diff --git a/src/main/java/frc/robot/Commands/TeleopCommands/PathfindingCommands.java b/src/main/java/frc/robot/Commands/TeleopCommands/PathfindingCommands.java
index 6a0682f..26d7fcb 100644
--- a/src/main/java/frc/robot/Commands/TeleopCommands/PathfindingCommands.java
+++ b/src/main/java/frc/robot/Commands/TeleopCommands/PathfindingCommands.java
@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ public class PathfindingCommands {
* move again. The trajectory will automatically be rotated to the Red alliance.
Since a new trajectory is meant to be generated upon every button press, all the code must
- * be inside of the return. This is done by returning a Commands.run() with a block of code inside
- * of the lambda function for the {@link Runnable} parameter.
+ * be inside of the return. This is done by returning a {@code Commands.run()} with a block of
+ * code inside of the lambda function for the {@link Runnable} parameter.
- * @param drive Drive subsystem
- * @param vision Vision subsystem
+ * @param drive {@link Drive} subsystem
+ * @param vision {@link Vision} subsystem
* @param distanceFromTagMeters Distance in front of the AprilTag for the robot to end up.
- * @param stopTrigger {@link BooleanSupplier} with the condition to end the Pathfinding command
- * @return Command that makes the robot follow a trajectory to in front of the AprilTag.
+ * @param stopTrigger {@link BooleanSupplier} with the condition to end the Pathfinding command.
+ * @return {@link Command} that makes the robot follow a trajectory to in front of the AprilTag.
public static Command pathfindToCurrentTag(
Drive drive,
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public static Command pathfindToCurrentTag(
BooleanSupplier stopTrigger) {
return Commands.run(
() -> {
- /**
+ /*
* Get ID of AprilTag currently seen by the front camera, if any. If an invalid ID is
* given the apriltagPose Optional will be empty
@@ -51,20 +51,19 @@ public static Command pathfindToCurrentTag(
// If no valid tag returned then return a print messsage instead
if (apriltagPose.isEmpty()) {
Commands.print("Invalid AprilTag ID").until(stopTrigger).schedule();
- ;
} else {
// Turn 3d AprilTag pose into a 2d pose
var apriltagPose2d = apriltagPose.get().toPose2d();
- /**
+ /*
* The goal pose is the end position for the center of the robot. Transforming by half
* the track width will leave the robot right up against the tag and any additional
* distance can be added
var goalPose =
new Pose2d(
- /**
+ /*
* Multiply the x by cos and y by sin of the tag angle so that the hypot (tag to
* robot) is the desired distance away from the tag
@@ -89,23 +88,23 @@ public static Command pathfindToCurrentTag(
* Generates a trajectory for the robot to follow to the AprilTag corresponding to the ID inputed
* with an additional distance translation. The trajectory will automatically be rotated to the
- * Red alliance.
+ * red alliance.
* @param tagID AprilTag ID of the desired AprilTag to align to.
* @param wallDistanceMeters Distance in front of the AprilTag for the robot to end up.
- * @return Command that makes the robot follow a trajectory to in front of the AprilTag.
+ * @return {@link Command} that makes the robot follow a trajectory to in front of the AprilTag.
public static Command pathfindToAprilTag(IntSupplier tagID, DoubleSupplier wallDistanceMeters) {
// Get the 2d pose of the AprilTag associated with the inputed ID
var apriltagPose =
- /**
+ /*
* The goal pose is the end position for the center of the robot. Transforming by half the track
* width will leave the robot right up against the tag and any additional distance can be added
var goalPose =
new Pose2d(
- /**
+ /*
* Multiply the x by cos and y by sin of the tag angle so that the hypot (tag to robot)
* is the desired distance away from the tag
@@ -124,11 +123,11 @@ public static Command pathfindToAprilTag(IntSupplier tagID, DoubleSupplier wallD
* Generates a trajectory for the robot to follow to a specified REEF BRANCH with an additional
- * distance translation. The trajectory will automatically be rotated to the Red alliance.
+ * distance translation. The trajectory will automatically be rotated to the red alliance.
* @param branchLetter Letter corresponding to BRANCH to pathfind to.
* @param wallDistanceMeters Distance from the REEF wall in meters.
- * @return Command that makes the robot follow a trajectory to in front of the BRANCH.
+ * @return {@link Command} that makes the robot follow a trajectory to in front of the BRANCH.
public static Command pathfindToBranch(String branchLetter, DoubleSupplier wallDistanceMeters) {
// Position of BRANCH corresponding to zone the robot is in
@@ -138,10 +137,8 @@ public static Command pathfindToBranch(String branchLetter, DoubleSupplier wallD
// the BRANCH
var goalPose =
new Pose2d(
- /**
- * Multiply the x by cos and y by sin of the tag angle so that the hypot (tag to robot)
- * is the desired distance away from the tag
- */
+ // Multiply the x by cos and y by sin of the tag angle so that the hypot (tag to robot)
+ // is the desired distance away from the tag
+ ((DriveConstants.TRACK_WIDTH_M / 2)
+ FieldConstants.BRANCH_TO_WALL_X_M
@@ -164,13 +161,14 @@ public static Command pathfindToBranch(String branchLetter, DoubleSupplier wallD
* automatically be rotated to the Red alliance.
Since a new trajectory is meant to be generated upon every button press, all the code must
- * be inside of the return. This is done by returning a Commands.run() with a block of code inside
- * of the lambda function for the {@link Runnable} parameter.
+ * be inside of the return. This is done by returning a {@code Commands.run()} with a block of
+ * code inside of the lambda function for the {@link Runnable} parameter.
- * @param drive Drive subsystem
+ * @param drive {@link Drive} subsystem
* @param wallDistanceMeters Distance from the REEF wall in meters.
- * @param stopTrigger {@link BooleanSupplier} with the condition to end the Pathfinding command
- * @return Command that makes the robot follow a trajectory to in front of the nearest BRANCH.
+ * @param stopTrigger {@link BooleanSupplier} with the condition to end the Pathfinding command.
+ * @return {@link Command} that makes the robot follow a trajectory to in front of the nearest
public static Command pathfindToClosestReef(
Drive drive, DoubleSupplier wallDistanceMeters, BooleanSupplier stopTrigger) {
@@ -241,13 +239,13 @@ public static Command pathfindToClosestReef(
// Position of BRANCH corresponding to zone the robot is in
var branchPose = FieldConstants.BRANCH_POSES.get(branchLetter);
- // Translated pose to send to Pathfinder, so that robot isn't commanded to go directly on
- // top of
- // the BRANCH
+ /*
+ * Translated pose to send to Pathfinder, so that robot isn't commanded to go directly on
+ * top of the BRANCH
+ */
var goalPose =
new Pose2d(
- /**
+ /*
* Multiply the x by cos and y by sin of the tag angle so that the hypot (tag to
* robot) is the desired distance away from the tag
@@ -261,16 +259,16 @@ public static Command pathfindToClosestReef(
+ FieldConstants.BRANCH_TO_WALL_X_M
+ wallDistanceMeters.getAsDouble())
* branchPose.getRotation().getSin(),
- // Rotate by 180 as the AprilTag angles are rotated 180 degrees relative to the
- // robot
+ /*
+ * Rotate by 180 as the AprilTag angles are rotated 180 degrees relative to the
+ * robot
+ */
// Create and follow the trajectory to the goal pose
goalPose, PathPlannerConstants.DEFAULT_PATH_CONSTRAINTS, 0)
- .alongWith(
- Commands.print("Angle to REEF: " + thetaDeg + "\nBRANCH Letter: " + branchLetter))
diff --git a/src/main/java/frc/robot/Constants.java b/src/main/java/frc/robot/Constants.java
index b00d689..96e75f6 100644
--- a/src/main/java/frc/robot/Constants.java
+++ b/src/main/java/frc/robot/Constants.java
@@ -175,8 +175,9 @@ public static Optional getAprilTagPose(int ID) {
/** Angle from AprilTag to BRANCH that the hypotenuse makes */
double ARPILTAG_TO_BRANCH_ANGLE_RAD = Units.degreesToRadians(30);
+ // Initialize BRANCH poses
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
- // Left BRANCH of face
+ // Left BRANCH of REEF face
var leftBranch =
new Pose2d(
@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ public static Optional getAprilTagPose(int ID) {
+ CENTER_FACES[i].getRotation().getRadians())),
- // Right BRANCH of face
+ // Right BRANCH of REEF face
var rightBranch =
new Pose2d(
@@ -206,6 +207,7 @@ public static Optional getAprilTagPose(int ID) {
+ CENTER_FACES[i].getRotation().getRadians())),
+ // Map poses to corresponding BRANCH letter
BRANCH_POSES.put(BRANCH_LETTERS.substring(i, i + 1), leftBranch);
BRANCH_POSES.put(BRANCH_LETTERS.substring(i + 6, i + 7), rightBranch);
@@ -245,7 +247,7 @@ public final class PathPlannerConstants {
public static final PathConstraints DEFAULT_PATH_CONSTRAINTS =
new PathConstraints(
5.2, 5.2, Units.degreesToRadians(515.65), Units.degreesToRadians(262.82));
- /** Default distnace away from an AprilTag the robot should be when Pathfinding to it */
- public static final double DEFAULT_APRILTAG_DISTANCE_M = Units.inchesToMeters(6);
+ /** Default distance away from any wall when the robot is Pathfinding towards one */
+ public static final double DEFAULT_WALL_DISTANCE_M = Units.inchesToMeters(6);
diff --git a/src/main/java/frc/robot/Robot.java b/src/main/java/frc/robot/Robot.java
index b0627db..a29ec10 100644
--- a/src/main/java/frc/robot/Robot.java
+++ b/src/main/java/frc/robot/Robot.java
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ public Robot() {
* 3: Commit number (of this branch),
* 4: Functionality: 0 = working, 1 = WIP, 2 = doesn't work
- SmartDashboard.putString("Version Number", "");
+ SmartDashboard.putString("Version Number", "");
SmartDashboard.putString("Last Deployed: ", BuildConstants.BUILD_DATE);
// Run a warmup command for the Pathfinder because the first command can potentially have a
diff --git a/src/main/java/frc/robot/RobotContainer.java b/src/main/java/frc/robot/RobotContainer.java
index 2ba7414..f417d04 100644
--- a/src/main/java/frc/robot/RobotContainer.java
+++ b/src/main/java/frc/robot/RobotContainer.java
@@ -8,27 +8,53 @@
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.shuffleboard.Shuffleboard;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Command;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.CommandScheduler;
+import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Commands;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.InstantCommand;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.button.CommandXboxController;
import frc.robot.Commands.TeleopCommands.DriveCommands;
import frc.robot.Commands.TeleopCommands.PathfindingCommands;
-import frc.robot.Constants.FieldConstants;
import frc.robot.Constants.OperatorConstants;
import frc.robot.Constants.PathPlannerConstants;
import frc.robot.Constants.RobotStateConstants;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Algae.EndEffector.AEE;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Algae.EndEffector.AEEIO;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Algae.EndEffector.AEEIOSim;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Algae.EndEffector.AEEIOSparkMax;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Algae.Pivot.AlgaePivot;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Algae.Pivot.AlgaePivotConstants;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Algae.Pivot.AlgaePivotIO;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Algae.Pivot.AlgaePivotIOSim;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Algae.Pivot.AlgaePivotIOSparkMax;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Climber.Climber;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Climber.ClimberConstants;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Climber.ClimberIO;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Climber.ClimberIOSim;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Climber.ClimberIOTalonFX;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.CoralEndEffector.CEE;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.CoralEndEffector.CEEIO;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.CoralEndEffector.CEEIOSim;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.CoralEndEffector.CEEIOSparkMax;
import frc.robot.Subsystems.Drive.Drive;
import frc.robot.Subsystems.Drive.ModuleIO;
import frc.robot.Subsystems.Drive.ModuleIOSim;
import frc.robot.Subsystems.Drive.ModuleIOSparkMaxTalonFX;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Funnel.Funnel;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Funnel.FunnelIO;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Funnel.FunnelIOSim;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Funnel.FunnelIOSparkMax;
import frc.robot.Subsystems.Gyro.Gyro;
import frc.robot.Subsystems.Gyro.GyroIO;
import frc.robot.Subsystems.Gyro.GyroIOPigeon2;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Periscope.Periscope;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Periscope.PeriscopeConstants;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Periscope.PeriscopeIO;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Periscope.PeriscopeIOSim;
+import frc.robot.Subsystems.Periscope.PeriscopeIOTalonFX;
import frc.robot.Subsystems.Vision.Vision;
import frc.robot.Subsystems.Vision.VisionConstants;
import frc.robot.Subsystems.Vision.VisionIO;
import frc.robot.Subsystems.Vision.VisionIOPhotonVision;
import frc.robot.Subsystems.Vision.VisionIOSim;
-import org.littletonrobotics.junction.Logger;
import org.littletonrobotics.junction.networktables.LoggedDashboardChooser;
public class RobotContainer {
@@ -38,12 +64,12 @@ public class RobotContainer {
private final Gyro m_gyroSubsystem;
// Mechanisms
- // private final AlgaePivot m_algaePivotSubsystem;
- // private final Periscope m_periscopeSubsystem;
- // private final Climber m_climberSubsystem;
- // private final Funnel m_funnelSubsystem;
- // private final AEE m_AEESubsystem;
- // private final CEE m_CEESubsystem;
+ private final AlgaePivot m_algaePivotSubsystem;
+ private final Periscope m_periscopeSubsystem;
+ private final Climber m_climberSubsystem;
+ private final Funnel m_funnelSubsystem;
+ private final AEE m_AEESubsystem;
+ private final CEE m_CEESubsystem;
// Utils
private final Vision m_visionSubsystem;
@@ -71,12 +97,12 @@ public RobotContainer() {
new ModuleIOSparkMaxTalonFX(2),
new ModuleIOSparkMaxTalonFX(3),
- // m_algaePivotSubsystem = new AlgaePivot(new AlgaePivotIOSparkMax());
- // m_periscopeSubsystem = new Periscope(new PeriscopeIOTalonFX());
- // m_climberSubsystem = new Climber(new ClimberIOTalonFX());
- // m_funnelSubsystem = new Funnel(new FunnelIOSparkMax());
- // m_AEESubsystem = new AEE(new AEEIOSparkMax() {});
- // m_CEESubsystem = new CEE(new CEEIOSparkMax());
+ m_algaePivotSubsystem = new AlgaePivot(new AlgaePivotIOSparkMax());
+ m_periscopeSubsystem = new Periscope(new PeriscopeIOTalonFX());
+ m_climberSubsystem = new Climber(new ClimberIOTalonFX());
+ m_funnelSubsystem = new Funnel(new FunnelIOSparkMax());
+ m_AEESubsystem = new AEE(new AEEIOSparkMax() {});
+ m_CEESubsystem = new CEE(new CEEIOSparkMax());
m_visionSubsystem =
new Vision(
@@ -94,12 +120,12 @@ public RobotContainer() {
new ModuleIOSim(),
new ModuleIOSim(),
- // m_algaePivotSubsystem = new AlgaePivot(new AlgaePivotIOSim());
- // m_periscopeSubsystem = new Periscope(new PeriscopeIOSim());
- // m_climberSubsystem = new Climber(new ClimberIOSim());
- // m_funnelSubsystem = new Funnel(new FunnelIOSim());
- // m_AEESubsystem = new AEE(new AEEIOSim() {});
- // m_CEESubsystem = new CEE(new CEEIOSim());
+ m_algaePivotSubsystem = new AlgaePivot(new AlgaePivotIOSim());
+ m_periscopeSubsystem = new Periscope(new PeriscopeIOSim());
+ m_climberSubsystem = new Climber(new ClimberIOSim());
+ m_funnelSubsystem = new Funnel(new FunnelIOSim());
+ m_AEESubsystem = new AEE(new AEEIOSim() {});
+ m_CEESubsystem = new CEE(new CEEIOSim());
m_visionSubsystem =
new Vision(
@@ -118,12 +144,12 @@ public RobotContainer() {
new ModuleIO() {},
new ModuleIO() {},
- // m_algaePivotSubsystem = new AlgaePivot(new AlgaePivotIO() {});
- // m_periscopeSubsystem = new Periscope(new PeriscopeIO() {});
- // m_climberSubsystem = new Climber(new ClimberIO() {});
- // m_funnelSubsystem = new Funnel(new FunnelIO() {});
- // m_AEESubsystem = new AEE(new AEEIO() {});
- // m_CEESubsystem = new CEE(new CEEIO() {});
+ m_algaePivotSubsystem = new AlgaePivot(new AlgaePivotIO() {});
+ m_periscopeSubsystem = new Periscope(new PeriscopeIO() {});
+ m_climberSubsystem = new Climber(new ClimberIO() {});
+ m_funnelSubsystem = new Funnel(new FunnelIO() {});
+ m_AEESubsystem = new AEE(new AEEIO() {});
+ m_CEESubsystem = new CEE(new CEEIO() {});
m_visionSubsystem = new Vision(m_driveSubsystem::addVisionMeasurement, new VisionIO() {});
@@ -153,20 +179,6 @@ public RobotContainer() {
// Configure the button bindings
- // Testing if the BRANCH locations work // TODO: removed before PR'ing
- Logger.recordOutput("Branches/A", FieldConstants.BRANCH_POSES.get("A"));
- Logger.recordOutput("Branches/B", FieldConstants.BRANCH_POSES.get("B"));
- Logger.recordOutput("Branches/C", FieldConstants.BRANCH_POSES.get("C"));
- Logger.recordOutput("Branches/D", FieldConstants.BRANCH_POSES.get("D"));
- Logger.recordOutput("Branches/E", FieldConstants.BRANCH_POSES.get("E"));
- Logger.recordOutput("Branches/F", FieldConstants.BRANCH_POSES.get("F"));
- Logger.recordOutput("Branches/G", FieldConstants.BRANCH_POSES.get("G"));
- Logger.recordOutput("Branches/H", FieldConstants.BRANCH_POSES.get("H"));
- Logger.recordOutput("Branches/I", FieldConstants.BRANCH_POSES.get("I"));
- Logger.recordOutput("Branches/J", FieldConstants.BRANCH_POSES.get("J"));
- Logger.recordOutput("Branches/K", FieldConstants.BRANCH_POSES.get("K"));
- Logger.recordOutput("Branches/L", FieldConstants.BRANCH_POSES.get("L"));
@@ -263,28 +275,28 @@ private void driverControllerBindings() {
- () -> PathPlannerConstants.DEFAULT_APRILTAG_DISTANCE_M,
+ () -> PathPlannerConstants.DEFAULT_WALL_DISTANCE_M,
// AprilTag 18 - REEF
- () -> 18, () -> PathPlannerConstants.DEFAULT_APRILTAG_DISTANCE_M)
+ () -> 18, () -> PathPlannerConstants.DEFAULT_WALL_DISTANCE_M)
// AprilTag 17 - REEF
- () -> 17, () -> PathPlannerConstants.DEFAULT_APRILTAG_DISTANCE_M)
+ () -> 17, () -> PathPlannerConstants.DEFAULT_WALL_DISTANCE_M)
// AprilTag 19 - REEF
- () -> 19, () -> PathPlannerConstants.DEFAULT_APRILTAG_DISTANCE_M)
+ () -> 19, () -> PathPlannerConstants.DEFAULT_WALL_DISTANCE_M)
// Closest REEF BRANCH
@@ -292,128 +304,128 @@ private void driverControllerBindings() {
- () -> Units.inchesToMeters(12),
+ () -> PathPlannerConstants.DEFAULT_WALL_DISTANCE_M,
/** Aux Controls */
public void auxControllerBindings() {
- // // AEE testing binding
- // m_AEESubsystem.setDefaultCommand(
- // new InstantCommand(
- // () ->
- // m_AEESubsystem.setVoltage(
- // m_auxController.getLeftTriggerAxis() * RobotStateConstants.MAX_VOLTAGE),
- // m_AEESubsystem));
- // m_auxController
- // .leftBumper()
- // .onTrue(
- // Commands.run(
- // () -> {
- // m_AEESubsystem.enablePID(true);
- // m_AEESubsystem.setSetpoint(Units.rotationsPerMinuteToRadiansPerSecond(1000));
- // },
- // m_AEESubsystem))
- // .onFalse(
- // new InstantCommand(
- // () -> {
- // m_AEESubsystem.setSetpoint(0);
- // m_AEESubsystem.enablePID(false);
- // },
- // m_AEESubsystem));
+ // AEE testing binding
+ m_AEESubsystem.setDefaultCommand(
+ new InstantCommand(
+ () ->
+ m_AEESubsystem.setVoltage(
+ m_auxController.getLeftTriggerAxis() * RobotStateConstants.MAX_VOLTAGE),
+ m_AEESubsystem));
+ m_auxController
+ .leftBumper()
+ .onTrue(
+ Commands.run(
+ () -> {
+ m_AEESubsystem.enablePID(true);
+ m_AEESubsystem.setSetpoint(Units.rotationsPerMinuteToRadiansPerSecond(1000));
+ },
+ m_AEESubsystem))
+ .onFalse(
+ new InstantCommand(
+ () -> {
+ m_AEESubsystem.setSetpoint(0);
+ m_AEESubsystem.enablePID(false);
+ },
+ m_AEESubsystem));
- // // CEE testing binding
- // m_CEESubsystem.setDefaultCommand(
- // new InstantCommand(
- // () ->
- // m_CEESubsystem.setVoltage(
- // m_auxController.getRightTriggerAxis() * RobotStateConstants.MAX_VOLTAGE),
- // m_CEESubsystem));
- // m_auxController
- // .rightBumper()
- // .onTrue(
- // Commands.run(
- // () -> {
- // m_CEESubsystem.enablePID(true);
- // m_CEESubsystem.setSetpoint(Units.rotationsPerMinuteToRadiansPerSecond(1000));
- // },
- // m_CEESubsystem))
- // .onFalse(
- // new InstantCommand(
- // () -> {
- // m_CEESubsystem.setSetpoint(0);
- // m_CEESubsystem.enablePID(false);
- // },
- // m_CEESubsystem));
+ // CEE testing binding
+ m_CEESubsystem.setDefaultCommand(
+ new InstantCommand(
+ () ->
+ m_CEESubsystem.setVoltage(
+ m_auxController.getRightTriggerAxis() * RobotStateConstants.MAX_VOLTAGE),
+ m_CEESubsystem));
+ m_auxController
+ .rightBumper()
+ .onTrue(
+ Commands.run(
+ () -> {
+ m_CEESubsystem.enablePID(true);
+ m_CEESubsystem.setSetpoint(Units.rotationsPerMinuteToRadiansPerSecond(1000));
+ },
+ m_CEESubsystem))
+ .onFalse(
+ new InstantCommand(
+ () -> {
+ m_CEESubsystem.setSetpoint(0);
+ m_CEESubsystem.enablePID(false);
+ },
+ m_CEESubsystem));
- // // Funnel testing binding
- // m_auxController
- // .povUp()
- // .onTrue(
- // Commands.run(
- // () -> {
- // m_funnelSubsystem.enablePID(true);
- //
- // m_funnelSubsystem.setSetpoint(Units.rotationsPerMinuteToRadiansPerSecond(1000));
- // },
- // m_funnelSubsystem))
- // .onFalse(
- // new InstantCommand(
- // () -> {
- // m_funnelSubsystem.setSetpoint(0);
- // m_funnelSubsystem.enablePID(false);
- // },
- // m_funnelSubsystem));
- // m_auxController
- // .povDown()
- // .onTrue(new InstantCommand(() -> m_funnelSubsystem.setVoltage(12), m_funnelSubsystem))
- // .onFalse(new InstantCommand(() -> m_funnelSubsystem.setVoltage(0), m_funnelSubsystem));
+ // Funnel testing binding
+ m_auxController
+ .povUp()
+ .onTrue(
+ Commands.run(
+ () -> {
+ m_funnelSubsystem.enablePID(true);
- // // ALGAE Pivot testing binding
- // m_auxController
- // .b()
- // .onTrue(
- // new InstantCommand(
- // () -> m_algaePivotSubsystem.setSetpoint(AlgaePivotConstants.MAX_ANGLE_RAD),
- // m_algaePivotSubsystem))
- // .onFalse(
- // new InstantCommand(
- // () -> m_algaePivotSubsystem.setSetpoint(AlgaePivotConstants.DEFAULT_ANGLE_RAD),
- // m_algaePivotSubsystem));
- // m_auxController
- // .x()
- // .onTrue(
- // new InstantCommand(
- // () -> m_algaePivotSubsystem.setSetpoint(AlgaePivotConstants.MIN_ANGLE_RAD),
- // m_algaePivotSubsystem))
- // .onFalse(
- // new InstantCommand(
- // () -> m_algaePivotSubsystem.setSetpoint(AlgaePivotConstants.DEFAULT_ANGLE_RAD),
- // m_algaePivotSubsystem));
+ m_funnelSubsystem.setSetpoint(Units.rotationsPerMinuteToRadiansPerSecond(1000));
+ },
+ m_funnelSubsystem))
+ .onFalse(
+ new InstantCommand(
+ () -> {
+ m_funnelSubsystem.setSetpoint(0);
+ m_funnelSubsystem.enablePID(false);
+ },
+ m_funnelSubsystem));
+ m_auxController
+ .povDown()
+ .onTrue(new InstantCommand(() -> m_funnelSubsystem.setVoltage(12), m_funnelSubsystem))
+ .onFalse(new InstantCommand(() -> m_funnelSubsystem.setVoltage(0), m_funnelSubsystem));
- // // Periscope testing binding
- // m_auxController
- // .a()
- // .onTrue(
- // new InstantCommand(
- // () -> m_periscopeSubsystem.setPosition(PeriscopeConstants.MAX_HEIGHT_M),
- // m_periscopeSubsystem))
- // .onFalse(
- // new InstantCommand(
- // () -> m_periscopeSubsystem.setPosition(PeriscopeConstants.MIN_HEIGHT_M),
- // m_periscopeSubsystem));
+ // ALGAE Pivot testing binding
+ m_auxController
+ .b()
+ .onTrue(
+ new InstantCommand(
+ () -> m_algaePivotSubsystem.setSetpoint(AlgaePivotConstants.MAX_ANGLE_RAD),
+ m_algaePivotSubsystem))
+ .onFalse(
+ new InstantCommand(
+ () -> m_algaePivotSubsystem.setSetpoint(AlgaePivotConstants.DEFAULT_ANGLE_RAD),
+ m_algaePivotSubsystem));
+ m_auxController
+ .x()
+ .onTrue(
+ new InstantCommand(
+ () -> m_algaePivotSubsystem.setSetpoint(AlgaePivotConstants.MIN_ANGLE_RAD),
+ m_algaePivotSubsystem))
+ .onFalse(
+ new InstantCommand(
+ () -> m_algaePivotSubsystem.setSetpoint(AlgaePivotConstants.DEFAULT_ANGLE_RAD),
+ m_algaePivotSubsystem));
+ // Periscope testing binding
+ m_auxController
+ .a()
+ .onTrue(
+ new InstantCommand(
+ () -> m_periscopeSubsystem.setPosition(PeriscopeConstants.MAX_HEIGHT_M),
+ m_periscopeSubsystem))
+ .onFalse(
+ new InstantCommand(
+ () -> m_periscopeSubsystem.setPosition(PeriscopeConstants.MIN_HEIGHT_M),
+ m_periscopeSubsystem));
- // // Climber testing binding
- // m_auxController
- // .y()
- // .onTrue(
- // new InstantCommand(
- // () -> m_climberSubsystem.setPosition(ClimberConstants.MIN_ANGLE_RAD),
- // m_climberSubsystem))
- // .onFalse(
- // new InstantCommand(
- // () -> m_climberSubsystem.setPosition(ClimberConstants.MAX_ANGLE_RAD),
- // m_climberSubsystem));
+ // Climber testing binding
+ m_auxController
+ .y()
+ .onTrue(
+ new InstantCommand(
+ () -> m_climberSubsystem.setPosition(ClimberConstants.MIN_ANGLE_RAD),
+ m_climberSubsystem))
+ .onFalse(
+ new InstantCommand(
+ () -> m_climberSubsystem.setPosition(ClimberConstants.MAX_ANGLE_RAD),
+ m_climberSubsystem));
@@ -428,14 +440,15 @@ public Command getAutonomousCommand() {
* Sets all mechanisms to brake mode, intended for use when the robot is disabled.
- * @param enable - True to set brake mode, False to set coast mode
+ * @param enable {@code true} to enable brake mode, {@code false} to enable coast mode.
public void allMechanismsBrakeMode(boolean enable) {
- // m_climberSubsystem.enableBrakeMode(enable);
- // m_AEESubsystem.enableBrakeMode(enable);
- // m_algaePivotSubsystem.enableBrakeMode(enable);
- // m_funnelSubsystem.enableBrakeMode(enable);
- // m_periscopeSubsystem.enableBrakeMode(enable);
+ m_algaePivotSubsystem.enableBrakeMode(enable);
+ m_periscopeSubsystem.enableBrakeMode(enable);
+ m_climberSubsystem.enableBrakeMode(enable);
+ m_funnelSubsystem.enableBrakeMode(enable);
+ m_AEESubsystem.enableBrakeMode(enable);
+ m_CEESubsystem.enableBrakeMode(enable);