Fixed BaseKoreanPhonemizer to use voice color
Fixed BaseKoreanPhonemizer to use voice color
Fixed KoreanPhonemizerUtil's ini write encoding into utf-8
Fixed KoreanPhonemizerUtil's ini write encoding into utf-8
fixed crashing in ko cv phonemizer when singer's encoding is not utf-8
fixed crashing in ko cv phonemizer when singer's encoding is not utf-8
fixed crashing in cv phonemizer when singer's encoding is not utf-8
fixed crashing in cv phonemizer when singer's encoding is not utf-8
Adds a experimental build workflow
Adds a experimental build workflow
Fixed to use alternative VCs if needed
Fixed to use alternative VCs if needed
Fixed to use alternative VC&CC if needed
Fixed to use alternative VC&CC if needed
Improved KoreanCVVCStandardPronunciationPhonemizer
Improved KoreanCVVCStandardPronunciationPhonemizer
Deleted deprecated function in CV,CBNN
Deleted deprecated function in CV,CBNN
fixed bugs & improved DiffSingerKoreanPhonemizer
fixed bugs & improved DiffSingerKoreanPhonemizer
fixed bug that suffixes not applied in end phoneme
fixed bug that suffixes not applied in end phoneme
fixed bug that suffixes not applied in end phoneme
fixed bug that suffixes not applied in end phoneme
fixed bug that suffixes not applied in end phoneme
fixed bug that suffixes not applied in end phoneme
fixed bug that suffixes not applied in end phoneme
fixed bug that suffixes not applied in end phoneme