- Speaker : Diogo Constantino
- Available : second day, third day
- Length : 45
- Language : Portuguese
Ubuntu Touch was initially created by Canonical, with the aim to offer a revolutionary convergence experience, therefore combining the best of the mobile and desktop user experience from Ubuntu Linux. Ubuntu Touch is capable to provide an adaptable but consistent and friendly experiences to the users, using the same device and the same exact software based on the same source code. At the moment Ubuntu Touch is developed and maintained by the UBports Community, and is the main hope for real GNU/Linux and privacy on the mobile arena, on this I will let you know why and how you should join our revolution.
IT Consultant with specialization on GNU/Linux and Free Software, very active Free Software and Digitai Rights advocate currently, very active within the Ubuntu Community in Portugal and Europe, member of the UBports project, tech rellated themes podcaster.
- Company: https://ubports.com
- Photo: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/550988430025310208/g_lHlcn7_400x400.jpeg
I'll be presenting the UBports project work on Ubuntu Touch, the importance of this OS for user freedom and privacy, and how can people like the typical PixelsCamp audinece join in and help Ubuntu Touch, the mobile Free Software app ecossystem and even the broader mobile GNU/Linux operating systems through the joint efforts between those and the UBports Community.