This guide can be ignore for people running the code in google colaboratory
You can rely on the original installation guide:
For other Operation Systems please refer to Anaconda Install.
This operation can be done in two ways:
- open yout terminal, navigate to you desktop and run
- download the project on your desktop
This allows to create a isolated environment and to control the installation of dependancies without affecting your python base installation.
Before creating a new environment, be sure that the default anaconda enviroment is not active. By opening a terminal, you just need to check if before you user name there is something like (base) username: $
. If so run this command first:
conda deactivate base
or conda deactivate <environmentname>
otherwise run directly this command, that creates a new enviroment (change yourenvname with whaterver you prefer)
conda create -n yourenvname python=x.x anaconda
To work on the environment you need to activate it first
conda activate yourenvname
First thing first, you need to move to the project folder
cd <path to the project folder>
, for example cd Desktop\ESA-UNICEF_DengueForecastProject
then you need to install pip (python package manager) on the conda environment
conda install pip
Then you can install the remaining packages listed in requirements.txt
pip install code\requirements.txt