diff --git a/libs/MeshKernel/CMakeLists.txt b/libs/MeshKernel/CMakeLists.txt
index c39bdc675..a06794096 100644
--- a/libs/MeshKernel/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libs/MeshKernel/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ set(
+ ${DOMAIN_INC_DIR}/MeshTransformation.hpp
diff --git a/libs/MeshKernel/include/MeshKernel/MeshTransformation.hpp b/libs/MeshKernel/include/MeshKernel/MeshTransformation.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d97caae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/MeshKernel/include/MeshKernel/MeshTransformation.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+//---- GPL ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2023.
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation version 3.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+// contact: delft3d.support@deltares.nl
+// Stichting Deltares
+// P.O. Box 177
+// 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands
+// All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares"
+// are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of
+// Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved.
+#pragma once
+#include "MeshKernel/Definitions.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Exceptions.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Mesh.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Point.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Vector.hpp"
+namespace meshkernel
+ /// @brief Ensure any instantiation of the MeshTransformation Compute function is with the correct operation
+ template
+ concept HasTransformationFunction = requires(Function op, Point p) {{ op(p)} -> std::same_as; };
+ /// @brief Ensure any instantiation of the MeshTransformation Compute function is able to determine the projection.
+ template
+ concept HasTransformationProjection = requires(Function op) {{ op.TransformationProjection()} -> std::same_as; };
+ /// @brief To ensure the MeshTransformation Compute template parameter has a valid interface.
+ template
+ concept TransformationFunction = HasTransformationFunction && HasTransformationProjection;
+ /// @brief Apply a translation transformation to a point or a vector.
+ class Translation
+ {
+ public:
+ /// @brief Default constructor, default is no translation
+ Translation() = default;
+ /// @brief Construct with user defined translation
+ explicit Translation(const Vector& trans) : m_translation(trans) {}
+ /// @brief Get the projection required for the translation
+ [[nodiscard]] Projection TransformationProjection() const
+ {
+ return Projection::cartesian;
+ }
+ /// @brief Reset translation to identity translation (i.e. no translation)
+ void identity()
+ {
+ m_translation = {0.0, 0.0};
+ }
+ /// @brief Reset the translation to a new translation quantity
+ void reset(const Vector& trans)
+ {
+ m_translation = trans;
+ }
+ /// @brief Get the current defined translation vector.
+ const Vector& vector() const
+ {
+ return m_translation;
+ }
+ /// @brief Compose two translation objects.
+ Translation compose(const Translation& trans) const
+ {
+ return Translation(m_translation + trans.m_translation);
+ }
+ /// @brief Apply the translation to a point in Cartesian coordinate system
+ Point operator()(const Point& pnt) const
+ {
+ return pnt + m_translation;
+ }
+ /// @brief Apply the translation to a vector in Cartesian coordinate system
+ Vector operator()(const Vector& vec) const
+ {
+ return vec + m_translation;
+ }
+ private:
+ /// @brief The translation values
+ Vector m_translation{0.0, 0.0};
+ };
+ /// @brief Apply a rotation transformation to a point or a vector.
+ class Rotation
+ {
+ public:
+ /// @brief Default constructor, default is theta = 0.
+ Rotation() = default;
+ /// @brief Construct with user defined rotation angle, in degrees.
+ explicit Rotation(const double angle)
+ {
+ reset(angle);
+ }
+ /// @brief Get the projection required for the rotation
+ [[nodiscard]] Projection TransformationProjection() const
+ {
+ return Projection::cartesian;
+ }
+ /// @brief Reset rotation to identity translation (i.e. no rotation, theta = 0)
+ void identity()
+ {
+ m_theta = 0.0;
+ m_cosTheta = 1.0;
+ m_sinTheta = 0.0;
+ }
+ /// @brief Reset the rotation to a new rotation angle
+ ///
+ /// The angle in degrees.
+ void reset(const double angle)
+ {
+ m_theta = angle;
+ m_cosTheta = std::cos(m_theta * constants::conversion::degToRad);
+ m_sinTheta = std::sin(m_theta * constants::conversion::degToRad);
+ }
+ /// @brief Get the current defined rotation angle in degrees
+ double angle() const
+ {
+ return m_theta;
+ }
+ /// @brief Compose two rotation objects.
+ Rotation compose(const Rotation& rot) const
+ {
+ return Rotation(m_theta + rot.m_theta);
+ }
+ /// @brief Apply the rotation to a point in Cartesian coordinate system
+ Point operator()(const Point& pnt) const
+ {
+ Point result({m_cosTheta * pnt.x - m_sinTheta * pnt.y,
+ m_sinTheta * pnt.x + m_cosTheta * pnt.y});
+ return result;
+ }
+ /// @brief Apply the rotation to a vector in Cartesian coordinate system
+ Vector operator()(const Vector& vec) const
+ {
+ Vector result({m_cosTheta * vec.x() - m_sinTheta * vec.y(),
+ m_sinTheta * vec.x() + m_cosTheta * vec.y()});
+ return result;
+ }
+ private:
+ /// @brief The rotation angle, theta
+ double m_theta = 0.0;
+ /// @brief cosine of the rotation angle
+ double m_cosTheta = 1.0;
+ /// @brief sine of the rotation angle
+ double m_sinTheta = 0.0;
+ };
+ /// @brief A composition of translation and rotation transformations
+ class RigidBodyTransformation
+ {
+ public:
+ /// @brief Default constructor, default is no transformation
+ RigidBodyTransformation() = default;
+ /// @brief Get the projection required for the transformation
+ [[nodiscard]] Projection TransformationProjection() const
+ {
+ return Projection::cartesian;
+ }
+ /// @brief Reset transformation to identity transformation (i.e. no transformation)
+ void identity()
+ {
+ m_rotation.identity();
+ m_translation.identity();
+ }
+ /// @brief Compose rotation and transformation object.
+ ///
+ /// Will be applied: rot (transformation).
+ void compose(const Rotation& rot)
+ {
+ m_rotation = rot.compose(m_rotation);
+ m_translation.reset(rot(m_translation.vector()));
+ }
+ /// @brief Compose translation and transformation object.
+ ///
+ /// Will be applied: translation (transformation).
+ void compose(const Translation& trans)
+ {
+ m_translation = trans.compose(m_translation);
+ }
+ /// @brief Get the current rotation.
+ const Rotation& rotation() const
+ {
+ return m_rotation;
+ }
+ /// @brief Get the current translation.
+ const Translation& translation() const
+ {
+ return m_translation;
+ }
+ /// @brief Apply the transformation to a point in Cartesian coordinate system
+ Point operator()(const Point& pnt) const
+ {
+ Point result = m_rotation(pnt);
+ result = m_translation(result);
+ return result;
+ }
+ /// @brief Apply the transformation to a vector in Cartesian coordinate system
+ Vector operator()(const Vector& vec) const
+ {
+ Vector result = m_rotation(vec);
+ result = m_translation(result);
+ return result;
+ }
+ private:
+ /// @brief The rotation part of the transformation
+ Rotation m_rotation;
+ /// @brief The translation part of the transformation
+ Translation m_translation;
+ };
+ /// @brief Apply a transformation to a mesh
+ class MeshTransformation
+ {
+ public:
+ /// @brief Apply a transformation to a mesh with a Cartesian projection
+ template
+ static void Compute(Mesh& mesh, Transformation transformation)
+ {
+ if (mesh.m_projection != transformation.TransformationProjection())
+ {
+ throw MeshKernelError("Incorrect mesh coordinate system, expecting '{}', found '{}'",
+ ToString(transformation.TransformationProjection()), ToString(mesh.m_projection));
+ }
+#pragma omp parallel for
+ for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(mesh.GetNumNodes()); ++i)
+ {
+ if (mesh.m_nodes[i].IsValid())
+ {
+ mesh.m_nodes[i] = transformation(mesh.m_nodes[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ mesh.Administrate();
+ }
+ };
+} // namespace meshkernel
diff --git a/libs/MeshKernel/tests/CMakeLists.txt b/libs/MeshKernel/tests/CMakeLists.txt
index 1af27935c..a91e878f6 100644
--- a/libs/MeshKernel/tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libs/MeshKernel/tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ set(
+ ${SRC_DIR}/MeshTransformationTest.cpp
diff --git a/libs/MeshKernel/tests/src/MeshTransformationTest.cpp b/libs/MeshKernel/tests/src/MeshTransformationTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a638167ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/MeshKernel/tests/src/MeshTransformationTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+#include "MeshKernel/Constants.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Entities.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Mesh2D.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/MeshTransformation.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Polygons.hpp"
+#include "TestUtils/Definitions.hpp"
+#include "TestUtils/MakeMeshes.hpp"
+namespace mk = meshkernel;
+TEST(MeshTransformationTest, BasicTranslationTest)
+ // Test basic functionality of the translation class
+ double translationX = 1.0;
+ double translationY = 2.0;
+ mk::Vector vec(translationX, translationY);
+ mk::Translation translation(vec);
+ EXPECT_EQ(translationX, translation.vector().x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(translationY, translation.vector().y());
+ translation.identity();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0.0, translation.vector().x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0.0, translation.vector().y());
+ std::swap(vec.x(), vec.y());
+ vec.x() = -vec.x();
+ vec.y() = -vec.y();
+ translation.reset(vec);
+ EXPECT_EQ(-translationY, translation.vector().x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(-translationX, translation.vector().y());
+TEST(MeshTransformationTest, BasicRotationTest)
+ // Test basic functionality of the rotation class
+ double theta = 45.0;
+ mk::Rotation rotation(theta);
+ EXPECT_EQ(theta, rotation.angle());
+ theta *= 1.5;
+ rotation.reset(theta);
+ EXPECT_EQ(theta, rotation.angle());
+ rotation.identity();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0.0, rotation.angle());
+TEST(MeshTransformationTest, PointTranslationTest)
+ // Test a simple translation of a point in Cartesian coordinates.
+ double originX = 12.0;
+ double originY = -19.0;
+ double translationX = 1.0;
+ double translationY = 2.0;
+ mk::Vector vec(translationX, translationY);
+ mk::Translation translation(vec);
+ mk::Point pnt(originX, originY);
+ pnt = translation(pnt);
+ EXPECT_EQ(originX + translationX, pnt.x);
+ EXPECT_EQ(originY + translationY, pnt.y);
+TEST(MeshTransformationTest, BasicRigidBodyTransformationTest)
+ // Test the rigid body transformation
+ // The test will rotate a series of points about a point that is not the origin
+ //
+ // Step 1: create composition of all simple transformations
+ // 1. translate the rotation point (-1,1) to origin (0,0)
+ // 2. rotate by 90 degrees
+ // 3. translate back to original rotation point (-1,1)
+ //
+ // Step 2 apply composite transformation to a series of points
+ constexpr double tolerance = 1.0e-10;
+ double theta = -90.0;
+ mk::Point rotationPoint(-1.0, 1.0);
+ mk::RigidBodyTransformation transformation;
+ // Expect initial state to be the identity
+ EXPECT_EQ(0.0, transformation.rotation().angle());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0.0, transformation.translation().vector().x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(0.0, transformation.translation().vector().y());
+ // First translate
+ mk::Vector vec(-rotationPoint.x, -rotationPoint.y);
+ mk::Translation translation(vec);
+ transformation.compose(translation);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0.0, transformation.rotation().angle());
+ EXPECT_EQ(-rotationPoint.x, transformation.translation().vector().x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(-rotationPoint.y, transformation.translation().vector().y());
+ // Second rotate
+ mk::Rotation rotation(theta);
+ transformation.compose(rotation);
+ mk::Vector rotatedVector = rotation(vec);
+ EXPECT_EQ(theta, transformation.rotation().angle());
+ EXPECT_EQ(rotatedVector.x(), transformation.translation().vector().x());
+ EXPECT_EQ(rotatedVector.y(), transformation.translation().vector().y());
+ // Third translate back
+ vec = {rotationPoint.x, rotationPoint.y};
+ translation.reset(vec);
+ transformation.compose(translation);
+ EXPECT_EQ(theta, transformation.rotation().angle());
+ double expectedTranslationX = -2.0;
+ double expectedTranslationY = 0.0;
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expectedTranslationX, transformation.translation().vector().x(), tolerance);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expectedTranslationY, transformation.translation().vector().y(), tolerance);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Apply the composite transformation to a series of points
+ mk::Point pnt1{-3.0, 4.0};
+ mk::Point pnt2{-2.0, 2.0};
+ mk::Point pnt3{-3.0, 1.0};
+ mk::Point expected1{2.0, 3.0};
+ mk::Point expected2{0.0, 2.0};
+ mk::Point expected3{-1.0, 3.0};
+ pnt1 = transformation(pnt1);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expected1.x, pnt1.x, tolerance);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expected1.y, pnt1.y, tolerance);
+ pnt2 = transformation(pnt2);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expected2.x, pnt2.x, tolerance);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expected2.y, pnt2.y, tolerance);
+ pnt3 = transformation(pnt3);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expected3.x, pnt3.x, tolerance);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expected3.y, pnt3.y, tolerance);
+TEST(MeshTransformationTest, PointRotationTest)
+ // Test a simple rotation of a point in Cartesian coordinates.
+ double originX = 12.0;
+ double originY = -19.0;
+ double theta = 45.0;
+ double cosTheta = std::cos(theta * M_PI / 180.0);
+ double sinTheta = std::sin(theta * M_PI / 180.0);
+ mk::Rotation rotation(theta);
+ mk::Point pnt(originX, originY);
+ pnt = rotation(pnt);
+ EXPECT_EQ(originX * cosTheta - originY * sinTheta, pnt.x);
+ EXPECT_EQ(originX * sinTheta + originY * cosTheta, pnt.y);
+TEST(MeshTransformationTest, MeshTranslationTest)
+ // Test the translation on the entire mesh.
+ mk::UInt nx = 11;
+ mk::UInt ny = 11;
+ double delta = 10.0;
+ // Make two copies of the same mesh so that they can be compared in the test.
+ std::shared_ptr originalMesh = MakeRectangularMeshForTesting(nx, ny, delta, mk::Projection::cartesian);
+ std::shared_ptr mesh = MakeRectangularMeshForTesting(nx, ny, delta, mk::Projection::cartesian);
+ mk::Vector vec(1.0, 2.0);
+ mk::Translation translation(vec);
+ mk::MeshTransformation::Compute(*mesh, translation);
+ for (mk::UInt i = 0; i < mesh->GetNumNodes(); ++i)
+ {
+ EXPECT_EQ(originalMesh->m_nodes[i].x + vec.x(), mesh->m_nodes[i].x);
+ EXPECT_EQ(originalMesh->m_nodes[i].y + vec.y(), mesh->m_nodes[i].y);
+ }
+TEST(MeshTransformationTest, MeshRotationTest)
+ // Test the rotation on the entire mesh.
+ mk::UInt nx = 11;
+ mk::UInt ny = 11;
+ double delta = 10.0;
+ // Make two copies of the same mesh so that they can be compared in the test.
+ std::shared_ptr originalMesh = MakeRectangularMeshForTesting(nx, ny, delta, mk::Projection::cartesian);
+ std::shared_ptr mesh = MakeRectangularMeshForTesting(nx, ny, delta, mk::Projection::cartesian);
+ double theta = 45.0;
+ mk::Rotation rotation(theta);
+ double cosTheta = std::cos(theta * M_PI / 180.0);
+ double sinTheta = std::sin(theta * M_PI / 180.0);
+ mk::MeshTransformation::Compute(*mesh, rotation);
+ for (mk::UInt i = 0; i < mesh->GetNumNodes(); ++i)
+ {
+ mk::Point expected{originalMesh->m_nodes[i].x * cosTheta - originalMesh->m_nodes[i].y * sinTheta,
+ originalMesh->m_nodes[i].x * sinTheta + originalMesh->m_nodes[i].y * cosTheta};
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected.x, mesh->m_nodes[i].x);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected.y, mesh->m_nodes[i].y);
+ }
+TEST(MeshTransformationTest, IncorrectProjectionTest)
+ // Test correct failure with non Cartesian projection.
+ // Generate mesh in spherical coordinate system
+ std::shared_ptr mesh = MakeRectangularMeshForTesting(11, 11, 10.0, mk::Projection::spherical);
+ mk::Rotation rotation(45.0);
+ // Should throw an exception with spherical coordinate system
+ EXPECT_THROW(mk::MeshTransformation::Compute(*mesh, rotation), mk::MeshKernelError);
+ // Change projection to Projection::sphericalAccurate
+ mesh->m_projection = mk::Projection::sphericalAccurate;
+ // Should throw an exception with spherical-accurate coordinate system
+ EXPECT_THROW(mk::MeshTransformation::Compute(*mesh, rotation), mk::MeshKernelError);
diff --git a/libs/MeshKernelApi/include/MeshKernelApi/MeshKernel.hpp b/libs/MeshKernelApi/include/MeshKernelApi/MeshKernel.hpp
index c1dfcd4dc..6eb48b58f 100644
--- a/libs/MeshKernelApi/include/MeshKernelApi/MeshKernel.hpp
+++ b/libs/MeshKernelApi/include/MeshKernelApi/MeshKernel.hpp
@@ -710,6 +710,15 @@ namespace meshkernelapi
/// @returns Error code
MKERNEL_API int mkernel_mesh2d_compute_inner_ortogonalization_iteration(int meshKernelId);
+ /// @brief Rotate a mesh2d about a point.
+ ///
+ /// @param[in] meshKernelId The id of the mesh state
+ /// @param[in] centreX X-coordinate of the centre of rotation
+ /// @param[in] centreY Y-coordinate of the centre of rotation
+ /// @param[in] theta Angle of rotation
+ /// @returns Error code
+ MKERNEL_API int mkernel_mesh2d_rotate(int meshKernelId, double centreX, double centreY, double theta);
/// @brief Snaps the spline (or splines) to the land boundary
/// @param[in] meshKernelId The id of the mesh state
@@ -724,6 +733,14 @@ namespace meshkernelapi
int startSplineIndex,
int endSplineIndex);
+ /// @brief Translate a mesh2d
+ ///
+ /// @param[in] meshKernelId The id of the mesh state
+ /// @param[in] translationX X-component of the translation vector
+ /// @param[in] translationY Y-component of the translation vector
+ /// @returns Error code
+ MKERNEL_API int mkernel_mesh2d_translate(int meshKernelId, double translationX, double translationY);
/// The function modifies the mesh for achieving orthogonality between the edges and the segments connecting the face circumcenters.
/// The amount of orthogonality is traded against the mesh smoothing (in this case the equality of face areas).
/// The parameter to regulate the amount of orthogonalization is contained in \ref meshkernel::OrthogonalizationParameters::orthogonalization_to_smoothing_factor
diff --git a/libs/MeshKernelApi/src/MeshKernel.cpp b/libs/MeshKernelApi/src/MeshKernel.cpp
index 2fcc78685..63ee6d1a8 100644
--- a/libs/MeshKernelApi/src/MeshKernel.cpp
+++ b/libs/MeshKernelApi/src/MeshKernel.cpp
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
@@ -1787,6 +1788,57 @@ namespace meshkernelapi
return lastExitCode;
+ MKERNEL_API int mkernel_mesh2d_rotate(int meshKernelId, double centreX, double centreY, double theta)
+ {
+ lastExitCode = meshkernel::ExitCode::Success;
+ try
+ {
+ if (!meshKernelState.contains(meshKernelId))
+ {
+ throw meshkernel::MeshKernelError("The selected mesh kernel id does not exist.");
+ }
+ meshkernel::RigidBodyTransformation transformation;
+ meshkernel::Translation translation;
+ // Translate centre of rotation to origin
+ transformation.compose(meshkernel::Translation(meshkernel::Vector(-centreX, -centreY)));
+ // Add rotation
+ transformation.compose(meshkernel::Rotation(theta));
+ // Translate origin back to centre of rotation
+ transformation.compose(meshkernel::Translation(meshkernel::Vector(centreX, centreY)));
+ meshkernel::MeshTransformation::Compute(*meshKernelState[meshKernelId].m_mesh2d, transformation);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ lastExitCode = HandleException();
+ }
+ return lastExitCode;
+ }
+ MKERNEL_API int mkernel_mesh2d_translate(int meshKernelId, double translationX, double translationY)
+ {
+ lastExitCode = meshkernel::ExitCode::Success;
+ try
+ {
+ if (!meshKernelState.contains(meshKernelId))
+ {
+ throw meshkernel::MeshKernelError("The selected mesh kernel id does not exist.");
+ }
+ meshkernel::Translation translation(meshkernel::Vector(translationX, translationY));
+ meshkernel::MeshTransformation::Compute(*meshKernelState[meshKernelId].m_mesh2d, translation);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ lastExitCode = HandleException();
+ }
+ return lastExitCode;
+ }
MKERNEL_API int mkernel_splines_snap_to_landboundary(int meshKernelId,
const GeometryList& land,
GeometryList& splines,
diff --git a/libs/MeshKernelApi/tests/src/ApiTest.cpp b/libs/MeshKernelApi/tests/src/ApiTest.cpp
index 06bf5c62c..a2bc37487 100644
--- a/libs/MeshKernelApi/tests/src/ApiTest.cpp
+++ b/libs/MeshKernelApi/tests/src/ApiTest.cpp
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
@@ -2487,3 +2488,183 @@ TEST_F(CartesianApiTestFixture, GenerateTriangularGridThroughApi_OnClockWisePoly
ASSERT_EQ(5, mesh2d.num_nodes);
ASSERT_EQ(8, mesh2d.num_edges);
+TEST_F(CartesianApiTestFixture, TranslateMesh)
+ // Prepare
+ MakeMesh();
+ auto const meshKernelId = GetMeshKernelId();
+ meshkernelapi::Mesh2D mesh2d{};
+ [[maybe_unused]] int errorCode = mkernel_mesh2d_get_dimensions(meshKernelId, mesh2d);
+ // Get copy of original mesh
+ // Will be used later to compare with translated mesh
+ std::vector edge_faces(mesh2d.num_edges * 2);
+ std::vector edge_nodes(mesh2d.num_edges * 2);
+ std::vector face_nodes(mesh2d.num_face_nodes);
+ std::vector face_edges(mesh2d.num_face_nodes);
+ std::vector nodes_per_face(mesh2d.num_faces);
+ std::vector node_x(mesh2d.num_nodes);
+ std::vector node_y(mesh2d.num_nodes);
+ std::vector edge_x(mesh2d.num_edges);
+ std::vector edge_y(mesh2d.num_edges);
+ std::vector face_x(mesh2d.num_faces);
+ std::vector face_y(mesh2d.num_faces);
+ mesh2d.edge_faces = edge_faces.data();
+ mesh2d.edge_nodes = edge_nodes.data();
+ mesh2d.face_nodes = face_nodes.data();
+ mesh2d.face_edges = face_edges.data();
+ mesh2d.nodes_per_face = nodes_per_face.data();
+ mesh2d.node_x = node_x.data();
+ mesh2d.node_y = node_y.data();
+ mesh2d.edge_x = edge_x.data();
+ mesh2d.edge_y = edge_y.data();
+ mesh2d.face_x = face_x.data();
+ mesh2d.face_y = face_y.data();
+ errorCode = mkernel_mesh2d_get_data(meshKernelId, mesh2d);
+ double translationX = 10.0;
+ double translationY = 5.0;
+ meshkernelapi::mkernel_mesh2d_translate(meshKernelId, translationX, translationY);
+ meshkernelapi::Mesh2D mesh2dTranslated{};
+ errorCode = mkernel_mesh2d_get_dimensions(meshKernelId, mesh2dTranslated);
+ // Data for translated mesh
+ std::vector edge_faces_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_edges * 2);
+ std::vector edge_nodes_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_edges * 2);
+ std::vector face_nodes_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_face_nodes);
+ std::vector face_edges_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_face_nodes);
+ std::vector nodes_per_face_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_faces);
+ std::vector node_x_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_nodes);
+ std::vector node_y_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_nodes);
+ std::vector edge_x_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_edges);
+ std::vector edge_y_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_edges);
+ std::vector face_x_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_faces);
+ std::vector face_y_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_faces);
+ mesh2dTranslated.edge_faces = edge_faces_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.edge_nodes = edge_nodes_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.face_nodes = face_nodes_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.face_edges = face_edges_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.nodes_per_face = nodes_per_face_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.node_x = node_x_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.node_y = node_y_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.edge_x = edge_x_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.edge_y = edge_y_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.face_x = face_x_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.face_y = face_y_t.data();
+ errorCode = mkernel_mesh2d_get_data(meshKernelId, mesh2dTranslated);
+ const double tolerance = 1e-12;
+ for (int i = 0; i < mesh2d.num_nodes; ++i)
+ {
+ EXPECT_NEAR(mesh2d.node_x[i] + translationX, mesh2dTranslated.node_x[i], tolerance);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(mesh2d.node_y[i] + translationY, mesh2dTranslated.node_y[i], tolerance);
+ }
+TEST_F(CartesianApiTestFixture, RotateMesh)
+ // Prepare
+ MakeMesh();
+ auto const meshKernelId = GetMeshKernelId();
+ meshkernelapi::Mesh2D mesh2d{};
+ [[maybe_unused]] int errorCode = mkernel_mesh2d_get_dimensions(meshKernelId, mesh2d);
+ // Get copy of original mesh
+ // Will be used later to compare with translated mesh
+ std::vector edge_faces(mesh2d.num_edges * 2);
+ std::vector edge_nodes(mesh2d.num_edges * 2);
+ std::vector face_nodes(mesh2d.num_face_nodes);
+ std::vector face_edges(mesh2d.num_face_nodes);
+ std::vector nodes_per_face(mesh2d.num_faces);
+ std::vector node_x(mesh2d.num_nodes);
+ std::vector node_y(mesh2d.num_nodes);
+ std::vector edge_x(mesh2d.num_edges);
+ std::vector edge_y(mesh2d.num_edges);
+ std::vector face_x(mesh2d.num_faces);
+ std::vector face_y(mesh2d.num_faces);
+ mesh2d.edge_faces = edge_faces.data();
+ mesh2d.edge_nodes = edge_nodes.data();
+ mesh2d.face_nodes = face_nodes.data();
+ mesh2d.face_edges = face_edges.data();
+ mesh2d.nodes_per_face = nodes_per_face.data();
+ mesh2d.node_x = node_x.data();
+ mesh2d.node_y = node_y.data();
+ mesh2d.edge_x = edge_x.data();
+ mesh2d.edge_y = edge_y.data();
+ mesh2d.face_x = face_x.data();
+ mesh2d.face_y = face_y.data();
+ errorCode = mkernel_mesh2d_get_data(meshKernelId, mesh2d);
+ double centreX = 10.0;
+ double centreY = 5.0;
+ double angle = 45.0;
+ meshkernelapi::mkernel_mesh2d_rotate(meshKernelId, centreX, centreY, angle);
+ meshkernelapi::Mesh2D mesh2dTranslated{};
+ errorCode = mkernel_mesh2d_get_dimensions(meshKernelId, mesh2dTranslated);
+ // Data for translated mesh
+ std::vector edge_faces_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_edges * 2);
+ std::vector edge_nodes_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_edges * 2);
+ std::vector face_nodes_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_face_nodes);
+ std::vector face_edges_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_face_nodes);
+ std::vector nodes_per_face_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_faces);
+ std::vector node_x_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_nodes);
+ std::vector node_y_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_nodes);
+ std::vector edge_x_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_edges);
+ std::vector edge_y_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_edges);
+ std::vector face_x_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_faces);
+ std::vector face_y_t(mesh2dTranslated.num_faces);
+ mesh2dTranslated.edge_faces = edge_faces_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.edge_nodes = edge_nodes_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.face_nodes = face_nodes_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.face_edges = face_edges_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.nodes_per_face = nodes_per_face_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.node_x = node_x_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.node_y = node_y_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.edge_x = edge_x_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.edge_y = edge_y_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.face_x = face_x_t.data();
+ mesh2dTranslated.face_y = face_y_t.data();
+ errorCode = mkernel_mesh2d_get_data(meshKernelId, mesh2dTranslated);
+ const double tolerance = 1e-12;
+ meshkernel::RigidBodyTransformation transformation;
+ // First translate
+ meshkernel::Translation translation(meshkernel::Vector(-centreX, -centreY));
+ transformation.compose(translation);
+ // Second rotate
+ transformation.compose(meshkernel::Rotation(angle));
+ // Third translate back
+ translation.reset(meshkernel::Vector(centreX, centreY));
+ transformation.compose(translation);
+ for (int i = 0; i < mesh2d.num_nodes; ++i)
+ {
+ // Apply expected transformed to the original mesh node
+ meshkernel::Point expected = transformation(meshkernel::Point(mesh2d.node_x[i], mesh2d.node_y[i]));
+ // The compare the expected node with the transformed mesh node
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expected.x, mesh2dTranslated.node_x[i], tolerance);
+ EXPECT_NEAR(expected.y, mesh2dTranslated.node_y[i], tolerance);
+ }