diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 536705b..5ed2ac9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -76,8 +76,10 @@ switch:
     Placeholder for the next version (at the beginning of the line):
     ### __WORK IN PROGRESS__
-### 0.1.3 (2021-03-02)
-* (DutchmanNL) Proper value ranges for type light
+### 0.1.4-1 (2021-03-06)
+* (DutchmanNL) Proper value ranges for type light (255 instead 100)
+* (DutchmanNL) Implement hex color state for type light (if RGB is available)
 ### 0.1.2 (2021-03-02)
 * (DutchmanNL) Type Fan added
diff --git a/io-package.json b/io-package.json
index 2426473..43d8f5c 100644
--- a/io-package.json
+++ b/io-package.json
@@ -1,8 +1,20 @@
     "common": {
         "name": "esphome",
-        "version": "0.1.3",
+        "version": "0.1.4-1",
         "news": {
+            "0.1.4-1": {
+                "en": "Proper value ranges for type light (255 instead 100)\nImplement hex color state for type light (if RGB is available)",
+                "de": "Richtige Wertebereiche für Typ Licht (255 statt 100)\nImplementieren Sie den Hex-Farbstatus für Typlicht (falls RGB verfügbar ist).",
+                "ru": "Правильные диапазоны значений для типа light (255 вместо 100)\nРеализовать шестнадцатеричное цветовое состояние для типа света (если доступен RGB)",
+                "pt": "Intervalos de valores adequados para o tipo de luz (255 em vez de 100)\nImplementar estado de cor hexadecimal para o tipo de luz (se RGB estiver disponível)",
+                "nl": "Juiste waardebereiken voor type licht (255 in plaats van 100)\nImplementeer hex-kleurstatus voor type licht (als RGB beschikbaar is)",
+                "fr": "Plages de valeurs appropriées pour le type light (255 au lieu de 100)\nImplémenter l'état de couleur hexadécimal pour le type de lumière (si RVB est disponible)",
+                "it": "Intervalli di valori adeguati per il tipo di luce (255 invece di 100)\nImplementa lo stato del colore esadecimale per il tipo di luce (se RGB è disponibile)",
+                "es": "Rangos de valores adecuados para el tipo de luz (255 en lugar de 100)\nImplementar el estado de color hexadecimal para el tipo de luz (si RGB está disponible)",
+                "pl": "Prawidłowe zakresy wartości dla typu światła (255 zamiast 100)\nZaimplementuj stan koloru szesnastkowego dla typu światła (jeśli RGB jest dostępne)",
+                "zh-cn": "light类型的正确值范围(255而不是100)\n为类型的灯实现十六进制颜色状态(如果可以使用RGB)"
+            },
             "0.1.3": {
                 "en": "Proper value ranges for type light",
                 "de": "Richtige Wertebereiche für Typ Licht",
diff --git a/main.js b/main.js
index 57d026f..cb3f0c4 100644
--- a/main.js
+++ b/main.js
@@ -884,9 +884,9 @@ class Esphome extends utils.Adapter {
 						// Convert hex to rgb
 						const rgbConversion = await this.hexToRgb(writeValue);
 						if (!rgbConversion) return
-						this.deviceInfo[deviceIP][device[4]].states.red = rgbConversion.red,
-						this.deviceInfo[deviceIP][device[4]].states.blue = rgbConversion.blue,
-						this.deviceInfo[deviceIP][device[4]].states.green = rgbConversion.green,
+						this.deviceInfo[deviceIP][device[4]].states.red = rgbConversion.red;
+						this.deviceInfo[deviceIP][device[4]].states.blue = rgbConversion.blue;
+						this.deviceInfo[deviceIP][device[4]].states.green = rgbConversion.green;
 					await client[deviceIP].connection.lightCommandService(this.deviceInfo[deviceIP][device[4]].states);
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index 49ff858..f255b3d 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "name": "iobroker.esphome",
-  "version": "0.1.3",
+  "version": "0.1.4-1",
   "lockfileVersion": 1,
   "requires": true,
   "dependencies": {
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 6e8e32a..7771948 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
   "name": "iobroker.esphome",
-  "version": "0.1.3",
+  "version": "0.1.4-1",
   "description": "Control your ESP8266/ESP32 with simple yet powerful configuration files created and managed by ESPHome",
   "author": {
     "name": "DutchmanNL",