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File metadata and controls

160 lines (105 loc) · 4.25 KB



jqGrider is PHP library for generating jqGrid without typing JavaScript code. I created jqGrider for admin part of my applications. I wanted to without much effort present my database tables and datas into ajax grid.

jqGrid is at this moment most complete full-stack javascript grid. At this moment jqGrider supotring only basic and most needed functionality of jqGrid.

With jqGrider you can:

  • Present data from database table
  • Present array data in grid
  • Search grid data with any operator
  • Refresh data grid
  • Paginate results
  • Add custon anonymous function for columns

##Code examples

basic usage of jgGrider

Your main action presenting grid

public function action_grid()
    $view = $this->app->forge('View', 'grid');

	$grid = new \JqGrider\Grid(\JqGrider\Grid::DATA_TYPE_JSON);
	->addColumn('ID', 'id', 200)
	->addColumn('Full Name', 'name', 450)

	$view->set('grid_js', $grid->getJavaScriptCode(), false);
	return $view;

Your view with grid


Ajax action which will return grid data with ajax call

public function action_grid_data()
	$grid = new \JqGrider\Grid(\JqGrider\Grid::DATA_TYPE_JSON);
	->setRepository(new \App\Model\User())
	->addColumn('ID', 'id', 200)
	->addColumn('Full Name', 'name', 450);

User model need to implement IGridRepository and define two methods getData and countDataRows.

getData can return object with data, and it must have properties like column names. Also it can returna array and key names also must be named as column names.

countDataRows will count data rows considering conditions.

Object Conditions representing search query, and it wil help you to generate database query to calculate rows in search conditions.

namespace App\Model;

use JqGrider\Data\IGridRepository;
use JqGrider\Data\Conditions;

class User implements IGridRepository
protected $pdo;

public function __construct()
    // Connect on database with pdo object for example

public function getData(Conditions $dataConditions)
	$offset = $dataConditions->page == 1 ? 0 : $dataConditions->rowsLimit * ($dataConditions->page - 1);
	$sql = 'SELECT id, name FROM user ';

	if ($dataConditions->search === 'true')
		$sql .= ' WHERE '.$dataConditions->searchCondition;
	$sql .=' ORDER BY '.$dataConditions->sortBy.' '.$dataConditions->sort;
	$sql .= ' LIMIT '.$dataConditions->rowsLimit.' OFFSET '.$offset;
	$statement = $this->pdo->prepare($sql, array(\PDO::ATTR_CURSOR => \PDO::CURSOR_FWDONLY));
	if ($statement->execute())
		return $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS);

public function countDataRows(Conditions $dataConditions)
	$sql = 'SELECT count(id) FROM user';
	if ($dataConditions->search === 'true')
		$sql .= ' WHERE '.$dataConditions->searchCondition;
	if ($result = $this->pdo->query($sql))
		return $result->fetchColumn();

###Using anonymous functions

Anonymous function can be added into Column object to change column content.

        $nameFunction = function ($content)
			return 'Member name is: '.$content;
		$grid = new Grid(Grid::DATA_TYPE_JSON);
		$grid->addColumn('Full Name', 'name', 450, $nameFunction);

###Using local data for grid

public function action_grid()
	$view = $this->app->forge('View', 'grid');
	$grid = new Grid(Grid::DATA_TYPE_JSON);
	->addColumn('ID', 'id', 200)
	->addColumn('Full Name', 'name', 450);
		array('id' => 4, 'name' => 'William Harrison'),
		array('id' => 5, 'name' => 'Erick Hawkins'),
		array('id' => 6, 'name' => 'Gene Autry'),

	$view->set('grid_js', $grid->getJavaScriptCode(), false);
	return $view;