To list all available tasks, please run:
✔ ~/Projects/cnect-eurohpc-reference [master|✔]
15:12 $ docker-composer exec web ./vendor/bin/run
See bellow current list for version 4.0.0-beta8
Available commands:
help Displays help for a command
list Lists commands
changelog:generate [changelog:g|cg] Generate a changelog based on GitHub issues and pull requests.
drupal:drush-setup Write Drush configuration files to given directories.
drupal:permissions-setup Setup Drupal permissions.
drupal:settings-setup Setup Drupal settings.php file in compliance with Toolkit conventions.
drupal:site-install [drupal:si|dsi] Install target site.
drupal:site-post-install Run Drupal post-install commands.
drupal:site-pre-install Run Drupal pre-install commands.
release:create-archive [release:ca|rca] Create a release for the current project.
toolkit:build-assets [tba] Build theme assets (Css/Js).
toolkit:build-dev Build site for local development.
toolkit:build-dev-reset Build site for local development from scratch with a clean git.
toolkit:build-dist Build the distribution package.
toolkit:component-check Check composer.json for components that are not whitelisted/blacklisted.
toolkit:d9-compatibility Check project compatibility for Drupal 9 upgrade.
toolkit:disable-drupal-cache Disable aggregation and clear cache.
toolkit:download-dump Download ASDA snapshot.
toolkit:import-config Import config.
toolkit:install-clean Install a clean website.
toolkit:install-clean-dev Install a clean website in dev mode.
toolkit:install-clone Install a clone website.
toolkit:install-clone-dev Install a clone website in dev mode.
toolkit:install-dump Install clone from production snapshot.
toolkit:notifications Display toolkit notifications.
toolkit:run-deploy Run deployment sequence.
toolkit:run-phpcbf [tpb] Run PHP code autofixing.
toolkit:test-behat [tb] Run Behat tests.
toolkit:test-phpcs [tp] Run PHP code review.