By default, tasks are started automatically when they are injected. But you can override this behavior as shown in the example below. It is also recommended to add a binding for CancellationToken to be able to cancel the execution of a task.
using Pure.DI;
.Hint(Hint.Resolve, "Off")
// Overrides the default binding that performs an auto-start of a task
// when it is created. This binding will simply create the task.
// The start will be handled by the consumer.
.Bind<Task<TT>>().To(ctx =>
ctx.Inject(ctx.Tag, out Func<TT> factory);
ctx.Inject(out CancellationToken cancellationToken);
return new Task<TT>(factory, cancellationToken);
// Specifies to use CancellationToken from the composition root argument,
// if not specified then CancellationToken.None will be used
// Composition root
var composition = new Composition();
using var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
// Creates a composition root with the CancellationToken passed to it
var service = composition.GetRoot(cancellationTokenSource.Token);
await service.RunAsync(cancellationTokenSource.Token);
interface IDependency
ValueTask DoSomething(CancellationToken cancellationToken);
class Dependency : IDependency
public ValueTask DoSomething(CancellationToken cancellationToken) => ValueTask.CompletedTask;
interface IService
Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken);
class Service : IService
private readonly Task<IDependency> _dependencyTask;
public Service(Task<IDependency> dependencyTask)
_dependencyTask = dependencyTask;
// This is where the task starts
public async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var dependency = await _dependencyTask;
await dependency.DoSomething(cancellationToken);
Running this code sample locally
- Make sure you have the .NET SDK 9.0 or later is installed
dotnet --list-sdk
- Create a net9.0 (or later) console application
dotnet new console -n Sample
- Add reference to NuGet package
dotnet add package Pure.DI
- Copy the example code into the Program.cs file
You are ready to run the example 🚀
dotnet run
The method Inject()
cannot be used outside of the binding setup.
The following partial class will be generated:
partial class Composition
private readonly Composition _root;
public Composition()
_root = this;
internal Composition(Composition parentScope)
_root = (parentScope ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parentScope)))._root;
public IService GetRoot(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Func<IDependency> perBlockFunc2 = new Func<IDependency>([MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] () =>
IDependency localValue60 = new Dependency();
return localValue60;
Task<IDependency> transientTask1;
Func<IDependency> localFactory61 = perBlockFunc2;
CancellationToken localCancellationToken62 = cancellationToken;
transientTask1 = new Task<IDependency>(localFactory61, localCancellationToken62);
return new Service(transientTask1);
Class diagram:
hideEmptyMembersBox: true
Service --|> IService
Dependency --|> IDependency
Composition ..> Service : IService GetRoot(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken)
Service *-- TaskᐸIDependencyᐳ : TaskᐸIDependencyᐳ
TaskᐸIDependencyᐳ o-- "PerBlock" FuncᐸIDependencyᐳ : FuncᐸIDependencyᐳ
TaskᐸIDependencyᐳ o-- CancellationToken : Argument "cancellationToken"
FuncᐸIDependencyᐳ *-- Dependency : IDependency
namespace Pure.DI.UsageTests.BCL.ManualTaskScenario {
class Composition {
+IService GetRoot(System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken)
class Dependency {
class IDependency {
class IService {
class Service {
+Service(TaskᐸIDependencyᐳ dependencyTask)
namespace System {
class FuncᐸIDependencyᐳ {
namespace System.Threading {
class CancellationToken {
namespace System.Threading.Tasks {
class TaskᐸIDependencyᐳ {