This example shows how to resolve the composition roots using the Resolve methods by Service Locator approach. Resolve
methods are generated automatically for each registered root.
using Pure.DI;
.Bind<IService>("My Tag").To<OtherService>()
// Specifies to create a private root
// that is only accessible from _Resolve_ methods
// Specifies to create a public root named _OtherService_
// using the "My Tag" tag
.Root<IService>("OtherService", "My Tag");
var composition = new Composition();
// The next 3 lines of code do the same thing:
var service1 = composition.Resolve<IService>();
var service2 = composition.Resolve(typeof(IService));
var service3 = composition.Resolve(typeof(IService), null);
// Resolve by "My Tag" tag
// The next 3 lines of code do the same thing too:
var otherService1 = composition.Resolve<IService>("My Tag");
var otherService2 = composition.Resolve(typeof(IService), "My Tag");
var otherService3 = composition.OtherService; // Gets the composition through the public root
interface IDependency;
class Dependency : IDependency;
interface IService;
class Service(IDependency dependency) : IService;
class OtherService : IService;
Running this code sample locally
- Make sure you have the .NET SDK 9.0 or later is installed
dotnet --list-sdk
- Create a net9.0 (or later) console application
dotnet new console -n Sample
- Add reference to NuGet package
dotnet add package Pure.DI
- Copy the example code into the Program.cs file
You are ready to run the example 🚀
dotnet run
Resolve methods are similar to calls to the roots of a composition. Composition roots are common properties. Their use is efficient and does not cause exceptions. And that is why it is recommended to use them. In contrast, Resolve methods have a number of disadvantages:
They provide access to an unlimited set of dependencies.
Their use can potentially lead to runtime exceptions, for example, when the corresponding root has not been defined.
Lead to performance degradation because they search for the root of a composition based on its type.
The following partial class will be generated:
partial class Composition
private readonly Composition _root;
public Composition()
_root = this;
internal Composition(Composition parentScope)
_root = (parentScope ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parentScope)))._root;
public IService OtherService
return new OtherService();
private IService Root2
return new Service(new Dependency());
public T Resolve<T>()
return Resolver<T>.Value.Resolve(this);
public T Resolve<T>(object? tag)
return Resolver<T>.Value.ResolveByTag(this, tag);
public object Resolve(Type type)
var index = (int)(_bucketSize * ((uint)RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(type) % 1));
ref var pair = ref _buckets[index];
return pair.Key == type ? pair.Value.Resolve(this) : Resolve(type, index);
private object Resolve(Type type, int index)
var finish = index + _bucketSize;
while (++index < finish)
ref var pair = ref _buckets[index];
if (pair.Key == type)
return pair.Value.Resolve(this);
throw new InvalidOperationException($"{CannotResolveMessage} {OfTypeMessage} {type}.");
public object Resolve(Type type, object? tag)
var index = (int)(_bucketSize * ((uint)RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(type) % 1));
ref var pair = ref _buckets[index];
return pair.Key == type ? pair.Value.ResolveByTag(this, tag) : Resolve(type, tag, index);
private object Resolve(Type type, object? tag, int index)
var finish = index + _bucketSize;
while (++index < finish)
ref var pair = ref _buckets[index];
if (pair.Key == type)
return pair.Value.ResolveByTag(this, tag);
throw new InvalidOperationException($"{CannotResolveMessage} \"{tag}\" {OfTypeMessage} {type}.");
private readonly static int _bucketSize;
private readonly static Pair<Type, IResolver<Composition, object>>[] _buckets;
static Composition()
var valResolver_0000 = new Resolver_0000();
Resolver<IService>.Value = valResolver_0000;
_buckets = Buckets<Type, IResolver<Composition, object>>.Create(
out _bucketSize,
new Pair<Type, IResolver<Composition, object>>[1]
new Pair<Type, IResolver<Composition, object>>(typeof(IService), valResolver_0000)
private const string CannotResolveMessage = "Cannot resolve composition root ";
private const string OfTypeMessage = "of type ";
private class Resolver<T>: IResolver<Composition, T>
public static IResolver<Composition, T> Value = new Resolver<T>();
public virtual T Resolve(Composition composite)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"{CannotResolveMessage}{OfTypeMessage}{typeof(T)}.");
public virtual T ResolveByTag(Composition composite, object tag)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"{CannotResolveMessage}\"{tag}\" {OfTypeMessage}{typeof(T)}.");
private sealed class Resolver_0000: Resolver<IService>
public override IService Resolve(Composition composition)
return composition.Root2;
public override IService ResolveByTag(Composition composition, object tag)
switch (tag)
case "My Tag":
return composition.OtherService;
case null:
return composition.Root2;
return base.ResolveByTag(composition, tag);
Class diagram:
hideEmptyMembersBox: true
OtherService --|> IService : "My Tag"
Service --|> IService
Dependency --|> IDependency
Composition ..> OtherService : IService OtherService
Composition ..> Service : IService _
Service *-- Dependency : IDependency
namespace Pure.DI.UsageTests.Basics.ResolveMethodsScenario {
class Composition {
+IService OtherService
-IService _
+ T ResolveᐸTᐳ()
+ T ResolveᐸTᐳ(object? tag)
+ object Resolve(Type type)
+ object Resolve(Type type, object? tag)
class Dependency {
class IDependency {
class IService {
class OtherService {
class Service {
+Service(IDependency dependency)