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617 lines (474 loc) · 18.3 KB

File metadata and controls

617 lines (474 loc) · 18.3 KB


NPM version

Table of contents

Getting started

1. Install package:

npm i @ekisa-cdk/forms

Basic usage

1. Import Form and form controls classes:

import { Form, FormControls, TextBox } from '@ekisa-cdk/forms';

2. Create an instance and pass in a data source that corresponds to the controls that will be rendered:

const dataSource: FormControls = [
  new TextBox(null, {
    key: 'name',
    label: 'Name',
    placeholder: 'Enter your name',
  new TextBox(null, {
    key: 'lastname',
    label: 'Last name',
    placeholder: 'Enter your last name',

const form = new Form({ dataSource });

Form control options


Name Type Default value
type FormControlType FieldSet
legend string undefined
cols Columns 1
children FormControls []


Name Type Default value
type FormControlType TextBox
key string Empty
value string undefined
label string undefined
placeholder string undefined
validators ValidatorFn[] []


Name Type Default value
type FormControlType TextArea
key string Empty
value string undefined
label string undefined
placeholder string undefined
cols string undefined
rows string undefined
validators ValidatorFn[] []


Name Type Default value
type FormControlType NumberBox
key string Empty
value number undefined
label string undefined
min number undefined
max number undefined
validators ValidatorFn[] []


Name Type Default value
type FormControlType SelectBox
key string Empty
value string undefined
label string undefined
options SelectBoxOption[] []
validators ValidatorFn[] []


Name Type Default value
value string undefined
text string undefined
meta string undefined


Name Type Default value
type FormControlType CheckBox
key string Empty
value boolean undefined
label string Empty
validators ValidatorFn[] []


Name Type Default value
type FormControlType RadioGroup
key string Empty
value string undefined
text string undefined
items RadioGroupItem[] []
validators ValidatorFn[] []


Name Type Default value
value string undefined
label string undefined


Name Type Default value
type FormControlType DatePicker
key string Empty
value Date undefined
label string undefined
validators ValidatorFn[] []


Name Type Default value
type FormControlType TimePicker
key string Empty
value Date undefined
label string undefined
validators ValidatorFn[] []


Name Input Output
required N/A ValidationErrors
requiredTrue N/A ValidationErrors
email N/A ValidationErrors
min min: number ValidatorFn
max max: number ValidatorFn
minLength minLength: number ValidatorFn
maxLength maxLength: number ValidatorFn
pattern pattern: RegExp ValidatorFn

API options

Get control

Get control by key identifier


Will render the generated form inside some specified target


Name Type
parent HTMLBodyElement - HTMLDivElement


Reset all form control values to null


Check the validity of all the configured control validators

Validate Control

Check the validity of a single configured control validators


Name Type
key string


Convert controls values to JSON format. You can pass a type to return your data typed.

Generated data-attributes

Data attributes are useful to categorize elements allowing styles customization and tracking the control validity state.





Control Wrapper






















Check the official ValidationsPlugin to see how these attributes can be used or refer to the theming section to see them in action.


Plugins are building blocks that extend the form functionality. @ekisa/forms come with built-in plugins that are useful for different purposes and make the integration process seamlessly. There are two types of plugins: internal and external. Internal plugins will run inside the codebase and cannot be modified, although they could be rewritten as custom plugins but would probably need more logic on the implementation side because external plugins cannot listen for events that occur inside the form class. All internal plugins must be passed to the class constructor at the instantiation moment. External plugins whatsoever can be fully replaced by custom plugins and are easy to replicate or modify. All custom plugins are external.

AutoMapper (external)

Automapper is a plugin that will take care for you of all the complex validations between your incoming data and the automatic generation of the data source. To do this you need to create a mapping profile that will tell the plugin how to interpret your models. This plugin is ideal if you need to fetch the questions from a database or another data source and automatically render a form without complex processing in the middle.


1. Whether you're fetching your data from a relational or non-relational database, define your models to have awareness of the data structure.

export type MySelectBoxModel = {
  valueExpr: string;
  displayExpr: string;

export type MyRadioModel = {
  valueExpr: string;
  displayExpr: string;

export type MyTextAreaModel = {
  columns: number;
  rows: number;

export type MyValidatorModel = {
  type: 'required' | 'email' | 'min' | 'max' | 'minLength' | 'maxLength';
  value?: string;

export type MyQuestionType =
  | 'group'
  | 'text'
  | 'textarea'
  | 'number'
  | 'select'
  | 'date'
  | 'time'
  | 'checkbox'
  | 'radio';

export type MyQuestionModel = {
  dataField: string;
  controlType: MyQuestionType;
  label?: string;
  placeholder?: string;
  rules?: Array<MyValidatorModel>;
  textareaOptions?: MyTextAreaModel;
  selectboxOptions?: Array<MySelectBoxModel>;
  radioOptions?: Array<MyRadioModel>;

export type MyGroupModel = {
  type: 'fieldset';
  title: string;
  columns: number;
  questions: Array<MyQuestionModel>;

export type MyFormModel = Array<MyQuestionModel | MyGroupModel>;

2. Create a mapping profile

This will tell the plugin how to map your model inside the form

import { AutoMapperPluginConfig } from '@ekisa-cdk/forms';

const mappingProfile: AutoMapperPluginConfig<MyQuestionType> = {
  types: {
    FieldSet: 'group',
    TextBox: 'text',
    TextArea: 'textarea',
    NumberBox: 'number',
    SelectBox: 'select',
    CheckBox: 'checkbox',
    RadioGroup: 'radio',
    DatePicker: 'date',
    TimePicker: 'time',
  keys: {
    controlTypePropertyName: 'controlType', // bound to MyQuestionModel -> controlType
    fieldSet: {
      // bound to MyGroupModel
      legend: 'title',
      cols: 'columns',
      children: 'questions',
    control: {
      // bound to MyQuestionModel
      key: 'dataField',
      value: 'value',
      label: 'label',
      placeholder: 'placeholder',
      validators: 'rules',
    textAreaOptions: {
      // bound to MyTextAreaModel
      cols: 'cols',
      rows: 'rows',
    numberBoxOptions: {
      // bound to MyNumberBoxModel
      min: 'min',
      max: 'max',
    selectBoxOptions: {
      // bound to MySelectBoxModel
      options: 'selectboxOptions',
      value: 'valueExpr',
      text: 'displayExpr',
      meta: 'meta',
    radioGroupOptions: {
      // bound to MyRadioModel
      text: 'label',
      items: 'radioOptions',
      value: 'valueExpr',
      label: 'displayExpr',
    validators: {
      // bound to MyValidatorModel
      propertyName: 'rules',
      name: 'name',
      value: 'value',

3. Create an instance of the AutoMapperPlugin, pass in your questions, and the mapping profile. Lastly, run the plugin to get the generated data source

const mapper = new AutoMapperPlugin<MyQuestionType>(questions, mappingProfile);
const dataSource =;

4. Pass in the data source to the form constructor

const form = new Form({ dataSource }}

See full implementation in the Examples section

Events (external)

A flexible plugin that allows you to easily attach events to a form control


1. Create an instance of the EventsPlugin

const eventsPlugin = new EventsPlugin();

2. Attach the event to any control by key{
  targetKey: control.key,
  attachmentType: 'multiple',
  on: 'change',
  runFn: () => console.log(`Triggered`),


Name Type Description
targetKey string Control key identifier
attachmentType single - multiple If control is composed of multiple child controls, you must specify multiple (eg. RadioGroup), otherwise single
on keyof HTMLElementEventMap Event name
runFn (this: Element, ev: Event) => void Event callback where you must write your custom logic

See full implementation in the Examples section

Validations (internal)

This plugin will run inside the form to detect when it is invalid and change the data-status attribute depending on the validity status. It will also append the validation messages automatically in each control wrapper.


1. Instantiate the Form class and pass in the ValidationsPlugin as argument:

const form = new Form({
  plugins: [
    new ValidationsPlugin({
      messages: {
        required: 'Campo obligatorio',
        requiredTrue: 'Debe aceptar la política de tratamiento de datos',
        email: 'El correo electrónico es inválido',
        min: 'El valor {1} es incorrecto: mínimo permitido es {0}',
        max: 'El valor {1} es incorrecto: máximo permitido es {0}',
        minLength: 'longitud {1} es incorrecta: mínimo permitido es {0}',
        maxLength: 'longitud {1} es incorrecta: máximo permitido es {0}',


Name Type Description
parentElement keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap Parent HTML element that will be appended to the control wrapper
childElement keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap Child HTML element that will be appended to the parent element
messages ValidationMessages Global messages for each validation type

ValidationMessages options

Name Description Format
required Message for required validator N/A
requiredTrue Message for required true validator N/A
email Message for email validator N/A
min Message for min validator {0} to access current value, {1} to access established value
max Message for max validator {0} to access current value, {1} to access established value
minLength Message for minLength validator {0} to access current value, {1} to access established value
maxLength Message for maxLength validator {0} to access current value, {1} to access established value

See full implementation in the Examples section

Custom (external)

You can easily create a plugin that extends the form functionality and solves a repetitive task that's not included by default; for this, there's a simple interface that you can implement in order to have some constraints inside your implementation.


To create a custom plugin you just need to define a new class and implement the FormPlugin interface

import { FormPlugin } from '@ekisa-cdk/forms';

export class SendEmailPlugin implements FormPlugin<YourConfigType> {
  run(input: YourConfigType): void {
    // your logic to send email after some event
import { FormPlugin } from '@ekisa-cdk/forms';

export class CssPlugin implements FormPlugin<YourConfigType> {
  run(input: YourConfigType): void {
    // your logic to add css classes to elements


This library doesn't have any styling at all and that's intended since the design is expected to be fully customizable. Currently, there are two ways to design your form.

  1. You can easily customize your form using the auto-generated data attributes explained in the data attributes section. See example

  2. You can create a custom plugin to add CSS classes to each element at rendering time.



To do

Create examples

- [ ] Create vanilla example
- [x] Create Angular example
- [ ] Create Svelte example
- [ ] Create Vue example
- [ ] Create React example


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