To contribute, you must file a pull request referencing your fork of this reposisitory. At this point the contribution will be reviewed and either merged or declined with comment or requests to change.
These are the main points of style / structure for code in this repository.
- Code generally should follow PEP8 where it makes sense to do so for Starlark.
- All libraries & applications listed in the compatability matrix in the main README must be proven to work in the CI.
- All libraries & applications should not rely on the system providing anything except system libraries you most definitely should have when building code. GCC runtime, X11 libraries, etc.
- All libraries & applications listed in the compatability matrix must use an external BUILD file (Ie. not build_file_contents). This is to support loading other versions of software than what this repository is rigged with.
- All libraries & applications listed in the compatability matrix must use maybe when declaring their repositories. This is to support loading other versions of software than what this repository is rigged with.
- All libraries & applications listed in the compatability matrix must also initialize their subdependencies using rules provided elsewhere in the repository.