Releases: Dr-Mx/bexhill-osm
Releases · Dr-Mx/bexhill-osm
360 panoramas
Updated js
- URI.js 1.19.1
Site changes
- Support for 360 panoramas [image:360] using wikimedia popup
- Overlay opacity permalink
- Group walks with a select list
- Change POI table to use inline-block
- Option to show only on most popular POI selections
- Style checkboxes into switches
- Map edit feed now links to OSMCha with an external website warning
- Various other improvements
Opening hours table
Updated js
- Control.Geocoder.js 1.5.8
- leaflet.js 1.3.0
Site changes
- Font Awesome 5
- Complete week opening_hours table in popups
- Extended minimap to new areas
- Moved plugins to separate directory
- Tooltips are coloured depending on opening_hours state
- Customised loading spinner
- Move overlay opacity slider to below layers list
- Move FHRS ratings to popup header
- More dynamic, flexible POI results list
- Construction POI
- Parsers for allotment, telephone, tap
- Adjusted queries to only use specific elements (i.e. node, way) - more efficient for OverPass servers
- Xmas related items
- Smoother loading of tour iframes
- Historic tour article on lost heritage
- Various other improvements
Permalink modal
Updated js
- Control.Geocoder.js 1.5.5
- URI.js 1.19.0
Site changes
- New modal to share permalink to clipboard in a click
- Redesigned favicon
- POI results list now shows items facilities
- Loop gallery of images within popups
- Improve POI tab population code
- Add emergency & copyshop/printer POIs
- Various other improvements
Multiple images
Updated js
- URI.js 1.18.12
- leaflet-locatecontrol 0.62.0
- easy-button.min.js 2.2.2
Site changes
- Tag support for multiple images (image_1, image_2, etc)
- Tag support for url:booking-com and referrals
- Tag support for fair_trade
- Tag support for beer_garden
- Full screen button
- Centre map around POI results button
- Shortcut keys - ctrl-f, alt-enter, ctrl-del
- Mapbox API directions v5
- Include golf courses under recreation areas
- More uniform map loading spinner
- OverPass requests now use a single BBOX in header
- Disable POI checkboxes when performing a request
- Map overlay permalink support
- Show various website tips on home tab
- Historic tour article on notable people
- Various other improvements
Settings tab
Updated js
- leaflet.js 1.1.0
Site changes
- Rewrite of callback function to use switch cases
- Show all POIs within map bounds by default
- Settings tab: change system of unit, get results within screen bounds, hide images, adjust overlay opacity
- Development tools: outputs debug information console, input custom overpass queries, change overpass server
- listed_parser now parses data on architecture, architect and dates for all buildings
- Added carshop_parser for various car services
- Links to TheBexhillHistoryTrail on selected POIs
- Community bus POI
- Added a cross-origin server for food rating lookups on HTTPS
- New sidebar icons
- Custom POI icons for food cuisine and various other elements
- Adjusted sidebar sizes slightly
- Added Yeakell & Gardener 1776 overlay
POI result list
v2.10.0 Update
- Date parser for ISO 8601 (en-gb)
- 'Get map link' changed to 'Share' button
- Tour image layers can now be shared
- Make a geocode query using a URI (e.g. '/?Q=bexhill police')
- Can now geocode search using the autocomplete input by hitting enter
- Changed wrongly named bounding box variables
- Changed directory structure for Tour
- Tour references now link and highlight on source page
- Surveillance now includes speed cameras
- Dog waste bin POI
- Larger images for desktop users
- Renamed 'Lookup' to 'Query' (more in-line with
- Added 'Depends on' state for opening hours
- social_facility, hotel, and general facility parser update
- More descriptive looking icons
- jQuery UI tooltip for sidebar tabs
- Use window.ontouchstart instead of L.Browser.touch to check if touch device
- If location is turned on and user is within the bounds of the map, additional walking direction options are show in popups and context-menu
- Two new Historic Tour articles, including a geojson bomb map of ww2
- Bugfix where openstreetmap api would error if trying to select a node
- Recreated favicons and logos
- Various other improvements
Update POI markers
- Updated POI markers with solid colours, rearranged categories, hide checkbox controls
- Allow sidebar to remain closed from permalink
- Bugfix where chrome was confused with safari when adjusting iframe
- Bugfix where popup width wasn't being set correctly
Street history
- Use XML street history data from Bexhill Museum for displaying information on highways
- Different levels of lookup on context menu depending on zoom level - area / street / place
- Centre map option on context menu
- Added some custom icons for streets / houses / apartments / construction
- Included icons in autocomplete categories
- Cleaned up some class names and css