- document difference between interrupts and alerts
- update dependencies (nan v2.10.0)
- update dependencies (nan v2.9.2)
- fix deprecations
- drop support for node.js v0.10, v0.12, v5 and v7
- use default pipe size for notifiers
- don't suppress deprecated-declaration warnings
- update dependencies
- suppress deprecated-declaration warnings
- document node 9 support
- document necessity for root privileges
- update dependencies ([email protected], [email protected])
- allow initialize to be called after terminate has been called #34
- improve documentation
- allow socket port number to be configured with configureSocketPort
- fix test script
- hardwareRevision API
- nan v2.6.2
- example: measure distance with a HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
- initialize and terminate added to public API
- nan v2.4.0
- document initialize and terminate
- installation instructions updated
- nan v2.3.2
- notifier-leak-check now functions correctly
- notifier example
- document notification streams
- documentation tweaks
- notifier-leak-check added
- upgrade to nan v2.2.0
- alerts
- trigger pulse generation
- banked gpio
- prevent Nan::ErrnoException related segmentation faults in v0.10.29
- include errno.h for node v0.10.29
- document dependency on V41 or higher of the pigpio C library
- export Gpio constructor as exports.Gpio
- high precision notifications with Notifier
- hardware pwm support
- renamed analogWrite to pwmWrite
- clock configuration with configureClock
- notification pipe size set to 1048576
- notification stress test
- allow PWM range control with pwmRange, getPwmRange, getPwmRealRange
- allow pwm frequency control with pwmFrequency, and getPwmFrequency
- pwm tests
- pinMode renamed to mode
- getPinMode renamed to getMode
- fixed version in package.json (v0.0.5 -> v0.0.7)
- v0.0.6 was never published on npm
- constants MIN_GPIO, MAX_GPIO, and MAX_USER_GPIO added
- mode tests
- multiple interrupt sources test
- allow access to PWM duty cycle with getPwmDutyCycle
- allow access to servo pulse width with getServoPulseWidth
- servo control test
- documentation improved
- tick argument for interrupt event removed
- fixed getPinMode bug
- gpio-info example
- documentation, tests, and examples improved
- gpio argument for interrupt event removed
- simple servo example
- enableInterrupt timeout argument made optional
- interrupt timeout integration tests
- integration tests
- documentation
- interrupt support with gpioSetISRFunc
- throw errors when pigpio c interface returns errors
- export Gpio constructor rather than pigpio c interface
- simple examples
- minimalistic pigpio api