Application for notification of failures or breakdowns in the city. We want to make city better and more comfortable for all it's owners. Devpost link
- Mozenbakh Anton
- Kagirov Dmytro
- Kashytskyi Oleksandr
- Naumenko Artem
- Tsimbolynets Vitalii
Could happen that we see broken electrical links or other breakdowns which are not fixing for several days. Perhaps company responsible for it even don't knews nothing about this accident. Thanks to CytyDesk app we can put it on public overview and make problem fixing more faster, just making some photo posting it in our app having marked it on the map.
All posts about breakdowns will be shown on the map and people could observe the problem sloving from their devices.
Also such methode of informating will help to identify damage after some hurricanes or storms (broken trees, bus stops etc) and also it will give understanding of how huge the problem is.
Exept it, in future it will be possible to add some notifications for companies or govermental departments which are responsable for some city areas like transportation, electricity or roadside and when people will post about some crashes or brokens - companies themselves will get notification about such problems on email.
- Update main functionality of the project;
- Add global scaling for CityDesk;
- Add new features to interface;
- Find sponsors and run CytyDesk globaly.