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Bender edited this page Oct 30, 2013 · 2 revisions

What can I do in case of problems with DreamPlex?

In case problems, e.g. crashes or problems it is possible to check for example the linked DreamPlex discussion thread in order to submit your problem. But please consider the following points:

  • general questions like "xyz doesn't work for me" are not very helpful, since at least your box and the used DreamPlex version should be mentioned
  • for crashes it's additionally important to know the exact steps you use in order to get the crash, since in the meanwhile several options exist to perform a specific action
  • finally the DreamPlex log file might be helpful - and, in case of crashes, additionally the Enigma2 crash log.

Since the above mentioned discussion thread is frequently used it might happen that the a question doesn't get recognized. In that case it is suggested to open a bug report, but please avoid duplicate issues by first checking whether a corresponding issue for your problem already exists.

From where do I get the log files?

There are two different kind of logs that might be helpful for tracking down issues: first the so-called "DreamPlex"-log created by DreamPlex itself and next the Enigma2 crashlog, which is created by Enigma2 in case a crash / green screen occurred.

Please consider the following points:

  • in order to ease the problem tracking the debug mode for the DreamPlex log should be set to "All". This mode can be configured in the settings of the plugin. Afterwards you'll have to restart Enigma2 in order to finally create a new log using that new debug mode!
  • additionally it's important to know that with each Enigma2 restart a new DreamPlex log gets created! If you encounter for example a crash during the synchronization process and Enigma2 restarts automatically after a crash you'd need to check the previous logfile for possible information regarding the crash!

What's the difference between "DreamPlex-Log" and "E2-Crashlog"?

The DreamPlex log mainly contains useful information while starting-up and running.

The Enigma2 crashlog contains information why an Enigma2 application crashed. Thus it's nothing special of DreamPlex, but may be useful in the (rare ;-) ) case of an DreamPlex crash...

I already asked a question several times in the a Forum - but didn't get an answer!

Most probably there's nothing offending about that - instead it's very likely, that the forum was very busy and your question got lost. If the reason for your question was a crash / bug / special question, then just open a bug report (see below).

Another possibility would be, that (currently) no-one has a clue about your specific problem / question - or it's not that easy to reproduce your problem (because of different hardware etc.).

As a general rule it is supposed to give as much information as possible - also in the forum, for example used DreamPlex version, used hardware and performed steps prior the problem occurred.

How can I open a bug report?

"DreamPlex" is hosted on github. Besides the Wiki this platform offers additionally the possibility to report errors, to ask questions and to suggest enhancement and feature requests for upcoming DreamPlex releases.

In case of reporting errors please ensure that you really mentioned the used DreamPlex version and described all steps necessary in order to reproduce your problem. Additionally both DreamPlex log and (if applicable) Enigma2 crash log have to be added!