- avoid timezone conversion if tz-naive ddlpy.dataframe_to_xarray in #106
- added some missing dependencies in #108
- ddlpy.measurements_amount() now returns all amounts in #115
- avoid duplicated periods in dataframe returned by ddlpy.measurements_amount() in #93
- allow for different retrieval frequencies (including None) in ddlpy.measurements() in #95
- only catch "Geen gegevens gevonden!" error message and raise all others (for instance for a too large request) in #97
- support for timezones in start_date/end_date in #98
- added catalog_filter argument to ddlpy.locations() to enabling retrieving the extended catalog in #87
- pass all Code parameters to measurements request instead of only four in #88
- added ddlpy.dataframe_to_xarray() function in #86
- improved nan filtering of measurements in #30
- add ddlpy.measurements_available() check in #33 and #58
- add ddlpy.measurements_latest() to retrieve latest measurements in #35
- add optional time-sorting of returned measurements dataframe and made drop_duplicates optional in #37
- add support for time strings in addition to pd.Timestamp and dt.datetime in #41
- add ddlpy.simplify_dataframe() function which drops constant columns and adds the properties as attrs in #43
- consistency improvements for ddlpy.measurements() output dataframe in #45
- add distinction for Groepering (timeseries vs. extremes) to ddlpy.locations() dataframe in #49
- drop Tijdstip column in ddlpy.measurements() output dataframe to avoid duplication with time index in #52 and #54
- add ddlpy.measurements_amount() to retrieve the number of available measurements grouped by day/month/year in #63
- catch accidentally switched start/end dates in #65
- in case of no measurements, return empty dataframe instead of None or empty list in #75
- First release on PyPI.