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CollapsiblePanelExtender (demo)
An extender class which adds collapse/expand behavior to an ASP.NET Panel control. The panel that is extended can then be collapsed or expanded by the user of the page, which is handy for doing things like showing or hiding content or maximizing available space.
Name | Description |
AutoCollapse | If true, and the panel is in its 'expanded' state, the panel will automatically collapse when the mouse pointer moves off of the panel. The default is false |
AutoExpand | If true, and the panel is in its 'collapsed' state, the panel will automatically expand when the mouse pointer moves into the panel. The default is false |
CollapseControlID | The server ID of the control to initiate the collapse of the target panel. The panel will collapse when this control fires its client side "onclick" event Remarks: If this value is the same as the value for "ExpandControlID", the CollapsiblePanel will toggle when this control is clicked |
Collapsed | Signals the initial collapsed state of the control. Note this will not cause an expanded control to collapse at initialization, but rather tells the extender what the initial state of the Panel control is. The default is false |
CollapsedImage | Image to be displayed when the Panel is collapsed and the ImageControlID is set |
CollapsedSize | The size of the panel when it is in it's collapsed state. To avoid flicker when your page initializes, set the initial height (or width) of your Panel control to match this value, and set the Collapsed property to 'true' Remarks: The default value is -1, which indicates that the CollapsiblePanel should initialize the CollapsedSize based on the initial size of the object |
CollapsedText | The text to display in the collapsed state. When the panel is collapsed, the internal contents (anything between the start and ending tags) of the control referenced by the TextLabelID property will be replaced with this text. This collapsed text is also used as the alternate text of the image if ImageControlID is set |
ExpandControlID | The server ID of the control to initiate the expansion of the target panel. The panel will opening when this control fires its client side "onclick" event Remarks: If this value is the same as the value for "CollapseControlID", the CollapsiblePanel will toggle when this control is clicked |
ExpandDirection | The dimension to use for collapsing and expanding - vertical or horizontal |
ExpandedImage | Image to be displayed when the Panel is expanded and the ImageControlID is set |
ExpandedSize | The size of the panel when it is in it's opened state. To avoid flicker when your page initializes, set the initial width of your Panel control to match this value, and set the Collapsed property to 'false' Remarks: The default value is -1, which indicates that the CollapsiblePanel should initialize the ExpandedSize based on the parent div offsetheight if aligned vertically and parentdiv offsetwidth if aligned horizonatally |
ExpandedText | The text to display in the expanded state. When the panel is expanded, the internal contents (anything between the start and ending tags) of the control referenced by the TextLabelID property will be replaced with this text. This expanded text is also used as the alternate text of the image if ImageControlID is set |
ImageControlID | The ID of an image control to display the current state of the Panel. When the collapsed state of the panel changes, the image source will be changed from the ExpandedImage to the CollapsedImage. We also use the ExpandedText and CollapsedText as the image's alternate text if they are provided |
ScrollContents | Determines whether the contents of the panel should be scrolled or clipped if they do not fit into the expanded size. The default is false |
SuppressPostBack | Determines whether the CollapsiblePanelBehavior should suppress the click operations of the controls referenced in CollapseControlID and/or ExpandControlID. Remarks: By default, this value is false, except for anchor ("A") tags |
TextLabelID | The ID of a label control to display the current state of the Panel. When the collapsed state of the panel changes, the entire HTML contents (anything between the start and ending tags of the label) will be replaced with the status text |
Name | Description |
autoCollapse | Whether to automatically collapse the target when the mouse is moved off of it |
autoExpand | Whether to automatically expand the target when the mouse is moved over it |
collapseControlID | ID of the control used to collapse the target when clicked |
collapsed | Whether or not the panel is collapsed |
collapsedImage | Path to an image to show in the element specified by ImageControlID when the target is collapsed |
collapsedSize | The size of the target, in pixels, when it is in the collapsed state |
collapsedText | Text to show in the element specified by TextLabelID when the target is collapsed. This text is also used as the alternate text of the image if ImageControlID has been provided |
expandControlID | ID of the control used to expand the target when clicked |
expandDirection | Direction the panel will expand and collapse (can be either "Vertical" or "Horizontal") |
expandedImage | Path to an image to show in the element specified by ImageControlID when the target is expanded |
expandedSize | The size of the target, in pixels, when it is in the expanded state |
expandedText | Text to show in the element specified by TextLabelID when the target is expanded. This text is also used as the alternate text of the image if ImageControlID has been provided |
imageControlID | ID of the element where an icon indicating the collapsed status of the target will be placed |
scrollContents | Whether to add a scrollbar when the contents are larger than the target (the contents will be clipped if false) |
suppressPostBack | Whether or not to suppress postbacks generated when the CollapseControlID or ExpandControlID elements are clicked |
targetHeight | Wrap the height of the panel |
targetWidth | Wrap the width of the panel |
textLabelID | ID of the element where the "status text" for the target will be placed |
Name | Description |
collapsePanel(eventObj) | Collapse the panel. Public function that users should call if they wish to operate the collapsible panel programmatically |
expandPanel(eventObj) | Open the panel. Public function that users should call if they wish to operate the collapsible panel programmatically |
togglePanel(eventObj) | Event handler to expand or collapse the panel (based on its current state) This is the public function that should be called instead of _toggle if you wish to programmatically open and close the collapsible panel |
Name | Description |
collapseComplete | Fires when collapse completes |
collapsed | Fires when control is collapsed |
collapsing | Fires when control is collapsing |
expandComplete | Fires when expand completes |
expanded | Fires when control is expanded |
expanding | Fires when control is expanding |
Wrap the height of the panel
Getter name: get_targetHeight()
Setter name: set_targetHeight(value)
Wrap the width of the panel
Getter name: get_targetWidth()
Setter name: set_targetWidth(value)
Whether or not the panel is collapsed
Getter name: get_collapsed()
Setter name: set_collapsed(value)
The size of the target, in pixels, when it is in the collapsed state
Getter name: get_collapsedSize()
Setter name: set_collapsedSize(value)
The size of the target, in pixels, when it is in the expanded state
Getter name: get_expandedSize()
Setter name: set_expandedSize(value)
ID of the control used to collapse the target when clicked
Getter name: get_collapseControlID()
Setter name: set_collapseControlID(value)
ID of the control used to expand the target when clicked
Getter name: get_expandControlID()
Setter name: set_expandControlID(value)
Whether to add a scrollbar when the contents are larger than the target (the contents will be clipped if false)
Getter name: get_scrollContents()
Setter name: set_scrollContents(value)
Whether or not to suppress postbacks generated when the CollapseControlID or ExpandControlID elements are clicked
Getter name: get_suppressPostBack()
Setter name: set_suppressPostBack(value)
ID of the element where the "status text" for the target will be placed
Getter name: get_textLabelID()
Setter name: set_textLabelID(value)
Text to show in the element specified by TextLabelID when the target is expanded. This text is also used as the alternate text of the image if ImageControlID has been provided
Getter name: get_expandedText()
Setter name: set_expandedText(value)
Text to show in the element specified by TextLabelID when the target is collapsed. This text is also used as the alternate text of the image if ImageControlID has been provided
Getter name: get_collapsedText()
Setter name: set_collapsedText(value)
ID of the element where an icon indicating the collapsed status of the target will be placed
Getter name: get_imageControlID()
Setter name: set_imageControlID(value)
Path to an image to show in the element specified by ImageControlID when the target is expanded
Getter name: get_expandedImage()
Setter name: set_expandedImage(value)
Path to an image to show in the element specified by ImageControlID when the target is collapsed
Getter name: get_collapsedImage()
Setter name: set_collapsedImage(value)
Whether to automatically expand the target when the mouse is moved over it
Getter name: get_autoExpand()
Setter name: set_autoExpand(value)
Whether to automatically collapse the target when the mouse is moved off of it
Getter name: get_autoCollapse()
Setter name: set_autoCollapse(value)
Direction the panel will expand and collapse (can be either "Vertical" or "Horizontal")
Getter name: get_expandDirection()
Setter name: set_expandDirection(value)
Event handler to expand or collapse the panel (based on its current state) This is the public function that should be called instead of _toggle if you wish to programmatically open and close the collapsible panel
- Type: Object
- Description: Event info
Open the panel. Public function that users should call if they wish to operate the collapsible panel programmatically
- Type: Object
- Description: Event info
Collapse the panel. Public function that users should call if they wish to operate the collapsible panel programmatically
- Type: Object
- Description: Event info
Fires when control is collapsing
Add event handler method: add_collapsing(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_collapsing(handler)
Raise event method: raise_collapsing()
Fires when control is collapsed
Add event handler method: add_collapsed(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_collapsed(handler)
Raise event method: raise_collapsed()
Fires when collapse completes
Add event handler method: add_collapseComplete(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_collapseComplete(handler)
Raise event method: raise_collapseComplete()
Fires when control is expanding
Add event handler method: add_expanding(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_expanding(handler)
Raise event method: raise_expanding()
Fires when control is expanded
Add event handler method: add_expanded(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_expanded(handler)
Raise event method: raise_expanded()
Fires when expand completes
Add event handler method: add_expandComplete(handler)
Remove event handler method: remove_expandComplete(handler)
Raise event method: raise_expandComplete()
This content was moved from https://ajaxcontroltoolkit.codeplex.com/documentation to this Documentation wiki. This is now the authoritative location of the AJAX Control Toolkit documentation.
- Step-by-Step Installation Guide
- Upgrading from v7.x and below
- Uninstalling the AJAX Control Toolkit
- Troubleshooting Installer Issues
- Updating the Project from CI Builds
- How to Use Bundling and CDN
- Creating a Custom Localization
- Creating a Custom Control
- Design Standards
- Accordion
- AjaxFileUpload
- AreaChart
- AsyncFileUpload
- BarChart
- BubbleChart
- ComboBox
- Editor (deprecated)
- Gravatar
- LineChart
- NoBot
- PieChart
- Rating
- ReorderList
- Seadragon
- TabContainer
- TabPanel
- AlwaysVisibleControl
- Animation
- AutoComplete
- BalloonPopup
- Calendar
- CascadingDropDown
- CollapsiblePanel
- ColorPicker
- ConfirmButton
- DragPanel
- DropDown
- DropShadow
- DynamicPopulate
- FilteredTextBox
- HoverMenu
- HtmlEditor
- ListSearch
- MaskedEdit
- MaskedEditValidator
- ModalPopup
- MultiHandleSlider
- MutuallyExclusiveCheckBox
- NumericUpDown
- PagingBulletedList
- PasswordStrength
- PopupControl
- ResizableControl
- RoundedCorners
- Slider
- SlideShow
- TextBoxWatermark
- ToggleButton
- UpdatePanelAnimation
- ValidatorCallout