There are two different types of messages Firebase can support, Notification messages and Data messages. Read here for more information.
FCM automatically displays the message to end-user devices on behalf of the client app. Notification messages have a predefined set of user-visible keys and an optional data payload of custom key-value pairs.
$client = new \Fcm\FcmClient($serverKey, $senderId);
$notification = new \Fcm\Push\Notification();
->setTitle('Hello from php-fcm!')
// Shortcut function:
// $notification = $client->pushNotification('The title', 'The body', $deviceId);
$response = $client->send($notification);
Example deviceID <to> <registration_ids> <deviceGroupID> response:
array(5) {
'multicast_id' =>
'success' =>
int(1) // how many deviceIDs were successfully sent messages
'failure' =>
int(1) // how many deviceIDs messages failed to send to
'canonical_ids' =>
'results' =>
array(2) {
[0] => // each deviceID message success or failure
array(1) {
'message_id' => //first ID success
string(35) "0:154231004164960%c5f39c08c5f39c543"
[1] => // each deviceID message success or failure
array(1) {
'error' => // second ID failure
string(19) "InvalidRegistration"
FCM automatically displays the message to end-user devices on behalf of the client app. Notification messages have a predefined set of user-visible keys and an optional data payload of custom key-value pairs.
$client = new \Fcm\FcmClient($serverKey, $senderId);
$notification = new \Fcm\Push\Notification();
->setTitle('Hello myTopicName Members')
// Shortcut function:
// $notification = $client->pushNotification('The title', 'The body', $deviceId);
$response = $client->send($notification);
Example <topics> response:
array(1) {
'message_id' => // this is a successful response to a topic notification
array(1) {
'error' => // this is an error response to a topic notification
string(19) "InvalidRegistration"
* addRecipient
// recipient can be ONE of four types
// deviceID (string)
// devicegroupID (string)
// registeredIDs (array_of_IDs)
// topicID ('/topics/myTopicID')
// note: deviceID/deviceGroupID/registerIDs can be mixed/matched in same notification
// note: topicID can not be mixed/matched with other IDs types in same notification
iOS, Android currently Supported options for notifications
iOS only:
* setBbadge (int)
* setSubtitle (string)
Android only:
* setTag (string)
* setColor (string (hex #rrggbb color format))
// In Android 6 and lower - this the background color of the icon image when you pull down on the status bar messages
// In Android 7 and greater - this is the color of the icon itself when you pull down on the status bar messages
* setIcon (string)
// custom icon file must be in app itself
// icon must be drawable resource, if not set, FCM displays launcher icon in app manifest
// for consistency across Android OS versions(5.0 - 10.0), use a material design, transparent icon
// if using icon in `drawable-XYdi` folders, use icon name without file extension, ie: ->setIcon('myIcon')
// if using icon from other location, you must specificy the file extension, ie: ->setIcon('www/images/thisIcon.png')
// for more info, see:
*** future: android_channel_id
* setTitle (string)
* setBody (string)
* setSound (string)
// custom sound must be in the app itself
// custom sound file must be in /res/raw/
*** future: click_action
*** future: body_loc_key
*** future: body_loc_args
*** future: title_loc_key
*** future: title_loc_args
//NOTE: You can mix and match iOS and Android only options in same notification
//NOTE: if iOS/Android don't recognize an option used in the other platform, that option is simply discarded/ignored.
Client app is responsible for processing data messages. Data messages require custom key-value pairs that your app will understand.
* addData("key","value") - add data key/values one at a time
* addDataArray(array_of_keyValues) - add data as a prebuilt object array
// $fcmData = array(
// 'action' => 2,
// 'dataTitle' => "This is my subject line",
// 'dataMsg' => "This is the body of my message
// Example, In a cordova based app using `cordova-plugin-firebase`
window.FirebasePlugin.onNotificationOpen(function(payload) {
// if there is a payload it will be in payload object
if (payload.action == 1) { // email verification confirmation
setDB("user_emailVerify",payload.user_emailVerify) ;
alert("Thank you, your email address has now been verified") ;
} else if (payload.action == 2) { // display gen message
alert(payload.dataTitle+ "\n" +payload.dataMsg) ;
}, function(error) {
}) ;
// NOTE: you can mix/use ->addDataArray(array()) and ->addData("key","value") in same notification
// NOTE: pass in preset array, then add a few extra custom key/values.
Client app is responsible for processing data messages. Data messages have only custom key-value pairs.
$client = new \Fcm\FcmClient($serverKey, $senderId);
$notification = new \Fcm\Push\Data();
->addData('test', '123');
// Shortcut function:
// $notification = $client->pushData(['key' => 'value'], $deviceId);
$response = $client->send($notification);
Example response:
array(5) {
'multicast_id' =>
'success' =>
'failure' =>
'canonical_ids' =>
'results' =>
array(1) {
[0] =>
array(1) {
'message_id' =>
string(35) "0:1524927061384248%c5f39c08f9fd7ecd"