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Alper Altuntas edited this page Oct 26, 2021 · 19 revisions

1. Downloading:

visualCaseGen is currently distributed with a CESM version based on cesm2_3_beta06. To check out this CESM version and to download all of its components including visualCaseGen, run the following commands.

git clone -b cesm2_3_beta06_gui_211025 cesm2_3_beta06_gui_211025
cd cesm2_3_beta06_gui_211025
./manage_externals/checkout_externals -o

Note for cheyenne users: For the GUI notebook to be accessible from JupyterHub, the notebook needs to be under your home directory. If you have not run the above commands in your home directory, and assuming you are still within the cesm2_3_beta06_gui_211025 directory, you may create a symbolic link as follows:

ln -s `pwd` ~

2. Prerequisities:

(Skip to Section 3 if you are running on cheyenne.)

  • Operating system: Linux | OSX.

  • If your machine is not supported by default, you need to port CESM. Follow the instructions on:

  • Make sure that the xmllint tool is available on your machine.

  • visualCaseGen tool currently requires the following Python Libraries:

    • jupyterlab, ipywidgets, PyYAML
  • To obtain the above libraries and install visualCaseGen, run the following commands: (Not needed on Cheyenne)

    cd visualCaseGen
    pip install -e .

Note to developers: pip install needs to be run on editable mode (-e) to ensure that the CIME library is accessible from visualCaseGen, since there is not a CIME setup configuration that places CIME to site-packages.

3. Launching visualCaseGen

On Cheyenne:

  • On a web browser, go to:
  • Start a server by clicking on Production. Then click on Start my server button. You may then select Cheyenne login node as your cluster selection and hit Launch server.
  • After the Jupyter service is launched, locate the File Browser panel on the left.
  • Find the cesm2_3_beta06_gui_211025 directory and double click on it. Note that the directory will appear there only if you have downloaded CESM on your home directory or created a symbolic link.
  • Then, double click on the visualCaseGen directory. Within the visualCaseGen directory, find the GUI.ipynb notebook file and double click on it to launch the notebook.
  • Before running the notebook cell, make sure that your Python kernel is set to NPL-3.9.7. The kernel selection is shown on top right corner next to a circle.
  • Finally, click on the from visualCaseGen import gui; gui cell and hit shift+return.

On your local machine:

  • Launch Jupyter Lab by running the following command on a terminal:

    jupyter lab

  • Create a new notebook. To launch the GUI, type in the following statement in a cell:

    from visualCaseGen import gui; gui

On a container:

container instructions coming soon

4. Working with visualCaseGen

Step 1: Preliminaries

When the GUI is launched, the users are prompted to make a couple of preliminary choices: The CESM driver (nuopc or mct) and the Configuration mode:

  • predefined configuration mode: Select from configurations predefined within CESM
  • custom configuration mode: Build your own compset for a breakthrough CESM experiment.

After having made the preliminary choices, click on the Confirm button to move on the next step.

Step 2: Create Case

instructions coming soon

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