With device group messaging, you can send a single message to multiple instances of an app running on devices belonging to a group. Typically, "group" refers a set of different devices that belong to a single user. All devices in a group share a common notification key, which is the token that FCM uses to fan out messages to all devices in the group. Read more on at official documentation.
When creating a new group, the response will contain a notification key, which will be used when adding or removing devices from the group, and sending messages to it.
$client = new \Fcm\FcmClient($serverKey, $senderId);
$newGroup = new \Fcm\DeviceGroup\Create('phones');
// Shortcut function:
// $client->deviceGroupCreate('phones', $deviceId);
Example response:
array(1) {
'notification_key' =>
string(119) "APA91bE8asD44A2gjSUJqRp8Ym4pe7TlrlrSLVkKRBdvkoWOFmusdc87934ASDURl8xaUbXXdKC5DRkUssYtkOl_lnWXT7gF0vO9E666XeL1qJs02FsunJ4"
$client = new \Fcm\FcmClient($serverKey, $senderId);
$group = new \Fcm\DeviceGroup\Update('phones', $notificationKey);
// Shortcut function:
// $client->deviceGroupUpdate('phones', $notification_key, $deviceId);
Example response:
array(1) {
'notification_key' =>
string(119) "APA91bE8asD44A2gjSUJqRp8Ym4pe7TlrlrSLVkKRBdvkoWOFmusdc87934ASDURl8xaUbXXdKC5DRkUssYtkOl_lnWXT7gF0vO9E666XeL1qJs02FsunJ4"
$client = new \Fcm\FcmClient($serverKey, $senderId);
$group = new \Fcm\DeviceGroup\Remove('phones', $notificationKey);
// Shortcut function:
// $client->deviceGroupRemove('phones', $notification_key, $deviceId);
Example response:
array(1) {
'notification_key' =>
string(119) "APA91bE8asD44A2gjSUJqRp8Ym4pe7TlrlrSLVkKRBdvkoWOFmusdc87934ASDURl8xaUbXXdKC5DRkUssYtkOl_lnWXT7gF0vO9E666XeL1qJs02FsunJ4"