pnpm i @288-toolkit/dismissable
This component shows its content after an optional timeout and registers dismissals in browser storage. It supports both a maximum age and a last update date. The content will show up again if the dismissal is expired or if the content has been updated since the last dismissal.
It is useful for a banner or a cookie consent popup, for example.
Used to identify the content being dismissed in browser storage.
export let key: string;
The delay in milliseconds before the content shows up.
export let timeout = 0;
The date of the last update of the content.
export let lastUpdatedAt: Maybe<Date> = null;
The maximum age of the dismissal in seconds. The content will show up again after this time has passed.
export let maxAge = 0;
Whether to use sessionStorage
or localStorage
export let browserStorage: 'local' | 'session' = 'local';
Whether to close the content when navigating to another page.
export let closeOnNav = false;
A function to close the popup without persistence.
export const close: () => void;
A function to dismiss the popup for the provided maxAge.
export const dismiss: () => void;
A function to check if the popup is dismissed.
export const isDismissed: () => boolean;
(() => void
): A function to close the popup.dismiss
(() => void
): A function to dismiss the popup.dismissed
): Wether the popup is dimissed.
The default storage is localStorage
, but you can also use sessionStorage
<script lang="ts">
import { Dismissable } from '@288-toolkit/dismissable';
<Dismissable key="forever" browserStorage="session" let:close>
<div>This content can be dismissed once per session.</div>
<button on:click={close}>Dismiss</button>
You can dismiss the content based on a maximum age in seconds.
<script lang="ts">
import { Dismissable } from '@288-toolkit/dismissable';
<Dismissable key="maxage" maxAge={5} let:close>
<div>This content can be dismissed for 5 seconds</div>
<button on:click={close}>Dismiss</button>
The content will be back as soon as lastUpdatedAt
prop is sooner then the last dismissal.
<script lang="ts">
import { Dismissable } from '@288-toolkit/dismissable';
<Dismissable key="lastUpdate" maxAge={300} lastUpdatedAt={new Date( + 1000)} let:close>
This content can be dismissed for 300 seconds, but it won't since its lastUpdatedAt is in
the future.
<button on:click={close}>Dismiss</button>
You can also use animations in or out.
<script lang="ts">
import { Dismissable } from '@288-toolkit/dismissable';
import { fly } from 'svelte/transition';
<Dismissable key="animated" maxAge={5} let:close>
<div in:fly={{ y: 0, duration: 500 }} out:fly={{ y: -100, duration: 200 }}>
<button on:click={close}>Dismiss</button>