A setup for windows is avaliable here
For some Linux users, disable the KDE keyring
export PYTHON_KEYRING_BACKEND=keyring.backends.null.Keyring
Install poetry for managing the python environment
pip3 install poetry
Add poetry to path in your current session
source ~/.profile
Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/baler-compressor/baler.git
Move into the Baler directory
cd baler
Use Poetry to install the project dependencies
poetry install
Download the tutorial dataset, this will take a while
wget http://opendata.cern.ch/record/21856/files/assets/cms/mc/RunIIFall15MiniAODv2/ZprimeToTT_M-3000_W-30_TuneCUETP8M1_13TeV-madgraphMLM-pythia8/MINIAODSIM/PU25nsData2015v1_76X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v12-v1/10000/DAA238E5-29D6-E511-AE59-001E67DBE3EF.root -O data/firstProject/cms_data.root
Finally, verify that the download was successful
md5sum data/firstProject/cms_data.root
> 28910642bf94e0fa9442bc804830f88b data/firstProject/cms_data.root
Start by creating a new project directory. This will create the standardized directory structure needed, and create a blank config and output directories. In this example, these will live under ./projects/firstProject/config.json
poetry run python baler --project=firstProject --mode=newProject
To train the autoencoder to compress your data, you run the following command. The config file ./projects/firstProject/config.json
. details the location of the path of the input data, the number of epochs, and all the other parameters.
poetry run python baler --project=firstProject --mode=train
To use the derived model for compression, you can now choose --mode=compress
, which can be run as
poetry run python baler --project=firstProject --mode=compress
This will output a compressed file called "compressed.pickle", and this is the latent space representation of the input dataset. It will also output cleandata_pre_comp.pickle which is just the exact data being compressed.
To decompress the compressed file, we choose --mode=decompress and run:
poetry run python baler --project=firstProject --mode=decompress
This will output "decompressed.pickle". To double-check the file sizes, we can run
poetry run python baler --project=firstProject --mode=info
which will print the file sizes of the data we’re compressing, the compressed dataset & the decompressed dataset.
To plot the difference of your variables before compression and after decompression, we can use the following command to generate a .pdf document under ./projects/firstProject/plotting/comparison.pdf
poetry run python baler --project=firstProject --mode=plot