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File metadata and controls

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A lightweight REST network layer in Swift based on URLSession.



  • .iOS(.v10)

Swift Package Manager

  1. In Xcode, open your project and navigate to File → Swift Packages → Add Package Dependency.
  2. Paste the repository URL ( and click Next.
  3. For Rules, select version.
  4. Click Finish.

Swift Package

.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))


In order to perform a REST service, all you have to do is create the three main components needed by this library:

  1. Service Provider
  2. Request Class
  3. Response Object

Let's see the details of every components.

Service Provider

The first piece of the puzzle is the Service Provider. It describes all the "behaviour" of the backend that we are going to contact. Every server has its own rules for the creation of the Http Headers, parsing and response validation, url to contact, etc... so you will have to create an object that conforms to the AMServiceProviderProtocol:

public protocol AMServiceProviderProtocol: Codable {
    /// It's the url host of the service provider. 
    /// Could be different according to different environments for example.
    /// If needed implement an enum with the possible options using a computed var for host
    var host: String { get }
    /// It's the  HTTP Scheme of the service provider. 
    /// Could be different according to different environments for example.
    /// If needed implement an enum with the possible options using a computed var for httpScheme
    var httpScheme: AMNetworkManager.SchemeKind { get }
    /// Create the HTTP Headers of the service provider according to the rules of the server
    func createHTTPHeaders() -> [String: String]
    /// Perform a parse and a validation of the response according to the rules of the server
    /// - Parameters:
    ///   - data: the raw data of the response
    ///   - responseType: the generic of the response
    ///   - error: the possible general error of the given service
    ///   - completion: the completion handler
    func parseAndValidate<U: Codable>(_ data: Data,
                                      responseType: U.Type,
                                      error: AMError?,
                                      completion: @escaping AMNetworkCompletionHandler<U>)

With this approach your App will be able to request datas from different servers. Just create the provider, give it to the request (see later) and it's done!

Request Class

The second piece of the puzzle is the Request Class. It needs to inherit from the AMBaseRequest and use the phantom type to specify the expected response type of the service.

/// Create a request class inherited from this object.
/// Must use the Phantom Type to specify the type of the response.
open class AMBaseRequest<Response> {
    // MARK: - Properties
    public var endpoint: String
    public var params = [String: Any]()
    public var additionalHeaders = [String: String]()
    public var timeout = 60.0
    public var httpMethod: AMNetworkManager.HTTPMethodKind = .get
    // Hold the infos of the contacted server
    public var serviceProvider: AMServiceProviderProtocol
    // Filename of the json mocked response
    public var mockedResponseFilename = "*** PLEASE INSERT FILENAME ***"
    // MARK: - Initialization
    public init(serviceProvider: AMServiceProviderProtocol, endpoint: String) {
        self.serviceProvider = serviceProvider
        self.endpoint = endpoint

As you can see the params, additionalHeaders, timeout and httpMethod have already a default standard value.

Sometimes you will need to add specific headers for a request; well it's needless to say that you could use the property additionalHeaders of the request. The dictionary of this variable will be added alongside the one provided in the Service Provider object.

If you plan to use the mock mode of the library, you have to specify the mockedResponseFilename of the json file of the response.

Response Object

It is an object that needs only to conform the Codable protocol.

Putting it all together

Let's create a small example to download music info from iTunes Database

Service Provider

import Foundation
import AMNetworkLayer

class ITunesServiceProvider: AMServiceProviderProtocol {
    var host = ""
    var httpScheme: AMNetworkManager.SchemeKind = .https
    func createHTTPHeaders() -> [String : String] {
        ["Content-Type" : "application/json"]
    func parseAndValidate<U>(_ data: Data,
                             responseType: U.Type,
                             error: AMError?,
                             completion: @escaping AMNetworkCompletionHandler<U>) where U : Codable {
        if let error = error {
        if let parsedObject = try? JSONDecoder().decode(U.self, from: data) {

Request Class

import Foundation
import AMNetworkLayer

class ITunesSearchRequest: AMBaseRequest<ITunesSearchResponse> {
    init(artist: String, limit: Int) {
        super.init(serviceProvider: ITunesServiceProvider(), endpoint: "/search")
        params = ["term": artist,
                  "limit": limit]
        mockedResponseFilename = "ITunesSearchMockedResponse"

Response Object

import Foundation

struct ITunesSearchResponse: Codable {
    let resultCount: Int?
    let results: [ITunesArtistResult]?

struct ITunesArtistResult: Codable {
    let artistName: String?
    let collectionName: String?
    let collectionPrice: Double?
    let isStreamable: Bool?

Mocked Json

    "resultCount": 3,
    "results": [{
            "collectionPrice": 9.9900000000000002,
            "collectionName": "Octavarium",
            "artistName": "Dream Theater",
            "isStreamable": true
            "collectionPrice": 9.9900000000000002,
            "collectionName": "Images and Words",
            "artistName": "Dream Theater",
            "isStreamable": true
            "collectionPrice": 9.9900000000000002,
            "collectionName": "Octavarium",
            "artistName": "Dream Theater",
            "isStreamable": true


import UIKit
import AMNetworkLayer

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        let request = ITunesSearchRequest(artist: "Dream Theater", limit: 3)
        AMNet.performRequest(request: request) { (result) in
            switch result {
            case .success(let response):
                print(response?.resultCount ?? 0)
            case .failure(let error):
                print(error.recoverySuggestion ?? "")

Advanced Usage

In this section would will find additional info for an andavced use of the AMNetworkLayer library.

Note: if you have read the documentation and you have already tried some services, you'll have noticed that you can use indifferently the two forms AMNetworkManager.shared or the shortest AMNet.


In the development phase of an app it's always a good thing to have all the logs under control. Of course the AMNetworkLayer is already log-enabled. In the release phase of an app it's always a good thing to disable all the logs. Needless to say that the AMNetworkLayer is already log-disabled-ready.

Tho disable/enable the logs in any moment, just use:

AMNet.isVerbose = false // Disable all logs
AMNet.isVerbose = true  // Enable all logs

By default this value is set to true.

Mock Mode

During the development phase of an app, your back-end server could be down for many reasons but you still have to work on your application. In this eventuality a mock mode of your services would be helpful. Of course AMNetworkLayer has it.

In order to use it you need to follow these simple steps:

Create a JSON file with the expected response and add it on your project. When you create the file in Xcode, or you are importing it in your project, please be sure to add it to your Target otherwise the file will not be found and an assertion will arise at runtime.

Add the name of the file in your request in the mockedResponseFilename property. Do not add the .json extension here.

mockedResponseFilename = "MyJsonFileMockedResponse"

Activate the mocks with the command:

AMNet.areMocksEnabled = true

You will notice a different log, if enabled, for the services.


AMNetworkLayer comes in with a standard error handling system. If a problem will arise an AMNetError will be created. AMNetError is an enum conforming the Error and LocalizedError protocols. A standard set of errors is given:

public enum AMNetError: Error {
    case generic(code: Int? = nil)
    case reachability
    case timeOut
    case invalidCertificate
    case serialization
    case notFound
    case unauthorizedAccess
    case customUser(description: String, recovery: String = "", code: Int?)

Should you need to create a specific error, maybe your server has specific rules, use the case:

case customUser(description: String, recovery: String = "", code: Int?)


AMNetError.customUser(description: "User deleted",
                         recovery: "Please contact an admin",
                             code: 666)                                

Certificate Pinning

Pinning certificates in AMNetworkLayer is extremely easy.

Import your certificates in the main app bundle. Please be sure to add it to your Target otherwise the file will not be found and the app will crash at runtime. The certificate MUST exists and a catastrophic crash is the better way to let you notice this error.

Create the certificate models for all of your certificates. Select the extension of the file with the enumerator. For different extension, just use the case with associated value .other:

let cert01 = AMCertificateModel(filename: "Cert001", fileExtension: .der)
let cert02 = AMCertificateModel(filename: "Cert002", fileExtension: .crt)
let cert03 = AMCertificateModel(filename: "Cert003", fileExtension: .der)
let cert04 = AMCertificateModel(filename: "Cert004", fileExtension: .other(fileExtension: "der"))

Enable the pinning as soon as possible in your app lifecycle (in AppDelegate maybe):

AMNet.configurePinningWith(certificates:[cert01, cert02, cert03, cert04], isEnabled: true)

Sometimes you will need to disable the pinning, maybe your server do not support it on development environment. In that case use the isEnabled boolean.



With AMNetworkLayer you can easily handle multi environments.

Create an enum with all of your environments

enum Environment: String, Codable {
    case development
    case production

Now you can customize your Service Provider that will react according to the running environment:

class ITunesServiceProvider: AMServiceProviderProtocol {
    private var environment: Environment
    var host: String {
        switch environment {
        case .development : return ""
        case .production  : return ""
    var httpScheme: AMNetworkManager.SchemeKind {
        switch environment {
        case .development : return .http
        case .production  : return .https
    init(environment: Environment) {
        self.environment = environment

And upgrade your request:

class ITunesSearchRequest: AMBaseRequest<ITunesSearchResponse> {
    init(artist: String, limit: Int) {
        let provider = ITunesServiceProvider(environment: .development)
        super.init(serviceProvider: provider, endpoint: "/search")
        params = ["term": artist, "limit": limit]
        mockedResponseFilename = "ITunesSearchMockedResponse"


Custom Validation Rules

Some servers will need custom validation rules for the response. In that case maybe a protocol could be helpful:

import Foundation

protocol ITunesSearchResponseProtocol {
    var resultCount: Int? { get }

struct ITunesSearchResponse: Codable, ITunesSearchResponseProtocol {
    let resultCount: Int?
    let results: [ITunesArtistResult]?

And then change the implementation of your Service Provider Protocol:

func parseAndValidate<U>(_ data: Data,
                             responseType: U.Type,
                             error: AMNetError?,
                             completion: @escaping AMNetworkCompletionHandler<U>) where U : Codable {
        if let error = error {

        if let parsedObject = try? JSONDecoder().decode(U.self, from: data) {
            if let parsedResponse = parsedObject as? ITunesSearchResponseProtocol,
               parsedResponse.resultCount ?? 0 < 20 {
                let error = AMNetError.customUser(description: "Too few items",
                                               recovery: "Search again please...", code: 777)


  • Alessandro "DungeonDev78" Manilii


This project is licensed under the MIT License.