*[API]: Application Programming Interface *[BAU]: Business as Usual *[BDD]: Behavior Driven Development *[COSO]: Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commissions *[DDD]: Domain Driven Design *[EKGF]: Enterprise Knowledge Graph Foundation *[EKG]: Enterprise Knowledge Graph, an EKGF standard *[ERM]: Enterprise Risk Management *[ERP]: Enterprise Resource Planning *[HTML]: Hyper Text Markup Language, a W3C standard *[LUBM]: Lehigh University Benchmark *[MOU]: Memorandum of Understanding *[OODA]: Observe, Orient, Decide, Act *[PDCA]: Plan, Do, Check, Act *[PR]: Pull Request *[RDF]: Resource Definition Framework, the standard that defines the basic building block of a semantic graph: the so-called "triple" i.e. an RDF-statement *[SDD]: Self-describing dataset *[SDD]: Self-describing dataset, an EKGF standard *[SHACL]: Shapes Constraint Language, a W3C standard *[SPARQL]: SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language, a W3C standard *[SUDA]: Sense, Understand, Decide, Act *[W3C]: World Wide Web Consortium *[W3C]: World Wide Web Consortium [//]: # (this file is not placed in the ./docs directory to avoid MkDocs warnings)