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RetractWhileCombing 15.02
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- bugfix for dunk-into-priming-heap issue
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Dim3nsioneer committed Feb 8, 2015
1 parent 4305597 commit 8f079b4
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144 changes: 0 additions & 144 deletions

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190 changes: 190 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
#Name: Retract while combing V15.02
#Info: Retracts at specified height during combing
#Help: RetractWhileCombing
#Depend: GCode
#Type: postprocess
#Param: minZ(float:4.99) Starting Z (mm)
#Param: maxZ(float:5.01) Ending Z (mm)
#Param: minL(int:) (ALT) Starting Layer no.
#Param: maxL(int:) (ALT) Ending Layer no.
#Param: FirstLast(bool:false) First and Last layer only (override)
#Param: minDist(float:2.0) Minimum Distance for Retract (mm)
#Param: speed(float:30) Retract Speed (mm/s)
#Param: retractdistance(float:4.5) Retract Distance (mm)
#Param: lift(float:0.0) Lift Head during Retract (mm)

## Written by Stefan Heule, [email protected]
## This script is licensed under the Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-commercial - Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA) terms

## Changelog:
## V14.01: initial version
## V14.07: including flavor 'RepRap volumetric'
## V15.02: bugfix for dunking into priming heap at start, progress bar included, First-and-last-layer-option

version = '15.02'

import re
import math
import wx
import time

#MacOS release currently lacks some wx components, like the Publisher.
from wx.lib.pubsub import Publisher
Publisher = None

def getValue(line, key, default = None):
if not key in line or (';' in line and line.find(key) > line.find(';') and not ("LAYER:" in key or 'Layer count:'in key)):
return default
subPart = line[line.find(key) + len(key):] #allows for string lengths larger than 1
if ";LAYER:" in key or ";Layer count:" in key:
m ='^[+-]?[0-9]*', subPart)
m ='^[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*', subPart)
if m == None:
return default
return float(
return default

layer = -100000 #layer no. may be negative (raft) but never that low
minL_i = int(minL)
minL_i = -100000
maxL_i = int(maxL)
maxL_i = -100000
if minL_i > -100000 and maxL_i == -100000: #if only starting layer is specified
maxL_i = minL_i

if minL_i > -100000:
minZ = maxZ = 100000

if Publisher is not None:
if FirstLast == 1:
wx.CallAfter(Publisher().sendMessage, "pluginupdate", "OpenPluginProgressWindow;RetractWhileCombing;Retract While Combing plugin is executed on first and last layer")
if minL_i > -100000:
wx.CallAfter(Publisher().sendMessage, "pluginupdate", "OpenPluginProgressWindow;RetractWhileCombing;Retract While Combing plugin is executed between Layers %d and %d" % (minL_i,maxL_i))
wx.CallAfter(Publisher().sendMessage, "pluginupdate", "OpenPluginProgressWindow;RetractWhileCombing;Retract While Combing plugin is executed between %1.2fmm and %1.2fmm" % (minZ,maxZ))

with open(filename, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()

lastpercentage = 0
i = 0
l = len(lines)

x = oldx = 0
y = oldy = 0
z = oldz = 0
e = olde = 0
gtype = None
combing_active = 0
in_range = 0
pos_type = 0 #Type of positioning: 0=absolute, 1=relative
G1MovesCtr = 0
buffered_gcode = []
total_length = 0
g1speed = 0
flavor = 0 #0:RepRap GCode, 1:UltiGCode, 2: RepRap volumetric
NoOfLayers = 1

with open(filename, "w") as f:
for line in lines:
if int(i*100/l) > lastpercentage and Publisher is not None: #progressbar
lastpercentage = int(i*100/l)
wx.CallAfter(Publisher().sendMessage, "pluginupdate", "Progress;" + str(lastpercentage))
if 'FLAVOR:UltiGCode' in line: #Flavor is UltiGCode! Use G10 and G11 instead of G1 Ex
flavor = 1
if ('G10' in line or 'G11' in line) and flavor == 0: #Flavor is volumetric RepRap
flavor = 2
for line in lines:
oldx = x
oldy = y
oldz = z
olde = e
gtype = getValue(line,'G',None)
if 'Layer count:' in line: #no. of layers found
NoOfLayers = getValue(line, 'Layer count: ', NoOfLayers)
if 'LAYER:' in line: #new layer no. found
layer = getValue(line, 'LAYER:', layer)
if minL_i > -100000: #target selected by layer no.
if in_range == 0 and layer >= minL_i and layer <= maxL_i: #determine minZ from layer no.
minZ = z + 0.001
if in_range == 1 and layer > maxL_i: #determine maxZ from layer no.
maxZ = z
if gtype == 90: #look for G90 command (absolute positioning)
pos_type = 0
if gtype == 91: #look for G91 command (relative positioning)
pos_type = 1
if gtype == 28 or gtype == 92: #look for G28 or G92 command
x = oldx = getValue(line,'X',x)
y = oldy = getValue(line,'Y',y)
z = oldz = getValue(line,'Z',z)
e = olde = getValue(line,'E',e)
if gtype == 1 or gtype == 0: #check for movement
x = pos_type * x + getValue(line,'X',(1-pos_type)*x)
y = pos_type * y + getValue(line,'Y',(1-pos_type)*y)
z = pos_type * z + getValue(line,'Z',(1-pos_type)*z)
e = pos_type * e + getValue(line,'E',(1-pos_type)*e)
if gtype == 1:
G1MovesCtr += 1
g1speed = getValue(line,'F',g1speed) #saves the last G1 speed
if FirstLast == 1:
if layer == 0 or layer == NoOfLayers-1:
in_range = 1
in_range = 0
else: #FirstLast option not activated
if z >= minZ and z <= maxZ: #check if z is in range
in_range = 1
in_range = 0
if in_range == 1:
if combing_active == 0 and gtype == 0: #activate flag for combing
combing_active = 1
if combing_active == 1 and gtype == 1: #deactivate flag for combing
combing_active = 0
if total_length >= minDist:
if flavor == 0: #RepRap
f.write("G1 F%d E%1.5f; added by RetractWhileCombing V%s\n" % (int(speed*60),(1-pos_type)*olde-retractdistance,version)) #retract
else: #UltiGCode or volumetric RepRap
f.write("G10; added by RetractWhileCombing V%s\n" % version) #retract
if lift != 0 and G1MovesCtr != 1: #no lift at first G1 moves to avoid dunking into priming heap
f.write("G0 Z%1.2f; added by RetractWhileCombing V%s\n" % (float((1-pos_type)*z+lift),version)) #lift head
for buffer_line in buffered_gcode: #writes the buffer
buffered_gcode = [] #clears the buffer
if lift != 0:
f.write("G0 Z%1.2f; added by RetractWhileCombing V%s\n" % (float((1-pos_type)*z),version)) #lower head
if flavor == 0: #RepRap
f.write("G1 F%d E%1.5f; added by RetractWhileCombing V%s\n" % (int(speed*60),(1-pos_type)*olde,version)) #priming
f.write("G1 F%d; added by RetractWhileCombing V%s\n" % (int(g1speed),version))
else: #UltiGCode or volumetric RepRap
f.write("G11; added by RetractWhileCombing V%s\n" % version) #priming
for buffer_line in buffered_gcode: #writes the buffer
buffered_gcode = [] #clears the buffer
total_length = 0 #resets the length check
if combing_active == 1: #unfinished business: no retract
combing_active = 0
for buffer_line in buffered_gcode: #writes the buffer
buffered_gcode = [] #clears the buffer
if combing_active == 1:
total_length += math.sqrt((x-oldx)*(x-oldx)+(y-oldy)*(y-oldy)) #calculates distance
if Publisher is not None:
wx.CallAfter(Publisher().sendMessage, "pluginupdate", "Progress;100")
wx.CallAfter(Publisher().sendMessage, "pluginupdate", "ClosePluginProgressWindow")
Binary file added RetractWhileCombing_Documentation.pdf
Binary file not shown.

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