : A, forall y : A, ((_113780 x y) /\ (_113780 y x)) -> x = y))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@poset A)). Qed.
Definition toset {A : Type'} : (A -> A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _113785 : A -> A -> Prop => (forall x : A, (@IN A x (@fld A _113785)) -> _113785 x x) /\ ((forall x : A, forall y : A, forall z : A, ((_113785 x y) /\ (_113785 y z)) -> _113785 x z) /\ ((forall x : A, forall y : A, ((_113785 x y) /\ (_113785 y x)) -> x = y) /\ (forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x (@fld A _113785)) /\ (@IN A y (@fld A _113785))) -> (_113785 x y) \/ (_113785 y x)))).
Lemma toset_def {A : Type'} : (@toset A) = (fun _113785 : A -> A -> Prop => (forall x : A, (@IN A x (@fld A _113785)) -> _113785 x x) /\ ((forall x : A, forall y : A, forall z : A, ((_113785 x y) /\ (_113785 y z)) -> _113785 x z) /\ ((forall x : A, forall y : A, ((_113785 x y) /\ (_113785 y x)) -> x = y) /\ (forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x (@fld A _113785)) /\ (@IN A y (@fld A _113785))) -> (_113785 x y) \/ (_113785 y x))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@toset A)). Qed.
Definition woset {A : Type'} : (A -> A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _113790 : A -> A -> Prop => (forall x : A, (@IN A x (@fld A _113790)) -> _113790 x x) /\ ((forall x : A, forall y : A, forall z : A, ((_113790 x y) /\ (_113790 y z)) -> _113790 x z) /\ ((forall x : A, forall y : A, ((_113790 x y) /\ (_113790 y x)) -> x = y) /\ ((forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x (@fld A _113790)) /\ (@IN A y (@fld A _113790))) -> (_113790 x y) \/ (_113790 y x)) /\ (forall s : A -> Prop, ((@SUBSET A s (@fld A _113790)) /\ (~ (s = (@EMPTY A)))) -> exists x : A, (@IN A x s) /\ (forall y : A, (@IN A y s) -> _113790 x y))))).
Lemma woset_def {A : Type'} : (@woset A) = (fun _113790 : A -> A -> Prop => (forall x : A, (@IN A x (@fld A _113790)) -> _113790 x x) /\ ((forall x : A, forall y : A, forall z : A, ((_113790 x y) /\ (_113790 y z)) -> _113790 x z) /\ ((forall x : A, forall y : A, ((_113790 x y) /\ (_113790 y x)) -> x = y) /\ ((forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x (@fld A _113790)) /\ (@IN A y (@fld A _113790))) -> (_113790 x y) \/ (_113790 y x)) /\ (forall s : A -> Prop, ((@SUBSET A s (@fld A _113790)) /\ (~ (s = (@EMPTY A)))) -> exists x : A, (@IN A x s) /\ (forall y : A, (@IN A y s) -> _113790 x y)))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@woset A)). Qed.
Definition wqoset {A : Type'} : (A -> A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _113795 : A -> A -> Prop => (forall x : A, (@IN A x (@fld A _113795)) -> _113795 x x) /\ ((forall x : A, forall y : A, forall z : A, ((_113795 x y) /\ (_113795 y z)) -> _113795 x z) /\ (forall s : A -> Prop, (@SUBSET A s (@fld A _113795)) -> exists t : A -> Prop, (@FINITE A t) /\ ((@SUBSET A t s) /\ (forall y : A, (@IN A y s) -> exists x : A, (@IN A x t) /\ (_113795 x y))))).
Lemma wqoset_def {A : Type'} : (@wqoset A) = (fun _113795 : A -> A -> Prop => (forall x : A, (@IN A x (@fld A _113795)) -> _113795 x x) /\ ((forall x : A, forall y : A, forall z : A, ((_113795 x y) /\ (_113795 y z)) -> _113795 x z) /\ (forall s : A -> Prop, (@SUBSET A s (@fld A _113795)) -> exists t : A -> Prop, (@FINITE A t) /\ ((@SUBSET A t s) /\ (forall y : A, (@IN A y s) -> exists x : A, (@IN A x t) /\ (_113795 x y)))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@wqoset A)). Qed.
Definition chain {A : Type'} : (A -> A -> Prop) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _113800 : A -> A -> Prop => fun _113801 : A -> Prop => forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x _113801) /\ (@IN A y _113801)) -> (_113800 x y) \/ (_113800 y x).
Lemma chain_def {A : Type'} : (@chain A) = (fun _113800 : A -> A -> Prop => fun _113801 : A -> Prop => forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x _113801) /\ (@IN A y _113801)) -> (_113800 x y) \/ (_113800 y x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@chain A)). Qed.
Definition antichain {A : Type'} : (A -> A -> Prop) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _113812 : A -> A -> Prop => fun _113813 : A -> Prop => (@SUBSET A _113813 (@fld A _113812)) /\ (@pairwise A (fun x : A => fun y : A => ~ (_113812 x y)) _113813).
Lemma antichain_def {A : Type'} : (@antichain A) = (fun _113812 : A -> A -> Prop => fun _113813 : A -> Prop => (@SUBSET A _113813 (@fld A _113812)) /\ (@pairwise A (fun x : A => fun y : A => ~ (_113812 x y)) _113813)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@antichain A)). Qed.
Definition strictly {A : Type'} : (A -> A -> Prop) -> A -> A -> Prop := fun _114465 : A -> A -> Prop => fun x : A => fun y : A => (_114465 x y) /\ (~ (_114465 y x)).
Lemma strictly_def {A : Type'} : (@strictly A) = (fun _114465 : A -> A -> Prop => fun x : A => fun y : A => (_114465 x y) /\ (~ (_114465 y x))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@strictly A)). Qed.
Definition properly {A : Type'} : (A -> A -> Prop) -> A -> A -> Prop := fun _114470 : A -> A -> Prop => fun x : A => fun y : A => (_114470 x y) /\ (~ (x = y)).
Lemma properly_def {A : Type'} : (@properly A) = (fun _114470 : A -> A -> Prop => fun x : A => fun y : A => (_114470 x y) /\ (~ (x = y))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@properly A)). Qed.
Definition inseg {A : Type'} : (A -> A -> Prop) -> (A -> A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _118731 : A -> A -> Prop => fun _118732 : A -> A -> Prop => forall x : A, forall y : A, (_118731 x y) = ((_118732 x y) /\ (@fld A _118731 y)).
Lemma inseg_def {A : Type'} : (@inseg A) = (fun _118731 : A -> A -> Prop => fun _118732 : A -> A -> Prop => forall x : A, forall y : A, (_118731 x y) = ((_118732 x y) /\ (@fld A _118731 y))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@inseg A)). Qed.
Definition linseg {A : Type'} : (A -> A -> Prop) -> A -> A -> A -> Prop := fun _118803 : A -> A -> Prop => fun _118804 : A => fun x : A => fun y : A => (_118803 x y) /\ (@properly A _118803 y _118804).
Lemma linseg_def {A : Type'} : (@linseg A) = (fun _118803 : A -> A -> Prop => fun _118804 : A => fun x : A => fun y : A => (_118803 x y) /\ (@properly A _118803 y _118804)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@linseg A)). Qed.
Definition ordinal {A : Type'} : (A -> A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _118815 : A -> A -> Prop => (@woset A _118815) /\ (forall x : A, (@fld A _118815 x) -> x = (@ε A (fun y : A => ~ (@properly A _118815 y x)))).
Lemma ordinal_def {A : Type'} : (@ordinal A) = (fun _118815 : A -> A -> Prop => (@woset A _118815) /\ (forall x : A, (@fld A _118815 x) -> x = (@ε A (fun y : A => ~ (@properly A _118815 y x))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@ordinal A)). Qed.
Definition add_c {_154958 _154959 : Type'} : (_154959 -> Prop) -> (_154958 -> Prop) -> (Datatypes.sum _154959 _154958) -> Prop := fun _201284 : _154959 -> Prop => fun _201285 : _154958 -> Prop => @UNION (Datatypes.sum _154959 _154958) (@GSPEC (Datatypes.sum _154959 _154958) (fun GEN_PVAR_406 : Datatypes.sum _154959 _154958 => exists x : _154959, @SETSPEC (Datatypes.sum _154959 _154958) GEN_PVAR_406 (@IN _154959 x _201284) (@inl _154959 _154958 x))) (@GSPEC (Datatypes.sum _154959 _154958) (fun GEN_PVAR_407 : Datatypes.sum _154959 _154958 => exists y : _154958, @SETSPEC (Datatypes.sum _154959 _154958) GEN_PVAR_407 (@IN _154958 y _201285) (@inr _154959 _154958 y))).
Lemma add_c_def {_154958 _154959 : Type'} : (@add_c _154958 _154959) = (fun _201284 : _154959 -> Prop => fun _201285 : _154958 -> Prop => @UNION (Datatypes.sum _154959 _154958) (@GSPEC (Datatypes.sum _154959 _154958) (fun GEN_PVAR_406 : Datatypes.sum _154959 _154958 => exists x : _154959, @SETSPEC (Datatypes.sum _154959 _154958) GEN_PVAR_406 (@IN _154959 x _201284) (@inl _154959 _154958 x))) (@GSPEC (Datatypes.sum _154959 _154958) (fun GEN_PVAR_407 : Datatypes.sum _154959 _154958 => exists y : _154958, @SETSPEC (Datatypes.sum _154959 _154958) GEN_PVAR_407 (@IN _154958 y _201285) (@inr _154959 _154958 y)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@add_c _154958 _154959)). Qed.
Definition mul_c {_154991 _154992 : Type'} : (_154992 -> Prop) -> (_154991 -> Prop) -> (prod _154992 _154991) -> Prop := fun _201296 : _154992 -> Prop => fun _201297 : _154991 -> Prop => @GSPEC (prod _154992 _154991) (fun GEN_PVAR_408 : prod _154992 _154991 => exists x : _154992, exists y : _154991, @SETSPEC (prod _154992 _154991) GEN_PVAR_408 ((@IN _154992 x _201296) /\ (@IN _154991 y _201297)) (@pair _154992 _154991 x y)).
Lemma mul_c_def {_154991 _154992 : Type'} : (@mul_c _154991 _154992) = (fun _201296 : _154992 -> Prop => fun _201297 : _154991 -> Prop => @GSPEC (prod _154992 _154991) (fun GEN_PVAR_408 : prod _154992 _154991 => exists x : _154992, exists y : _154991, @SETSPEC (prod _154992 _154991) GEN_PVAR_408 ((@IN _154992 x _201296) /\ (@IN _154991 y _201297)) (@pair _154992 _154991 x y))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@mul_c _154991 _154992)). Qed.
Definition pow_c {A B : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (B -> Prop) -> (B -> A) -> Prop := fun _237577 : A -> Prop => fun _237578 : B -> Prop => @GSPEC (B -> A) (fun GEN_PVAR_450 : B -> A => exists f : B -> A, @SETSPEC (B -> A) GEN_PVAR_450 ((forall x : B, (@IN B x _237578) -> @IN A (f x) _237577) /\ (forall x : B, (~ (@IN B x _237578)) -> (f x) = (@ε A (fun y : A => False)))) f).
Lemma pow_c_def {A B : Type'} : (@pow_c A B) = (fun _237577 : A -> Prop => fun _237578 : B -> Prop => @GSPEC (B -> A) (fun GEN_PVAR_450 : B -> A => exists f : B -> A, @SETSPEC (B -> A) GEN_PVAR_450 ((forall x : B, (@IN B x _237578) -> @IN A (f x) _237577) /\ (forall x : B, (~ (@IN B x _237578)) -> (f x) = (@ε A (fun y : A => False)))) f)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@pow_c A B)). Qed.
Definition permutes {_172930 : Type'} : (_172930 -> _172930) -> (_172930 -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _245176 : _172930 -> _172930 => fun _245177 : _172930 -> Prop => (forall x : _172930, (~ (@IN _172930 x _245177)) -> (_245176 x) = x) /\ (forall y : _172930, @ex1 _172930 (fun x : _172930 => (_245176 x) = y)).
Lemma permutes_def {_172930 : Type'} : (@permutes _172930) = (fun _245176 : _172930 -> _172930 => fun _245177 : _172930 -> Prop => (forall x : _172930, (~ (@IN _172930 x _245177)) -> (_245176 x) = x) /\ (forall y : _172930, @ex1 _172930 (fun x : _172930 => (_245176 x) = y))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@permutes _172930)). Qed.
Definition inverse {_172945 _172948 : Type'} : (_172948 -> _172945) -> _172945 -> _172948 := fun _245188 : _172948 -> _172945 => fun y : _172945 => @ε _172948 (fun x : _172948 => (_245188 x) = y).
Lemma inverse_def {_172945 _172948 : Type'} : (@inverse _172945 _172948) = (fun _245188 : _172948 -> _172945 => fun y : _172945 => @ε _172948 (fun x : _172948 => (_245188 x) = y)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@inverse _172945 _172948)). Qed.
Definition swap {_173152 : Type'} : (prod _173152 _173152) -> _173152 -> _173152 := fun _245602 : prod _173152 _173152 => fun _245603 : _173152 => @COND _173152 (_245603 = (@fst _173152 _173152 _245602)) (@snd _173152 _173152 _245602) (@COND _173152 (_245603 = (@snd _173152 _173152 _245602)) (@fst _173152 _173152 _245602) _245603).
Lemma swap_def {_173152 : Type'} : (@swap _173152) = (fun _245602 : prod _173152 _173152 => fun _245603 : _173152 => @COND _173152 (_245603 = (@fst _173152 _173152 _245602)) (@snd _173152 _173152 _245602) (@COND _173152 (_245603 = (@snd _173152 _173152 _245602)) (@fst _173152 _173152 _245602) _245603)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@swap _173152)). Qed.
Definition swapseq {_196374 : Type'} : N -> (_196374 -> _196374) -> Prop := fun a0 : N => fun a1 : _196374 -> _196374 => forall swapseq' : N -> (_196374 -> _196374) -> Prop, (forall a0' : N, forall a1' : _196374 -> _196374, (((a0' = (NUMERAL 0%N)) /\ (a1' = (@I _196374))) \/ (exists a : _196374, exists b : _196374, exists p : _196374 -> _196374, exists n : N, (a0' = (N.succ n)) /\ ((a1' = (@o _196374 _196374 _196374 (@swap _196374 (@pair _196374 _196374 a b)) p)) /\ ((swapseq' n p) /\ (~ (a = b)))))) -> swapseq' a0' a1') -> swapseq' a0 a1.
Lemma swapseq_def {_196374 : Type'} : (@swapseq _196374) = (fun a0 : N => fun a1 : _196374 -> _196374 => forall swapseq' : N -> (_196374 -> _196374) -> Prop, (forall a0' : N, forall a1' : _196374 -> _196374, (((a0' = (NUMERAL 0%N)) /\ (a1' = (@I _196374))) \/ (exists a : _196374, exists b : _196374, exists p : _196374 -> _196374, exists n : N, (a0' = (N.succ n)) /\ ((a1' = (@o _196374 _196374 _196374 (@swap _196374 (@pair _196374 _196374 a b)) p)) /\ ((swapseq' n p) /\ (~ (a = b)))))) -> swapseq' a0' a1') -> swapseq' a0 a1).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@swapseq _196374)). Qed.
Definition permutation {_196388 : Type'} : (_196388 -> _196388) -> Prop := fun _253246 : _196388 -> _196388 => exists n : N, @swapseq _196388 n _253246.
Lemma permutation_def {_196388 : Type'} : (@permutation _196388) = (fun _253246 : _196388 -> _196388 => exists n : N, @swapseq _196388 n _253246).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@permutation _196388)). Qed.
Definition evenperm {_197091 : Type'} : (_197091 -> _197091) -> Prop := fun _256183 : _197091 -> _197091 => EVEN (@ε N (fun n : N => @swapseq _197091 n _256183)).
Lemma evenperm_def {_197091 : Type'} : (@evenperm _197091) = (fun _256183 : _197091 -> _197091 => EVEN (@ε N (fun n : N => @swapseq _197091 n _256183))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@evenperm _197091)). Qed.
Definition sign {_198015 : Type'} : (_198015 -> _198015) -> R := fun _258425 : _198015 -> _198015 => @COND R (@evenperm _198015 _258425) (R_of_N (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) (Ropp (R_of_N (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)))).
Lemma sign_def {_198015 : Type'} : (@sign _198015) = (fun _258425 : _198015 -> _198015 => @COND R (@evenperm _198015 _258425) (R_of_N (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) (Ropp (R_of_N (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@sign _198015)). Qed.
Definition rational : R -> Prop := fun _268901 : R => exists m : R, exists n : R, (integer m) /\ ((integer n) /\ ((~ (n = (R_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)))) /\ (_268901 = (Rdiv m n)))).
Lemma rational_def : rational = (fun _268901 : R => exists m : R, exists n : R, (integer m) /\ ((integer n) /\ ((~ (n = (R_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)))) /\ (_268901 = (Rdiv m n))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl rational). Qed.
Definition floor : R -> R := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) -> R -> R) (fun n : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) -> R -> R => forall _269283 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))), exists r : R -> R, forall x : R, (integer (n _269283 x)) /\ ((Rle (R_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) (r x)) /\ ((Rlt (r x) (R_of_N (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)))) /\ (x = (Rplus (n _269283 x) (r x)))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))).
Lemma floor_def : floor = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) -> R -> R) (fun n : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) -> R -> R => forall _269283 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))), exists r : R -> R, forall x : R, (integer (n _269283 x)) /\ ((Rle (R_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) (r x)) /\ ((Rlt (r x) (R_of_N (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)))) /\ (x = (Rplus (n _269283 x) (r x)))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl floor). Qed.
Definition frac : R -> R := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> R -> R) (fun r : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> R -> R => forall _269284 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), forall x : R, (integer (floor x)) /\ ((Rle (R_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) (r _269284 x)) /\ ((Rlt (r _269284 x) (R_of_N (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)))) /\ (x = (Rplus (floor x) (r _269284 x)))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))).
Lemma frac_def : frac = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> R -> R) (fun r : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> R -> R => forall _269284 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), forall x : R, (integer (floor x)) /\ ((Rle (R_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) (r _269284 x)) /\ ((Rlt (r _269284 x) (R_of_N (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)))) /\ (x = (Rplus (floor x) (r _269284 x)))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl frac). Qed.
Definition is_realinterval : (R -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _271022 : R -> Prop => forall a : R, forall b : R, forall c : R, ((@IN R a _271022) /\ ((@IN R b _271022) /\ ((Rle a c) /\ (Rle c b)))) -> @IN R c _271022.
Lemma is_realinterval_def : is_realinterval = (fun _271022 : R -> Prop => forall a : R, forall b : R, forall c : R, ((@IN R a _271022) /\ ((@IN R b _271022) /\ ((Rle a c) /\ (Rle c b)))) -> @IN R c _271022).
Proof. exact (eq_refl is_realinterval). Qed.
Definition open_real_interval : (prod R R) -> R -> Prop := fun _271083 : prod R R => @GSPEC R (fun GEN_PVAR_630 : R => exists x : R, @SETSPEC R GEN_PVAR_630 ((Rlt (@fst R R _271083) x) /\ (Rlt x (@snd R R _271083))) x).
Lemma open_real_interval_def : open_real_interval = (fun _271083 : prod R R => @GSPEC R (fun GEN_PVAR_630 : R => exists x : R, @SETSPEC R GEN_PVAR_630 ((Rlt (@fst R R _271083) x) /\ (Rlt x (@snd R R _271083))) x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl open_real_interval). Qed.
Definition closed_real_interval : (list (prod R R)) -> R -> Prop := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))))) -> (list (prod R R)) -> R -> Prop) (fun closed_real_interval' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))))) -> (list (prod R R)) -> R -> Prop => forall _271202 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))))), forall a : R, forall b : R, (closed_real_interval' _271202 (@cons (prod R R) (@pair R R a b) (@nil (prod R R)))) = (@GSPEC R (fun GEN_PVAR_631 : R => exists x : R, @SETSPEC R GEN_PVAR_631 ((Rle a x) /\ (Rle x b)) x))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))))))))))))))))).
Lemma closed_real_interval_def : closed_real_interval = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))))) -> (list (prod R R)) -> R -> Prop) (fun closed_real_interval' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))))) -> (list (prod R R)) -> R -> Prop => forall _271202 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))))), forall a : R, forall b : R, (closed_real_interval' _271202 (@cons (prod R R) (@pair R R a b) (@nil (prod R R)))) = (@GSPEC R (fun GEN_PVAR_631 : R => exists x : R, @SETSPEC R GEN_PVAR_631 ((Rle a x) /\ (Rle x b)) x))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))))))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl closed_real_interval). Qed.
Definition vectorize {A M N' : Type'} : (cart (cart A N') M) -> cart A (finite_prod M N') := fun x : cart (cart A N') M => @lambda A (finite_prod M N') (fun i : N => @dollar A N' (@dollar (cart A N') M x (N.add (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)) (N.div (N.sub i (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) (@dimindex N' (@UNIV N'))))) (N.add (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)) (N.modulo (N.sub i (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) (@dimindex N' (@UNIV N'))))).
Lemma vectorize_def {A M N' : Type'} : (@vectorize A M N') = (fun x : cart (cart A N') M => @lambda A (finite_prod M N') (fun i : N => @dollar A N' (@dollar (cart A N') M x (N.add (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)) (N.div (N.sub i (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) (@dimindex N' (@UNIV N'))))) (N.add (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)) (N.modulo (N.sub i (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) (@dimindex N' (@UNIV N')))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@vectorize A M N')). Qed.
Definition matrify {A M N' : Type'} : (cart A (finite_prod M N')) -> cart (cart A N') M := fun x : cart A (finite_prod M N') => @lambda (cart A N') M (fun i : N => @lambda A N' (fun j : N => @dollar A (finite_prod M N') x (N.add (N.mul (N.sub i (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) (@dimindex N' (@UNIV N'))) j))).
Lemma matrify_def {A M N' : Type'} : (@matrify A M N') = (fun x : cart A (finite_prod M N') => @lambda (cart A N') M (fun i : N => @lambda A N' (fun j : N => @dollar A (finite_prod M N') x (N.add (N.mul (N.sub i (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) (@dimindex N' (@UNIV N'))) j)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@matrify A M N')). Qed.
Definition hull {_219255 : Type'} : ((_219255 -> Prop) -> Prop) -> (_219255 -> Prop) -> _219255 -> Prop := fun _272381 : (_219255 -> Prop) -> Prop => fun _272382 : _219255 -> Prop => @INTERS _219255 (@GSPEC (_219255 -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_636 : _219255 -> Prop => exists t : _219255 -> Prop, @SETSPEC (_219255 -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_636 ((_272381 t) /\ (@SUBSET _219255 _272382 t)) t)).
Lemma hull_def {_219255 : Type'} : (@hull _219255) = (fun _272381 : (_219255 -> Prop) -> Prop => fun _272382 : _219255 -> Prop => @INTERS _219255 (@GSPEC (_219255 -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_636 : _219255 -> Prop => exists t : _219255 -> Prop, @SETSPEC (_219255 -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_636 ((_272381 t) /\ (@SUBSET _219255 _272382 t)) t))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@hull _219255)). Qed.
Definition from : N -> N -> Prop := fun _273299 : N => @GSPEC N (fun GEN_PVAR_641 : N => exists m : N, @SETSPEC N GEN_PVAR_641 (N.le _273299 m) m).
Lemma from_def : from = (fun _273299 : N => @GSPEC N (fun GEN_PVAR_641 : N => exists m : N, @SETSPEC N GEN_PVAR_641 (N.le _273299 m) m)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl from). Qed.
Definition relative_to {_231294 : Type'} : ((_231294 -> Prop) -> Prop) -> (_231294 -> Prop) -> (_231294 -> Prop) -> Prop := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) -> ((_231294 -> Prop) -> Prop) -> (_231294 -> Prop) -> (_231294 -> Prop) -> Prop) (fun relative_to' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) -> ((_231294 -> Prop) -> Prop) -> (_231294 -> Prop) -> (_231294 -> Prop) -> Prop => forall _276925 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))), forall P : (_231294 -> Prop) -> Prop, forall s : _231294 -> Prop, forall t : _231294 -> Prop, (relative_to' _276925 P s t) = (exists u : _231294 -> Prop, (P u) /\ ((@INTER _231294 s u) = t))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))))))).
Lemma relative_to_def {_231294 : Type'} : (@relative_to _231294) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) -> ((_231294 -> Prop) -> Prop) -> (_231294 -> Prop) -> (_231294 -> Prop) -> Prop) (fun relative_to' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) -> ((_231294 -> Prop) -> Prop) -> (_231294 -> Prop) -> (_231294 -> Prop) -> Prop => forall _276925 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))), forall P : (_231294 -> Prop) -> Prop, forall s : _231294 -> Prop, forall t : _231294 -> Prop, (relative_to' _276925 P s t) = (exists u : _231294 -> Prop, (P u) /\ ((@INTER _231294 s u) = t))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@relative_to _231294)). Qed.
Definition suslin_operation {A : Type'} : ((list N) -> A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop := fun _305416 : (list N) -> A -> Prop => @UNIONS A (@GSPEC (A -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_682 : A -> Prop => exists s : N -> N, @SETSPEC (A -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_682 (@IN (N -> N) s (@UNIV (N -> N))) (@INTERS A (@GSPEC (A -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_681 : A -> Prop => exists n : N, @SETSPEC (A -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_681 (N.le (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)) n) (_305416 (@list_of_seq N s n))))))).
Lemma suslin_operation_def {A : Type'} : (@suslin_operation A) = (fun _305416 : (list N) -> A -> Prop => @UNIONS A (@GSPEC (A -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_682 : A -> Prop => exists s : N -> N, @SETSPEC (A -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_682 (@IN (N -> N) s (@UNIV (N -> N))) (@INTERS A (@GSPEC (A -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_681 : A -> Prop => exists n : N, @SETSPEC (A -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_681 (N.le (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)) n) (_305416 (@list_of_seq N s n)))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@suslin_operation A)). Qed.
Definition suslin {_235636 : Type'} : ((_235636 -> Prop) -> Prop) -> (_235636 -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _305421 : (_235636 -> Prop) -> Prop => @GSPEC (_235636 -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_683 : _235636 -> Prop => exists f : (list N) -> _235636 -> Prop, @SETSPEC (_235636 -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_683 (forall l : list N, (~ (l = (@nil N))) -> @IN (_235636 -> Prop) (f l) _305421) (@suslin_operation _235636 f)).
Lemma suslin_def {_235636 : Type'} : (@suslin _235636) = (fun _305421 : (_235636 -> Prop) -> Prop => @GSPEC (_235636 -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_683 : _235636 -> Prop => exists f : (list N) -> _235636 -> Prop, @SETSPEC (_235636 -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_683 (forall l : list N, (~ (l = (@nil N))) -> @IN (_235636 -> Prop) (f l) _305421) (@suslin_operation _235636 f))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@suslin _235636)). Qed.
Definition ITER {_237857 : Type'} : N -> (_237857 -> _237857) -> _237857 -> _237857 := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> N -> (_237857 -> _237857) -> _237857 -> _237857) (fun ITER' : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> N -> (_237857 -> _237857) -> _237857 -> _237857 => forall _337618 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), (forall x : _237857, forall f : _237857 -> _237857, (ITER' _337618 (NUMERAL 0%N) f x) = x) /\ (forall x : _237857, forall f : _237857 -> _237857, forall n : N, (ITER' _337618 (N.succ n) f x) = (f (ITER' _337618 n f x)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))).
Lemma ITER_def {_237857 : Type'} : (@ITER _237857) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> N -> (_237857 -> _237857) -> _237857 -> _237857) (fun ITER' : (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) -> N -> (_237857 -> _237857) -> _237857 -> _237857 => forall _337618 : prod N (prod N (prod N N)), (forall x : _237857, forall f : _237857 -> _237857, (ITER' _337618 (NUMERAL 0%N) f x) = x) /\ (forall x : _237857, forall f : _237857 -> _237857, forall n : N, (ITER' _337618 (N.succ n) f x) = (f (ITER' _337618 n f x)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@ITER _237857)). Qed.
Definition frag_support {A : Type'} : (frag A) -> A -> Prop := fun _338801 : frag A => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_710 : A => exists a : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_710 (~ ((@dest_frag A _338801 a) = (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)))) a).
Lemma frag_support_def {A : Type'} : (@frag_support A) = (fun _338801 : frag A => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_710 : A => exists a : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_710 (~ ((@dest_frag A _338801 a) = (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)))) a)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@frag_support A)). Qed.
Definition frag_0 {A : Type'} : frag A := @mk_frag A (fun x : A => Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)).
Lemma frag_0_def {A : Type'} : (@frag_0 A) = (@mk_frag A (fun x : A => Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@frag_0 A)). Qed.
Definition frag_of {A : Type'} : A -> frag A := fun _338806 : A => @mk_frag A (fun a : A => @COND Z (a = _338806) (Z_of_N (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N))).
Lemma frag_of_def {A : Type'} : (@frag_of A) = (fun _338806 : A => @mk_frag A (fun a : A => @COND Z (a = _338806) (Z_of_N (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@frag_of A)). Qed.
Definition frag_neg {A : Type'} : (frag A) -> frag A := fun _338811 : frag A => @mk_frag A (fun a : A => int_neg (@dest_frag A _338811 a)).
Lemma frag_neg_def {A : Type'} : (@frag_neg A) = (fun _338811 : frag A => @mk_frag A (fun a : A => int_neg (@dest_frag A _338811 a))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@frag_neg A)). Qed.
Definition frag_cmul {A : Type'} : Z -> (frag A) -> frag A := fun _338816 : Z => fun _338817 : frag A => @mk_frag A (fun a : A => int_mul _338816 (@dest_frag A _338817 a)).
Lemma frag_cmul_def {A : Type'} : (@frag_cmul A) = (fun _338816 : Z => fun _338817 : frag A => @mk_frag A (fun a : A => int_mul _338816 (@dest_frag A _338817 a))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@frag_cmul A)). Qed.
Definition frag_add {A : Type'} : (frag A) -> (frag A) -> frag A := fun _338828 : frag A => fun _338829 : frag A => @mk_frag A (fun a : A => int_add (@dest_frag A _338828 a) (@dest_frag A _338829 a)).
Lemma frag_add_def {A : Type'} : (@frag_add A) = (fun _338828 : frag A => fun _338829 : frag A => @mk_frag A (fun a : A => int_add (@dest_frag A _338828 a) (@dest_frag A _338829 a))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@frag_add A)). Qed.
Definition frag_sub {A : Type'} : (frag A) -> (frag A) -> frag A := fun _338840 : frag A => fun _338841 : frag A => @mk_frag A (fun a : A => int_sub (@dest_frag A _338840 a) (@dest_frag A _338841 a)).
Lemma frag_sub_def {A : Type'} : (@frag_sub A) = (fun _338840 : frag A => fun _338841 : frag A => @mk_frag A (fun a : A => int_sub (@dest_frag A _338840 a) (@dest_frag A _338841 a))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@frag_sub A)). Qed.
Definition frag_extend {A B : Type'} : (A -> frag B) -> (frag A) -> frag B := fun _339446 : A -> frag B => fun _339447 : frag A => @iterate A (frag B) (@frag_add B) (@frag_support A _339447) (fun a : A => @frag_cmul B (@dest_frag A _339447 a) (_339446 a)).
Lemma frag_extend_def {A B : Type'} : (@frag_extend A B) = (fun _339446 : A -> frag B => fun _339447 : frag A => @iterate A (frag B) (@frag_add B) (@frag_support A _339447) (fun a : A => @frag_cmul B (@dest_frag A _339447 a) (_339446 a))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@frag_extend A B)). Qed.
Definition index : N -> N -> N := fun _346634 : N => fun _346635 : N => @COND N ((N.le _346634 (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) \/ (_346635 = (NUMERAL 0%N))) (NUMERAL 0%N) (@CARD N (@GSPEC N (fun GEN_PVAR_729 : N => exists j : N, @SETSPEC N GEN_PVAR_729 ((N.le (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)) j) /\ (num_divides (N.pow _346634 j) _346635)) j))).
Lemma index_def : index = (fun _346634 : N => fun _346635 : N => @COND N ((N.le _346634 (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) \/ (_346635 = (NUMERAL 0%N))) (NUMERAL 0%N) (@CARD N (@GSPEC N (fun GEN_PVAR_729 : N => exists j : N, @SETSPEC N GEN_PVAR_729 ((N.le (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N)) j) /\ (num_divides (N.pow _346634 j) _346635)) j)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl index). Qed.
Definition group_carrier {A : Type'} : (Group A) -> A -> Prop := fun g : Group A => @fst (A -> Prop) (prod A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A))) (@group_operations A g).
Lemma group_carrier_def {A : Type'} : (@group_carrier A) = (fun g : Group A => @fst (A -> Prop) (prod A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A))) (@group_operations A g)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_carrier A)). Qed.
Definition group_id {A : Type'} : (Group A) -> A := fun g : Group A => @fst A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A)) (@snd (A -> Prop) (prod A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A))) (@group_operations A g)).
Lemma group_id_def {A : Type'} : (@group_id A) = (fun g : Group A => @fst A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A)) (@snd (A -> Prop) (prod A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A))) (@group_operations A g))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_id A)). Qed.
Definition group_inv {A : Type'} : (Group A) -> A -> A := fun g : Group A => @fst (A -> A) (A -> A -> A) (@snd A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A)) (@snd (A -> Prop) (prod A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A))) (@group_operations A g))).
Lemma group_inv_def {A : Type'} : (@group_inv A) = (fun g : Group A => @fst (A -> A) (A -> A -> A) (@snd A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A)) (@snd (A -> Prop) (prod A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A))) (@group_operations A g)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_inv A)). Qed.
Definition group_mul {A : Type'} : (Group A) -> A -> A -> A := fun g : Group A => @snd (A -> A) (A -> A -> A) (@snd A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A)) (@snd (A -> Prop) (prod A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A))) (@group_operations A g))).
Lemma group_mul_def {A : Type'} : (@group_mul A) = (fun g : Group A => @snd (A -> A) (A -> A -> A) (@snd A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A)) (@snd (A -> Prop) (prod A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A))) (@group_operations A g)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_mul A)). Qed.
Definition singleton_group {A : Type'} : A -> Group A := fun _354213 : A => @group A (@pair (A -> Prop) (prod A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A))) (@INSERT A _354213 (@EMPTY A)) (@pair A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A)) _354213 (@pair (A -> A) (A -> A -> A) (fun x : A => _354213) (fun x : A => fun y : A => _354213)))).
Lemma singleton_group_def {A : Type'} : (@singleton_group A) = (fun _354213 : A => @group A (@pair (A -> Prop) (prod A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A))) (@INSERT A _354213 (@EMPTY A)) (@pair A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A)) _354213 (@pair (A -> A) (A -> A -> A) (fun x : A => _354213) (fun x : A => fun y : A => _354213))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@singleton_group A)). Qed.
Definition trivial_group {_255474 : Type'} : (Group _255474) -> Prop := fun _354218 : Group _255474 => (@group_carrier _255474 _354218) = (@INSERT _255474 (@group_id _255474 _354218) (@EMPTY _255474)).
Lemma trivial_group_def {_255474 : Type'} : (@trivial_group _255474) = (fun _354218 : Group _255474 => (@group_carrier _255474 _354218) = (@INSERT _255474 (@group_id _255474 _354218) (@EMPTY _255474))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@trivial_group _255474)). Qed.
Definition opposite_group {A : Type'} : (Group A) -> Group A := fun _354284 : Group A => @group A (@pair (A -> Prop) (prod A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A))) (@group_carrier A _354284) (@pair A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A)) (@group_id A _354284) (@pair (A -> A) (A -> A -> A) (@group_inv A _354284) (fun x : A => fun y : A => @group_mul A _354284 y x)))).
Lemma opposite_group_def {A : Type'} : (@opposite_group A) = (fun _354284 : Group A => @group A (@pair (A -> Prop) (prod A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A))) (@group_carrier A _354284) (@pair A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A)) (@group_id A _354284) (@pair (A -> A) (A -> A -> A) (@group_inv A _354284) (fun x : A => fun y : A => @group_mul A _354284 y x))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@opposite_group A)). Qed.
Definition group_div {_255847 : Type'} : (Group _255847) -> _255847 -> _255847 -> _255847 := fun _354289 : Group _255847 => fun _354290 : _255847 => fun _354291 : _255847 => @group_mul _255847 _354289 _354290 (@group_inv _255847 _354289 _354291).
Lemma group_div_def {_255847 : Type'} : (@group_div _255847) = (fun _354289 : Group _255847 => fun _354290 : _255847 => fun _354291 : _255847 => @group_mul _255847 _354289 _354290 (@group_inv _255847 _354289 _354291)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_div _255847)). Qed.
Definition group_pow {_257039 : Type'} : (Group _257039) -> _257039 -> N -> _257039 := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) -> (Group _257039) -> _257039 -> N -> _257039) (fun group_pow' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) -> (Group _257039) -> _257039 -> N -> _257039 => forall _354924 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))), (forall x : _257039, forall G : Group _257039, (group_pow' _354924 G x (NUMERAL 0%N)) = (@group_id _257039 G)) /\ (forall G : Group _257039, forall x : _257039, forall n : N, (group_pow' _354924 G x (N.succ n)) = (@group_mul _257039 G x (group_pow' _354924 G x n)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))))).
Lemma group_pow_def {_257039 : Type'} : (@group_pow _257039) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) -> (Group _257039) -> _257039 -> N -> _257039) (fun group_pow' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) -> (Group _257039) -> _257039 -> N -> _257039 => forall _354924 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))), (forall x : _257039, forall G : Group _257039, (group_pow' _354924 G x (NUMERAL 0%N)) = (@group_id _257039 G)) /\ (forall G : Group _257039, forall x : _257039, forall n : N, (group_pow' _354924 G x (N.succ n)) = (@group_mul _257039 G x (group_pow' _354924 G x n)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_pow _257039)). Qed.
Definition group_zpow {A : Type'} : (Group A) -> A -> Z -> A := fun _354984 : Group A => fun _354985 : A => fun _354986 : Z => @COND A (int_le (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) _354986) (@group_pow A _354984 _354985 (num_of_int _354986)) (@group_inv A _354984 (@group_pow A _354984 _354985 (num_of_int (int_neg _354986)))).
Lemma group_zpow_def {A : Type'} : (@group_zpow A) = (fun _354984 : Group A => fun _354985 : A => fun _354986 : Z => @COND A (int_le (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) _354986) (@group_pow A _354984 _354985 (num_of_int _354986)) (@group_inv A _354984 (@group_pow A _354984 _354985 (num_of_int (int_neg _354986))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_zpow A)). Qed.
Definition abelian_group {A : Type'} : (Group A) -> Prop := fun _355172 : Group A => forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x (@group_carrier A _355172)) /\ (@IN A y (@group_carrier A _355172))) -> (@group_mul A _355172 x y) = (@group_mul A _355172 y x).
Lemma abelian_group_def {A : Type'} : (@abelian_group A) = (fun _355172 : Group A => forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x (@group_carrier A _355172)) /\ (@IN A y (@group_carrier A _355172))) -> (@group_mul A _355172 x y) = (@group_mul A _355172 y x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@abelian_group A)). Qed.
Definition group_neg {_258875 : Type'} : (Group _258875) -> _258875 -> _258875 := fun _355389 : Group _258875 => fun _355390 : _258875 => @COND _258875 (@IN _258875 _355390 (@group_carrier _258875 _355389)) (@group_inv _258875 _355389 _355390) _355390.
Lemma group_neg_def {_258875 : Type'} : (@group_neg _258875) = (fun _355389 : Group _258875 => fun _355390 : _258875 => @COND _258875 (@IN _258875 _355390 (@group_carrier _258875 _355389)) (@group_inv _258875 _355389 _355390) _355390).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_neg _258875)). Qed.
Definition group_add {A : Type'} : (Group A) -> A -> A -> A := fun _355401 : Group A => fun _355402 : A => fun _355403 : A => @COND A ((@IN A _355402 (@group_carrier A _355401)) /\ (@IN A _355403 (@group_carrier A _355401))) (@group_mul A _355401 _355402 _355403) (@COND A (@IN A _355402 (@group_carrier A _355401)) _355403 (@COND A (@IN A _355403 (@group_carrier A _355401)) _355402 (@ε A (fun w : A => ~ (@IN A w (@group_carrier A _355401)))))).
Lemma group_add_def {A : Type'} : (@group_add A) = (fun _355401 : Group A => fun _355402 : A => fun _355403 : A => @COND A ((@IN A _355402 (@group_carrier A _355401)) /\ (@IN A _355403 (@group_carrier A _355401))) (@group_mul A _355401 _355402 _355403) (@COND A (@IN A _355402 (@group_carrier A _355401)) _355403 (@COND A (@IN A _355403 (@group_carrier A _355401)) _355402 (@ε A (fun w : A => ~ (@IN A w (@group_carrier A _355401))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_add A)). Qed.
Definition group_nmul {_258956 : Type'} : (Group _258956) -> N -> _258956 -> _258956 := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) -> (Group _258956) -> N -> _258956 -> _258956) (fun group_nmul' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) -> (Group _258956) -> N -> _258956 -> _258956 => forall _355429 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))), (forall x : _258956, forall G : Group _258956, (group_nmul' _355429 G (NUMERAL 0%N) x) = (@group_id _258956 G)) /\ (forall G : Group _258956, forall n : N, forall x : _258956, (group_nmul' _355429 G (N.succ n) x) = (@group_add _258956 G x (group_nmul' _355429 G n x)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))))))).
Lemma group_nmul_def {_258956 : Type'} : (@group_nmul _258956) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) -> (Group _258956) -> N -> _258956 -> _258956) (fun group_nmul' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) -> (Group _258956) -> N -> _258956 -> _258956 => forall _355429 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))), (forall x : _258956, forall G : Group _258956, (group_nmul' _355429 G (NUMERAL 0%N) x) = (@group_id _258956 G)) /\ (forall G : Group _258956, forall n : N, forall x : _258956, (group_nmul' _355429 G (N.succ n) x) = (@group_add _258956 G x (group_nmul' _355429 G n x)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_nmul _258956)). Qed.
Definition group_product {_260068 A : Type'} : (Group A) -> (_260068 -> _260068 -> Prop) -> (_260068 -> Prop) -> (_260068 -> A) -> A := fun _355791 : Group A => @iterato A _260068 (@group_carrier A _355791) (@group_id A _355791) (@group_mul A _355791).
Lemma group_product_def {_260068 A : Type'} : (@group_product _260068 A) = (fun _355791 : Group A => @iterato A _260068 (@group_carrier A _355791) (@group_id A _355791) (@group_mul A _355791)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_product _260068 A)). Qed.
Definition group_sum {A K : Type'} : (Group A) -> (K -> Prop) -> (K -> A) -> A := fun _355796 : Group A => @group_product K A _355796 (@ε (K -> K -> Prop) (fun l : K -> K -> Prop => (@woset K l) /\ ((@fld K l) = (@UNIV K)))).
Lemma group_sum_def {A K : Type'} : (@group_sum A K) = (fun _355796 : Group A => @group_product K A _355796 (@ε (K -> K -> Prop) (fun l : K -> K -> Prop => (@woset K l) /\ ((@fld K l) = (@UNIV K))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_sum A K)). Qed.
Definition group_conjugation {_265504 : Type'} : (Group _265504) -> _265504 -> _265504 -> _265504 := fun _371034 : Group _265504 => fun _371035 : _265504 => fun _371036 : _265504 => @group_mul _265504 _371034 _371035 (@group_mul _265504 _371034 _371036 (@group_inv _265504 _371034 _371035)).
Lemma group_conjugation_def {_265504 : Type'} : (@group_conjugation _265504) = (fun _371034 : Group _265504 => fun _371035 : _265504 => fun _371036 : _265504 => @group_mul _265504 _371034 _371035 (@group_mul _265504 _371034 _371036 (@group_inv _265504 _371034 _371035))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_conjugation _265504)). Qed.
Definition subgroup_of {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (Group A) -> Prop := fun _371742 : A -> Prop => fun _371743 : Group A => (@SUBSET A _371742 (@group_carrier A _371743)) /\ ((@IN A (@group_id A _371743) _371742) /\ ((forall x : A, (@IN A x _371742) -> @IN A (@group_inv A _371743 x) _371742) /\ (forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x _371742) /\ (@IN A y _371742)) -> @IN A (@group_mul A _371743 x y) _371742))).
Lemma subgroup_of_def {A : Type'} : (@subgroup_of A) = (fun _371742 : A -> Prop => fun _371743 : Group A => (@SUBSET A _371742 (@group_carrier A _371743)) /\ ((@IN A (@group_id A _371743) _371742) /\ ((forall x : A, (@IN A x _371742) -> @IN A (@group_inv A _371743 x) _371742) /\ (forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x _371742) /\ (@IN A y _371742)) -> @IN A (@group_mul A _371743 x y) _371742)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@subgroup_of A)). Qed.
Definition subgroup_generated {A : Type'} : (Group A) -> (A -> Prop) -> Group A := fun _372584 : Group A => fun _372585 : A -> Prop => @group A (@pair (A -> Prop) (prod A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A))) (@INTERS A (@GSPEC (A -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_810 : A -> Prop => exists h : A -> Prop, @SETSPEC (A -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_810 ((@subgroup_of A h _372584) /\ (@SUBSET A (@INTER A (@group_carrier A _372584) _372585) h)) h))) (@pair A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A)) (@group_id A _372584) (@pair (A -> A) (A -> A -> A) (@group_inv A _372584) (@group_mul A _372584)))).
Lemma subgroup_generated_def {A : Type'} : (@subgroup_generated A) = (fun _372584 : Group A => fun _372585 : A -> Prop => @group A (@pair (A -> Prop) (prod A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A))) (@INTERS A (@GSPEC (A -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_810 : A -> Prop => exists h : A -> Prop, @SETSPEC (A -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_810 ((@subgroup_of A h _372584) /\ (@SUBSET A (@INTER A (@group_carrier A _372584) _372585) h)) h))) (@pair A (prod (A -> A) (A -> A -> A)) (@group_id A _372584) (@pair (A -> A) (A -> A -> A) (@group_inv A _372584) (@group_mul A _372584))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@subgroup_generated A)). Qed.
Definition prod_group {A B : Type'} : (Group A) -> (Group B) -> Group (prod A B) := fun _374544 : Group A => fun _374545 : Group B => @group (prod A B) (@pair ((prod A B) -> Prop) (prod (prod A B) (prod ((prod A B) -> prod A B) ((prod A B) -> (prod A B) -> prod A B))) (@CROSS A B (@group_carrier A _374544) (@group_carrier B _374545)) (@pair (prod A B) (prod ((prod A B) -> prod A B) ((prod A B) -> (prod A B) -> prod A B)) (@pair A B (@group_id A _374544) (@group_id B _374545)) (@pair ((prod A B) -> prod A B) ((prod A B) -> (prod A B) -> prod A B) (@GABS ((prod A B) -> prod A B) (fun f : (prod A B) -> prod A B => forall x : A, forall x' : B, @GEQ (prod A B) (f (@pair A B x x')) (@pair A B (@group_inv A _374544 x) (@group_inv B _374545 x')))) (@GABS ((prod A B) -> (prod A B) -> prod A B) (fun f : (prod A B) -> (prod A B) -> prod A B => forall x : A, forall x' : B, @GEQ ((prod A B) -> prod A B) (f (@pair A B x x')) (@GABS ((prod A B) -> prod A B) (fun f' : (prod A B) -> prod A B => forall y : A, forall y' : B, @GEQ (prod A B) (f' (@pair A B y y')) (@pair A B (@group_mul A _374544 x y) (@group_mul B _374545 x' y'))))))))).
Lemma prod_group_def {A B : Type'} : (@prod_group A B) = (fun _374544 : Group A => fun _374545 : Group B => @group (prod A B) (@pair ((prod A B) -> Prop) (prod (prod A B) (prod ((prod A B) -> prod A B) ((prod A B) -> (prod A B) -> prod A B))) (@CROSS A B (@group_carrier A _374544) (@group_carrier B _374545)) (@pair (prod A B) (prod ((prod A B) -> prod A B) ((prod A B) -> (prod A B) -> prod A B)) (@pair A B (@group_id A _374544) (@group_id B _374545)) (@pair ((prod A B) -> prod A B) ((prod A B) -> (prod A B) -> prod A B) (@GABS ((prod A B) -> prod A B) (fun f : (prod A B) -> prod A B => forall x : A, forall x' : B, @GEQ (prod A B) (f (@pair A B x x')) (@pair A B (@group_inv A _374544 x) (@group_inv B _374545 x')))) (@GABS ((prod A B) -> (prod A B) -> prod A B) (fun f : (prod A B) -> (prod A B) -> prod A B => forall x : A, forall x' : B, @GEQ ((prod A B) -> prod A B) (f (@pair A B x x')) (@GABS ((prod A B) -> prod A B) (fun f' : (prod A B) -> prod A B => forall y : A, forall y' : B, @GEQ (prod A B) (f' (@pair A B y y')) (@pair A B (@group_mul A _374544 x y) (@group_mul B _374545 x' y')))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@prod_group A B)). Qed.
Definition product_group {A K : Type'} : (K -> Prop) -> (K -> Group A) -> Group (K -> A) := fun _375306 : K -> Prop => fun _375307 : K -> Group A => @group (K -> A) (@pair ((K -> A) -> Prop) (prod (K -> A) (prod ((K -> A) -> K -> A) ((K -> A) -> (K -> A) -> K -> A))) (@cartesian_product A K _375306 (fun i : K => @group_carrier A (_375307 i))) (@pair (K -> A) (prod ((K -> A) -> K -> A) ((K -> A) -> (K -> A) -> K -> A)) (@RESTRICTION K A _375306 (fun i : K => @group_id A (_375307 i))) (@pair ((K -> A) -> K -> A) ((K -> A) -> (K -> A) -> K -> A) (fun x : K -> A => @RESTRICTION K A _375306 (fun i : K => @group_inv A (_375307 i) (x i))) (fun x : K -> A => fun y : K -> A => @RESTRICTION K A _375306 (fun i : K => @group_mul A (_375307 i) (x i) (y i)))))).
Lemma product_group_def {A K : Type'} : (@product_group A K) = (fun _375306 : K -> Prop => fun _375307 : K -> Group A => @group (K -> A) (@pair ((K -> A) -> Prop) (prod (K -> A) (prod ((K -> A) -> K -> A) ((K -> A) -> (K -> A) -> K -> A))) (@cartesian_product A K _375306 (fun i : K => @group_carrier A (_375307 i))) (@pair (K -> A) (prod ((K -> A) -> K -> A) ((K -> A) -> (K -> A) -> K -> A)) (@RESTRICTION K A _375306 (fun i : K => @group_id A (_375307 i))) (@pair ((K -> A) -> K -> A) ((K -> A) -> (K -> A) -> K -> A) (fun x : K -> A => @RESTRICTION K A _375306 (fun i : K => @group_inv A (_375307 i) (x i))) (fun x : K -> A => fun y : K -> A => @RESTRICTION K A _375306 (fun i : K => @group_mul A (_375307 i) (x i) (y i))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@product_group A K)). Qed.
Definition sum_group {A K : Type'} : (K -> Prop) -> (K -> Group A) -> Group (K -> A) := fun _375648 : K -> Prop => fun _375649 : K -> Group A => @subgroup_generated (K -> A) (@product_group A K _375648 _375649) (@GSPEC (K -> A) (fun GEN_PVAR_820 : K -> A => exists x : K -> A, @SETSPEC (K -> A) GEN_PVAR_820 ((@IN (K -> A) x (@cartesian_product A K _375648 (fun i : K => @group_carrier A (_375649 i)))) /\ (@FINITE K (@GSPEC K (fun GEN_PVAR_819 : K => exists i : K, @SETSPEC K GEN_PVAR_819 ((@IN K i _375648) /\ (~ ((x i) = (@group_id A (_375649 i))))) i)))) x)).
Lemma sum_group_def {A K : Type'} : (@sum_group A K) = (fun _375648 : K -> Prop => fun _375649 : K -> Group A => @subgroup_generated (K -> A) (@product_group A K _375648 _375649) (@GSPEC (K -> A) (fun GEN_PVAR_820 : K -> A => exists x : K -> A, @SETSPEC (K -> A) GEN_PVAR_820 ((@IN (K -> A) x (@cartesian_product A K _375648 (fun i : K => @group_carrier A (_375649 i)))) /\ (@FINITE K (@GSPEC K (fun GEN_PVAR_819 : K => exists i : K, @SETSPEC K GEN_PVAR_819 ((@IN K i _375648) /\ (~ ((x i) = (@group_id A (_375649 i))))) i)))) x))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@sum_group A K)). Qed.
Definition group_homomorphism {A B : Type'} : (prod (Group A) (Group B)) -> (A -> B) -> Prop := fun _376175 : prod (Group A) (Group B) => fun _376176 : A -> B => (@SUBSET B (@IMAGE A B _376176 (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376175))) (@group_carrier B (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376175))) /\ (((_376176 (@group_id A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376175))) = (@group_id B (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376175))) /\ ((forall x : A, (@IN A x (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376175))) -> (_376176 (@group_inv A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376175) x)) = (@group_inv B (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376175) (_376176 x))) /\ (forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376175))) /\ (@IN A y (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376175)))) -> (_376176 (@group_mul A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376175) x y)) = (@group_mul B (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376175) (_376176 x) (_376176 y))))).
Lemma group_homomorphism_def {A B : Type'} : (@group_homomorphism A B) = (fun _376175 : prod (Group A) (Group B) => fun _376176 : A -> B => (@SUBSET B (@IMAGE A B _376176 (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376175))) (@group_carrier B (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376175))) /\ (((_376176 (@group_id A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376175))) = (@group_id B (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376175))) /\ ((forall x : A, (@IN A x (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376175))) -> (_376176 (@group_inv A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376175) x)) = (@group_inv B (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376175) (_376176 x))) /\ (forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376175))) /\ (@IN A y (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376175)))) -> (_376176 (@group_mul A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376175) x y)) = (@group_mul B (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376175) (_376176 x) (_376176 y)))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_homomorphism A B)). Qed.
Definition group_monomorphism {A B : Type'} : (prod (Group A) (Group B)) -> (A -> B) -> Prop := fun _376192 : prod (Group A) (Group B) => fun _376193 : A -> B => (@group_homomorphism A B (@pair (Group A) (Group B) (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376192) (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376192)) _376193) /\ (forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376192))) /\ ((@IN A y (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376192))) /\ ((_376193 x) = (_376193 y)))) -> x = y).
Lemma group_monomorphism_def {A B : Type'} : (@group_monomorphism A B) = (fun _376192 : prod (Group A) (Group B) => fun _376193 : A -> B => (@group_homomorphism A B (@pair (Group A) (Group B) (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376192) (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376192)) _376193) /\ (forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376192))) /\ ((@IN A y (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376192))) /\ ((_376193 x) = (_376193 y)))) -> x = y)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_monomorphism A B)). Qed.
Definition group_epimorphism {A B : Type'} : (prod (Group A) (Group B)) -> (A -> B) -> Prop := fun _376209 : prod (Group A) (Group B) => fun _376210 : A -> B => (@group_homomorphism A B (@pair (Group A) (Group B) (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376209) (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376209)) _376210) /\ ((@IMAGE A B _376210 (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376209))) = (@group_carrier B (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376209))).
Lemma group_epimorphism_def {A B : Type'} : (@group_epimorphism A B) = (fun _376209 : prod (Group A) (Group B) => fun _376210 : A -> B => (@group_homomorphism A B (@pair (Group A) (Group B) (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376209) (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376209)) _376210) /\ ((@IMAGE A B _376210 (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376209))) = (@group_carrier B (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376209)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_epimorphism A B)). Qed.
Definition group_endomorphism {A : Type'} : (Group A) -> (A -> A) -> Prop := fun _376226 : Group A => fun _376227 : A -> A => @group_homomorphism A A (@pair (Group A) (Group A) _376226 _376226) _376227.
Lemma group_endomorphism_def {A : Type'} : (@group_endomorphism A) = (fun _376226 : Group A => fun _376227 : A -> A => @group_homomorphism A A (@pair (Group A) (Group A) _376226 _376226) _376227).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_endomorphism A)). Qed.
Definition group_isomorphisms {A B : Type'} : (prod (Group A) (Group B)) -> (prod (A -> B) (B -> A)) -> Prop := fun _376238 : prod (Group A) (Group B) => fun _376239 : prod (A -> B) (B -> A) => (@group_homomorphism A B (@pair (Group A) (Group B) (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376238) (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376238)) (@fst (A -> B) (B -> A) _376239)) /\ ((@group_homomorphism B A (@pair (Group B) (Group A) (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376238) (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376238)) (@snd (A -> B) (B -> A) _376239)) /\ ((forall x : A, (@IN A x (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376238))) -> (@snd (A -> B) (B -> A) _376239 (@fst (A -> B) (B -> A) _376239 x)) = x) /\ (forall y : B, (@IN B y (@group_carrier B (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376238))) -> (@fst (A -> B) (B -> A) _376239 (@snd (A -> B) (B -> A) _376239 y)) = y))).
Lemma group_isomorphisms_def {A B : Type'} : (@group_isomorphisms A B) = (fun _376238 : prod (Group A) (Group B) => fun _376239 : prod (A -> B) (B -> A) => (@group_homomorphism A B (@pair (Group A) (Group B) (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376238) (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376238)) (@fst (A -> B) (B -> A) _376239)) /\ ((@group_homomorphism B A (@pair (Group B) (Group A) (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376238) (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376238)) (@snd (A -> B) (B -> A) _376239)) /\ ((forall x : A, (@IN A x (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376238))) -> (@snd (A -> B) (B -> A) _376239 (@fst (A -> B) (B -> A) _376239 x)) = x) /\ (forall y : B, (@IN B y (@group_carrier B (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376238))) -> (@fst (A -> B) (B -> A) _376239 (@snd (A -> B) (B -> A) _376239 y)) = y)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_isomorphisms A B)). Qed.
Definition group_isomorphism {A B : Type'} : (prod (Group A) (Group B)) -> (A -> B) -> Prop := fun _376260 : prod (Group A) (Group B) => fun _376261 : A -> B => exists g : B -> A, @group_isomorphisms A B (@pair (Group A) (Group B) (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376260) (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376260)) (@pair (A -> B) (B -> A) _376261 g).
Lemma group_isomorphism_def {A B : Type'} : (@group_isomorphism A B) = (fun _376260 : prod (Group A) (Group B) => fun _376261 : A -> B => exists g : B -> A, @group_isomorphisms A B (@pair (Group A) (Group B) (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _376260) (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _376260)) (@pair (A -> B) (B -> A) _376261 g)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_isomorphism A B)). Qed.
Definition group_automorphism {A : Type'} : (Group A) -> (A -> A) -> Prop := fun _376277 : Group A => fun _376278 : A -> A => @group_isomorphism A A (@pair (Group A) (Group A) _376277 _376277) _376278.
Lemma group_automorphism_def {A : Type'} : (@group_automorphism A) = (fun _376277 : Group A => fun _376278 : A -> A => @group_isomorphism A A (@pair (Group A) (Group A) _376277 _376277) _376278).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_automorphism A)). Qed.
Definition isomorphic_group {A B : Type'} : (Group A) -> (Group B) -> Prop := fun _399100 : Group A => fun _399101 : Group B => exists f : A -> B, @group_isomorphism A B (@pair (Group A) (Group B) _399100 _399101) f.
Lemma isomorphic_group_def {A B : Type'} : (@isomorphic_group A B) = (fun _399100 : Group A => fun _399101 : Group B => exists f : A -> B, @group_isomorphism A B (@pair (Group A) (Group B) _399100 _399101) f).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@isomorphic_group A B)). Qed.
Definition group_setinv {_281127 : Type'} : (Group _281127) -> (_281127 -> Prop) -> _281127 -> Prop := fun _403173 : Group _281127 => fun _403174 : _281127 -> Prop => @GSPEC _281127 (fun GEN_PVAR_842 : _281127 => exists x : _281127, @SETSPEC _281127 GEN_PVAR_842 (@IN _281127 x _403174) (@group_inv _281127 _403173 x)).
Lemma group_setinv_def {_281127 : Type'} : (@group_setinv _281127) = (fun _403173 : Group _281127 => fun _403174 : _281127 -> Prop => @GSPEC _281127 (fun GEN_PVAR_842 : _281127 => exists x : _281127, @SETSPEC _281127 GEN_PVAR_842 (@IN _281127 x _403174) (@group_inv _281127 _403173 x))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_setinv _281127)). Qed.
Definition group_setmul {_281156 : Type'} : (Group _281156) -> (_281156 -> Prop) -> (_281156 -> Prop) -> _281156 -> Prop := fun _403185 : Group _281156 => fun _403186 : _281156 -> Prop => fun _403187 : _281156 -> Prop => @GSPEC _281156 (fun GEN_PVAR_843 : _281156 => exists x : _281156, exists y : _281156, @SETSPEC _281156 GEN_PVAR_843 ((@IN _281156 x _403186) /\ (@IN _281156 y _403187)) (@group_mul _281156 _403185 x y)).
Lemma group_setmul_def {_281156 : Type'} : (@group_setmul _281156) = (fun _403185 : Group _281156 => fun _403186 : _281156 -> Prop => fun _403187 : _281156 -> Prop => @GSPEC _281156 (fun GEN_PVAR_843 : _281156 => exists x : _281156, exists y : _281156, @SETSPEC _281156 GEN_PVAR_843 ((@IN _281156 x _403186) /\ (@IN _281156 y _403187)) (@group_mul _281156 _403185 x y))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_setmul _281156)). Qed.
Definition group_action {A X : Type'} : (Group A) -> (X -> Prop) -> (A -> X -> X) -> Prop := fun _405403 : Group A => fun _405404 : X -> Prop => fun _405405 : A -> X -> X => (forall g : A, forall x : X, ((@IN A g (@group_carrier A _405403)) /\ (@IN X x _405404)) -> @IN X (_405405 g x) _405404) /\ ((forall x : X, (@IN X x _405404) -> (_405405 (@group_id A _405403) x) = x) /\ (forall g : A, forall h : A, forall x : X, ((@IN A g (@group_carrier A _405403)) /\ ((@IN A h (@group_carrier A _405403)) /\ (@IN X x _405404))) -> (_405405 (@group_mul A _405403 g h) x) = (_405405 g (_405405 h x)))).
Lemma group_action_def {A X : Type'} : (@group_action A X) = (fun _405403 : Group A => fun _405404 : X -> Prop => fun _405405 : A -> X -> X => (forall g : A, forall x : X, ((@IN A g (@group_carrier A _405403)) /\ (@IN X x _405404)) -> @IN X (_405405 g x) _405404) /\ ((forall x : X, (@IN X x _405404) -> (_405405 (@group_id A _405403) x) = x) /\ (forall g : A, forall h : A, forall x : X, ((@IN A g (@group_carrier A _405403)) /\ ((@IN A h (@group_carrier A _405403)) /\ (@IN X x _405404))) -> (_405405 (@group_mul A _405403 g h) x) = (_405405 g (_405405 h x))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_action A X)). Qed.
Definition group_stabilizer {A X : Type'} : (Group A) -> (A -> X -> X) -> X -> A -> Prop := fun _408336 : Group A => fun _408337 : A -> X -> X => fun _408338 : X => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_855 : A => exists g : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_855 ((@IN A g (@group_carrier A _408336)) /\ ((_408337 g _408338) = _408338)) g).
Lemma group_stabilizer_def {A X : Type'} : (@group_stabilizer A X) = (fun _408336 : Group A => fun _408337 : A -> X -> X => fun _408338 : X => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_855 : A => exists g : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_855 ((@IN A g (@group_carrier A _408336)) /\ ((_408337 g _408338) = _408338)) g)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_stabilizer A X)). Qed.
Definition group_orbit {A X : Type'} : (Group A) -> (X -> Prop) -> (A -> X -> X) -> X -> X -> Prop := fun _409004 : Group A => fun _409005 : X -> Prop => fun _409006 : A -> X -> X => fun _409007 : X => fun _409008 : X => (@IN X _409007 _409005) /\ ((@IN X _409008 _409005) /\ (exists g : A, (@IN A g (@group_carrier A _409004)) /\ ((_409006 g _409007) = _409008))).
Lemma group_orbit_def {A X : Type'} : (@group_orbit A X) = (fun _409004 : Group A => fun _409005 : X -> Prop => fun _409006 : A -> X -> X => fun _409007 : X => fun _409008 : X => (@IN X _409007 _409005) /\ ((@IN X _409008 _409005) /\ (exists g : A, (@IN A g (@group_carrier A _409004)) /\ ((_409006 g _409007) = _409008)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_orbit A X)). Qed.
Definition right_coset {_287922 : Type'} : (Group _287922) -> (_287922 -> Prop) -> _287922 -> _287922 -> Prop := fun _414508 : Group _287922 => fun _414509 : _287922 -> Prop => fun _414510 : _287922 => @group_setmul _287922 _414508 _414509 (@INSERT _287922 _414510 (@EMPTY _287922)).
Lemma right_coset_def {_287922 : Type'} : (@right_coset _287922) = (fun _414508 : Group _287922 => fun _414509 : _287922 -> Prop => fun _414510 : _287922 => @group_setmul _287922 _414508 _414509 (@INSERT _287922 _414510 (@EMPTY _287922))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@right_coset _287922)). Qed.
Definition left_coset {_287937 : Type'} : (Group _287937) -> _287937 -> (_287937 -> Prop) -> _287937 -> Prop := fun _414529 : Group _287937 => fun _414530 : _287937 => fun _414531 : _287937 -> Prop => @group_setmul _287937 _414529 (@INSERT _287937 _414530 (@EMPTY _287937)) _414531.
Lemma left_coset_def {_287937 : Type'} : (@left_coset _287937) = (fun _414529 : Group _287937 => fun _414530 : _287937 => fun _414531 : _287937 -> Prop => @group_setmul _287937 _414529 (@INSERT _287937 _414530 (@EMPTY _287937)) _414531).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@left_coset _287937)). Qed.
Definition normal_subgroup_of {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (Group A) -> Prop := fun _420191 : A -> Prop => fun _420192 : Group A => (@subgroup_of A _420191 _420192) /\ (forall x : A, (@IN A x (@group_carrier A _420192)) -> (@left_coset A _420192 x _420191) = (@right_coset A _420192 _420191 x)).
Lemma normal_subgroup_of_def {A : Type'} : (@normal_subgroup_of A) = (fun _420191 : A -> Prop => fun _420192 : Group A => (@subgroup_of A _420191 _420192) /\ (forall x : A, (@IN A x (@group_carrier A _420192)) -> (@left_coset A _420192 x _420191) = (@right_coset A _420192 _420191 x))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@normal_subgroup_of A)). Qed.
Definition group_conjugate {A : Type'} : (Group A) -> (A -> Prop) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _422663 : Group A => fun _422664 : A -> Prop => fun _422665 : A -> Prop => (@SUBSET A _422664 (@group_carrier A _422663)) /\ ((@SUBSET A _422665 (@group_carrier A _422663)) /\ (exists a : A, (@IN A a (@group_carrier A _422663)) /\ ((@IMAGE A A (@group_conjugation A _422663 a) _422664) = _422665))).
Lemma group_conjugate_def {A : Type'} : (@group_conjugate A) = (fun _422663 : Group A => fun _422664 : A -> Prop => fun _422665 : A -> Prop => (@SUBSET A _422664 (@group_carrier A _422663)) /\ ((@SUBSET A _422665 (@group_carrier A _422663)) /\ (exists a : A, (@IN A a (@group_carrier A _422663)) /\ ((@IMAGE A A (@group_conjugation A _422663 a) _422664) = _422665)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_conjugate A)). Qed.
Definition group_centralizer {A : Type'} : (Group A) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop := fun _423436 : Group A => fun _423437 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_944 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_944 ((@IN A x (@group_carrier A _423436)) /\ (forall y : A, ((@IN A y (@group_carrier A _423436)) /\ (@IN A y _423437)) -> (@group_mul A _423436 x y) = (@group_mul A _423436 y x))) x).
Lemma group_centralizer_def {A : Type'} : (@group_centralizer A) = (fun _423436 : Group A => fun _423437 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_944 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_944 ((@IN A x (@group_carrier A _423436)) /\ (forall y : A, ((@IN A y (@group_carrier A _423436)) /\ (@IN A y _423437)) -> (@group_mul A _423436 x y) = (@group_mul A _423436 y x))) x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_centralizer A)). Qed.
Definition group_normalizer {A : Type'} : (Group A) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop := fun _423448 : Group A => fun _423449 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_945 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_945 ((@IN A x (@group_carrier A _423448)) /\ ((@group_setmul A _423448 (@INSERT A x (@EMPTY A)) (@INTER A (@group_carrier A _423448) _423449)) = (@group_setmul A _423448 (@INTER A (@group_carrier A _423448) _423449) (@INSERT A x (@EMPTY A))))) x).
Lemma group_normalizer_def {A : Type'} : (@group_normalizer A) = (fun _423448 : Group A => fun _423449 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_945 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_945 ((@IN A x (@group_carrier A _423448)) /\ ((@group_setmul A _423448 (@INSERT A x (@EMPTY A)) (@INTER A (@group_carrier A _423448) _423449)) = (@group_setmul A _423448 (@INTER A (@group_carrier A _423448) _423449) (@INSERT A x (@EMPTY A))))) x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_normalizer A)). Qed.
Definition quotient_group {A : Type'} : (Group A) -> (A -> Prop) -> Group (A -> Prop) := fun _425519 : Group A => fun _425520 : A -> Prop => @group (A -> Prop) (@pair ((A -> Prop) -> Prop) (prod (A -> Prop) (prod ((A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop) ((A -> Prop) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop))) (@GSPEC (A -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_963 : A -> Prop => exists x : A, @SETSPEC (A -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_963 (@IN A x (@group_carrier A _425519)) (@right_coset A _425519 _425520 x))) (@pair (A -> Prop) (prod ((A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop) ((A -> Prop) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop)) _425520 (@pair ((A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop) ((A -> Prop) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop) (@group_setinv A _425519) (@group_setmul A _425519)))).
Lemma quotient_group_def {A : Type'} : (@quotient_group A) = (fun _425519 : Group A => fun _425520 : A -> Prop => @group (A -> Prop) (@pair ((A -> Prop) -> Prop) (prod (A -> Prop) (prod ((A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop) ((A -> Prop) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop))) (@GSPEC (A -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_963 : A -> Prop => exists x : A, @SETSPEC (A -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_963 (@IN A x (@group_carrier A _425519)) (@right_coset A _425519 _425520 x))) (@pair (A -> Prop) (prod ((A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop) ((A -> Prop) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop)) _425520 (@pair ((A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop) ((A -> Prop) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop) (@group_setinv A _425519) (@group_setmul A _425519))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@quotient_group A)). Qed.
Definition group_kernel {A B : Type'} : (prod (Group A) (Group B)) -> (A -> B) -> A -> Prop := fun _427994 : prod (Group A) (Group B) => fun _427995 : A -> B => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_971 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_971 ((@IN A x (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _427994))) /\ ((_427995 x) = (@group_id B (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _427994)))) x).
Lemma group_kernel_def {A B : Type'} : (@group_kernel A B) = (fun _427994 : prod (Group A) (Group B) => fun _427995 : A -> B => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_971 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_971 ((@IN A x (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _427994))) /\ ((_427995 x) = (@group_id B (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _427994)))) x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_kernel A B)). Qed.
Definition group_image {A B : Type'} : (prod (Group A) (Group B)) -> (A -> B) -> B -> Prop := fun _428011 : prod (Group A) (Group B) => fun _428012 : A -> B => @IMAGE A B _428012 (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _428011)).
Lemma group_image_def {A B : Type'} : (@group_image A B) = (fun _428011 : prod (Group A) (Group B) => fun _428012 : A -> B => @IMAGE A B _428012 (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _428011))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_image A B)). Qed.
Definition trivial_homomorphism {A B : Type'} : (prod (Group A) (Group B)) -> (A -> B) -> Prop := fun _458314 : prod (Group A) (Group B) => fun _458315 : A -> B => (@group_homomorphism A B (@pair (Group A) (Group B) (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _458314) (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _458314)) _458315) /\ (forall x : A, (@IN A x (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _458314))) -> (_458315 x) = (@group_id B (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _458314))).
Lemma trivial_homomorphism_def {A B : Type'} : (@trivial_homomorphism A B) = (fun _458314 : prod (Group A) (Group B) => fun _458315 : A -> B => (@group_homomorphism A B (@pair (Group A) (Group B) (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _458314) (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _458314)) _458315) /\ (forall x : A, (@IN A x (@group_carrier A (@fst (Group A) (Group B) _458314))) -> (_458315 x) = (@group_id B (@snd (Group A) (Group B) _458314)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@trivial_homomorphism A B)). Qed.
Definition group_element_order {A : Type'} : (Group A) -> A -> N := fun _459805 : Group A => fun _459806 : A => @ε N (fun d : N => forall n : N, ((@group_pow A _459805 _459806 n) = (@group_id A _459805)) = (num_divides d n)).
Lemma group_element_order_def {A : Type'} : (@group_element_order A) = (fun _459805 : Group A => fun _459806 : A => @ε N (fun d : N => forall n : N, ((@group_pow A _459805 _459806 n) = (@group_id A _459805)) = (num_divides d n))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_element_order A)). Qed.
Definition cyclic_group {_310016 : Type'} : (Group _310016) -> Prop := fun _464632 : Group _310016 => exists x : _310016, (@IN _310016 x (@group_carrier _310016 _464632)) /\ ((@subgroup_generated _310016 _464632 (@INSERT _310016 x (@EMPTY _310016))) = _464632).
Lemma cyclic_group_def {_310016 : Type'} : (@cyclic_group _310016) = (fun _464632 : Group _310016 => exists x : _310016, (@IN _310016 x (@group_carrier _310016 _464632)) /\ ((@subgroup_generated _310016 _464632 (@INSERT _310016 x (@EMPTY _310016))) = _464632)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@cyclic_group _310016)). Qed.
Definition finitely_generated_group {A : Type'} : (Group A) -> Prop := fun _467681 : Group A => exists s : A -> Prop, (@FINITE A s) /\ ((@subgroup_generated A _467681 s) = _467681).
Lemma finitely_generated_group_def {A : Type'} : (@finitely_generated_group A) = (fun _467681 : Group A => exists s : A -> Prop, (@FINITE A s) /\ ((@subgroup_generated A _467681 s) = _467681)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@finitely_generated_group A)). Qed.
Definition integer_group : Group Z := @group Z (@pair (Z -> Prop) (prod Z (prod (Z -> Z) (Z -> Z -> Z))) (@UNIV Z) (@pair Z (prod (Z -> Z) (Z -> Z -> Z)) (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) (@pair (Z -> Z) (Z -> Z -> Z) int_neg int_add))).
Lemma integer_group_def : integer_group = (@group Z (@pair (Z -> Prop) (prod Z (prod (Z -> Z) (Z -> Z -> Z))) (@UNIV Z) (@pair Z (prod (Z -> Z) (Z -> Z -> Z)) (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) (@pair (Z -> Z) (Z -> Z -> Z) int_neg int_add)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl integer_group). Qed.
Definition integer_mod_group : N -> Group Z := fun _493916 : N => @COND (Group Z) (_493916 = (NUMERAL 0%N)) integer_group (@group Z (@pair (Z -> Prop) (prod Z (prod (Z -> Z) (Z -> Z -> Z))) (@GSPEC Z (fun GEN_PVAR_1055 : Z => exists m : Z, @SETSPEC Z GEN_PVAR_1055 ((int_le (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) m) /\ (int_lt m (Z_of_N _493916))) m)) (@pair Z (prod (Z -> Z) (Z -> Z -> Z)) (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) (@pair (Z -> Z) (Z -> Z -> Z) (fun a : Z => rem (int_neg a) (Z_of_N _493916)) (fun a : Z => fun b : Z => rem (int_add a b) (Z_of_N _493916)))))).
Lemma integer_mod_group_def : integer_mod_group = (fun _493916 : N => @COND (Group Z) (_493916 = (NUMERAL 0%N)) integer_group (@group Z (@pair (Z -> Prop) (prod Z (prod (Z -> Z) (Z -> Z -> Z))) (@GSPEC Z (fun GEN_PVAR_1055 : Z => exists m : Z, @SETSPEC Z GEN_PVAR_1055 ((int_le (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) m) /\ (int_lt m (Z_of_N _493916))) m)) (@pair Z (prod (Z -> Z) (Z -> Z -> Z)) (Z_of_N (NUMERAL 0%N)) (@pair (Z -> Z) (Z -> Z -> Z) (fun a : Z => rem (int_neg a) (Z_of_N _493916)) (fun a : Z => fun b : Z => rem (int_add a b) (Z_of_N _493916))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl integer_mod_group). Qed.
Definition pgroup {A : Type'} : (N -> Prop) -> (Group A) -> Prop := fun _496759 : N -> Prop => fun _496760 : Group A => forall p : N, forall x : A, ((prime p) /\ ((@IN A x (@group_carrier A _496760)) /\ (num_divides p (@group_element_order A _496760 x)))) -> @IN N p _496759.
Lemma pgroup_def {A : Type'} : (@pgroup A) = (fun _496759 : N -> Prop => fun _496760 : Group A => forall p : N, forall x : A, ((prime p) /\ ((@IN A x (@group_carrier A _496760)) /\ (num_divides p (@group_element_order A _496760 x)))) -> @IN N p _496759).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@pgroup A)). Qed.
Definition free_abelian_group {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> Group (frag A) := fun _567156 : A -> Prop => @group (frag A) (@pair ((frag A) -> Prop) (prod (frag A) (prod ((frag A) -> frag A) ((frag A) -> (frag A) -> frag A))) (@GSPEC (frag A) (fun GEN_PVAR_1210 : frag A => exists c : frag A, @SETSPEC (frag A) GEN_PVAR_1210 (@SUBSET A (@frag_support A c) _567156) c)) (@pair (frag A) (prod ((frag A) -> frag A) ((frag A) -> (frag A) -> frag A)) (@frag_0 A) (@pair ((frag A) -> frag A) ((frag A) -> (frag A) -> frag A) (@frag_neg A) (@frag_add A)))).
Lemma free_abelian_group_def {A : Type'} : (@free_abelian_group A) = (fun _567156 : A -> Prop => @group (frag A) (@pair ((frag A) -> Prop) (prod (frag A) (prod ((frag A) -> frag A) ((frag A) -> (frag A) -> frag A))) (@GSPEC (frag A) (fun GEN_PVAR_1210 : frag A => exists c : frag A, @SETSPEC (frag A) GEN_PVAR_1210 (@SUBSET A (@frag_support A c) _567156) c)) (@pair (frag A) (prod ((frag A) -> frag A) ((frag A) -> (frag A) -> frag A)) (@frag_0 A) (@pair ((frag A) -> frag A) ((frag A) -> (frag A) -> frag A) (@frag_neg A) (@frag_add A))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@free_abelian_group A)). Qed.
Definition group_exactness {A B C : Type'} : (prod (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C))) -> (prod (A -> B) (B -> C)) -> Prop := fun _568984 : prod (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) => fun _568985 : prod (A -> B) (B -> C) => (@group_homomorphism A B (@pair (Group A) (Group B) (@fst (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _568984) (@fst (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _568984))) (@fst (A -> B) (B -> C) _568985)) /\ ((@group_homomorphism B C (@pair (Group B) (Group C) (@fst (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _568984)) (@snd (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _568984))) (@snd (A -> B) (B -> C) _568985)) /\ ((@group_image A B (@pair (Group A) (Group B) (@fst (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _568984) (@fst (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _568984))) (@fst (A -> B) (B -> C) _568985)) = (@group_kernel B C (@pair (Group B) (Group C) (@fst (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _568984)) (@snd (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _568984))) (@snd (A -> B) (B -> C) _568985)))).
Lemma group_exactness_def {A B C : Type'} : (@group_exactness A B C) = (fun _568984 : prod (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) => fun _568985 : prod (A -> B) (B -> C) => (@group_homomorphism A B (@pair (Group A) (Group B) (@fst (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _568984) (@fst (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _568984))) (@fst (A -> B) (B -> C) _568985)) /\ ((@group_homomorphism B C (@pair (Group B) (Group C) (@fst (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _568984)) (@snd (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _568984))) (@snd (A -> B) (B -> C) _568985)) /\ ((@group_image A B (@pair (Group A) (Group B) (@fst (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _568984) (@fst (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _568984))) (@fst (A -> B) (B -> C) _568985)) = (@group_kernel B C (@pair (Group B) (Group C) (@fst (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _568984)) (@snd (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _568984))) (@snd (A -> B) (B -> C) _568985))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@group_exactness A B C)). Qed.
Definition short_exact_sequence {A B C : Type'} : (prod (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C))) -> (prod (A -> B) (B -> C)) -> Prop := fun _569011 : prod (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) => fun _569012 : prod (A -> B) (B -> C) => (@group_monomorphism A B (@pair (Group A) (Group B) (@fst (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _569011) (@fst (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _569011))) (@fst (A -> B) (B -> C) _569012)) /\ ((@group_exactness A B C (@pair (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) (@fst (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _569011) (@pair (Group B) (Group C) (@fst (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _569011)) (@snd (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _569011)))) (@pair (A -> B) (B -> C) (@fst (A -> B) (B -> C) _569012) (@snd (A -> B) (B -> C) _569012))) /\ (@group_epimorphism B C (@pair (Group B) (Group C) (@fst (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _569011)) (@snd (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _569011))) (@snd (A -> B) (B -> C) _569012))).
Lemma short_exact_sequence_def {A B C : Type'} : (@short_exact_sequence A B C) = (fun _569011 : prod (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) => fun _569012 : prod (A -> B) (B -> C) => (@group_monomorphism A B (@pair (Group A) (Group B) (@fst (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _569011) (@fst (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _569011))) (@fst (A -> B) (B -> C) _569012)) /\ ((@group_exactness A B C (@pair (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) (@fst (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _569011) (@pair (Group B) (Group C) (@fst (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _569011)) (@snd (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _569011)))) (@pair (A -> B) (B -> C) (@fst (A -> B) (B -> C) _569012) (@snd (A -> B) (B -> C) _569012))) /\ (@group_epimorphism B C (@pair (Group B) (Group C) (@fst (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _569011)) (@snd (Group B) (Group C) (@snd (Group A) (prod (Group B) (Group C)) _569011))) (@snd (A -> B) (B -> C) _569012)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@short_exact_sequence A B C)). Qed.
Definition matroid_set {A : Type'} : (Matroid A) -> A -> Prop := fun m : Matroid A => @fst (A -> Prop) ((A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop) (@dest_matroid A m).
Lemma matroid_set_def {A : Type'} : (@matroid_set A) = (fun m : Matroid A => @fst (A -> Prop) ((A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop) (@dest_matroid A m)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@matroid_set A)). Qed.
Definition matroid_span {A : Type'} : (Matroid A) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop := fun m : Matroid A => @snd (A -> Prop) ((A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop) (@dest_matroid A m).
Lemma matroid_span_def {A : Type'} : (@matroid_span A) = (fun m : Matroid A => @snd (A -> Prop) ((A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop) (@dest_matroid A m)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@matroid_span A)). Qed.
Definition matroid_spanning {A : Type'} : (Matroid A) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _600731 : Matroid A => fun _600732 : A -> Prop => (@SUBSET A _600732 (@matroid_set A _600731)) /\ ((@matroid_span A _600731 _600732) = (@matroid_set A _600731)).
Lemma matroid_spanning_def {A : Type'} : (@matroid_spanning A) = (fun _600731 : Matroid A => fun _600732 : A -> Prop => (@SUBSET A _600732 (@matroid_set A _600731)) /\ ((@matroid_span A _600731 _600732) = (@matroid_set A _600731))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@matroid_spanning A)). Qed.
Definition matroid_independent {A : Type'} : (Matroid A) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _600743 : Matroid A => fun _600744 : A -> Prop => (@SUBSET A _600744 (@matroid_set A _600743)) /\ (forall x : A, (@IN A x _600744) -> ~ (@IN A x (@matroid_span A _600743 (@DELETE A _600744 x)))).
Lemma matroid_independent_def {A : Type'} : (@matroid_independent A) = (fun _600743 : Matroid A => fun _600744 : A -> Prop => (@SUBSET A _600744 (@matroid_set A _600743)) /\ (forall x : A, (@IN A x _600744) -> ~ (@IN A x (@matroid_span A _600743 (@DELETE A _600744 x))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@matroid_independent A)). Qed.
Definition matroid_basis {A : Type'} : (Matroid A) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _600755 : Matroid A => fun _600756 : A -> Prop => (@matroid_spanning A _600755 _600756) /\ (@matroid_independent A _600755 _600756).
Lemma matroid_basis_def {A : Type'} : (@matroid_basis A) = (fun _600755 : Matroid A => fun _600756 : A -> Prop => (@matroid_spanning A _600755 _600756) /\ (@matroid_independent A _600755 _600756)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@matroid_basis A)). Qed.
Definition matroid_subspace {A : Type'} : (Matroid A) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _607285 : Matroid A => fun _607286 : A -> Prop => (@SUBSET A _607286 (@matroid_set A _607285)) /\ ((@matroid_span A _607285 _607286) = _607286).
Lemma matroid_subspace_def {A : Type'} : (@matroid_subspace A) = (fun _607285 : Matroid A => fun _607286 : A -> Prop => (@SUBSET A _607286 (@matroid_set A _607285)) /\ ((@matroid_span A _607285 _607286) = _607286)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@matroid_subspace A)). Qed.
Definition submatroid {A : Type'} : (Matroid A) -> (A -> Prop) -> Matroid A := fun _607432 : Matroid A => fun _607433 : A -> Prop => @matroid A (@pair (A -> Prop) ((A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop) (@matroid_span A _607432 (@INTER A (@matroid_set A _607432) _607433)) (@matroid_span A _607432)).
Lemma submatroid_def {A : Type'} : (@submatroid A) = (fun _607432 : Matroid A => fun _607433 : A -> Prop => @matroid A (@pair (A -> Prop) ((A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop) (@matroid_span A _607432 (@INTER A (@matroid_set A _607432) _607433)) (@matroid_span A _607432))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@submatroid A)). Qed.
Definition matroid_finite_dimensional {A : Type'} : (Matroid A) -> Prop := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))))))))))) -> (Matroid A) -> Prop) (fun matroid_finite_dimensional' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))))))))))) -> (Matroid A) -> Prop => forall _607866 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))))))))))), forall m : Matroid A, (matroid_finite_dimensional' _607866 m) = (exists b : A -> Prop, (@FINITE A b) /\ (@matroid_spanning A m b))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).
Lemma matroid_finite_dimensional_def {A : Type'} : (@matroid_finite_dimensional A) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))))))))))) -> (Matroid A) -> Prop) (fun matroid_finite_dimensional' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))))))))))) -> (Matroid A) -> Prop => forall _607866 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))))))))))), forall m : Matroid A, (matroid_finite_dimensional' _607866 m) = (exists b : A -> Prop, (@FINITE A b) /\ (@matroid_spanning A m b))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@matroid_finite_dimensional A)). Qed.
Definition matroid_dimension {A : Type'} : (Matroid A) -> N := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))) -> (Matroid A) -> N) (fun matroid_dimension' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))) -> (Matroid A) -> N => forall _607891 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))), forall m : Matroid A, (matroid_dimension' _607891 m) = (@ε N (fun n : N => forall b : A -> Prop, (@matroid_basis A m b) -> @HAS_SIZE A b n))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))))))))))))).
Lemma matroid_dimension_def {A : Type'} : (@matroid_dimension A) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))) -> (Matroid A) -> N) (fun matroid_dimension' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))) -> (Matroid A) -> N => forall _607891 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))), forall m : Matroid A, (matroid_dimension' _607891 m) = (@ε N (fun n : N => forall b : A -> Prop, (@matroid_basis A m b) -> @HAS_SIZE A b n))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@matroid_dimension A)). Qed.
Definition matroid_finite_dim {A : Type'} : (Matroid A) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))) -> (Matroid A) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop) (fun matroid_finite_dim' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))) -> (Matroid A) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop => forall _608005 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))), forall m : Matroid A, forall s : A -> Prop, (matroid_finite_dim' _608005 m s) = ((@SUBSET A s (@matroid_set A m)) /\ (@matroid_finite_dimensional A (@submatroid A m s)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))))))))))))))).
Lemma matroid_finite_dim_def {A : Type'} : (@matroid_finite_dim A) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))) -> (Matroid A) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop) (fun matroid_finite_dim' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))))) -> (Matroid A) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop => forall _608005 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))), forall m : Matroid A, forall s : A -> Prop, (matroid_finite_dim' _608005 m s) = ((@SUBSET A s (@matroid_set A m)) /\ (@matroid_finite_dimensional A (@submatroid A m s)))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@matroid_finite_dim A)). Qed.
Definition matroid_dim {A : Type'} : (Matroid A) -> (A -> Prop) -> N := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) -> (Matroid A) -> (A -> Prop) -> N) (fun matroid_dim' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) -> (Matroid A) -> (A -> Prop) -> N => forall _608119 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))), forall m : Matroid A, forall s : A -> Prop, (matroid_dim' _608119 m s) = (@matroid_dimension A (@submatroid A m s))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))))))))).
Lemma matroid_dim_def {A : Type'} : (@matroid_dim A) = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) -> (Matroid A) -> (A -> Prop) -> N) (fun matroid_dim' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))))) -> (Matroid A) -> (A -> Prop) -> N => forall _608119 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))), forall m : Matroid A, forall s : A -> Prop, (matroid_dim' _608119 m s) = (@matroid_dimension A (@submatroid A m s))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@matroid_dim A)). Qed.
Definition binom : (prod N N) -> N := @ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) -> (prod N N) -> N) (fun binom' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) -> (prod N N) -> N => forall _612257 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))), (forall n : N, (binom' _612257 (@pair N N n (NUMERAL 0%N))) = (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) /\ ((forall k : N, (binom' _612257 (@pair N N (NUMERAL 0%N) (N.succ k))) = (NUMERAL 0%N)) /\ (forall n : N, forall k : N, (binom' _612257 (@pair N N (N.succ n) (N.succ k))) = (N.add (binom' _612257 (@pair N N n (N.succ k))) (binom' _612257 (@pair N N n k)))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))))))).
Lemma binom_def : binom = (@ε ((prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) -> (prod N N) -> N) (fun binom' : (prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N)))) -> (prod N N) -> N => forall _612257 : prod N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))), (forall n : N, (binom' _612257 (@pair N N n (NUMERAL 0%N))) = (NUMERAL (BIT1 0%N))) /\ ((forall k : N, (binom' _612257 (@pair N N (NUMERAL 0%N) (N.succ k))) = (NUMERAL 0%N)) /\ (forall n : N, forall k : N, (binom' _612257 (@pair N N (N.succ n) (N.succ k))) = (N.add (binom' _612257 (@pair N N n (N.succ k))) (binom' _612257 (@pair N N n k)))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N (prod N N))) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N (prod N N)) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N (prod N N) (NUMERAL (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (@pair N N (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N)))))))) (NUMERAL (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 (BIT0 (BIT1 (BIT1 0%N))))))))))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl binom). Qed.
Definition istopology {_350906 : Type'} : ((_350906 -> Prop) -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _613298 : (_350906 -> Prop) -> Prop => (@IN (_350906 -> Prop) (@EMPTY _350906) _613298) /\ ((forall s : _350906 -> Prop, forall t : _350906 -> Prop, ((@IN (_350906 -> Prop) s _613298) /\ (@IN (_350906 -> Prop) t _613298)) -> @IN (_350906 -> Prop) (@INTER _350906 s t) _613298) /\ (forall k : (_350906 -> Prop) -> Prop, (@SUBSET (_350906 -> Prop) k _613298) -> @IN (_350906 -> Prop) (@UNIONS _350906 k) _613298)).
Lemma istopology_def {_350906 : Type'} : (@istopology _350906) = (fun _613298 : (_350906 -> Prop) -> Prop => (@IN (_350906 -> Prop) (@EMPTY _350906) _613298) /\ ((forall s : _350906 -> Prop, forall t : _350906 -> Prop, ((@IN (_350906 -> Prop) s _613298) /\ (@IN (_350906 -> Prop) t _613298)) -> @IN (_350906 -> Prop) (@INTER _350906 s t) _613298) /\ (forall k : (_350906 -> Prop) -> Prop, (@SUBSET (_350906 -> Prop) k _613298) -> @IN (_350906 -> Prop) (@UNIONS _350906 k) _613298))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@istopology _350906)). Qed.
Definition topspace {_350968 : Type'} : (Topology _350968) -> _350968 -> Prop := fun _613340 : Topology _350968 => @UNIONS _350968 (@GSPEC (_350968 -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_1231 : _350968 -> Prop => exists s : _350968 -> Prop, @SETSPEC (_350968 -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_1231 (@open_in _350968 _613340 s) s)).
Lemma topspace_def {_350968 : Type'} : (@topspace _350968) = (fun _613340 : Topology _350968 => @UNIONS _350968 (@GSPEC (_350968 -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_1231 : _350968 -> Prop => exists s : _350968 -> Prop, @SETSPEC (_350968 -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_1231 (@open_in _350968 _613340 s) s))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@topspace _350968)). Qed.
Definition closed_in {_351271 : Type'} : (Topology _351271) -> (_351271 -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _613375 : Topology _351271 => fun _613376 : _351271 -> Prop => (@SUBSET _351271 _613376 (@topspace _351271 _613375)) /\ (@open_in _351271 _613375 (@DIFF _351271 (@topspace _351271 _613375) _613376)).
Lemma closed_in_def {_351271 : Type'} : (@closed_in _351271) = (fun _613375 : Topology _351271 => fun _613376 : _351271 -> Prop => (@SUBSET _351271 _613376 (@topspace _351271 _613375)) /\ (@open_in _351271 _613375 (@DIFF _351271 (@topspace _351271 _613375) _613376))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@closed_in _351271)). Qed.
Definition discrete_topology {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> Topology A := fun _613954 : A -> Prop => @topology A (@GSPEC (A -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_1235 : A -> Prop => exists s : A -> Prop, @SETSPEC (A -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_1235 (@SUBSET A s _613954) s)).
Lemma discrete_topology_def {A : Type'} : (@discrete_topology A) = (fun _613954 : A -> Prop => @topology A (@GSPEC (A -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_1235 : A -> Prop => exists s : A -> Prop, @SETSPEC (A -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_1235 (@SUBSET A s _613954) s))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@discrete_topology A)). Qed.
Definition discrete_space {A : Type'} : (Topology A) -> Prop := fun _613959 : Topology A => (@discrete_topology A (@topspace A _613959)) = _613959.
Lemma discrete_space_def {A : Type'} : (@discrete_space A) = (fun _613959 : Topology A => (@discrete_topology A (@topspace A _613959)) = _613959).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@discrete_space A)). Qed.
Definition subtopology {_352607 : Type'} : (Topology _352607) -> (_352607 -> Prop) -> Topology _352607 := fun _614305 : Topology _352607 => fun _614306 : _352607 -> Prop => @topology _352607 (@GSPEC (_352607 -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_1237 : _352607 -> Prop => exists s : _352607 -> Prop, @SETSPEC (_352607 -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_1237 (@open_in _352607 _614305 s) (@INTER _352607 s _614306))).
Lemma subtopology_def {_352607 : Type'} : (@subtopology _352607) = (fun _614305 : Topology _352607 => fun _614306 : _352607 -> Prop => @topology _352607 (@GSPEC (_352607 -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_1237 : _352607 -> Prop => exists s : _352607 -> Prop, @SETSPEC (_352607 -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_1237 (@open_in _352607 _614305 s) (@INTER _352607 s _614306)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@subtopology _352607)). Qed.
Definition hereditarily {A : Type'} : ((Topology A) -> Prop) -> (Topology A) -> Prop := fun _615305 : (Topology A) -> Prop => fun _615306 : Topology A => forall s : A -> Prop, (@SUBSET A s (@topspace A _615306)) -> _615305 (@subtopology A _615306 s).
Lemma hereditarily_def {A : Type'} : (@hereditarily A) = (fun _615305 : (Topology A) -> Prop => fun _615306 : Topology A => forall s : A -> Prop, (@SUBSET A s (@topspace A _615306)) -> _615305 (@subtopology A _615306 s)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@hereditarily A)). Qed.
Definition derived_set_of {A : Type'} : (Topology A) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop := fun _615327 : Topology A => fun _615328 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_1246 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_1246 ((@IN A x (@topspace A _615327)) /\ (forall t : A -> Prop, ((@IN A x t) /\ (@open_in A _615327 t)) -> exists y : A, (~ (y = x)) /\ ((@IN A y _615328) /\ (@IN A y t)))) x).
Lemma derived_set_of_def {A : Type'} : (@derived_set_of A) = (fun _615327 : Topology A => fun _615328 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_1246 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_1246 ((@IN A x (@topspace A _615327)) /\ (forall t : A -> Prop, ((@IN A x t) /\ (@open_in A _615327 t)) -> exists y : A, (~ (y = x)) /\ ((@IN A y _615328) /\ (@IN A y t)))) x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@derived_set_of A)). Qed.
Definition closure_of {A : Type'} : (Topology A) -> (A -> Prop) -> A -> Prop := fun _615766 : Topology A => fun _615767 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_1249 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_1249 ((@IN A x (@topspace A _615766)) /\ (forall t : A -> Prop, ((@IN A x t) /\ (@open_in A _615766 t)) -> exists y : A, (@IN A y _615767) /\ (@IN A y t))) x).
Lemma closure_of_def {A : Type'} : (@closure_of A) = (fun _615766 : Topology A => fun _615767 : A -> Prop => @GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_1249 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_1249 ((@IN A x (@topspace A _615766)) /\ (forall t : A -> Prop, ((@IN A x t) /\ (@open_in A _615766 t)) -> exists y : A, (@IN A y _615767) /\ (@IN A y t))) x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@closure_of A)). Qed.
Definition interior_of {_357493 : Type'} : (Topology _357493) -> (_357493 -> Prop) -> _357493 -> Prop := fun _616306 : Topology _357493 => fun _616307 : _357493 -> Prop => @GSPEC _357493 (fun GEN_PVAR_1259 : _357493 => exists x : _357493, @SETSPEC _357493 GEN_PVAR_1259 (exists t : _357493 -> Prop, (@open_in _357493 _616306 t) /\ ((@IN _357493 x t) /\ (@SUBSET _357493 t _616307))) x).
Lemma interior_of_def {_357493 : Type'} : (@interior_of _357493) = (fun _616306 : Topology _357493 => fun _616307 : _357493 -> Prop => @GSPEC _357493 (fun GEN_PVAR_1259 : _357493 => exists x : _357493, @SETSPEC _357493 GEN_PVAR_1259 (exists t : _357493 -> Prop, (@open_in _357493 _616306 t) /\ ((@IN _357493 x t) /\ (@SUBSET _357493 t _616307))) x)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@interior_of _357493)). Qed.
Definition frontier_of {_358829 : Type'} : (Topology _358829) -> (_358829 -> Prop) -> _358829 -> Prop := fun _616667 : Topology _358829 => fun _616668 : _358829 -> Prop => @DIFF _358829 (@closure_of _358829 _616667 _616668) (@interior_of _358829 _616667 _616668).
Lemma frontier_of_def {_358829 : Type'} : (@frontier_of _358829) = (fun _616667 : Topology _358829 => fun _616668 : _358829 -> Prop => @DIFF _358829 (@closure_of _358829 _616667 _616668) (@interior_of _358829 _616667 _616668)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@frontier_of _358829)). Qed.
Definition locally_finite_in {_360557 : Type'} : (Topology _360557) -> ((_360557 -> Prop) -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _617070 : Topology _360557 => fun _617071 : (_360557 -> Prop) -> Prop => (forall u : _360557 -> Prop, (@IN (_360557 -> Prop) u _617071) -> @SUBSET _360557 u (@topspace _360557 _617070)) /\ (forall x : _360557, (@IN _360557 x (@topspace _360557 _617070)) -> exists v : _360557 -> Prop, (@open_in _360557 _617070 v) /\ ((@IN _360557 x v) /\ (@FINITE (_360557 -> Prop) (@GSPEC (_360557 -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_1263 : _360557 -> Prop => exists u : _360557 -> Prop, @SETSPEC (_360557 -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_1263 ((@IN (_360557 -> Prop) u _617071) /\ (~ ((@INTER _360557 u v) = (@EMPTY _360557)))) u))))).
Lemma locally_finite_in_def {_360557 : Type'} : (@locally_finite_in _360557) = (fun _617070 : Topology _360557 => fun _617071 : (_360557 -> Prop) -> Prop => (forall u : _360557 -> Prop, (@IN (_360557 -> Prop) u _617071) -> @SUBSET _360557 u (@topspace _360557 _617070)) /\ (forall x : _360557, (@IN _360557 x (@topspace _360557 _617070)) -> exists v : _360557 -> Prop, (@open_in _360557 _617070 v) /\ ((@IN _360557 x v) /\ (@FINITE (_360557 -> Prop) (@GSPEC (_360557 -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_1263 : _360557 -> Prop => exists u : _360557 -> Prop, @SETSPEC (_360557 -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_1263 ((@IN (_360557 -> Prop) u _617071) /\ (~ ((@INTER _360557 u v) = (@EMPTY _360557)))) u)))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@locally_finite_in _360557)). Qed.
Definition continuous_map {A B : Type'} : (prod (Topology A) (Topology B)) -> (A -> B) -> Prop := fun _617296 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _617297 : A -> B => (forall x : A, (@IN A x (@topspace A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _617296))) -> @IN B (_617297 x) (@topspace B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _617296))) /\ (forall u : B -> Prop, (@open_in B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _617296) u) -> @open_in A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _617296) (@GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_1276 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_1276 ((@IN A x (@topspace A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _617296))) /\ (@IN B (_617297 x) u)) x))).
Lemma continuous_map_def {A B : Type'} : (@continuous_map A B) = (fun _617296 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _617297 : A -> B => (forall x : A, (@IN A x (@topspace A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _617296))) -> @IN B (_617297 x) (@topspace B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _617296))) /\ (forall u : B -> Prop, (@open_in B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _617296) u) -> @open_in A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _617296) (@GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_1276 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_1276 ((@IN A x (@topspace A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _617296))) /\ (@IN B (_617297 x) u)) x)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@continuous_map A B)). Qed.
Definition open_map {A B : Type'} : (prod (Topology A) (Topology B)) -> (A -> B) -> Prop := fun _625338 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _625339 : A -> B => forall u : A -> Prop, (@open_in A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _625338) u) -> @open_in B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _625338) (@IMAGE A B _625339 u).
Lemma open_map_def {A B : Type'} : (@open_map A B) = (fun _625338 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _625339 : A -> B => forall u : A -> Prop, (@open_in A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _625338) u) -> @open_in B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _625338) (@IMAGE A B _625339 u)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@open_map A B)). Qed.
Definition closed_map {A B : Type'} : (prod (Topology A) (Topology B)) -> (A -> B) -> Prop := fun _625355 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _625356 : A -> B => forall u : A -> Prop, (@closed_in A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _625355) u) -> @closed_in B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _625355) (@IMAGE A B _625356 u).
Lemma closed_map_def {A B : Type'} : (@closed_map A B) = (fun _625355 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _625356 : A -> B => forall u : A -> Prop, (@closed_in A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _625355) u) -> @closed_in B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _625355) (@IMAGE A B _625356 u)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@closed_map A B)). Qed.
Definition quotient_map {A B : Type'} : (prod (Topology A) (Topology B)) -> (A -> B) -> Prop := fun _629186 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _629187 : A -> B => ((@IMAGE A B _629187 (@topspace A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _629186))) = (@topspace B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _629186))) /\ (forall u : B -> Prop, (@SUBSET B u (@topspace B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _629186))) -> (@open_in A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _629186) (@GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_1371 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_1371 ((@IN A x (@topspace A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _629186))) /\ (@IN B (_629187 x) u)) x))) = (@open_in B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _629186) u)).
Lemma quotient_map_def {A B : Type'} : (@quotient_map A B) = (fun _629186 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _629187 : A -> B => ((@IMAGE A B _629187 (@topspace A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _629186))) = (@topspace B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _629186))) /\ (forall u : B -> Prop, (@SUBSET B u (@topspace B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _629186))) -> (@open_in A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _629186) (@GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_1371 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_1371 ((@IN A x (@topspace A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _629186))) /\ (@IN B (_629187 x) u)) x))) = (@open_in B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _629186) u))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@quotient_map A B)). Qed.
Definition prod_topology {A B : Type'} : (Topology A) -> (Topology B) -> Topology (prod A B) := fun _638421 : Topology A => fun _638422 : Topology B => @topology (prod A B) (@UNION_OF (prod A B) (@ARBITRARY (prod A B)) (@GSPEC ((prod A B) -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_1385 : (prod A B) -> Prop => exists s : A -> Prop, exists t : B -> Prop, @SETSPEC ((prod A B) -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_1385 ((@open_in A _638421 s) /\ (@open_in B _638422 t)) (@CROSS A B s t)))).
Lemma prod_topology_def {A B : Type'} : (@prod_topology A B) = (fun _638421 : Topology A => fun _638422 : Topology B => @topology (prod A B) (@UNION_OF (prod A B) (@ARBITRARY (prod A B)) (@GSPEC ((prod A B) -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_1385 : (prod A B) -> Prop => exists s : A -> Prop, exists t : B -> Prop, @SETSPEC ((prod A B) -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_1385 ((@open_in A _638421 s) /\ (@open_in B _638422 t)) (@CROSS A B s t))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@prod_topology A B)). Qed.
Definition product_topology {A K : Type'} : (K -> Prop) -> (K -> Topology A) -> Topology (K -> A) := fun _642306 : K -> Prop => fun _642307 : K -> Topology A => @topology (K -> A) (@UNION_OF (K -> A) (@ARBITRARY (K -> A)) (@relative_to (K -> A) (@INTERSECTION_OF (K -> A) (@FINITE ((K -> A) -> Prop)) (@GSPEC ((K -> A) -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_1390 : (K -> A) -> Prop => exists k : K, exists u : A -> Prop, @SETSPEC ((K -> A) -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_1390 ((@IN K k _642306) /\ (@open_in A (_642307 k) u)) (@GSPEC (K -> A) (fun GEN_PVAR_1389 : K -> A => exists x : K -> A, @SETSPEC (K -> A) GEN_PVAR_1389 (@IN A (x k) u) x))))) (@GSPEC (K -> A) (fun GEN_PVAR_1391 : K -> A => exists x : K -> A, @SETSPEC (K -> A) GEN_PVAR_1391 ((@EXTENSIONAL K A _642306 x) /\ (forall k : K, (@IN K k _642306) -> @IN A (x k) (@topspace A (_642307 k)))) x)))).
Lemma product_topology_def {A K : Type'} : (@product_topology A K) = (fun _642306 : K -> Prop => fun _642307 : K -> Topology A => @topology (K -> A) (@UNION_OF (K -> A) (@ARBITRARY (K -> A)) (@relative_to (K -> A) (@INTERSECTION_OF (K -> A) (@FINITE ((K -> A) -> Prop)) (@GSPEC ((K -> A) -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_1390 : (K -> A) -> Prop => exists k : K, exists u : A -> Prop, @SETSPEC ((K -> A) -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_1390 ((@IN K k _642306) /\ (@open_in A (_642307 k) u)) (@GSPEC (K -> A) (fun GEN_PVAR_1389 : K -> A => exists x : K -> A, @SETSPEC (K -> A) GEN_PVAR_1389 (@IN A (x k) u) x))))) (@GSPEC (K -> A) (fun GEN_PVAR_1391 : K -> A => exists x : K -> A, @SETSPEC (K -> A) GEN_PVAR_1391 ((@EXTENSIONAL K A _642306 x) /\ (forall k : K, (@IN K k _642306) -> @IN A (x k) (@topspace A (_642307 k)))) x))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@product_topology A K)). Qed.
Definition sum_topology {A K : Type'} : (K -> Prop) -> (K -> Topology A) -> Topology (prod K A) := fun _649397 : K -> Prop => fun _649398 : K -> Topology A => @topology (prod K A) (@GSPEC ((prod K A) -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_1454 : (prod K A) -> Prop => exists u : (prod K A) -> Prop, @SETSPEC ((prod K A) -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_1454 ((@SUBSET (prod K A) u (@disjoint_union A K _649397 (@o K (Topology A) (A -> Prop) (@topspace A) _649398))) /\ (forall i : K, (@IN K i _649397) -> @open_in A (_649398 i) (@GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_1453 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_1453 (@IN (prod K A) (@pair K A i x) u) x)))) u)).
Lemma sum_topology_def {A K : Type'} : (@sum_topology A K) = (fun _649397 : K -> Prop => fun _649398 : K -> Topology A => @topology (prod K A) (@GSPEC ((prod K A) -> Prop) (fun GEN_PVAR_1454 : (prod K A) -> Prop => exists u : (prod K A) -> Prop, @SETSPEC ((prod K A) -> Prop) GEN_PVAR_1454 ((@SUBSET (prod K A) u (@disjoint_union A K _649397 (@o K (Topology A) (A -> Prop) (@topspace A) _649398))) /\ (forall i : K, (@IN K i _649397) -> @open_in A (_649398 i) (@GSPEC A (fun GEN_PVAR_1453 : A => exists x : A, @SETSPEC A GEN_PVAR_1453 (@IN (prod K A) (@pair K A i x) u) x)))) u))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@sum_topology A K)). Qed.
Definition homeomorphic_map {A B : Type'} : (prod (Topology A) (Topology B)) -> (A -> B) -> Prop := fun _649924 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _649925 : A -> B => (@quotient_map A B (@pair (Topology A) (Topology B) (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _649924) (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _649924)) _649925) /\ (forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x (@topspace A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _649924))) /\ (@IN A y (@topspace A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _649924)))) -> ((_649925 x) = (_649925 y)) = (x = y)).
Lemma homeomorphic_map_def {A B : Type'} : (@homeomorphic_map A B) = (fun _649924 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _649925 : A -> B => (@quotient_map A B (@pair (Topology A) (Topology B) (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _649924) (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _649924)) _649925) /\ (forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x (@topspace A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _649924))) /\ (@IN A y (@topspace A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _649924)))) -> ((_649925 x) = (_649925 y)) = (x = y))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@homeomorphic_map A B)). Qed.
Definition homeomorphic_maps {A B : Type'} : (prod (Topology A) (Topology B)) -> (prod (A -> B) (B -> A)) -> Prop := fun _649941 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _649942 : prod (A -> B) (B -> A) => (@continuous_map A B (@pair (Topology A) (Topology B) (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _649941) (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _649941)) (@fst (A -> B) (B -> A) _649942)) /\ ((@continuous_map B A (@pair (Topology B) (Topology A) (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _649941) (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _649941)) (@snd (A -> B) (B -> A) _649942)) /\ ((forall x : A, (@IN A x (@topspace A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _649941))) -> (@snd (A -> B) (B -> A) _649942 (@fst (A -> B) (B -> A) _649942 x)) = x) /\ (forall y : B, (@IN B y (@topspace B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _649941))) -> (@fst (A -> B) (B -> A) _649942 (@snd (A -> B) (B -> A) _649942 y)) = y))).
Lemma homeomorphic_maps_def {A B : Type'} : (@homeomorphic_maps A B) = (fun _649941 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _649942 : prod (A -> B) (B -> A) => (@continuous_map A B (@pair (Topology A) (Topology B) (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _649941) (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _649941)) (@fst (A -> B) (B -> A) _649942)) /\ ((@continuous_map B A (@pair (Topology B) (Topology A) (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _649941) (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _649941)) (@snd (A -> B) (B -> A) _649942)) /\ ((forall x : A, (@IN A x (@topspace A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _649941))) -> (@snd (A -> B) (B -> A) _649942 (@fst (A -> B) (B -> A) _649942 x)) = x) /\ (forall y : B, (@IN B y (@topspace B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _649941))) -> (@fst (A -> B) (B -> A) _649942 (@snd (A -> B) (B -> A) _649942 y)) = y)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@homeomorphic_maps A B)). Qed.
Definition homeomorphic_space {A B : Type'} : (Topology A) -> (Topology B) -> Prop := fun _703343 : Topology A => fun _703344 : Topology B => exists f : A -> B, exists g : B -> A, @homeomorphic_maps A B (@pair (Topology A) (Topology B) _703343 _703344) (@pair (A -> B) (B -> A) f g).
Lemma homeomorphic_space_def {A B : Type'} : (@homeomorphic_space A B) = (fun _703343 : Topology A => fun _703344 : Topology B => exists f : A -> B, exists g : B -> A, @homeomorphic_maps A B (@pair (Topology A) (Topology B) _703343 _703344) (@pair (A -> B) (B -> A) f g)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@homeomorphic_space A B)). Qed.
Definition embedding_map {A B : Type'} : (prod (Topology A) (Topology B)) -> (A -> B) -> Prop := fun _704677 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _704678 : A -> B => @homeomorphic_map A B (@pair (Topology A) (Topology B) (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _704677) (@subtopology B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _704677) (@IMAGE A B _704678 (@topspace A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _704677))))) _704678.
Lemma embedding_map_def {A B : Type'} : (@embedding_map A B) = (fun _704677 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _704678 : A -> B => @homeomorphic_map A B (@pair (Topology A) (Topology B) (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _704677) (@subtopology B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _704677) (@IMAGE A B _704678 (@topspace A (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _704677))))) _704678).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@embedding_map A B)). Qed.
Definition retraction_maps {A B : Type'} : (prod (Topology A) (Topology B)) -> (prod (A -> B) (B -> A)) -> Prop := fun _707808 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _707809 : prod (A -> B) (B -> A) => (@continuous_map A B (@pair (Topology A) (Topology B) (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _707808) (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _707808)) (@fst (A -> B) (B -> A) _707809)) /\ ((@continuous_map B A (@pair (Topology B) (Topology A) (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _707808) (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _707808)) (@snd (A -> B) (B -> A) _707809)) /\ (forall x : B, (@IN B x (@topspace B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _707808))) -> (@fst (A -> B) (B -> A) _707809 (@snd (A -> B) (B -> A) _707809 x)) = x)).
Lemma retraction_maps_def {A B : Type'} : (@retraction_maps A B) = (fun _707808 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _707809 : prod (A -> B) (B -> A) => (@continuous_map A B (@pair (Topology A) (Topology B) (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _707808) (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _707808)) (@fst (A -> B) (B -> A) _707809)) /\ ((@continuous_map B A (@pair (Topology B) (Topology A) (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _707808) (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _707808)) (@snd (A -> B) (B -> A) _707809)) /\ (forall x : B, (@IN B x (@topspace B (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _707808))) -> (@fst (A -> B) (B -> A) _707809 (@snd (A -> B) (B -> A) _707809 x)) = x))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@retraction_maps A B)). Qed.
Definition section_map {A B : Type'} : (prod (Topology A) (Topology B)) -> (A -> B) -> Prop := fun _707830 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _707831 : A -> B => exists g : B -> A, @retraction_maps B A (@pair (Topology B) (Topology A) (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _707830) (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _707830)) (@pair (B -> A) (A -> B) g _707831).
Lemma section_map_def {A B : Type'} : (@section_map A B) = (fun _707830 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _707831 : A -> B => exists g : B -> A, @retraction_maps B A (@pair (Topology B) (Topology A) (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _707830) (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _707830)) (@pair (B -> A) (A -> B) g _707831)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@section_map A B)). Qed.
Definition retraction_map {A B : Type'} : (prod (Topology A) (Topology B)) -> (A -> B) -> Prop := fun _707847 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _707848 : A -> B => exists g : B -> A, @retraction_maps A B (@pair (Topology A) (Topology B) (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _707847) (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _707847)) (@pair (A -> B) (B -> A) _707848 g).
Lemma retraction_map_def {A B : Type'} : (@retraction_map A B) = (fun _707847 : prod (Topology A) (Topology B) => fun _707848 : A -> B => exists g : B -> A, @retraction_maps A B (@pair (Topology A) (Topology B) (@fst (Topology A) (Topology B) _707847) (@snd (Topology A) (Topology B) _707847)) (@pair (A -> B) (B -> A) _707848 g)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@retraction_map A B)). Qed.
Definition retract_of_space {A : Type'} : (A -> Prop) -> (Topology A) -> Prop := fun _713400 : A -> Prop => fun _713401 : Topology A => (@SUBSET A _713400 (@topspace A _713401)) /\ (exists r : A -> A, (@continuous_map A A (@pair (Topology A) (Topology A) _713401 (@subtopology A _713401 _713400)) r) /\ (forall x : A, (@IN A x _713400) -> (r x) = x)).
Lemma retract_of_space_def {A : Type'} : (@retract_of_space A) = (fun _713400 : A -> Prop => fun _713401 : Topology A => (@SUBSET A _713400 (@topspace A _713401)) /\ (exists r : A -> A, (@continuous_map A A (@pair (Topology A) (Topology A) _713401 (@subtopology A _713401 _713400)) r) /\ (forall x : A, (@IN A x _713400) -> (r x) = x))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@retract_of_space A)). Qed.
Definition compact_in {A : Type'} : (Topology A) -> (A -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _714179 : Topology A => fun _714180 : A -> Prop => (@SUBSET A _714180 (@topspace A _714179)) /\ (forall U : (A -> Prop) -> Prop, ((forall u : A -> Prop, (@IN (A -> Prop) u U) -> @open_in A _714179 u) /\ (@SUBSET A _714180 (@UNIONS A U))) -> exists V : (A -> Prop) -> Prop, (@FINITE (A -> Prop) V) /\ ((@SUBSET (A -> Prop) V U) /\ (@SUBSET A _714180 (@UNIONS A V)))).
Lemma compact_in_def {A : Type'} : (@compact_in A) = (fun _714179 : Topology A => fun _714180 : A -> Prop => (@SUBSET A _714180 (@topspace A _714179)) /\ (forall U : (A -> Prop) -> Prop, ((forall u : A -> Prop, (@IN (A -> Prop) u U) -> @open_in A _714179 u) /\ (@SUBSET A _714180 (@UNIONS A U))) -> exists V : (A -> Prop) -> Prop, (@FINITE (A -> Prop) V) /\ ((@SUBSET (A -> Prop) V U) /\ (@SUBSET A _714180 (@UNIONS A V))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@compact_in A)). Qed.
Definition compact_space {A : Type'} : (Topology A) -> Prop := fun _714191 : Topology A => @compact_in A _714191 (@topspace A _714191).
Lemma compact_space_def {A : Type'} : (@compact_space A) = (fun _714191 : Topology A => @compact_in A _714191 (@topspace A _714191)).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@compact_space A)). Qed.
Definition separated_in {_389322 : Type'} : (Topology _389322) -> (_389322 -> Prop) -> (_389322 -> Prop) -> Prop := fun _727300 : Topology _389322 => fun _727301 : _389322 -> Prop => fun _727302 : _389322 -> Prop => (@SUBSET _389322 _727301 (@topspace _389322 _727300)) /\ ((@SUBSET _389322 _727302 (@topspace _389322 _727300)) /\ (((@INTER _389322 _727301 (@closure_of _389322 _727300 _727302)) = (@EMPTY _389322)) /\ ((@INTER _389322 _727302 (@closure_of _389322 _727300 _727301)) = (@EMPTY _389322)))).
Lemma separated_in_def {_389322 : Type'} : (@separated_in _389322) = (fun _727300 : Topology _389322 => fun _727301 : _389322 -> Prop => fun _727302 : _389322 -> Prop => (@SUBSET _389322 _727301 (@topspace _389322 _727300)) /\ ((@SUBSET _389322 _727302 (@topspace _389322 _727300)) /\ (((@INTER _389322 _727301 (@closure_of _389322 _727300 _727302)) = (@EMPTY _389322)) /\ ((@INTER _389322 _727302 (@closure_of _389322 _727300 _727301)) = (@EMPTY _389322))))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@separated_in _389322)). Qed.
Definition t1_space {_390503 : Type'} : (Topology _390503) -> Prop := fun _729444 : Topology _390503 => forall x : _390503, forall y : _390503, ((@IN _390503 x (@topspace _390503 _729444)) /\ ((@IN _390503 y (@topspace _390503 _729444)) /\ (~ (x = y)))) -> exists u : _390503 -> Prop, (@open_in _390503 _729444 u) /\ ((@IN _390503 x u) /\ (~ (@IN _390503 y u))).
Lemma t1_space_def {_390503 : Type'} : (@t1_space _390503) = (fun _729444 : Topology _390503 => forall x : _390503, forall y : _390503, ((@IN _390503 x (@topspace _390503 _729444)) /\ ((@IN _390503 y (@topspace _390503 _729444)) /\ (~ (x = y)))) -> exists u : _390503 -> Prop, (@open_in _390503 _729444 u) /\ ((@IN _390503 x u) /\ (~ (@IN _390503 y u)))).
Proof. exact (eq_refl (@t1_space _390503)). Qed.
Definition hausdorff_space {A : Type'} : (Topology A) -> Prop := fun _730627 : Topology A => forall x : A, forall y : A, ((@IN A x (@topspace A _730627)) /\ ((@IN A y (@topspace A _730627)) /\ (~ (x = y)))) -> exists u : A -> Prop, exists v : A -> Prop, (@open_in A _730627 u) /\ ((@open_in A _730627 v) /\ ((@IN A x u) /\ ((@IN A y v) /\ (@DISJOINT A u v)))).