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Software to help run DoES Liverpool

Most of the development work takes place on the develop branch.

See the issue list for what needs to be done, and somebody-should#670 for the background, and the Optimism Wiki for meeting notes and more.


NOTE: You'll need to be using npm version 7 or above for this to work, and version 14 or earlier of NodeJS because node-sass does not support version 16 yet.

  1. Install the dependencies npm install
  2. Set up the database npx knex migrate:latest --knexfile ./api/knexfile.js (or if there have been any changes to the database structure, this will run the migrations)
  3. Create a .env file in this folder. This will hold any configuration options you need to set. For a basic development setup this should suffice:
    OPTIMISM_API_URL = 'http://localhost:3001/api'
  4. [Optional] Populate the development database with some sample data: npx knex seed:run --env development --knexfile ./api/knexfile.js (WARNING: this will delete any data in the database already)

Script commands

The following commands are defined in package.json:

"scripts": {
    "test-api": "cross-env NODE_ENV=testing mocha api --recursive --exit --timeout 3500 --require mocha-suppress-logs",
    "website": "nodemon --watch website website/app.js",
    "api": "nodemon --watch api api/app.js",
    "both": "concurrently -n \"website,api\" \"npm run website\" \"npm run api\"",
    "css": "sass website/scss/optimism.scss:website/static/css/optimism.css",
    "css-watch": "sass website/scss/optimism.scss:website/static/css/optimism.css --watch",
    "dev": "concurrently -n \"website,api,sass\" \"npm run website\" \"npm run api\" \"npm run css-watch\""

npm run test-api runs the API tests

npm run website starts the website (by running website/app.js)

npm run api starts the api (by running api/app.js)

npm run both concurrently starts both the website and api

npm run css compiles the optimism.scss on demand, to website/static/css/optimism.css

npm run css-watch watches optimisim.scss and compiles it if it changes

npm run dev concurrently starts the website, api and css-watch

The nodemon commmand is used to monitor code changes in each of the website and api projects and restart these as required.

The concurrently command is used to start more than one command concurrently. The output from all the commands is sent to the same terminal and is prefixed with a name to identify output.

sass is used to compile scss.

eslint is installed as a dev dependency. To run it against the api project (as an example) run npx eslint api.

Project structure

The website and api folders contain code for the frontend website and the backend api site. Ports are hard-coded at the moment, with website starting at port 3000 and api starting on 3001.

The bootstrap folder contains the site scss file (optimism.scss) and a subfolder (scss) containing scss for bootstrap 4.5.1.

Docker version

For production we're running the api and website components as separate Docker containers, with an off-the-shelf Postgres container to provide the database.

Their interactions are orchestrated with docker-compose, so getting it running should just be a case of running:

  • docker-compose build
  • docker-compose up

To run any database migrations, once things are running then run: docker-compose exec api npx knex migrate:latest --env production

Any time things are pushed to the master branch, the live site will automatically deploy the new version.

Also see
