diff --git a/libs/MeshKernel/CMakeLists.txt b/libs/MeshKernel/CMakeLists.txt
index 3cc7122be..6c45b68cb 100644
--- a/libs/MeshKernel/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/libs/MeshKernel/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ set(
+ ${SRC_DIR}/Mesh2DToCurvilinear.cpp
@@ -147,6 +148,7 @@ set(
+ ${DOMAIN_INC_DIR}/Mesh2DToCurvilinear.hpp
diff --git a/libs/MeshKernel/include/MeshKernel/Mesh2DToCurvilinear.hpp b/libs/MeshKernel/include/MeshKernel/Mesh2DToCurvilinear.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..776bab077
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/MeshKernel/include/MeshKernel/Mesh2DToCurvilinear.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+//---- GPL ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2023.
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation version 3.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+// contact: delft3d.support@deltares.nl
+// Stichting Deltares
+// P.O. Box 177
+// 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands
+// All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares"
+// are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of
+// Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved.
+#pragma once
+#include "MeshKernel/CurvilinearGrid/CurvilinearGrid.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Definitions.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Mesh2D.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Point.hpp"
+#include "Utilities/LinearAlgebra.hpp"
+using namespace meshkernel::constants;
+namespace meshkernel
+ /// @brief Construct a curvilinear grid from an unstructured mesh
+ class Mesh2DToCurvilinear
+ {
+ public:
+ /// @brief Constructor
+ /// @param[in] mesh The input unstructured mesh
+ explicit Mesh2DToCurvilinear(Mesh2D& mesh);
+ /// @brief Computes the curvilinear grid starting from a specific point
+ /// @param[in] point The point from which start growing the curvilinear mesh. The point must be inside a quadrangular face
+ /// @returns The curvilinear grid
+ std::unique_ptr Compute(const Point& point);
+ private:
+ /// @brief Computes the local mapping of the nodes composing the face
+ [[nodiscard]] Eigen::Matrix ComputeLocalNodeMapping(UInt face) const;
+ /// @brief Computes the node indices of the neighbouring faces
+ [[nodiscard]] UInt ComputeNeighbouringFaceNodes(const UInt face,
+ const Eigen::Matrix& localNodeMapping,
+ const UInt d,
+ const std::vector& visitedFace);
+ /// @brief Computes the final curvilinear matrix
+ [[nodiscard]] lin_alg::Matrix ComputeCurvilinearMatrix();
+ Mesh2D& m_mesh; ///< The mesh to convert
+ std::vector m_i; ///< The i indices of each node on the curvilinear grid
+ std::vector m_j; ///< The j indices of each node on the curvilinear grid
+ const std::array, 4> m_nodeFrom = {{{0, 0},
+ {0, 0},
+ {1, 0},
+ {1, 1}}}; ///< starting edge node indices for each direction in the local mapping
+ const std::array, 4> m_nodeTo = {{{0, 1},
+ {1, 0},
+ {1, 1},
+ {0, 1}}}; ///< ending edge node indices for each direction in the local mapping
+ const std::array, 4> m_directionsDeltas = {{{-1, 0},
+ {0, -1},
+ {1, 0},
+ {0, 1}}}; ///< increments for the new nodes depending on the node direction
+ const int n_maxNumRowsColumns = 1000000; ///< The maximum number of allowed rows or columns
+ };
+} // namespace meshkernel
diff --git a/libs/MeshKernel/src/Mesh2DToCurvilinear.cpp b/libs/MeshKernel/src/Mesh2DToCurvilinear.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b71550568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/MeshKernel/src/Mesh2DToCurvilinear.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+//---- GPL ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) Stichting Deltares, 2011-2023.
+// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation version 3.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program. If not, see .
+// contact: delft3d.support@deltares.nl
+// Stichting Deltares
+// P.O. Box 177
+// 2600 MH Delft, The Netherlands
+// All indications and logos of, and references to, "Delft3D" and "Deltares"
+// are registered trademarks of Stichting Deltares, and remain the property of
+// Stichting Deltares. All rights reserved.
+#include "MeshKernel/Mesh2DToCurvilinear.hpp"
+using namespace meshkernel;
+using namespace constants;
+Mesh2DToCurvilinear::Mesh2DToCurvilinear(Mesh2D& mesh) : m_mesh(mesh)
+ if (mesh.GetNumNodes() <= 0)
+ {
+ throw AlgorithmError("Mesh with no nodes");
+ }
+ mesh.Administrate();
+ if (mesh.GetNumFaces() <= 0)
+ {
+ throw AlgorithmError("Mesh with no faces");
+ }
+std::unique_ptr Mesh2DToCurvilinear::Compute(const Point& point)
+ // 1. Find the face index
+ m_mesh.BuildTree(Location::Faces);
+ const auto initialFaceIndex = m_mesh.FindLocationIndex(point, Location::Faces);
+ if (m_mesh.GetNumFaceEdges(initialFaceIndex) != geometric::numNodesInQuadrilateral)
+ {
+ throw AlgorithmError("The initial face is not a quadrilateral");
+ }
+ // 2. Check if the point is inside the face
+ std::vector polygonPoints;
+ for (UInt n = 0; n < geometric::numNodesInQuadrilateral; ++n)
+ {
+ const auto node = m_mesh.m_facesNodes[initialFaceIndex][n];
+ polygonPoints.emplace_back(m_mesh.Node(node));
+ }
+ const auto node = m_mesh.m_facesNodes[initialFaceIndex][0];
+ polygonPoints.emplace_back(m_mesh.Node(node));
+ Polygon polygon(polygonPoints, m_mesh.m_projection);
+ if (!polygon.Contains(point))
+ {
+ throw AlgorithmError("The initial face does not contain the starting point");
+ }
+ // 3. Build the local coordinate system
+ const auto numNodes = m_mesh.GetNumNodes();
+ m_i = std::vector(numNodes, missing::intValue);
+ m_j = std::vector(numNodes, missing::intValue);
+ const auto firstEdge = m_mesh.m_facesEdges[initialFaceIndex][0];
+ const auto secondEdge = m_mesh.m_facesEdges[initialFaceIndex][1];
+ const auto thirdEdge = m_mesh.m_facesEdges[initialFaceIndex][2];
+ const auto fourthEdge = m_mesh.m_facesEdges[initialFaceIndex][3];
+ const auto firstNodeIndex = m_mesh.FindCommonNode(firstEdge, secondEdge);
+ m_i[firstNodeIndex] = 0;
+ m_j[firstNodeIndex] = 0;
+ const auto secondNodeIndex = m_mesh.FindCommonNode(secondEdge, thirdEdge);
+ m_i[secondNodeIndex] = 1;
+ m_j[secondNodeIndex] = 0;
+ const auto thirdNodeIndex = m_mesh.FindCommonNode(thirdEdge, fourthEdge);
+ m_i[thirdNodeIndex] = 1;
+ m_j[thirdNodeIndex] = 1;
+ const auto fourthNodeIndex = m_mesh.FindCommonNode(fourthEdge, firstEdge);
+ m_i[fourthNodeIndex] = 0;
+ m_j[fourthNodeIndex] = 1;
+ // 4. Grow the front using the breath first search algorithm
+ const auto numFaces = m_mesh.GetNumFaces();
+ std::vector visitedFace(numFaces, false);
+ std::queue q;
+ q.push(initialFaceIndex);
+ while (!q.empty())
+ {
+ const auto face = q.front();
+ q.pop();
+ if (visitedFace[face])
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ visitedFace[face] = true;
+ if (m_mesh.GetNumFaceEdges(face) != geometric::numNodesInQuadrilateral)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const auto localNodeMapping = ComputeLocalNodeMapping(face);
+ for (UInt d = 0; d < geometric::numNodesInQuadrilateral; ++d)
+ {
+ const auto newFaceIndex = ComputeNeighbouringFaceNodes(face, localNodeMapping, d, visitedFace);
+ if (newFaceIndex != missing::uintValue)
+ {
+ q.push(newFaceIndex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return std::make_unique(ComputeCurvilinearMatrix(), m_mesh.m_projection);
+Eigen::Matrix Mesh2DToCurvilinear::ComputeLocalNodeMapping(UInt face) const
+ const auto& faceIndices = m_mesh.m_facesNodes[face];
+ const auto node0 = faceIndices[0];
+ const auto node1 = faceIndices[1];
+ const auto node2 = faceIndices[2];
+ const auto node3 = faceIndices[3];
+ const std::vector localI{m_i[node0], m_i[node1], m_i[node2], m_i[node3]};
+ const std::vector localJ{m_j[node0], m_j[node1], m_j[node2], m_j[node3]};
+ const std::vector localNodes{node0, node1, node2, node3};
+ const auto minI = *std::ranges::min_element(localI);
+ const auto minJ = *std::ranges::min_element(localJ);
+ Eigen::Matrix matrix;
+ for (UInt i = 0; i < localI.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (localI[i] == minI && localJ[i] == minJ)
+ {
+ matrix(0, 0) = localNodes[i];
+ }
+ if (localI[i] == minI + 1 && localJ[i] == minJ)
+ {
+ matrix(1, 0) = localNodes[i];
+ }
+ if (localI[i] == minI && localJ[i] == minJ + 1)
+ {
+ matrix(0, 1) = localNodes[i];
+ }
+ if (localI[i] == minI + 1 && localJ[i] == minJ + 1)
+ {
+ matrix(1, 1) = localNodes[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return matrix;
+UInt Mesh2DToCurvilinear::ComputeNeighbouringFaceNodes(const UInt face,
+ const Eigen::Matrix& localNodeMapping,
+ const UInt d,
+ const std::vector& visitedFace)
+ const auto firstNode = localNodeMapping(m_nodeFrom[d][0], m_nodeFrom[d][1]);
+ const auto secondNode = localNodeMapping(m_nodeTo[d][0], m_nodeTo[d][1]);
+ // find the edge index
+ const auto edgeIndex = m_mesh.FindEdge(firstNode, secondNode);
+ if (edgeIndex == missing::uintValue)
+ {
+ return missing::uintValue;
+ }
+ // this edge belongs only to the current face
+ if (m_mesh.m_edgesNumFaces[edgeIndex] < 2)
+ {
+ return missing::uintValue;
+ }
+ const auto newFace = face == m_mesh.m_edgesFaces[edgeIndex][0] ? m_mesh.m_edgesFaces[edgeIndex][1] : m_mesh.m_edgesFaces[edgeIndex][0];
+ if (visitedFace[newFace])
+ {
+ return missing::uintValue;
+ }
+ if (m_mesh.GetNumFaceEdges(newFace) != geometric::numNodesInQuadrilateral)
+ {
+ return missing::uintValue;
+ }
+ int edgeIndexInNewFace = 0;
+ for (UInt e = 0u; e < geometric::numNodesInQuadrilateral; ++e)
+ {
+ if (m_mesh.m_facesEdges[newFace][e] == edgeIndex)
+ {
+ edgeIndexInNewFace = static_cast(e);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ auto nextEdgeIndexInNewFace = edgeIndexInNewFace + 1;
+ nextEdgeIndexInNewFace = nextEdgeIndexInNewFace == 4 ? 0 : nextEdgeIndexInNewFace;
+ const auto nextEdgeInNewFace = m_mesh.m_facesEdges[newFace][nextEdgeIndexInNewFace];
+ const auto firstCommonNode = m_mesh.FindCommonNode(edgeIndex, nextEdgeInNewFace);
+ const auto firstOtherNode = OtherNodeOfEdge(m_mesh.GetEdge(nextEdgeInNewFace), firstCommonNode);
+ const auto iFirstOtherNode = m_i[firstCommonNode] + m_directionsDeltas[d][0];
+ const auto jFirstOtherNode = m_j[firstCommonNode] + m_directionsDeltas[d][1];
+ auto previousEdgeIndexInNewFace = edgeIndexInNewFace - 1;
+ previousEdgeIndexInNewFace = previousEdgeIndexInNewFace == -1 ? 3 : previousEdgeIndexInNewFace;
+ const auto previousEdgeInNewFace = m_mesh.m_facesEdges[newFace][previousEdgeIndexInNewFace];
+ const auto secondCommonNode = m_mesh.FindCommonNode(edgeIndex, previousEdgeInNewFace);
+ const auto secondOtherNode = OtherNodeOfEdge(m_mesh.GetEdge(previousEdgeInNewFace), secondCommonNode);
+ const auto iSecondCommonNode = m_i[secondCommonNode] + m_directionsDeltas[d][0];
+ const auto jSecondCommonNode = m_j[secondCommonNode] + m_directionsDeltas[d][1];
+ const auto invalid = (m_i[firstOtherNode] != missing::intValue && m_i[firstOtherNode] != iFirstOtherNode) ||
+ (m_j[firstOtherNode] != missing::intValue && m_j[firstOtherNode] != jFirstOtherNode) ||
+ (m_i[secondOtherNode] != missing::intValue && m_i[secondOtherNode] != iSecondCommonNode) ||
+ (m_j[secondOtherNode] != missing::intValue && m_j[secondOtherNode] != jSecondCommonNode);
+ if (!invalid)
+ {
+ m_i[firstOtherNode] = iFirstOtherNode;
+ m_j[firstOtherNode] = jFirstOtherNode;
+ m_i[secondOtherNode] = iSecondCommonNode;
+ m_j[secondOtherNode] = jSecondCommonNode;
+ return newFace;
+ }
+ return missing::uintValue;
+lin_alg::Matrix Mesh2DToCurvilinear::ComputeCurvilinearMatrix()
+ int minI = n_maxNumRowsColumns;
+ int minJ = n_maxNumRowsColumns;
+ const auto numNodes = m_mesh.GetNumNodes();
+ for (UInt n = 0; n < numNodes; ++n)
+ {
+ if (m_i[n] != missing::intValue)
+ {
+ minI = std::min(minI, m_i[n]);
+ }
+ if (m_j[n] != missing::intValue)
+ {
+ minJ = std::min(minJ, m_j[n]);
+ }
+ }
+ int maxI = -n_maxNumRowsColumns;
+ int maxJ = -n_maxNumRowsColumns;
+ for (UInt n = 0; n < numNodes; ++n)
+ {
+ if (m_i[n] != missing::intValue)
+ {
+ m_i[n] = m_i[n] - minI;
+ maxI = std::max(maxI, m_i[n]);
+ }
+ if (m_j[n] != missing::intValue)
+ {
+ m_j[n] = m_j[n] - minJ;
+ maxJ = std::max(maxJ, m_j[n]);
+ }
+ }
+ lin_alg::Matrix result(maxI + 1, maxJ + 1);
+ for (UInt n = 0; n < numNodes; ++n)
+ {
+ const auto i = m_i[n];
+ const auto j = m_j[n];
+ if (i != missing::intValue && j != missing::intValue)
+ {
+ result(i, j) = m_mesh.Node(n);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
diff --git a/libs/MeshKernel/tests/src/Mesh2DTest.cpp b/libs/MeshKernel/tests/src/Mesh2DTest.cpp
index 6907512cc..f86bc0ed6 100644
--- a/libs/MeshKernel/tests/src/Mesh2DTest.cpp
+++ b/libs/MeshKernel/tests/src/Mesh2DTest.cpp
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-#include "MeshKernel/Mesh2DIntersections.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Constants.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Entities.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Mesh.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Mesh2D.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Mesh2DIntersections.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Mesh2DToCurvilinear.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Operations.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Polygons.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/RemoveDisconnectedRegions.hpp"
+#include "TestUtils/Definitions.hpp"
+#include "TestUtils/MakeMeshes.hpp"
TEST(Mesh2D, OneQuadTestConstructor)
@@ -1230,3 +1230,111 @@ TEST(Mesh2D, DeleteMesh_WithPolygonAndIncludedCircumcenters_ShouldDeleteInnerFac
EXPECT_EQ(originalEdges[i].second, mesh->GetEdge(i).second);
+TEST(Mesh2D, Mesh2DToCurvilinear_WithRectangularMesh_ShouldCreateFullCurvilinearMesh)
+ // Prepare
+ const auto mesh = MakeRectangularMeshForTesting(3,
+ 3,
+ 10.0,
+ 10.0,
+ meshkernel::Projection::cartesian);
+ meshkernel::Mesh2DToCurvilinear mesh2DToCurvilinear(*mesh);
+ // Execute
+ const meshkernel::Point point(5.0, 5.0);
+ const auto curvilinearGrid = mesh2DToCurvilinear.Compute(point);
+ // Assert
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, curvilinearGrid->NumM());
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, curvilinearGrid->NumN());
+ ASSERT_EQ(9, curvilinearGrid->GetNumNodes());
+ ASSERT_EQ(0.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(0, 2).x);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(0, 2).y);
+ ASSERT_EQ(5.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(0, 1).x);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(0, 1).y);
+ ASSERT_EQ(10.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(0, 0).x);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(0, 0).y);
+TEST(Mesh2D, Mesh2DToCurvilinear_WithStartingPointOutsideMesh_ShouldThrowAnException)
+ // Prepare
+ const auto mesh = MakeRectangularMeshForTesting(3,
+ 3,
+ 10.0,
+ 10.0,
+ meshkernel::Projection::cartesian);
+ meshkernel::Mesh2DToCurvilinear mesh2DToCurvilinear(*mesh);
+ // Execute
+ const meshkernel::Point point(-20.0, -20.0);
+ // Assert
+ EXPECT_THROW(mesh2DToCurvilinear.Compute(point), meshkernel::AlgorithmError);
+TEST(Mesh2D, Mesh2DToCurvilinear_WithMixedMesh_ShouldCreatePartialCurvilinearMesh)
+ // Prepare a mixed mesh with two triangles at the boundary
+ std::vector nodes;
+ nodes.push_back({-10.0, 0.0});
+ nodes.push_back({0.0, 0.0});
+ nodes.push_back({10.0, 0.0});
+ nodes.push_back({20.0, 0.0});
+ nodes.push_back({0.0, 10.0});
+ nodes.push_back({10.0, 10.0});
+ nodes.push_back({20.0, 10.0});
+ nodes.push_back({0.0, 20.0});
+ nodes.push_back({10.0, 20.0});
+ std::vector edges;
+ edges.push_back({0, 4});
+ edges.push_back({0, 1});
+ edges.push_back({1, 4});
+ edges.push_back({1, 2});
+ edges.push_back({2, 5});
+ edges.push_back({2, 3});
+ edges.push_back({3, 6});
+ edges.push_back({4, 7});
+ edges.push_back({4, 5});
+ edges.push_back({5, 8});
+ edges.push_back({5, 6});
+ edges.push_back({7, 8});
+ edges.push_back({6, 8});
+ // 2 Execute
+ auto mesh = meshkernel::Mesh2D(edges, nodes, meshkernel::Projection::cartesian);
+ meshkernel::Mesh2DToCurvilinear mesh2DToCurvilinear(mesh);
+ const meshkernel::Point point(5.0, 5.0);
+ const auto curvilinearGrid = mesh2DToCurvilinear.Compute(point);
+ // Assert
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, curvilinearGrid->NumM());
+ ASSERT_EQ(3, curvilinearGrid->NumN());
+ ASSERT_EQ(9, curvilinearGrid->GetNumNodes());
+ ASSERT_EQ(20.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(0, 0).x);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(0, 0).y);
+ ASSERT_EQ(20.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(1, 0).x);
+ ASSERT_EQ(10.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(1, 0).y);
+ ASSERT_EQ(-999.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(2, 0).x);
+ ASSERT_EQ(-999.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(2, 0).y);
+ ASSERT_EQ(10.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(0, 1).x);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(0, 1).y);
+ ASSERT_EQ(10.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(1, 1).x);
+ ASSERT_EQ(10.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(1, 1).y);
+ ASSERT_EQ(10.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(2, 1).x);
+ ASSERT_EQ(20.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(2, 1).y);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(0, 2).x);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(0, 2).y);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(1, 2).x);
+ ASSERT_EQ(10.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(1, 2).y);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(2, 2).x);
+ ASSERT_EQ(20.0, curvilinearGrid->GetNode(2, 2).y);
diff --git a/libs/MeshKernelApi/include/MeshKernelApi/MeshKernel.hpp b/libs/MeshKernelApi/include/MeshKernelApi/MeshKernel.hpp
index ddf518974..17c871892 100644
--- a/libs/MeshKernelApi/include/MeshKernelApi/MeshKernel.hpp
+++ b/libs/MeshKernelApi/include/MeshKernelApi/MeshKernel.hpp
@@ -855,6 +855,14 @@ namespace meshkernelapi
/// @returns Error code
MKERNEL_API int mkernel_mesh2d_convert_projection(int meshKernelId, int projectionType, const char* const zoneString);
+ /// @brief Converts a mesh to a curvilinear mesh
+ ///
+ /// @param[in] meshKernelId The id of the mesh state
+ /// @param[in] xPointCoordinate The x coordinate of the point where to start the conversion point coordinate
+ /// @param[in] yPointCoordinate The y point coordinate
+ /// @returns Error code
+ MKERNEL_API int mkernel_mesh2d_convert_to_curvilinear(int meshKernelId, double xPointCoordinate, double yPointCoordinate);
/// @brief Count the number of hanging edges in a mesh2d.
/// An hanging edge is an edge where one of the two nodes is not connected.
/// @param[in] meshKernelId The id of the mesh state
diff --git a/libs/MeshKernelApi/src/MeshKernel.cpp b/libs/MeshKernelApi/src/MeshKernel.cpp
index 61d942c88..a6a2c1571 100644
--- a/libs/MeshKernelApi/src/MeshKernel.cpp
+++ b/libs/MeshKernelApi/src/MeshKernel.cpp
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include "MeshKernel/CurvilinearGrid/CurvilinearGridDeleteExterior.hpp"
#include "MeshKernel/Mesh2DIntersections.hpp"
+#include "MeshKernel/Mesh2DToCurvilinear.hpp"
#include "MeshKernel/SamplesHessianCalculator.hpp"
#include "MeshKernel/CurvilinearGrid/CurvilinearGridDeleteInterior.hpp"
@@ -770,6 +771,28 @@ namespace meshkernelapi
return lastExitCode;
+ MKERNEL_API int mkernel_mesh2d_convert_to_curvilinear(int meshKernelId, double xPointCoordinate, double yPointCoordinate)
+ {
+ lastExitCode = meshkernel::ExitCode::Success;
+ try
+ {
+ if (!meshKernelState.contains(meshKernelId))
+ {
+ throw meshkernel::MeshKernelError("The selected mesh kernel id does not exist.");
+ }
+ meshkernel::Mesh2DToCurvilinear mesh2DToCurvilinear(*meshKernelState[meshKernelId].m_mesh2d);
+ meshKernelState[meshKernelId].m_curvilinearGrid = mesh2DToCurvilinear.Compute({xPointCoordinate, yPointCoordinate});
+ meshKernelState[meshKernelId].m_mesh2d = std::make_unique(meshKernelState[meshKernelId].m_projection);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ lastExitCode = HandleException();
+ }
+ return lastExitCode;
+ }
MKERNEL_API int mkernel_mesh2d_count_hanging_edges(int meshKernelId, int& numHangingEdges)
lastExitCode = meshkernel::ExitCode::Success;
diff --git a/libs/MeshKernelApi/tests/src/ApiTest.cpp b/libs/MeshKernelApi/tests/src/ApiTest.cpp
index edefd6241..74273d570 100644
--- a/libs/MeshKernelApi/tests/src/ApiTest.cpp
+++ b/libs/MeshKernelApi/tests/src/ApiTest.cpp
@@ -3248,3 +3248,44 @@ TEST_P(MeshLocationIndexTests, GetLocationIndex_OnAMesh_ShouldGetTheLocationInde
ASSERT_EQ(locationIndex, expectedIndex);
INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(LocationIndexParametrizedTests, MeshLocationIndexTests, ::testing::ValuesIn(MeshLocationIndexTests::GetData()));
+TEST(Mesh2D, ConvertToCurvilinear_ShouldConvertMeshToCurvilinear)
+ // create first mesh
+ auto [num_nodes, num_edges, node_x, node_y, edge_nodes] = MakeRectangularMeshForApiTesting(10, 10, 1.0, meshkernel::Point(0.0, 0.0));
+ meshkernelapi::Mesh2D mesh2d{};
+ mesh2d.num_nodes = static_cast(num_nodes);
+ mesh2d.num_edges = static_cast(num_edges);
+ mesh2d.node_x = node_x.data();
+ mesh2d.node_y = node_y.data();
+ mesh2d.edge_nodes = edge_nodes.data();
+ // allocate state
+ int meshKernelId = 0;
+ int errorCode = meshkernelapi::mkernel_allocate_state(0, meshKernelId);
+ ASSERT_EQ(meshkernel::ExitCode::Success, errorCode);
+ // first initialise using the first mesh, mesh2d
+ errorCode = mkernel_mesh2d_set(meshKernelId, mesh2d);
+ ASSERT_EQ(meshkernel::ExitCode::Success, errorCode);
+ // Execute
+ errorCode = meshkernelapi::mkernel_mesh2d_convert_to_curvilinear(meshKernelId, 5.0, 5.0);
+ ASSERT_EQ(meshkernel::ExitCode::Success, errorCode);
+ meshkernelapi::Mesh2D mesh2dOut{};
+ errorCode = mkernel_mesh2d_get_dimensions(meshKernelId, mesh2dOut);
+ ASSERT_EQ(meshkernel::ExitCode::Success, errorCode);
+ meshkernelapi::CurvilinearGrid curvilinearOut{};
+ errorCode = mkernel_curvilinear_get_dimensions(meshKernelId, curvilinearOut);
+ ASSERT_EQ(meshkernel::ExitCode::Success, errorCode);
+ // Assert
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mesh2dOut.num_nodes);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, mesh2dOut.num_edges);
+ ASSERT_EQ(11, curvilinearOut.num_m);
+ ASSERT_EQ(11, curvilinearOut.num_n);