- Artifacts function syntax has changed. Now the dictionaries with keys can be be provided in a random order. Demos updated to make use of the updated function
- Partial volume effect generator added to the Artifacts script
- Fresnel propagator simulator added to the Artifacts script
- Flat field simulator has been modified to be based on a speckle generator of the background
- Flat fields and the background jitter has been incorporated
- Model 17 has been added to simulate i23 data
- Flat field simulation for 3D case has been re-written to conform the traditional imaging scenario. One can modify the inensity of the X-ray source which leads to more imaging artefacts
- Demo ReconASTRA3D_realistic shows the incorporated changes
- normraw function has been deleted and replaced with the conventional normaliser from the ToMoBAR software
- Artifacts simulation module has been modified. It is based now on specifying the dictionaries where artifact types are described. Stipes can be simulated to be partial and with variable intensity.
- 2D Model 15 added - DLS phantom
- Jupiter Notebook demo added which uses deep learning algorithms to employ TomoPhantom for data generation
- All demos renamed and placed into categories: 2D/3D/4D, Random
- Random generation of 2D/3D phantoms is initiated using methods from "generator.py" script
- Foam phantoms can be built
- Demo 'RandPhantGen.py' shows how phantoms can be generated
- Artifacts generation have been re-written from the class-based structure to function based structure
- Each method in Artifacts can be called independently or all artefacts+noise can be simulated using Artifacts method
- Seeding added for noise module
- Demos changed to adapt new artefacts functions and ToMoBAR changes
- Objects3D (generation of the customised objects) function is fixed