All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Added missing "RangeAnnotation" to demo script by @lsces.
- Added "PropertyAnnotation" implementation by @jcheron.
- Added slash added before PHP global functions to improve namespace resolution speed by @jcheron.
- Run tests on PHP 7 as well.
- Trait property/method annotations are accessible as part of class annotations by @benesch.
- Allow trait introspection for annotations by @benesch.
- The root namespace importing (e.g. "use PDO;") wasn't working by @benesch.
- Tests, that trigger notices/warnings were marked as passing by @benesch.
1.2.0 - 2015-04-15
- Added support for Composer.
- The namespaced data types (e.g. in "@var" or "@return" annotations) are now supported.
- Added "IAnnotationFileAware" interface to allow annotations accessing other data (e.g. namespace name) of file it was used in.
- Added Scrutinizer CI integration.
- Added Travis CI integration.
- Added support for "@type" annotation.
- Added support for "@stop" annotation to prevent from getting annotations from parent class.
- Added Gitter bagde.
- Documentation moved from Wiki to ReadTheDocs.
- Main namespace renamed from "Mindplay\Annotation" to "mindplay\annotations".
- Annotation cache format changed. Need to delete existing cache manually.
- Improved error message, when attempt get annotations from trait/interface is made.
- Indexes in returned annotation array are now sequential.
- Improved exception messages.
- The "type" in "@var" annotation was always lowercased.
- The leading "" wasn't stripped from class name given to "getClassAnnotations", "getMethodAnnotations" and "getPropertyAnnotations" methods.
- Don't attempt to get annotations from internal classes (e.g. "SplFileInfo").
- Attempt to read annotations from non-existing class properties now ends up in exception.
- Don't throw exception, when either of these annotations are encountered: "@api", "@source", "@version".
- No PHP notice is triggered, when malformed (no type) "@param" annotation is being used.
- Inline annotations (e.g. "// @codeCoverageIgnore") were processed by mistake.
- Standard annotation stubs (e.g. "@display", "@format", "@length", etc.) were removed.
- Removed incomplete support for "@usage" annotation inheritance.
1.1.0 - 2012-10-10
- Cache engine rewritten from scratch to increase performance.
- Renamed protected "Annotation::_map" method into "Annotation::map" method.
- Annotation cache format changed. Need to delete existing cache manually.
- Don't write trailing ";" to cache files.
- Removed APC support in caching layer.
- Initial release.