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Laurens Bogaardt edited this page Jun 28, 2018 · 62 revisions

Useful links


  1. Get to know your data(sets) and use case.
  • Which data are relevant or subject of this use case? (e.g. see LOFAR DBView)
    • The terms "Epoch, Spectral Window, Pointing, FWHM, Duration" were identified by Astronomy expert Hanno Spreeuw as relevant. In Ontology, columns of the MS were identified as relevant. This lead to the selection of "Observation", "Pointing" and "SubArrayPointing" as the 3 DB tables to analyse.
  • How do you access the (meta)data using which protocols?
  • Which data can (not) be referred to by persistent IDs?
  • In what formats are the data distributed?
  • How are the data structured or organized? (e.g. catalog->dataset->distribution for use of the FAIR Data Point metadata service)
  • Is this structure machine-readable? Suggestion: Install the (Python) FDP and try to fill in the config file.
  1. Make the (meta)data available in a machine-readable and semantically interoperable format(s).
  • Which (domain-specific) vocabularies and/or ontologies are relevant for this use case? (e.g. DCMI, DCAT, VoID, IVOA Ontology)
  • Which terms (or URIs/IRIs) can be used to describe (identify) the data and associated metadata?
  • Transform the relational data into RDF graph ("semantification") and deploy using Linked Data services

Complementary Ideas

  1. Improve the Search UI
  1. Apply IVOA standards and tools

Ontology-based Database Access

See Ontology/schema mapping page.


Wilkinson et al. (2018) A design framework and exemplar metrics for FAIRness. bioRxiv, doi: 10.1101/225490

Wilkinson et al. (2016) The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship, Scientific Data, 3. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2016.18

Wilkinson et al. (2017) Interoperability and FAIRness through a Novel Combination of Web Technologies. PeerJ Computer Science, 3. doi: 10.7717/peerj-cs.110

Mons et al. (2018) Cloudy, increasingly FAIR; revisiting the FAIR Data guiding principles for the European Open Science Cloud. Information Services and Use, 37, 49-56. doi: 10.3233/ISU-170824

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