Helper for converting Google Compute Engine [tm] operation event-emitters to Promises
Oct. 2019: Since GCE operations support operation.promise()
you should probably use that instead.
npm i after-operation -S
const after = require('after-operation');
Promise to return a value after an operation completes:
// some @google-cloud/compute method returns an operation
after(operation, onSuccessValue)
.then( (v)=>(assert.equal(v, onSuccessValue)) )
Promise to call a function after the operation completes:
after(operation, (meta)=>(meta) )
Note that the success function gets fed with the metadata emitted in the operation 'complete' event.
By using the identity function as the success function, the promise will resolve to that metadata.
Note: after-operation will remove all operation listeners on either operation complete or operation error.
npm: event-to-promise might be useful with other eventEmitters.
2017 Paul Brewer - Economic and Financial Technology Consulting LLC [email protected]
The MIT License
Google Compute Engine [tm] is a trademark of Google, Inc.
This software is not a product of Google, Inc.