diff --git a/app/bin/upgrade-to-v3-autoup.php b/app/bin/upgrade-to-v3-autoup.php
deleted file mode 100644
index abc63b1..0000000
--- a/app/bin/upgrade-to-v3-autoup.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,595 +0,0 @@
- try
- {
- if (count($Db->GetAll("SHOW COLUMNS FROM contacts LIKE 'groupname'")) == 1)
- {
- $mess = "Database {$Db->database} is already upgraded to v3";
- print $mess."\n";
- Log::Log($mess, E_USER_NOTICE);
- exit();
- }
- // run migratins
- foreach ($migration_query_list as $sql)
- {
- Log::Log(sprintf("Executing migration SQL query: %s", $sql), E_USER_NOTICE);
- $Db->Execute($sql);
- }
- Log::Log("Execute EPPDRS_Upgrade_Autoup::Run", E_USER_NOTICE);
- // run convertation
- EPPDRS_Upgrade_Autoup::Run($Db);
- // run cleanup
- foreach ($cleanup_query_list as $sql)
- {
- Log::Log(sprintf("Execute cleanup SQL: %s", $sql), E_USER_NOTICE);
- $Db->Execute($sql);
- }
- }
- catch (Exception $e)
- {
- print "Error: {$e->getMessage()}\n";
- Log::Log(sprintf("Error: %s", $e->getMessage()), E_USER_ERROR);
- $Db->RollbackTrans();
- exit();
- }
- $Db->CompleteTrans();
- class EPPDRS_Upgrade_Autoup
- {
- private $Db;
- /**
- * @var RegistryModuleFactory
- */
- private $RegistryFactory;
- /**
- * @var Crypto
- */
- private $Crypto;
- /**
- * @var array
- */
- private $TableList;
- private $ModuleConfigKeyMap = array(
- 'EPPGR' => array(
- // old => new
- 'CLID' => 'CLID',
- 'UseSSL' => 'UseSSLCert',
- 'Password' => 'Password',
- 'ClientPrefix' => 'ClientPrefix',
- 'SSLpwd' => 'SSLpwd',
- 'Login' => 'Login',
- 'ServerHost' => 'ServerHost'
- // SSLCertPath
- ),
- 'EPPLU' => array(
- // old => new
- 'Login' => 'Login',
- 'Password' => 'Password',
- 'ServerHost' => 'ServerHost',
- 'ServerPort' => 'ServerPort'
- ),
- 'OnlineNIC' => array(
- // old => new
- 'Login' => 'Login',
- 'Password' => 'Password',
- 'ServerHost' => 'ServerHost',
- 'ServerPort' => 'ServerPort'
- ),
- 'SRSPlus' => array(
- // old => new
- 'email' => 'Email',
- 'Login' => 'Login',
- 'testmode' => 'TestMode',
- 'host' => 'Host',
- 'gpgpass' => 'GPGPass',
- 'gpg_path' => 'GPGPath',
- 'gpg_home_dir' => 'GPGHomeDir'
- ),
- 'COCCAEPP1' => array(
- // old => new
- 'Login' => 'Login',
- 'Password' => 'Password',
- 'ServerHost' => 'ServerHost',
- 'ServerPort' => 'ServerPort'
- ),
- 'COCCAEPP2' => array(
- // old => new
- 'Login' => 'Login',
- 'Password' => 'Password',
- 'ServerHost' => 'ServerHost',
- 'ServerPort' => 'ServerPort'
- ),
- 'COCCAEPP3' => array(
- // old => new
- 'Login' => 'Login',
- 'Password' => 'Password',
- 'ServerHost' => 'ServerHost',
- 'ServerPort' => 'ServerPort'
- )
- );
- private $ModuleNameMap = array(
- // old => new
- 'EPPGR' => 'EPPGR',
- 'EPPLU' => 'EPPLU',
- 'OnlineNIC' => 'OnlineNIC',
- 'SRSPlus' => 'SRSPlus',
- 'GenericEPP' => 'GenericEPP',
- // Â ñòàðîé âåðñèè ïåðåïóòàíû ìîäóëè COCCAEPP1 è COCCAEPP2
- );
- private $ModuleNameMapFlip = array();
- private $FailedActiveDomains = array();
- ////
- // Options
- //
- private $SaveFailedAsPending = true;
- private $GPGHomeDir = '/root/.gnupg';
- public function __construct($Db)
- {
- foreach ($options as $flag => $b)
- {
- $this->{$flag} = $b;
- }
- $this->Db = $Db;
- $this->RegistryFactory = RegistryModuleFactory::GetInstance();
- $this->Crypto = $GLOBALS['Crypto'];
- $this->ModuleNameMapFlip = array_flip($this->ModuleNameMap);
- }
- public function GetSkipList ()
- {
- return array(
- //'ConvertConfig',
- //'ConvertRegistryModules',
- //'ConvertModulesPricing',
- //'ConvertPaymentModules',
- //'ConvertUsers',
- //'ConvertDiscounts',
- //'ConvertInvoices',
- //'ConvertZones',
- //'ConvertUserSettings',
- // Works only on customer server or our Web3
- //'ConvertDomains',
- //'ConvertActiveDomains',
- //'ConvertInactiveDomains',
- //'ConvertContacts'
- );
- }
- public function ConvertRegistryModules ()
- {
- $this->Log('Convert registry modules');
- ////
- // Modules
- //
- $module_rset = $this->Db->GetAll('SELECT * FROM modules');
- foreach ($module_rset as &$row)
- {
- // Map old module name to new
- $row['name'] = $this->ModuleNameMap[$row['name']];
- }
- $this->TruncateTable('modules');
- $this->BulkInsert('modules', $module_rset);
- ////
- // Modules configuration
- //
- $this->CreateTableCopy('modules_config');
- $this->TruncateTable('modules_config');
- foreach ($this->ModuleConfigKeyMap as $module_name => $key_map)
- {
- // Get old module name
- $old_module_name = $this->ModuleNameMapFlip[$module_name];
- // Check that module was installed
- $module_setuped = (int)$this->Db->GetOne(
- 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM modules WHERE name = ?',
- array($old_module_name)
- );
- if (!$module_setuped)
- {
- // Module was not installed
- continue;
- }
- // Get module configuration from old DB
- $module_config = array();
- foreach ($key_map as $key_old => $key_new)
- {
- $module_config[$key_new] = $this->Db->GetOne(
- 'SELECT value FROM v2_modules_config WHERE `key` = ? AND module_name = ?',
- array($key_old, $old_module_name)
- );
- }
- // Apply module specific configuration
- if ($module_name == 'EPPGR')
- {
- $module_config['SSLCertPath'] = $GLOBALS['modules_path'] . '/registries/EPPGR/ssl/cert.pem';
- }
- $Crypto = $GLOBALS['Crypto'];
- $Registry = $this->RegistryFactory->GetRegistryByName($module_name);
- $this->Log("Convert $module_name config");
- foreach ($Registry->GetModule()->GetConfigurationForm()->ListFields() as $Field)
- {
- $this->Db->Execute(
- "INSERT modules_config
- `title` = ?,
- `type` = ?,
- `key` = ?,
- `value` = ?,
- `module_name` = ?",
- array(
- $Field->Title,
- $Field->FieldType,
- $Field->Name,
- $Crypto->Encrypt($module_config[$Field->Name], LICENSE_FLAGS::REGISTERED_TO),
- $module_name
- )
- );
- }
- }
- }
- public function ConvertPricing ()
- {
- $this->Log('Convert modules pricing');
- // Covert tlds
- $tld_rowset = $this->Db->GetAll('SELECT * FROM tlds');
- foreach ($tld_rowset as &$row)
- {
- $row['modulename'] = $this->ModuleNameMap[$row['modulename']];
- }
- $this->TruncateTable('tlds');
- $this->BulkInsert('tlds', $tld_rowset);
- }
- public function ConvertUsers ()
- {
- $this->Log('Convert users');
- $skip_fields = array(
- 'opt_canMtech', 'opt_canMbill',
- 'opt_canbulkregister', 'isres',
- 'tax', 'idnumber', 'mobile'
- );
- $phone_fields = array(
- 'phone', 'fax'
- );
- $Phone = Phone::GetInstance();
- $user_data = $this->Db->GetAll('SELECT * FROM users');
- foreach ($user_data as &$row)
- {
- // Process skipped fields
- foreach ($skip_fields as $f)
- {
- unset($row[$f]);
- }
- // Convert phone and fax
- foreach ($phone_fields as $f)
- {
- if ($row[$f])
- {
- $chunks = str_split(preg_replace("/[^0-9]+/", "", $row[$f]), 3);
- $e164 = trim("+".array_shift($chunks).".".implode("", $chunks));
- $row[$f] = $Phone->E164ToPhone($e164);
- }
- }
- }
- $this->TruncateTable('users');
- $this->BulkInsert('users', $user_data);
- }
- public function ConvertPaymentModules ()
- {
- $this->Log('Convert payment modules');
- // Copy pmodules table
- $pmodule_rset = $this->Db->GetAll('SELECT * FROM pmodules');
- foreach ($pmodule_rset as &$row)
- {
- if ($row['name'] == 'offline_payment')
- {
- $row['name'] = 'OfflineBank';
- }
- }
- $this->TruncateTable('pmodules');
- $this->BulkInsert('pmodules', $pmodule_rset);
- // For each pmodule copy config settings
- $pmodule_config = array();
- $Crypto = $GLOBALS['Crypto'];
- foreach ($pmodule_rset as $pmodule)
- {
- // Get old config form for current pmodule
- $rset = $this->Db->GetAll(
- 'SELECT * FROM pmodules_config WHERE module_name = ?',
- array($pmodule['name'])
- );
- foreach ($rset as $row)
- {
- // Encrypt config value
- $row['value'] = $this->Crypto->Encrypt($row['key'], LICENSE_FLAGS::REGISTERED_TO);
- // Push it to pmodule config
- $pmodule_config[] = $row;
- }
- }
- $this->TruncateTable('pmodules_config');
- $this->BulkInsert('pmodules_config', $pmodule_config);
- }
- public function ConvertInvoices ()
- {
- $this->Log('Convert invoices');
- $invoice_data = $this->Db->GetAll('SELECT * FROM invoices');
- foreach ($invoice_data as &$row)
- {
- if ($row['gate'] == 'offline_payment')
- {
- $row['gate'] = 'OfflineBank';
- }
- unset($row['proccessed']);
- }
- $this->TruncateTable('invoices');
- $this->BulkInsert('invoices', $invoice_data);
- }
- public function ConvertContacts ()
- {
- $map = array(
- 'disclose_name' => 'name',
- 'disclose_org' => 'org',
- 'disclose_addr' => 'addr',
- 'disclose_voice' => 'voice',
- 'disclose_fax' => 'fax',
- 'disclose_email' => 'email'
- );
- foreach ($map as $table_field => $name)
- {
- $sql = "
- INSERT INTO contacts_discloses (`contactid`, `field_name`, `value`)
- SELECT c.clid, '{$name}', c.{$table_field}
- FROM contacts AS c
- WHERE c.{$table_field} = '1'
- ";
- $this->Db->Execute("
- INSERT INTO contacts_discloses (`contactid`, `field_name`, `value`)
- SELECT c.clid, '{$name}', c.{$table_field}
- FROM contacts AS c
- WHERE c.{$table_field} = '1'
- ");
- }
- $contact_data = $this->Db->GetAll('SELECT * FROM contacts');
- foreach ($contact_data as $i => &$contact_row)
- {
- $Registry = $this->RegistryFactory->GetRegistryByExtension($contact_row['TLD'], $db_check = false);
- $Contact = $Registry->NewContactInstance($contact_row['type']);
- $contact_row['groupname'] = $Contact->GroupName;
- $contact_row['strict_fields'] = '0';
- }
- $this->TruncateTable('contacts');
- $this->BulkInsert('contacts', $contact_data);
- $Phone = Phone::GetInstance();
- $phone_data = $this->Db->GetAll("
- SELECT * FROM contacts_data
- WHERE `field` = 'voice' OR `field` = 'fax'
- ");
- foreach ($phone_data as $phone_row)
- {
- if ($phone_row['value'])
- {
- $chunks = str_split(preg_replace("/[^0-9]+/", "", $phone_row['value']), 3);
- $e164 = trim("+".array_shift($chunks).".".implode("", $chunks));
- $phone_row['value'] = $Phone->E164ToPhone($e164);
- $this->Db->Execute("
- INSERT INTO contacts_data SET `contactid` = ?, `field` = ?, `value` = ?",
- array($phone_row['contactid'], "{$phone_row['field']}_display", $phone_row['value'])
- );
- }
- }
- }
- private function Log ($message, $level=E_USER_NOTICE)
- {
- Log::Log(sprintf("%s", $message), $level);
- if ($level == E_USER_ERROR)
- {
- print "Error: $message\n";
- }
- else
- {
- print "$message\n";
- }
- flush();
- }
- private function CreateTableCopy ($table1 /* table2 ... tableN */)
- {
- foreach (func_get_args() as $table)
- {
- $this->Db->Execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE v2_{$table} AS SELECT * FROM {$table}");
- }
- }
- private function BulkInsert ($table, $data)
- {
- if (!count($data))
- return;
- $this->Log(sprintf('Insert data in new %s', $table));
- // Create data bind
- $bind = array();
- foreach (array_keys($data[0]) as $k)
- {
- $bind[] = "`$k` = ?";
- }
- $stmt = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' SET ' . join(', ', $bind);
- foreach ($data as $row)
- {
- $this->Db->Execute($stmt, array_values($row));
- }
- }
- private function Insert ($table, $row)
- {
- // Create data bind
- $bind = array();
- foreach (array_keys($row) as $k)
- {
- $bind[] = "`$k` = ?";
- }
- $stmt = 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' SET ' . join(', ', $bind);
- $this->Db->Execute($stmt, array_values($row));
- }
- private function TruncateTable ($table1 /* table2 ... tableN */)
- {
- foreach ($tables=func_get_args() as $table)
- $this->Db->Execute("TRUNCATE TABLE {$table}");
- }
- private function PingDatabase ($Db)
- {
- if ($Db->connectionId instanceof mysqli)
- {
- $Db->connectionId->ping();
- }
- }
- private function OldTableExists ($table1 /* table2 ... tableN */)
- {
- $arg_table_list = func_get_args();
- $intersect = array_values(array_intersect($this->TableList, $arg_table_list));
- sort($intersect);
- sort($arg_table_list);
- return $intersect == $arg_table_list;
- }
- private function OldColumnExists ($table, $column)
- {
- return count($this->DbOld->GetAll("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$table} LIKE '{$column}'")) == 1;
- }
- public static function Run ($Db)
- {
- $Upgrade = new EPPDRS_Upgrade_Autoup($Db);
- $skip_list = $Upgrade->GetSkipList();
- $Ref = new ReflectionObject($Upgrade);
- foreach ($Ref->getMethods() as $Method)
- {
- $method_name = $Method->getName();
- if (
- strpos($method_name, 'Convert') === 0 &&
- $Method->isPublic() &&
- !in_array($method_name, $skip_list)
- )
- {
- print "\n+ Run {$method_name} \n";
- $Method->invoke($Upgrade);
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/cron/class.AutoupdateProcess.php b/app/cron/class.AutoupdateProcess.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 7161902..0000000
--- a/app/cron/class.AutoupdateProcess.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
- foreach (glob(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../src/licserver-common/*.php") as $filename)
- require_once($filename);
- class AutoupdateProcess implements IProcess
- {
- public $ThreadArgs;
- public $ProcessDescription = "Checks for available updates. If update is approved, installs it. (Hourly)";
- public function OnStartForking()
- {
- CONFIG::$TAR_PATH = "tar";
- $db = Core::GetDBInstance();
- {
- // Detect license version
- $lic_info = zend_loader_file_licensed();
- $license_uuid = $lic_info[ZendLicense::X_LICENSE_ID];
- if ($license_uuid) // New type. Check license
- {
- Log::Log("Check license", E_USER_NOTICE);
- $license_service = new RestClient(LICENSE_SERVICE_URL);
- $license_service->SetInterface("PublicLicenseService");
- $chk_result = $license_service->CheckLicense($license_uuid);
- Log::Log(var_export($chk_result, true));
- Log::Log("License check result: "
- . ($chk_result->valid ? "VALID" : "NOT-VALID")
- . ". {$chk_result->message}", E_USER_NOTICE);
- if (!$chk_result->valid)
- {
- Log::Log("License check detected that license not valid. Future autoupdates will be disabled");
- }
- }
- }
- $AutoUpdateClient = new AutoUpdateClient();
- $AutoUpdateClient->TarCmd = CONFIG::$TAR_PATH;
- $AutoUpdateClient->PhpCmd = CONFIG::$PHP_PATH;
- //
- // Prepare
- //
- foreach ((array)$AUTOUP_SERVICES as $svc)
- $AutoUpdateClient->AddService($svc);
- {
- $AutoUpdateClient->SetLicense($license_uuid);
- }
- try
- {
- $AutoUpdateClient->SetProductID(CONFIG::$PRODUCT_ID);
- $AutoUpdateClient->SetLocalRevision(CONFIG::$APP_REVISION);
- // Bind event listener
- $AutoUpdateClient->SetEventHandler(new AutoupEventHandler());
- // Get most recent revision
- $latest_rev = $AutoUpdateClient->GetLatestRevision();
- }
- catch (Exception $e)
- {
- if (preg_match('/services failed while trying/', $e->getMessage())) {
- Log::Log("Autoupdate server is down for maintenance", E_USER_WARNING);
- return;
- } else {
- throw $e;
- }
- }
- // Check if we're running outdated copy.
- if ($latest_rev > CONFIG::$APP_REVISION)
- {
- {
- $args = array("current_revision" => CONFIG::$APP_REVISION, "latest_revision" => $latest_rev);
- mailer_send("root_updates_available.eml", $args, CONFIG::$EMAIL_ADMIN, CONFIG::$EMAIL_ADMINNAME);
- $db->Execute("UPDATE config SET value=? WHERE `key`='update_status'", array(UPDATE_STATUS::AVAILABLE_AND_EMAIL_SENT));
- }
- }
- /*
- * Select approval flag from database
- */
- {
- if ($AutoUpdateClient->LocalRevision < $AutoUpdateClient->GetLatestRevision())
- {
- $db->Execute("UPDATE config SET value=? WHERE `key`='update_status'", array(UPDATE_STATUS::RUNNING));
- try
- {
- $AutoUpdateClient->TarCmd = CONFIG::$TAR_PATH;
- $AutoUpdateClient->SetTempDir(CACHE_PATH);
- $AutoUpdateClient->SetAppPath(CONFIG::$PATH);
- $AutoUpdateClient->XAgent = "AUTOUPDATE-EPPDRS";
- // Update to latest
- $AutoUpdateClient->UpdateToLatest();
- }
- catch (Exception $e)
- {
- if (preg_match('/services failed while trying/', $e->getMessage())) {
- Log::Log("Autoupdate server is down for maintenance", E_USER_WARNING);
- } else {
- Log::Log("Update failed: {$e->getMessage()}", E_ERROR);
- }
- $failed = true;
- }
- file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__)."/../etc/version", $AutoUpdateClient->LocalRevision);
- // Email Report
- $report = $AutoUpdateClient->BuildReport();
- $status = ($failed) ? "Failed" : "Success";
- if (!$AutoUpdateClient->SendReportLater)
- {
- $args = array("report" => $report, "status" => $status);
- mailer_send("root_update_complete.eml", $args, CONFIG::$EMAIL_ADMIN, CONFIG::$EMAIL_ADMINNAME);
- $email_status = "Send";
- }
- else
- $email_status = "Await";
- $db->Execute("INSERT INTO updatelog SET dtupdate=NOW(), status=?, report=?, transactionid=?, from_revision=?, to_revision=?, email_status=?",
- array($status, $report, TRANSACTION_ID, CONFIG::$APP_REVISION, $AutoUpdateClient->LocalRevision, $email_status));
- if ($AutoUpdateClient->TargetUpdate->AutoScheduleNextUpdate == 1)
- {
- if ($AutoUpdateClient->LocalRevision != $AutoUpdateClient->GetLatestRevision())
- {
- Log::Log("This update requires application reload. The next update will be installed on next cronjob run automatically.", E_USER_WARNING);
- }
- }
- }
- $db->Execute("UPDATE config SET value=? WHERE `key`='update_status'", array($status));
- }
- if (!$AutoUpdateClient->SendReportLater)
- {
- // Send all awaiting emails
- $update_logs = $db->GetAll("SELECT * FROM updatelog WHERE email_status = 'Await'");
- if ($update_logs)
- foreach ($update_logs as $update_log)
- {
- $args = array("report" => $update_log['report'], "status" => $update_log['status']);
- mailer_send("root_update_complete.eml", $args, CONFIG::$EMAIL_ADMIN, CONFIG::$EMAIL_ADMINNAME);
- $db->Execute("UPDATE updatelog SET email_status = ? WHERE id = ?", array("Send", $update_log["id"]));
- }
- }
- //xdebug_stop_trace();
- }
- public function OnEndForking()
- {
- }
- public function StartThread($serverinfo)
- {
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/LibWebta/library/Distribution/class.AutoUpdateClient.php b/app/src/LibWebta/library/Distribution/class.AutoUpdateClient.php
deleted file mode 100644
index ed8ef9a..0000000
--- a/app/src/LibWebta/library/Distribution/class.AutoUpdateClient.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1121 +0,0 @@
- |
- // +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- Core::Load("IO/Basic/IOTool");
- Core::Load("System/Independent/Shell/ShellFactory");
- Core::Load("PE");
- /**
- * Update data type structure
- *
- */
- class Update
- {
- public $IsAutoUpdatePossible;
- public $Notes;
- public $Requirements;
- public $DateReleased;
- public $Revision;
- public $FilesToUpdate;
- public $FoldersToAdd;
- public $FilesToAdd;
- public $FilesToDelete;
- public $FoldersToDelete;
- public $Chmods;
- public $Commands;
- public $Scripts;
- public $SQLQueries;
- public $ChangelogFixed;
- public $ChangelogAdded;
- public $EventHandler;
- public $LocalArchivePath;
- public $InterruptAfter;
- public $AutoScheduleNextUpdate;
- public $DoBackupDatabase;
- public $DoBackupTemplates;
- }
- class AutoUpdateClient extends Core
- {
- const TAR_CMD = "tar";
- const PHP_CMD = "php";
- /**
- * List of URLs of auto-update services
- *
- * @var array
- */
- public $ServiceURLs;
- /**
- * A list of available updates
- *
- * @var array
- */
- private $AllRevisions;
- /**
- * Target Update object
- *
- * @var Update
- */
- public $TargetUpdate;
- /**
- * Temp directory with Update
- *
- * @var TempDir
- */
- private $TempDir;
- /**
- * Temp director for Update package extraction
- *
- * @var TempRoot
- */
- public $TempRoot;
- /**
- * License string used for validation during download
- *
- * @var string
- */
- private $License;
- /**
- * Local revision ID
- *
- * @var int
- */
- public $LocalRevision;
- /**
- * text report of performed updates
- *
- * @var string
- */
- private $ReportRows;
- /**
- * Path to tar binary
- *
- * @var unknown_type
- */
- public $TarCmd;
- /**
- * Report string
- *
- * @var string
- */
- public $Report;
- /**
- * @var string
- */
- public $SendReportLater;
- /**
- * APP Path
- *
- * @var string
- */
- private $AppPath;
- /**
- * Shell instance
- *
- * @var Shell
- */
- private $Shell;
- /**
- * ADODB Instance
- *
- * @var ADODBConnection
- */
- private $DB;
- /**
- * System user name
- *
- * @var string
- */
- private $Uname;
- /**
- * Clean temporary files and collect garbage
- *
- */
- public function Dispose()
- {
- $this->RaiseEvent("Cleaning temporary folders/files");
- try
- {
- // FIXME:
- IOTool::UnlinkRecursive($this->TempDir);
- } catch (Exception $ex)
- {
- throw new Exception("Failed to clean temporary files");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Constructor
- *
- */
- function __construct()
- {
- $tmp_dir = ini_get("session.save_path") . "/" . uniqid("update-", true);
- $this->TempDir = $tmp_dir;
- // Use path from config or default one
- $this->TarCmd = self::TAR_CMD;
- $this->PhpCmd = self::PHP_CMD;
- // Determine current user name
- $this->Uname = $_SERVER["USER"] ? $_SERVER["USER"] : "current";
- // Common objects
- $this->DB = Core::GetDBInstance(null, true);
- $this->Shell = ShellFactory::GetShellInstance();
- }
- /**
- * Probe PHP binary
- *
- * @return string path to php binary
- */
- public function ProbePHPBinary()
- {
- if (!$this->PhpCmd || !@is_executable($this->PhpCmd))
- {
- $ret = $this->Shell->QueryRaw("which php");
- if ($ret && file_exists($ret) && is_executable($ret))
- {
- $this->PhpCmd = $ret;
- $found = true;
- }
- else
- {
- $ret = $this->Shell->QueryRaw("whereis php");
- $paths = explode(" ", $ret);
- foreach ($paths as $path)
- {
- if ($path && @is_executable($path))
- {
- $this->PhpCmd = $path;
- $found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- $found = true;
- if (!$found)
- throw new Exception(sprintf("PHP binary not found or not executable by %s. Please update php binary path in Core Settings and make sure it is executable by %s", $this->Uname, $this->Uname));
- return $this->PhpCmd;
- }
- /**
- * Destructor
- *
- */
- function __destruct()
- {
- //$this->Dispose();
- }
- /**
- * Set a reference to an object to whom local events will be dispatched
- *
- * @param object $object
- */
- public function SetEventHandler($object)
- {
- $this->EventHandler = $object;
- }
- /**
- * Set app path
- *
- * @param object $object
- */
- public function SetAppPath($path)
- {
- $this->AppPath = $path;
- }
- /**
- * Add a new service url to the end of the list
- *
- * @param string $url
- */
- public function AddService($url)
- {
- $this->ServiceURLs[] = $url;
- }
- /**
- * Set temp directory for Update archive extraction
- *
- */
- public function SetTempDir($dir)
- {
- $this->TempRoot = $dir;
- }
- /**
- * Set ProductID
- *
- */
- public function SetProductID($product_id)
- {
- $this->ProductID = $product_id;
- }
- /**
- * Set license string for validation during download
- *
- * @param string $lic
- */
- public function SetLicense($lic)
- {
- $this->License = $lic;
- }
- /**
- * Set local revision
- *
- * @param int $revision
- */
- public function SetLocalRevision($revision)
- {
- if (!is_array($this->AllRevisions))
- $this->ListRevisions();
- if (!in_array($revision, $this->AllRevisions))
- throw new Exception(sprintf("Unknown local version %s.", $revision));
- $this->LocalRevision = $revision;
- }
- /**
- * Add a new service url to the end of the list
- *
- * @param string $url
- * @return string
- */
- public function FetchManifest($url)
- {
- if (count($this->ServiceURLs) <= 0)
- throw new Exception("No update services defined");
- foreach ($this->ServiceURLs as $service_url)
- {
- $manifest_url = "{$service_url}/{$url}";
- $ch = curl_init();
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $manifest_url);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0);
- $xmlstr = curl_exec($ch);
- if ($xmlstr)
- {
- if ("200" == ($status = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE)))
- {
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- $xmlstr = false;
- Log::Log("Cannot fetch manifest. Http status: {$status}", E_USER_NOTICE);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Log::Log("Cannot fetch manifest. " . curl_error($ch), E_USER_NOTICE);
- }
- }
- // No service alive
- if (!$xmlstr)
- throw new Exception(sprintf("All services failed while trying to retrieve %s", $url));
- else
- return $xmlstr;
- }
- public function GetUpdateObject($revision)
- {
- if (!$this->ProductID)
- throw new Exception("No productID defined");
- $xmlstr = $this->FetchManifest("/{$this->ProductID}/updates/{$revision}.xml");
- $retval = new Update();
- // Build an object of xml string
- $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr, LIBXML_NOCDATA);
- $retval->IsAutoUpdatePossible = (bool)$xml["autoupdate"];
- $retval->DateReleased = (string)$xml["date"];
- $retval->Revision = (int)$xml["revision"];
- $retval->InterruptAfter = (int)$xml["interrupt_after"];
- $retval->AutoScheduleNextUpdate = (int)$xml["auto_shedule_next_update"];
- $retval->DoBackupDatabase = (int)$xml["do_backup_database"];
- $retval->DoBackupTemplates = (int)$xml["do_backup_templates"];
- $retval->SkipTarballDownload = (int)$xml["skip_tarball_download"];
- $retval->Notes = trim((string)$xml->notes);
- $send_report_later = (int)$xml["send_report_later"];
- if ($send_report_later)
- $this->SendReportLater = 1;
- if ($retval->InterruptAfter)
- $retval->Notes .= "
This update requires application reload. The next update will be installed on next cronjob run automatically.";
- // changelog/fixed
- $retval->ChangelogFixed = array();
- foreach($xml->changelog->fixed as $item)
- {
- $retval->ChangelogFixed[] = trim((string)$item);
- }
- // changelog/added
- $retval->ChangelogAdded = array();
- foreach($xml->changelog->added as $item)
- {
- $retval->ChangelogAdded[] = trim((string)$item);
- }
- // delete/folder
- $retval->FoldersToDelete = array();
- foreach($xml->delete->folder as $item)
- {
- $retval->FoldersToDelete[] = (string)$item;
- }
- // delete/file
- $retval->FilesToDelete = array();
- foreach($xml->delete->file as $item)
- {
- $retval->FilesToDelete[] = (string)$item;
- }
- // add/folder
- $retval->FoldersToAdd = array();
- foreach($xml->add->folder as $item)
- {
- $retval->FoldersToAdd[] = (string)$item;
- }
- // add/file
- $retval->FilesToAdd = array();
- foreach($xml->add->file as $item)
- {
- $retval->FilesToAdd[] = (string)$item;
- }
- // update/file
- $retval->FilesToUpdate = array();
- foreach($xml->update->file as $item)
- {
- $retval->FilesToUpdate[] = (string)$item;
- }
- // chmods
- foreach($xml->xpath("//file[@chmod!='']|//folder[@chmod!='']") as $item)
- {
- $retval->Chmods[(string)$item] = (string)$item["chmod"];
- }
- // SQL
- $retval->SQLQueries = array();
- foreach($xml->sql->item as $item)
- {
- $retval->SQLQueries[] = (string)$item;
- }
- // Execute
- $retval->Commands = array();
- foreach($xml->execute->command as $item)
- {
- $retval->Commands[] = (string)$item;
- }
- $retval->Scripts = array();
- foreach($xml->execute->script as $item)
- {
- $retval->Scripts[] = (string)$item;
- }
- $retval->Requirements = array();
- // versioncompat value strings
- $cmp_strings = array(
- "gt" => ">",
- "lt" => "<",
- "ge" => ">=",
- "le" => "<="
- );
- // requirements
- foreach($xml->requirements->php->class_exists as $item)
- {
- $retval->Requirements["class_exists"][] = array(
- "name" => (string)$item["name"],
- "message" => (string)$item["message"],
- "uri" => (string)$item["uri"],
- "mandatory" => (int)$item["mandatory"]
- );
- }
- foreach($xml->requirements->php->function_exists as $item)
- {
- $retval->Requirements["function_exists"][] = array(
- "name" => (string)$item["name"],
- "message" => (string)$item["message"],
- "uri" => (string)$item["uri"],
- "mandatory" => (int)$item["mandatory"]
- );
- }
- foreach($xml->requirements->php->expr as $item)
- {
- $retval->Requirements["expressions"][] = array(
- "expression" => (string)$item["value"],
- "message" => (string)$item["message"],
- "uri" => (string)$item["uri"],
- "mandatory" => (int)$item["mandatory"]
- );
- }
- $retval->Requirements["phpversion"] = (string)$xml->requirements->php->version;
- return($retval);
- }
- /**
- * Get a list of product Updates
- * @param string $product_id ProductID
- */
- public function ListRevisions()
- {
- if (!$this->ProductID)
- throw new Exception("No productID defined");
- $retval = array();
- $xmlstr = $this->FetchManifest("{$this->ProductID}/releases.xml");
- $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);
- foreach ($xml->release as $release)
- {
- $retval[] = (int)$release["revision"];
- }
- // Sort descending
- natsort($retval);
- array_reverse($retval);
- $this->AllRevisions = $retval;
- return ($retval);
- }
- /**
- * Get a maximum revision
- *
- * @return int
- */
- public function GetLatestRevision()
- {
- return (int)max($this->ListRevisions());
- }
- /**
- * Get a list of all needed updates from $from_revision to $to_revision
- * @var int $target_revision Target revision
- * @return array
- */
- public function ListHops($from_revision, $to_revision)
- {
- if (!is_array($this->AllRevisions))
- $this->ListRevisions();
- // Get a slice of array
- $i=0; $offset=0; $len = 0;
- foreach ($this->AllRevisions as $rel)
- {
- if ($rel == $from_revision)
- $offset = $i;
- if ($rel > $from_revision)
- ++$len;
- if ($rel == $to_revision)
- break;
- $i++;
- }
- $retval = $this->AllRevisions;
- $retval = array_slice($retval, $offset+1, $len);
- return($retval);
- }
- /**
- * Download update archive
- *
- */
- private function DownloadUpdate()
- {
- // Set URL and local out file
- $url = "download/{$this->ProductID}/update/{$this->TargetUpdate->Revision}.tar.gz";
- $this->TargetUpdate->LocalArchivePath = "{$this->TempDir}/{$this->TargetUpdate->Revision}.tgz";
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Downloading update from %s to %s",
- $url,
- $this->TargetUpdate->LocalArchivePath));
- /*
- * Download
- */
- $ch = @curl_init();
- $outfile = @fopen($this->TargetUpdate->LocalArchivePath, 'wb');
- @curl_setopt_array($ch,
- array(
- CURLOPT_FILE => $outfile,
- CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 60*5, // Five minutes, sir!
- )
- );
- $headers = array(
- "X-Webta-Agent: EPPDRS3000",
- "X-CURLVER: ". implode(";", curl_version())
- );
- if ($this->License)
- $headers[] = "X-License-Id: {$this->License}";
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
- // Try to download from all each registered 'service'
- foreach ($this->ServiceURLs as $service_url)
- {
- curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "{$service_url}/{$url}");
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Downloading from '%s/%s'", $service_url, $url));
- $result = curl_exec($ch);
- if ($result === true)
- break;
- }
- // No service alive
- if (!$result)
- throw new Exception(sprintf("All services failed while trying to download update archive '%s'. %s",
- $url,
- curl_error($ch)));
- @curl_close($ch);
- @fclose($outfile);
- }
- /**
- * Untar archive
- *
- * @return unknown
- */
- private function ExtractUpdate()
- {
- chdir($this->TempDir);
- $cmd = "cd {$this->TempDir} && \"{$this->TarCmd}\" -xzf \"{$this->TempDir}/{$this->TargetUpdate->Revision}.tgz\"";
- $result = $this->Shell->ExecuteRaw($cmd);
- $this->RaiseEvent("Extracting update ('{$cmd}')");
- if (!$result)
- $this->RaiseEventAndThrow(sprintf("Failed to extract update package (%s)", $cmd));
- else
- chdir("{$this->TempDir}/app");
- return($result);
- }
- /**
- * Atomic update to a specific Update from a previous one
- *
- */
- protected function Update($revision)
- {
- // print memory_get_usage(true) . " " . memory_get_usage()." Before update to r$revision\n";
- if (!$this->LocalRevision)
- throw new Exception("No LocalRevision defined");
- // Create temp directory
- $this->TempDir = "{$this->TempRoot}/" . uniqid("update-", true);
- $mkresult = @mkdir($this->TempDir);
- if (!$mkresult)
- {
- $this->RaiseEventAndThrow(sprintf("Failed to create temporary directory %s", $this->TempDir));
- }
- // Fetch a Update data and serialize to object
- $this->TargetUpdate = $this->GetUpdateObject($revision);
- // print memory_get_usage(true) . " " . memory_get_usage()." GetUpdateObject\n";
- // Check php path if php needed and throw exception if no executable php binary found
- if (count($this->TargetUpdate->Commands) > 0)
- {
- $raw_cmd = implode("", $this->TargetUpdate->Commands);
- if (stripos($raw_cmd, "%php_path%") !== false)
- {
- try
- {
- $php_path = $this->ProbePHPBinary();
- }
- catch(Exception $e)
- {
- $this->RaiseEvent($e->getMessage());
- throw new Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
- }
- foreach ($this->TargetUpdate->Commands as &$cmd)
- $cmd = str_replace("%php_path%", $php_path, $cmd);
- }
- }
- if ($this->TargetUpdate->IsAutoUpdatePossible)
- {
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Begin SQL transaction."));
- // print memory_get_usage(true) . " " . memory_get_usage()." Begin SQL transaction.\n";
- $this->DB->StartTrans();
- try
- {
- if (!$this->TargetUpdate->SkipTarballDownload)
- {
- // Download and extract Update
- // print memory_get_usage(true) . " " . memory_get_usage()." Before Download and extract Update.\n";
- $this->DownloadUpdate($revision);
- // print memory_get_usage(true) . " " . memory_get_usage()." After Download and extract Update.\n";
- // Unpack archive
- // print memory_get_usage(true) . " " . memory_get_usage()." Before Unpack archive.\n";
- $this->ExtractUpdate($revision);
- // print memory_get_usage(true) . " " . memory_get_usage()." After Unpack archive.\n";
- // Now we are in {$this->TempDir}/app folder
- }
- // Perform update actions
- // print memory_get_usage(true) . " " . memory_get_usage()." Before Make backups.\n";
- $this->MakeBackups();
- // print memory_get_usage(true) . " " . memory_get_usage()." After Make backups.\n";
- $this->ExecuteSQLQueries();
- if (!$this->TargetUpdate->SkipTarballDownload)
- {
- // print memory_get_usage(true) . " " . memory_get_usage()." Before Add folders/files.\n";
- $this->AddFolders();
- $this->AddFiles();
- // print memory_get_usage(true) . " " . memory_get_usage()." After Add folders/files.\n";
- $this->UpdateFiles();
- $this->SetFSPermissions();
- }
- }
- catch (Exception $ex)
- {
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Rolling back SQL queries."));
- $this->DB->RollbackTrans();
- $this->RaiseEventAndThrow(sprintf("Update failed. %s", $ex->getMessage()));
- }
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Commiting SQL transaction."));
- $this->DB->CompleteTrans();
- //
- // �� ������ ��������� ������� ����� ������ ���������� ����� ��������� �� deadlocks.
- //
- $this->ExecuteCommands();
- if (!$this->TargetUpdate->SkipTarballDownload)
- {
- $this->ExecuteScripts();
- $this->DeleteFolders();
- $this->DeleteFiles();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $message = sprintf("It is not possible to automatically update to revision %s. Please perform manual update.", $revision);
- throw new Exception($message);
- }
- $this->Dispose();
- $this->SetLocalRevision($this->TargetUpdate->Revision);
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Update to version %d finished", $revision));
- // print memory_get_usage(true) . " " . memory_get_usage()." After update to r$revision\n";
- }
- private function SetFSPermissions()
- {
- // print "In SetFSPermissions \n";
- $this->RaiseEvent("Setting permissions");
- foreach((array)$this->TargetUpdate->Chmods as $path => $perm)
- {
- $this->RaiseEvent("chmod {$perm} {$this->AppPath}/{$path}");
- $result = chmod("{$this->AppPath}/{$path}", octdec($perm));
- if (!$result)
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Failed to set permission '%s' on path '%s'", $perm, $path));
- }
- // print "Leave SetFSPermissions\n";
- }
- /**
- * Execute shell commands
- * @return void
- */
- private function ExecuteCommands()
- {
- $this->RaiseEvent("Executing commands");
- $MP = new ManagedProcess();
- foreach($this->TargetUpdate->Commands as $cmd)
- {
- $cmd = "cd {$this->AppPath} && {$cmd}";
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Executing command '%s'", $cmd));
- $MP->StdErr = null;
- $MP->StdOut = null;
- $MP->Execute($cmd);
- //$result = $this->Shell->ExecuteRaw($cmd);
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Result: STDOUT = '%s', STDERR= '%s'", $MP->StdOut, $MP->StdErr));
- //if (!$result)
- // $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Failed to execute command '%s'", $cmd));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Execute php scripts
- * @return void
- */
- private function ExecuteScripts()
- {
- $Mailer = Core::GetPHPSmartyMailerInstance(CONFIG::$EMAIL_DSN);
- $this->RaiseEvent("Executing PHP scripts");
- /* We must prevent update from stopping execution
- /* if any of invoked scripts raise error
- */
- foreach($this->TargetUpdate->Scripts as $path)
- {
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Executing script '%s'", $this->AppPath . "/{$path}"));
- try
- {
- $result = include($this->AppPath . "/{$path}");
- } catch (Exception $e)
- {
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Failed to execute script %s", $path));
- }
- if (!$result)
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Failed to execute script %s", $path));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Make backups of templates and database if these are set in manifest
- *
- */
- private function MakeBackups()
- {
- // Do we need to do any backups?
- if ($this->TargetUpdate->DoBackupDatabase + $this->TargetUpdate->DoBackupTemplates >= 1)
- {
- $backup_root = "{$this->AppPath}/cache/autoup-backup-".date("Y-m-d-Hi");
- }
- // DB backup
- if ($this->TargetUpdate->DoBackupDatabase == 1)
- {
- $backup_path = "{$backup_root}/mysql";
- // Forcefully create folder for mysql dump
- @mkdir($backup_path, 0777, true);
- @chmod($backup_path, 0777);
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Saving database backup to '%s/backup.sql'", $backup_path));
- $command = "mysqldump -h'{$this->DB->host}' -u'{$this->DB->username}' -p'{$this->DB->password}' {$this->DB->database} > {$backup_path}/backup.sql";
- $result = $this->Shell->ExecuteRaw($command);
- if (!$result)
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Failed to backup database using mysqldump binary. Make sure that mysqldump is in PATH and executable by %s user", $this->Uname));
- }
- // Templates backup
- if ($this->TargetUpdate->DoBackupTemplates == 1)
- {
- $templates_path = "{$this->AppPath}/templates";
- $backup_path = "{$backup_root}/templates";
- @mkdir($backup_path, 0777, true);
- @chmod($backup_path, 0777);
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Saving backup of templates to '%s'", $backup_path));
- $cmd = "cp -Rf {$templates_path} {$backup_path}";
- $result = $this->Shell->ExecuteRaw($cmd);
- if (!$result)
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Failed to backup templates"));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Execute SQL queries within one transaction
- * @return void
- */
- private function ExecuteSQLQueries()
- {
- $this->RaiseEvent("Executing SQL queries");
- foreach($this->TargetUpdate->SQLQueries as $sql)
- {
- $this->RaiseEvent("Executing SQL: {$sql}");
- $this->DB->Execute($sql);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Delete files
- * @return void
- */
- private function DeleteFiles()
- {
- $this->RaiseEvent("Deleting files");
- foreach($this->TargetUpdate->FilesToDelete as $f)
- {
- $target_path = $this->AppPath . "/" . $f;
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Deleting '%s'", $target_path));
- $result = unlink($target_path);
- if (!$result)
- {
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Failed to delete file %s (%s)", $f, $target_path));
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Delete folders
- * @return void
- */
- private function DeleteFolders()
- {
- $this->RaiseEvent("Deleting folders");
- foreach($this->TargetUpdate->FoldersToDelete as $f)
- {
- $target_path = $this->AppPath . "/" . $f;
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Deleting '%s'", $target_path));
- $result = IOTool::UnlinkRecursive($target_path);
- if (!$result)
- {
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Failed to delete folder %s (%s)", $f, $target_path));
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Create folders
- * @return void
- */
- private function AddFolders()
- {
- $this->RaiseEvent("Creating folders");
- foreach($this->TargetUpdate->FoldersToAdd as $f)
- {
- $target_path = $this->AppPath . "/" . $f;
- $chmod = $this->TargetUpdate->Chmods[$f];
- if (!file_exists($target_path))
- {
- if (!$chmod)
- $chmod = 0755;
- $result = mkdir($target_path, $chmod, true);
- @chmod($target_path, $chmod);
- if (!$result)
- {
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Failed to create folder %s (%s)", $f, $target_path));
- }
- }
- else
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Folder %s (%s) already exists.. skipping", $f, $target_path));
- }
- }
- /**
- * No differences to UpdateFiles() so far
- * @return void
- */
- private function AddFiles()
- {
- //set_error_handler(array(&$this, 'CopyErrorHandler'));
- $this->RaiseEvent("Copying files");
- foreach($this->TargetUpdate->FilesToAdd as $f)
- {
- $source_path = "./".$f;
- $target_path = $this->AppPath . "/" . $f;
- if (!file_exists($target_path))
- {
- $result = copy($source_path, $target_path);
- if (!$result)
- {
-// $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Failed to copy file %s ('%s' to '%s')", $f, $source_path, $target_path));
- }
- }
- else
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Failed to copy file %s ('%s' to '%s'). File already exists", $f, $source_path, $target_path));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Copy files over existing ones or update chmods
- * @return void
- */
- private function UpdateFiles()
- {
- // print memory_get_usage(true) . " " . memory_get_usage()." Before Update files\n";
- $this->RaiseEvent("Updating files");
- foreach($this->TargetUpdate->FilesToUpdate as $f)
- {
- $source_path = "./".$f;
- $target_path = $this->AppPath . "/" . $f;
- // print memory_get_usage(true) . " " . memory_get_usage()." Copying $source_path ... \n";
- $result = copy($source_path, $target_path);
- // print memory_get_usage(true) . " " . memory_get_usage(). ($result ? " Ok\n" : " Failed\n");
- if (!$result)
- {
-// print sprintf("Failed to copy file %s ('%s' to '%s')", $f, $source_path, $target_path);
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Failed to copy file %s ('%s' to '%s')", $f, $source_path, $target_path));
- }
- }
- // print memory_get_usage(true) . " " . memory_get_usage()." After Update files\n";
- }
- /**
- * Update to a specific Update in few hops
- *
- * @param int $target_revision
- */
- public function UpdateToRevision($target_revision)
- {
- // Get a list of update hops and update step-by-step iteratively
- foreach ($this->ListHops($this->LocalRevision, $target_revision) as $revision)
- {
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Hop: Updating to version %s", $revision));
- try
- {
- $this->Update($revision);
- }
- catch (Exception $ex)
- {
- // PHP should have `finally` :(
- $this->Dispose();
- throw new Exception($ex->getMessage());
- break;
- }
- if ($this->TargetUpdate->InterruptAfter == 1)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- $this->RaiseEvent("Update finished");
- }
- /**
- * Update to latest available revision
- *
- */
- public function UpdateToLatest()
- {
- $target_revision = $this->GetLatestRevision();
- $this->RaiseEvent(sprintf("Updating to latest version (%s)", $target_revision));
- $this->UpdateToRevision($target_revision);
- }
- /**
- * Notify Event listener
- *
- */
- private function RaiseEvent()
- {
- $args = func_get_args();
- $date = date("m.d.y H:i:s");
- $this->EventHandler->OnEvent("LogEvent", $args);
- $this->ReportRows[] = $date . ":" . implode(";", $args);
- }
- /**
- * Notify Event listener and throw Exception
- *
- * @param string $oops
- */
- private function RaiseEventAndThrow($oops)
- {
- $this->RaiseEvent($oops);
- throw new Exception($oops);
- }
- /**
- * Build s string report
- *
- * @return unknown
- */
- public function BuildReport()
- {
- return(implode("\r\n", $this->ReportRows));
- }
- }
diff --git a/app/src/LibWebta/library/Distribution/tests.php b/app/src/LibWebta/library/Distribution/tests.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c03c8ed..0000000
--- a/app/src/LibWebta/library/Distribution/tests.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
- /**
- * This file is a part of LibWebta, PHP class library.
- *
- *
- * This program is protected by international copyright laws. Any
- * use of this program is subject to the terms of the license
- * agreement included as part of this distribution archive.
- * Any other uses are strictly prohibited without the written permission
- * of "Webta" and all other rights are reserved.
- * This notice may not be removed from this source code file.
- * This source file is subject to version 1.1 of the license,
- * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.
- * If the backage does not contain LICENSE file, this source file is
- * subject to general license, available at http://webta.net/license.html
- *
- * @category LibWebta
- * @package Math
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Webta Inc, http://webta.net/copyright.html
- * @license http://webta.net/license.html
- * @ignore
- */
- Core::Load("Distribution");
- /**
- * @category LibWebta
- * @package Distribution
- * @name Distribution_Test
- */
- class EventListenerStub
- {
- public function OnEvent()
- {
- echo "
Date | -Releases in this update | -Update details | -Status | -Report | -|||
{$rows[id].dtupdate} | -{$rows[id].releases} | -View update details | -{$rows[id].status} | -View report | -|||
- |