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This README shows how to perform hardware-aware optimization of Ultra-Fast-Lane-Detection-V2 ResNet-18 model on TuSimple dataset.

Setup the environment

The repository code was tested on Python 3.8.

To get started, install torch==1.13.1 and torchvision==0.14.1 compatible with your CUDA using the instruction from the official site.

The repository is based on two main packages:

  • ENOT Framework — a flexible tool for Deep Learning developers which automates neural architecture optimization.
  • ENOT Latency Server — small open-source package that provides simple API for latency measurement on remote device.

Follow the installation guide to install enot-autodl==3.3.3.

To install enot-latency-server simply run:

pip install enot-latency-server==1.2.0

Install other requirements:

NOTE: You must have the same CUDA version on your system as PyTorch's CUDA version. We built my_interp using CUDA 11.7.

pip install -r requirements.txt
# Install NVIDIA DALI - very fast data loading library:
pip install --extra-index-url --upgrade nvidia-dali-cuda110

cd my_interp
# If the following command fails, you might need to add path to your cuda to PATH:
# PATH=/usr/local/cuda-11/bin:$PATH bash

NOTE: All pruning/training procedures are performed on x86-64 computer, ONLY latency measurements are performed on a remote target device, so you do not need to install enot-autodl package on the target device, you only need to install enot-latency-server package for latency measurements.

Prepare dataset

Download preprocessed TuSimple dataset from Google Drive and unzip it to the repository root:


The dataset should have the following structure:

└── ultra-fast-lane-detector-v2 (repository root)
        ├── clips
            ├── 0313-1
            ├── 0313-2
            ├── 0530
            ├── 0531
            └── 0601
        ├── label_data_0313.json
        ├── label_data_0531.json
        ├── label_data_0601.json
        ├── test_label.json
        ├── test_tasks_0627.json
        ├── test.txt
        ├── train_gt.txt
        └── tusimple_anno_cache.json

If you want to use your own path for dataset, change data_root parameter in configs/

To train baseline model, run:

bash commands/baseline/

The result of this command is the model_best.pth checkpoint in the runs/baseline directory.

Use this command to verify baseline accuracy:

bash commands/baseline/

Model optimization (Jetson)

To optimize a model by latency for Jetson, run our latency server on Jetson (see instruction).

NOTE: Substitute --host and --port in the commands and .sh scripts below with the host and port of your server on Jetson.


To optimize a model by latency for Jetson, run the corresponding script (x2/x3 means latency acceleration):

bash commands/x2_jetson/
bash commands/x3_jetson/

Model tuning

After pruning, the model should be tuned with the following command:

bash commands/x2_jetson/
bash commands/x3_jetson/


To use INT8 data type for model inference, follow our quantization pipeline:

bash commands/x3_jetson/

Accuracy and latency verification

Use this command to verify the optimized model accuracy:

bash commands/x2_jetson/
bash commands/x3_jetson/

Use this command to verify the optimized model latency:

bash commands/x2_jetson/
bash commands/x3_jetson/

Our optimization results

Download our checkpoints from Google Drive.

To extract checkpoints use the following command:


To check their metrics, run with the following commands:

python configs/ --model_ckpt checkpoints/baseline/model_best.pth
python configs/ --model_ckpt checkpoints/x2_jetson/model_best.pth
python configs/ --model_ckpt checkpoints/x3_jetson/model_best.pth

To check metrics on ONNX run:

python configs/ --onnx_path checkpoints/baseline/model_best.onnx --batch_size 1
python configs/ --onnx_path checkpoints/x2_jetson/model_best.onnx --batch_size 1
python configs/ --onnx_path checkpoints/x3_jetson/model_best.onnx --batch_size 1

NOTE: We recommend to check metric for quantized_model.onnx on a target device (see our instruction in Validation on Jetson AGX Orin device)

To check their latency, run the following commands:

python --model_ckpt checkpoints/baseline/model_best.pth --host <jetson-server-host> --port 15003
python --model_ckpt checkpoints/x2_jetson/model_best.pth --host <jetson-server-host> --port 15003
python --model_ckpt checkpoints/x3_jetson/model_best.pth --host <jetson-server-host> --port 15003
python --onnx checkpoints/x3_jetson/quantized_model.onnx --host <jetson-server-host> --port 15003

Validation on Jetson AGX Orin device

To make sure that your model accuracy is not affected by computations in FP16 or INT8 on Jetson device, follow this validation pipeline:

⚠️ On PC where you run scripts from this repository:

  1. Create a dataset in the pickle format:

    python configs/ --pickle_data_path pickle_data
  2. Send an ONNX model, pickle_data, and to the Jetson device using scp:

    scp -P <jetson-port> -r path/to/model.onnx pickle_data <user-name>@<jetson-host>:/your/location/

⚠️ On Jetson device:

  1. Install OnnxRuntime package with TensorRT backend using the following commands:

    wget -O onnxruntime_gpu-1.15.1-cp38-cp38-linux_aarch64.whl
    pip3 install onnxruntime_gpu-1.15.1-cp38-cp38-linux_aarch64.whl
  2. Run inference on the pickled dataset from the directory with previously copied model ONNX, pickle_data, and

    python3 -m your/model.onnx -i pickle_data -o out_pickle --device jetson
  3. Send the resulting out_pickle directory to your PC to the ultra-fast-lane-detector-v2 repository root using scp:

    scp -P <pc-port> -r out_pickle <user-name>@<pc-host>:/path/to/ultra-fast-lane-detector-v2/

⚠️ On PC where you run scripts from this repository:

python configs/ --batch_size 1 --pickled_inference_results out_pickle

Model optimization (TI)

To optimize a model by latency for Texas Instruments (TI), you need to run a latency server on TI and a compile server on x86 PC (Linux OS). The compile server creates binaries for a model and sends them to the latency server. The latency server measures model latency using these binaries. Use our instruction to run latency server and compile server.

NOTE: Substitute --host and --port in the commands and .sh scripts below with the host and port of your compile server on x86 PC.


To optimize a model by latency for TI, run the corresponding script (x4 means latency acceleration):

bash commands/x4_ti/

Model tuning

After pruning, the model should be tuned with the following command:

bash commands/x4_ti/

Accuracy and latency verification

Use this command to verify the optimized model accuracy:

bash commands/x4_ti/

Use this command to verify the optimized model latency:

bash commands/x4_ti/

Our optimization results

Download our checkpoints from Google Drive.

To extract checkpoints use the following command:


To check their metrics, run with the following commands:

python configs/ --model_ckpt checkpoints/baseline/model_best.pth
python configs/ --model_ckpt checkpoints/x3_ti/model_best.pth
python configs/ --model_ckpt checkpoints/x4_ti/model_best.pth

NOTE: Model checkpoints/x3_ti/model_best.pth was obtained on Jetson (checkpoints/x2_jetson/model_best.pth) and has x3 acceleration on TI device.

To check metrics on ONNX run:

python configs/ --onnx_path checkpoints/baseline/model_best.onnx --batch_size 1
python configs/ --onnx_path checkpoints/x3_ti/model_best.onnx --batch_size 1
python configs/ --onnx_path checkpoints/x4_ti/model_best.onnx --batch_size 1

To check their latency on TI, run the following commands:

python --model_ckpt checkpoints/baseline/model_best.pth --host <compile-server-host> --port 15003 --ti_server
python --model_ckpt checkpoints/x3_ti/model_best.pth --host <compile-server-host> --port 15003 --ti_server
python --model_ckpt checkpoints/x4_ti/model_best.pth --host <compile-server-host> --port 15003 --ti_server

Validation on TI device

TI NPU performs computations in FX8 data type (8-bit fixed point numbers). To make sure that your model accuracy is not affected by computations in FX8, follow this validation pipeline:

⚠️ On PC where you run scripts from this repository:

  1. Create a dataset in the pickle format:

    python configs/ --pickle_data_path pickle_data
  2. Download calibration data from Google Drive to the repository root.

  3. Create model artifacts for TI NPU using these calibration data:

    python -m <your-checkpoint.pth> -c -o compiled_artifacts --host <compilation-server-host> --port <compilation-server-port>

    NOTE: Make sure that your compilation server is up-to-date with the last version from the repository.

    NOTE: It takes more about 60 min to calibrate and compile the baseline model on our x86_PC.

  4. Send compiled_artifacts, pickle_data, and to the TI device using scp:

    scp -P <ti-port> -r compiled_artifacts pickle_data <user-name>@<ti-host>:/your/location/

⚠️ On TI device:

  1. Run inference on the pickled dataset from the directory with previously copied compiled_artifacts, pickle_data, and

    TIDL_TOOLS_PATH=/opt/latency_server/tidl_tools python3 -m compiled_artifacts -i pickle_data -o out_pickle --device ti
  2. Send the resulting out_pickle directory to your PC to the ultra-fast-lane-detector-v2 repository root using scp:

    scp -P <pc-port> -r out_pickle <user-name>@<pc-host>:/path/to/ultra-fast-lane-detector-v2/

⚠️ On PC where you run scripts from this repository:

python configs/ --batch_size 1 --pickled_inference_results out_pickle