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index b17d61c43..6a2238532 100644
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+++ b/search.json
@@ -42,207 +42,102 @@
"text": "Before trying to inspect the results, verify that the run was successful and the output files are there.\nClick the “Time Series” button of the iMOD plugin.\n\n\n\n\n\nSelect the layer that you wish to plot. From the “Node” layer you can plot level or storage on Basin nodes. From the “Edge” layer you can plot flow over flow edges. Note that before switching between these, you typically have to click “Clear” to clear the selection. If you run a simulation with the model open in QGIS, you have to close and re-open the “iMOD Time Series Plot” panel for the new results to be loaded.\nSelect the variables that you want to plot.\n\n\n\n\n\nClick “Select points” and select a node by dragging a rectangle around it on the map. Hold the Ctrl key to select multiple nodes.\n\n\n\n\n\nThe associated time series are shown the the graph.\n\n\n\n\n\nOnly the “basin.arrow” and “flow.arrow” can be inspected with the “iMOD Time Series Plot” panel. All Arrow files can be loaded as a layer by dragging the files onto QGIS. Right click the layer and select “Open Attribute Table” to view the contents."
- "objectID": "couple/index.html",
- "href": "couple/index.html",
- "title": "Coupled models",
- "section": "",
- "text": "Ribasim can be coupled to other software, for instance to model another process or domain, or to control a simulation from another process.\nTo enable this, Ribasim can be compiled as a shared library (libribasim) instead of a command line interface (ribasim). This shared library exposes a C API in the form of the Basic Model Interface (BMI). Other software can then load libribasim and load a Ribasim model, exchange data, and control the time stepping.\nAn initial coupling to MODFLOW 6 was done in 2022 inside the Julia core as a proof of concept. Read about the coupling setup and see the demonstration. Going forward this and other coupling codes will be implemented outside of the core, by making use of iMOD Coupler and libribasim. iMOD Coupler is a generic coupling tool, and can be used to couple to other models as well."
- },
- {
- "objectID": "python/examples.html",
- "href": "python/examples.html",
- "title": "Examples",
- "section": "",
- "text": "1 Basic model with static forcing\n\nfrom pathlib import Path\n\nimport geopandas as gpd\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\nimport ribasim\n\nSetup the basins:\n\nprofile = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [1, 1, 3, 3, 6, 6, 9, 9],\n \"area\": [0.01, 1000.0] * 4,\n \"level\": [0.0, 1.0] * 4,\n }\n)\n\n# Convert steady forcing to m/s\n# 2 mm/d precipitation, 1 mm/d evaporation\nseconds_in_day = 24 * 3600\nprecipitation = 0.002 / seconds_in_day\nevaporation = 0.001 / seconds_in_day\n\nstatic = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [0],\n \"drainage\": [0.0],\n \"potential_evaporation\": [evaporation],\n \"infiltration\": [0.0],\n \"precipitation\": [precipitation],\n \"urban_runoff\": [0.0],\n }\n)\nstatic = static.iloc[[0, 0, 0, 0]]\nstatic[\"node_id\"] = [1, 3, 6, 9]\n\nbasin = ribasim.Basin(profile=profile, static=static)\n\nSetup linear resistance:\n\nlinear_resistance = ribasim.LinearResistance(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\"node_id\": [10, 12], \"resistance\": [5e3, (3600.0 * 24) / 100.0]}\n )\n)\n\nSetup Manning resistance:\n\nmanning_resistance = ribasim.ManningResistance(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [2],\n \"length\": [900.0],\n \"manning_n\": [0.04],\n \"profile_width\": [6.0],\n \"profile_slope\": [3.0],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSet up a rating curve node:\n\n# Discharge: lose 1% of storage volume per day at storage = 1000.0.\nq1000 = 1000.0 * 0.01 / seconds_in_day\n\nrating_curve = ribasim.TabulatedRatingCurve(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [4, 4],\n \"level\": [0.0, 1.0],\n \"discharge\": [0.0, q1000],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup fractional flows:\n\nfractional_flow = ribasim.FractionalFlow(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [5, 8, 13],\n \"fraction\": [0.3, 0.6, 0.1],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup pump:\n\npump = ribasim.Pump(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [7],\n \"flow_rate\": [0.5 / 3600],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup level boundary:\n\nlevel_boundary = ribasim.LevelBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [11, 17],\n \"level\": [0.5, 1.5],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup flow boundary:\n\nflow_boundary = ribasim.FlowBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [15, 16],\n \"flow_rate\": [1e-4, 1e-4],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup terminal:\n\nterminal = ribasim.Terminal(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [14],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSet up the nodes:\n\nxy = np.array(\n [\n (0.0, 0.0), # 1: Basin,\n (1.0, 0.0), # 2: ManningResistance\n (2.0, 0.0), # 3: Basin\n (3.0, 0.0), # 4: TabulatedRatingCurve\n (3.0, 1.0), # 5: FractionalFlow\n (3.0, 2.0), # 6: Basin\n (4.0, 1.0), # 7: Pump\n (4.0, 0.0), # 8: FractionalFlow\n (5.0, 0.0), # 9: Basin\n (6.0, 0.0), # 10: LinearResistance\n (2.0, 2.0), # 11: LevelBoundary\n (2.0, 1.0), # 12: LinearResistance\n (3.0, -1.0), # 13: FractionalFlow\n (3.0, -2.0), # 14: Terminal\n (3.0, 3.0), # 15: FlowBoundary\n (0.0, 1.0), # 16: FlowBoundary\n (6.0, 1.0), # 17: LevelBoundary\n ]\n)\nnode_xy = gpd.points_from_xy(x=xy[:, 0], y=xy[:, 1])\n\nnode_id, node_type = ribasim.Node.node_ids_and_types(\n basin,\n manning_resistance,\n rating_curve,\n pump,\n fractional_flow,\n linear_resistance,\n level_boundary,\n flow_boundary,\n terminal,\n)\n\n# Make sure the feature id starts at 1: explicitly give an index.\nnode = ribasim.Node(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\"type\": node_type},\n index=pd.Index(node_id, name=\"fid\"),\n geometry=node_xy,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the edges:\n\nfrom_id = np.array(\n [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 7, 9, 11, 12, 4, 13, 15, 16, 10], dtype=np.int64\n)\nto_id = np.array(\n [2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 6, 7, 9, 9, 10, 12, 3, 13, 14, 6, 1, 17], dtype=np.int64\n)\nlines = node.geometry_from_connectivity(from_id, to_id)\nedge = ribasim.Edge(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\n \"from_node_id\": from_id,\n \"to_node_id\": to_id,\n \"edge_type\": len(from_id) * [\"flow\"],\n },\n geometry=lines,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup a model:\n\nmodel = ribasim.Model(\n network=ribasim.Network(\n node=node,\n edge=edge,\n ),\n basin=basin,\n level_boundary=level_boundary,\n flow_boundary=flow_boundary,\n pump=pump,\n linear_resistance=linear_resistance,\n manning_resistance=manning_resistance,\n tabulated_rating_curve=rating_curve,\n fractional_flow=fractional_flow,\n terminal=terminal,\n starttime=\"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n endtime=\"2021-01-01 00:00:00\",\n)\n\nLet’s take a look at the model:\n\nmodel.plot()\n\n<Axes: >\n\n\n\n\n\nWrite the model to a TOML and GeoPackage:\n\ndatadir = Path(\"data\")\nmodel.write(datadir / \"basic/ribasim.toml\")\n\nPosixPath('data/basic/ribasim.toml')\n\n\n\n\n2 Update the basic model with transient forcing\nThis assumes you have already created the basic model with static forcing.\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\nimport ribasim\nimport xarray as xr\n\n\nmodel = ribasim.Model(filepath=datadir / \"basic/ribasim.toml\")\n\n\ntime = pd.date_range(model.starttime, model.endtime)\nday_of_year = time.day_of_year.to_numpy()\nseconds_per_day = 24 * 60 * 60\nevaporation = (\n (-1.0 * np.cos(day_of_year / 365.0 * 2 * np.pi) + 1.0) * 0.0025 / seconds_per_day\n)\nrng = np.random.default_rng(seed=0)\nprecipitation = (\n rng.lognormal(mean=-1.0, sigma=1.7, size=time.size) * 0.001 / seconds_per_day\n)\n\nWe’ll use xarray to easily broadcast the values.\n\ntimeseries = (\n pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 1,\n \"time\": pd.date_range(model.starttime, model.endtime),\n \"drainage\": 0.0,\n \"potential_evaporation\": evaporation,\n \"infiltration\": 0.0,\n \"precipitation\": precipitation,\n \"urban_runoff\": 0.0,\n }\n )\n .set_index(\"time\")\n .to_xarray()\n)\n\nbasin_ids = model.basin.static.df[\"node_id\"].to_numpy()\nbasin_nodes = xr.DataArray(\n np.ones(len(basin_ids)), coords={\"node_id\": basin_ids}, dims=[\"node_id\"]\n)\nforcing = (timeseries * basin_nodes).to_dataframe().reset_index()\n\n\nstate = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": basin_ids,\n \"level\": 1.4,\n }\n)\n\n\nmodel.basin.time.df = forcing\nmodel.basin.state.df = state\n\n\nmodel.write(datadir / \"basic_transient/ribasim.toml\")\n\nPosixPath('data/basic_transient/ribasim.toml')\n\n\nNow run the model with ribasim basic_transient/ribasim.toml. After running the model, read back the results:\n\ndf_basin = pd.read_feather(datadir / \"basic_transient/results/basin.arrow\")\ndf_basin_wide = df_basin.pivot_table(\n index=\"time\", columns=\"node_id\", values=[\"storage\", \"level\"]\n)\ndf_basin_wide[\"level\"].plot()\n\n<Axes: xlabel='time'>\n\n\n\n\n\n\ndf_flow = pd.read_feather(datadir / \"basic_transient/results/flow.arrow\")\ndf_flow[\"edge\"] = list(zip(df_flow.from_node_id, df_flow.to_node_id))\ndf_flow[\"flow_m3d\"] = df_flow.flow * 86400\nax = df_flow.pivot_table(index=\"time\", columns=\"edge\", values=\"flow_m3d\").plot()\nax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 1), title=\"Edge\")\n\n<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f841c14b410>\n\n\n\n\n\n\ntype(df_flow)\n\npandas.core.frame.DataFrame\n\n\n\n\n3 Model with discrete control\nThe model constructed below consists of a single basin which slowly drains trough a TabulatedRatingCurve, but is held within a range around a target level (setpoint) by two connected pumps. These two pumps behave like a reversible pump. When pumping can be done in only one direction, and the other direction is only possible under gravity, use an Outlet for that direction.\nSet up the nodes:\n\nxy = np.array(\n [\n (0.0, 0.0), # 1: Basin\n (1.0, 1.0), # 2: Pump\n (1.0, -1.0), # 3: Pump\n (2.0, 0.0), # 4: LevelBoundary\n (-1.0, 0.0), # 5: TabulatedRatingCurve\n (-2.0, 0.0), # 6: Terminal\n (1.0, 0.0), # 7: DiscreteControl\n ]\n)\n\nnode_xy = gpd.points_from_xy(x=xy[:, 0], y=xy[:, 1])\n\nnode_type = [\n \"Basin\",\n \"Pump\",\n \"Pump\",\n \"LevelBoundary\",\n \"TabulatedRatingCurve\",\n \"Terminal\",\n \"DiscreteControl\",\n]\n\n# Make sure the feature id starts at 1: explicitly give an index.\nnode = ribasim.Node(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\"type\": node_type},\n index=pd.Index(np.arange(len(xy)) + 1, name=\"fid\"),\n geometry=node_xy,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the edges:\n\nfrom_id = np.array([1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 7, 7], dtype=np.int64)\nto_id = np.array([3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 2, 3], dtype=np.int64)\n\nedge_type = 6 * [\"flow\"] + 2 * [\"control\"]\n\nlines = node.geometry_from_connectivity(from_id, to_id)\nedge = ribasim.Edge(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\"from_node_id\": from_id, \"to_node_id\": to_id, \"edge_type\": edge_type},\n geometry=lines,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the basins:\n\nprofile = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [1, 1],\n \"area\": [1000.0, 1000.0],\n \"level\": [0.0, 1.0],\n }\n)\n\nstatic = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [1],\n \"drainage\": [0.0],\n \"potential_evaporation\": [0.0],\n \"infiltration\": [0.0],\n \"precipitation\": [0.0],\n \"urban_runoff\": [0.0],\n }\n)\n\nstate = pd.DataFrame(data={\"node_id\": [1], \"level\": [20.0]})\n\nbasin = ribasim.Basin(profile=profile, static=static, state=state)\n\nSetup the discrete control:\n\ncondition = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 3 * [7],\n \"listen_feature_id\": 3 * [1],\n \"variable\": 3 * [\"level\"],\n \"greater_than\": [5.0, 10.0, 15.0], # min, setpoint, max\n }\n)\n\nlogic = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 5 * [7],\n \"truth_state\": [\"FFF\", \"U**\", \"T*F\", \"**D\", \"TTT\"],\n \"control_state\": [\"in\", \"in\", \"none\", \"out\", \"out\"],\n }\n)\n\ndiscrete_control = ribasim.DiscreteControl(condition=condition, logic=logic)\n\nThe above control logic can be summarized as follows: - If the level gets above the maximum, activate the control state “out” until the setpoint is reached; - If the level gets below the minimum, active the control state “in” until the setpoint is reached; - Otherwise activate the control state “none”.\nSetup the pump:\n\npump = ribasim.Pump(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 3 * [2] + 3 * [3],\n \"control_state\": 2 * [\"none\", \"in\", \"out\"],\n \"flow_rate\": [0.0, 2e-3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2e-3],\n }\n )\n)\n\nThe pump data defines the following:\n\n\n\nControl state\nPump #2 flow rate (m/s)\nPump #3 flow rate (m/s)\n\n\n\n\n“none”\n0.0\n0.0\n\n\n“in”\n2e-3\n0.0\n\n\n“out”\n0.0\n2e-3\n\n\n\nSetup the level boundary:\n\nlevel_boundary = ribasim.LevelBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(data={\"node_id\": [4], \"level\": [10.0]})\n)\n\nSetup the rating curve:\n\nrating_curve = ribasim.TabulatedRatingCurve(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\"node_id\": 2 * [5], \"level\": [2.0, 15.0], \"discharge\": [0.0, 1e-3]}\n )\n)\n\nSetup the terminal:\n\nterminal = ribasim.Terminal(static=pd.DataFrame(data={\"node_id\": [6]}))\n\nSetup a model:\n\nmodel = ribasim.Model(\n network=ribasim.Network(\n node=node,\n edge=edge,\n ),\n basin=basin,\n pump=pump,\n level_boundary=level_boundary,\n tabulated_rating_curve=rating_curve,\n terminal=terminal,\n discrete_control=discrete_control,\n starttime=\"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n endtime=\"2021-01-01 00:00:00\",\n)\n\nLet’s take a look at the model:\n\nmodel.plot()\n\n<Axes: >\n\n\n\n\n\nListen edges are plotted with a dashed line since they are not present in the “Edge / static” schema but only in the “Control / condition” schema.\n\ndatadir = Path(\"data\")\nmodel.write(datadir / \"level_setpoint_with_minmax/ribasim.toml\")\n\nPosixPath('data/level_setpoint_with_minmax/ribasim.toml')\n\n\nNow run the model with level_setpoint_with_minmax/ribasim.toml. After running the model, read back the results:\n\nfrom matplotlib.dates import date2num\n\ndf_basin = pd.read_feather(datadir / \"level_setpoint_with_minmax/results/basin.arrow\")\ndf_basin_wide = df_basin.pivot_table(\n index=\"time\", columns=\"node_id\", values=[\"storage\", \"level\"]\n)\n\nax = df_basin_wide[\"level\"].plot()\n\ngreater_than = model.discrete_control.condition.df.greater_than\n\nax.hlines(\n greater_than,\n df_basin.time[0],\n df_basin.time.max(),\n lw=1,\n ls=\"--\",\n color=\"k\",\n)\n\ndf_control = pd.read_feather(\n datadir / \"level_setpoint_with_minmax/results/control.arrow\"\n)\n\ny_min, y_max = ax.get_ybound()\nax.fill_between(df_control.time[:2], 2 * [y_min], 2 * [y_max], alpha=0.2, color=\"C0\")\nax.fill_between(df_control.time[2:4], 2 * [y_min], 2 * [y_max], alpha=0.2, color=\"C0\")\n\nax.set_xticks(\n date2num(df_control.time).tolist(),\n df_control.control_state.tolist(),\n rotation=50,\n)\n\nax.set_yticks(greater_than, [\"min\", \"setpoint\", \"max\"])\nax.set_ylabel(\"level\")\nplt.show()\n\n\n\n\nThe highlighted regions show where a pump is active.\nLet’s print an overview of what happened with control:\n\nmodel.print_discrete_control_record(\n datadir / \"level_setpoint_with_minmax/results/control.arrow\"\n)\n\n0. At 2020-01-01 00:00:00 the control node with ID 7 reached truth state TTT:\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 5.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 10.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 15.0\n\n This yielded control state \"out\":\n For node ID 2 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n For node ID 3 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.002\n\n1. At 2020-02-08 19:02:21.861000 the control node with ID 7 reached truth state TFF:\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 5.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 10.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 15.0\n\n This yielded control state \"none\":\n For node ID 2 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n For node ID 3 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n\n2. At 2020-07-05 08:56:10.319000 the control node with ID 7 reached truth state FFF:\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 5.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 10.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 15.0\n\n This yielded control state \"in\":\n For node ID 2 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.002\n For node ID 3 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n\n3. At 2020-08-11 06:05:15.592000 the control node with ID 7 reached truth state TTF:\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 5.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 10.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 15.0\n\n This yielded control state \"none\":\n For node ID 2 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n For node ID 3 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n\n\n\nNote that crossing direction specific truth states (containing “U”, “D”) are not present in this overview even though they are part of the control logic. This is because in the control logic for this model these truth states are only used to sustain control states, while the overview only shows changes in control states.\n\n\n4 Model with PID control\nSet up the nodes:\n\nxy = np.array(\n [\n (0.0, 0.0), # 1: FlowBoundary\n (1.0, 0.0), # 2: Basin\n (2.0, 0.5), # 3: Pump\n (3.0, 0.0), # 4: LevelBoundary\n (1.5, 1.0), # 5: PidControl\n (2.0, -0.5), # 6: outlet\n (1.5, -1.0), # 7: PidControl\n ]\n)\n\nnode_xy = gpd.points_from_xy(x=xy[:, 0], y=xy[:, 1])\n\nnode_type = [\n \"FlowBoundary\",\n \"Basin\",\n \"Pump\",\n \"LevelBoundary\",\n \"PidControl\",\n \"Outlet\",\n \"PidControl\",\n]\n\n# Make sure the feature id starts at 1: explicitly give an index.\nnode = ribasim.Node(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\"type\": node_type},\n index=pd.Index(np.arange(len(xy)) + 1, name=\"fid\"),\n geometry=node_xy,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the edges:\n\nfrom_id = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7], dtype=np.int64)\nto_id = np.array([2, 3, 4, 6, 2, 3, 6], dtype=np.int64)\n\nlines = node.geometry_from_connectivity(from_id, to_id)\nedge = ribasim.Edge(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\n \"from_node_id\": from_id,\n \"to_node_id\": to_id,\n \"edge_type\": 5 * [\"flow\"] + 2 * [\"control\"],\n },\n geometry=lines,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the basins:\n\nprofile = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\"node_id\": [2, 2], \"level\": [0.0, 1.0], \"area\": [1000.0, 1000.0]}\n)\n\nstatic = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [2],\n \"drainage\": [0.0],\n \"potential_evaporation\": [0.0],\n \"infiltration\": [0.0],\n \"precipitation\": [0.0],\n \"urban_runoff\": [0.0],\n }\n)\n\nstate = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [2],\n \"level\": [6.0],\n }\n)\n\nbasin = ribasim.Basin(profile=profile, static=static, state=state)\n\nSetup the pump:\n\npump = ribasim.Pump(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [3],\n \"flow_rate\": [0.0], # Will be overwritten by PID controller\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup the outlet:\n\noutlet = ribasim.Outlet(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [6],\n \"flow_rate\": [0.0], # Will be overwritten by PID controller\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup flow boundary:\n\nflow_boundary = ribasim.FlowBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(data={\"node_id\": [1], \"flow_rate\": [1e-3]})\n)\n\nSetup flow boundary:\n\nlevel_boundary = ribasim.LevelBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [4],\n \"level\": [1.0], # Not relevant\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup PID control:\n\npid_control = ribasim.PidControl(\n time=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 4 * [5, 7],\n \"time\": [\n \"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-05-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-05-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-07-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-07-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-12-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-12-01 00:00:00\",\n ],\n \"listen_node_id\": 4 * [2, 2],\n \"target\": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5],\n \"proportional\": 4 * [-1e-3, 1e-3],\n \"integral\": 4 * [-1e-7, 1e-7],\n \"derivative\": 4 * [0.0, 0.0],\n }\n )\n)\n\nNote that the coefficients for the pump and the outlet are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign. This way the pump and the outlet equally work towards the same goal, while having opposite effects on the controlled basin due to their connectivity to this basin.\nSetup a model:\n\nmodel = ribasim.Model(\n network=ribasim.Network(\n node=node,\n edge=edge,\n ),\n basin=basin,\n flow_boundary=flow_boundary,\n level_boundary=level_boundary,\n pump=pump,\n outlet=outlet,\n pid_control=pid_control,\n starttime=\"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n endtime=\"2020-12-01 00:00:00\",\n)\n\nLet’s take a look at the model:\n\nmodel.plot()\n\n<Axes: >\n\n\n\n\n\nWrite the model to a TOML and GeoPackage:\n\ndatadir = Path(\"data\")\nmodel.write(datadir / \"pid_control/ribasim.toml\")\n\nPosixPath('data/pid_control/ribasim.toml')\n\n\nNow run the model with ribasim pid_control/ribasim.toml. After running the model, read back the results:\n\nfrom matplotlib.dates import date2num\n\ndf_basin = pd.read_feather(datadir / \"pid_control/results/basin.arrow\")\ndf_basin_wide = df_basin.pivot_table(\n index=\"time\", columns=\"node_id\", values=[\"storage\", \"level\"]\n)\nax = df_basin_wide[\"level\"].plot()\nax.set_ylabel(\"level [m]\")\n\n# Plot target level\ntarget_levels = model.pid_control.time.df.target.to_numpy()[:4]\ntimes = date2num(model.pid_control.time.df.time)[:4]\nax.plot(times, target_levels, color=\"k\", ls=\":\", label=\"target level\")\npass"
- },
- {
- "objectID": "python/reference/PidControl.html",
- "href": "python/reference/PidControl.html",
- "title": "1 PidControl",
- "section": "",
- "text": "1 PidControl\nPidControl()"
- },
- {
- "objectID": "python/reference/Node.html",
- "href": "python/reference/Node.html",
- "title": "1 Node",
- "section": "",
- "text": "Node()\nThe Ribasim nodes as Point geometries.\n\n\n\n\n\nName\nDescription\n\n\n\n\nconnectivity_from_geometry\nDerive from_node_id and to_node_id for every edge in lines. LineStrings\n\n\ngeometry_from_connectivity\nCreate edge shapely geometries from connectivities.\n\n\nplot\nPlot the nodes. Each node type is given a separate marker.\n\n\n\n\n\nNode.connectivity_from_geometry(lines)\nDerive from_node_id and to_node_id for every edge in lines. LineStrings may be used to connect multiple nodes in a sequence, but every linestring vertex must also a node.\n\n\n\n\n\nName\nType\nDescription\nDefault\n\n\n\n\nnode\nNode\n\nrequired\n\n\nlines\nnp.ndarray\nArray of shapely linestrings.\nrequired\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nType\nDescription\n\n\n\n\nnp.ndarray of int\n\n\n\nnp.ndarray of int\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNode.geometry_from_connectivity(from_id, to_id)\nCreate edge shapely geometries from connectivities.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nName\nType\nDescription\nDefault\n\n\n\n\nnode\nRibasim.Node\n\nrequired\n\n\nfrom_id\nSequence[int]\nFirst node of every edge.\nrequired\n\n\nto_id\nSequence[int]\nSecond node of every edge.\nrequired\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nType\nDescription\n\n\n\n\nnp.ndarray\nArray of shapely LineStrings.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNode.plot(ax=None, zorder=None)\nPlot the nodes. Each node type is given a separate marker.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nName\nType\nDescription\nDefault\n\n\n\n\nax\nOptional\nThe axis on which the nodes will be plotted.\nNone\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nType\nDescription\n\n\n\n\nNone"
- },
- {
- "objectID": "python/reference/Node.html#methods",
- "href": "python/reference/Node.html#methods",
- "title": "1 Node",
- "section": "",
- "text": "Name\nDescription\n\n\n\n\nconnectivity_from_geometry\nDerive from_node_id and to_node_id for every edge in lines. LineStrings\n\n\ngeometry_from_connectivity\nCreate edge shapely geometries from connectivities.\n\n\nplot\nPlot the nodes. Each node type is given a separate marker.\n\n\n\n\n\nNode.connectivity_from_geometry(lines)\nDerive from_node_id and to_node_id for every edge in lines. LineStrings may be used to connect multiple nodes in a sequence, but every linestring vertex must also a node.\n\n\n\n\n\nName\nType\nDescription\nDefault\n\n\n\n\nnode\nNode\n\nrequired\n\n\nlines\nnp.ndarray\nArray of shapely linestrings.\nrequired\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nType\nDescription\n\n\n\n\nnp.ndarray of int\n\n\n\nnp.ndarray of int\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNode.geometry_from_connectivity(from_id, to_id)\nCreate edge shapely geometries from connectivities.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nName\nType\nDescription\nDefault\n\n\n\n\nnode\nRibasim.Node\n\nrequired\n\n\nfrom_id\nSequence[int]\nFirst node of every edge.\nrequired\n\n\nto_id\nSequence[int]\nSecond node of every edge.\nrequired\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nType\nDescription\n\n\n\n\nnp.ndarray\nArray of shapely LineStrings.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNode.plot(ax=None, zorder=None)\nPlot the nodes. Each node type is given a separate marker.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nName\nType\nDescription\nDefault\n\n\n\n\nax\nOptional\nThe axis on which the nodes will be plotted.\nNone\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nType\nDescription\n\n\n\n\nNone"
- },
- {
- "objectID": "python/reference/Edge.html",
- "href": "python/reference/Edge.html",
- "title": "1 Edge",
- "section": "",
- "text": "Edge()\nDefines the connections between nodes.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nName\nType\nDescription\nDefault\n\n\n\n\nstatic\npandas.DataFrame\nTable describing the flow connections.\nrequired"
- },
- {
- "objectID": "python/reference/Edge.html#parameters",
- "href": "python/reference/Edge.html#parameters",
- "title": "1 Edge",
- "section": "",
- "text": "Name\nType\nDescription\nDefault\n\n\n\n\nstatic\npandas.DataFrame\nTable describing the flow connections.\nrequired"
- },
- {
- "objectID": "python/reference/Basin.html",
- "href": "python/reference/Basin.html",
- "title": "1 Basin",
- "section": "",
- "text": "1 Basin\nBasin()"
- },
- {
- "objectID": "python/reference/FlowBoundary.html",
- "href": "python/reference/FlowBoundary.html",
- "title": "1 FlowBoundary",
- "section": "",
- "text": "1 FlowBoundary\nFlowBoundary()"
- },
- {
- "objectID": "python/reference/Outlet.html",
- "href": "python/reference/Outlet.html",
- "title": "1 Outlet",
- "section": "",
- "text": "1 Outlet\nOutlet()"
- },
- {
- "objectID": "python/reference/FractionalFlow.html",
- "href": "python/reference/FractionalFlow.html",
- "title": "1 FractionalFlow",
- "section": "",
- "text": "1 FractionalFlow\nFractionalFlow()"
- },
- {
- "objectID": "python/reference/index.html",
- "href": "python/reference/index.html",
- "title": "1 API Reference",
+ "objectID": "contribute/release.html",
+ "href": "contribute/release.html",
+ "title": "Release process",
"section": "",
- "text": "The Model class represents an entire Ribasim model.\n\n\n\nModel\nA full Ribasim model schematisation with all input.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe Node and Edge database layers define the network layout.\n\n\n\nNode\nThe Ribasim nodes as Point geometries.\n\n\nEdge\nDefines the connections between nodes.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAvailable node types to model different situations.\n\n\n\nBasin\n\n\n\nFractionalFlow\n\n\n\nTabulatedRatingCurve\n\n\n\nPump\n\n\n\nOutlet\n\n\n\nUser\n\n\n\nLevelBoundary\n\n\n\nFlowBoundary\n\n\n\nLinearResistance\n\n\n\nManningResistance\n\n\n\nTerminal\n\n\n\nDiscreteControl\n\n\n\nPidControl"
+ "text": "The Ribasim repository contains several components, e.g., the Julia core, the Python tooling and QGIS plugin. The components are currently only guaranteed to work together if they are built at the same time. Therefore we release Ribasim as a collection of all the components at once. For maximum interoperability it is suggested to only release all components together, and not individually.\nFor these releases we use Calender Versioning, which makes it clear in which month the release was made."
- "objectID": "python/reference/index.html#model",
- "href": "python/reference/index.html#model",
- "title": "1 API Reference",
- "section": "",
- "text": "The Model class represents an entire Ribasim model.\n\n\n\nModel\nA full Ribasim model schematisation with all input."
+ "objectID": "contribute/release.html#pre-release-checks",
+ "href": "contribute/release.html#pre-release-checks",
+ "title": "Release process",
+ "section": "2.1 Pre-release checks",
+ "text": "2.1 Pre-release checks\nBefore starting the release process, ensure that all tests are passing and that all features intended for the release are complete and merged into the main branch."
- "objectID": "python/reference/index.html#network",
- "href": "python/reference/index.html#network",
- "title": "1 API Reference",
- "section": "",
- "text": "The Node and Edge database layers define the network layout.\n\n\n\nNode\nThe Ribasim nodes as Point geometries.\n\n\nEdge\nDefines the connections between nodes."
+ "objectID": "contribute/release.html#update-version-numbers-of-the-components-as-needed",
+ "href": "contribute/release.html#update-version-numbers-of-the-components-as-needed",
+ "title": "Release process",
+ "section": "2.2 Update version numbers of the components as needed",
+ "text": "2.2 Update version numbers of the components as needed\nThe components have their own version number which generally uses Semantic Versioning, with minor version signifying a breaking release for pre-1.0 versions, as documented here. If a component did not change at all between releases, the version number can stay the same.\nNow submit a pull request which updates the version numbers of the components as needed. You can use PR #623 as an example.\nIn general for Python packages the version number is in __init__.py, for Julia it is Project.toml, and for QGIS metadata.txt"
- "objectID": "python/reference/index.html#node-types",
- "href": "python/reference/index.html#node-types",
- "title": "1 API Reference",
- "section": "",
- "text": "Available node types to model different situations.\n\n\n\nBasin\n\n\n\nFractionalFlow\n\n\n\nTabulatedRatingCurve\n\n\n\nPump\n\n\n\nOutlet\n\n\n\nUser\n\n\n\nLevelBoundary\n\n\n\nFlowBoundary\n\n\n\nLinearResistance\n\n\n\nManningResistance\n\n\n\nTerminal\n\n\n\nDiscreteControl\n\n\n\nPidControl"
+ "objectID": "contribute/release.html#sec-wheel-links",
+ "href": "contribute/release.html#sec-wheel-links",
+ "title": "Release process",
+ "section": "2.3 Update the wheel links",
+ "text": "2.3 Update the wheel links\nThe nightly download links for the Ribasim Python wheels contain the version number. Search for “any.whl” and update these to the new version number of Ribasim Python."
- "objectID": "python/index.html",
- "href": "python/index.html",
- "title": "Python tooling",
- "section": "",
- "text": "The Ribasim Python package (named ribasim) aims to make it easy to build, update and analyze Ribasim models programmatically.\nThe Ribasim QGIS plugin allows users to construct a model from scratch without programming. For specific tasks, like adding observed rainfall timeseries, it can be faster to use Python instead.\nOne can also use Ribasim Python to build entire models from base data, such that your model setup is fully reproducible.\nThe package is registered in PyPI and can therefore be installed with pip:\npip install ribasim\nFor wheel (.whl) downloads, including nightly builds, see the download section. After downloading wheels can be installed by referring to the correct path:\npip install path/to/ribasim-*.whl\nFor documentation please see the examples and API reference."
+ "objectID": "contribute/release.html#create-a-new-release",
+ "href": "contribute/release.html#create-a-new-release",
+ "title": "Release process",
+ "section": "2.4 Create a new release",
+ "text": "2.4 Create a new release\nCreate a new release. Give it a tag like v2023.08.0, filling in the current year, month and a sequential “MICRO” number. This follows vYYYY.0M.MICRO from calver. For v2023.09.0 I used the “Generate release notes” button, which I then manually edited to copy the most important changes for users to the top in the form of Keep a Changelog. The possibly long list of generated release notes can put below an “All changes” collapsed item as such:\n<details>\n<summary>\nAll changes\n</summary>\n\n# Put Github flavored markdown here\n\n</details>"
- "objectID": "src/index.html",
- "href": "src/index.html",
- "title": "1 API Reference",
- "section": "",
- "text": "This is the private internal documentation of the Ribasim API.\n\n\n\nModules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:module]\n\n\n\nModules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:type]\n\n\n\nModules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:function]\n\n\n\nModules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:constant]\n\n\n\nModules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:macro]"
+ "objectID": "contribute/release.html#release-ribasim-python-to-pypi",
+ "href": "contribute/release.html#release-ribasim-python-to-pypi",
+ "title": "Release process",
+ "section": "2.5 Release Ribasim Python to PyPI",
+ "text": "2.5 Release Ribasim Python to PyPI\nTo be able to install packages with pip, they need to be released on the Python Package Index (PyPI). In order to publish Ribasim Python or Ribasim API follow the following steps:\n\nUpdate __version__ in __init__.py\nOpen a terminal and run pixi run build-ribasim-python-wheel or pixi run build-ribasim-api-wheel\nMake a new commit with the updated version number, and push to remote\nPublish on PyPI with pixi run publish-ribasim-python or pixi run publish-ribasim-api"
- "objectID": "src/index.html#modules",
- "href": "src/index.html#modules",
- "title": "1 API Reference",
- "section": "",
- "text": "Modules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:module]"
+ "objectID": "contribute/release.html#sec-teamcity",
+ "href": "contribute/release.html#sec-teamcity",
+ "title": "Release process",
+ "section": "2.6 Wait for TeamCity to build the new release",
+ "text": "2.6 Wait for TeamCity to build the new release\nCurrently TeamCity is set to build a release at the night after it has been tagged.\nIf this succeeds, the release assets are uploaded to an S3 link with the version number in the URL, as show here:\nhttps://ribasim.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/teamcity/Ribasim_Ribasim/BuildRibasimCliWindows/v2023.07.0/ribasim_cli.zip\nhttps://ribasim.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/teamcity/Ribasim_Ribasim/BuildRibasimCliWindows/v2023.07.0/ribasim-0.6.1-py3-none-any.whl\nhttps://ribasim.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/teamcity/Ribasim_Ribasim/BuildRibasimCliWindows/v2023.07.0/ribasim_qgis.zip\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nA non-existent version number v2023.07.0 is used in these links. Replace with the version number of the new release. Similarly the filename of the Ribasim Python wheel needs to be updated as in Section 2.3."
- "objectID": "src/index.html#types",
- "href": "src/index.html#types",
- "title": "1 API Reference",
- "section": "",
- "text": "Modules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:type]"
+ "objectID": "contribute/release.html#do-manual-checks",
+ "href": "contribute/release.html#do-manual-checks",
+ "title": "Release process",
+ "section": "2.7 Do manual checks",
+ "text": "2.7 Do manual checks\nOur continuous integration (CI) should have caught most issues. A current weak spot in our testing is the QGIS plugin, so it is a good idea to do some manual checks to see if it works properly. It is a good idea to load new test models if there are any, or test any other changed functionality."
- "objectID": "src/index.html#functions",
- "href": "src/index.html#functions",
- "title": "1 API Reference",
- "section": "",
- "text": "Modules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:function]"
+ "objectID": "contribute/release.html#generate-and-upload-test-models",
+ "href": "contribute/release.html#generate-and-upload-test-models",
+ "title": "Release process",
+ "section": "2.8 Generate and upload test models",
+ "text": "2.8 Generate and upload test models\nThe test models are currently not automatically uploaded. Create them locally with:\npixi run generate-testmodels\nNote that this only includes the test model data, no results. And zip the generated_testmodels directory to generated_testmodels.zip, and add these to the release assets. Click the edit pencil icon to be able to upload it."
- "objectID": "src/index.html#constants",
- "href": "src/index.html#constants",
- "title": "1 API Reference",
- "section": "",
- "text": "Modules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:constant]"
+ "objectID": "contribute/release.html#upload-artifacts-from-s3-to-github-release-assets",
+ "href": "contribute/release.html#upload-artifacts-from-s3-to-github-release-assets",
+ "title": "Release process",
+ "section": "2.9 Upload artifacts from S3 to GitHub release assets",
+ "text": "2.9 Upload artifacts from S3 to GitHub release assets\nAgain edit the release assets. Now upload the files downloaded from S3 as mentioned in Section 2.6."
- "objectID": "src/index.html#macros",
- "href": "src/index.html#macros",
- "title": "1 API Reference",
- "section": "",
- "text": "Modules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:macro]"
+ "objectID": "contribute/release.html#announce-release",
+ "href": "contribute/release.html#announce-release",
+ "title": "Release process",
+ "section": "2.10 Announce release",
+ "text": "2.10 Announce release\nAnnounce the release in appropriate channels. Include a link to the release notes and assets, which is whatever this resolves to at that time. Also include a link to the documentation."
- "objectID": "contribute/core.html",
- "href": "contribute/core.html",
- "title": "Julia core development",
+ "objectID": "contribute/index.html",
+ "href": "contribute/index.html",
+ "title": "Contributing",
"section": "",
- "text": "This section is about the Julia core in Ribasim.jl. See the component overview here for the context of this computational core.\nRibasim.jl can be divided into 3 parts:\n\nModel initialization\nRunning the simulation loop\nWriting the output files\n\nThe figure below gives a more detailed description of the simulation loop in the form of a sequence diagram. From top to bottom, it contains the following blocks:\n\nAllocation optimization; activated when the allocation timestep has been passed;\nControl actions; activated when some discrete control callback is triggered;\nWater balance; computing the flows over flow edges happens each timestep;\nTime integration step; done by the integrator from OrdinaryDiffEq.jl.\n\n\n\n\n\nsequenceDiagram\n autonumber\n participant Int as Process: Integrator\n participant Optim as Process: Allocation optimization\n participant Param as Data: Parameters\n participant State as Data: State\n participant Sim as Process: Water balance\n loop Simulation loop (OrdinaryDiffEq.jl)\n activate Int\n %% Allocation\n rect rgb(200, 200, 200)\n opt Allocation optimization, per allocation network (JuMP.jl, HiGHS)\n activate Optim\n Int->>Optim: Callback: allocation timestep has passed\n Param-->>Optim: Input\n State-->>Optim: Input\n Optim->>Optim: Optimize Basin allocations if below target level\n Optim->>Optim: Optimize User allocation, per priority\n Optim-->>Param: Set allocated flow rates\n deactivate Optim\n end\n end\n %% Control\n rect rgb(200, 200, 200)\n opt Control actions\n Int->>Int: DiscreteControl callback\n Int-->>Param: Parameter updates by control\n end\n end\n %% water_balance!\n rect rgb(200, 200, 200)\n activate Sim\n State-->>Sim: Input\n Param-->>Sim: Input\n Sim->>Sim: Compute flows over edges per node type\n Sim-->>Param: Set flows\n deactivate Sim\n end\n %% Time integration\n rect rgb(200, 200, 200)\n State-->>Int: Input\n Param-->>Int: Input\n Int->>Int: Time integration step\n Int-->>State: Update state\n end\n deactivate Int\n end"
- },
- {
- "objectID": "contribute/core.html#install-optional-julia-libraries",
- "href": "contribute/core.html#install-optional-julia-libraries",
- "title": "Julia core development",
- "section": "2.1 Install optional Julia libraries",
- "text": "2.1 Install optional Julia libraries\nStart the Julia REPL by executing pixi run julia in your terminal. Within the REPL type ] to enter the Pkg REPL. For more information on how to use Pkg, see the Getting Started page in its documentation. There you can add Revise and TestEnv to your global environment.\npkg> add Revise TestEnv"
- },
- {
- "objectID": "contribute/core.html#setup-revise.jl",
- "href": "contribute/core.html#setup-revise.jl",
- "title": "Julia core development",
- "section": "2.2 Setup Revise.jl",
- "text": "2.2 Setup Revise.jl\nRevise.jl is a library that allows you to modify code and use the changes without restarting Julia. You can let it start automatically by following these instructions."
- },
- {
- "objectID": "contribute/core.html#install-visual-studio-code-optional",
- "href": "contribute/core.html#install-visual-studio-code-optional",
- "title": "Julia core development",
- "section": "2.3 Install Visual Studio Code (optional)",
- "text": "2.3 Install Visual Studio Code (optional)\nThere is a section on editors and IDEs for Julia on https://julialang.org/, scroll down to see it. We use and recommend Microsoft’s free editor Visual Studio Code. When combined with the Julia extension it provides a powerful and interactive development experience. Make sure to have the correct environment when opening your IDE by running pixi run code ., or opening a pixi shell and then calling the command to open the editor of your choice."
- },
- {
- "objectID": "contribute/core.html#sec-test",
- "href": "contribute/core.html#sec-test",
- "title": "Julia core development",
- "section": "3.1 Running tests",
- "text": "3.1 Running tests\nYou will want to run the testsuite on a regular basis to check if your changes had unexpected side effects. It is also a good way to find out if your development environment is set up correctly.\nBefore the tests can run, you need to prepare model input.\nWith the root of the repository as your working directory you can start the REPL with activated Ribasim environment by running the following:\njulia --project\nWhile not technically required, it is advised to import Ribasim first to catch installation issues early on.\njulia> using Ribasim\nThen open the Pkg REPL by typing ] and execute:\npkg> test Ribasim\nIn order to debug tests, it is very useful to run them in a REPL. However, here, you don’t have the dependencies available in the [extras] section of your Project.toml. TestEnv.jl that we installed earlier solves that problem.\nWhen you then debug your tests inside the REPL, you can include the [extras] dependencies as follows:\nusing TestEnv,\nTestEnv.activate(\"Ribasim\")"
+ "text": "Ribasim welcomes contributions.\nThere is developer documentation for the Julia core, Python tooling, and the QGIS plugin. A guide on how to add a new node type to both is written in adding node types. Release process describes the steps to follow when creating a new Ribasim release."
- "objectID": "contribute/core.html#render-documentation",
- "href": "contribute/core.html#render-documentation",
- "title": "Julia core development",
- "section": "3.2 Render documentation",
- "text": "3.2 Render documentation\nExample models are created and simulated as part of the rendering of the documentation. The Julia API reference is created using Documenter.jl by running this command:\npixi run build-julia-docs\nIn order to preview documentation you can run the following command from the docs/ folder. Afterwards, a browser tab will open with the rendered documentation, updating it as you make changes.\npixi run quarto-preview\nThe documentation also includes Jupyter notebooks. Note that they are stored in the repository without any output, and this should stay this way to keep the repository small. The documentation rendering process adds the output by running the notebooks.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTip\n\n\n\nThe Jupyter VS Code extension allows you to run Jupyter notebooks directly in VS Code."
+ "objectID": "contribute/index.html#clone-ribasim",
+ "href": "contribute/index.html#clone-ribasim",
+ "title": "Contributing",
+ "section": "1.1 Clone Ribasim",
+ "text": "1.1 Clone Ribasim\nIn order to have the Ribasim repository locally available, you can clone it with Git. Git can be installed from git-scm.com. Once installed, run the following command at a directory of your choice:\nIn order to have the Ribasim repository locally available, run the following command at a directory of your choice:\ngit clone https://github.com/Deltares/Ribasim.git\nTo continue with the following steps, make the root of the repository your working directory by running\ncd Ribasim"
- "objectID": "contribute/core.html#run-ribasim-simulations",
- "href": "contribute/core.html#run-ribasim-simulations",
- "title": "Julia core development",
- "section": "3.3 Run Ribasim simulations",
- "text": "3.3 Run Ribasim simulations\nAssuming your working directory is the root of the repository, you can activate this project by entering the Pkg mode of the REPL with ] and execute:\npkg> activate .\npkg> instantiate\nPress backspace to go back to the Julia REPL. There you can run a model with:\njulia> Ribasim.run(\"path/to/model/ribasim.toml\")\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTip\n\n\n\nThe Julia VS Code extension allows you to execute code cells in REPL. This is a very convenient way of executing only parts of your source file."
+ "objectID": "contribute/index.html#setting-up-pixi",
+ "href": "contribute/index.html#setting-up-pixi",
+ "title": "Contributing",
+ "section": "1.2 Setting up pixi",
+ "text": "1.2 Setting up pixi\nFirst, set up pixi as described on their getting started page.\nThen set up the environment by running the following commands:\npixi run install\nThis will automatically install all required packages for development. Our pixi environment also provides an instance of Julia and QGIS. These will not conflict with any pre-installed applications, as long as you have the pixi environment enabled. You can do this in a terminal by calling pixi shell, or starting programs with pixi run julia, or pixi run qgis. This is also the way that we start visual studio code: pixi run code .."
"objectID": "contribute/python.html",
@@ -287,109 +182,39 @@
"text": "To run our linting suite locally, execute:\npixi run lint"
- "objectID": "contribute/addnode.html",
- "href": "contribute/addnode.html",
- "title": "Adding node types",
+ "objectID": "core/allocation.html",
+ "href": "core/allocation.html",
+ "title": "Allocation",
"section": "",
- "text": "Several parts of the code have to be made aware of the new node type. In the rest of this page we shall call our new node type NewNodeType."
- },
- {
- "objectID": "contribute/addnode.html#parameters",
- "href": "contribute/addnode.html#parameters",
- "title": "Adding node types",
- "section": "1.1 Parameters",
- "text": "1.1 Parameters\nThe parameters object (defined in solve.jl) passed to the ODE solver must be made aware of the new node type. Therefore define a struct in solve.jl which holds the data for each node of the new node type:\nstruct NewNodeType\n node_id::Vector{NodeID}\n # Other fields\nend\nThese fields do not have to correspond 1:1 with the input tables (see below). The vector with all node IDs that are of the new type in a given model is a mandatory field. Now you can:\n\nAdd new_node_type::NewNodeType to the Parameters object;\nAdd new_node_type = NewNodeType(db,config) to the function Parameters in create.jl and add new_node_type at the proper location in the Parameters constructor call."
+ "text": "Allocation is the process of assigning an allocated abstraction flow rate to user nodes in the model based on information about sources, user demands over various priorities, constraints introduced by nodes, local water availability and graph topology. The allocation procedure implemented in Ribasim is heavily inspired by the maximum flow problem.\nThe allocation problem is solved per subnetwork of the Ribasim model. The subnetwork is used to formulate an optimization problem with the JuMP package, which is solved using the HiGHS solver. For more information see also the example of solving the maximum flow problem with JuMP.jl here."
- "objectID": "contribute/addnode.html#reading-from-configuration",
- "href": "contribute/addnode.html#reading-from-configuration",
- "title": "Adding node types",
- "section": "1.2 Reading from configuration",
- "text": "1.2 Reading from configuration\nThere can be several schemas associated with a single node type. To define a schema for the new node type, add the following to validation.jl:\n@schema \"ribasim.newnodetype.static\" NewNodeTypeStatic\n\n\"\"\"\nnode_id: node ID of the NewNodeType node\n\"\"\"\n@version NewNodeTypeStaticV1 begin\n node_id::Int\n # Other fields\nend\nHere Static refers to data that does not change over time. For naming conventions of these schemas see Node usage.\nvalidation.jl also deals with checking and applying a specific sorting order for the tabular data (default is sorting by node ID only), see sort_by_function and sorted_table!.\nNow we define the function that is called in the second bullet above, in create.jl:\nfunction NewNodeType(db::DB, config::Config)::NewNodeType\n static = load_structvector(db, config, NewNodeTypeStaticV1)\n defaults = (; foo = 1, bar = false)\n # Process potential control states in the static data\n parsed_parameters, valid = parse_static_and_time(db, config, \"Outlet\"; static, defaults)\n\n if !valid\n error(\"Errors occurred when parsing NewNodeType data.\")\n end\n\n # Unpack the fields of static as inputs for the NewNodeType constructor\n return NewNodeType(\n NodeID.(parsed_parameters.node_id),\n parsed_parameters.some_property,\n parsed_parameters.control_mapping)\nend"
- },
- {
- "objectID": "contribute/addnode.html#node-behavior",
- "href": "contribute/addnode.html#node-behavior",
- "title": "Adding node types",
- "section": "1.3 Node behavior",
- "text": "1.3 Node behavior\nIn general if the new node type dictates flow, the behaviour of the new node in the Ribasim core is defined in a method of the formulate_flow! function, which is called within the water_balance! (both in solve.jl) function being the right hand side of the system of differential equations solved by Ribasim. Here the details depend highly on the specifics of the node type. An example structure of a formulate_flow! method is given below.\nfunction formulate_flow!(new_node_type::NewNodeType, p::Parameters)::Nothing\n # Retrieve relevant parameters\n (; graph) = p\n (; node_id, param_1, param_2) = new_node_type\n\n # Loop over nodes of NewNodeType\n for (i, id) in enumerate(node_id)\n # compute e.g. flow based on param_1[i], param_2[i]\n end\n\n return nothing\nend\nIf the new node type is non-conservative, meaning it either adds or removes water from the model, these boundary flows also need to be recorded. This is done by storing it on the diagonal of the flow[from, to] matrix, e.g. flow[id, id] = q, where q is positive for water added to the model. Non-conservative node types need to be added to the nonconservative_nodetypes set such that this diagonal is set to a nonzero on creating the flow sparse matrix in the Connectivity constructor."
- },
- {
- "objectID": "contribute/addnode.html#the-jacobian",
- "href": "contribute/addnode.html#the-jacobian",
- "title": "Adding node types",
- "section": "1.4 The Jacobian",
- "text": "1.4 The Jacobian\nSee Equations for a mathematical description of the Jacobian.\nBefore the Julia core runs its simulation, the sparsity structure jac_prototype of \\(J\\) is determined with get_jac_prototype in utils.jl. This function runs trough all node types and looks for nodes that create dependencies between states. It creates a sparse matrix of zeros and ones, where the ones denote locations of possible non-zeros in \\(J\\).\nWe divide the various node types in groups based on what type of state dependencies they yield, and these groups are discussed below. Each group has its own method update_jac_prototype! in utils.jl for the sparsity structure induced by nodes of that group. NewNodeType should be added to the signature of one these methods, or to the list of node types that do not contribute to the Jacobian in the method of update_jac_prototype! whose signature contains node::AbstractParameterNode. Of course it is also possible that a new method of update_jac_prototype! has to be introduced.\nThe current dependency groups are:\n\nOut-neighbor dependencies: examples are TabulatedRatingCurve, Pump (the latter only in the reduction factor regime and not PID controlled). If the in-neighbor of a node of this group is a basin, then the storage of this basin affects itself and the storage of the outneighbor (or the basin one node further if it is connected with a FractionalFlow in between) if that is also a basin;\nEither-neighbor dependencies: examples are LinearResistance, ManningResistance. If either the in-neighbor or out-neighbor of a node of this group is a basin, the storage of this basin depends on itself. If both the in-neighbor and the out-neighbor are basins, their storages also depend on eachother.\nThe PidControl node is a special case which is discussed in equations.\n\nUsing jac_prototype the Jacobian of water_balance! is computed automatically using ForwardDiff.jl with memory management provided by PreallocationTools.jl. These computations make use of DiffCache and dual numbers."
- },
- {
- "objectID": "contribute/addnode.html#python-class",
- "href": "contribute/addnode.html#python-class",
- "title": "Adding node types",
- "section": "2.1 Python class",
- "text": "2.1 Python class\nCreate a new file python/ribasim/ribasim/node_types/new_node_type.py which is structured as follows:\nfrom typing import Optional\n\nimport pandera as pa\nfrom pandera.engines.pandas_engine import PydanticModel\nfrom pandera.typing import DataFrame\nfrom pydantic import ConfigDict\n\nfrom ribasim import models\nfrom ribasim.input_base import TableModel\n\n__all__ = (\"NewNodeType\",)\n\nclass StaticSchema(pa.SchemaModel):\n class Config:\n \"\"\"Config with dataframe-level data type.\"\"\"\n\n dtype = PydanticModel(models.NewNodeTypeStatic)\n\n# Possible other schemas\n\n\nclass NewNodeType(TableModel):\n \"\"\"\n Description of this node type.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n static: pandas.DataFrame\n table with data for this node type.\n\n possible other schemas\n \"\"\"\n\n static: DataFrame[StaticSchema] | None\n # possible other schemas\n\n model_config = ConfigDict(validate_assignment=True)\n\n def sort(self):\n self.static.sort_values(\"node_id\", ignore_index=True, inplace=True)\nThe sort method should implement the same sorting as in validation.jl.\nNow in both python/ribasim/ribasim/__init__.py and python/ribasim/ribasim/node_types/__init__.py add\n\nfrom ribasim.node_types.new_node_type import NewNodeType;\n\"NewNodeType\" to __all__.\n\nIn python/ribasim/ribasim/model.py, add\n\nfrom ribasim.new_node_type import NewNodeType;\nnew_node_type as a parameter and in the docstring of the Model class.\n\nIn python/ribasim/ribasim/geometry/node.py add a color and shape description in the MARKERS and COLORS dictionaries."
- },
- {
- "objectID": "core/equations.html",
- "href": "core/equations.html",
- "title": "Equations",
- "section": "",
- "text": "Ribasim currently simulates the following “natural” water balance terms:\nAdditionally, Ribasim simulates the following “allocated” water balance terms:\nDepending on the type of boundary conditions, Ribasim requires relation between storage volume and wetted area \\(A\\), and between the storage volume and the water level \\(h\\). These are (currently) represented by piecewise linear relationships."
- },
- {
- "objectID": "core/equations.html#the-jacobian",
- "href": "core/equations.html#the-jacobian",
- "title": "Equations",
- "section": "1.1 The Jacobian",
- "text": "1.1 The Jacobian\nThe Jacobian is a \\(n\\times n\\) matrix where \\(n\\) is the number of states in the simulation. The Jacobian is computed either using finite difference methods or automatic differentiation. For more details on the computation of the Jacobian and how it is used in the solvers see numerical considerations.\nThe entries of the Jacobian \\(J\\) are given by \\[\nJ[i,j] = \\frac{\\partial f_j}{\\partial u_i},\n\\]\nhence \\(J[i,j]\\) quantifies how \\(f_j\\), the derivative of state \\(j\\) with respect to time, changes with a change in state \\(i\\). If a node creates dependendies between basin storages (or other states), then this yields contributions to the Jacobian. If \\(j\\) corresponds to a storage state, then\n\\[\nJ[i,j] = \\sum_{(i',j') \\in E | j' = i} \\frac{\\partial Q_{i',j'}}{\\partial u_i} - \\sum_{(i',j') \\in E | i' = i} \\frac{\\partial Q_{i',j'}}{\\partial u_i},\n\\]\nMost of these terms are always \\(0\\), because a flow over an edge only depends on a small number of states. Therefore the matrix \\(J\\) is very sparse.\nFor many contributions to the Jacobian the derivative of the level \\(l(S)\\) of a basin with respect to its storage \\(S\\) is required. To get an expression for this, we first look at the storage as a function of the level:\n\\[\nS(l) = \\int_{l_0}^l A(\\ell)d\\ell.\n\\]\nFrom this we obtain \\(S'(l) = A(l)\\) and thus \\[\n\\frac{\\text{d}l}{\\text{d}S} = \\frac{1}{A(S)}.\n\\]\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nThe presence of division by the basin area means that areas of size zero are not allowed."
- },
- {
- "objectID": "core/equations.html#sec-reduction_factor",
- "href": "core/equations.html#sec-reduction_factor",
- "title": "Equations",
- "section": "2.1 The reduction factor",
- "text": "2.1 The reduction factor\nAt several points in the equations below a reduction factor is used. This is a term that makes certain transitions more smooth, for instance when a pump stops providing water when its source basin dries up. The reduction factor is given by\n\\[\\begin{align}\n \\phi(x; p) =\n \\begin{cases}\n 0 &\\text{if}\\quad x < 0 \\\\\n -2 \\left(\\frac{x}{p}\\right)^3 + 3\\left(\\frac{x}{p}\\right)^2 &\\text{if}\\quad 0 \\le x \\le p \\\\\n 1 &\\text{if}\\quad x > p\n \\end{cases}\n\\end{align}\\]\nHere \\(p > 0\\) is the threshold value which determines the interval \\([0,p]\\) of the smooth transition between \\(0\\) and \\(1\\), see the plot below.\n\n\nCode\nimport numpy as np\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n\ndef f(x, p = 3):\n x_scaled = x / p\n phi = (-2 * x_scaled + 3) * x_scaled**2\n phi = np.where(x < 0, 0, phi)\n phi = np.where(x > p, 1, phi)\n\n return phi\n\nfontsize = 15\np = 3\nN = 100\nx_min = -1\nx_max = 4\nx = np.linspace(x_min,x_max,N)\nphi = f(x,p)\n\nfig,ax = plt.subplots(dpi=80)\nax.plot(x,phi)\n\ny_lim = ax.get_ylim()\n\nax.set_xticks([0,p], [0,\"$p$\"], fontsize=fontsize)\nax.set_yticks([0,1], [0,1], fontsize=fontsize)\nax.hlines([0,1],x_min,x_max, color = \"k\", ls = \":\", zorder=-1)\nax.vlines([0,p], *y_lim, color = \"k\", ls = \":\")\nax.set_xlim(x_min,x_max)\nax.set_xlabel(\"$x$\", fontsize=fontsize)\nax.set_ylabel(\"$\\phi(x;p)$\", fontsize=fontsize)\nax.set_ylim(y_lim)\n\nfig.tight_layout()\nplt.show()"
- },
- {
- "objectID": "core/equations.html#precipitation",
- "href": "core/equations.html#precipitation",
- "title": "Equations",
- "section": "2.2 Precipitation",
- "text": "2.2 Precipitation\nThe precipitation term is given by\n\\[\n Q_P = P \\cdot A(S).\n\\tag{2}\\]\nHere \\(P = P(t)\\) is the precipitation rate and \\(A\\) is the wetted area. \\(A\\) is a function of the storage \\(S = S(t)\\): as the volume of water changes, the area of the free water surface may change as well, depending on the slopes of the surface waters."
- },
- {
- "objectID": "core/equations.html#evaporation",
- "href": "core/equations.html#evaporation",
- "title": "Equations",
- "section": "2.3 Evaporation",
- "text": "2.3 Evaporation\nThe evaporation term is given by\n\\[\n Q_E = E_\\text{pot} \\cdot A(S) \\cdot \\phi(d;0.1).\n\\tag{3}\\]\nHere \\(E_\\text{pot} = E_\\text{pot}(t)\\) is the potential evaporation rate and \\(A\\) is the wetted area. \\(\\phi\\) is the reduction factor which depends on the depth \\(d\\). It provides a smooth gradient as \\(S \\rightarrow 0\\).\nA straightforward formulation \\(Q_E = \\mathrm{max}(E_\\text{pot} A(S), 0)\\) is unsuitable, as \\(\\frac{\\mathrm{d}Q_E}{\\mathrm{d}S}(S=0)\\) is then not well-defined.\n\nA non-smooth derivative results in extremely small timesteps and long computation time: ModelingToolkit identifies the singular behavior and adjusts its timestepping. In a physical interpretation, evaporation is switched on or off per individual droplet of water. In general, the effect of the reduction term is negligible, or not even necessary. As a surface water dries, its wetted area decreases and so does the evaporative flux. However, for (simplified) cases with constant wetted surface (a rectangular profile), evaporation only stops at \\(S = 0\\)."
- },
- {
- "objectID": "core/equations.html#infiltration-and-drainage",
- "href": "core/equations.html#infiltration-and-drainage",
- "title": "Equations",
- "section": "2.4 Infiltration and Drainage",
- "text": "2.4 Infiltration and Drainage\nInfiltration is provided as a lump sum for the basin. If Ribasim is coupled with MODFLOW 6, the infiltration is computed as the sum of all positive flows of the MODFLOW 6 boundary conditions in the basin:\n\\[\n Q_\\text{inf} = \\sum_{i=1}^{n} \\sum_{j=1}^{m} \\max(Q_{\\mathrm{mf6}_{i,j}}, 0.0)\n\\] {#eq-inf}.\nWhere \\(i\\) is the index of the boundary condition, \\(j\\) the MODFLOW 6 cell index, \\(n\\) the number of boundary conditions, and \\(m\\) the number of MODFLOW 6 cells in the basin. \\(Q_{\\mathrm{mf6}_{i,j}}\\) is the flow computed by MODFLOW 6 for cell \\(j\\) for boundary condition \\(i\\).\nDrainage is a lump sump for the basin, and consists of the sum of the absolute value of all negative flows of the MODFLOW 6 boundary conditions in the basin.\n\\[\n Q_\\text{drn} = \\sum_{i=1}^{n} \\sum_{j=1}^{m} \\left| \\min(Q_{\\mathrm{mf6}_{i,j}}, 0.0) \\right|\n\\tag{4}\\]\nThe interaction with MODFLOW 6 boundary conditions is explained in greater detail in the the MODFLOW coupling section of the documentation."
+ "objectID": "core/allocation.html#allocation-problem-input",
+ "href": "core/allocation.html#allocation-problem-input",
+ "title": "Allocation",
+ "section": "1.1 Allocation problem input",
+ "text": "1.1 Allocation problem input\n\n1.1.1 The subnetwork\nThe allocation problem is solved per subnetwork, which is given by a subset \\(S \\subset V\\) of node ids. Different subnetworks are disjoint from eachother.\n\n\n1.1.2 Source flows\nSources are indicated by a set of edges in the subnetwork \\[\nE_S^\\text{source} \\subset \\left(S \\times S\\right) \\cap E.\n\\] That is, if \\((i,j) \\in E_S^\\text{source}\\), then \\(Q_{ij}\\) (see the formal model description) is treated as a source flow in the allocation problem.\n\n\n1.1.3 User demands\nThe subnetwork contains a subset of user nodes \\(U_S \\subset S\\), who all have time varying demands over various priorities \\(p\\): \\[\n d^p_i(t), \\quad i \\in U_S, p = 1,2,\\ldots, p_{\\max}.\n\\]\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nOn this page we assume that the priorities are given by all integers from \\(1\\) to some \\(p_{\\max} \\in \\mathbb{N}\\). However, in the Ribasim input this is not a requirement; some of these in between priority values can be missing, only the ordering of the given priorities is taken into account.\n\n\n\n\n1.1.4 Vertical fluxes and local storage\nApart from the source flows denoted by edges, there are other sources of water in the subnetwork, associated with the basins in the subnetwork \\(B_S = B \\cap S\\). Firstly there is the sum of the vertical fluxes (precipitation, evaporation, infiltration and drainage) for each basin \\[\n \\phi_i(t), \\quad \\forall i \\in B_S.\n\\]\nSecondly, there is the available water in each basin above the minimum level \\(l_{\\min,i}\\) corresponding to a minimum storage \\(s_{\\min,i}\\): \\[\n u_i(t)-s_{\\min,i}, \\quad \\forall i \\in B_S.\n\\] Note that this value can be negative, which we interpret as a demand from the basin.\n\n\n1.1.5 Flow magnitude and direction constraints\nNodes in the Ribasim model that have a max_flow_rate, i.e. pumps and outlets, put a constraint on the flow through that node. Some nodes only allow flow in one direction, like pumps, outlets and tabulated rating curves.\n\n\n1.1.6 Fractional flows and user return flows\nBoth fractional flow nodes and user nodes dictate proportional relationships between flows over edges in the subnetwork. Users have a return factor \\(0 \\le r_i \\le 1, i \\in U_S\\)."
- "objectID": "core/equations.html#upstream-and-downstream-flow",
- "href": "core/equations.html#upstream-and-downstream-flow",
- "title": "Equations",
- "section": "2.5 Upstream and downstream flow",
- "text": "2.5 Upstream and downstream flow\nRibasim’s basins can be connected to each other, and each basin expects an explicit connection. These connections are currently available for inter-basin flows:\n\n\nPump\nTabulatedRatingCurve\nLinearResistance\nManningResistance\n\nThe flow direction of the basin is not pre-determined: flow directions may freely reverse, provided the connection allows it. Currently, a LinearResistance allows bidirectional flow, but the\nAdditionally, three additional “connections” area available for the “outmost” basins (external nodes) in a network.\n\nTerminal\nLevelBoundary\nFlowBoundary\n\n\n2.5.1 Pump\nThe behaviour of pumps is very straight forward if these nodes are not PID controlled. Their flow is given by a fixed flow rate \\(q\\), multiplied by a reduction factor: \\[\nQ_\\text{pump} = \\phi(u; 10.0)q\n\\]\nHere \\(u\\) is the storage of the upstream basin. The reduction factor \\(\\phi\\) makes sure that the flow of the pump goes smootly to \\(0\\) as the upstream basin dries out.\n\n\n2.5.2 Outlet\nThe outlet is very similar to the pump, but it has a few extra reduction factors for physical constraints: \\[\nQ_\\text{outlet} = \\phi(u_a; 10.0)\\phi(\\Delta h; 0.1) \\phi(h_a-h_\\text{min};0.1)q.\n\\] The subscript \\(a\\) denotes the upstream node and \\(b\\) the downstream node. The first reduction factor is equivalent to the one for the pump. The second one makes sure that the outlet flow goes to zero as the head difference \\(\\Delta h = h_a - h_b\\) goes to zero. The last one makes sure that the outlet only produces flow when the upstream level is above the minimum chrest level \\(h_\\text{min}\\).\nNot all node types upstream or downstream of the outlet have a defined level. If this is the case, and therefore the reduction factor cannot be computed, it is defined to be \\(1.0\\).\n\n\n2.5.3 TabulatedRatingCurve\nThe Tabulated Rating Curve is a tabulation of a basin’s discharge behavior. It describes a piecewise linear relationship between the basin’s level and its discharge. It can be understood as an empirical description of a basin’s properties. This can include an outlet, but also the lumped hydraulic behavior of the upstream channels.\n\nThe Tabulated Rating Curve should indicate at which volume no discharge occurs (the dead storage volume).\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nCurrently, the discharge relies only on the basin’s level; it could also use the volume of both connected basins to simulate backwater effects, submersion of outlets, or even reversal of flows for high precipitation events.\n\n\n\n\n2.5.4 LinearResistance\nA LinearResistance connects two basins together. The flow between the two basins is determined by a linear relationship:\n\\[\n Q = \\frac{h_a - h_b}{R}\n\\tag{5}\\]\nHere \\(h_a\\) is the water level in the first basin, \\(h_b\\) is the water level in the second basin, and \\(R\\) is the resistance of the link. A LinearResistance makes no assumptions about the direction of the flow: water flows from high to low.\n\n\n2.5.5 Terminal\nThis only allows outflow from a basin into a terminal node.\n\n\n2.5.6 LevelBoundary\nThis can be connected to a basin via a LinearResistance. This boundary node will then exchange water with the basin based on the difference in water level between the two.\n\n\n2.5.7 FlowBoundary\nThis can be connected directly to a basin and prescribes the flow to or from that basin. We require that the edge connecting the flow boundary to the basin should point towards the basin, so that positive flow corresponds to water being added to the model.\n\n\n2.5.8 Manning connection\nRibasim is capable of simulating steady flow between basins through a reach described by a trapezoidal profile and a Manning roughness coefficient.\nWe describe the discharge from basin \\(a\\) to basin \\(b\\) solely as a function of the water levels in \\(a\\) and \\(b\\).\n\\[\nQ = f(h_a, h_b)\n\\]\nwhere:\n\nThe subscripts \\(a,b\\) denote basins\n\\(h\\) is the hydraulic head, or water level\n\nThe energy equation for open channel flow is:\n\\[\nH = h + \\frac{v^2}{2g}\n\\]\nWhere\n\n\\(H\\) is total head\n\\(v\\) is average water velocity\n\\(g\\) is gravitational acceleration\n\nThe discharge \\(Q\\) is defined as:\n\\[\nQ = Av\n\\]\nwhere \\(A\\) is cross-sectional area.\nWe use conservation of energy to relate the total head at \\(a\\) to \\(b\\), with \\(H_a > H_b\\) as follows:\n\\[\nH_a = H_b + h_{\\text{loss}}\n\\]\nOr:\n\\[\nh_a + \\frac{v_a^2}{2g} = h_b + \\frac{v_b^2}{2g} + h_{\\text{loss}}\n\\]\nWhere \\(v\\) is the average water velocity. \\(h_{\\text{loss}}\\) is a combination of friction and contraction/expansion losses:\n\\[\nh_{\\text{loss}} = S_f L + \\frac{C}{2g} \\left(v_b^2 - v_a^2\\right)\n\\]\nWhere:\n\n\\(L\\) is the reach length\n\\(S_f\\) is the representative friction slope\n\\(C\\) is the expansion or contraction coefficient, \\(0 \\le C \\le1\\)\n\nWe assume velocity differences in a connection are negligible (\\(v_a = v_b\\)):\n\\[\nh_a = h_b + S_f L\n\\]\nFriction losses are computed with the Gauckler-Manning formula:\n\\[\nQ = \\frac{A}{n} R_h^\\frac{2}{3} \\sqrt{S_f}\n\\]\nWhere:\n\n\\(A\\) is the representative area.\n\\(R_h\\) is the representative wetted radius.\n\\(S_f\\) is the representative friction slope.\n\\(n\\) is Manning’s roughness coefficient.\n\nWe can rewrite to express \\(S_f\\) in terms of Q:\n\\[\nS_f = Q^2 \\frac{n^2}{A^2 R_h^{4/3}}\n\\]\nNo water is added or removed in a connection:\n\\[\nQ_a = Q_b = Q\n\\]\nSubstituting:\n\\[\nh_a = h_b + Q^2 \\frac{n^2}{A^2 R_h^{4/3}} L\n\\]\nWe can then express \\(Q\\) as a function of head difference \\(\\Delta h\\):\n\\[\nQ = \\textrm{sign}(\\Delta h) \\frac{A}{n} R_h^{2/3}\\sqrt{\\frac{|\\Delta h|}{L} }\n\\]\nThe \\(\\textrm{sign}(\\Delta h)\\) term causes the direction of the flow to reverse if the head in basin \\(b\\) is larger than in basin \\(a\\).\nThis expression however leads to problems in simulation since the derivative of \\(Q\\) with respect to \\(\\Delta h\\) tends to \\(\\pm \\infty\\) as \\(\\Delta h\\) tends to 0. Therefore we use the slightly modified expression\n\\[\nQ = \\textrm{sign}(\\Delta h) \\frac{A}{n} R_h^{2/3}\\sqrt{\\frac{\\Delta h}{L} s(\\Delta h)}\n\\]\nto smooth out this problem. Here \\(s(x) = \\frac{2}{\\pi}\\arctan{1000x}\\) can be thought of as a smooth approximation of the sign function.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nThe computation of \\(S_f\\) is not exact: we base it on a representative area and hydraulic radius, rather than integrating \\(S_f\\) along the length of a reach. Direct analytic solutions exist for e.g. parabolic profiles (Tolkmitt), but other profiles requires relatively complicated approaches (such as approximating the profile with a polynomial).\nWe use the average value of the cross-sectional area, the average value of the water depth, and the average value of the hydraulic radius to compute a friction slope. The size of the resulting error will depend on the water depth difference between the upstream and downstream basin.\n\n\nThe cross sectional area for a trapezoidal or rectangular profile:\n\\[\nA = w d + \\frac{\\Delta y}{\\Delta z} d^2\n\\]\nWhere\n\n\\(w\\) is the width at \\(d = 0\\) (A triangular profile has \\(w = 0\\))\n\\(\\frac{\\Delta y}{\\Delta z}\\) is the slope of the profile expressed as the horizontal length for one unit in the vertical (A slope of 45 degrees has \\(\\frac{\\Delta y}{\\Delta z} = 1\\); a rectangular profile 0).\n\nAccordingly, the wetted perimeter is:\n\\[\nB = w + 2 d \\sqrt{\\left(\\frac{\\Delta y}{\\Delta z}\\right)^2 + 1}\n\\]"
+ "objectID": "core/allocation.html#the-allocation-optimization-problem",
+ "href": "core/allocation.html#the-allocation-optimization-problem",
+ "title": "Allocation",
+ "section": "1.2 The allocation optimization problem",
+ "text": "1.2 The allocation optimization problem\n\n1.2.1 The allocation subgraph\nA new graph is created from the subnetwork, which we call an allocation graph. The allocation graph is almost a subgraph of the main (flow) model, apart from the fact that an allocation graph can contain edges which are not in the main model.\nThe allocation graph consists of:\n\nNodes \\(V'_S \\subset V_S\\), where each basin, source and user in the subnetwork get a node in the allocation graph. Also nodes that have fractional flow outneighbors get a node in the allocation graph.\nEdges \\(E_S\\), which are either edges that also appear between nodes in the subnetwork or represent a sequence of those, creating a shortcut.\n\nFor notational convenience, we use the notation\n\\[\\begin{align}\n V^{\\text{out}}_S(i) = \\left\\{j \\in V'_S : (i,j) \\in E_S\\right\\} \\\\\n V^{\\text{in}}_S(j) = \\left\\{i \\in V'_S : (i,j) \\in E_S\\right\\}\n\\end{align}\\]\nfor the set of in-neighbors and out-neighbors of a node in the allocation graph respectively\n\n\n1.2.2 The allocation graph capacities\nThe capacities of the edges of the allocation graph are collected in the sparse capacity matrix \\(C_S \\in \\overline{\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}^{n'\\times n'}\\) where \\(n' = \\#V'_S\\) is the number of nodes in the allocation graph. The capacities can be infinite.\nThe capacities are determined in 4 different ways:\n\nIf an edge does not exist in the allocation graph, i.e. \\((i,j) \\notin E_S\\) for certain \\(1 \\le i,j\\le n'\\), then \\((C_S)_{i,j} = 0\\);\nThe capacity of the edge \\(e \\in E_S\\) is given by the smallest max_flow_rate of the nodes along the equivalent edges in the subnetwork. If there are no nodes with a max_flow_rate, the edge capacity is infinite;\nIf the edge is a source, the capacity of the edge is given by the flow rate of that source.\n\n\n\n1.2.3 The optimization variables\nThere are 2 types of variables whose value has to be determined to solve the allocation problem:\n\nThe flows \\(F \\in \\mathbb{R}_{\\ge 0}^{n'\\times n'}\\) over the edges in the allocation graph;\nThe allocations to the basins \\[\n A^\\text{basin}_{i} \\ge 0, \\quad B_S.\n\\]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nCurrently the basin allocations are not taken into account in the implementation.\n\n\n\n\n1.2.4 The optimization objective\nThe goal of allocation is to get the flow to the users as close as possible to their demand. To achieve this, the following objectives are supported:\n\nquadratic_absolute: \\[\n \\min \\sum_{(i,j)\\in E_S\\;:\\; i\\in U_S} \\left( F_{ij} - d_j^p(t)\\right)^2\n\\]\nquadratic_relative: \\[\n \\min \\sum_{(i,j)\\in E_S\\;:\\; i\\in U_S} \\left( 1 - \\frac{F_{ij}}{d_j^p(t)}\\right)^2\n\\]\nlinear_absolute (default): \\[\n \\min \\sum_{(i,j)\\in E_S\\;:\\; i\\in U_S} \\left| F_{ij} - d_j^p(t)\\right| + c \\sum_{e \\in E_S} F_e\n\\]\nlinear_relative: \\[\n \\min \\sum_{(i,j)\\in E_S\\;:\\; i\\in U_S} \\left|1 - \\frac{F_{ij}}{d_j^p(t)}\\right| + c \\sum_{e \\in E_S} F_e\n\\]\n\nTo avoid division by \\(0\\) errors, if a *_relative objective is used and a demand is \\(0\\), the coefficient of the flow \\(F_{ij}\\) is set to \\(0\\).\nFor *_absolute objectives the optimizer cares about the actual amount of water allocated to a user, for *_relative objectives it cares about the fraction of the demand allocated to the user. For quadratic_* objectives the optimizer cares about avoiding large shortages, for linear_* objectives it treats all deviations equally.\nThe second sum in the linear_* objectives adds a small cost to using flows. This incentivizes the solver to use as little flow as possible. The cost \\(c > 0\\) is small enough such that it is always better to bring water to users than to not use flow at all. This can be achieved for linear_* objectives but not for quadratic_* objectives, and therefore this cost term is only added to the former. Therefore the linear_* objectives make the solver more conservative with flow than the quadratic_* objectives.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nThese options for objectives for allocation to users have not been tested thoroughly, and might change in the future.\n\n\nThe absolute value applied here is not supported in a linear programming context directly; this requires introduction of new variables and constraints. For more details see here.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nIn the future new optimization objectives will be introduced, for demands of basins and priorities over sources. These will be used in combination with the above, in the form of goal programming.\n\n\n\n\n1.2.5 The optimization variable constraints\n\nFlow conservation: For the basins in the allocation graph we have that \\[\n \\sum_{j=1}^{n'} F_{kj} \\le \\sum_{i=1}^{n'} F_{ik}, \\quad \\forall k \\in B_S.\n\\tag{1}\\] Note that we do not require equality here; in the allocation we do not mind that excess flow is ‘forgotten’ if it cannot contribute to the allocation to the users.\nCapacity: the flows over the edges are positive and bounded by the edge capacity: \\[\n F_{ij} \\le \\left(C_S\\right)_{ij}, \\quad \\forall(i,j) \\in E_S.\n\\tag{2}\\] By the definition of \\(C_S\\) this also includes the source flows.\nUser outflow: The outflow of the user is dictated by the inflow and the return factor: \\[\n F_{ik} = r_k \\cdot F_{kj} \\quad\n \\quad \\forall k \\in U_S, \\quad\n V^{\\text{in}}_S(k) = \\{i\\},\\;\n V^{\\text{out}}_S(k) = \\{j\\}.\n\\tag{3}\\] Here we use that each user node in the allocation graph has a unique in-edge and out-edge.\nUser demand: user demand constraints are discussed in the next section.\nFractional flow: Let \\(L_S \\subset V_S\\) be the set of nodes in the max flow graph with fractional flow outneighbors, and \\(f_j\\) the flow fraction associated with fractional flow node \\(j \\in V_S\\). Then \\[\n F_{ij} \\le f_j \\sum_{k\\in V^\\text{in}_S(i)} F_{ki} \\qquad\n \\forall i \\in L_S, \\;\n j \\in V_S^\\text{out}(i).\n\\tag{4}\\]\nFlow sign: Furthermore there are the non-negativity constraints for the flows and allocations, see The optimization variables.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nCurrently the fractional flow constraints are not taken into account in the implementation."
- "objectID": "core/equations.html#the-derivative-term",
- "href": "core/equations.html#the-derivative-term",
- "title": "Equations",
- "section": "4.1 The derivative term",
- "text": "4.1 The derivative term\nWhen \\(K_d \\ne 0\\) this adds a level of complexity. We can see this by looking at the error derivative more closely: \\[\n\\frac{\\text{d}e}{\\text{d}t} = \\frac{\\text{d}\\text{SP}}{\\text{d}t} - \\frac{1}{A(u_\\text{PID})}\\frac{\\text{d}u_\\text{PID}}{\\text{d}t},\n\\] where \\(A(u_\\text{PID})\\) is the area of the controlled basin as a function of the storage of the controlled basin \\(u_\\text{PID}\\). The complexity arises from the fact that \\(Q_\\text{PID}\\) is a contribution to \\(\\frac{\\text{d}u_\\text{PID}}{\\text{d}t} = f_\\text{PID}\\), which makes Equation 7 an implicit equation for \\(Q_\\text{PID}\\). We define\n\\[\nf_\\text{PID} = \\hat{f}_\\text{PID} \\pm Q_\\text{pump/outlet},\n\\]\nthat is, \\(\\hat{f}_\\text{PID}\\) is the right hand side of the ODE for the controlled basin storage state without the contribution of the PID controlled pump. The plus sign holds for an outlet and the minus sign for a pump, dictated by the way the pump and outlet connectivity to the controlled basin is enforced.\nUsing this, solving Equation 7 for \\(Q_\\text{PID}\\) yields \\[\nQ_\\text{pump/outlet} = \\text{clip}\\left(\\phi(u_\\text{us})\\frac{K_pe + K_iI + K_d \\left(\\frac{\\text{d}\\text{SP}}{\\text{d}t}-\\frac{\\hat{f}_\\text{PID}}{A(u_\\text{PID})}\\right)}{1\\pm\\phi(u_\\text{us})\\frac{K_d}{A(u_\\text{PID})}};Q_{\\min},Q_{\\max}\\right),\n\\] where the clipping is again done last. Note that to compute this, \\(\\hat{f}_\\text{PID}\\) has to be known first, meaning that the PID controlled pump/outlet flow rate has to be computed after all other contributions to the PID controlled basin’s storage are known."
+ "objectID": "core/allocation.html#final-notes-on-the-allocation-problem",
+ "href": "core/allocation.html#final-notes-on-the-allocation-problem",
+ "title": "Allocation",
+ "section": "1.3 Final notes on the allocation problem",
+ "text": "1.3 Final notes on the allocation problem\n\n1.3.1 Users using their own return flow\nIf not explicitly avoided, users can use their own return flow in this allocation problem formulation. Therefore, return flow of users is only taken into account by allocation if that return flow is downstream of the user where it comes from. That is, if there is no path in the directed allocation graph from the user outflow node back to the user."
- "objectID": "core/equations.html#the-sign-of-the-parameters",
- "href": "core/equations.html#the-sign-of-the-parameters",
- "title": "Equations",
- "section": "4.2 The sign of the parameters",
- "text": "4.2 The sign of the parameters\nNote by Equation 6 that the error is positive if the setpoint is larger than the basin level and negative if the setpoint is smaller than the basin level.\nWe enforce the convention that when a pump is controlled, its edge points away from the basin, and when an outlet is controlled, its edge points towards the basin, so that the main flow direction along these edges is positive. Therefore, positive flows of the pump and outlet have opposite effects on the basin, and thus the parameters \\(K_p,K_i,K_d\\) of the pump and outlet must have oppositive signs to achieve the same goal."
+ "objectID": "core/allocation.html#example",
+ "href": "core/allocation.html#example",
+ "title": "Allocation",
+ "section": "2.1 Example",
+ "text": "2.1 Example\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nAn example with figures and data will be added here after addition of allocation output files."
"objectID": "core/usage.html",
@@ -518,221 +343,200 @@
"text": "17.1 PidControl / time\nThis table is the transient form of the PidControl table. The differences are that a time column is added and the nodes are assumed to be active so this column is removed. The table must by sorted by time, and per time it must be sorted by node_id. With this the target level and PID coefficients can be updated over time. In between the given times the these values interpolated linearly, and outside these values area constant given by the nearest time value. Note that a node_id can be either in this table or in the static one, but not both.\n\n\n\ncolumn\ntype\nunit\nrestriction\n\n\n\n\nnode_id\nInt\n-\nsorted per time\n\n\ntime\nDateTime\n-\nsorted\n\n\nlisten_node_id\nInt\n-\n-\n\n\ntarget\nFloat64\n\\(m\\)\n-\n\n\nproportional\nFloat64\n\\(s^{-1}\\)\n-\n\n\nintegral\nFloat64\n\\(s^{-2}\\)\n-\n\n\nderivative\nFloat64\n-\n-"
- "objectID": "core/index.html",
- "href": "core/index.html",
- "title": "Julia core",
+ "objectID": "core/equations.html",
+ "href": "core/equations.html",
+ "title": "Equations",
"section": "",
- "text": "With the term “core”, we mean the computational engine of Ribasim. As detailed in the usage documentation, it is generally used as a command line tool.\nThe theory is described on the equations page, and more in-depth numerical considerations are described on the numerical considerations page. As allocation is a large and self-contained part of the Ribasim core, it is described on the separate allocation page.\nThe core is implemented in the Julia programming language, and can be found in the Ribasim repository under the core/ folder. For developers we also advise to read the developer documentation.\n\n\n\n\nflowchart TB\nmodeler([Modeler]):::user\n\napi[\"Ribasim Python\\n[python]\"]:::system\nmodeler-->|prepare model|api\n\nsubgraph ribasimBoundary[Ribasim]\n ribasim[\"Ribasim.jl\\n[julia]\"]:::system\n libribasim[\"libribasim\\n[julia + python + BMI]\"]:::system\n cli[\"Ribasim CLI\\n[julia]\"]:::system\n cli-->ribasim\n libribasim-->ribasim\nend\nmodeler-->|start|cli\nmodeler-->|coupled simulation|libribasim\n\nsubgraph qgisBoundary[QGIS]\n QGIS[QGIS Application]:::system_ext\n qgisPlugin[\"Ribasim QGIS plugin\\n[python]\"]:::system\n QGIS-->qgisPlugin\nend\nmodeler-->|prepare model|qgisBoundary\n\nmodel[(\"input model data\\n[toml + geopackage + arrow]\")]:::system\nqgisPlugin-->|read/write|model\napi-->|read/write|model\nribasim-->|simulate|model\n\noutput[(\"simulation output\\n[arrow]\")]:::system\nribasim-->|write|output\n\nclass qgisBoundary,ribasimBoundary boundary\n\n%% class definitions for C4 model\nclassDef default stroke-width:1px,stroke:white,color:white\nclassDef system fill:#1168bd\nclassDef user fill:#08427b\nclassDef system_ext fill:#999999\nclassDef boundary fill:transparent,stroke-dasharray:5 5,stroke:black,color:black\n\n\nComponent overview of Ribasim\n\n\n\n\n1 The simulation loop\nThe figure below shows a simple flowchart of the simulation in Ribasim.jl.\n\n\n\n\nflowchart LR\nStart((Start))\nInit[Initialize model]\nCon[Conditional: allocation, control]\nSim[Simulate flows over timestep]\nFinished{End of simulation period?}\nDone((Done))\n\nStart --> Init\nInit --> Con\nCon --> Sim\nSim --> Finished\nFinished -->|no| Con\nFinished -->|yes| Done"
+ "text": "Ribasim currently simulates the following “natural” water balance terms:\nAdditionally, Ribasim simulates the following “allocated” water balance terms:\nDepending on the type of boundary conditions, Ribasim requires relation between storage volume and wetted area \\(A\\), and between the storage volume and the water level \\(h\\). These are (currently) represented by piecewise linear relationships."
- "objectID": "core/numerics.html",
- "href": "core/numerics.html",
- "title": "Numerical considerations",
- "section": "",
- "text": "We want to solve the following initial value problem: \\[\n\\begin{cases}\n \\frac{\\text{d}\\mathbf{u}}{\\text{d}t} = \\mathbf{f}(\\mathbf{u},t) \\quad t_0 < t < t_\\text{end} \\\\\n \\mathbf{u}(t_0) = \\mathbf{u}_0\n\\end{cases},\n\\tag{1}\\]\nwhere \\(\\mathbf{f}\\) denotes water_balance! and \\(\\mathbf{u_0}\\) the initial storages (and the PID integrals which start out at \\(0\\)).\nIn general \\(\\mathbf{f}\\) is a non-linear function in \\(\\mathbf{u}\\). These non-linearities are introduced by:\nThe problem Equation 1 can be solved by various numerical time-integration methods. To do this the time interval \\([t_0,t_\\text{end}]\\) is discretized into a finite number of time points \\(t_0 < t_1 < \\ldots < t_N = t_\\text{end}\\) for which approximate solutions \\(\\mathbf{w}_n \\approx \\mathbf{u}(t_n)\\) are computed. In general we do not assume a fixed timestep (the interval between successive points in time). Rather, the solver attempts to make as large a step as possible while keeping error tolerances within requirements. The solver settings section details the available configuration options."
+ "objectID": "core/equations.html#the-jacobian",
+ "href": "core/equations.html#the-jacobian",
+ "title": "Equations",
+ "section": "1.1 The Jacobian",
+ "text": "1.1 The Jacobian\nThe Jacobian is a \\(n\\times n\\) matrix where \\(n\\) is the number of states in the simulation. The Jacobian is computed either using finite difference methods or automatic differentiation. For more details on the computation of the Jacobian and how it is used in the solvers see numerical considerations.\nThe entries of the Jacobian \\(J\\) are given by \\[\nJ[i,j] = \\frac{\\partial f_j}{\\partial u_i},\n\\]\nhence \\(J[i,j]\\) quantifies how \\(f_j\\), the derivative of state \\(j\\) with respect to time, changes with a change in state \\(i\\). If a node creates dependendies between basin storages (or other states), then this yields contributions to the Jacobian. If \\(j\\) corresponds to a storage state, then\n\\[\nJ[i,j] = \\sum_{(i',j') \\in E | j' = i} \\frac{\\partial Q_{i',j'}}{\\partial u_i} - \\sum_{(i',j') \\in E | i' = i} \\frac{\\partial Q_{i',j'}}{\\partial u_i},\n\\]\nMost of these terms are always \\(0\\), because a flow over an edge only depends on a small number of states. Therefore the matrix \\(J\\) is very sparse.\nFor many contributions to the Jacobian the derivative of the level \\(l(S)\\) of a basin with respect to its storage \\(S\\) is required. To get an expression for this, we first look at the storage as a function of the level:\n\\[\nS(l) = \\int_{l_0}^l A(\\ell)d\\ell.\n\\]\nFrom this we obtain \\(S'(l) = A(l)\\) and thus \\[\n\\frac{\\text{d}l}{\\text{d}S} = \\frac{1}{A(S)}.\n\\]\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nThe presence of division by the basin area means that areas of size zero are not allowed."
- "objectID": "core/numerics.html#euler-forward",
- "href": "core/numerics.html#euler-forward",
- "title": "Numerical considerations",
- "section": "1.1 Euler forward",
- "text": "1.1 Euler forward\nThe simplest numerical method is Euler forward: \\[\n\\mathbf{w}_{n+1} = \\mathbf{w}_n + (t_{n+1}-t_n)\\mathbf{f}(\\mathbf{w}_n, t_n).\n\\tag{2}\\]\nHere \\(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}\\) is given as a simple explicit function of \\(\\mathbf{w}_n\\)."
+ "objectID": "core/equations.html#sec-reduction_factor",
+ "href": "core/equations.html#sec-reduction_factor",
+ "title": "Equations",
+ "section": "2.1 The reduction factor",
+ "text": "2.1 The reduction factor\nAt several points in the equations below a reduction factor is used. This is a term that makes certain transitions more smooth, for instance when a pump stops providing water when its source basin dries up. The reduction factor is given by\n\\[\\begin{align}\n \\phi(x; p) =\n \\begin{cases}\n 0 &\\text{if}\\quad x < 0 \\\\\n -2 \\left(\\frac{x}{p}\\right)^3 + 3\\left(\\frac{x}{p}\\right)^2 &\\text{if}\\quad 0 \\le x \\le p \\\\\n 1 &\\text{if}\\quad x > p\n \\end{cases}\n\\end{align}\\]\nHere \\(p > 0\\) is the threshold value which determines the interval \\([0,p]\\) of the smooth transition between \\(0\\) and \\(1\\), see the plot below.\n\n\nCode\nimport numpy as np\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n\ndef f(x, p = 3):\n x_scaled = x / p\n phi = (-2 * x_scaled + 3) * x_scaled**2\n phi = np.where(x < 0, 0, phi)\n phi = np.where(x > p, 1, phi)\n\n return phi\n\nfontsize = 15\np = 3\nN = 100\nx_min = -1\nx_max = 4\nx = np.linspace(x_min,x_max,N)\nphi = f(x,p)\n\nfig,ax = plt.subplots(dpi=80)\nax.plot(x,phi)\n\ny_lim = ax.get_ylim()\n\nax.set_xticks([0,p], [0,\"$p$\"], fontsize=fontsize)\nax.set_yticks([0,1], [0,1], fontsize=fontsize)\nax.hlines([0,1],x_min,x_max, color = \"k\", ls = \":\", zorder=-1)\nax.vlines([0,p], *y_lim, color = \"k\", ls = \":\")\nax.set_xlim(x_min,x_max)\nax.set_xlabel(\"$x$\", fontsize=fontsize)\nax.set_ylabel(\"$\\phi(x;p)$\", fontsize=fontsize)\nax.set_ylim(y_lim)\n\nfig.tight_layout()\nplt.show()"
- "objectID": "core/numerics.html#euler-backward",
- "href": "core/numerics.html#euler-backward",
- "title": "Numerical considerations",
- "section": "1.2 Euler backward",
- "text": "1.2 Euler backward\nEuler backward is formulated as follows: \\[\n\\mathbf{w}_{n+1} = \\mathbf{w}_n + (t_{n+1}-t_n)\\mathbf{f}(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1},t_{n+1}).\n\\tag{3}\\]\nNote that this is an implicit equation for \\(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}\\), which is non-linear because of the non-linearity of \\(\\mathbf{f}\\).\nGenerally one of the following iterative methods is used for finding solutions to non-linear equations like this:\n\nPicard iteration for fixed points. This method aims to approximate \\(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}\\) as a fixed point of the function \\[\n\\mathbf{g}(\\mathbf{x}) = \\mathbf{w}_n + (t_{n+1}-t_n)\\mathbf{f}(\\mathbf{x},t_{n+1})\n\\] by iterating \\(\\mathbf{g}\\) on an initial guess of \\(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}\\);\nNewton iterations: approximate \\(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}\\) as a root of the function \\[\n\\mathbf{h}(\\mathbf{x}) = \\mathbf{w}_n + (t_{n+1}-t_n)\\mathbf{f}(\\mathbf{x},t_{n+1}) - \\mathbf{x},\n\\] by iteratively finding the root of its linearized form:\n\n\\[\\begin{align}\n\\mathbf{0} =& \\mathbf{h}(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}^k) + \\mathbf{J}(\\mathbf{h})(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}^k)(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}^{k+1}-\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}^k) \\\\\n=& \\mathbf{w}_n + (t_{n+1}-t_n)\\mathbf{f}(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}^k,t_{n+1}) - \\mathbf{w}_{n+1}^k \\\\ +&\\left[(t_{n+1}-t_n)\\mathbf{J}(\\mathbf{f})(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}^k)-\\mathbf{I}\\right](\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}^{k+1}-\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}^k).\n\\end{align}\\] Note that this thus requires an evaluation of the Jacobian of \\(\\mathbf{f}\\) and solving a linear system per iteration."
+ "objectID": "core/equations.html#precipitation",
+ "href": "core/equations.html#precipitation",
+ "title": "Equations",
+ "section": "2.2 Precipitation",
+ "text": "2.2 Precipitation\nThe precipitation term is given by\n\\[\n Q_P = P \\cdot A(S).\n\\tag{2}\\]\nHere \\(P = P(t)\\) is the precipitation rate and \\(A\\) is the wetted area. \\(A\\) is a function of the storage \\(S = S(t)\\): as the volume of water changes, the area of the free water surface may change as well, depending on the slopes of the surface waters."
- "objectID": "core/numerics.html#basin-profiles",
- "href": "core/numerics.html#basin-profiles",
- "title": "Numerical considerations",
- "section": "4.1 Basin profiles",
- "text": "4.1 Basin profiles\nThe basin profiles affect \\(\\mathbf{f}\\) in many ways, anywhere where a basin level or area is required.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nThis section needs to be updated and extended after once this issue is resolved."
+ "objectID": "core/equations.html#evaporation",
+ "href": "core/equations.html#evaporation",
+ "title": "Equations",
+ "section": "2.3 Evaporation",
+ "text": "2.3 Evaporation\nThe evaporation term is given by\n\\[\n Q_E = E_\\text{pot} \\cdot A(S) \\cdot \\phi(d;0.1).\n\\tag{3}\\]\nHere \\(E_\\text{pot} = E_\\text{pot}(t)\\) is the potential evaporation rate and \\(A\\) is the wetted area. \\(\\phi\\) is the reduction factor which depends on the depth \\(d\\). It provides a smooth gradient as \\(S \\rightarrow 0\\).\nA straightforward formulation \\(Q_E = \\mathrm{max}(E_\\text{pot} A(S), 0)\\) is unsuitable, as \\(\\frac{\\mathrm{d}Q_E}{\\mathrm{d}S}(S=0)\\) is then not well-defined.\n\nA non-smooth derivative results in extremely small timesteps and long computation time: ModelingToolkit identifies the singular behavior and adjusts its timestepping. In a physical interpretation, evaporation is switched on or off per individual droplet of water. In general, the effect of the reduction term is negligible, or not even necessary. As a surface water dries, its wetted area decreases and so does the evaporative flux. However, for (simplified) cases with constant wetted surface (a rectangular profile), evaporation only stops at \\(S = 0\\)."
- "objectID": "core/numerics.html#qh-relations",
- "href": "core/numerics.html#qh-relations",
- "title": "Numerical considerations",
- "section": "4.2 Q(h) relations",
- "text": "4.2 Q(h) relations\nTabulatedRatingCurve nodes contribute to \\(\\mathbf{f}\\) with terms of the following form:\n\\[\n Q(h(S))\n\\]\nwhere the continuity of this term is given by the least continuous of \\(Q\\) and \\(h\\)."
+ "objectID": "core/equations.html#infiltration-and-drainage",
+ "href": "core/equations.html#infiltration-and-drainage",
+ "title": "Equations",
+ "section": "2.4 Infiltration and Drainage",
+ "text": "2.4 Infiltration and Drainage\nInfiltration is provided as a lump sum for the basin. If Ribasim is coupled with MODFLOW 6, the infiltration is computed as the sum of all positive flows of the MODFLOW 6 boundary conditions in the basin:\n\\[\n Q_\\text{inf} = \\sum_{i=1}^{n} \\sum_{j=1}^{m} \\max(Q_{\\mathrm{mf6}_{i,j}}, 0.0)\n\\] {#eq-inf}.\nWhere \\(i\\) is the index of the boundary condition, \\(j\\) the MODFLOW 6 cell index, \\(n\\) the number of boundary conditions, and \\(m\\) the number of MODFLOW 6 cells in the basin. \\(Q_{\\mathrm{mf6}_{i,j}}\\) is the flow computed by MODFLOW 6 for cell \\(j\\) for boundary condition \\(i\\).\nDrainage is a lump sump for the basin, and consists of the sum of the absolute value of all negative flows of the MODFLOW 6 boundary conditions in the basin.\n\\[\n Q_\\text{drn} = \\sum_{i=1}^{n} \\sum_{j=1}^{m} \\left| \\min(Q_{\\mathrm{mf6}_{i,j}}, 0.0) \\right|\n\\tag{4}\\]\nThe interaction with MODFLOW 6 boundary conditions is explained in greater detail in the the MODFLOW coupling section of the documentation."
- "objectID": "core/numerics.html#empty-basins",
- "href": "core/numerics.html#empty-basins",
- "title": "Numerical considerations",
- "section": "4.3 Empty basins",
- "text": "4.3 Empty basins\nReduction factors are introduced at several points in the definition of \\(\\mathbf{f}\\) to smooth out otherwise discontinuous transitions (e.g. the flow rate of a pump going to zero when the source basin dries out). If flows are not too large with respect to basin storage, this will prevent basins from reaching 0. Rather, the basin gets a very small storage. The reduction factors help with performance, but are also an important tool to avoid getting negative storage in basins. Negative storage needs to be avoided since it is not a real solution, and would introduce water into the model that doesn’t exist. Another tool used to avoid negative storage is the isoutoutofdomain option, which Ribasim makes use of. This reject timesteps that lead to negative storage, instead retrying with a smaller timestep."
+ "objectID": "core/equations.html#upstream-and-downstream-flow",
+ "href": "core/equations.html#upstream-and-downstream-flow",
+ "title": "Equations",
+ "section": "2.5 Upstream and downstream flow",
+ "text": "2.5 Upstream and downstream flow\nRibasim’s basins can be connected to each other, and each basin expects an explicit connection. These connections are currently available for inter-basin flows:\n\n\nPump\nTabulatedRatingCurve\nLinearResistance\nManningResistance\n\nThe flow direction of the basin is not pre-determined: flow directions may freely reverse, provided the connection allows it. Currently, a LinearResistance allows bidirectional flow, but the\nAdditionally, three additional “connections” area available for the “outmost” basins (external nodes) in a network.\n\nTerminal\nLevelBoundary\nFlowBoundary\n\n\n2.5.1 Pump\nThe behaviour of pumps is very straight forward if these nodes are not PID controlled. Their flow is given by a fixed flow rate \\(q\\), multiplied by a reduction factor: \\[\nQ_\\text{pump} = \\phi(u; 10.0)q\n\\]\nHere \\(u\\) is the storage of the upstream basin. The reduction factor \\(\\phi\\) makes sure that the flow of the pump goes smootly to \\(0\\) as the upstream basin dries out.\n\n\n2.5.2 Outlet\nThe outlet is very similar to the pump, but it has a few extra reduction factors for physical constraints: \\[\nQ_\\text{outlet} = \\phi(u_a; 10.0)\\phi(\\Delta h; 0.1) \\phi(h_a-h_\\text{min};0.1)q.\n\\] The subscript \\(a\\) denotes the upstream node and \\(b\\) the downstream node. The first reduction factor is equivalent to the one for the pump. The second one makes sure that the outlet flow goes to zero as the head difference \\(\\Delta h = h_a - h_b\\) goes to zero. The last one makes sure that the outlet only produces flow when the upstream level is above the minimum chrest level \\(h_\\text{min}\\).\nNot all node types upstream or downstream of the outlet have a defined level. If this is the case, and therefore the reduction factor cannot be computed, it is defined to be \\(1.0\\).\n\n\n2.5.3 TabulatedRatingCurve\nThe Tabulated Rating Curve is a tabulation of a basin’s discharge behavior. It describes a piecewise linear relationship between the basin’s level and its discharge. It can be understood as an empirical description of a basin’s properties. This can include an outlet, but also the lumped hydraulic behavior of the upstream channels.\n\nThe Tabulated Rating Curve should indicate at which volume no discharge occurs (the dead storage volume).\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nCurrently, the discharge relies only on the basin’s level; it could also use the volume of both connected basins to simulate backwater effects, submersion of outlets, or even reversal of flows for high precipitation events.\n\n\n\n\n2.5.4 LinearResistance\nA LinearResistance connects two basins together. The flow between the two basins is determined by a linear relationship:\n\\[\n Q = \\frac{h_a - h_b}{R}\n\\tag{5}\\]\nHere \\(h_a\\) is the water level in the first basin, \\(h_b\\) is the water level in the second basin, and \\(R\\) is the resistance of the link. A LinearResistance makes no assumptions about the direction of the flow: water flows from high to low.\n\n\n2.5.5 Terminal\nThis only allows outflow from a basin into a terminal node.\n\n\n2.5.6 LevelBoundary\nThis can be connected to a basin via a LinearResistance. This boundary node will then exchange water with the basin based on the difference in water level between the two.\n\n\n2.5.7 FlowBoundary\nThis can be connected directly to a basin and prescribes the flow to or from that basin. We require that the edge connecting the flow boundary to the basin should point towards the basin, so that positive flow corresponds to water being added to the model.\n\n\n2.5.8 Manning connection\nRibasim is capable of simulating steady flow between basins through a reach described by a trapezoidal profile and a Manning roughness coefficient.\nWe describe the discharge from basin \\(a\\) to basin \\(b\\) solely as a function of the water levels in \\(a\\) and \\(b\\).\n\\[\nQ = f(h_a, h_b)\n\\]\nwhere:\n\nThe subscripts \\(a,b\\) denote basins\n\\(h\\) is the hydraulic head, or water level\n\nThe energy equation for open channel flow is:\n\\[\nH = h + \\frac{v^2}{2g}\n\\]\nWhere\n\n\\(H\\) is total head\n\\(v\\) is average water velocity\n\\(g\\) is gravitational acceleration\n\nThe discharge \\(Q\\) is defined as:\n\\[\nQ = Av\n\\]\nwhere \\(A\\) is cross-sectional area.\nWe use conservation of energy to relate the total head at \\(a\\) to \\(b\\), with \\(H_a > H_b\\) as follows:\n\\[\nH_a = H_b + h_{\\text{loss}}\n\\]\nOr:\n\\[\nh_a + \\frac{v_a^2}{2g} = h_b + \\frac{v_b^2}{2g} + h_{\\text{loss}}\n\\]\nWhere \\(v\\) is the average water velocity. \\(h_{\\text{loss}}\\) is a combination of friction and contraction/expansion losses:\n\\[\nh_{\\text{loss}} = S_f L + \\frac{C}{2g} \\left(v_b^2 - v_a^2\\right)\n\\]\nWhere:\n\n\\(L\\) is the reach length\n\\(S_f\\) is the representative friction slope\n\\(C\\) is the expansion or contraction coefficient, \\(0 \\le C \\le1\\)\n\nWe assume velocity differences in a connection are negligible (\\(v_a = v_b\\)):\n\\[\nh_a = h_b + S_f L\n\\]\nFriction losses are computed with the Gauckler-Manning formula:\n\\[\nQ = \\frac{A}{n} R_h^\\frac{2}{3} \\sqrt{S_f}\n\\]\nWhere:\n\n\\(A\\) is the representative area.\n\\(R_h\\) is the representative wetted radius.\n\\(S_f\\) is the representative friction slope.\n\\(n\\) is Manning’s roughness coefficient.\n\nWe can rewrite to express \\(S_f\\) in terms of Q:\n\\[\nS_f = Q^2 \\frac{n^2}{A^2 R_h^{4/3}}\n\\]\nNo water is added or removed in a connection:\n\\[\nQ_a = Q_b = Q\n\\]\nSubstituting:\n\\[\nh_a = h_b + Q^2 \\frac{n^2}{A^2 R_h^{4/3}} L\n\\]\nWe can then express \\(Q\\) as a function of head difference \\(\\Delta h\\):\n\\[\nQ = \\textrm{sign}(\\Delta h) \\frac{A}{n} R_h^{2/3}\\sqrt{\\frac{|\\Delta h|}{L} }\n\\]\nThe \\(\\textrm{sign}(\\Delta h)\\) term causes the direction of the flow to reverse if the head in basin \\(b\\) is larger than in basin \\(a\\).\nThis expression however leads to problems in simulation since the derivative of \\(Q\\) with respect to \\(\\Delta h\\) tends to \\(\\pm \\infty\\) as \\(\\Delta h\\) tends to 0. Therefore we use the slightly modified expression\n\\[\nQ = \\textrm{sign}(\\Delta h) \\frac{A}{n} R_h^{2/3}\\sqrt{\\frac{\\Delta h}{L} s(\\Delta h)}\n\\]\nto smooth out this problem. Here \\(s(x) = \\frac{2}{\\pi}\\arctan{1000x}\\) can be thought of as a smooth approximation of the sign function.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nThe computation of \\(S_f\\) is not exact: we base it on a representative area and hydraulic radius, rather than integrating \\(S_f\\) along the length of a reach. Direct analytic solutions exist for e.g. parabolic profiles (Tolkmitt), but other profiles requires relatively complicated approaches (such as approximating the profile with a polynomial).\nWe use the average value of the cross-sectional area, the average value of the water depth, and the average value of the hydraulic radius to compute a friction slope. The size of the resulting error will depend on the water depth difference between the upstream and downstream basin.\n\n\nThe cross sectional area for a trapezoidal or rectangular profile:\n\\[\nA = w d + \\frac{\\Delta y}{\\Delta z} d^2\n\\]\nWhere\n\n\\(w\\) is the width at \\(d = 0\\) (A triangular profile has \\(w = 0\\))\n\\(\\frac{\\Delta y}{\\Delta z}\\) is the slope of the profile expressed as the horizontal length for one unit in the vertical (A slope of 45 degrees has \\(\\frac{\\Delta y}{\\Delta z} = 1\\); a rectangular profile 0).\n\nAccordingly, the wetted perimeter is:\n\\[\nB = w + 2 d \\sqrt{\\left(\\frac{\\Delta y}{\\Delta z}\\right)^2 + 1}\n\\]"
- "objectID": "core/allocation.html",
- "href": "core/allocation.html",
- "title": "Allocation",
- "section": "",
- "text": "Allocation is the process of assigning an allocated abstraction flow rate to user nodes in the model based on information about sources, user demands over various priorities, constraints introduced by nodes, local water availability and graph topology. The allocation procedure implemented in Ribasim is heavily inspired by the maximum flow problem.\nThe allocation problem is solved per subnetwork of the Ribasim model. The subnetwork is used to formulate an optimization problem with the JuMP package, which is solved using the HiGHS solver. For more information see also the example of solving the maximum flow problem with JuMP.jl here."
+ "objectID": "core/equations.html#the-derivative-term",
+ "href": "core/equations.html#the-derivative-term",
+ "title": "Equations",
+ "section": "4.1 The derivative term",
+ "text": "4.1 The derivative term\nWhen \\(K_d \\ne 0\\) this adds a level of complexity. We can see this by looking at the error derivative more closely: \\[\n\\frac{\\text{d}e}{\\text{d}t} = \\frac{\\text{d}\\text{SP}}{\\text{d}t} - \\frac{1}{A(u_\\text{PID})}\\frac{\\text{d}u_\\text{PID}}{\\text{d}t},\n\\] where \\(A(u_\\text{PID})\\) is the area of the controlled basin as a function of the storage of the controlled basin \\(u_\\text{PID}\\). The complexity arises from the fact that \\(Q_\\text{PID}\\) is a contribution to \\(\\frac{\\text{d}u_\\text{PID}}{\\text{d}t} = f_\\text{PID}\\), which makes Equation 7 an implicit equation for \\(Q_\\text{PID}\\). We define\n\\[\nf_\\text{PID} = \\hat{f}_\\text{PID} \\pm Q_\\text{pump/outlet},\n\\]\nthat is, \\(\\hat{f}_\\text{PID}\\) is the right hand side of the ODE for the controlled basin storage state without the contribution of the PID controlled pump. The plus sign holds for an outlet and the minus sign for a pump, dictated by the way the pump and outlet connectivity to the controlled basin is enforced.\nUsing this, solving Equation 7 for \\(Q_\\text{PID}\\) yields \\[\nQ_\\text{pump/outlet} = \\text{clip}\\left(\\phi(u_\\text{us})\\frac{K_pe + K_iI + K_d \\left(\\frac{\\text{d}\\text{SP}}{\\text{d}t}-\\frac{\\hat{f}_\\text{PID}}{A(u_\\text{PID})}\\right)}{1\\pm\\phi(u_\\text{us})\\frac{K_d}{A(u_\\text{PID})}};Q_{\\min},Q_{\\max}\\right),\n\\] where the clipping is again done last. Note that to compute this, \\(\\hat{f}_\\text{PID}\\) has to be known first, meaning that the PID controlled pump/outlet flow rate has to be computed after all other contributions to the PID controlled basin’s storage are known."
- "objectID": "core/allocation.html#allocation-problem-input",
- "href": "core/allocation.html#allocation-problem-input",
- "title": "Allocation",
- "section": "1.1 Allocation problem input",
- "text": "1.1 Allocation problem input\n\n1.1.1 The subnetwork\nThe allocation problem is solved per subnetwork, which is given by a subset \\(S \\subset V\\) of node ids. Different subnetworks are disjoint from eachother.\n\n\n1.1.2 Source flows\nSources are indicated by a set of edges in the subnetwork \\[\nE_S^\\text{source} \\subset \\left(S \\times S\\right) \\cap E.\n\\] That is, if \\((i,j) \\in E_S^\\text{source}\\), then \\(Q_{ij}\\) (see the formal model description) is treated as a source flow in the allocation problem.\n\n\n1.1.3 User demands\nThe subnetwork contains a subset of user nodes \\(U_S \\subset S\\), who all have time varying demands over various priorities \\(p\\): \\[\n d^p_i(t), \\quad i \\in U_S, p = 1,2,\\ldots, p_{\\max}.\n\\]\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nOn this page we assume that the priorities are given by all integers from \\(1\\) to some \\(p_{\\max} \\in \\mathbb{N}\\). However, in the Ribasim input this is not a requirement; some of these in between priority values can be missing, only the ordering of the given priorities is taken into account.\n\n\n\n\n1.1.4 Vertical fluxes and local storage\nApart from the source flows denoted by edges, there are other sources of water in the subnetwork, associated with the basins in the subnetwork \\(B_S = B \\cap S\\). Firstly there is the sum of the vertical fluxes (precipitation, evaporation, infiltration and drainage) for each basin \\[\n \\phi_i(t), \\quad \\forall i \\in B_S.\n\\]\nSecondly, there is the available water in each basin above the minimum level \\(l_{\\min,i}\\) corresponding to a minimum storage \\(s_{\\min,i}\\): \\[\n u_i(t)-s_{\\min,i}, \\quad \\forall i \\in B_S.\n\\] Note that this value can be negative, which we interpret as a demand from the basin.\n\n\n1.1.5 Flow magnitude and direction constraints\nNodes in the Ribasim model that have a max_flow_rate, i.e. pumps and outlets, put a constraint on the flow through that node. Some nodes only allow flow in one direction, like pumps, outlets and tabulated rating curves.\n\n\n1.1.6 Fractional flows and user return flows\nBoth fractional flow nodes and user nodes dictate proportional relationships between flows over edges in the subnetwork. Users have a return factor \\(0 \\le r_i \\le 1, i \\in U_S\\)."
+ "objectID": "core/equations.html#the-sign-of-the-parameters",
+ "href": "core/equations.html#the-sign-of-the-parameters",
+ "title": "Equations",
+ "section": "4.2 The sign of the parameters",
+ "text": "4.2 The sign of the parameters\nNote by Equation 6 that the error is positive if the setpoint is larger than the basin level and negative if the setpoint is smaller than the basin level.\nWe enforce the convention that when a pump is controlled, its edge points away from the basin, and when an outlet is controlled, its edge points towards the basin, so that the main flow direction along these edges is positive. Therefore, positive flows of the pump and outlet have opposite effects on the basin, and thus the parameters \\(K_p,K_i,K_d\\) of the pump and outlet must have oppositive signs to achieve the same goal."
- "objectID": "core/allocation.html#the-allocation-optimization-problem",
- "href": "core/allocation.html#the-allocation-optimization-problem",
- "title": "Allocation",
- "section": "1.2 The allocation optimization problem",
- "text": "1.2 The allocation optimization problem\n\n1.2.1 The allocation subgraph\nA new graph is created from the subnetwork, which we call an allocation graph. The allocation graph is almost a subgraph of the main (flow) model, apart from the fact that an allocation graph can contain edges which are not in the main model.\nThe allocation graph consists of:\n\nNodes \\(V'_S \\subset V_S\\), where each basin, source and user in the subnetwork get a node in the allocation graph. Also nodes that have fractional flow outneighbors get a node in the allocation graph.\nEdges \\(E_S\\), which are either edges that also appear between nodes in the subnetwork or represent a sequence of those, creating a shortcut.\n\nFor notational convenience, we use the notation\n\\[\\begin{align}\n V^{\\text{out}}_S(i) = \\left\\{j \\in V'_S : (i,j) \\in E_S\\right\\} \\\\\n V^{\\text{in}}_S(j) = \\left\\{i \\in V'_S : (i,j) \\in E_S\\right\\}\n\\end{align}\\]\nfor the set of in-neighbors and out-neighbors of a node in the allocation graph respectively\n\n\n1.2.2 The allocation graph capacities\nThe capacities of the edges of the allocation graph are collected in the sparse capacity matrix \\(C_S \\in \\overline{\\mathbb{R}}_{\\ge 0}^{n'\\times n'}\\) where \\(n' = \\#V'_S\\) is the number of nodes in the allocation graph. The capacities can be infinite.\nThe capacities are determined in 4 different ways:\n\nIf an edge does not exist in the allocation graph, i.e. \\((i,j) \\notin E_S\\) for certain \\(1 \\le i,j\\le n'\\), then \\((C_S)_{i,j} = 0\\);\nThe capacity of the edge \\(e \\in E_S\\) is given by the smallest max_flow_rate of the nodes along the equivalent edges in the subnetwork. If there are no nodes with a max_flow_rate, the edge capacity is infinite;\nIf the edge is a source, the capacity of the edge is given by the flow rate of that source.\n\n\n\n1.2.3 The optimization variables\nThere are 2 types of variables whose value has to be determined to solve the allocation problem:\n\nThe flows \\(F \\in \\mathbb{R}_{\\ge 0}^{n'\\times n'}\\) over the edges in the allocation graph;\nThe allocations to the basins \\[\n A^\\text{basin}_{i} \\ge 0, \\quad B_S.\n\\]\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nCurrently the basin allocations are not taken into account in the implementation.\n\n\n\n\n1.2.4 The optimization objective\nThe goal of allocation is to get the flow to the users as close as possible to their demand. To achieve this, the following objectives are supported:\n\nquadratic_absolute: \\[\n \\min \\sum_{(i,j)\\in E_S\\;:\\; i\\in U_S} \\left( F_{ij} - d_j^p(t)\\right)^2\n\\]\nquadratic_relative: \\[\n \\min \\sum_{(i,j)\\in E_S\\;:\\; i\\in U_S} \\left( 1 - \\frac{F_{ij}}{d_j^p(t)}\\right)^2\n\\]\nlinear_absolute (default): \\[\n \\min \\sum_{(i,j)\\in E_S\\;:\\; i\\in U_S} \\left| F_{ij} - d_j^p(t)\\right| + c \\sum_{e \\in E_S} F_e\n\\]\nlinear_relative: \\[\n \\min \\sum_{(i,j)\\in E_S\\;:\\; i\\in U_S} \\left|1 - \\frac{F_{ij}}{d_j^p(t)}\\right| + c \\sum_{e \\in E_S} F_e\n\\]\n\nTo avoid division by \\(0\\) errors, if a *_relative objective is used and a demand is \\(0\\), the coefficient of the flow \\(F_{ij}\\) is set to \\(0\\).\nFor *_absolute objectives the optimizer cares about the actual amount of water allocated to a user, for *_relative objectives it cares about the fraction of the demand allocated to the user. For quadratic_* objectives the optimizer cares about avoiding large shortages, for linear_* objectives it treats all deviations equally.\nThe second sum in the linear_* objectives adds a small cost to using flows. This incentivizes the solver to use as little flow as possible. The cost \\(c > 0\\) is small enough such that it is always better to bring water to users than to not use flow at all. This can be achieved for linear_* objectives but not for quadratic_* objectives, and therefore this cost term is only added to the former. Therefore the linear_* objectives make the solver more conservative with flow than the quadratic_* objectives.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nThese options for objectives for allocation to users have not been tested thoroughly, and might change in the future.\n\n\nThe absolute value applied here is not supported in a linear programming context directly; this requires introduction of new variables and constraints. For more details see here.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nIn the future new optimization objectives will be introduced, for demands of basins and priorities over sources. These will be used in combination with the above, in the form of goal programming.\n\n\n\n\n1.2.5 The optimization variable constraints\n\nFlow conservation: For the basins in the allocation graph we have that \\[\n \\sum_{j=1}^{n'} F_{kj} \\le \\sum_{i=1}^{n'} F_{ik}, \\quad \\forall k \\in B_S.\n\\tag{1}\\] Note that we do not require equality here; in the allocation we do not mind that excess flow is ‘forgotten’ if it cannot contribute to the allocation to the users.\nCapacity: the flows over the edges are positive and bounded by the edge capacity: \\[\n F_{ij} \\le \\left(C_S\\right)_{ij}, \\quad \\forall(i,j) \\in E_S.\n\\tag{2}\\] By the definition of \\(C_S\\) this also includes the source flows.\nUser outflow: The outflow of the user is dictated by the inflow and the return factor: \\[\n F_{ik} = r_k \\cdot F_{kj} \\quad\n \\quad \\forall k \\in U_S, \\quad\n V^{\\text{in}}_S(k) = \\{i\\},\\;\n V^{\\text{out}}_S(k) = \\{j\\}.\n\\tag{3}\\] Here we use that each user node in the allocation graph has a unique in-edge and out-edge.\nUser demand: user demand constraints are discussed in the next section.\nFractional flow: Let \\(L_S \\subset V_S\\) be the set of nodes in the max flow graph with fractional flow outneighbors, and \\(f_j\\) the flow fraction associated with fractional flow node \\(j \\in V_S\\). Then \\[\n F_{ij} \\le f_j \\sum_{k\\in V^\\text{in}_S(i)} F_{ki} \\qquad\n \\forall i \\in L_S, \\;\n j \\in V_S^\\text{out}(i).\n\\tag{4}\\]\nFlow sign: Furthermore there are the non-negativity constraints for the flows and allocations, see The optimization variables.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nCurrently the fractional flow constraints are not taken into account in the implementation."
+ "objectID": "python/index.html",
+ "href": "python/index.html",
+ "title": "Python tooling",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "The Ribasim Python package (named ribasim) aims to make it easy to build, update and analyze Ribasim models programmatically.\nThe Ribasim QGIS plugin allows users to construct a model from scratch without programming. For specific tasks, like adding observed rainfall timeseries, it can be faster to use Python instead.\nOne can also use Ribasim Python to build entire models from base data, such that your model setup is fully reproducible.\nThe package is registered in PyPI and can therefore be installed with pip:\npip install ribasim\nFor wheel (.whl) downloads, including nightly builds, see the download section. After downloading wheels can be installed by referring to the correct path:\npip install path/to/ribasim-*.whl\nFor documentation please see the examples and API reference."
- "objectID": "core/allocation.html#final-notes-on-the-allocation-problem",
- "href": "core/allocation.html#final-notes-on-the-allocation-problem",
- "title": "Allocation",
- "section": "1.3 Final notes on the allocation problem",
- "text": "1.3 Final notes on the allocation problem\n\n1.3.1 Users using their own return flow\nIf not explicitly avoided, users can use their own return flow in this allocation problem formulation. Therefore, return flow of users is only taken into account by allocation if that return flow is downstream of the user where it comes from. That is, if there is no path in the directed allocation graph from the user outflow node back to the user."
+ "objectID": "python/reference/Node.html",
+ "href": "python/reference/Node.html",
+ "title": "1 Node",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "Node()\nThe Ribasim nodes as Point geometries.\n\n\n\n\n\nName\nDescription\n\n\n\n\nconnectivity_from_geometry\nDerive from_node_id and to_node_id for every edge in lines. LineStrings\n\n\ngeometry_from_connectivity\nCreate edge shapely geometries from connectivities.\n\n\nplot\nPlot the nodes. Each node type is given a separate marker.\n\n\n\n\n\nNode.connectivity_from_geometry(lines)\nDerive from_node_id and to_node_id for every edge in lines. LineStrings may be used to connect multiple nodes in a sequence, but every linestring vertex must also a node.\n\n\n\n\n\nName\nType\nDescription\nDefault\n\n\n\n\nnode\nNode\n\nrequired\n\n\nlines\nnp.ndarray\nArray of shapely linestrings.\nrequired\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nType\nDescription\n\n\n\n\nnp.ndarray of int\n\n\n\nnp.ndarray of int\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNode.geometry_from_connectivity(from_id, to_id)\nCreate edge shapely geometries from connectivities.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nName\nType\nDescription\nDefault\n\n\n\n\nnode\nRibasim.Node\n\nrequired\n\n\nfrom_id\nSequence[int]\nFirst node of every edge.\nrequired\n\n\nto_id\nSequence[int]\nSecond node of every edge.\nrequired\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nType\nDescription\n\n\n\n\nnp.ndarray\nArray of shapely LineStrings.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNode.plot(ax=None, zorder=None)\nPlot the nodes. Each node type is given a separate marker.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nName\nType\nDescription\nDefault\n\n\n\n\nax\nOptional\nThe axis on which the nodes will be plotted.\nNone\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nType\nDescription\n\n\n\n\nNone"
- "objectID": "core/allocation.html#example",
- "href": "core/allocation.html#example",
- "title": "Allocation",
- "section": "2.1 Example",
- "text": "2.1 Example\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nAn example with figures and data will be added here after addition of allocation output files."
+ "objectID": "python/reference/Node.html#methods",
+ "href": "python/reference/Node.html#methods",
+ "title": "1 Node",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "Name\nDescription\n\n\n\n\nconnectivity_from_geometry\nDerive from_node_id and to_node_id for every edge in lines. LineStrings\n\n\ngeometry_from_connectivity\nCreate edge shapely geometries from connectivities.\n\n\nplot\nPlot the nodes. Each node type is given a separate marker.\n\n\n\n\n\nNode.connectivity_from_geometry(lines)\nDerive from_node_id and to_node_id for every edge in lines. LineStrings may be used to connect multiple nodes in a sequence, but every linestring vertex must also a node.\n\n\n\n\n\nName\nType\nDescription\nDefault\n\n\n\n\nnode\nNode\n\nrequired\n\n\nlines\nnp.ndarray\nArray of shapely linestrings.\nrequired\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nType\nDescription\n\n\n\n\nnp.ndarray of int\n\n\n\nnp.ndarray of int\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNode.geometry_from_connectivity(from_id, to_id)\nCreate edge shapely geometries from connectivities.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nName\nType\nDescription\nDefault\n\n\n\n\nnode\nRibasim.Node\n\nrequired\n\n\nfrom_id\nSequence[int]\nFirst node of every edge.\nrequired\n\n\nto_id\nSequence[int]\nSecond node of every edge.\nrequired\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nType\nDescription\n\n\n\n\nnp.ndarray\nArray of shapely LineStrings.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNode.plot(ax=None, zorder=None)\nPlot the nodes. Each node type is given a separate marker.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nName\nType\nDescription\nDefault\n\n\n\n\nax\nOptional\nThe axis on which the nodes will be plotted.\nNone\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nType\nDescription\n\n\n\n\nNone"
- "objectID": "contribute/index.html",
- "href": "contribute/index.html",
- "title": "Contributing",
+ "objectID": "python/reference/FractionalFlow.html",
+ "href": "python/reference/FractionalFlow.html",
+ "title": "1 FractionalFlow",
"section": "",
- "text": "Ribasim welcomes contributions.\nThere is developer documentation for the Julia core, Python tooling, and the QGIS plugin. A guide on how to add a new node type to both is written in adding node types. Release process describes the steps to follow when creating a new Ribasim release."
+ "text": "1 FractionalFlow\nFractionalFlow()"
- "objectID": "contribute/index.html#clone-ribasim",
- "href": "contribute/index.html#clone-ribasim",
- "title": "Contributing",
- "section": "1.1 Clone Ribasim",
- "text": "1.1 Clone Ribasim\nIn order to have the Ribasim repository locally available, you can clone it with Git. Git can be installed from git-scm.com. Once installed, run the following command at a directory of your choice:\nIn order to have the Ribasim repository locally available, run the following command at a directory of your choice:\ngit clone https://github.com/Deltares/Ribasim.git\nTo continue with the following steps, make the root of the repository your working directory by running\ncd Ribasim"
+ "objectID": "python/reference/ManningResistance.html",
+ "href": "python/reference/ManningResistance.html",
+ "title": "1 ManningResistance",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "1 ManningResistance\nManningResistance()"
- "objectID": "contribute/index.html#setting-up-pixi",
- "href": "contribute/index.html#setting-up-pixi",
- "title": "Contributing",
- "section": "1.2 Setting up pixi",
- "text": "1.2 Setting up pixi\nFirst, set up pixi as described on their getting started page.\nThen set up the environment by running the following commands:\npixi run install\nThis will automatically install all required packages for development. Our pixi environment also provides an instance of Julia and QGIS. These will not conflict with any pre-installed applications, as long as you have the pixi environment enabled. You can do this in a terminal by calling pixi shell, or starting programs with pixi run julia, or pixi run qgis. This is also the way that we start visual studio code: pixi run code .."
+ "objectID": "python/reference/LevelBoundary.html",
+ "href": "python/reference/LevelBoundary.html",
+ "title": "1 LevelBoundary",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "1 LevelBoundary\nLevelBoundary()"
- "objectID": "contribute/qgis.html",
- "href": "contribute/qgis.html",
- "title": "QGIS plugin development",
+ "objectID": "python/reference/Pump.html",
+ "href": "python/reference/Pump.html",
+ "title": "1 Pump",
"section": "",
- "text": "1 Set up the developer environment\nAfter you have installed the environment as described here you must still activate the QGIS plugins. The simplest way to do this is by running pixi run install-qgis-plugins. It grabs the latest version of the iMOD QGIS plugin and it makes a symlink to the ribasim_qgis folder so that QGIS can find it. It also installs plugins that make it possible to reload and debug your plugin while QGIS is open.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nOn Windows you need to have Developer mode enabled. Otherwise you will not have enough access rights to create symlinks. For more info, see this Windows blog.\nWe wanted to implement this via pip install --editable, but QGIS doesn’t find the metadata.txt and therefore cannot load the plugin on startup.\n\n\n\n\n2 Running QGIS\nIn order to run QGIS with the plugins, simply call pixi run qgis. You will find the Ribasim and iMOD plugins in the tool bars.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nOn Windows, running QGIS from the start menu will disable Python, and thus the plugins. QGIS needs some more paths during the startup and the Pixi environment provides those.\n\n\n\n\n3 Running tests\nTo run the QGIS plugin tests in the application environment of QGIS, it is best to make use of the Docker environment provided in this repository. Make sure that docker is installed and available in your path.\nThen simply call pixi run test-ribasim-qgis.\n\n\n4 Debugging\nAfter installing the plugins via pixi run install-qgis-plugins. Extra debugging tools are also installed in QGIS that is installed within your pixi environment.\nAfter you have started pixi run qgis, you can make alterations to the python code and use the Plugin Reloader to reload the plugin without restarting QGIS. The shortcut in QGIS is CTRL+F5.\nIt is also possible to connect the debugger of Visual Studio Code. For this the debugvs plugin is installed in QGIS. In QGIS press the button to Enable Debug for Visual Studio. Then go to Visual Studio Code and start the launch task Ribasim QGIS: Attach to QGIS. Now you can place breakpoints.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nWe are currently using debugvs 0.7 with ptvsd as service, since there is an open issue that breaks debugvs 0.8 with debugpy."
+ "text": "1 Pump\nPump()"
- "objectID": "contribute/release.html",
- "href": "contribute/release.html",
- "title": "Release process",
+ "objectID": "python/reference/index.html",
+ "href": "python/reference/index.html",
+ "title": "1 API Reference",
"section": "",
- "text": "The Ribasim repository contains several components, e.g., the Julia core, the Python tooling and QGIS plugin. The components are currently only guaranteed to work together if they are built at the same time. Therefore we release Ribasim as a collection of all the components at once. For maximum interoperability it is suggested to only release all components together, and not individually.\nFor these releases we use Calender Versioning, which makes it clear in which month the release was made."
+ "text": "The Model class represents an entire Ribasim model.\n\n\n\nModel\nA full Ribasim model schematisation with all input.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nThe Node and Edge database layers define the network layout.\n\n\n\nNode\nThe Ribasim nodes as Point geometries.\n\n\nEdge\nDefines the connections between nodes.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nAvailable node types to model different situations.\n\n\n\nBasin\n\n\n\nFractionalFlow\n\n\n\nTabulatedRatingCurve\n\n\n\nPump\n\n\n\nOutlet\n\n\n\nUser\n\n\n\nLevelBoundary\n\n\n\nFlowBoundary\n\n\n\nLinearResistance\n\n\n\nManningResistance\n\n\n\nTerminal\n\n\n\nDiscreteControl\n\n\n\nPidControl"
- "objectID": "contribute/release.html#pre-release-checks",
- "href": "contribute/release.html#pre-release-checks",
- "title": "Release process",
- "section": "2.1 Pre-release checks",
- "text": "2.1 Pre-release checks\nBefore starting the release process, ensure that all tests are passing and that all features intended for the release are complete and merged into the main branch."
+ "objectID": "python/reference/index.html#model",
+ "href": "python/reference/index.html#model",
+ "title": "1 API Reference",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "The Model class represents an entire Ribasim model.\n\n\n\nModel\nA full Ribasim model schematisation with all input."
- "objectID": "contribute/release.html#update-version-numbers-of-the-components-as-needed",
- "href": "contribute/release.html#update-version-numbers-of-the-components-as-needed",
- "title": "Release process",
- "section": "2.2 Update version numbers of the components as needed",
- "text": "2.2 Update version numbers of the components as needed\nThe components have their own version number which generally uses Semantic Versioning, with minor version signifying a breaking release for pre-1.0 versions, as documented here. If a component did not change at all between releases, the version number can stay the same.\nNow submit a pull request which updates the version numbers of the components as needed. You can use PR #623 as an example.\nIn general for Python packages the version number is in __init__.py, for Julia it is Project.toml, and for QGIS metadata.txt"
+ "objectID": "python/reference/index.html#network",
+ "href": "python/reference/index.html#network",
+ "title": "1 API Reference",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "The Node and Edge database layers define the network layout.\n\n\n\nNode\nThe Ribasim nodes as Point geometries.\n\n\nEdge\nDefines the connections between nodes."
- "objectID": "contribute/release.html#sec-wheel-links",
- "href": "contribute/release.html#sec-wheel-links",
- "title": "Release process",
- "section": "2.3 Update the wheel links",
- "text": "2.3 Update the wheel links\nThe nightly download links for the Ribasim Python wheels contain the version number. Search for “any.whl” and update these to the new version number of Ribasim Python."
+ "objectID": "python/reference/index.html#node-types",
+ "href": "python/reference/index.html#node-types",
+ "title": "1 API Reference",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "Available node types to model different situations.\n\n\n\nBasin\n\n\n\nFractionalFlow\n\n\n\nTabulatedRatingCurve\n\n\n\nPump\n\n\n\nOutlet\n\n\n\nUser\n\n\n\nLevelBoundary\n\n\n\nFlowBoundary\n\n\n\nLinearResistance\n\n\n\nManningResistance\n\n\n\nTerminal\n\n\n\nDiscreteControl\n\n\n\nPidControl"
- "objectID": "contribute/release.html#create-a-new-release",
- "href": "contribute/release.html#create-a-new-release",
- "title": "Release process",
- "section": "2.4 Create a new release",
- "text": "2.4 Create a new release\nCreate a new release. Give it a tag like v2023.08.0, filling in the current year, month and a sequential “MICRO” number. This follows vYYYY.0M.MICRO from calver. For v2023.09.0 I used the “Generate release notes” button, which I then manually edited to copy the most important changes for users to the top in the form of Keep a Changelog. The possibly long list of generated release notes can put below an “All changes” collapsed item as such:\n<details>\n<summary>\nAll changes\n</summary>\n\n# Put Github flavored markdown here\n\n</details>"
+ "objectID": "python/reference/Terminal.html",
+ "href": "python/reference/Terminal.html",
+ "title": "1 Terminal",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "1 Terminal\nTerminal()"
- "objectID": "contribute/release.html#release-ribasim-python-to-pypi",
- "href": "contribute/release.html#release-ribasim-python-to-pypi",
- "title": "Release process",
- "section": "2.5 Release Ribasim Python to PyPI",
- "text": "2.5 Release Ribasim Python to PyPI\nTo be able to install packages with pip, they need to be released on the Python Package Index (PyPI). In order to publish Ribasim Python or Ribasim API follow the following steps:\n\nUpdate __version__ in __init__.py\nOpen a terminal and run pixi run build-ribasim-python-wheel or pixi run build-ribasim-api-wheel\nMake a new commit with the updated version number, and push to remote\nPublish on PyPI with pixi run publish-ribasim-python or pixi run publish-ribasim-api"
+ "objectID": "python/reference/FlowBoundary.html",
+ "href": "python/reference/FlowBoundary.html",
+ "title": "1 FlowBoundary",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "1 FlowBoundary\nFlowBoundary()"
- "objectID": "contribute/release.html#sec-teamcity",
- "href": "contribute/release.html#sec-teamcity",
- "title": "Release process",
- "section": "2.6 Wait for TeamCity to build the new release",
- "text": "2.6 Wait for TeamCity to build the new release\nCurrently TeamCity is set to build a release at the night after it has been tagged.\nIf this succeeds, the release assets are uploaded to an S3 link with the version number in the URL, as show here:\nhttps://ribasim.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/teamcity/Ribasim_Ribasim/BuildRibasimCliWindows/v2023.07.0/ribasim_cli.zip\nhttps://ribasim.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/teamcity/Ribasim_Ribasim/BuildRibasimCliWindows/v2023.07.0/ribasim-0.6.1-py3-none-any.whl\nhttps://ribasim.s3.eu-west-3.amazonaws.com/teamcity/Ribasim_Ribasim/BuildRibasimCliWindows/v2023.07.0/ribasim_qgis.zip\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nA non-existent version number v2023.07.0 is used in these links. Replace with the version number of the new release. Similarly the filename of the Ribasim Python wheel needs to be updated as in Section 2.3."
+ "objectID": "couple/modflow-demo.html",
+ "href": "couple/modflow-demo.html",
+ "title": "MODFLOW 6 Demonstration",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "In our test cases, we will work with the Dutch national groundwater model (LHM). For testing, we simplify the top boundary conditions to just three surface water “systems”, from large to small:\n\nPrimary\nSecondary\nTertiary\n\nThese systems are separated in the groundwater model schematization due to the relatively small size of the surface waters (several meters in width) in comparison with relatively coarse cells of the groundwater model (250 m): most cells in the LHM contain more than one surface water, and are included via representative parameters which take the physical scaling into account. In case of sufficiently small cell sizes, no overlap occurs and all surface waters can be represented in a single grid.\nRibasim has no knowledge of these systems unless explicitly separated into different (sub-)basins. In the examples below, these three systems are represented by one basin with a single volume. For the purposes of testing, we have not yet created empirical volume-level relationships for the surface water of every cell extracted from a hydraulic model. Instead, we have chosen an (over)simplified parametrization of the hydraulic properties, which makes it easy to verify the behavior of Ribasim and the coupling procedures:\n\nPrimary, secondary, and tertiary systems have a rectangular profile: the area of the surface water does not change with water level or volume.\nWater depth is constant for a system within a basin.\nWater depth increases linearly with volume. (This follows from 1.)\nWater depth is distributed across the systems in a geometric progression: when the tertiary system contains 0.1 m of water, the secondary system contains 0.2 m, and the primary system contains 0.4 m.\nWater depth is 0.0 m for all systems when basin volume is 0.0. (This follows from 4.)\nThe distribution of water occurs according to the surface water area (width times length) used for the LHM parametrization of river bed conductance.\n\nFor freely draining basins, a simplified storage-discharge relationship has been derived as follows:\n\nThe area of the basin polygon has been multiplied by 1 mm/d (roughly the average precipitation excess in the Netherlands). This yields a “normative discharge”.\nA corresponding normative volume has been chosen, corresponding with water depths of 0.4, 0.2, and 0.1 m for the primary, secondary, and tertiary surface waters respectively.\nA dead storage volume has been chosen, corresponding with water depths of 0.2, 0.1, and 0.05 m for the primary, secondary, and tertiary surface waters respectively. The basin only starts discharging when the storage volume exceeds this value.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nRibasim is not limited to such oversimplified parametrization! Ribasim uses tabulations and therefore supports arbitrary (piecewise linear) volume-depth and volume-discharge relationships.\n\n\nA visual representation of this simplified conceptual schematization is given in Figure 1 and Figure 2.\n\n\n\nFigure 1: Distribution of water depths over the primary, secondary, and tertiary system.\n\n\n\n\n\nFigure 2: Discharge as a function of basin storage volume.\n\n\nAn example of the resulting parameters for a single cell is shown in Table 1. The first row shows the water levels when the basin is empty. The level for primary, secondary, and tertiary are equal to the bottom elevation of the surface waters. The second row shows the volume and levels for water depths of 0.4, 0.2, and 0.1 m. The third row shows the volume and levels for a tenfold larger volume. This results in implausible water levels with depths of 4.0, 2.0 and 1.0 m; the water level in the primary system is over two meters higher than in the tertiary system. In reality, the surface waters would overflow and surface ponding would occur; this mechanism is ignored in the test cases for the sake of simplicity.\n\n\nTable 1: Volume-level table for a single cell in the Hupsel basin.\n\n\nVolume (m3)\nPrimary (m NAP)\nSecondary (m NAP)\nTertiary (m NAP)\n\n\n\n\n0.0\n25.65\n25.83\n26.60\n\n\n6843.1\n26.05\n26.03\n26.70\n\n\n68431.0\n29.65\n27.83\n27.60\n\n\n\n\nFigure 3 shows the volume of the first row of the cell based input for the primary system. Symbology is set to unique values. While water levels differ per cell in this parametrization, the “normative volume” defined above is shared by all cells in a basin.\n\n\n\nFigure 3: Basin normative volume of the primary system.\n\n\nFigure 3 shows the water level corresponding to the normative storage volume based input for the primary system (it corresponds to the value shown in the first row of the primary column in Table 1). We see a clear gradient from west to east: as our simplified parametrization assumes a constant water depth for all cells in a single system, water levels spatially fall and rise with the bottom elevation.\n\n\n\nFigure 4: Water level corresponding to the normative basin volume of the primary system."
- "objectID": "contribute/release.html#do-manual-checks",
- "href": "contribute/release.html#do-manual-checks",
- "title": "Release process",
- "section": "2.7 Do manual checks",
- "text": "2.7 Do manual checks\nOur continuous integration (CI) should have caught most issues. A current weak spot in our testing is the QGIS plugin, so it is a good idea to do some manual checks to see if it works properly. It is a good idea to load new test models if there are any, or test any other changed functionality."
+ "objectID": "couple/modflow-demo.html#example-parametrization",
+ "href": "couple/modflow-demo.html#example-parametrization",
+ "title": "MODFLOW 6 Demonstration",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "In our test cases, we will work with the Dutch national groundwater model (LHM). For testing, we simplify the top boundary conditions to just three surface water “systems”, from large to small:\n\nPrimary\nSecondary\nTertiary\n\nThese systems are separated in the groundwater model schematization due to the relatively small size of the surface waters (several meters in width) in comparison with relatively coarse cells of the groundwater model (250 m): most cells in the LHM contain more than one surface water, and are included via representative parameters which take the physical scaling into account. In case of sufficiently small cell sizes, no overlap occurs and all surface waters can be represented in a single grid.\nRibasim has no knowledge of these systems unless explicitly separated into different (sub-)basins. In the examples below, these three systems are represented by one basin with a single volume. For the purposes of testing, we have not yet created empirical volume-level relationships for the surface water of every cell extracted from a hydraulic model. Instead, we have chosen an (over)simplified parametrization of the hydraulic properties, which makes it easy to verify the behavior of Ribasim and the coupling procedures:\n\nPrimary, secondary, and tertiary systems have a rectangular profile: the area of the surface water does not change with water level or volume.\nWater depth is constant for a system within a basin.\nWater depth increases linearly with volume. (This follows from 1.)\nWater depth is distributed across the systems in a geometric progression: when the tertiary system contains 0.1 m of water, the secondary system contains 0.2 m, and the primary system contains 0.4 m.\nWater depth is 0.0 m for all systems when basin volume is 0.0. (This follows from 4.)\nThe distribution of water occurs according to the surface water area (width times length) used for the LHM parametrization of river bed conductance.\n\nFor freely draining basins, a simplified storage-discharge relationship has been derived as follows:\n\nThe area of the basin polygon has been multiplied by 1 mm/d (roughly the average precipitation excess in the Netherlands). This yields a “normative discharge”.\nA corresponding normative volume has been chosen, corresponding with water depths of 0.4, 0.2, and 0.1 m for the primary, secondary, and tertiary surface waters respectively.\nA dead storage volume has been chosen, corresponding with water depths of 0.2, 0.1, and 0.05 m for the primary, secondary, and tertiary surface waters respectively. The basin only starts discharging when the storage volume exceeds this value.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nRibasim is not limited to such oversimplified parametrization! Ribasim uses tabulations and therefore supports arbitrary (piecewise linear) volume-depth and volume-discharge relationships.\n\n\nA visual representation of this simplified conceptual schematization is given in Figure 1 and Figure 2.\n\n\n\nFigure 1: Distribution of water depths over the primary, secondary, and tertiary system.\n\n\n\n\n\nFigure 2: Discharge as a function of basin storage volume.\n\n\nAn example of the resulting parameters for a single cell is shown in Table 1. The first row shows the water levels when the basin is empty. The level for primary, secondary, and tertiary are equal to the bottom elevation of the surface waters. The second row shows the volume and levels for water depths of 0.4, 0.2, and 0.1 m. The third row shows the volume and levels for a tenfold larger volume. This results in implausible water levels with depths of 4.0, 2.0 and 1.0 m; the water level in the primary system is over two meters higher than in the tertiary system. In reality, the surface waters would overflow and surface ponding would occur; this mechanism is ignored in the test cases for the sake of simplicity.\n\n\nTable 1: Volume-level table for a single cell in the Hupsel basin.\n\n\nVolume (m3)\nPrimary (m NAP)\nSecondary (m NAP)\nTertiary (m NAP)\n\n\n\n\n0.0\n25.65\n25.83\n26.60\n\n\n6843.1\n26.05\n26.03\n26.70\n\n\n68431.0\n29.65\n27.83\n27.60\n\n\n\n\nFigure 3 shows the volume of the first row of the cell based input for the primary system. Symbology is set to unique values. While water levels differ per cell in this parametrization, the “normative volume” defined above is shared by all cells in a basin.\n\n\n\nFigure 3: Basin normative volume of the primary system.\n\n\nFigure 3 shows the water level corresponding to the normative storage volume based input for the primary system (it corresponds to the value shown in the first row of the primary column in Table 1). We see a clear gradient from west to east: as our simplified parametrization assumes a constant water depth for all cells in a single system, water levels spatially fall and rise with the bottom elevation.\n\n\n\nFigure 4: Water level corresponding to the normative basin volume of the primary system."
- "objectID": "contribute/release.html#generate-and-upload-test-models",
- "href": "contribute/release.html#generate-and-upload-test-models",
- "title": "Release process",
- "section": "2.8 Generate and upload test models",
- "text": "2.8 Generate and upload test models\nThe test models are currently not automatically uploaded. Create them locally with:\npixi run generate-testmodels\nNote that this only includes the test model data, no results. And zip the generated_testmodels directory to generated_testmodels.zip, and add these to the release assets. Click the edit pencil icon to be able to upload it."
+ "objectID": "couple/modflow-demo.html#example-configuration",
+ "href": "couple/modflow-demo.html#example-configuration",
+ "title": "MODFLOW 6 Demonstration",
+ "section": "2 Example: Configuration",
+ "text": "2 Example: Configuration\nAn example of the MODFLOW 6 section of TOML configuration required for a coupled run can be seen below:\n[modflow]\nsimulation = \"../data/hupsel/mfsim.nam\"\nmode = \"sequential\"\ntimestep = 86400.0\n\n[modflow.models]\n\n[modflow.models.gwf]\ntype = \"gwf\"\ndataset = \"../data/volume_level_profile-hupsel.nc\"\nbasins = \"basin_id\"\n\n[[modflow.models.gwf.bounds]]\nriver = \"RIV_P\"\ndrain = \"DRN_P\"\nprofile = \"profile_primary\"\n\n[[modflow.models.gwf.bounds]]\nriver = \"RIV_S\"\ndrain = \"DRN_S\"\nprofile = \"profile_secondary\"\n\n[[modflow.models.gwf.bounds]]\ndrain = \"DRN_T\"\nprofile = \"profile_tertiary\"\nThe section starts by stating the path to the MODFLOW 6 simulation name file (simulation). The next section contains the information regarding the MODFLOW 6 model(s) to couple to Ribasim’s basins. Per model, a path to the coupling parameter dataset is provided (dataset), along with the variable to use as the basin identification number (basins). Next, for every boundary condition that should be coupled to Ribasim, the package names (river, drain) used by MODFLOW 6 must be specified (as we look for these names in the MODFLOW 6 memory), along with the name of the variable in the coupling dataset which provides the volume-level relationship (profile).\nAs can be seen in the example, the coupling mechanism supports coupling of:\n\nA single drainage package (drain entry).\nA single river package (river entry).\nA combination of river and drainage package (when infiltration conductance does not equal drainage conductance) both (river and drain entry)."
- "objectID": "contribute/release.html#upload-artifacts-from-s3-to-github-release-assets",
- "href": "contribute/release.html#upload-artifacts-from-s3-to-github-release-assets",
- "title": "Release process",
- "section": "2.9 Upload artifacts from S3 to GitHub release assets",
- "text": "2.9 Upload artifacts from S3 to GitHub release assets\nAgain edit the release assets. Now upload the files downloaded from S3 as mentioned in Section 2.6."
+ "objectID": "couple/modflow-demo.html#test-case-hupsel",
+ "href": "couple/modflow-demo.html#test-case-hupsel",
+ "title": "MODFLOW 6 Demonstration",
+ "section": "3 Test case: Hupsel",
+ "text": "3 Test case: Hupsel\nTo test the coupling, the following simulations have been setup and run:\n\nA standalone MODFLOW 6 run of sequential steady-states (i.e. no storage) with differing groundwater recharge values.\nA coupled run where the MODFLOW 6 stages are updated by the Ribasim coupler process, but without Ribasim. This results in volumes of 0.0, so all MODFLOW 6 water levels are set equal to bed elevation.\nA coupled run where the water levels are updated by Ribasim.\n\nFrom these tests, we expect the following behavior:\n\nDrainage terms should remain largely the same when the water level is lowered in a steady-state: the amount of recharge is fixed, and this is locally drained.\nIn case of negative recharge (evapotranspiration), infiltration occurs in the surface waters. Infiltration should be zero when the basin volume is 0.\n\n\n\n\nFigure 5: Water balance of the MODFLOW 6 boundary conditions for the Hupsel basin for a standalone MODFLOW 6 run. The four sequential steady states (01, 02, 03, 04) use net groundwater recharge values of 1.0, 0.5, -0.05 and -0.1 mm/d.\n\n\nFigure 5 shows the water balance of steady-state for submodel of the LHM that has been by selecting the cells belonging to the district containing the Hupsel catch, the Berkel.\nThe Hupsel basin show the expected behavior: for a net groundwater recharge of 1.0 mm/d, most is precipitation with a minor part lateral inflow from higher areas. In terms of outgoing flows, most of the precipitation ends up in the surface water, primarily in the many ditches of the tertiary system. Only a relatively small part of the water leaves the basin via the groundwater. Interbasin flows through the groundwater form such a minor role, as the aquifer is thin and transmissivity is limited.\nReducing groundwater recharge to 0.5 mm/d reduces all flows, with the tertiary system playing a less dominant role, relatively speaking: as its elevation is the highest compared to the primary and secondary system, the head difference is reduced strongest for the tertiary system.\nWith evapotranspiration (ET) excess (-0.05 and 0.1 mm/d; low values are chosen here since most ET would be drawn from storage, which is not available in a steady-state model), the surface waters provide mostly inflow, and recharge is a negative term. In this case, the secondary system provides a small amount of infiltration; most of the water is drawn from the surroundings instead.\n\n\n\nFigure 6: Water balance of the MODFLOW 6 boundary conditions for the Hupsel basin for a zero volume run. The four sequential steady states (01, 02, 03, 04) use net groundwater recharge values of 1.0, 0.5, -0.05 and -0.1 mm/d.\n\n\nFigure 6 shows the same model, with 0-basin volume which causes water levels to be set equal to bed elevation. Consequently, primary and secondary outflow terms are larger for positive groundwater recharge as they drain at a lower level and intercept the water before the tertiary system does. Secondly, with negative groundwater recharge, no infiltration occurs and the water is drawn from the surroundings instead. This shows the coupling mechanism adjusting MODFLOW 6 water levels successfully."
- "objectID": "contribute/release.html#announce-release",
- "href": "contribute/release.html#announce-release",
- "title": "Release process",
- "section": "2.10 Announce release",
- "text": "2.10 Announce release\nAnnounce the release in appropriate channels. Include a link to the release notes and assets, which is whatever this resolves to at that time. Also include a link to the documentation."
+ "objectID": "couple/modflow-demo.html#test-case-de-tol",
+ "href": "couple/modflow-demo.html#test-case-de-tol",
+ "title": "MODFLOW 6 Demonstration",
+ "section": "4 Test case: de Tol",
+ "text": "4 Test case: de Tol\nTo test the coupling, the following simulations have been setup and run:\n\nA standalone MODFLOW 6 run of sequential steady-states (i.e. no storage) with differing groundwater recharge values.\nA coupled run where the MODFLOW 6 stages are updated by the Ribasim coupler process, but without Ribasim. This results in volumes of 0.0, so all MODFLOW 6 water levels are set equal to bed elevation.\nA coupled run where the water levels are updated by Ribasim.\n\n\n\n\nFigure 7: Water balance of the MODFLOW 6 boundary conditions for De Tol basin for a standalone MODFLOW 6 run. The four sequential steady states (01, 02, 03, 04) use net groundwater recharge values of 1.0, 0.5, -0.05 and -0.1 mm/d.\n\n\nFigure 7 shows the water balance of steady-state for a submodel of the LHM for the Polder de Tol and its surroundings. While groundwater recharge is the dominant ingoing flow, lateral groundwater flow (over the entire depth of the groundwater model) is a sizable inflow for the area; the larger lateral inflow shows that De Tol is a net receiver of groundwater which is mostly discharged through the secondary system. In contrast to the Hupsel, the tertiary system is almost entirely absent: drainage occurs not through ephemeral tertiary ditches, but by the permanently water-bearing ditches of the primary and secondary system. Unlike the Hupsel, the water balance does not shrink to very small discharges, as there is sizable regional groundwater flow.\n\n\n\nFigure 8: Water balance of the MODFLOW 6 boundary conditions for De Tol basin for a zero volume run. The four sequential steady states (01, 02, 03, 04) use net groundwater recharge values of 1.0, 0.5, -0.05 and -0.1 mm/d.\n\n\nFigure 8 shows the same model, with 0-basin volume which causes water levels to be set equal to bed elevation. The total discharge is larger: the primary and secondary systems are set to lower levels, and so the head difference is larger. While De Tol’s evapotranspiration excess can be fed by the regional groundwater, the primary and secondary ditches also provide some part; as expected, they do not feed when the coupling mechanism adjusts MODFLOW 6’s water levels."
- "objectID": "index.html",
- "href": "index.html",
- "title": "Ribasim",
+ "objectID": "couple/index.html",
+ "href": "couple/index.html",
+ "title": "Coupled models",
"section": "",
- "text": "Ribasim is a water resources model, designed to be the replacement of the regional surface water modules Mozart and SIMRES in the Netherlands Hydrological Instrument (NHI). Ribasim is a work in progress, it is a prototype that demonstrates all essential functionalities. Further development of the prototype in a software release is planned in 2022 and 2023.\nRibasim is written in the Julia programming language and is built on top of the SciML: Open Source Software for Scientific Machine Learning libraries, notably DifferentialEquations.jl."
- },
- {
- "objectID": "index.html#water-balance-equations",
- "href": "index.html#water-balance-equations",
- "title": "Ribasim",
- "section": "3.1 Water balance equations",
- "text": "3.1 Water balance equations\nThe water balance equation for a drainage basin (Wikipedia contributors 2022) can be defined by a first-order ordinary differential equation (ODE), where the change of the storage \\(S\\) over time is determined by the inflow fluxes minus the outflow fluxes.\n\\[\n\\frac{\\mathrm{d}S}{\\mathrm{d}t} = Q_{in} - Q_{out}\n\\]\nWe can split out the fluxes into separate terms, such as precipitation \\(P\\), evapotranspiration \\(ET\\) and runoff \\(R\\). For now other fluxes are combined into \\(Q_{rest}\\). If we define all fluxes entering our reservoir as positive, and those leaving the system as negative, all fluxes can be summed up.\n\\[\n\\frac{\\mathrm{d}S}{\\mathrm{d}t} = R + P + ET + Q_{rest}\n\\]"
- },
- {
- "objectID": "index.html#time",
- "href": "index.html#time",
- "title": "Ribasim",
- "section": "3.2 Time",
- "text": "3.2 Time\nThe water balance equation can be applied on many timescales; years, weeks, days or hours. Depending on the application and available data any of these can be the best choice. In Ribasim, we make use of DifferentialEquations.jl and its ODE solvers. Many of these solvers are based on adaptive time stepping, which means the solver will decide how large the time steps can be depending on the state of the system.\nThe forcing, like precipitation, is generally provided as a time series. Ribasim is set up to support unevenly spaced timeseries. The solver will stop on timestamps where new forcing values are available, so they can be loaded as the new value.\nRibasim is essentially a continuous model, rather than daily or hourly. If you want to use hourly forcing, you only need to make sure that your forcing data contains hourly updates. The output frequency can be configured independently. To be able to write a closed water balance, we accumulate the fluxes. This way any variations in between timesteps are also included, and we can output in m³ rather than m³s⁻¹."
- },
- {
- "objectID": "index.html#sec-space",
- "href": "index.html#sec-space",
- "title": "Ribasim",
- "section": "3.3 Space",
- "text": "3.3 Space\nThe water balance equation can be applied on different spatial scales. Besides modelling a single lumped watershed, it allows you to divide the area into a network of connected representative elementary watersheds (REWs) (Reggiani, Sivapalan, and Majid Hassanizadeh 1998). At this scale global water balance laws can be formulated by means of integration of point-scale conservation equations over control volumes. Such an approach makes Ribasim a semi-distributed model. In this document we typically use the term “basin” to refer to the REW. (In Mozart the spatial unit was called Local Surface Water (LSW)). Each basin has an associated polygon, and the set of basins is connected to each other as described by a graph, which we call the network. Below is a representation of both on the map.\n\n\n\nMozart Local Surface Water polygons and their drainage.\n\n\nThe network is described as graph. Flow can be bi-directional, and the graph does not have to be acyclic.\n\n\n\n\ngraph LR;\n A[\"basin A\"] --- B[\"basin B\"];\n A --- C[\"basin C\"];\n B --- D[\"basin D\"];\n C --- D;\n\n\n\n\n\nInternally a directed graph is used. The direction is defined to be the positive flow direction, and is generally set in the dominant flow direction. The basins are the nodes of the network graph. Basin states and properties such storage volume and wetted area are associated with the nodes (A, B, C, D), as are most forcing data such as precipitation, evaporation, or water demand. Basin connection properties and interbasin flows are associated with the edges (the lines between A, B, C, and D) instead.\nMultiple basins may exist within the same spatial polygon, representing different aspects of the surface water system (perennial ditches, ephemeral ditches, or even surface ponding). Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 show the 25.0 m rasterized primary, secondary, and tertiary surface waters as identified by BRT TOP10NL (PDOK 2022) in the Hupsel basin (as defined in the Mozart LSW’s). These systems may represented in multiple ways.\n\n\n\nFigure 1: Hupsel: primary surface water.\n\n\n\n\n\nFigure 2: Hupsel: secondary surface water.\n\n\n\n\n\nFigure 3: Hupsel: tertiary surface water.\n\n\nAs a single basin (A) containing all surface water, discharging to its downstream basin to the west (B):\n\n\n\n\ngraph LR;\n A[\"basin A\"] --> B[\"basin B\"];\n\n\n\n\n\nSuch a system may be capable of representing discharge, but it cannot represent residence times or differences in solute concentrations: within a single basin, drop of water is mixed instantaneously. Instead, we may the group primary (P), secondary (S), and tertiary (T) surface waters. Then T may flow into S, S into P, and P discharges to the downstream basin (B.)\n\n\n\n\ngraph LR;\n T[\"basin T\"] --> S[\"basin S\"];\n S --> P[\"basin P\"];\n P --> B[\"basin B\"];\n\n\n\n\n\nAs each (sub)basin has its own volume, low throughput (high volume, low discharge, long residence time) and high throughput (low volume, high discharge, short residence time) systems can be represented in a lumped manner; of course, more detail requires more parameters."
+ "text": "Ribasim can be coupled to other software, for instance to model another process or domain, or to control a simulation from another process.\nTo enable this, Ribasim can be compiled as a shared library (libribasim) instead of a command line interface (ribasim). This shared library exposes a C API in the form of the Basic Model Interface (BMI). Other software can then load libribasim and load a Ribasim model, exchange data, and control the time stepping.\nAn initial coupling to MODFLOW 6 was done in 2022 inside the Julia core as a proof of concept. Read about the coupling setup and see the demonstration. Going forward this and other coupling codes will be implemented outside of the core, by making use of iMOD Coupler and libribasim. iMOD Coupler is a generic coupling tool, and can be used to couple to other models as well."
"objectID": "build/index.html#modules",
@@ -777,25 +581,102 @@
"text": "1.6 Index\n\nRibasim.Ribasim\nRibasim.config\nRibasim.config.algorithms\nRibasim.AllocationModel\nRibasim.AllocationModel\nRibasim.Basin\nRibasim.DiscreteControl\nRibasim.EdgeMetadata\nRibasim.FlatVector\nRibasim.FlowBoundary\nRibasim.FractionalFlow\nRibasim.InNeighbors\nRibasim.LevelBoundary\nRibasim.LinearResistance\nRibasim.ManningResistance\nRibasim.Model\nRibasim.NodeMetadata\nRibasim.OutNeighbors\nRibasim.Outlet\nRibasim.PidControl\nRibasim.Pump\nRibasim.Subgrid\nRibasim.TabulatedRatingCurve\nRibasim.Terminal\nRibasim.User\nRibasim.config.Config\nBasicModelInterface.finalize\nBasicModelInterface.initialize\nBasicModelInterface.initialize\nCommonSolve.solve!\nRibasim.add_constraints_absolute_value!\nRibasim.add_constraints_capacity!\nRibasim.add_constraints_flow_conservation!\nRibasim.add_constraints_source!\nRibasim.add_constraints_user_returnflow!\nRibasim.add_flow!\nRibasim.add_flow!\nRibasim.add_variables_absolute_value!\nRibasim.add_variables_flow!\nRibasim.adjust_edge_capacities!\nRibasim.adjust_source_flows!\nRibasim.all_neighbor_labels_type\nRibasim.allocate!\nRibasim.allocation_graph\nRibasim.allocation_graph_used_nodes!\nRibasim.allocation_path_exists_in_graph\nRibasim.allocation_problem\nRibasim.allocation_table\nRibasim.assign_allocations!\nRibasim.avoid_using_own_returnflow!\nRibasim.basin_bottom\nRibasim.basin_bottoms\nRibasim.basin_table\nRibasim.config.algorithm\nRibasim.config.input_path\nRibasim.config.results_path\nRibasim.config.snake_case\nRibasim.create_callbacks\nRibasim.create_graph\nRibasim.create_storage_tables\nRibasim.datetime_since\nRibasim.datetimes\nRibasim.discrete_control_affect!\nRibasim.discrete_control_affect_downcrossing!\nRibasim.discrete_control_affect_upcrossing!\nRibasim.discrete_control_condition\nRibasim.discrete_control_table\nRibasim.expand_logic_mapping\nRibasim.find_allocation_graph_edges!\nRibasim.findlastgroup\nRibasim.findsorted\nRibasim.flow_table\nRibasim.formulate_basins!\nRibasim.formulate_flow!\nRibasim.formulate_flow!\nRibasim.formulate_flow!\nRibasim.get_area_and_level\nRibasim.get_chunk_sizes\nRibasim.get_compressor\nRibasim.get_flow\nRibasim.get_flow\nRibasim.get_fractional_flow_connected_basins\nRibasim.get_jac_prototype\nRibasim.get_level\nRibasim.get_scalar_interpolation\nRibasim.get_storage_from_level\nRibasim.get_storages_and_levels\nRibasim.get_storages_from_levels\nRibasim.get_tstops\nRibasim.get_value\nRibasim.id_index\nRibasim.indicate_allocation_flow!\nRibasim.inflow_id\nRibasim.inflow_ids\nRibasim.inflow_ids_allocation\nRibasim.inneighbor_labels_type\nRibasim.inoutflow_ids\nRibasim.is_allocation_source\nRibasim.is_flow_constraining\nRibasim.is_flow_direction_constraining\nRibasim.load_data\nRibasim.load_structvector\nRibasim.low_storage_factor\nRibasim.metadata_from_edge\nRibasim.nodefields\nRibasim.nodetype\nRibasim.outflow_id\nRibasim.outflow_ids\nRibasim.outflow_ids_allocation\nRibasim.outneighbor_labels_type\nRibasim.parse_static_and_time\nRibasim.process_allocation_graph_edges!\nRibasim.profile_storage\nRibasim.qh_interpolation\nRibasim.reduction_factor\nRibasim.run\nRibasim.save_flow\nRibasim.save_subgrid_level\nRibasim.scalar_interpolation_derivative\nRibasim.seconds_since\nRibasim.set_current_value!\nRibasim.set_flow!\nRibasim.set_flow!\nRibasim.set_initial_discrete_controlled_parameters!\nRibasim.set_objective_priority!\nRibasim.set_static_value!\nRibasim.set_table_row!\nRibasim.sorted_table!\nRibasim.timesteps\nRibasim.update_allocation!\nRibasim.update_basin\nRibasim.update_jac_prototype!\nRibasim.update_jac_prototype!\nRibasim.update_jac_prototype!\nRibasim.update_jac_prototype!\nRibasim.update_tabulated_rating_curve!\nRibasim.valid_discrete_control\nRibasim.valid_edge_types\nRibasim.valid_edges\nRibasim.valid_flow_rates\nRibasim.valid_fractional_flow\nRibasim.valid_n_neighbors\nRibasim.valid_profiles\nRibasim.valid_sources\nRibasim.valid_subgrid\nRibasim.water_balance!\nRibasim.write_arrow\nRibasim.config.@addfields\nRibasim.config.@addnodetypes"
- "objectID": "python/reference/DiscreteControl.html",
- "href": "python/reference/DiscreteControl.html",
- "title": "1 DiscreteControl",
+ "objectID": "index.html",
+ "href": "index.html",
+ "title": "Ribasim",
"section": "",
- "text": "1 DiscreteControl\nDiscreteControl()"
+ "text": "Ribasim is a water resources model, designed to be the replacement of the regional surface water modules Mozart and SIMRES in the Netherlands Hydrological Instrument (NHI). Ribasim is a work in progress, it is a prototype that demonstrates all essential functionalities. Further development of the prototype in a software release is planned in 2022 and 2023.\nRibasim is written in the Julia programming language and is built on top of the SciML: Open Source Software for Scientific Machine Learning libraries, notably DifferentialEquations.jl."
- "objectID": "python/reference/Pump.html",
- "href": "python/reference/Pump.html",
- "title": "1 Pump",
+ "objectID": "index.html#water-balance-equations",
+ "href": "index.html#water-balance-equations",
+ "title": "Ribasim",
+ "section": "3.1 Water balance equations",
+ "text": "3.1 Water balance equations\nThe water balance equation for a drainage basin (Wikipedia contributors 2022) can be defined by a first-order ordinary differential equation (ODE), where the change of the storage \\(S\\) over time is determined by the inflow fluxes minus the outflow fluxes.\n\\[\n\\frac{\\mathrm{d}S}{\\mathrm{d}t} = Q_{in} - Q_{out}\n\\]\nWe can split out the fluxes into separate terms, such as precipitation \\(P\\), evapotranspiration \\(ET\\) and runoff \\(R\\). For now other fluxes are combined into \\(Q_{rest}\\). If we define all fluxes entering our reservoir as positive, and those leaving the system as negative, all fluxes can be summed up.\n\\[\n\\frac{\\mathrm{d}S}{\\mathrm{d}t} = R + P + ET + Q_{rest}\n\\]"
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "index.html#time",
+ "href": "index.html#time",
+ "title": "Ribasim",
+ "section": "3.2 Time",
+ "text": "3.2 Time\nThe water balance equation can be applied on many timescales; years, weeks, days or hours. Depending on the application and available data any of these can be the best choice. In Ribasim, we make use of DifferentialEquations.jl and its ODE solvers. Many of these solvers are based on adaptive time stepping, which means the solver will decide how large the time steps can be depending on the state of the system.\nThe forcing, like precipitation, is generally provided as a time series. Ribasim is set up to support unevenly spaced timeseries. The solver will stop on timestamps where new forcing values are available, so they can be loaded as the new value.\nRibasim is essentially a continuous model, rather than daily or hourly. If you want to use hourly forcing, you only need to make sure that your forcing data contains hourly updates. The output frequency can be configured independently. To be able to write a closed water balance, we accumulate the fluxes. This way any variations in between timesteps are also included, and we can output in m³ rather than m³s⁻¹."
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "index.html#sec-space",
+ "href": "index.html#sec-space",
+ "title": "Ribasim",
+ "section": "3.3 Space",
+ "text": "3.3 Space\nThe water balance equation can be applied on different spatial scales. Besides modelling a single lumped watershed, it allows you to divide the area into a network of connected representative elementary watersheds (REWs) (Reggiani, Sivapalan, and Majid Hassanizadeh 1998). At this scale global water balance laws can be formulated by means of integration of point-scale conservation equations over control volumes. Such an approach makes Ribasim a semi-distributed model. In this document we typically use the term “basin” to refer to the REW. (In Mozart the spatial unit was called Local Surface Water (LSW)). Each basin has an associated polygon, and the set of basins is connected to each other as described by a graph, which we call the network. Below is a representation of both on the map.\n\n\n\nMozart Local Surface Water polygons and their drainage.\n\n\nThe network is described as graph. Flow can be bi-directional, and the graph does not have to be acyclic.\n\n\n\n\ngraph LR;\n A[\"basin A\"] --- B[\"basin B\"];\n A --- C[\"basin C\"];\n B --- D[\"basin D\"];\n C --- D;\n\n\n\n\n\nInternally a directed graph is used. The direction is defined to be the positive flow direction, and is generally set in the dominant flow direction. The basins are the nodes of the network graph. Basin states and properties such storage volume and wetted area are associated with the nodes (A, B, C, D), as are most forcing data such as precipitation, evaporation, or water demand. Basin connection properties and interbasin flows are associated with the edges (the lines between A, B, C, and D) instead.\nMultiple basins may exist within the same spatial polygon, representing different aspects of the surface water system (perennial ditches, ephemeral ditches, or even surface ponding). Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 show the 25.0 m rasterized primary, secondary, and tertiary surface waters as identified by BRT TOP10NL (PDOK 2022) in the Hupsel basin (as defined in the Mozart LSW’s). These systems may represented in multiple ways.\n\n\n\nFigure 1: Hupsel: primary surface water.\n\n\n\n\n\nFigure 2: Hupsel: secondary surface water.\n\n\n\n\n\nFigure 3: Hupsel: tertiary surface water.\n\n\nAs a single basin (A) containing all surface water, discharging to its downstream basin to the west (B):\n\n\n\n\ngraph LR;\n A[\"basin A\"] --> B[\"basin B\"];\n\n\n\n\n\nSuch a system may be capable of representing discharge, but it cannot represent residence times or differences in solute concentrations: within a single basin, drop of water is mixed instantaneously. Instead, we may the group primary (P), secondary (S), and tertiary (T) surface waters. Then T may flow into S, S into P, and P discharges to the downstream basin (B.)\n\n\n\n\ngraph LR;\n T[\"basin T\"] --> S[\"basin S\"];\n S --> P[\"basin P\"];\n P --> B[\"basin B\"];\n\n\n\n\n\nAs each (sub)basin has its own volume, low throughput (high volume, low discharge, long residence time) and high throughput (low volume, high discharge, short residence time) systems can be represented in a lumped manner; of course, more detail requires more parameters."
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "couple/modflow.html",
+ "href": "couple/modflow.html",
+ "title": "MODFLOW 6",
"section": "",
- "text": "1 Pump\nPump()"
+ "text": "Ribasim has been designed to provide a computationally efficient representation of surface water for MODFLOW 6. It does so by connecting to basic MODFLOW 6 boundary conditions: the river and drainage packages.\nRibasim connects to MODFLOW 6 via the Basic Model Interface (BMI) and Extended Model Interface (XMI) (Hughes et al. 2022). BMI describes the interface to initialize a model, get values from its memory, run a timestep, etc. XMI extends this interface to allow much finer control into MODFLOW 6’s solution procedures. We have written a Julia package (Deltares 2022) which implements this interface for the Julia programming language. In coupling, Ribasim uses this interface to get the head values, the boundary condition water levels, and the budgets term of the MODFLOW 6 groundwater model while MODFLOW 6 is running.\nAdditionally, links can be made with other (BMI/XMI-compliant) processes and models. One example of such a link is using the surface runoff and the agricultural irrigation demand calculated by an unsaturated zone model; in the Netherlands Hydrological Instrument MetaSWAP provides this demand."
- "objectID": "python/reference/ManningResistance.html",
- "href": "python/reference/ManningResistance.html",
- "title": "1 ManningResistance",
+ "objectID": "couple/modflow.html#drainage",
+ "href": "couple/modflow.html#drainage",
+ "title": "MODFLOW 6",
+ "section": "1.1 Drainage",
+ "text": "1.1 Drainage\nThe drainage package can be simulated to agricultural drains, ditches, or draining streams. The amount of water removed from the aquifer is proportional to the difference between the groundwater head and the drainage elevation. Drainage only occurs when the head is larger than the elevation; this boundary condition does not allow infiltration into the groundwater.\n\\[\nQ_{drain} = \\left\\{\n \\begin{array}{ c l }\n C_{drain} (\\phi - h_{drain}) & \\quad \\textrm{if } \\phi > h_{drain} \\\\\n 0 & \\quad \\textrm{otherwise}\n \\end{array}\n\\right.\n\\]"
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "couple/modflow.html#river",
+ "href": "couple/modflow.html#river",
+ "title": "MODFLOW 6",
+ "section": "1.2 River",
+ "text": "1.2 River\nThe river package can both drain the groundwater, or infiltrate surface water to the groundwater. It limits the amount of water that can infiltrate when the groundwater head falls below the river bottom, in which cases it assumes atmospheric pressure conditions underneath the surface water.\n\\[\nQ_{river} = \\left\\{\n \\begin{array}{ c l }\n C_{river} (\\phi - h_{river}) & \\quad \\textrm{if } \\phi > b_{river} \\\\\n C_{river} (h_{river} - b_{river}) & \\quad \\textrm{if } \\phi <= b_{river}\n \\end{array}\n\\right.\n\\]\nIn the Netherlands, it is somewhat common to make a distinction between the drainage and infiltration conductance of surface waters. Drainage conductance is often larger than the infiltration conductance due to clogging processes, seepage through sides of the ditches, less contracted flow lines, etc.\n\\[\nQ_{river} = \\left\\{\n \\begin{array}{ c l }\n C_{river,drn} (\\phi - h_{river}) & \\quad \\textrm{if } \\phi > h_{river} \\\\\n C_{river,inf} (\\phi - h_{river}) & \\quad \\textrm{if } \\phi <= h_{river} \\\\\n C_{river,inf} (h_{river} - b_{river}) & \\quad \\textrm{if } \\phi <= b_{river}\n \\end{array}\n\\right.\n\\]\nMODFLOW 6 does not support this (currently), but an identical effect may be achieved by “stacking” a drainage package on top of a river package with these values:\n\\[\n\\begin{array}{ c l }\n h_{drain} = h_{river} \\\\\n C_{drain} = C_{river,drn} - C_{river,inf}\n\\end{array}\n\\]"
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "couple/modflow.html#numerical-solution-in-modflow",
+ "href": "couple/modflow.html#numerical-solution-in-modflow",
+ "title": "MODFLOW 6",
+ "section": "2.1 Numerical solution in MODFLOW",
+ "text": "2.1 Numerical solution in MODFLOW\nMODFLOW uses a backward-in-time implicit solution scheme. This creates a large system of equations (a water balance for every cell), which it solves by repeatedly solving a linearized system of equations instead. In matrix form, this system of equations is expressed by:\n\\[\n\\mathbf{Ax} = \\mathbf{b}\n\\]\nWhere \\(\\mathbf{x}\\) is a vector containing the head of every cell.\nFor the boundary conditions, this requires linearization of the flow equations. Flow from outside of the aquifer (cell) may be represented by:\n\\[\na = p\\phi + q\n\\]\n(Equation 2-6 in the MODFLOW 6 documentation (Langevin et al. 2017).)\nFor e.g. a draining boundary condition, the flow is head dependent:\n\\[\na = C(h - \\phi) = -C\\phi + Ch\n\\]\nWith \\(C\\) the conductance, \\(h\\) the boundary head or elevation, and \\(\\phi\\) the groundwater head.\nIn MODFLOW’s internal formulation, the term in \\(\\mathbf{A}\\) is called “coefficient of head” or hcof. Terms in \\(\\mathbf{b}\\) are called “right hand side” or rhs. We can separate the equation above:\n\\[\n\\begin{aligned}\np = \\text{hcof} = -C \\\\\nq = \\textrm{rhs} = -Ch \\\\\na = -C\\phi + Ch = \\text{hcof} * \\phi - \\text{rhs}\n\\end{aligned}\n\\]\nFor every boundary condition, MODFLOW 6 stores the hcof and rhs values. This makes it quite convenient for us to compute the water budget for every boundary condition: we simply multiply the hcof value by the head of the cell and subtract the rhs.\nNote that hcof may have a value of 0! For example, when for a river boundary the \\(\\phi <= b_{river}\\) condition occurs, the flow into the cell is controlled only by \\(h_{river}\\) and \\(b_{river}\\) (equal to recharge for the linear solution)."
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "couple/modflow.html#sequential-coupled-solution",
+ "href": "couple/modflow.html#sequential-coupled-solution",
+ "title": "MODFLOW 6",
+ "section": "2.2 Sequential coupled solution",
+ "text": "2.2 Sequential coupled solution\nA coupled run stars by initializing both models and creating the exchange information: which MODFLOW 6 boundary condition is connected to which Ribasim basin. While the model is running, the model proceeds through time as follows:\n\nRibasim solves the equations on a basin level; this occurs with adaptive timestepping via ModelingToolkit.\nAt a specified time (in accordance with the MODFLOW 6 time discretization), the volumes are converted to MODFLOW 6 boundary condition levels using a Callback function.\nMODFLOW 6 runs a timestep.\nThe drainage and infiltration budgets are computed from MODFLOW 6 using the equations described above and aggregated per basin.\nThe aggregated values are set as Ribasim boundary conditions, and Ribasim solves until the next preset exchange time.\n\nThese steps run until the final timestep is finished."
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "couple/modflow.html#iterative-coupled-solution",
+ "href": "couple/modflow.html#iterative-coupled-solution",
+ "title": "MODFLOW 6",
+ "section": "2.3 Iterative coupled solution",
+ "text": "2.3 Iterative coupled solution\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nWe have not implemented an iterative coupled solution yet. The section below describes an approach.\n\n\nThe simplest form of a iterative solution occurs as follows:\n\nMODFLOW 6 computes drainage and infiltration flows.\nRibasim uses these flows to compute a storage volume for the basin.\nThe volume is translated to a water level for every MODFLOW 6 boundary condition in the basins.\nMODFLOW 6 recomputes drainage and infiltration flows with the updated water levels, etc.\n\nSuch a scheme is not maximally efficient: the discharge and infiltration terms are not constant, but are driven by a head difference. This head difference depends on the level of the boundary conditions and head of every cell of the groundwater model. If the surface waters of a basin empty, the water level will decrease and drainage and infiltration flows will change. Ideally, we can provide Ribasim with more information, so that it may estimate drainage and infiltration terms better.\nAs groundwater flow is often (approximately) linear, we can use linearization to more efficiently compute the flow from Ribasim’s side as well. In the iterative coupled solution, we are solving both MODFLOW 6 and Ribasim repeatedly, until they produce same drainage or infiltration (approximately). One of Ribasim’s basins contains many MODFLOW cells with boundary conditions. We could add every boundary condition to Ribasim’s equations, but this is costly and cumbersome. Fortunately, linearization allows us to “stack” (superpose) all the different boundary conditions into a single, simple equation. In linear form, every equation takes the form of:\n\\[\na = ph + q\n\\]\nNote the \\(h\\) rather than \\(\\phi\\), we are formulating from Ribasim’s perspective! We can sum all coefficients for p and q to provide a linear groundwater response to Ribasim.\n\n2.3.1 Drainage\nFrom Ribasim’s perspective, the groundwater head is constant given a timestep, so that:\n\\[\\begin{align}\np = -C \\\\\nq = -C\\phi\n\\end{align}\\]\nWhen the head falls below the drainage elevation, the coefficients are 0.\n\n\n2.3.2 River\nFrom Ribasim’s perspective, infiltration is never limited when the head falls below the bottom:\n\\[\\begin{align}\np = -C \\\\\nq = -Cb\n\\end{align}\\]\nOtherwise, infiltration and drainage occur with the same equation as for the drainage package:\n\\[\\begin{align}\np = -C \\\\\nq = -C\\phi\n\\end{align}\\]"
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "couple/modflow.html#parametrization",
+ "href": "couple/modflow.html#parametrization",
+ "title": "MODFLOW 6",
+ "section": "3.1 Parametrization",
+ "text": "3.1 Parametrization\nIn coupling Ribasim to MODFLOW 6, relations translating the Ribasim volume must be given for every every cell of every boundary condition. These consist of piecewise linear relationships between the basin volume and its associated water level for the boundary condition in the cell.\nThese values are stored in a netCDF dataset. This dataset must meet the following requirements:\n\nIt must contain a x and y coordinate. The extent and cell size of these coordinates must match the domain of the coupled MODFLOW 6 model exactly.\nIt must contain a variable (x, y) denoting the basin IDs.\nIt must contain a volume-level variable (x, y, row, column) for every coupled MODFLOW 6 boundary condition, describing the volume-level lookup table per cell.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nThe x and y coordinates are valid for structured MODFLOW 6 models (DIS). Discretized-by-vertices (DISV) and fully unstructured discretization (DISU). are not yet supported, but require no fundamental changes: one basin is connected to multiple MODFLOW 6 cells, and the coupling parameters must match the (structured, unstructured) grid of the MODFLOW 6 model exactly.\n\n\nThe MODFLOW 6 coupling example cases show examples of such a parametrization."
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "python/reference/User.html",
+ "href": "python/reference/User.html",
+ "title": "1 User",
"section": "",
- "text": "1 ManningResistance\nManningResistance()"
+ "text": "1 User\nUser()"
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "python/reference/LinearResistance.html",
+ "href": "python/reference/LinearResistance.html",
+ "title": "1 LinearResistance",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "1 LinearResistance\nLinearResistance()"
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "python/reference/PidControl.html",
+ "href": "python/reference/PidControl.html",
+ "title": "1 PidControl",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "1 PidControl\nPidControl()"
"objectID": "python/reference/Model.html",
@@ -819,11 +700,39 @@
"text": "Name\nDescription\n\n\n\n\nplot\nPlot the nodes and edges of the model.\n\n\nread\nRead model from TOML file.\n\n\nvalidate_model\nValidate the model.\n\n\nvalidate_model_node_field_ids\nCheck whether the node IDs of the node_type fields are valid.\n\n\nvalidate_model_node_ids\nCheck whether the node IDs in the data tables correspond to the node IDs in the network.\n\n\nwrite\nWrite the contents of the model to disk and save it as a TOML configuration file.\n\n\n\n\n\nModel.plot(ax=None)\nPlot the nodes and edges of the model.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nName\nType\nDescription\nDefault\n\n\n\n\nax\nmatplotlib.pyplot.Artist\nAxes on which to draw the plot.\nNone\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nType\nDescription\n\n\n\n\nmatplotlib.pyplot.Artist\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nModel.read(filepath)\nRead model from TOML file.\n\n\n\nModel.validate_model()\nValidate the model.\nChecks: - Whether the node IDs of the node_type fields are valid - Whether the node IDs in the node field correspond to the node IDs on the node type fields\n\n\n\nModel.validate_model_node_field_ids()\nCheck whether the node IDs of the node_type fields are valid.\n\n\n\nModel.validate_model_node_ids()\nCheck whether the node IDs in the data tables correspond to the node IDs in the network.\n\n\n\nModel.write(filepath)\nWrite the contents of the model to disk and save it as a TOML configuration file.\nIf filepath.parent does not exist, it is created before writing.\n\n\n\n\n\nName\nType\nDescription\nDefault\n\n\n\n\nfilepath\nPath | str\n\nrequired"
- "objectID": "python/reference/LinearResistance.html",
- "href": "python/reference/LinearResistance.html",
- "title": "1 LinearResistance",
+ "objectID": "python/reference/Basin.html",
+ "href": "python/reference/Basin.html",
+ "title": "1 Basin",
"section": "",
- "text": "1 LinearResistance\nLinearResistance()"
+ "text": "1 Basin\nBasin()"
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "python/reference/Edge.html",
+ "href": "python/reference/Edge.html",
+ "title": "1 Edge",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "Edge()\nDefines the connections between nodes.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nName\nType\nDescription\nDefault\n\n\n\n\nstatic\npandas.DataFrame\nTable describing the flow connections.\nrequired"
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "python/reference/Edge.html#parameters",
+ "href": "python/reference/Edge.html#parameters",
+ "title": "1 Edge",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "Name\nType\nDescription\nDefault\n\n\n\n\nstatic\npandas.DataFrame\nTable describing the flow connections.\nrequired"
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "python/reference/Outlet.html",
+ "href": "python/reference/Outlet.html",
+ "title": "1 Outlet",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "1 Outlet\nOutlet()"
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "python/reference/DiscreteControl.html",
+ "href": "python/reference/DiscreteControl.html",
+ "title": "1 DiscreteControl",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "1 DiscreteControl\nDiscreteControl()"
"objectID": "python/reference/TabulatedRatingCurve.html",
@@ -833,108 +742,199 @@
"text": "1 TabulatedRatingCurve\nTabulatedRatingCurve()"
- "objectID": "python/reference/LevelBoundary.html",
- "href": "python/reference/LevelBoundary.html",
- "title": "1 LevelBoundary",
+ "objectID": "python/examples.html",
+ "href": "python/examples.html",
+ "title": "Examples",
"section": "",
- "text": "1 LevelBoundary\nLevelBoundary()"
+ "text": "1 Basic model with static forcing\n\nfrom pathlib import Path\n\nimport geopandas as gpd\nimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\nimport ribasim\n\nSetup the basins:\n\nprofile = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [1, 1, 3, 3, 6, 6, 9, 9],\n \"area\": [0.01, 1000.0] * 4,\n \"level\": [0.0, 1.0] * 4,\n }\n)\n\n# Convert steady forcing to m/s\n# 2 mm/d precipitation, 1 mm/d evaporation\nseconds_in_day = 24 * 3600\nprecipitation = 0.002 / seconds_in_day\nevaporation = 0.001 / seconds_in_day\n\nstatic = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [0],\n \"drainage\": [0.0],\n \"potential_evaporation\": [evaporation],\n \"infiltration\": [0.0],\n \"precipitation\": [precipitation],\n \"urban_runoff\": [0.0],\n }\n)\nstatic = static.iloc[[0, 0, 0, 0]]\nstatic[\"node_id\"] = [1, 3, 6, 9]\n\nbasin = ribasim.Basin(profile=profile, static=static)\n\nSetup linear resistance:\n\nlinear_resistance = ribasim.LinearResistance(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\"node_id\": [10, 12], \"resistance\": [5e3, (3600.0 * 24) / 100.0]}\n )\n)\n\nSetup Manning resistance:\n\nmanning_resistance = ribasim.ManningResistance(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [2],\n \"length\": [900.0],\n \"manning_n\": [0.04],\n \"profile_width\": [6.0],\n \"profile_slope\": [3.0],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSet up a rating curve node:\n\n# Discharge: lose 1% of storage volume per day at storage = 1000.0.\nq1000 = 1000.0 * 0.01 / seconds_in_day\n\nrating_curve = ribasim.TabulatedRatingCurve(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [4, 4],\n \"level\": [0.0, 1.0],\n \"discharge\": [0.0, q1000],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup fractional flows:\n\nfractional_flow = ribasim.FractionalFlow(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [5, 8, 13],\n \"fraction\": [0.3, 0.6, 0.1],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup pump:\n\npump = ribasim.Pump(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [7],\n \"flow_rate\": [0.5 / 3600],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup level boundary:\n\nlevel_boundary = ribasim.LevelBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [11, 17],\n \"level\": [0.5, 1.5],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup flow boundary:\n\nflow_boundary = ribasim.FlowBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [15, 16],\n \"flow_rate\": [1e-4, 1e-4],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup terminal:\n\nterminal = ribasim.Terminal(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [14],\n }\n )\n)\n\nSet up the nodes:\n\nxy = np.array(\n [\n (0.0, 0.0), # 1: Basin,\n (1.0, 0.0), # 2: ManningResistance\n (2.0, 0.0), # 3: Basin\n (3.0, 0.0), # 4: TabulatedRatingCurve\n (3.0, 1.0), # 5: FractionalFlow\n (3.0, 2.0), # 6: Basin\n (4.0, 1.0), # 7: Pump\n (4.0, 0.0), # 8: FractionalFlow\n (5.0, 0.0), # 9: Basin\n (6.0, 0.0), # 10: LinearResistance\n (2.0, 2.0), # 11: LevelBoundary\n (2.0, 1.0), # 12: LinearResistance\n (3.0, -1.0), # 13: FractionalFlow\n (3.0, -2.0), # 14: Terminal\n (3.0, 3.0), # 15: FlowBoundary\n (0.0, 1.0), # 16: FlowBoundary\n (6.0, 1.0), # 17: LevelBoundary\n ]\n)\nnode_xy = gpd.points_from_xy(x=xy[:, 0], y=xy[:, 1])\n\nnode_id, node_type = ribasim.Node.node_ids_and_types(\n basin,\n manning_resistance,\n rating_curve,\n pump,\n fractional_flow,\n linear_resistance,\n level_boundary,\n flow_boundary,\n terminal,\n)\n\n# Make sure the feature id starts at 1: explicitly give an index.\nnode = ribasim.Node(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\"type\": node_type},\n index=pd.Index(node_id, name=\"fid\"),\n geometry=node_xy,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the edges:\n\nfrom_id = np.array(\n [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 7, 9, 11, 12, 4, 13, 15, 16, 10], dtype=np.int64\n)\nto_id = np.array(\n [2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 6, 7, 9, 9, 10, 12, 3, 13, 14, 6, 1, 17], dtype=np.int64\n)\nlines = node.geometry_from_connectivity(from_id, to_id)\nedge = ribasim.Edge(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\n \"from_node_id\": from_id,\n \"to_node_id\": to_id,\n \"edge_type\": len(from_id) * [\"flow\"],\n },\n geometry=lines,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup a model:\n\nmodel = ribasim.Model(\n network=ribasim.Network(\n node=node,\n edge=edge,\n ),\n basin=basin,\n level_boundary=level_boundary,\n flow_boundary=flow_boundary,\n pump=pump,\n linear_resistance=linear_resistance,\n manning_resistance=manning_resistance,\n tabulated_rating_curve=rating_curve,\n fractional_flow=fractional_flow,\n terminal=terminal,\n starttime=\"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n endtime=\"2021-01-01 00:00:00\",\n)\n\nLet’s take a look at the model:\n\nmodel.plot()\n\n<Axes: >\n\n\n\n\n\nWrite the model to a TOML and GeoPackage:\n\ndatadir = Path(\"data\")\nmodel.write(datadir / \"basic/ribasim.toml\")\n\nPosixPath('data/basic/ribasim.toml')\n\n\n\n\n2 Update the basic model with transient forcing\nThis assumes you have already created the basic model with static forcing.\n\nimport numpy as np\nimport pandas as pd\nimport ribasim\nimport xarray as xr\n\n\nmodel = ribasim.Model(filepath=datadir / \"basic/ribasim.toml\")\n\n\ntime = pd.date_range(model.starttime, model.endtime)\nday_of_year = time.day_of_year.to_numpy()\nseconds_per_day = 24 * 60 * 60\nevaporation = (\n (-1.0 * np.cos(day_of_year / 365.0 * 2 * np.pi) + 1.0) * 0.0025 / seconds_per_day\n)\nrng = np.random.default_rng(seed=0)\nprecipitation = (\n rng.lognormal(mean=-1.0, sigma=1.7, size=time.size) * 0.001 / seconds_per_day\n)\n\nWe’ll use xarray to easily broadcast the values.\n\ntimeseries = (\n pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 1,\n \"time\": pd.date_range(model.starttime, model.endtime),\n \"drainage\": 0.0,\n \"potential_evaporation\": evaporation,\n \"infiltration\": 0.0,\n \"precipitation\": precipitation,\n \"urban_runoff\": 0.0,\n }\n )\n .set_index(\"time\")\n .to_xarray()\n)\n\nbasin_ids = model.basin.static.df[\"node_id\"].to_numpy()\nbasin_nodes = xr.DataArray(\n np.ones(len(basin_ids)), coords={\"node_id\": basin_ids}, dims=[\"node_id\"]\n)\nforcing = (timeseries * basin_nodes).to_dataframe().reset_index()\n\n\nstate = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": basin_ids,\n \"level\": 1.4,\n }\n)\n\n\nmodel.basin.time.df = forcing\nmodel.basin.state.df = state\n\n\nmodel.write(datadir / \"basic_transient/ribasim.toml\")\n\nPosixPath('data/basic_transient/ribasim.toml')\n\n\nNow run the model with ribasim basic_transient/ribasim.toml. After running the model, read back the results:\n\ndf_basin = pd.read_feather(datadir / \"basic_transient/results/basin.arrow\")\ndf_basin_wide = df_basin.pivot_table(\n index=\"time\", columns=\"node_id\", values=[\"storage\", \"level\"]\n)\ndf_basin_wide[\"level\"].plot()\n\n<Axes: xlabel='time'>\n\n\n\n\n\n\ndf_flow = pd.read_feather(datadir / \"basic_transient/results/flow.arrow\")\ndf_flow[\"edge\"] = list(zip(df_flow.from_node_id, df_flow.to_node_id))\ndf_flow[\"flow_m3d\"] = df_flow.flow * 86400\nax = df_flow.pivot_table(index=\"time\", columns=\"edge\", values=\"flow_m3d\").plot()\nax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.3, 1), title=\"Edge\")\n\n<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f6e7fd25a90>\n\n\n\n\n\n\ntype(df_flow)\n\npandas.core.frame.DataFrame\n\n\n\n\n3 Model with discrete control\nThe model constructed below consists of a single basin which slowly drains trough a TabulatedRatingCurve, but is held within a range around a target level (setpoint) by two connected pumps. These two pumps behave like a reversible pump. When pumping can be done in only one direction, and the other direction is only possible under gravity, use an Outlet for that direction.\nSet up the nodes:\n\nxy = np.array(\n [\n (0.0, 0.0), # 1: Basin\n (1.0, 1.0), # 2: Pump\n (1.0, -1.0), # 3: Pump\n (2.0, 0.0), # 4: LevelBoundary\n (-1.0, 0.0), # 5: TabulatedRatingCurve\n (-2.0, 0.0), # 6: Terminal\n (1.0, 0.0), # 7: DiscreteControl\n ]\n)\n\nnode_xy = gpd.points_from_xy(x=xy[:, 0], y=xy[:, 1])\n\nnode_type = [\n \"Basin\",\n \"Pump\",\n \"Pump\",\n \"LevelBoundary\",\n \"TabulatedRatingCurve\",\n \"Terminal\",\n \"DiscreteControl\",\n]\n\n# Make sure the feature id starts at 1: explicitly give an index.\nnode = ribasim.Node(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\"type\": node_type},\n index=pd.Index(np.arange(len(xy)) + 1, name=\"fid\"),\n geometry=node_xy,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the edges:\n\nfrom_id = np.array([1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 7, 7], dtype=np.int64)\nto_id = np.array([3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 2, 3], dtype=np.int64)\n\nedge_type = 6 * [\"flow\"] + 2 * [\"control\"]\n\nlines = node.geometry_from_connectivity(from_id, to_id)\nedge = ribasim.Edge(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\"from_node_id\": from_id, \"to_node_id\": to_id, \"edge_type\": edge_type},\n geometry=lines,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the basins:\n\nprofile = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [1, 1],\n \"area\": [1000.0, 1000.0],\n \"level\": [0.0, 1.0],\n }\n)\n\nstatic = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [1],\n \"drainage\": [0.0],\n \"potential_evaporation\": [0.0],\n \"infiltration\": [0.0],\n \"precipitation\": [0.0],\n \"urban_runoff\": [0.0],\n }\n)\n\nstate = pd.DataFrame(data={\"node_id\": [1], \"level\": [20.0]})\n\nbasin = ribasim.Basin(profile=profile, static=static, state=state)\n\nSetup the discrete control:\n\ncondition = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 3 * [7],\n \"listen_feature_id\": 3 * [1],\n \"variable\": 3 * [\"level\"],\n \"greater_than\": [5.0, 10.0, 15.0], # min, setpoint, max\n }\n)\n\nlogic = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 5 * [7],\n \"truth_state\": [\"FFF\", \"U**\", \"T*F\", \"**D\", \"TTT\"],\n \"control_state\": [\"in\", \"in\", \"none\", \"out\", \"out\"],\n }\n)\n\ndiscrete_control = ribasim.DiscreteControl(condition=condition, logic=logic)\n\nThe above control logic can be summarized as follows: - If the level gets above the maximum, activate the control state “out” until the setpoint is reached; - If the level gets below the minimum, active the control state “in” until the setpoint is reached; - Otherwise activate the control state “none”.\nSetup the pump:\n\npump = ribasim.Pump(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 3 * [2] + 3 * [3],\n \"control_state\": 2 * [\"none\", \"in\", \"out\"],\n \"flow_rate\": [0.0, 2e-3, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2e-3],\n }\n )\n)\n\nThe pump data defines the following:\n\n\n\nControl state\nPump #2 flow rate (m/s)\nPump #3 flow rate (m/s)\n\n\n\n\n“none”\n0.0\n0.0\n\n\n“in”\n2e-3\n0.0\n\n\n“out”\n0.0\n2e-3\n\n\n\nSetup the level boundary:\n\nlevel_boundary = ribasim.LevelBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(data={\"node_id\": [4], \"level\": [10.0]})\n)\n\nSetup the rating curve:\n\nrating_curve = ribasim.TabulatedRatingCurve(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\"node_id\": 2 * [5], \"level\": [2.0, 15.0], \"discharge\": [0.0, 1e-3]}\n )\n)\n\nSetup the terminal:\n\nterminal = ribasim.Terminal(static=pd.DataFrame(data={\"node_id\": [6]}))\n\nSetup a model:\n\nmodel = ribasim.Model(\n network=ribasim.Network(\n node=node,\n edge=edge,\n ),\n basin=basin,\n pump=pump,\n level_boundary=level_boundary,\n tabulated_rating_curve=rating_curve,\n terminal=terminal,\n discrete_control=discrete_control,\n starttime=\"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n endtime=\"2021-01-01 00:00:00\",\n)\n\nLet’s take a look at the model:\n\nmodel.plot()\n\n<Axes: >\n\n\n\n\n\nListen edges are plotted with a dashed line since they are not present in the “Edge / static” schema but only in the “Control / condition” schema.\n\ndatadir = Path(\"data\")\nmodel.write(datadir / \"level_setpoint_with_minmax/ribasim.toml\")\n\nPosixPath('data/level_setpoint_with_minmax/ribasim.toml')\n\n\nNow run the model with level_setpoint_with_minmax/ribasim.toml. After running the model, read back the results:\n\nfrom matplotlib.dates import date2num\n\ndf_basin = pd.read_feather(datadir / \"level_setpoint_with_minmax/results/basin.arrow\")\ndf_basin_wide = df_basin.pivot_table(\n index=\"time\", columns=\"node_id\", values=[\"storage\", \"level\"]\n)\n\nax = df_basin_wide[\"level\"].plot()\n\ngreater_than = model.discrete_control.condition.df.greater_than\n\nax.hlines(\n greater_than,\n df_basin.time[0],\n df_basin.time.max(),\n lw=1,\n ls=\"--\",\n color=\"k\",\n)\n\ndf_control = pd.read_feather(\n datadir / \"level_setpoint_with_minmax/results/control.arrow\"\n)\n\ny_min, y_max = ax.get_ybound()\nax.fill_between(df_control.time[:2], 2 * [y_min], 2 * [y_max], alpha=0.2, color=\"C0\")\nax.fill_between(df_control.time[2:4], 2 * [y_min], 2 * [y_max], alpha=0.2, color=\"C0\")\n\nax.set_xticks(\n date2num(df_control.time).tolist(),\n df_control.control_state.tolist(),\n rotation=50,\n)\n\nax.set_yticks(greater_than, [\"min\", \"setpoint\", \"max\"])\nax.set_ylabel(\"level\")\nplt.show()\n\n\n\n\nThe highlighted regions show where a pump is active.\nLet’s print an overview of what happened with control:\n\nmodel.print_discrete_control_record(\n datadir / \"level_setpoint_with_minmax/results/control.arrow\"\n)\n\n0. At 2020-01-01 00:00:00 the control node with ID 7 reached truth state TTT:\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 5.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 10.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 15.0\n\n This yielded control state \"out\":\n For node ID 2 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n For node ID 3 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.002\n\n1. At 2020-02-08 19:02:21.861000 the control node with ID 7 reached truth state TFF:\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 5.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 10.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 15.0\n\n This yielded control state \"none\":\n For node ID 2 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n For node ID 3 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n\n2. At 2020-07-05 08:56:10.319000 the control node with ID 7 reached truth state FFF:\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 5.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 10.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 15.0\n\n This yielded control state \"in\":\n For node ID 2 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.002\n For node ID 3 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n\n3. At 2020-08-11 06:05:15.592000 the control node with ID 7 reached truth state TTF:\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 5.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level > 10.0\n For node ID 1 (Basin): level < 15.0\n\n This yielded control state \"none\":\n For node ID 2 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n For node ID 3 (Pump): flow_rate = 0.0\n\n\n\nNote that crossing direction specific truth states (containing “U”, “D”) are not present in this overview even though they are part of the control logic. This is because in the control logic for this model these truth states are only used to sustain control states, while the overview only shows changes in control states.\n\n\n4 Model with PID control\nSet up the nodes:\n\nxy = np.array(\n [\n (0.0, 0.0), # 1: FlowBoundary\n (1.0, 0.0), # 2: Basin\n (2.0, 0.5), # 3: Pump\n (3.0, 0.0), # 4: LevelBoundary\n (1.5, 1.0), # 5: PidControl\n (2.0, -0.5), # 6: outlet\n (1.5, -1.0), # 7: PidControl\n ]\n)\n\nnode_xy = gpd.points_from_xy(x=xy[:, 0], y=xy[:, 1])\n\nnode_type = [\n \"FlowBoundary\",\n \"Basin\",\n \"Pump\",\n \"LevelBoundary\",\n \"PidControl\",\n \"Outlet\",\n \"PidControl\",\n]\n\n# Make sure the feature id starts at 1: explicitly give an index.\nnode = ribasim.Node(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\"type\": node_type},\n index=pd.Index(np.arange(len(xy)) + 1, name=\"fid\"),\n geometry=node_xy,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the edges:\n\nfrom_id = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 7], dtype=np.int64)\nto_id = np.array([2, 3, 4, 6, 2, 3, 6], dtype=np.int64)\n\nlines = node.geometry_from_connectivity(from_id, to_id)\nedge = ribasim.Edge(\n df=gpd.GeoDataFrame(\n data={\n \"from_node_id\": from_id,\n \"to_node_id\": to_id,\n \"edge_type\": 5 * [\"flow\"] + 2 * [\"control\"],\n },\n geometry=lines,\n crs=\"EPSG:28992\",\n )\n)\n\nSetup the basins:\n\nprofile = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\"node_id\": [2, 2], \"level\": [0.0, 1.0], \"area\": [1000.0, 1000.0]}\n)\n\nstatic = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [2],\n \"drainage\": [0.0],\n \"potential_evaporation\": [0.0],\n \"infiltration\": [0.0],\n \"precipitation\": [0.0],\n \"urban_runoff\": [0.0],\n }\n)\n\nstate = pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [2],\n \"level\": [6.0],\n }\n)\n\nbasin = ribasim.Basin(profile=profile, static=static, state=state)\n\nSetup the pump:\n\npump = ribasim.Pump(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [3],\n \"flow_rate\": [0.0], # Will be overwritten by PID controller\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup the outlet:\n\noutlet = ribasim.Outlet(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [6],\n \"flow_rate\": [0.0], # Will be overwritten by PID controller\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup flow boundary:\n\nflow_boundary = ribasim.FlowBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(data={\"node_id\": [1], \"flow_rate\": [1e-3]})\n)\n\nSetup flow boundary:\n\nlevel_boundary = ribasim.LevelBoundary(\n static=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": [4],\n \"level\": [1.0], # Not relevant\n }\n )\n)\n\nSetup PID control:\n\npid_control = ribasim.PidControl(\n time=pd.DataFrame(\n data={\n \"node_id\": 4 * [5, 7],\n \"time\": [\n \"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-05-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-05-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-07-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-07-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-12-01 00:00:00\",\n \"2020-12-01 00:00:00\",\n ],\n \"listen_node_id\": 4 * [2, 2],\n \"target\": [5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5],\n \"proportional\": 4 * [-1e-3, 1e-3],\n \"integral\": 4 * [-1e-7, 1e-7],\n \"derivative\": 4 * [0.0, 0.0],\n }\n )\n)\n\nNote that the coefficients for the pump and the outlet are equal in magnitude but opposite in sign. This way the pump and the outlet equally work towards the same goal, while having opposite effects on the controlled basin due to their connectivity to this basin.\nSetup a model:\n\nmodel = ribasim.Model(\n network=ribasim.Network(\n node=node,\n edge=edge,\n ),\n basin=basin,\n flow_boundary=flow_boundary,\n level_boundary=level_boundary,\n pump=pump,\n outlet=outlet,\n pid_control=pid_control,\n starttime=\"2020-01-01 00:00:00\",\n endtime=\"2020-12-01 00:00:00\",\n)\n\nLet’s take a look at the model:\n\nmodel.plot()\n\n<Axes: >\n\n\n\n\n\nWrite the model to a TOML and GeoPackage:\n\ndatadir = Path(\"data\")\nmodel.write(datadir / \"pid_control/ribasim.toml\")\n\nPosixPath('data/pid_control/ribasim.toml')\n\n\nNow run the model with ribasim pid_control/ribasim.toml. After running the model, read back the results:\n\nfrom matplotlib.dates import date2num\n\ndf_basin = pd.read_feather(datadir / \"pid_control/results/basin.arrow\")\ndf_basin_wide = df_basin.pivot_table(\n index=\"time\", columns=\"node_id\", values=[\"storage\", \"level\"]\n)\nax = df_basin_wide[\"level\"].plot()\nax.set_ylabel(\"level [m]\")\n\n# Plot target level\ntarget_levels = model.pid_control.time.df.target.to_numpy()[:4]\ntimes = date2num(model.pid_control.time.df.time)[:4]\nax.plot(times, target_levels, color=\"k\", ls=\":\", label=\"target level\")\npass"
- "objectID": "python/reference/User.html",
- "href": "python/reference/User.html",
- "title": "1 User",
+ "objectID": "core/numerics.html",
+ "href": "core/numerics.html",
+ "title": "Numerical considerations",
"section": "",
- "text": "1 User\nUser()"
+ "text": "We want to solve the following initial value problem: \\[\n\\begin{cases}\n \\frac{\\text{d}\\mathbf{u}}{\\text{d}t} = \\mathbf{f}(\\mathbf{u},t) \\quad t_0 < t < t_\\text{end} \\\\\n \\mathbf{u}(t_0) = \\mathbf{u}_0\n\\end{cases},\n\\tag{1}\\]\nwhere \\(\\mathbf{f}\\) denotes water_balance! and \\(\\mathbf{u_0}\\) the initial storages (and the PID integrals which start out at \\(0\\)).\nIn general \\(\\mathbf{f}\\) is a non-linear function in \\(\\mathbf{u}\\). These non-linearities are introduced by:\nThe problem Equation 1 can be solved by various numerical time-integration methods. To do this the time interval \\([t_0,t_\\text{end}]\\) is discretized into a finite number of time points \\(t_0 < t_1 < \\ldots < t_N = t_\\text{end}\\) for which approximate solutions \\(\\mathbf{w}_n \\approx \\mathbf{u}(t_n)\\) are computed. In general we do not assume a fixed timestep (the interval between successive points in time). Rather, the solver attempts to make as large a step as possible while keeping error tolerances within requirements. The solver settings section details the available configuration options."
- "objectID": "python/reference/Terminal.html",
- "href": "python/reference/Terminal.html",
- "title": "1 Terminal",
+ "objectID": "core/numerics.html#euler-forward",
+ "href": "core/numerics.html#euler-forward",
+ "title": "Numerical considerations",
+ "section": "1.1 Euler forward",
+ "text": "1.1 Euler forward\nThe simplest numerical method is Euler forward: \\[\n\\mathbf{w}_{n+1} = \\mathbf{w}_n + (t_{n+1}-t_n)\\mathbf{f}(\\mathbf{w}_n, t_n).\n\\tag{2}\\]\nHere \\(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}\\) is given as a simple explicit function of \\(\\mathbf{w}_n\\)."
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "core/numerics.html#euler-backward",
+ "href": "core/numerics.html#euler-backward",
+ "title": "Numerical considerations",
+ "section": "1.2 Euler backward",
+ "text": "1.2 Euler backward\nEuler backward is formulated as follows: \\[\n\\mathbf{w}_{n+1} = \\mathbf{w}_n + (t_{n+1}-t_n)\\mathbf{f}(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1},t_{n+1}).\n\\tag{3}\\]\nNote that this is an implicit equation for \\(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}\\), which is non-linear because of the non-linearity of \\(\\mathbf{f}\\).\nGenerally one of the following iterative methods is used for finding solutions to non-linear equations like this:\n\nPicard iteration for fixed points. This method aims to approximate \\(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}\\) as a fixed point of the function \\[\n\\mathbf{g}(\\mathbf{x}) = \\mathbf{w}_n + (t_{n+1}-t_n)\\mathbf{f}(\\mathbf{x},t_{n+1})\n\\] by iterating \\(\\mathbf{g}\\) on an initial guess of \\(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}\\);\nNewton iterations: approximate \\(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}\\) as a root of the function \\[\n\\mathbf{h}(\\mathbf{x}) = \\mathbf{w}_n + (t_{n+1}-t_n)\\mathbf{f}(\\mathbf{x},t_{n+1}) - \\mathbf{x},\n\\] by iteratively finding the root of its linearized form:\n\n\\[\\begin{align}\n\\mathbf{0} =& \\mathbf{h}(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}^k) + \\mathbf{J}(\\mathbf{h})(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}^k)(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}^{k+1}-\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}^k) \\\\\n=& \\mathbf{w}_n + (t_{n+1}-t_n)\\mathbf{f}(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}^k,t_{n+1}) - \\mathbf{w}_{n+1}^k \\\\ +&\\left[(t_{n+1}-t_n)\\mathbf{J}(\\mathbf{f})(\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}^k)-\\mathbf{I}\\right](\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}^{k+1}-\\mathbf{w}_{n+1}^k).\n\\end{align}\\] Note that this thus requires an evaluation of the Jacobian of \\(\\mathbf{f}\\) and solving a linear system per iteration."
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "core/numerics.html#basin-profiles",
+ "href": "core/numerics.html#basin-profiles",
+ "title": "Numerical considerations",
+ "section": "4.1 Basin profiles",
+ "text": "4.1 Basin profiles\nThe basin profiles affect \\(\\mathbf{f}\\) in many ways, anywhere where a basin level or area is required.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nThis section needs to be updated and extended after once this issue is resolved."
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "core/numerics.html#qh-relations",
+ "href": "core/numerics.html#qh-relations",
+ "title": "Numerical considerations",
+ "section": "4.2 Q(h) relations",
+ "text": "4.2 Q(h) relations\nTabulatedRatingCurve nodes contribute to \\(\\mathbf{f}\\) with terms of the following form:\n\\[\n Q(h(S))\n\\]\nwhere the continuity of this term is given by the least continuous of \\(Q\\) and \\(h\\)."
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "core/numerics.html#empty-basins",
+ "href": "core/numerics.html#empty-basins",
+ "title": "Numerical considerations",
+ "section": "4.3 Empty basins",
+ "text": "4.3 Empty basins\nReduction factors are introduced at several points in the definition of \\(\\mathbf{f}\\) to smooth out otherwise discontinuous transitions (e.g. the flow rate of a pump going to zero when the source basin dries out). If flows are not too large with respect to basin storage, this will prevent basins from reaching 0. Rather, the basin gets a very small storage. The reduction factors help with performance, but are also an important tool to avoid getting negative storage in basins. Negative storage needs to be avoided since it is not a real solution, and would introduce water into the model that doesn’t exist. Another tool used to avoid negative storage is the isoutoutofdomain option, which Ribasim makes use of. This reject timesteps that lead to negative storage, instead retrying with a smaller timestep."
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "core/index.html",
+ "href": "core/index.html",
+ "title": "Julia core",
"section": "",
- "text": "1 Terminal\nTerminal()"
+ "text": "With the term “core”, we mean the computational engine of Ribasim. As detailed in the usage documentation, it is generally used as a command line tool.\nThe theory is described on the equations page, and more in-depth numerical considerations are described on the numerical considerations page. As allocation is a large and self-contained part of the Ribasim core, it is described on the separate allocation page.\nThe core is implemented in the Julia programming language, and can be found in the Ribasim repository under the core/ folder. For developers we also advise to read the developer documentation.\n\n\n\n\nflowchart TB\nmodeler([Modeler]):::user\n\napi[\"Ribasim Python\\n[python]\"]:::system\nmodeler-->|prepare model|api\n\nsubgraph ribasimBoundary[Ribasim]\n ribasim[\"Ribasim.jl\\n[julia]\"]:::system\n libribasim[\"libribasim\\n[julia + python + BMI]\"]:::system\n cli[\"Ribasim CLI\\n[julia]\"]:::system\n cli-->ribasim\n libribasim-->ribasim\nend\nmodeler-->|start|cli\nmodeler-->|coupled simulation|libribasim\n\nsubgraph qgisBoundary[QGIS]\n QGIS[QGIS Application]:::system_ext\n qgisPlugin[\"Ribasim QGIS plugin\\n[python]\"]:::system\n QGIS-->qgisPlugin\nend\nmodeler-->|prepare model|qgisBoundary\n\nmodel[(\"input model data\\n[toml + geopackage + arrow]\")]:::system\nqgisPlugin-->|read/write|model\napi-->|read/write|model\nribasim-->|simulate|model\n\noutput[(\"simulation output\\n[arrow]\")]:::system\nribasim-->|write|output\n\nclass qgisBoundary,ribasimBoundary boundary\n\n%% class definitions for C4 model\nclassDef default stroke-width:1px,stroke:white,color:white\nclassDef system fill:#1168bd\nclassDef user fill:#08427b\nclassDef system_ext fill:#999999\nclassDef boundary fill:transparent,stroke-dasharray:5 5,stroke:black,color:black\n\n\nComponent overview of Ribasim\n\n\n\n\n1 The simulation loop\nThe figure below shows a simple flowchart of the simulation in Ribasim.jl.\n\n\n\n\nflowchart LR\nStart((Start))\nInit[Initialize model]\nCon[Conditional: allocation, control]\nSim[Simulate flows over timestep]\nFinished{End of simulation period?}\nDone((Done))\n\nStart --> Init\nInit --> Con\nCon --> Sim\nSim --> Finished\nFinished -->|no| Con\nFinished -->|yes| Done"
- "objectID": "couple/modflow-demo.html",
- "href": "couple/modflow-demo.html",
- "title": "MODFLOW 6 Demonstration",
+ "objectID": "src/index.html",
+ "href": "src/index.html",
+ "title": "1 API Reference",
"section": "",
- "text": "In our test cases, we will work with the Dutch national groundwater model (LHM). For testing, we simplify the top boundary conditions to just three surface water “systems”, from large to small:\n\nPrimary\nSecondary\nTertiary\n\nThese systems are separated in the groundwater model schematization due to the relatively small size of the surface waters (several meters in width) in comparison with relatively coarse cells of the groundwater model (250 m): most cells in the LHM contain more than one surface water, and are included via representative parameters which take the physical scaling into account. In case of sufficiently small cell sizes, no overlap occurs and all surface waters can be represented in a single grid.\nRibasim has no knowledge of these systems unless explicitly separated into different (sub-)basins. In the examples below, these three systems are represented by one basin with a single volume. For the purposes of testing, we have not yet created empirical volume-level relationships for the surface water of every cell extracted from a hydraulic model. Instead, we have chosen an (over)simplified parametrization of the hydraulic properties, which makes it easy to verify the behavior of Ribasim and the coupling procedures:\n\nPrimary, secondary, and tertiary systems have a rectangular profile: the area of the surface water does not change with water level or volume.\nWater depth is constant for a system within a basin.\nWater depth increases linearly with volume. (This follows from 1.)\nWater depth is distributed across the systems in a geometric progression: when the tertiary system contains 0.1 m of water, the secondary system contains 0.2 m, and the primary system contains 0.4 m.\nWater depth is 0.0 m for all systems when basin volume is 0.0. (This follows from 4.)\nThe distribution of water occurs according to the surface water area (width times length) used for the LHM parametrization of river bed conductance.\n\nFor freely draining basins, a simplified storage-discharge relationship has been derived as follows:\n\nThe area of the basin polygon has been multiplied by 1 mm/d (roughly the average precipitation excess in the Netherlands). This yields a “normative discharge”.\nA corresponding normative volume has been chosen, corresponding with water depths of 0.4, 0.2, and 0.1 m for the primary, secondary, and tertiary surface waters respectively.\nA dead storage volume has been chosen, corresponding with water depths of 0.2, 0.1, and 0.05 m for the primary, secondary, and tertiary surface waters respectively. The basin only starts discharging when the storage volume exceeds this value.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nRibasim is not limited to such oversimplified parametrization! Ribasim uses tabulations and therefore supports arbitrary (piecewise linear) volume-depth and volume-discharge relationships.\n\n\nA visual representation of this simplified conceptual schematization is given in Figure 1 and Figure 2.\n\n\n\nFigure 1: Distribution of water depths over the primary, secondary, and tertiary system.\n\n\n\n\n\nFigure 2: Discharge as a function of basin storage volume.\n\n\nAn example of the resulting parameters for a single cell is shown in Table 1. The first row shows the water levels when the basin is empty. The level for primary, secondary, and tertiary are equal to the bottom elevation of the surface waters. The second row shows the volume and levels for water depths of 0.4, 0.2, and 0.1 m. The third row shows the volume and levels for a tenfold larger volume. This results in implausible water levels with depths of 4.0, 2.0 and 1.0 m; the water level in the primary system is over two meters higher than in the tertiary system. In reality, the surface waters would overflow and surface ponding would occur; this mechanism is ignored in the test cases for the sake of simplicity.\n\n\nTable 1: Volume-level table for a single cell in the Hupsel basin.\n\n\nVolume (m3)\nPrimary (m NAP)\nSecondary (m NAP)\nTertiary (m NAP)\n\n\n\n\n0.0\n25.65\n25.83\n26.60\n\n\n6843.1\n26.05\n26.03\n26.70\n\n\n68431.0\n29.65\n27.83\n27.60\n\n\n\n\nFigure 3 shows the volume of the first row of the cell based input for the primary system. Symbology is set to unique values. While water levels differ per cell in this parametrization, the “normative volume” defined above is shared by all cells in a basin.\n\n\n\nFigure 3: Basin normative volume of the primary system.\n\n\nFigure 3 shows the water level corresponding to the normative storage volume based input for the primary system (it corresponds to the value shown in the first row of the primary column in Table 1). We see a clear gradient from west to east: as our simplified parametrization assumes a constant water depth for all cells in a single system, water levels spatially fall and rise with the bottom elevation.\n\n\n\nFigure 4: Water level corresponding to the normative basin volume of the primary system."
+ "text": "This is the private internal documentation of the Ribasim API.\n\n\n\nModules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:module]\n\n\n\nModules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:type]\n\n\n\nModules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:function]\n\n\n\nModules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:constant]\n\n\n\nModules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:macro]"
- "objectID": "couple/modflow-demo.html#example-parametrization",
- "href": "couple/modflow-demo.html#example-parametrization",
- "title": "MODFLOW 6 Demonstration",
+ "objectID": "src/index.html#modules",
+ "href": "src/index.html#modules",
+ "title": "1 API Reference",
"section": "",
- "text": "In our test cases, we will work with the Dutch national groundwater model (LHM). For testing, we simplify the top boundary conditions to just three surface water “systems”, from large to small:\n\nPrimary\nSecondary\nTertiary\n\nThese systems are separated in the groundwater model schematization due to the relatively small size of the surface waters (several meters in width) in comparison with relatively coarse cells of the groundwater model (250 m): most cells in the LHM contain more than one surface water, and are included via representative parameters which take the physical scaling into account. In case of sufficiently small cell sizes, no overlap occurs and all surface waters can be represented in a single grid.\nRibasim has no knowledge of these systems unless explicitly separated into different (sub-)basins. In the examples below, these three systems are represented by one basin with a single volume. For the purposes of testing, we have not yet created empirical volume-level relationships for the surface water of every cell extracted from a hydraulic model. Instead, we have chosen an (over)simplified parametrization of the hydraulic properties, which makes it easy to verify the behavior of Ribasim and the coupling procedures:\n\nPrimary, secondary, and tertiary systems have a rectangular profile: the area of the surface water does not change with water level or volume.\nWater depth is constant for a system within a basin.\nWater depth increases linearly with volume. (This follows from 1.)\nWater depth is distributed across the systems in a geometric progression: when the tertiary system contains 0.1 m of water, the secondary system contains 0.2 m, and the primary system contains 0.4 m.\nWater depth is 0.0 m for all systems when basin volume is 0.0. (This follows from 4.)\nThe distribution of water occurs according to the surface water area (width times length) used for the LHM parametrization of river bed conductance.\n\nFor freely draining basins, a simplified storage-discharge relationship has been derived as follows:\n\nThe area of the basin polygon has been multiplied by 1 mm/d (roughly the average precipitation excess in the Netherlands). This yields a “normative discharge”.\nA corresponding normative volume has been chosen, corresponding with water depths of 0.4, 0.2, and 0.1 m for the primary, secondary, and tertiary surface waters respectively.\nA dead storage volume has been chosen, corresponding with water depths of 0.2, 0.1, and 0.05 m for the primary, secondary, and tertiary surface waters respectively. The basin only starts discharging when the storage volume exceeds this value.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nRibasim is not limited to such oversimplified parametrization! Ribasim uses tabulations and therefore supports arbitrary (piecewise linear) volume-depth and volume-discharge relationships.\n\n\nA visual representation of this simplified conceptual schematization is given in Figure 1 and Figure 2.\n\n\n\nFigure 1: Distribution of water depths over the primary, secondary, and tertiary system.\n\n\n\n\n\nFigure 2: Discharge as a function of basin storage volume.\n\n\nAn example of the resulting parameters for a single cell is shown in Table 1. The first row shows the water levels when the basin is empty. The level for primary, secondary, and tertiary are equal to the bottom elevation of the surface waters. The second row shows the volume and levels for water depths of 0.4, 0.2, and 0.1 m. The third row shows the volume and levels for a tenfold larger volume. This results in implausible water levels with depths of 4.0, 2.0 and 1.0 m; the water level in the primary system is over two meters higher than in the tertiary system. In reality, the surface waters would overflow and surface ponding would occur; this mechanism is ignored in the test cases for the sake of simplicity.\n\n\nTable 1: Volume-level table for a single cell in the Hupsel basin.\n\n\nVolume (m3)\nPrimary (m NAP)\nSecondary (m NAP)\nTertiary (m NAP)\n\n\n\n\n0.0\n25.65\n25.83\n26.60\n\n\n6843.1\n26.05\n26.03\n26.70\n\n\n68431.0\n29.65\n27.83\n27.60\n\n\n\n\nFigure 3 shows the volume of the first row of the cell based input for the primary system. Symbology is set to unique values. While water levels differ per cell in this parametrization, the “normative volume” defined above is shared by all cells in a basin.\n\n\n\nFigure 3: Basin normative volume of the primary system.\n\n\nFigure 3 shows the water level corresponding to the normative storage volume based input for the primary system (it corresponds to the value shown in the first row of the primary column in Table 1). We see a clear gradient from west to east: as our simplified parametrization assumes a constant water depth for all cells in a single system, water levels spatially fall and rise with the bottom elevation.\n\n\n\nFigure 4: Water level corresponding to the normative basin volume of the primary system."
+ "text": "Modules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:module]"
- "objectID": "couple/modflow-demo.html#example-configuration",
- "href": "couple/modflow-demo.html#example-configuration",
- "title": "MODFLOW 6 Demonstration",
- "section": "2 Example: Configuration",
- "text": "2 Example: Configuration\nAn example of the MODFLOW 6 section of TOML configuration required for a coupled run can be seen below:\n[modflow]\nsimulation = \"../data/hupsel/mfsim.nam\"\nmode = \"sequential\"\ntimestep = 86400.0\n\n[modflow.models]\n\n[modflow.models.gwf]\ntype = \"gwf\"\ndataset = \"../data/volume_level_profile-hupsel.nc\"\nbasins = \"basin_id\"\n\n[[modflow.models.gwf.bounds]]\nriver = \"RIV_P\"\ndrain = \"DRN_P\"\nprofile = \"profile_primary\"\n\n[[modflow.models.gwf.bounds]]\nriver = \"RIV_S\"\ndrain = \"DRN_S\"\nprofile = \"profile_secondary\"\n\n[[modflow.models.gwf.bounds]]\ndrain = \"DRN_T\"\nprofile = \"profile_tertiary\"\nThe section starts by stating the path to the MODFLOW 6 simulation name file (simulation). The next section contains the information regarding the MODFLOW 6 model(s) to couple to Ribasim’s basins. Per model, a path to the coupling parameter dataset is provided (dataset), along with the variable to use as the basin identification number (basins). Next, for every boundary condition that should be coupled to Ribasim, the package names (river, drain) used by MODFLOW 6 must be specified (as we look for these names in the MODFLOW 6 memory), along with the name of the variable in the coupling dataset which provides the volume-level relationship (profile).\nAs can be seen in the example, the coupling mechanism supports coupling of:\n\nA single drainage package (drain entry).\nA single river package (river entry).\nA combination of river and drainage package (when infiltration conductance does not equal drainage conductance) both (river and drain entry)."
+ "objectID": "src/index.html#types",
+ "href": "src/index.html#types",
+ "title": "1 API Reference",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "Modules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:type]"
- "objectID": "couple/modflow-demo.html#test-case-hupsel",
- "href": "couple/modflow-demo.html#test-case-hupsel",
- "title": "MODFLOW 6 Demonstration",
- "section": "3 Test case: Hupsel",
- "text": "3 Test case: Hupsel\nTo test the coupling, the following simulations have been setup and run:\n\nA standalone MODFLOW 6 run of sequential steady-states (i.e. no storage) with differing groundwater recharge values.\nA coupled run where the MODFLOW 6 stages are updated by the Ribasim coupler process, but without Ribasim. This results in volumes of 0.0, so all MODFLOW 6 water levels are set equal to bed elevation.\nA coupled run where the water levels are updated by Ribasim.\n\nFrom these tests, we expect the following behavior:\n\nDrainage terms should remain largely the same when the water level is lowered in a steady-state: the amount of recharge is fixed, and this is locally drained.\nIn case of negative recharge (evapotranspiration), infiltration occurs in the surface waters. Infiltration should be zero when the basin volume is 0.\n\n\n\n\nFigure 5: Water balance of the MODFLOW 6 boundary conditions for the Hupsel basin for a standalone MODFLOW 6 run. The four sequential steady states (01, 02, 03, 04) use net groundwater recharge values of 1.0, 0.5, -0.05 and -0.1 mm/d.\n\n\nFigure 5 shows the water balance of steady-state for submodel of the LHM that has been by selecting the cells belonging to the district containing the Hupsel catch, the Berkel.\nThe Hupsel basin show the expected behavior: for a net groundwater recharge of 1.0 mm/d, most is precipitation with a minor part lateral inflow from higher areas. In terms of outgoing flows, most of the precipitation ends up in the surface water, primarily in the many ditches of the tertiary system. Only a relatively small part of the water leaves the basin via the groundwater. Interbasin flows through the groundwater form such a minor role, as the aquifer is thin and transmissivity is limited.\nReducing groundwater recharge to 0.5 mm/d reduces all flows, with the tertiary system playing a less dominant role, relatively speaking: as its elevation is the highest compared to the primary and secondary system, the head difference is reduced strongest for the tertiary system.\nWith evapotranspiration (ET) excess (-0.05 and 0.1 mm/d; low values are chosen here since most ET would be drawn from storage, which is not available in a steady-state model), the surface waters provide mostly inflow, and recharge is a negative term. In this case, the secondary system provides a small amount of infiltration; most of the water is drawn from the surroundings instead.\n\n\n\nFigure 6: Water balance of the MODFLOW 6 boundary conditions for the Hupsel basin for a zero volume run. The four sequential steady states (01, 02, 03, 04) use net groundwater recharge values of 1.0, 0.5, -0.05 and -0.1 mm/d.\n\n\nFigure 6 shows the same model, with 0-basin volume which causes water levels to be set equal to bed elevation. Consequently, primary and secondary outflow terms are larger for positive groundwater recharge as they drain at a lower level and intercept the water before the tertiary system does. Secondly, with negative groundwater recharge, no infiltration occurs and the water is drawn from the surroundings instead. This shows the coupling mechanism adjusting MODFLOW 6 water levels successfully."
+ "objectID": "src/index.html#functions",
+ "href": "src/index.html#functions",
+ "title": "1 API Reference",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "Modules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:function]"
- "objectID": "couple/modflow-demo.html#test-case-de-tol",
- "href": "couple/modflow-demo.html#test-case-de-tol",
- "title": "MODFLOW 6 Demonstration",
- "section": "4 Test case: de Tol",
- "text": "4 Test case: de Tol\nTo test the coupling, the following simulations have been setup and run:\n\nA standalone MODFLOW 6 run of sequential steady-states (i.e. no storage) with differing groundwater recharge values.\nA coupled run where the MODFLOW 6 stages are updated by the Ribasim coupler process, but without Ribasim. This results in volumes of 0.0, so all MODFLOW 6 water levels are set equal to bed elevation.\nA coupled run where the water levels are updated by Ribasim.\n\n\n\n\nFigure 7: Water balance of the MODFLOW 6 boundary conditions for De Tol basin for a standalone MODFLOW 6 run. The four sequential steady states (01, 02, 03, 04) use net groundwater recharge values of 1.0, 0.5, -0.05 and -0.1 mm/d.\n\n\nFigure 7 shows the water balance of steady-state for a submodel of the LHM for the Polder de Tol and its surroundings. While groundwater recharge is the dominant ingoing flow, lateral groundwater flow (over the entire depth of the groundwater model) is a sizable inflow for the area; the larger lateral inflow shows that De Tol is a net receiver of groundwater which is mostly discharged through the secondary system. In contrast to the Hupsel, the tertiary system is almost entirely absent: drainage occurs not through ephemeral tertiary ditches, but by the permanently water-bearing ditches of the primary and secondary system. Unlike the Hupsel, the water balance does not shrink to very small discharges, as there is sizable regional groundwater flow.\n\n\n\nFigure 8: Water balance of the MODFLOW 6 boundary conditions for De Tol basin for a zero volume run. The four sequential steady states (01, 02, 03, 04) use net groundwater recharge values of 1.0, 0.5, -0.05 and -0.1 mm/d.\n\n\nFigure 8 shows the same model, with 0-basin volume which causes water levels to be set equal to bed elevation. The total discharge is larger: the primary and secondary systems are set to lower levels, and so the head difference is larger. While De Tol’s evapotranspiration excess can be fed by the regional groundwater, the primary and secondary ditches also provide some part; as expected, they do not feed when the coupling mechanism adjusts MODFLOW 6’s water levels."
+ "objectID": "src/index.html#constants",
+ "href": "src/index.html#constants",
+ "title": "1 API Reference",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "Modules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:constant]"
- "objectID": "couple/modflow.html",
- "href": "couple/modflow.html",
- "title": "MODFLOW 6",
+ "objectID": "src/index.html#macros",
+ "href": "src/index.html#macros",
+ "title": "1 API Reference",
"section": "",
- "text": "Ribasim has been designed to provide a computationally efficient representation of surface water for MODFLOW 6. It does so by connecting to basic MODFLOW 6 boundary conditions: the river and drainage packages.\nRibasim connects to MODFLOW 6 via the Basic Model Interface (BMI) and Extended Model Interface (XMI) (Hughes et al. 2022). BMI describes the interface to initialize a model, get values from its memory, run a timestep, etc. XMI extends this interface to allow much finer control into MODFLOW 6’s solution procedures. We have written a Julia package (Deltares 2022) which implements this interface for the Julia programming language. In coupling, Ribasim uses this interface to get the head values, the boundary condition water levels, and the budgets term of the MODFLOW 6 groundwater model while MODFLOW 6 is running.\nAdditionally, links can be made with other (BMI/XMI-compliant) processes and models. One example of such a link is using the surface runoff and the agricultural irrigation demand calculated by an unsaturated zone model; in the Netherlands Hydrological Instrument MetaSWAP provides this demand."
+ "text": "Modules = [Ribasim, Ribasim.config]\nOrder = [:macro]"
- "objectID": "couple/modflow.html#drainage",
- "href": "couple/modflow.html#drainage",
- "title": "MODFLOW 6",
- "section": "1.1 Drainage",
- "text": "1.1 Drainage\nThe drainage package can be simulated to agricultural drains, ditches, or draining streams. The amount of water removed from the aquifer is proportional to the difference between the groundwater head and the drainage elevation. Drainage only occurs when the head is larger than the elevation; this boundary condition does not allow infiltration into the groundwater.\n\\[\nQ_{drain} = \\left\\{\n \\begin{array}{ c l }\n C_{drain} (\\phi - h_{drain}) & \\quad \\textrm{if } \\phi > h_{drain} \\\\\n 0 & \\quad \\textrm{otherwise}\n \\end{array}\n\\right.\n\\]"
+ "objectID": "contribute/addnode.html",
+ "href": "contribute/addnode.html",
+ "title": "Adding node types",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "Several parts of the code have to be made aware of the new node type. In the rest of this page we shall call our new node type NewNodeType."
- "objectID": "couple/modflow.html#river",
- "href": "couple/modflow.html#river",
- "title": "MODFLOW 6",
- "section": "1.2 River",
- "text": "1.2 River\nThe river package can both drain the groundwater, or infiltrate surface water to the groundwater. It limits the amount of water that can infiltrate when the groundwater head falls below the river bottom, in which cases it assumes atmospheric pressure conditions underneath the surface water.\n\\[\nQ_{river} = \\left\\{\n \\begin{array}{ c l }\n C_{river} (\\phi - h_{river}) & \\quad \\textrm{if } \\phi > b_{river} \\\\\n C_{river} (h_{river} - b_{river}) & \\quad \\textrm{if } \\phi <= b_{river}\n \\end{array}\n\\right.\n\\]\nIn the Netherlands, it is somewhat common to make a distinction between the drainage and infiltration conductance of surface waters. Drainage conductance is often larger than the infiltration conductance due to clogging processes, seepage through sides of the ditches, less contracted flow lines, etc.\n\\[\nQ_{river} = \\left\\{\n \\begin{array}{ c l }\n C_{river,drn} (\\phi - h_{river}) & \\quad \\textrm{if } \\phi > h_{river} \\\\\n C_{river,inf} (\\phi - h_{river}) & \\quad \\textrm{if } \\phi <= h_{river} \\\\\n C_{river,inf} (h_{river} - b_{river}) & \\quad \\textrm{if } \\phi <= b_{river}\n \\end{array}\n\\right.\n\\]\nMODFLOW 6 does not support this (currently), but an identical effect may be achieved by “stacking” a drainage package on top of a river package with these values:\n\\[\n\\begin{array}{ c l }\n h_{drain} = h_{river} \\\\\n C_{drain} = C_{river,drn} - C_{river,inf}\n\\end{array}\n\\]"
+ "objectID": "contribute/addnode.html#parameters",
+ "href": "contribute/addnode.html#parameters",
+ "title": "Adding node types",
+ "section": "1.1 Parameters",
+ "text": "1.1 Parameters\nThe parameters object (defined in solve.jl) passed to the ODE solver must be made aware of the new node type. Therefore define a struct in solve.jl which holds the data for each node of the new node type:\nstruct NewNodeType\n node_id::Vector{NodeID}\n # Other fields\nend\nThese fields do not have to correspond 1:1 with the input tables (see below). The vector with all node IDs that are of the new type in a given model is a mandatory field. Now you can:\n\nAdd new_node_type::NewNodeType to the Parameters object;\nAdd new_node_type = NewNodeType(db,config) to the function Parameters in create.jl and add new_node_type at the proper location in the Parameters constructor call."
- "objectID": "couple/modflow.html#numerical-solution-in-modflow",
- "href": "couple/modflow.html#numerical-solution-in-modflow",
- "title": "MODFLOW 6",
- "section": "2.1 Numerical solution in MODFLOW",
- "text": "2.1 Numerical solution in MODFLOW\nMODFLOW uses a backward-in-time implicit solution scheme. This creates a large system of equations (a water balance for every cell), which it solves by repeatedly solving a linearized system of equations instead. In matrix form, this system of equations is expressed by:\n\\[\n\\mathbf{Ax} = \\mathbf{b}\n\\]\nWhere \\(\\mathbf{x}\\) is a vector containing the head of every cell.\nFor the boundary conditions, this requires linearization of the flow equations. Flow from outside of the aquifer (cell) may be represented by:\n\\[\na = p\\phi + q\n\\]\n(Equation 2-6 in the MODFLOW 6 documentation (Langevin et al. 2017).)\nFor e.g. a draining boundary condition, the flow is head dependent:\n\\[\na = C(h - \\phi) = -C\\phi + Ch\n\\]\nWith \\(C\\) the conductance, \\(h\\) the boundary head or elevation, and \\(\\phi\\) the groundwater head.\nIn MODFLOW’s internal formulation, the term in \\(\\mathbf{A}\\) is called “coefficient of head” or hcof. Terms in \\(\\mathbf{b}\\) are called “right hand side” or rhs. We can separate the equation above:\n\\[\n\\begin{aligned}\np = \\text{hcof} = -C \\\\\nq = \\textrm{rhs} = -Ch \\\\\na = -C\\phi + Ch = \\text{hcof} * \\phi - \\text{rhs}\n\\end{aligned}\n\\]\nFor every boundary condition, MODFLOW 6 stores the hcof and rhs values. This makes it quite convenient for us to compute the water budget for every boundary condition: we simply multiply the hcof value by the head of the cell and subtract the rhs.\nNote that hcof may have a value of 0! For example, when for a river boundary the \\(\\phi <= b_{river}\\) condition occurs, the flow into the cell is controlled only by \\(h_{river}\\) and \\(b_{river}\\) (equal to recharge for the linear solution)."
+ "objectID": "contribute/addnode.html#reading-from-configuration",
+ "href": "contribute/addnode.html#reading-from-configuration",
+ "title": "Adding node types",
+ "section": "1.2 Reading from configuration",
+ "text": "1.2 Reading from configuration\nThere can be several schemas associated with a single node type. To define a schema for the new node type, add the following to validation.jl:\n@schema \"ribasim.newnodetype.static\" NewNodeTypeStatic\n\n\"\"\"\nnode_id: node ID of the NewNodeType node\n\"\"\"\n@version NewNodeTypeStaticV1 begin\n node_id::Int\n # Other fields\nend\nHere Static refers to data that does not change over time. For naming conventions of these schemas see Node usage.\nvalidation.jl also deals with checking and applying a specific sorting order for the tabular data (default is sorting by node ID only), see sort_by_function and sorted_table!.\nNow we define the function that is called in the second bullet above, in create.jl:\nfunction NewNodeType(db::DB, config::Config)::NewNodeType\n static = load_structvector(db, config, NewNodeTypeStaticV1)\n defaults = (; foo = 1, bar = false)\n # Process potential control states in the static data\n parsed_parameters, valid = parse_static_and_time(db, config, \"Outlet\"; static, defaults)\n\n if !valid\n error(\"Errors occurred when parsing NewNodeType data.\")\n end\n\n # Unpack the fields of static as inputs for the NewNodeType constructor\n return NewNodeType(\n NodeID.(parsed_parameters.node_id),\n parsed_parameters.some_property,\n parsed_parameters.control_mapping)\nend"
- "objectID": "couple/modflow.html#sequential-coupled-solution",
- "href": "couple/modflow.html#sequential-coupled-solution",
- "title": "MODFLOW 6",
- "section": "2.2 Sequential coupled solution",
- "text": "2.2 Sequential coupled solution\nA coupled run stars by initializing both models and creating the exchange information: which MODFLOW 6 boundary condition is connected to which Ribasim basin. While the model is running, the model proceeds through time as follows:\n\nRibasim solves the equations on a basin level; this occurs with adaptive timestepping via ModelingToolkit.\nAt a specified time (in accordance with the MODFLOW 6 time discretization), the volumes are converted to MODFLOW 6 boundary condition levels using a Callback function.\nMODFLOW 6 runs a timestep.\nThe drainage and infiltration budgets are computed from MODFLOW 6 using the equations described above and aggregated per basin.\nThe aggregated values are set as Ribasim boundary conditions, and Ribasim solves until the next preset exchange time.\n\nThese steps run until the final timestep is finished."
+ "objectID": "contribute/addnode.html#node-behavior",
+ "href": "contribute/addnode.html#node-behavior",
+ "title": "Adding node types",
+ "section": "1.3 Node behavior",
+ "text": "1.3 Node behavior\nIn general if the new node type dictates flow, the behaviour of the new node in the Ribasim core is defined in a method of the formulate_flow! function, which is called within the water_balance! (both in solve.jl) function being the right hand side of the system of differential equations solved by Ribasim. Here the details depend highly on the specifics of the node type. An example structure of a formulate_flow! method is given below.\nfunction formulate_flow!(new_node_type::NewNodeType, p::Parameters)::Nothing\n # Retrieve relevant parameters\n (; graph) = p\n (; node_id, param_1, param_2) = new_node_type\n\n # Loop over nodes of NewNodeType\n for (i, id) in enumerate(node_id)\n # compute e.g. flow based on param_1[i], param_2[i]\n end\n\n return nothing\nend\nIf the new node type is non-conservative, meaning it either adds or removes water from the model, these boundary flows also need to be recorded. This is done by storing it on the diagonal of the flow[from, to] matrix, e.g. flow[id, id] = q, where q is positive for water added to the model. Non-conservative node types need to be added to the nonconservative_nodetypes set such that this diagonal is set to a nonzero on creating the flow sparse matrix in the Connectivity constructor."
- "objectID": "couple/modflow.html#iterative-coupled-solution",
- "href": "couple/modflow.html#iterative-coupled-solution",
- "title": "MODFLOW 6",
- "section": "2.3 Iterative coupled solution",
- "text": "2.3 Iterative coupled solution\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nWe have not implemented an iterative coupled solution yet. The section below describes an approach.\n\n\nThe simplest form of a iterative solution occurs as follows:\n\nMODFLOW 6 computes drainage and infiltration flows.\nRibasim uses these flows to compute a storage volume for the basin.\nThe volume is translated to a water level for every MODFLOW 6 boundary condition in the basins.\nMODFLOW 6 recomputes drainage and infiltration flows with the updated water levels, etc.\n\nSuch a scheme is not maximally efficient: the discharge and infiltration terms are not constant, but are driven by a head difference. This head difference depends on the level of the boundary conditions and head of every cell of the groundwater model. If the surface waters of a basin empty, the water level will decrease and drainage and infiltration flows will change. Ideally, we can provide Ribasim with more information, so that it may estimate drainage and infiltration terms better.\nAs groundwater flow is often (approximately) linear, we can use linearization to more efficiently compute the flow from Ribasim’s side as well. In the iterative coupled solution, we are solving both MODFLOW 6 and Ribasim repeatedly, until they produce same drainage or infiltration (approximately). One of Ribasim’s basins contains many MODFLOW cells with boundary conditions. We could add every boundary condition to Ribasim’s equations, but this is costly and cumbersome. Fortunately, linearization allows us to “stack” (superpose) all the different boundary conditions into a single, simple equation. In linear form, every equation takes the form of:\n\\[\na = ph + q\n\\]\nNote the \\(h\\) rather than \\(\\phi\\), we are formulating from Ribasim’s perspective! We can sum all coefficients for p and q to provide a linear groundwater response to Ribasim.\n\n2.3.1 Drainage\nFrom Ribasim’s perspective, the groundwater head is constant given a timestep, so that:\n\\[\\begin{align}\np = -C \\\\\nq = -C\\phi\n\\end{align}\\]\nWhen the head falls below the drainage elevation, the coefficients are 0.\n\n\n2.3.2 River\nFrom Ribasim’s perspective, infiltration is never limited when the head falls below the bottom:\n\\[\\begin{align}\np = -C \\\\\nq = -Cb\n\\end{align}\\]\nOtherwise, infiltration and drainage occur with the same equation as for the drainage package:\n\\[\\begin{align}\np = -C \\\\\nq = -C\\phi\n\\end{align}\\]"
+ "objectID": "contribute/addnode.html#the-jacobian",
+ "href": "contribute/addnode.html#the-jacobian",
+ "title": "Adding node types",
+ "section": "1.4 The Jacobian",
+ "text": "1.4 The Jacobian\nSee Equations for a mathematical description of the Jacobian.\nBefore the Julia core runs its simulation, the sparsity structure jac_prototype of \\(J\\) is determined with get_jac_prototype in utils.jl. This function runs trough all node types and looks for nodes that create dependencies between states. It creates a sparse matrix of zeros and ones, where the ones denote locations of possible non-zeros in \\(J\\).\nWe divide the various node types in groups based on what type of state dependencies they yield, and these groups are discussed below. Each group has its own method update_jac_prototype! in utils.jl for the sparsity structure induced by nodes of that group. NewNodeType should be added to the signature of one these methods, or to the list of node types that do not contribute to the Jacobian in the method of update_jac_prototype! whose signature contains node::AbstractParameterNode. Of course it is also possible that a new method of update_jac_prototype! has to be introduced.\nThe current dependency groups are:\n\nOut-neighbor dependencies: examples are TabulatedRatingCurve, Pump (the latter only in the reduction factor regime and not PID controlled). If the in-neighbor of a node of this group is a basin, then the storage of this basin affects itself and the storage of the outneighbor (or the basin one node further if it is connected with a FractionalFlow in between) if that is also a basin;\nEither-neighbor dependencies: examples are LinearResistance, ManningResistance. If either the in-neighbor or out-neighbor of a node of this group is a basin, the storage of this basin depends on itself. If both the in-neighbor and the out-neighbor are basins, their storages also depend on eachother.\nThe PidControl node is a special case which is discussed in equations.\n\nUsing jac_prototype the Jacobian of water_balance! is computed automatically using ForwardDiff.jl with memory management provided by PreallocationTools.jl. These computations make use of DiffCache and dual numbers."
- "objectID": "couple/modflow.html#parametrization",
- "href": "couple/modflow.html#parametrization",
- "title": "MODFLOW 6",
- "section": "3.1 Parametrization",
- "text": "3.1 Parametrization\nIn coupling Ribasim to MODFLOW 6, relations translating the Ribasim volume must be given for every every cell of every boundary condition. These consist of piecewise linear relationships between the basin volume and its associated water level for the boundary condition in the cell.\nThese values are stored in a netCDF dataset. This dataset must meet the following requirements:\n\nIt must contain a x and y coordinate. The extent and cell size of these coordinates must match the domain of the coupled MODFLOW 6 model exactly.\nIt must contain a variable (x, y) denoting the basin IDs.\nIt must contain a volume-level variable (x, y, row, column) for every coupled MODFLOW 6 boundary condition, describing the volume-level lookup table per cell.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nThe x and y coordinates are valid for structured MODFLOW 6 models (DIS). Discretized-by-vertices (DISV) and fully unstructured discretization (DISU). are not yet supported, but require no fundamental changes: one basin is connected to multiple MODFLOW 6 cells, and the coupling parameters must match the (structured, unstructured) grid of the MODFLOW 6 model exactly.\n\n\nThe MODFLOW 6 coupling example cases show examples of such a parametrization."
+ "objectID": "contribute/addnode.html#python-class",
+ "href": "contribute/addnode.html#python-class",
+ "title": "Adding node types",
+ "section": "2.1 Python class",
+ "text": "2.1 Python class\nCreate a new file python/ribasim/ribasim/node_types/new_node_type.py which is structured as follows:\nfrom typing import Optional\n\nimport pandera as pa\nfrom pandera.engines.pandas_engine import PydanticModel\nfrom pandera.typing import DataFrame\nfrom pydantic import ConfigDict\n\nfrom ribasim import models\nfrom ribasim.input_base import TableModel\n\n__all__ = (\"NewNodeType\",)\n\nclass StaticSchema(pa.SchemaModel):\n class Config:\n \"\"\"Config with dataframe-level data type.\"\"\"\n\n dtype = PydanticModel(models.NewNodeTypeStatic)\n\n# Possible other schemas\n\n\nclass NewNodeType(TableModel):\n \"\"\"\n Description of this node type.\n\n Parameters\n ----------\n static: pandas.DataFrame\n table with data for this node type.\n\n possible other schemas\n \"\"\"\n\n static: DataFrame[StaticSchema] | None\n # possible other schemas\n\n model_config = ConfigDict(validate_assignment=True)\n\n def sort(self):\n self.static.sort_values(\"node_id\", ignore_index=True, inplace=True)\nThe sort method should implement the same sorting as in validation.jl.\nNow in both python/ribasim/ribasim/__init__.py and python/ribasim/ribasim/node_types/__init__.py add\n\nfrom ribasim.node_types.new_node_type import NewNodeType;\n\"NewNodeType\" to __all__.\n\nIn python/ribasim/ribasim/model.py, add\n\nfrom ribasim.new_node_type import NewNodeType;\nnew_node_type as a parameter and in the docstring of the Model class.\n\nIn python/ribasim/ribasim/geometry/node.py add a color and shape description in the MARKERS and COLORS dictionaries."
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "contribute/qgis.html",
+ "href": "contribute/qgis.html",
+ "title": "QGIS plugin development",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "1 Set up the developer environment\nAfter you have installed the environment as described here you must still activate the QGIS plugins. The simplest way to do this is by running pixi run install-qgis-plugins. It grabs the latest version of the iMOD QGIS plugin and it makes a symlink to the ribasim_qgis folder so that QGIS can find it. It also installs plugins that make it possible to reload and debug your plugin while QGIS is open.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nOn Windows you need to have Developer mode enabled. Otherwise you will not have enough access rights to create symlinks. For more info, see this Windows blog.\nWe wanted to implement this via pip install --editable, but QGIS doesn’t find the metadata.txt and therefore cannot load the plugin on startup.\n\n\n\n\n2 Running QGIS\nIn order to run QGIS with the plugins, simply call pixi run qgis. You will find the Ribasim and iMOD plugins in the tool bars.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nOn Windows, running QGIS from the start menu will disable Python, and thus the plugins. QGIS needs some more paths during the startup and the Pixi environment provides those.\n\n\n\n\n3 Running tests\nTo run the QGIS plugin tests in the application environment of QGIS, it is best to make use of the Docker environment provided in this repository. Make sure that docker is installed and available in your path.\nThen simply call pixi run test-ribasim-qgis.\n\n\n4 Debugging\nAfter installing the plugins via pixi run install-qgis-plugins. Extra debugging tools are also installed in QGIS that is installed within your pixi environment.\nAfter you have started pixi run qgis, you can make alterations to the python code and use the Plugin Reloader to reload the plugin without restarting QGIS. The shortcut in QGIS is CTRL+F5.\nIt is also possible to connect the debugger of Visual Studio Code. For this the debugvs plugin is installed in QGIS. In QGIS press the button to Enable Debug for Visual Studio. Then go to Visual Studio Code and start the launch task Ribasim QGIS: Attach to QGIS. Now you can place breakpoints.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nNote\n\n\n\nWe are currently using debugvs 0.7 with ptvsd as service, since there is an open issue that breaks debugvs 0.8 with debugpy."
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "contribute/core.html",
+ "href": "contribute/core.html",
+ "title": "Julia core development",
+ "section": "",
+ "text": "This section is about the Julia core in Ribasim.jl. See the component overview here for the context of this computational core.\nRibasim.jl can be divided into 3 parts:\n\nModel initialization\nRunning the simulation loop\nWriting the output files\n\nThe figure below gives a more detailed description of the simulation loop in the form of a sequence diagram. From top to bottom, it contains the following blocks:\n\nAllocation optimization; activated when the allocation timestep has been passed;\nControl actions; activated when some discrete control callback is triggered;\nWater balance; computing the flows over flow edges happens each timestep;\nTime integration step; done by the integrator from OrdinaryDiffEq.jl.\n\n\n\n\n\nsequenceDiagram\n autonumber\n participant Int as Process: Integrator\n participant Optim as Process: Allocation optimization\n participant Param as Data: Parameters\n participant State as Data: State\n participant Sim as Process: Water balance\n loop Simulation loop (OrdinaryDiffEq.jl)\n activate Int\n %% Allocation\n rect rgb(200, 200, 200)\n opt Allocation optimization, per allocation network (JuMP.jl, HiGHS)\n activate Optim\n Int->>Optim: Callback: allocation timestep has passed\n Param-->>Optim: Input\n State-->>Optim: Input\n Optim->>Optim: Optimize Basin allocations if below target level\n Optim->>Optim: Optimize User allocation, per priority\n Optim-->>Param: Set allocated flow rates\n deactivate Optim\n end\n end\n %% Control\n rect rgb(200, 200, 200)\n opt Control actions\n Int->>Int: DiscreteControl callback\n Int-->>Param: Parameter updates by control\n end\n end\n %% water_balance!\n rect rgb(200, 200, 200)\n activate Sim\n State-->>Sim: Input\n Param-->>Sim: Input\n Sim->>Sim: Compute flows over edges per node type\n Sim-->>Param: Set flows\n deactivate Sim\n end\n %% Time integration\n rect rgb(200, 200, 200)\n State-->>Int: Input\n Param-->>Int: Input\n Int->>Int: Time integration step\n Int-->>State: Update state\n end\n deactivate Int\n end"
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "contribute/core.html#install-optional-julia-libraries",
+ "href": "contribute/core.html#install-optional-julia-libraries",
+ "title": "Julia core development",
+ "section": "2.1 Install optional Julia libraries",
+ "text": "2.1 Install optional Julia libraries\nStart the Julia REPL by executing pixi run julia in your terminal. Within the REPL type ] to enter the Pkg REPL. For more information on how to use Pkg, see the Getting Started page in its documentation. There you can add Revise and TestEnv to your global environment.\npkg> add Revise TestEnv"
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "contribute/core.html#setup-revise.jl",
+ "href": "contribute/core.html#setup-revise.jl",
+ "title": "Julia core development",
+ "section": "2.2 Setup Revise.jl",
+ "text": "2.2 Setup Revise.jl\nRevise.jl is a library that allows you to modify code and use the changes without restarting Julia. You can let it start automatically by following these instructions."
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "contribute/core.html#install-visual-studio-code-optional",
+ "href": "contribute/core.html#install-visual-studio-code-optional",
+ "title": "Julia core development",
+ "section": "2.3 Install Visual Studio Code (optional)",
+ "text": "2.3 Install Visual Studio Code (optional)\nThere is a section on editors and IDEs for Julia on https://julialang.org/, scroll down to see it. We use and recommend Microsoft’s free editor Visual Studio Code. When combined with the Julia extension it provides a powerful and interactive development experience. Make sure to have the correct environment when opening your IDE by running pixi run code ., or opening a pixi shell and then calling the command to open the editor of your choice."
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "contribute/core.html#sec-test",
+ "href": "contribute/core.html#sec-test",
+ "title": "Julia core development",
+ "section": "3.1 Running tests",
+ "text": "3.1 Running tests\nYou will want to run the testsuite on a regular basis to check if your changes had unexpected side effects. It is also a good way to find out if your development environment is set up correctly.\nBefore the tests can run, you need to prepare model input.\nWith the root of the repository as your working directory you can start the REPL with activated Ribasim environment by running the following:\njulia --project\nWhile not technically required, it is advised to import Ribasim first to catch installation issues early on.\njulia> using Ribasim\nThen open the Pkg REPL by typing ] and execute:\npkg> test Ribasim\nIn order to debug tests, it is very useful to run them in a REPL. However, here, you don’t have the dependencies available in the [extras] section of your Project.toml. TestEnv.jl that we installed earlier solves that problem.\nWhen you then debug your tests inside the REPL, you can include the [extras] dependencies as follows:\nusing TestEnv,\nTestEnv.activate(\"Ribasim\")"
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "contribute/core.html#render-documentation",
+ "href": "contribute/core.html#render-documentation",
+ "title": "Julia core development",
+ "section": "3.2 Render documentation",
+ "text": "3.2 Render documentation\nExample models are created and simulated as part of the rendering of the documentation. The Julia API reference is created using Documenter.jl by running this command:\npixi run build-julia-docs\nIn order to preview documentation you can run the following command from the docs/ folder. Afterwards, a browser tab will open with the rendered documentation, updating it as you make changes.\npixi run quarto-preview\nThe documentation also includes Jupyter notebooks. Note that they are stored in the repository without any output, and this should stay this way to keep the repository small. The documentation rendering process adds the output by running the notebooks.\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTip\n\n\n\nThe Jupyter VS Code extension allows you to run Jupyter notebooks directly in VS Code."
+ },
+ {
+ "objectID": "contribute/core.html#run-ribasim-simulations",
+ "href": "contribute/core.html#run-ribasim-simulations",
+ "title": "Julia core development",
+ "section": "3.3 Run Ribasim simulations",
+ "text": "3.3 Run Ribasim simulations\nAssuming your working directory is the root of the repository, you can activate this project by entering the Pkg mode of the REPL with ] and execute:\npkg> activate .\npkg> instantiate\nPress backspace to go back to the Julia REPL. There you can run a model with:\njulia> Ribasim.run(\"path/to/model/ribasim.toml\")\n\n\n\n\n\n\nTip\n\n\n\nThe Julia VS Code extension allows you to execute code cells in REPL. This is a very convenient way of executing only parts of your source file."
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