Contributions and issues are most welcome! All issues and pull requests are handled through github on the dls_controls repository. Also, please check for any existing issues before filing a new one. If you have a great idea but it involves big changes, please file a ticket before making a pull request! We want to make sure you don't spend your time coding something that might not fit the scope of the project.
To get the source source code and run the unit tests, run:
$ git clone git:// $ cd annotypes $ virtualenv --no-site-packages -p /path/to/python2.7 venv $ . venv/bin/activate $ pip install -r requirements/test.txt $ pytest tests
While 100% code coverage does not make a library bug-free, it significantly reduces the number of easily caught bugs! Please make sure coverage is at 100% before submitting a pull request!
Please arrange imports with the following style
# Standard library imports
import os
# Third party package imports
from mock import patch
# Local package imports
from annotypes.version import __version__
Please follow Google's python style guide wherever possible.
Before a new release, please go through the following checklist:
- Bump version in annotypes/
- Add a release note in CHANGELOG.rst
- Create a new github compare link at the bottom of CHANGELOG.rst for the release and update the _Unreleased link with the new release number
- Git tag the version with an annotated tag containing the relevant release notes section
- Push to github and travis will make a release on pypi